HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-04-03, Page 8c;t Thur y, Apr1 3rd,00' hinaware 'contains a pec of fine ngiish ware, ►id ivory tint, new irregular borders. tion. home of kris daughter, 'Mrs, Mar• ray, in the tillage. pileuinonia. Mr. Harris 1'ktldott returued to .kis work iiG 'Detroit last ;week, Mr, Robert Henry Pardon is viskt- lug ;it the ;home .of his nephews, Messrs, Jas. and Herbert Laidlaiw, Mr, and Mrs. Jathcs Cornelius eel- 868 taying cbiat'ed the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding on Monday They were married In the. old Methodist chttr'.h in Dungannon by .Rev, Mr;- Davey on Mardi 24th, '1880, We wish them many more years of wedded happi- 'less, 'Their bridesmaid and groom's man, Mrs• Thos. Dinsley and Mr, Al- vin : Cornelius, predeceased ,,,thein a good many years ago. Mr. aind Mrs. Elmer Purdon of 'De- troit spent last.,week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Purdon of St. Hel- ens. Don't frget the play that the.:Play Scouts are putting on' in the Institute Hall on Friday, April 4tl , "A Family Affair." Mr, Thos. Field sold his farm on the 12th, con, of E. Wawanosh, to Mr. Robert Scott, Sr. Rev. and Mrs, Jas. Scobie of Bel - grave called at the. home of ivtr. and Mrs, Mac Ross on Sunday. Rev, Mr, Wilkinson also called there. �O�T£ 7[IeT l2elroviorrimmUTEassion .Chursday but Mr; Cottle is s W HITECHURCH the w Mr. Berson Irwin was operated on in theWing ham Hospital on . slay last and is getting along as well I ss can be expected, Mr. George Cottle, Mrs. E. Brown- ing and Lillian of Kincardine spent al few days .last week at the home of her 'son; Mr. Harold Sperling. Mrs. 'I over eek -end, This community is sorry to hear of the continued illness of Mr. Mac Ross, VSi'N! A, A VA.NCE,»T;i�S: BLUE"VALE Miss Retl. Snaith of Brussels was home OVW: the week=end, Mr. John l., MacEwen received; a car off western wheat this week. Mr,' Fleming B1' ek, shi Ped two cars `" of` cattle to' Toronto on Moli. day, The family were called home on Sat- urday at- u •drySlast and 11 rs, Cecil Parsons and Browning and Lillian returned on' LYCEUM T tTRE •■ • taw ■ ■ son Donald, Malcolm, Addie and Kathleen of Toronto, are now home from Toronto_ We wish. to hear bet- ter reports of. his condition, Mr. Scott is very low at present at Mr, Geo. :McDonald and son XingMcDonald of Goderich, spent a few days with friends here, Mr. ,and :Mrs, Jas. Masters spent Sunday with relatives at l3russels, Mr, Herb' Shieil received and deliv- ered a car of fertilizer this. week, Miss Olive Scoit is better again af- ter being under the doctor's care the past week, Mr, Alvin Smith is installing a' twin British American gasolene pump this week, - Mr. A. H. Coombs , spent a few days with friends at Toronto. Mr. Howard Stewart, is at Brussels this week erecting some colony chick- en houses for Gordon Gallaher. On Friday night Mr. Thos, John- ston passed away at the home of his brother, John Johnston, 1st line Mor- ris. He was in his 68th year .and,has been in failing health for some time. His wife died last fall. Their home was in Saskatchewan and they came to Ontario on account of poor health. The funeral was held on Monday af- ternoon to the Molesworth cemetery, the. service being conducted by Rev. Mr. Mann of the United Church, of Bluevale. A. public meeting will be' held on Wednesday evening, April 9th, at 8 o'clock in the Foresters' Hall, Bine- vale, for the purpose of discussing the advisability of starting a new cem- etery. This is' a question of public interest, and it is requested that ev- ery man Make and woman . in the commun- ity al e`a special effort to be present. Conte prepared to express your opin- ion on the question, that something definite may be decided. The regular tneeting of the Wo- man's Institute will beheld on Thurs- day, April 10th, at the hone of Mrs. R. Shaw at 2.30 o'clock. Rev, A.E:` Mann will give an address on "Birds and a paper on "Pioneer Life" will be given by Mrs. Harry Bosnian. Roll Call -Ways of helping children to ■ ■ ■ silet• r rrrwri rr10srr srsss1101Nw111rs1Mss11+1sr is1100010sii0r+11l>1sr i I0rs a SHOWING THE A., fill The Coats • New Princess Styles, Travel Models, Smart Tweeds, Dressy Twill CORDS and Popular 'Mat- rons' Styles for Madam. $16.50, $25.00, $45.00. A very estimable lady in the• person of Mrs. William Patterson, passed to the Great Beyond very suddenly on Wednesday, March' 26. Her son Al- bert and she had gone in • the eyeing to visit her daughter, Mrs. John Turn- er, and had,, just sat down when, shel collapsed and fell over. The funeral was held from her home onaf r- tr- day to Winghain Cemetery. She a member of Chalmers church and Rev. J. Pollock conducted- the Serv- ices at the house and grave. Her hus- band predeceased her a few years ago, and she leaves to mourn her, her. daughter, Mrs. Turner and three sons, Albert and James at home, and Archie of Lucknow. The_.syihpathy of the community goes out to the be- reaved ones. "Miss Addie and Malcolm Ross re- turned to their work in Toronto on Monday, Mr, Ernest Robinson motored to Walkerton on Saturday last and brou- ght his father, Mr; William Robinson His from the hospital there. F foot is almost better, but he will be forced to keep off it for another month. • Mr. Kett. Paterson is holding his sale of farm stock on Friday, April ■ et ■ ■ sae... ..IAAR.- - .•-w-W- Y pltl§gOR0001 BLAS FAIRBANKS; STARS tri TAMING the SHRP is da r3 3rd, 4th, 5th. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, A p SPECIAL Mary P�.•ck Ord,oug las Fairbanks ® THEIR. FIRST PICTURE TOGETHER ® In 1 ■ The Hats New $raids New Shades New Combinations TheWDresses The New Silhouette is the "Big Talk;" All the New Styles in aSpring Shades, Rose Mere Crepe, •Georgette, Crepe Gloria, $15.00,: $18:00 to $30.00. The Suits Smartly tailored Suits, are a Spring, favorite, See the Spring / Styles shown in. Plain Twills or ■ Novelty Tweeds. : $19.50 to $25.00. 4th. �. The Mission Band of the United church will meet pn Sunday,. April 6, fminand the regular meeting of the W.M.. NIS. will be held oneWednesday, April ■ 9th, so that the members can attend rithe united meeting to be held .in the ■ Winghani United Church on Wedncs s day, April 16th. ■ Mrs. John Gillespie is not as well as her many friends would like .to ■ see her. ® lir, and Mrs. Chas, Wigittman and :131ue, a and $30.00 Coats for $14.00. Come Early. ■ Sale of 30 Coats ;�a 1/r • 1111111 • 1 __ a.. to Saturday 1:. Thursd Inc >�tsis�e � Y ■ $14.00 Coats in Navy � Sample Models � n Sizes Regular $2Q 40 $25.00 Beige and Popar Tweeds. A great time to / Sizes 13 to 20. Na two alike. Beautiful. ■ a save. eg ■ ■ m i- / form good habits in neatness, court- esy and obedience. Mrs. Stewart an Mrs. Aitken; will assist with the en- tertaining. Ladies of the community are always welcome:. ' The regular meeting of the W.M. S. of the: United Church, Bluevale, was field at -the home of•Mrs. George OUR CURTAIN DISPLAY past week,we have left it intact for this week -end, Much admixed the ■_ and invite those interested to come and see these New Spring Materials. ■ • ■ �, INGEIA'T• I / rrrrr , • ■rrrrr _ ie Paulin 85, Doris KING BROS. ■ 1 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr®rr rh'1' �rl.�trrrrrrl�rnrr- - Isabel loss will be Grimsby's gain,; •"In daily That you will some day come back Ell' tt 84 Isab Ito our midst, is our sincerest wish. Milligan 80, Jack MacLean 79, io Har- work connection's, concerts, fairs, ball co,ur Iol I(aake 74, Margaret Edgar 73, ma Higgins Higgins 70. Jr. IV—Stewart Musgrove 82, Ila f Sharpie 74. Sr. III—Vera Wright 82, Jessie Paulin 77 Mary ■ Smith 74, Edythe Martin 66, Everett Wright 65, Mable t'attersott 64. Mothers, on Tuesday, March,,, 18th, I Jr. III—Irene. Robinson and Allist- with the President, Its. E. Johnston f er Green_: each 78, Agnes •Durst 62, the chart 'Meeting opened by sing Hi .gins 60 Billie Gibson 50 R. M VenVelsor. cams or plays, you have proved to be of the greatest help. , . Please accept these gifts a as slight tokens of our appreciation of your help while in our community, You n t away with you the good Signed on behalf of teacher (G. Lockhart) and pupils. All went to the kitchen where a. dainty luncheon was served, : "Auld, Lang Syne" and "For They are Jolly - Good Fellows" .brought the evening's are carry' will and good wishes 'of, our section. program to a close. mumm i�ssmmsmmsnummssranr®rrrrsr , I® 111 i e Higgins 1 , 1t1 let Vc �' LV h Lot d'q ®. ` r which the 3r afro � exam.). hymn 22 s ingbyi ab ent fol• 1 e a ) '' ie (absent - Free ' ri The Prayer miso . repeated in -s r wa I ray e the Dominion ! order to stimulate the buying of better quality ■■ ,_,� n 1 vacation owing to ill health; ■, Hanging Paper r ■.,; ■ I0 ■ liusuiess�Rart 'of the nice - ting conclud ed, Mrs: Curtis. led in the Synopsis 1 S 's 1 Miss Mae Allen, of t of the 3rd chapter of the Study Book. Mrs: G. Gannett gave a talk on Chris- will hang FREE for per roll. knowa thing or two." �at "Really? What s »the other ane'" Batik Staff, is taking a three. 'Nei, papers, we one wee on y, p ;? patterns, pricedfrom 1 tion Stewardship, . Hymn 321 was ' / 60c to $1 p ■. sti b and the leaflet `Miracles, then and now" --was- •read by Mrs. R. Mc - May and Ivan spent Sunday with the Mrs. E. Johnston read the former's daughter, Ivtrs. Jas. Brigham ® of Blyth. • 71 6$ iblr; and Mrs. l+Ielbourne Cox of 1 "The Taming of the Shrew Ca M • Clarence 1 ■ 1 Winghani spent Sunday with Mr, and 1 B_ ® is. ■ x. Tway Shows each night, startingk at $ o'clock. in Mr. and 'Mrs: David Farrier' are ■• each 35c' Children 20c. ■ visiting this week with their daughter Mrs. John D. Ross, of Paramount. Admission—Adults ■ ■ Mrs. John Craig, sr., is` laid up again 1 with a y 1 1 / Monday, Tuesday, April 7th, and 8th "THEDANGER PATROL" heav cold. Mr. Ed. Gaunt ,tad the misfortune to fall last Friday off a load of wood.. and break several ribs. He is in • the 1 A Columbia Picture leaflet - "He is Counting on You" af- terwhich the roll was called, „twenty- three welity- three members being present. Our April meeting is to be held in the -� church, and every lady of the congre- gation is invited to be present. The' Imoiiey taken in amounted to., $15,65. 'Meeting ' closed' 'by all repeating the Watchword. ■; hospital at Winghani. ■ Also Cameo Comedy and Colored Classic 1� l'31SH � \ EAST WAW � John Elliott. Si Ns • :■ ■ Mt•• and Mrs. Stanley Elliott spent aWednesday, Thursday, Apr <1 9th, and 10th i the week -end at, the home of Mrn MONTE BLUE 1?tiss Dorothy Kerr Qf Winghani, 1 In - visited at the home of Mrs, Geo, Kerr. 1 ; "FROM HEADQUARTERS" • A Soldier of Fortune in the Tropics. iNtrrrr11M1o1rrrrrrrrrr®®>Mrrrr»I�Ir Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Currie and fain- ■ ily spent Sunday at the horde of Mrs. a1 Geo. Taylor. ■ Mrs, fohn Elliott and family ere rrrrrrrrrr>.r taking in the 50tltanniversary of Mr. and Mrs. N. Johnston, Blyth, Miss'Alba Carter spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter, • SCHOOL REPORT Marks' given in per cent. Wroxeter Public School (Senior) M1' 86"Atarlor FORDYCE A very pleasant evening was spent 1 Section No 12, West who Friday ening by E High gi axle ■. guaranteed /` Work- I ■: manship Papers in South Window to School ec wanosh last rt ay ev community. Mr : John Webster oc cu ted the chair. Many well render -1N WALL. PAPER SHOP ed numbers were given. A debate, 11111 "Resolved that weeds do more Karn 11 ■ 1 to the farther than tt do insects" proved; ® Elmer Wilkinson, Decorator, Winghatn. ' .. very interesting. The affirmative side j »� rth class pupils, rr *rl♦rrrrrIlrlltllrrlorr�rrlt��rrrrgrrl♦tmi0 was taken by two fou Dorothy Neale and Mary Doxy, while Etta Taylor and Veronica St._ Marie, Sr, IV—Helen IV- Helen it tgan two fifth class girls upheld the mega- tive ,side. The judges were Messrs. J. McGee, T. O'Malley and C. Mar - They i tin They decided in favour of the i4 .- inegative. Three well-prepared speech - 11111111 111111111111111111111a111i11111111121111111111+111111111111 111111I11111111i IIIMIllaii111111011511111elk hill U 4 Those on Quit sick list are: Mrs a nets of' Automobiles gJitti Deacon with blood -poisoning We #• � �� ■hope for their J, Corrie, with the ;flu and Mr. r recovery, We put new tops on all makes, Open or Closed ears, and Quito a few from co iters attended tlib give you EXPERT SERVICE in itbis class of work, in fact, Mist ! nt pay w-salein mer an fi attended thb as nic he are new direct from the factory. oma We also sell Auto topping irA other words, - home after visiting her sister, erial�s and repairing or recovering anew all kinds of autos. "� Alex. Mowbray, Bluevale, ff Mrs. Harold Currie, while e s i' t re-covering in, > the misfortune to lcttt her $14 (d Single texture in extra quality 54 in. wide atper er yard ,.....$1,65 r Double texture in bright tang grain 60 in, d, p Doilble texture in extra quality 62 in wide in ,aright long . grain, at per yard .r.... $2 50 Best Eiigiaeh Cellulaid, 50 by 20, gpod • et igghe, topssheet , per yd. $1.08 Ii 11-11 Ordinary bidding as used on Touring or p p er d 208 Binding for 'closed ears, the kind that hides the `nails, p y , ... community . i e as when t y Mrs. Thomas Taylor has returned ds re-covering irtat- to Mrs. for re -cowering , - Note these very reasonable prices C h 1 splitting delivered prepaid to your ane 67 wide pet yd �--$1.15 A wood had h Single texture topr ��,- . a• 1 it Your S 1 pri g Suit es were given by Dorthy Neale, Freda. Rintoul. and Raymond St., Marie. Dorothy won first place using - as her subject "Birkeley", the. place ` Ad _ 1he Prophet s, Th Representative of the - � of her nativity. ■ f ob'----" (well d1 ess prepared y The e b the older pupils Muse' ■ r, - kit Clothing Tailors) will in the school and read by C. Rantoul, Cri ■ APRIL:' 8th and 9th i Gee - favoured the audience with ty pleasing violin selections. He vt'as ac - •with a complete showing of - conkpanied by Mr. Alex, Robertson e the latest Spring and Sports P"ori' the guitar. The Highland Fling Fashions for Men and Young 1 1 accompan- ied Men. 1 A ii ~ own y_ be at our store 1 proved very amusing. Mr, John Mca i Ln • In fact, we sell anything an everything used, lit the t'e-coves ening of car tops, Willis'lShoo S tore, Phoo.e.1.9- Win lam, The Eurla ett 11p11iull omili,l,✓91ottiotoilotio 11 !li 0001 111ttilill fll M) loi0 4iti liiiki1 111 11 lA. tele Shoe She 1 + rjp a w has turtle and a quaint Irish Lift, were 'danced by the girls of the school, a ied by the Misses. Velma I3roonier, Dorine`and Jean Webster of Wing - ham High School, They won much applause. The tdost, important feat -1 erre of the .program was a presenta- s tion to Misses Dorothy, Barbara and 1 finger. kith the axe and ��.,,; I r out to be quite serious, blood- poison \ `• has set itt.4ti , Mrs, 'V Fitzpatrick held a very `, its Cats, Slip Otis, Sports successful sale Friday last. R Su II Mr, Howard Finley is at the home is Slits, Flaautel ''Trousers 'ands; of Mr, Win, Wellings. » Knickers. .Now is the tulle ,to N Mr. Deacon is spending a few days w make your ehaioe'at a moderate El at the home of Mr, Elerson lrwtn, 2 cost, w Mr. Howard Pocock, of .Stratford;, 1! .,__i------,-- - spent the week-eiid -at the hottte of . y�r y�'�w� his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Po- 111 'A li ii _. ..�,.,.r,wYrhL111u11111 t IY�I JItl�l nI•tlt� Masters Godfrey and Alex Neale, who are abatit to Leave for their new home in Grimsby, The 'address was tread by Miss Freda •Rfntaul. • Dear ,School Mxtess—Lt ,Was with ,incere regret we learned of 'thd seat'= ering`,of yottr' cottttectiatts front S,• No, 12, For 'fofir years we ;have .en-. joyed yotir, pleasant company Yoti have always•• been ,leaders in ' booth work aitd,sports arid, have h eticred- it red it to the 'school. iu every way y ou could possibly help. We ell feel as stated that where' you reside, your kindly and' jolly traits Will . make friends gttlekly and we k><aow that otic AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE -AT LOW COST PROTECTING YOUR - legal liability up to $10,000, regardless Of number of persons injured, or whether damage is to persons or to PROTECTING ,YOLT against Clainage to your car from eith- er FIRE OR THEFT. Pontiac Whippet Ford Erskirie Included in PRIVATE PASSENGER CARS $27 PER CAR Cars listed up to $1,000 Cars not exceeding $1,500 $50,000 Cars not exceeding $2,500 Inclusive $43 PER CAR Cars not exceeding $3,500 Limits Cars not exceeding. $4,500 EXTRA $62 PtR CAR Cat's not exeeeding $5,500 TELE PILOT Automobile & Accident' loan ante Co Ltd Head Office, Waterloo Toronto Office, 159 Hai Agent: W. T. CRUICX.SHANK Next 'Brunswick Hotel. Phone 158 Wingham.