HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-03-27, Page 277771111117"
wm 'amhw ulamr.
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Chbu�=*;o Devot" 14fe to, Suppm-
lVas 4,114dely Smaxt or Just,smart,
luat s r or
HIDDEN PIC.TT$RF.$. �dau Of Vope =d Gambling
Wxittgn for The, Advance -Times
Using tbe beautiful senes of Les- Ring In demada,
the Rt, aaa, Tohn Burns, w1len he
st-r. Picturts publish -td by the piAb- I F�orten years os�rnet wong, one of
I e
looms large
war, PreAdentofthe Board of ',Trade
in the Asquith Government before
Allen B , wri
jUshvr ci ihis volumv, the teucber of
Primary 3 4ass fasten
PrersOnglttles who iso,
In Torontos tong wax, 'was a re4tau
the war, was memi7er of Parbatnent
Z or uni"Or ni-ay,
Tatut owner in,Canada,,with Interests
for -Battersea., and lived In his owu
�ihe paciarts u,. a screen a ud place,
in other coucer-as--a 4 -pleat Chinese
eonst1ruency. He WAS at that �ame
's an
-rhe annual drive on dirt I 9tber
th� z;cr%:,t�r in'.inzoni 01 *,e 41ISS, the
turnzd away from Ae eas,�J
i business =A, whose, only Interest in
life Wa5 the Mak of enough money
geaerafly recognized as the represen-
tative -of labor In the Cabiliet, and
thing Xhat isn't what it se d`t,.,, be.
stab -If flrlul�
lben "one �,,d tht, C!a� will cc-,rle for- �Ito re -es bliall blutse v in tie
'WaS brought touch into contact With
the Working Classes. He had bC?LA 3
Do you remember when the whole
nattye land.
M' la-ke a picture will4ch the Then, some f3freen yearsago. San'
workman hilaseff. It -will be reeallea
that when Brit -aim entered the w�rlweek
hjus e was in -a state of upheaval for
-s at a timeF Those were the days
+�her pAnts. out, and tell whaT be'l
Fat Sen esmee to Canada. The two#
be, w ith 1,ord Morley, resigned from
whtn c ts roy r d the entire floor,
arpe e e
Sk!t�s in ".1, rl:07 r2aming, owpler-sons dt-,
Wong and Sun, and becamle in-
friends. That was the turning
the Government.
and some undertaking it -.vas to take
pict ed, if he 11=4�ws who they are. The
point in Wong's life, for in many re-
Burns' position naturally brought
cut all these carpet, tacks, get the, car-
�elass mill Zher. '�a WB'zt sce"6 is ia-
spects. his UTP became patterned at,-
him into contact with peo�le in, high
Society. �L Political hostess desired
Pet out on the line and get it beaten.,
and'who the characters are�
-Next another pupil i%-- invited for-
',mard M des
ter that of. the greatest of madern
I Chinese lea lers. Perbaps it was irom.
Su i ed his
m Y at I -Sen that W, ong inhe It
his, Presenceat a dinner and wrot*,ta
-Mrs. Burns inTiting her and her Umi-
That is -whert The rilen of the house
strutted their stuff. On -a sunshiny
I W1 N G,H A M
and vi scribe another Pic
Ile. That Is. another point in com-
ous busb-&nd w the -affair and In her
y the sound of carpet beating was
-ure, am4 so an till all the pictur ISM,
es I
mon between the -w two -a smits
letter 4pologised for not having pre�
to be heard on all sides, but especial-
'have-- been guessed.
'that is expressive at many things. It
is relateed :of Won- that when eon-
iriouslyealled on lfrr,- Bums�
,she wrote. "Batters -ea is so 'tar away-
ly early -in the morning and -after sup-
fronted by mealicing danger. whieli
from Matom Place.- I -Mrs. Burns in-
spired, it is *ad,, by Tohu, rep'lled
per, when the man of tbfahouse was
horne tarpet-beating
Asthe subject of our two quarters 1
often has fallen to his lot, --miles
and his assailant irsnIshes. IT. Is a
oomewbat like this-. dear Lady
from work. and
house-cleaning were sure fine jokes
,is "'The Gospel ,7�f the Kingdom,- -and
re-larkable fact that In Afteen Tears
Thajo!k you for kindn"z
'!as duning our studies so Much has
spent In Aghting the dopeand gam-
bling ring Wong bai escaped scath-
In iwTlting Mr- Burtissad myselt 1,
too, am sorry *-hat we have never
but looking 1
for the comedians thosi� days.
JVomen grow up with sonic sort of
been said about the kingdom of hear-
less while others engaged In the same
met� an at the map
housecleaning comple--L Some of
I en, a re'new -nith that as its special
pursuit haNTe been less fortunate.
And 'that It is quite -as far from Bat-
tersea to Eaton Plaes as It is from
them. are so imbued with the spirit
X*nem-e rna-y be acceptable, especially
Some have paid with, their lives.
When Wong became a diseple of Sum
Eaton Pleee to Batterser, &ud I fear
of housecleaning that they feel the
%0 the older.classes. To that end, the
Yat Sen he perceired that the use of
that the distance ProTes ;an lwur-
l6use would not be cleaned if every-
following subjec-Ls may he Ahided
narcotics was the greatest evil of his
mctrntzble obstacle to our tttenftuce
at your dinner."
m , 0 urne(I out twice a year.
ing , n t t
among the members of the 62.s s, each
countrymen in Canada.
Canada is not terra, incognito to -,Others
are so fed up -with the annual
to Zreat his subject in any way he
With Infinite patience he set out:
to put down the use -of drugs. It
John. Burns. Ore7 twent7years agolupheaval
that they -vow nothing
,�Pleases, but beepink within the time
W" . a big task far one man. but
be was In Toronto with Joseph Allen
Ba ker.
would evrer Mare them have their
, ilimit assigned him.
is Of course, the -4
Wong tacklel it - 4
%. tb a smile.
, a. Canadian who had become a 1h0Dus7cS-
u SeL
I I st may- be changed in any wav the I
0 I
I t was easy I enough to find out
where all this dope went to, Nor was.
nlember of the BrItUh PailfameuL I
Early on a Sunday morning he left -
There are so rnanv aids to house-
�te:acher chc&oses:
it alt consumed by Chinese. But
the house atwhiCh they w ere staying
g these days that it is not me -
The Kingdom: What It Is. i
i �
Wongs trail led I"- the other Biro*-
went for a walk, returning before Icessary
and I
to upset the house. -No more
11 The King oi the Kingdom. tion---ta the source of supply. This
the household was up and abouL lis
it necessary to upset the house, No
'The Authority of the Kin: -required time. and patience, so he re-
tired tram business, devoting
When asked whare be had been be 4 . .
said t7 seeing somemore is -it necessary '-a Nvoo the buin-
oat he 22ad been
The Power of the King. active
all his energy to hi's self-ap-pointed
friends at the Xing Edward hotel, Ible carpet -tack and chase it to its
The Character of 'the King. task.
Citizens the Kingdom.
which had only recently been opene& Ilair. 17acuum cleaners make it unne-
"Why," said his host, '"they must be J
C) ===0=9��0=0
of After years Of patient inquiry
cessary to take up the rugs, -although
Entrance into the Kingdom- lVirong found the manufacturer—the
early risers. What were they doing 1
up so early on a,Snndkv mO1,'MJ1;J3.g1;I must- confess I likethc sun to shine
Laws of the King man who convtrted crude opium into
gdom morlibilie. He was s Canadian and
"Oh." 'replied Jobm, "they -were Ion. them. 'One hour's sunlight will
Progress of the Kingdom. from him the Chinese peddlers
sarubbi'ag the floor." disinfect them.
Enemies of the Kingdom. bought their stutt. From inform-
Wealth of the Kingdom, atibn given by Wong the D lice naid-
Vacuum cleaners keel) the mattress -I
31114LTONS Ix RMMIEF. es free from dus I t . they d9
I ed his premis-s twelve times in Six
and no t
0 e ngdorn. `h P
11ritis tatepayers Bear Double Bar- �have to be hauled out to be cleane
q months and each time seized drugs. 4 - a
He was put out, of business. Aftwer deri.of Pro -War Days,
�There is nothing under the sun more
A ST 1 0
and Christ's Wonders. I UbY OF CHRIST. 4this the law -was tightened up. It was re'vealed in a Health 34111- uniiieldlv than P itiadiress.
Chapter. 15. --The SyrDphoeuician- Since, of course, every lesson ofI !�tlll the tTafhe continiied, almost istry stvAement, issued the other day, J
TH SUNDAY S(HOOL LOO N Chapter 16.-Thd Leaven of the, the 4�.uarter his had a dir-ec, relation unabated. For many months Wong that 261 people in every 1%,000 of '; Early Cleaning Anniversary
continued his inquiries, cautiously the population Of Britain are receiv-' A good many pride themselves on
Phansees and Sadducees- to our Lord, we may well undertake but unremittingby. in time he made 1, Ing assistance at the expense of the h
a review which will be a study of another contact, became acquainted I ratepa-ers. The actual number of avuig their housecleaning done early
-T:&SSO-N =-March so A TeacJ3ing Review. with one of the biggest Chinese deal- i g an d beat all the women in the nei-h- 0 0
The older c2asses may like to, re- Christ under various. aspects, seclang I men, women, ana �U&eti reeetrl Sale
P-PVIEW rter - ers., and he, boasting to vzong, let. Elte relief on the last Saturday in sep- tlborhood. I do not think there is one,
riew. the .0da. by its teachings, to combine the views of the Saviour cat out of the bag. tember was 1,03 1 0x0Q&- The corre� of us, who does tlot I-
- *ved -7 -, into one complete the _,mow at least one
7, ext._Un�,,o us a child is which -have bien so van at - z�o picture. Thus one: From IAverpool, England. re s$oVM9-'TG-t2d -at fSe end of Septem-
powerfal. Some of these have been !*oman who ggloaEs over us about the
th-� member of the class may be asked. came a consignment of lavatory ber, 1913, was 611,000.
-be=il, unto. us a son zs given; 21-1 �kv direcz tlreaching, :some by para, to treat 'he Power of Christ, another fbowls. This was oply one consign- An analTsis of the September quar- 1 time we are thinking of starting our
'His love, 2
goveznmei�, shall be upom his should- 1 113'ent but tt WaSS a Sbe- ter shows that increases in the num- ihousecleaning. PlrsZonally, I think
�bles, some by way of miracles and -nother His -wisdom. still t STARTING WITH
er; and his name sbaU be called Won- ! 1: cial one, held a special Interest for her of those receiving rell-ef occurred �-zhaT, too early cleanin- is a waste of
1' r�:her happenings. FGr this Do- 1, --
poe ithers His helpfulness, His cou'rage, , some folks- Those ofi the lookout in the week preceding and in the two What is tile ust of cleaning if 0
dmf =I, COMSellor, Ifthty God, Ever- time-
-�Ou will asign Topics� to tbe pl�plls.' His Plans I -or His church, His plans i for this cons' ' em-, toG'-- care to bu-y weeks following the Aagust -Bank
Peace' Ignm
lasting Pather. Prince oat -hen, just as they were con- holiday- During this period of three
ithe snow --nd mud are not all gone'�
and each is 10 study all t�he !eS_A01, world�, His deity". His� hem- it 'and ' a 2 Days
the t
iTatilia'Ciag themselves on having weeks the increase -was a4. -o9,4, part, There are agood many women who 0
-of the Guarter and gpTher light on his anitv, His relation to men, to women, epyad
- ed the customs, down swooped of which was attributablete the Ian- like �o clLeau their cupboards, and clos-
topic -from every so=ce. Give the to children- to His disciples, to the the narcotic squad. Lo and behold, cashl-re cotton industry. Ix the Lon- Of
A CH -A=t ER =�- VIEW 7, they attack the rest of the
- 2 Jewish authorities, etc. Chans
-we have studied the first hau of "InI., free Muze as VC, their mcde , ge this in the angle of the bowLs was hidden don axes. 154,000 were iecelving re -'e a z, und idea if the 0
'BIt in any way you tna-v think des-ir- -a consignment of morphine worth Uef in September as couipaxed with cle n I a 0.
iot tree--nent oa their ti-q4ic-bv I- M.- her is fit to hang clothles.out to
the crzspre; If Uarlhew, siteen c ap-� able many thousands of dollars- Of 151,000 in August. This is an a-.-er- �vreal'n DOLLAR
'it nif 'Tin es -
A goo6 Tra�v to review W. 0 .1 t7e speecl, ar by wri _q a br- course, no one was convicted for par -
age of 843 per 10,�000 of the popula- -a. and stin thern- Clothes which. are 0
:say and reading it, ��-7 in snrne cthtr I
Be -,to drdMe these cha-,)tlel-s as even- sesslam-everyone pleaded igno- tion ---or " I in �everxy 29- buriE4 ;71 dark closets net�d tile. sun
way For instance, two might c.'Im-! ance; but that conig-m-ent was a to- The average number of people re -
3 . I t-, a�i as a germicide and to hell) DAY
y as Possible 2=ong the putills, ask- tal loss and hit ihe
bine to treat a shibject L -z am originaO fWINGHAM HORTI- dealers hard- turAed as ordina--ily engased
zng eacb zq. w3iite- one-nmitnite S11111- I
There have been other large sel- some regular occupation who were ban -15b the m47iths. Dresser drawers
znazies� �zi his ch-aPitrs, which he CULTURAL SOCIETY ures, but Wong claims that for all receiving relief in lugust whi
d7 I le �O 11V- and chna cupbonrds and so on can
read to 1he class. Insist that no one He -re are some suj�-cts that may his efrorts the trade still flourishes. Ing in their own homes was '047, Do- be deaner2 at aiky little and do not SPECIALS
is Z�o go nne minpte on amy be used: Faith; Prayer, Christ"s Or- How to Grow 'Tbe,,,, Rooted He says crude opium is actually re- This Agarecomprises 89,000 _m -en, need vc, wait on . the weather. As a
iLgixa -and 'Nature; Temptation and Sin; 41 Aned In Can-ada-smuggled opluin, 81,000 women, and 177,000 cbil- 0
da b, make good rainy FRIDAY March 28
Salvation; Heroism; aapqlsm� Bless- whiell comes to �Canac y the hun- dren- It Includes 239,000 registered mauer of fac! -they
s groupim-- rZ tile eren dreds of tons and is sold to Cana- at employment exchangess. In Aug- day worl--�
,edness--, Hu-nilitr. T-ust; Cc�mpassi,:.n; Secure a shallow box and 'lace in; diall youths and young women. ust there -were 47T,000 receiving. re- SATURD
p AY, March 29
ai:8 teacitings acc.3rding to topics i
Ceurage: the Sabbath; that Hulv SPi7 iit about three inches of sand. Place� But Wong assarts that, in spite of lief at home who were not ord7narily Har4wood. Rloors
ds itself re2dily to this io- of
it; Growth. the Herzalzer� Y" - � their L-4w� tunal Part, of Benzine and
eres! 'hc Begonia bulbs on the s - c audaeity� in spiteof the profits engaged in so. reguiaa
amd -will. 2de to the int urra e 01' they are tnaklu& he has further Sur-
�M' the s" anirs if you gTre each a �nc�t have -.;.me iur ah., these subjects, sand an.d. about three inches a- prises in store for the ring- UdIfty -Ts. SrRner.N'- ik-, clean hard -wood floors. Do
birt v,&.0 V611 select those Tr i.�* use this in a room'with a lighted
I Du thilzk -r- The oldstruggle between the peo- T� - --
tille� temug he P=pfi what tEe titles ; - . Force the bulbs into the sand re as there is da � I a
best� Ile, the pupiLs malke the selec- � Wonders of Trillidad. 0
oi his chapters 2 -re- Also print a list. until thev are covered about one-;. ple who want electricity and those 'fi nger of explosion. I
and div;d-- the time strictly quarter of an inch deep. Be sure -to -, joil was first found in Trinidad in who preler scenery is being reriTed Light rubbing Nvith sand -paper Or Sale Continues
-�f ifiese titles amd --2ace them beisre no roads and over the Grampian hydro-electrlo i-, -love the very
arn-ang them. 19,59 but there wete
the tlass during t:he reaffin, 0i the 1 -keen the hollow side or the bulb S eel W -A w- elp ren
11IR14,CLES AUND PARABLES It UP-- the supply did not seem large enough scheme, which is the biggest Bnt6-b :
Hert is a srggested 'isl: 1, Place tbe box in, a 'Watm Place and tor export. That spring is still run- -undertaking of its -kind for W� b y SP I uc e found in fT All Next Week
di� - o s, s h as ar --ont
tang, though many people are at first de e been put forward of an ontside door. -Nfan People use
Birth. , fin
Zhaapti-r -1-The Wtmdenr- A !arge pa -,t u,7 jh,�: hall :,iikeep the sand damp. Ite plans hay
X-N'hen viro or three leave,-; un -It is proposed to obtain tie pavrar,joc, a is A
cbapteT 2�The Visit iir tbe Meg,- ;Mait'hew deals with miracies, and par- have ap-. willing to believe that oil of such ; _much nd the result WITH 0
quality can be found in a natural by damming the lochs inGlenAffric, Is
t-lickv flioer� U�x should be put in -
..id. of a thin cloth, like a poultice. a
;C=Ipter &-The HtvOd c�i the ab',es�, and the ciass may 114ttared, transplant the bulbs to their � 'h -
state Glen Cannich. and Glen S -t EXTRA"
new v,"m.ch jr. �t�jes-,, Dj- I Pe:rIn2nent Place in pots or beds- Be- I I �ountlfulorovldenee hasendow- and to raise.the level of t3le water by,
Xing� - ueduet from Loch e'That prevents pieces of wax
z1a, a ed not Orly with oil but- meams of an aq from
ted Pa -,d 4 V1 the ss im& rw�,; pa7t., a=d �9,.,jnias re�qnire a parti liv shad ]a- ed Trinidad � Bhealaich. Four power stations will
-with asphalt, which is contained Ina to tick-ing t,0 he f3, jr,
ear.: side- pr;�Va7�� caiimn and a good rich well -drained ake The area involved lies Do all the 0 SPECIAL
er - Tast lake known as the Pitch 1. - � be built. bbing -W -rain tq the -wood, S
Chapter ani 7,xe, both tht; -:-a--]Cs and zhe PaMblt They require to be -,rat, 'd li`�- Tbiss lake is so soli that you may � the - southwest - ith the 6
d of Inverness. Vi7lifle
on it, and tramlines, along the,promoters of the scheme say that
�quenflv. Begonias vnill n withstand I walk i,%betller it is to clean.. to wax or to
Chapter,6.-P.-ayer ana Ptaze. ',"he Qmestk-as Z�n e3rh Sepa--.1
Ou d4i -VOU7. daily du -sting
lzhs:v-ter 1 -The Gc��den R -ale wr.d alt In 'Ine nezitatil�n th!� tw::- R &,i; ��Ihe Ai =est frost. which are excavated asphalt Is trans- The natural beauties of tlie� glens will Polish. If V
the Two F.:n=dalions. Fir6t �-4me s'd, in the fall after the firS, light jros�z ported, are laid on its surfaee. It Is be safeguarded, there are other Pe0- �and the weekly furniture polisbin�
I nevertheless, -in coastant motion, and pie who contend that they will be . 11 . EACH DAY 0
-with the grain r4f tile 1vood you -will
t- ter S�Real- :a, -d ITIelp, ,,je a 4atbP7 the bulbs and place them in a the holes made by a day's digging spolled. It is als suggested that the
h, whieb4soon see a differnece in the poll,,h
T-bapler 19�-Nfalthew and mirar�S. a rm,-.Lrle,. 7hc ui'! re- irl�zl: &Y Place and prottm aorz,,uzh- Ali up with une-rpected rapidity. The beautifful Falls of Gloniac
:Chapter aral Sernze. p,. -Md lsivh a umesvl�n 1:4on, a pa-,abh= n d of many other -are the highest in the British Isles n !fi C, a
Y iro= finc-st. streets of Lando , Un 'on Ys.,atir furniture. Res ei ber t. I -
es, are paved with the pro- may disappear it the scheme Is
great citi car- ivrays rall with the g
-I *e � rain.
Chapter It-71be Bapta�T's Q�=ts- Sc. ", �.Arill iL'.'- afte .2. J y X Wingham Hiorficultural S,,%-
a]f 1J,
Alice of this extraordinary lake. ried -out In its presan:t torm, -owing.'
to I the streams feeding them IT WILL
Housecleaning Weals
itnw� Tl:z-7n the fin'T. Sid,,- wiU bl-,7-.-� !MnF. E. Mr. H. camp being
Chap., --r 1272he Sabbath 21iefv-1n- cn i!i4 ;,aralbh� ql:esiiun--� and ti -e Stc'y.
President. Canadian mountairt Highway. dammed. Just btcat,.Sc YOU -.are bousecl
Chapter 18�-Fanables by the Sea. ��-d sAt <jn �its rwrarze 4utztl Tb�- I 7tea4y progress 'is being made PAY You
with the proposal of an all -Canada. Juvers Change Course. 3s no.rre2son to have to eat off,the
I paist"B DL-.ath 'isclner v�i`] keep the S RNBERRY COUNCIL metor route. An important decision 'Fae study of aerial photographs br. 1--vantle-piece. YPll zeallv need
5-7hav` -L- The Ba: Z:).re Cd the T U- a TO
I has been recently reached 'by the officials arthe Surveys Bureau of the �'-squa` meal mart those days than
meetin", Mori-'Damitilon atid BrItAshColumbhL Gov- ',other ti oil
htld ir llguevaie on Department of the Interior has dis m c-5, B n I Y certainly do not-
m,rch 11)1h, !;�.iffi all member- eram-ents to ftnislithe part closed many rivers that haTe changed lranj t,:, SHOP
lag the Roaky� Mountains by in -sPend, much time cooking.
P,;eent. Win- , their eourse in co, paratively recent e alternative is, to. use ��Our
pleting the section between the pral- tqtnes� as time is talrulat'ad In Its r iso the, on,
Ir AfLnute�, --dr last =Lecting w ... d e-1head and be
t1rc, ries and the Patifie coast by the 'Big Jation to geological nsots. This In- forehanded., Fill your
and A&pted, U g Ever
MaItHrind Creame' ry I Beud secUon from Revelstolte to formation opens up many Interez U �cr4akie Jar and have a cake that keeps, Y Day
'Ilia cEiven and V1cTa,.jsh Gulden, following the Big Bend of the possibilities for the diversion of one enough for wore, lhan oil e meal
lf�Med by M C00l,
illhat we Tetitest the Ontario f Columbia river. When tills Is cO'm- stream Into another or for the co, a time,. Food nee -d not be servetJ DURING
sovern- pleted this Canadian route through eentrations of head lor power de-
=,i�vt ff."ir additional grant On Tlhontp- the mountains will 'PrOTIde One Of the v-elopment, ThIS is only One Of the.!in the Sa-t Way taice in Succession,
'a 50n Lamont, DaYell drain. Carried. gTeal scenic highw&ysof the world. vays in whiob aerial surreying Ig'Ibut if it is repared tittle "ill 'be
contributing to the development of �saved. This Sale 24
31 1103xti by UcEvren and 2&cTa�vi�h,
Ahat we adopt the auditors* t, epo I rt I for Farmerat Bo.rrbvfed -$19,006v000. the Dorftlrdon�
Fish pie
V, U11try. J L*aw made by the Ontario Gov-
ilm I cairied
I�kev Lim 6 a greased bg.L-ing dish ),iti, a
The following 2cci.�.unt.s paid; Jerniaeut Agricultural elopment lkhcoa� am IDAustrial Ft-ovinm i
Board to the farmers of the province i Jiaultob& Is fs4t beeoming " In- Paver of Mashed potatoes, Put ill -,a
e-Tjme:;, ace.. I have, In the Vast yetT, 1 - eside hayer of coK �coo'.ked fasill and cover
NV, in th atn: Advatic exceeded the dugtrial, proytoce, said Pr -nt Zd
at by tram. 1, T14EP-9 WILL 13E
18*, Municipal World, acc., '516-80. , � p le Winni-
raQ0.00,'Ota, �9,000�000. The 1928 to-
Pa- , revious year�s tot Vrd ."Aftou, X-0. of I Witha layer ol cream saute, theit
peg Zlectria. Co. *'ft� Industrial outwl A Host of a
com- a aVer of Repeat this
WANTED "Itrolmen, 24. NN-juie $&80 W-bl. Breck� I j�j wag "$,1$1,000�000, the money aq Not
I grated cheese.�
Vat lyi i1923, jmd to t greater dtgtot
ts U.Sens In In 1:91t, btltig 1*rger than RA with the cheese, B,-tL-e I n -�j
-!,,L. 427.50; W. J, Campb0g,S28- 5ng from the depo`81 of el Mautioned on
H. Wylie, $130.40,- A� the proT1utW,*&T1UX* ame�- culturM output:* 'hot Oven about 20 minutes, until th�
CALL USPORPRIM. W %W-50; F. Hogg, $11,45; .4_ �ftjfaft, i Icheese is brown,
supr-, $31.35; Or��s India". Browned Potatoes
it, is expected, thtt theliew Welland i
COSens. Rrelni= on Rzmd ins., �MIDO; C&UZ_l, , ,hI h This Inditti povulftion of �Ca"" READ THE"
connects IA CS in, quart -
G. lltas Increased W 9.118 during the Cut cold bo'led Potato
j'grle w1t1%'1Ak4 -Ontarl.o. and basbeea Brus v, n e
TE M, UNITED FARM"* CO -OPERA ThompRo., auditor, $z35.�00,; past firt year*, accordIng to the 11-6- ler-S ' liellgillmlise- N kth I Ited 'Y,ELLOW CIR
Wray, �%Zidkor, built &t *-.tost of about $12,04004000 lest joensv&,of the Mipartment of Isi- I . CIPLAX
1butter or 4ri Brown it,
tile ov�
COMIPAN1(s, LIM11TEOW, Uovedby Aft:Ewen end Wtiltorl that �i by the v.11 bt. dian. Aftiaft.� Atthe tud,of 1,01t 116 �er, Tj�ith meat 1vilich I . a �horf SENT
Ou J%Ily Ut, IM26.
popullction stood U 109,01g. itiMe Jor 'Cook,
adjoura to met poubd �dfaclally Ake. YOU,
W t3th '94 thops�, balt
lfondly� the Ith day of "Jp-i"L Cat-,: isausage, -baron or
Then C
Phhotke 271, 1 Tied. i P1. E. lr� roul" luft*try. Ja mwit balls. Re;
'i rte -poultry ladil itnar be browned in 0M
JAvrtight, AN� R. C=1kSh2,nk, '"rd Island. atttfd the �,Ptb*idoe or it tt "the overt,,Or on top of the -Stov a
paid 1A dfyideAds to stodlitholite e all
R $t.004�000 1A, 10.20.
I'Mall",06tvOrwotts, in 10,16 served ift �tolA int"at,
R :