HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-03-20, Page 4WxNOHAMV!AI;rVANCE.TIMES
Thursday, March 20th, 193, '
Box of High Class Stationery (Assorted Tints)
McKibbores Drug Store
xi cents a ' word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25C.
711r1/'aVMlik is13Yi\lOiikdYiYdYinV"riiixtiTiPa iStt aK3YrViilfriuri dr antfi UYallYilhYall%a13YaY8YalElaCdYi��?i
FOR SALE—Frame building 10 ft by
16 ft, good. 1.3ritish Columbia mater-
ial. Would make excellent garage.
Apply to Thos Gilmour, Sec'y of
S. S. No, 5, Turnberry, phone 600r4.
LOST -A robe at J. efoffatt's sale.
Finder please call the Advance
—House, Enquire H. E.
FOR SALE—Good grass farm, 1001 Isard.
acres, within two miles of Wing -
ham. Apply to R. Vanstone, Wing- TO RENT—Garage and rooms, for
ham P.O. I light housekeeping. Apply to A. 5.
1 Ross, Wingham, phone 345.
FOR SALE -300 cedar fence posts
and a number of anchor posts. Jno. TO RENT—House, corner of Cath-
S. Scott, phone 624r2. arine and Victoria streets, all mod-
ern conveniences. House vacant
March 25th. Apply to Samuel Mor-
; ton, phone 624r15.
EOR SALE—Baby Chicks an Hat-
ching Eggs: From Contest winn-
ers. Our pen won first prize for
the largest number of points, also
for the highest hen, at the Nova
Scotia Egg Laying Contest. Our
pens are mate to male birds from
Registered hens. It .does not cost
any more to feed a good pullet than
a poor one. It only takes one ex-
tra egg next fall to make the dif-
ference in the cost price. l3arred
Rock Chicks, $18 per 100; White
Leghorns, $16 per 100. John Fair -
service, Box 13, Phone 153, Blyth.
FOR SALE -Fete Good Horses, will
work single or double. Curries
Livery, phone .396 or 211.
, The regular collection of garbage
will be commenced on Satiuday, Ap-
' ril 5th, 1930, and will continue there-
; after every Saturday morning through
'out the Summer.
The charge for this service will be
$2.75 for the season. All persons de-
siring the service are requested to
notify the undersigned at once. Per-
sons desiring to have this service are
notified that the removal of the acc-
umulation of winter's ashes, etc., is
FOR SALE—An Overland Sedan car
in good condition. Apply to Mrs.. not included in this service.
R. Maguire, Maple Street, �V- Galbraith, Clerk.
FOR SALE Seed Oats, No. 144
Seed Oats, good heavy oats. Wm.
Robinson, l3elgrave, phone 616r11.
FOR SALE—Special Properties, one
splendid red brick house, every con-
venience, 6 rooms, garden, garage,
chicken house, good location, very
reasonable. One frame house, 6
rooms, electric light, water, garage,
splendid garden, this can be bought
at a bargain, for quick sale. Apply
T. Fells. -
FOR SALE — Barred Rock Baby
Chicks $16.00 per hundred; White
Leghorn Baby Chicks $14.00 per
hundred. Two hundred c'r over of
either kinds, $1.00 per hundred less.
Hatching eggs $5.00 per hundred.
Custom hatching done, four cents
per egg or four hundred set for
$15,00. New and second hand in-
cubators and brooders at bargain
prices. Get your order in now and
get delivery when you want them,
I have increased iny hatching cap-
acity, Call, write or phone Duncan
Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont. Phone
Of 33 Weanling Colts
at Auburn, on
commencing at, 1 o'clock sharp
11 Colts, rising one year old, sired
by Standard Fired Stallion; 22 Colts,
rising one year old, Sired by Heavy.
Percheron Stallions. This is a good
bunch of weanling and will be sold
without reserve.
' Mr. James Douglas will hold a
'clearing Auction Sale of Farm stock,
Implements, etc., on his premises, lot
5, con. A, Howick, (:13. miles south of
• Belmore), on • 4�
Commencing at one o'clock.
Of Household Effects
The undersigned has been instruct-
ed by John Smith, Diagonal _ Road,
\Vingham, tosell by Public Auction
at 1.30 o'clock on
The following:
One upholstered chair, one writing
desk, one set solid walnut diners, one
walnut buffet, extension table, two
leather chairs, walnut' library table,
five -tube radio, sewing machine, four
odd chairs, wooden bed and springs,
two iron beds and springs, child's crib,
two dressers and bedroom stands,
kitchen table, kitchen cupboard, Hap
py Thought range, linoleum rug 10 ft.
by 12 ft., kitchen linoleum, carpet,
'man's bicycle, garden tools, lawn
mowers, sealers, a quantity of 'pickles,
dishes and cooking utensils.
THOMAS FELLS, Auctioneer.
Miss Bella Wilson wishes to thank
her neighbours and •friends for the.
T1;1:MS—C=\ i.i'�,
kindness and sympathy
C W. Cbn •ch, T. Gundry R Song nnpatliy extends d dor-
Proprietor. Aur ti<inecrs. ing her recent sad bereavement
Mr. V/ut Fitzpatrick will hold an :' 1 'wish to thank all land a neighbors
Auction Sale of farm stock and finale- andfriends who were ; o good to nue,
rents on his 'premise;;,, lcit 38, eon.; during ,icy recent bereaventeut." Mrs.
10, East Wawanosh, on .L,. W. Ruttan. •
cornnieneing at tan e'clnck.
ELLIOTT MILIER('a,:;urc+i•t: -- In '"v1orris, utn Sunday,
Sales conducted anywhere, Wide
experience. Best efforts put forth
on each and every sale. I
Phone. 70, - Lttknow, Ont,
The slror•t, sure way to steadier
obi, better pay. Increesirig de -
land for experts 'Positions open-
ing,'Few ,teaks, guaranteed, prac-
iiczl shop training in Garage
,lode e\ ria lon Mechanics, (douse
vc it tut
Electric, Acetylene 'Weid-
a l,ridelaying, I./rafting. l ndors.
f rl by g ad iatew Pro railroad
fare, hare part time, Fret: ern-
trloytncnt Service, '(1Vi'iite for illus-
trated ,booklet "How to Itleke $50
Weekly lil>Wrtrcl;,.'
COMMERCIAL .G lU`Cilltfl Ei 1N i•
57 Queen W., f oretito.
March 16th, to Ir, and Mrs, An -
(trete t'asernore; a son (loss Doug-
t.`rulertveod•---In '.l'urnberry, on Wecl-
nc sday, \'rarrh' 12th to )\fr, and
1 .. G. G. ( nticrrweot(, a sots --
(Geele4t. Nelson).
Stewart—In Tiel,, rave,.
March 14th,; 1930, Ale.
art, in .his 80th year.
'1't.s:,ier-- In \•Yinghant. on, 'i'uesday,
March 180,,- 1030, Mrs, J. Peter
in her 85th year.
Hard to Please
ort Friday,
ander r 5ter -
WOMAN 1i11.4.N WII'C'1 Rh;CJCIVI;1)
1'e per.
"This new Sargon is miles ahead
of any medicine I ever took in my
"For: four years I kept going down
hill. My nerves were 'shot to pieces,
and I. lost 58 pounds in weight. My
`food disagreed with me, gave me the
worst kind of indigestion, and in spite
of all the medicines I took I seemed
to grow worse all the tine.. I'd get
up mornings half-dead and couid
hardly pull through a day's work,
"Sargon did me more good than
everything else I tried put together.
I eat three hearty meals a day now
without a trace of .. indigestion, my
nerves are steadied, I sleep good and
ant steadily gaining back my lost
weight, I feel great now and my
work is a pleasure, Sargon Pills prov-
ed. to be exactly what I needed to
tone up my liver and keep my bowels
regulated."—Fred J. Cole, 26 Avoca
Ave., Toronto.
Sargon may be obtained in Wing -
ham at J. Walton McKibbon's 'Drug
Store. -
A series of fifteen Weed, ; Seed and
Fertilizer meetings were held in Hu-
ron County , February 24th to March
8th. These meetings were under the
direction of the Ontario Dept. of Ag-
riculture, Clinton, and were so arrang-
ed as to cover the entire county. In
all 825 farmers attended .these meet-
ing making an average of 55 at, each
of the following centres:— Clinton,
Blyth, Dungannon, Auburn, Walton,
Brussels, Wingharn, Fordwich, Wrox-
eter, Belgrave, Varna, Hensel], Zar-
ich, Crediton and Seaforth.
Subjects dealing with Better Seed
were discussed. The results 'of the
seed drill survey made in the Prov-
ince of Ontario would indicate that
more care was necessary in prepara-
tion of grain for seedin.g . In that sur-
vey it was found that 34% of the
seed being sown graded. rejected. This
can be improved upon at little or no
expense and methods of improvement'
were recommended. The matter of
standard varieties of grain was dealt
with and farmers were strongly ad-
vised to sow only reliable hone grown
varieties that had yielded well under
test, Control measures for smuts of
cereal crops were given and methods
outlined which. would check these dis-
eases in such crops. The.weed sit-
uation and the weed act were under
discussion. Farmers throughout the
county are realizing the necessity of
co-operation and are ready to lend
their support in making this Act now
effective .and hence of greater value.
Soil fertility touching on drainage,
Crop ,rotations, fertilizers and lime,
proved a very timely and interesting
subject. Drainage forms the building
stone of allsoil fertility work. Crop
rotations play a large part in controll-
ing weeds and disease and maintain-
ing soil fertility, The'subject of coni.
mercial fertilizer concerns almost ev-
ery. fanner. Tonnage of fertilizer ap-
plications is increasing annually and
information relating - to comnmercial
fertilizers proved of interest to all
fainters' atcndting these meetings.
The subjects of. Tetter Seed, Stan-
darcl varieties, Stout control measures
and the Weed Act were dealt with by
NIT'. C. [.,. Toole, of Newmarket. Dis-
cnssions int Soil Fertility problems
were c' dealt with by G. A, McCague,,
Agricultural Representative, .
And a Little Prayer Wouldn't Hurt
:as City Star.
When is an Egg?
i:r4'tl� l �,
0 lw},r>kv
Post Star.
r '1
�1•tvt.l, of
,Jinn Little
CUBATOR; .15 Good as New.
Glen :balls tins
� 4� T
Ii , c til
� I)utfganrnirlt
i ,assisting, Mrs, e. at present,
near Courey's
a:1iow FIG}1TERB.
Road Builders Want Body of Men
to k'igitt. Snow l[irrifte.
Each countryside will have' an Or-
ganization of ,snow fighter's, ready
like a city fire department to go out
on short notice day or night, if the
Plans outlined in a report to the AIn-
„ea'icttit Road Builders' Association
are carried out, .
"Success depends on catching the
snow before it is too deep or peeked
solid by traffic," the: report explains.
"Work should proceed on a definite
Plan and' each man .know his duties.
The important roads should"be open-
ed up first. At the beginning of the
snow season equipment should be
placed at strategic points for snow,
Prevention of drifts is the greet-
reatest part of the program of snow -
fighting. Engineers find that any-
thing that causes a reduction in the
velocity of the air carrying the snow
will cause drifts, and recommend.
variousmeasures from cutting weeds
along the edge of the road to chang-
ing the location of the road itself, if
topographic features nearby cause
the snow to pile up unavoidably on
the highway.
Temporat'y snow fences to make
the snow drift in harmless places are
found very efficient. if carefully plac-
ed, the committee finds, and their use
supplemented by scraping with. high
speed trucks equipped with straight
blade ploughs will keep traffice mov-
ing through the winter,
Domestic Birds Sprang From a Spe-
cies of Finch.
Domestic canaries have been alter-
ed to such an extent by hundredsof
years of selective, breeding that their
wild progenitors cannot, be positively
identified. Their early history as
cage -birds is obscure. It is generally
supposed, however, that they sprang
from a„.species of finch still found
in. the wild state in the Canary Is-
lands, as well as Madeira, off, the
northwestern coast of Africa,.
The wild birds in the Canary Is-
lands are grayish brown, sometimes
varied with brighter hues, but they
never have the beautiful -plumage so
common in the domestic varieties.
According- to the usual story, sped -
mens of these wild birds were cap-
tured in the sixteenth century and
domesticated : in Italy, whence they
were ” taken to other parts: of the
world. Canaries breed freely with
the European goldfinch and certain
other species, a fact which leads
some authorities to believe that the
domestic canary is the product of in-
terbreeding and not the descendant
of any one species. In the United
States the common American gold-
finch or thistle bird is sometimes
called a "wild canary". This species,
of course, is not :a canary at all,
Moving Ear Provides a Thermostat
For the Body..
Those who enjoy the elephant acts.
under the big top and visit the zoo
on holidays have no doubt noticed
that roost elephants continually wave
their ears. The reason for this appar-
ently unnecessary >motion ' has long
been one of nature's mysteries. But
now this has yielded to scientific
study. The pachyderm wiggles his
ears to keep cool.
Researches made by Prof. Richard
Hesse of the University of Bonn, Ger-
many, showthat the mowing ear pro-
vides a thermostat for the elephant's"
body. Much blood circulates through
the delicate membrane of their ears
and is cooled by the moving air. The
hotter it is the more rapidly the ears
wiggle, Thug the waving elephant
ear may be ` said to have the same
duty as the panting of a dog, which
draws cool rair over the plentiful
blood supply of ; the tongue and
mouth to take. away the 'excessive
body heat.
Where Husbands Do the Cooking.
Husbands are the cooks and wives.
the fishers and hunters in Barotse, a
province. of • northern Africa. A1 -
though there is a well -organized
modern Government, the natives
still observe some curious customs.
It is no unusual eight to see a wo-
man wandering in a stream and car-
rying a big fish baeket. When she re-
turns home,the husband does ' the
cooking. .Then the wife sits down
alone to dine, because, owing to hie
superior 'strength, a man might be.
tempted, to take the choicest pieces
before the woman gets her share, An-
other unwritten law le that when
triplets are born, two of the babies
Must be killed for good luck.
"Ala.skaP Not "Alaskan:"
Do not say "Alaskan," simply
"Alaska," The territorial of eduCa-
tion for Alaska obleots to the "n"
ending of the adjective 3n` Alaskan.
gold, Alaskan reindeer and Alaskan
children, eta. Tho school bulletin
says: "When Oalifornians speak of
their oranges they do not do so as
Californian oranges, Likewise it is
Florida grapefruit, Iowa corn, Caro-
lina cotton, or Pennsylvania coal, It
is incumbent upoxn. Alaska schools, to
let it be Alaska gold, Alaska sal-
Milk Three Thnes a Day.
Tests at the dairy experimental
farm of the United States Depart-
ment of .Agriculture at Beltsville,
Md., show that milking a co* three
times a day gives increased produe-
tion. Through thie method it was
found that the extra milking gave
21.2 per eent. more titflk and 22,4.
per cent. more butterfat.
*lot Water .Heat In Auto.
Providing clean., odorless heat eir-
ottlated through the ear by motor and.
blower, a forced-drafthot wetter
heater for the automobile nor is 'on
the market, says Popular Meolianiee,
O. S. Speed Limit
bt4 erage speed limit on 1 1ted
fitates ighways outside et city /butts
i9. 11$ Wield bot hour.
'The nutritive value of Corn Syrup is recommended.
by doctors—it's known to be the healthy food for
So why not assure strength, energy and happiness:
by having Crown Brand Corn Syrup always ready in.
your kitchen. It's delicious.
1," , y
Makers of
Famous Food Products
since 1858
xu ^,
The :s
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron, near
Kiniough, spent Sunday with the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. WM. Phillips of God-
erich, spent Tuesday with his sister,
Mrs. Thoinas Ferguson.
Miss Olive ::Lyons, of Londesboro,
spent a week with Mrs, Irving Zinn.
Mrs. Sabi Sherwood is spending a
-week With her daughter, Mrs. Jas.
Barbour, of Goderich.
Mr. Robert Scott and Miss Mary
Farrish, spent last Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. John Scott, east of Luck-
1blr, and:Mrs. Roy Alton spent Sat=
urday with: relatives at Port Albert
and Seltford,
Mrs. D. K. Alton and: son Leslie,
spent the week -end with her daughter
Mrs. Percy Graham, near Sheppard-
We were sorry to, learn of the death
of Mrs. Jane Drennan .on Saturday;
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R.
Cousins, near Sheppardtori. The fun
givin clearance paypers to runt run-
'nin boats. I don't know exactly what
that manes, I evi int all file loife
n sit p
' on .land, bttt the intinshun av it is
,to plaize the timpirance payple av On-
ta.rio. Fer wance in theer loives they
got the shtart av us 'Tories wid this
clivir dodge, fer it is goin to git thio
a lot av votes, an 1 ixpickt to her
the same cold thrubble wid the anissus
an me dawter-in-law that T had con-
vincin thin, that they shod vote ler!
Mishter Ferguson an his liquor con
throb act. And, as sure as I am sayin
it, I am not sure they didn't double-
cross me afther all, an I tink theer
inuslit hey been a lot more winunin
loike thim in Nort Huron, whin ye
considher the majority that wus
rowlcd up fer Charley Robertson.
Av course the Grits tink they kite
depind on Quebec, be rayson av the
conshripshuu bill us Tories forced on
thitn in nointeen sivintecn, which wus
the wurst mist take the parthy ivir
made, an I don't ixpickt to live long
enough to see the ind av it.
eral will be held on Tuesday atfer-
noon to Maitland cemetery. We ex-
tend our sympathy to the bereaved
daughter and son Elliott Drennan o`f�
Goderich. ' Her husband predeceased
her about 3,0 years ago,
The W;M.S. and the League of
Hackett's United Church` are holding
a Si. Patrick's Social in the basement
of the church on .Thursday evening,
March 20th.
The Black 'Dramatic Society will
present their play 'Beads on a String'
at St. Helens Friday night,, March 21,
Mrs. Will Irving and little daught-
er, Doreen,.- spent .last week with their
cousin, Mrs. David Little near Cour-
ey's .Corners.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holland of
Clinton, spent last week -end with the
latter's parents, Mr. and., Mrs. Peter
Cook, neat Zioin.
Tim Is Getting Anxious
l'o the liditur av all thio
vVin hant Paypers.
Deer S.
Thio Grits 'down at Ottawa do be
tinkin thifnsilves party shmart', so
they do, wid all theer skaniin an plan-
nin to win the nirt el'ickshnn, an,
shore, 1 am not tellin a wu.rrud av
a loi; whim I say that us Tories will
hev to git in a lot av harrud wurrnk
to defate thio.
Shpakin av skaniin, did ye ivir see
the• bate av what thine Grits 'do be
throyin to pull ali at the . prisilit
tui m e i
In ordher to ,Hake thimsiives solid
wid the lieraric prawvinces they, hev
given ,Mishter Dunning an Mishter
Crerer hoigh sates in •the cabinet, be-
soidcs builditt the railway to 1udson
Bay, an handin overthe conthrol av.
all the Governmitit lands to .the
Wesirtern sod bushters, an prawniisin
to incraise the British prifferince. 'Tis
aft ilegant program lntoirely fer thim
Grits to tink tip, an shur'e, I didnn't
belave they had that much rinse, .so
1 didn't, but, nivir nioind, we kin bate
thim to it yit, as me bye who wee;
oversays wed say. "
Thin there is the skanie to shtnp:
Thin the prawvinces down be the
Soundin Say do be afther gittin party
nearly heating they ask fer, jist be
houldin up theer hands, so that will
make it harrud thravellin fer us Tor-
ies in that part •av the counthry.
British` Columbia may gourt*
P y
shtrong fer the Tory parthy if the
Grits dont' sbpring sometiing to shtale.
that prawvince away from us befoor
elickshun tointe.
Thin, av course, the Grits will take
all the credit fer the ould age pin-
shuns an the ixtra money bein paid
out to the oversays min an theer
woives an families, so it begins to -
look as if thim Grits do 17e throyin
to bate us Tories at our own gate
av broibin the payple wid theer own
money, but, shore, they hev a lot av'
thricks to darn yit, so they hev. Jisi
wait till we git the masheen all oiled
up, an rennin properly, an we will
give thin} the wurst larrupin they iv-
ir got in theer loives.
Yours fer a bigger an bett'hel
Timothy Hay.
writes Mrs. w. walker. Thousands
say constipation, indigestion, gas
end overnifcht with "Fruit -a -byes".
Complexion clears hke magic. Nerves, heart
quiet. Get^Frit-a.tives"fromdruggisttoday.
Make moneyeasier. The quick, S
sure . road to success. Increasing t
demand for Trained Men. World's:
biggest, most fascinating trades
needs Auto and Aviation Mechan- S
ics, Electric Welders, House Wire
men,.., Electricians,- Bricklayers,!
Building Estimators, Draftsmen. S.
Few weeks, practical
ShopTraining, endor -
ed by graduates. Canadian em
ployment service. Earn part time.
Free railroad fare, FIND OU'T
HOW to make $50 weekly upwards?
by writing. to -day,
Commercial Engineering Schoolset
57 Queen Street, W., Tor onto.
C. N. R. Watch Inspector
Repairing Our Specialty.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Phone 5. Opp. Queens Hotel.
The business of farming under
present day conditions, requires
considerable knowled-ge of fnan...
Cia[ matters.
Consult the manager of the, ae, near.
est branch, of The Dominion
Bank, who is always willing to
discuss your problems with
r TE
A. M. Bishop, Branch Man ger
Wing zatn, Ontario,.