HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-04-10, Page 2It Salads Orange Pekoe has by far the finest flavour ORANGE PIENOE 'Fresh from the gardens* THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON XV.—April 2,irci The Child and the Kingdom.—Ma 18: 1-14 Golden Text—Suffer Ctzr .little child- ren and' forbid them not, to come un- to me: for to such belougeth,the ride_ ,nom of heaven. Matt., THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time of the s.:" blessing. retie .s..ttal3tner.,:3 .f h.:lit' third year /of Chris - i the ;;cc; nd ez C Iasi �a Meech, .. A D. Sit.. .. "..,-. be - foe the ,.---d are -r. of tie t•__ ry In that it. -. t". -.z ta, 72y. me y- me: » ei thetedenai. M. 27'24-2" Cent ... i . a7.att"? . circ *A. 11:17": _ .. 1:137. X3,3" .t:+ '._ _ leen _�tte ten eeia - hey _ ares Fhi _ entente «'a _. Who than - in tin. of hetet has been "c ._.n hy:tees +- hira during tin: traneiihnradhe. An tt--pata .rble Ie e d eays that. this cion d leas I ,,.t nee e. ._ te; c :e • ra of the ?Le. , Fathees hint in tinetd :. Sn err sight. of the ,. .:e t,.hied, en' st.t in the midst of fug r'r•TMvn :Leri ie3 .rtheke to our pa.ss.'C tt . a --.ane ti. xi_ sor- rows, an . example ler ,_r,.atitar. And why? Becar~ e a little child ' eIt/eel-dna C t :-rat ddepti - a aye.bitiuns. of deur cares. And. said Verily I say unto ycu, ‘'Verily" As "aixterd' 1r. the Greek. This ,s airier:- wE"a'C' of emphasizinn what •� to i�,z15:. xLenmetirees he repeat the note of earnestness: "Verily, ver- ily.'" Except y e turn . They were tc turn away from pride, ambition, envy. self-seeking. t.., the nuannlit_ leve and uneelfishness which Christ taught nd exemplified. And become as little children. Net undeveloped, ignorant, and unskilled as children are, but like ;children in 'humility, teachableness" trustfulness. truthfulness. freedom, unworldliness. and filial have. Ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven. 'Unless they gained a spir- it quite the opposite of the ambitious spirit they had been showing, the di- ciples couldnot even enter the king- dom of heaven, to say nathine of be- ing great there. Whosoever therefore shall hta.nble. 'himself as this little child, the same, is the greatest in the kingdom of hea- ven. ea4en. "The greatness of this world is idolatrous of self. Its grand object is to maintain i.t§ own dignity and ef- fect its own advancement. Rut Chris- tian greatness sets up no pretenti ons, .claims to'precedure, demands no ob- sequiousness, looks with no envy on the excellencies of others, because it thinks not of itself but keeps its eye steadily on duty. And whosoever shall receive one such 'little child in any came receiv- ttlt me+ To "'receive"" a little child, rr'tdis i .i , ?f childlike nature,is to .tlrt� 1 s : v c?etre him, hollow' him, love him; 'admit bin=, to fellowship, learn of him and delight in hitat. As all .of this is ;rue of our relation to the child,, it becohies true of our relation to the Saviour. To receive :a child in Christ's nam a tc receive it in Christ's spirit and because e Christ urges such a c: ;.:r;e of action, and because the .pee ;las become representative of t: erise. Ina; wh:^se,- :hall cause one of these 1;::e :re, that believe on me to snot nble, This is the opposite of re- I: i placing before the hum- Christian. um- C nisi an. cid Lir young, some obi. of etmghas er " � k a"ch the n aore ta l n Madan se,. Ne ker' the in the discov- joiceth over it inety and nine which have not gone astray. This is not to say that the Father does not love his Children who have not stray - ell away in as ;vetch as or more than the ransomed sinner; but there is not the u ' of the former the rejoice r s, cit over osuccessful a , search 1 f ct loves oxs c Ithe lost sheep now all the more for the pain lee bad to find it. How deep my diaster here lets me look into t 13ia tory beard" Even sal it is not the will of your I`ether . who is in heaven, that one oaf these, little ones should. perish. xy kingdom conte"; and the way is, "Thy will be done." It is not God's will that any of these little ones shall perish. BLESSING THE CHILDREN Then e• -ere there brought unto him little children, that he should lay his hands on them, and pray. The moth- ern asked Jesus to pray for a blessing to conte upon their, children„ all good 'things which neethers long for their children to have. "It appears that it was customary for Jewish infants to be taken to the synagogue to be bless- G ed by the rabbi." And the disciples Irebuked them. The mothers,. certain - and probably the children :also, if they were old enough; to understand. ;The disciples did not want Christ in- terrupted in the serious and import- ant discourse which he was deliver- l iig. ,ac "; n the Christian life, giving him ba;l example, causing him to doubt Claristienity ir, cf because he sees pro ": a : nip able specimen of it be- 3 ne his eyi.. It is profitable for him l:a tAreat i i tt'x:c should be Kann- - ant , et his neck. The upper mill- -an_ was .alled by the Greeks -the hitt the word here translated is an adjective, literally "as " and signifie$ a millstone. so _c and heavy that it must be turn- d ed by an ase, and not, as in most ear"t.-thalds drives around by hand. it =net be se big, as to make sure that this enemy nf the child spirit late nc c hart' lip to the surface of -'-. water! And that he should be 1 :;k in the depth of the sea. In the deepest part of the sea, another 'ex pression indicating Christ's abltorren- e,e of such a man. SEEKING THE CHILDREN How thick ye' What is your own thought of God's care? Do you not azree that the heavenly Fathere must t-a_ch hu' ,over his children? If any ar have a hundred sheep. Christ is arguing from what a near -would do to what God, who made the man, woeld certainly do. Man would not be more thc,ugh'tful and brace and! loving than his Creator. And one of thei be gone astray. Only one from; a hundred—a comparatively , small I, matter, men might think: but not so } God. Doth he not leave the ninety and nine. "In the wilderness" is add- ed in Luke 15:4. He does not wait to conduct the sheep back to the fold, but leaves them in the uninhabited wild pasture where they were feeding, of course in charge of an under -shep- herd. And go unto the mountains. Climbing up among the hills, a rough and perilous route for a man and so much worse for a sheep. And seek that which geeth astray. Luke says he seeks "until he find it,- with no intention of giving up the _earch un- til it is crowned with success. And if so be that he find it. The human shepherd may search till he finds, but the Divine Shepherd inti - not force a soul back against its wilI, fear that ;wouldnot be a real return. Verily I say unto you. Christ's mode 4 cee ? SPEN NATIONAL 13Am\ Visit Canada's great mountain couritry this summer. See the mighty scenery of our Far West. Make Jasper Park Lodge is Jasper Nation 1Parkyouranountaialteadquarteti. Ride, climb, swim, golf, tennis,motor„ ezPl°re- PACIFIC COAST Oa to the Pacific ... A500 mile trip from Jasper ... past towering. Mount Robson ... following the turbulent Fraser River to Vancouver" "Every turn ,a new thrill . every mile a vista of spectacnlsr beauty. Or ALASEA A 1,000 mile boat trip from Vancouver through the colorful Inside` "Passage. See glaciers, the Klondike, Skagway. Gorgeous scenery . k . Congenial fellow./ travellers" Tours may be made by' various routes* Fun information sed reservations feam any: Agent of Canadian. NalionnIraiiwayt" ana,dian at Ointa.1 WI:NCfAM *DVANC1 -TIMES lBut Jesus said, Suffer the little children, and forbid thein not, to comae unto nie, Mark t0:14 says that Jesus "vs tnoved with iedigrrntiou"t for were not the disciples misrepresent - mg him, limiting his grace, and doing wrong to motherhood and childhood? Note :Christ's double invitation, in the affirrnatiee and the negative. For xkingdom `wt surli 'belctngeth the l.tnt,dorrx of ,heaven. "The childlike spirit is sin- cere, earnest, undivided, single-mind- ed. 'That earnest, undivided spirit is the spirit of a little child at play, and the spirit of an apostle at work." And he laid his hands on 'them, and departed thence. We learn from Mark 10:i6 that he did more than this, "he took ,theta in his amid, and blessed them.' ih e c's Shi, hitt xas long e :,l a anbroketanand healthy, as they doin no harxu. Ej ':L'hc ;dein may be broken in many `ways, such as when it is clot,, scratch- etl,,or bruised. The skin is an impor- tant part of the body, and, as has already been mentioned, if one part of the body is upset, other parts t are apt to suffer. The .healthy condition of the skin is lost'and its power to resist the action of germs is more ar less decreased in the presence of ac- tual 1 di, eases, suckt:as diabetes, The ie skin is also injured by upsets of the digestive tract, by faulty diet, and by an unhygienic life which starves the body of fresh air. Uncleanliness and overclothing which results in exces- sive perspiration and irritation of the skirt, lower its resistence. As ~a result of the occurrence of one or more of the above conditions, the normal nal renistence of the skin is lost or decreased; then, the germs present on the skin are, enabled to gain a ,foothold. The result of their activity is .inflamation—redness, swelling, pain ancl, elle production of pus. Boils are infectious in the sense that they are caused by living germs, In the treatment of boils; this fact must be kept in mind, and the boil should be treated with the same strict cleanliness that is used in all sur ;ic al treatments. Considerable harm inay follow the squeezing of boils. The individual's hands should be kept away from the HEALTH SERVICE of the CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOC- - IATION SOILS The unbroken healthy skin is an ;effective barrier to the entrance into ;the body, of the numerous germs with 1which the skin is brought into con- tact. There are germs, commonly called disease germe, which cause certain specific diseases, such• as diptheria and typhoid fever. There are other germs which are very' common; some al :there are probably always present t an THE FIRST NAME AND THE Thursday, 1+pK'#1 i.Oth 1030 r i1._. ■ MMS MI■ ■NMI � i NN ..e ■ N MaitlandCreamery ▪ Cream CALL US FOR PRICES. ■ • THE UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE i ■ 0 ■ e • • Eggs and Poultry 1 i WANTED COMPANY, LIMITED. Wlugham, Ontario_ Phone 271 ■ rimummummuismanamamassamainsammummi: • • • • ■ boil, and it should be opened and treated at the proper time by a phy- sician. In some cases, vaccines are used to raise. the resistence—fighting power. against the germs, In all cases, the general ,health must be considered. Proper diet, exercise, fresh air, body cleanliness, regular elimination, all go to make up a hygienic life. The occurrence of boils in most cases means that the sufferer. has not been giving the reasonable care to his body that is required if a condition of health is to be maintained. To have a healthy skin, it is necessary to keep the whole body in a state of health by living hygienic by ienic life. i GREATEST NAME IN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION' ANNOUNCING the Appointment of k Cruicksank The Radio & Electric Shop INSTALLATION AND SERVICE WINGHAM, - Phone 158 - - - ONTARIO as Authorized Kelvinator Dealer is with genuine pleasure that we add the name .. of the above organization to the world-wide chain of Kelvinator dealers. We are convinced that this affiance will prove not only beneficial to Kelvinator users in this community, but to all prospective buyers of electric refrigeration as well. For 16 years, the high quality and low maintenance cost of Kelvinator Electric Refrigeration has been demonstrated in the hands of owners. Now, with the addition of this sound and able concern as our local representatives, Kelvinator users are assured of getting all the satisfaction and years of service built into Kelvinator at the factory. You are very cordially invited to call and inspect. the complete line of new Super -Automatic Keivinators---equipped with Iso -Thermic Tubes ---now con display at their showrooms. Only in this way can you really see and learn the new beauty, convenience and superlative servke that Kelvinator provides—in modern electric refrigeration. lbo not forget that you cavi enjoy at once the many benefits of this modern home necessity. A very modest down .payment puts Kelvinator , in your home. The balance can be paid under Kel- vainnator's attractive monthly budget plan. k -ice Kelvinators ere priced as low as Features Which Place Kelvinator Years Ahead in Modern Refrigeration -- Iio.Therfnie Tubas--Gevi § . pa Abu»dant lee Supply-- ly --• Ca si- new fast freezing" of ice cubes 9 ties up to 35 pounds of ice at a and desserts. Fully automatic. single 'freezing, 2 Balanced Re rigerdtion —Septi• New Metal .Cabinets, Porcelain. rate temperatures forfood. restined' Will last a 'lifetime p without deterioration. ' ecvation, cold storage and ice freezing. Generously Powered—Bach Super.AutomaticKelvinator Cold-Keeper—Holds cold over scapacity 10096 over -load ca acity longer periods treducing under test in room with 100 degree operating periods of unit. temperature. THE RADIO & ELECTRIC SHOP, WINGHAM, Ont. THERE ARE KELVINATOR INSTALLATIONS FOR EVERY COMMERCIAL PURPOSE