HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-03-13, Page 4,r.
A Bol of High Class Stationery (Assorted Tints)
rug Store
tAra.p,.wumoama.stlaoaamuamwoc.01014o tW644e111.n•®p.o-.rm10wo r+..w,a.•,oea+....
xa cents a word pet insertion. with a minimum charge of age.
-,,,, tigahilS eiri tt fori, r-arrary-eJ uyztYi�tY�Cireiire,, -- YaYUY�Y6Y�11tra'cllYiYli cifipfrir•
FOR SALE—Rubber tired top -bug- I AUCTION SALE
gy, in good condition Apply to
Alegi Dark, 'Victoria Street 1
FOR SALE -400 -Egg Incubator, as ,
good as'new, $20,00. W. M. Henry,
Belgrave, phone 624r14.
FOR SALE -Few Good Horses, will;
work single or . double. Currie's 1
Livery, phone 196 or 211.
FOR SALE Maple syrup. Apply to
Russel. Henderson, phone 608r3. '
FOR SALE—An Overland Sedan car
in good condition. Apply to Mrs.
R. •Maguire, Maple Street,
FOR SALE—Heavy rotted manure
$1.50 load delivered. Apply Robt.
FOR SALE—Boy's Bicycle, 16 inch!
frame, in Al condition, cheap. ph. ;
133 or 2, George Beattie.
FOR. SALE Seed Oats, No. 144:
Seed Oats, good heavy oats. Wm.;
Robinson, Belgrave, phone 616r11.
FOR SALE—Special Properties; one
splendid red brick house, every con-
venience, 6 rooms, garden, garage, ,
chicken house, good location, very
Of Farm Stock and Implements
The undersigned has been instruct-
ed by Percy Hogg, South ,pt. lot 21,
Con. 8, Turnberry, 1 mile east of
Wingham on B Line, to sell by Pub-
lic Auction at two o'clock, on
The following
Mare rising 4 years, horse rising 11
years, driving horse, cow fresh about
a month, cow date in June, heifer two
years old, yearling steer, yearling heif-
er, calf 5 months old, calf 4 wks, old,
50 hens, 6 pigs 2 months old, 8 tons
hay, mixed; 100 bus. oats. Massey-
Harris seed drill, Bain wagon, nearly
new, Massey -Harris disc, 4 -sec, har-
rows, twin plow, walking plow, bob
sleighs, dray bottom, hay, rack, stock
rack,gravel box, 2 buggies, cutter,
fanning mill, hay rake, cream separ-
ator, nearly new, daisy churn, no. 3,
new; double harness, single harness,
wagon box, threshing tank.
No reserve as proprietor has sold
his farm.
TERMS—Hay, grain and fowl, cash,.
All sums of $10 and under, cash; ov-
er that amount, 8 months' credit on
approved joint notes, or 5 per cent
straight off for cash.
Thomas Fells — Auctioneer.
reasonable. One frame house, 6;
rooms electric Iight, water,
?garage garden,' this can be boughti
at a bargain, for quick sale. Apply!
FOR SALE — Barred .Rock Baby
Chicks $16.00 per hundred; White
Leghorn Baby Chicks $14.00 per
hundred. Two hundred or over of
either kinds, $1.00 per hundred less.
Hatching eggs $5.00 per hundred. ;
Custom hatching done, four cents
per egg or four hundred set for
$15,00. New and second hand in-;
cubators and brooders at bargain •
prices. Get your order in now and
get delivery when you want them.
I have increased my hatching cap-
acity. Call, write or phone Duncan
Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont. Phone
TO RENT— Apartment. Apply at
Greer's Shoe Store.
TO RENT—House. Enquire H. E.
WANTED— Housework. Apply to
Mrs. H. Collar, Wingham, Ont.
SE1.I—Tn loving memory of Millie
M. Seli, who passed away one year
ago, March llth, 1929,
We mourn for one we dearly loved,
For one we could not save.
Beloved in life and mourned in death,
Remembered in the grave.
Her Ioving voice we will neer forget
Though years niay pass away;
The loss of her we sadly feel
As keen as that first day.
When all is ,still an silent
And sleep forsakes riur eyes
Our thoughts are in a silent grave
Where our, dear Millie lies,
As we loved her, so we miss her,
In our memory she is near;
Loved, remembered, longed for •al •
• Bringing many: a silent tear.
Saidy missed by the Family.
Eula iLauaingi gmwrites.Thou-
sends gait 5 to 1S lbs. in .5 weeks
with: new lionizeri teast.Skinclears
like mark. 'Nerves, constipation
voniF.h. overnight Get Ironezed
Yea r i t9io- vitt drogist today.
The short, sure way to steadier
j<,bs, better pay. Increasing de-
mand for experts. I'ositione open-
ing. lia'w weeks, guararrimai, peace
tical shop trait -any in Garage
weak, 'Aviation mechanics, House
wirrn .Electric, Acetylene \''Veld-
ing, Bricklaying, Drafting. Endors,.
cd. by graduates, Free railroad
fare Earn part time: tree e:m-
ploynterlt `service. Write for illus
traced booklet "How to Make $50
Weekly Uparards."
57 Queen W., Toronto,
• iI
Of Farm Stock and Implements
The undersigned has been instruct-
ed by Robt. J. Armstrong, South half
lot 6, con. 1, Morris, to sell by Pub-
lic Auction at 1.30 o'clock, on
— The Following
Mare nine year old, aged horse,
heavy work horse, driving horse 8
years old, good single or double, driv-
er 5 years old, good single or double,
fresh cow 5 years old, cow 5 years
Gild, due in ,May, cow 6 years old, due
in August, cow 8 years old, with calf,
heifer rising 2 years, 3 heifers 1 year
old, calf 3 mon. old, 6 pigs about 120
lbs„ 8 pigs about 100 lbs., 50 young
hens, 3 Leghorn roosters, wagon, hay
rack, gravel box, buggy, 2 cutters,
iced drill, disc harrow, set harrows,
single riding' plow, nearly new, Mas
sey Harris walking plow, mower, hay
rake, scuffler, Massey -Harris cream
separator, nearly new, pump, new, 30
feet galvanized 1} in. piping, new, pig
chute, set double harness, set single
harness, 100 bus. oats, quantity of
hay, driving robe, logging chain,
horse blanket, number of new grain
bag, 10 bags potatoes, cross cut saw,
enamel flour can, new, 160 -egg incu-
bator, nearly new, forks, shovels, hoes,
pails, tools,barrels, and other artic-
les too numerous to mention.
TERMS—Hay, grain, and all sums of
$10 and under, cash; over that am-
ount, 6 months' credit on approved
joint notes with land owners .as se-
curity or a discount of 6 per cent.
per annum off for cash. Notes must
be acceptable to bank,
Everything must be sold without.
reserve as farm has been rented.
Thos. Fells, V. Haines,
Auctioneer. Clerk.
Mrs. John McCool and family wish
to express their appreciation of the
kind expressions of sympathy and as-
sistance in their recent bereavement
acid also for the many floral offerings.
Tim for an Alibi
The Justice of .the Peace in :a town
fn Ohio, in pursuance Of his statics,
had to hear and jiulge. cases that were
lruught before hiin, and also perform
rrasional to arringc ceremonies. He
found it difficult to dissociate various
fun rtione at hie office. Evei'ythir1
had gone ainoothly until he asked one
wide: "Do ,you take this; man to be
semr Husband''. The bride nodded
niph.atically. "And you," said the
Justice turning to the bridegroom,
"what have you to say in your. owvf
defence ?",--•Clticago News.
We all Need Practice
A lesson on dying will be elven by
;Cl vs. Dorothy. Barnard Scott, Spec-
ialist in the Department of House-
hold Arts.»-'Flurleyvillc St:tablel.
Reducing Treatment
BUTTER Fairyd'ell per lb, 46c.
C.hurrietl fresh daily from our Piggly
;Wiggly 'Patrons, ---Ad in the Trinidad
(Colo.) Chironicle-News,
W?i'i Ais,'i!! .11lkl t'XPNCE-Tk S
13LUEVf -
. The World's r
observed by ' >' 'ol 1 rarer I� as
Presbyter r•�t`e W,I11,S. of ILra�o:;.
noon, ' :aln i{..` nwch on Friday �atiher-
C. eeteetah '7tb, at the home of Mrs,
d.. f(.:diratass. The president, Mrs,
a'4it a McEwen presided oyer the
ete:getleag, and carried` out the program
tvrltacla was drafted especially' for the
day; The special thanksgiving pray-
er was taken by Mrs. D. J. Falconer
and Mrs. A. H. Coombs led 'in pray-
er for "Our King, Our Empire and
our Country." The .special offering
was for the Inter -Board •Committee
of the W.M.S. of Canada.
The ladies' Aid of Knox Presbyter-
ian Church held their regular meet-
ing on March 7th, and arranged for
a St. Patrick's At Home to, be held
in the school.•roona of the church on
the evening of. March 17th. You are
invited to oome and enjoy a real
Irish evening,
J. R. Greig, 'former student -pastor
of Knox Presbyterian church and of
Eadies', occupied the pulpits on Sun-
day. Mr. Greig will graduate this
spring and be ordained. 'He has ac-
cepted a call to . Chatsworth. His
many friends here wish him success.
J. Wesley Beattie and the Misses
Ethel and Florence of Seaforth, spent:
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs:
F, B. Scott.
The executive and •program com-
mitteeof the Literary and Debating
Society held a meeting on Monday
evening at the home of Mrs. Alice
Aitken for the purpose of disposing
of the'piano which is used 'in the For-
esters' Hall, then disbanding, but af-
ter some discussion it was decided to
ask the community to co-operate to
raise a little niore money and install
a better piano in the hall for renting
pu rposes.
There is seventy dollars in the trea-
sury to start with and it is the wish
of the society that every one in the
community will be interested and
boost the piano fund, Watch for the
coming events.
Minutes of council meeting of Mor-
rih was held at the Township Hall
on Monday, March 10th, 1930. Mem-
bers all present. The reeve presiding.,
?vlinutes of last meeting read and a-
Martin Garniss was appointed pat-
rolman on Con. 8 as Stewart Proc-
ter resigned.
John McGill was appointed Drain
.Inspector, all applications for drain
repairs to be sent to the council in
writing by ratepayers requiring the
The following acountsc were paid:
Municipal World supplies .43; John
IVIason, stationery and supplies, $3;02,
Wm. Maxwell, work on road $1.50,
patrolmen Ed. Johnston, $3.40; Win.
Thuell :$2.10; Frank Beirnes $14.25;
Lew Jewitt $3.25; Earnest Noble $17.-
50; Mart Garniss $6.28; Wm. Craig
$6.90; Thos_ Miller, general $18.25;
James Anderson, patrol., $14.00; Jos.•
Yuill, patrol., $9.50; Chas, oWrkman
patrol., $25.50; John Craig, patrol.,
'The Council then adjourned to
meet at the Hall, on Monday, April
14th, 1930.
A. MacEwen, Clerk.
Try a Pulmotor
Daily Journal.
Will Mr. Einstein Explain
He is said to have been bareheaded
and has a blonde moustache, His
weight wag given as about 5 feet and
a hall—Each Long Beach, Cal.
March of Air-Mindecilriess
Overhead skirmished petrels, skuas,
gulls, cape pigeons, sea lions and a
multitude of other birds of the local-
ity.—San Francisco Examiner.
Rising Billows
Ad. in the San Francisco News.
When is a hen not ahen?
When she is an Egg -
Machine. When is she
an Egg -Machine?
When she gets her daily
dose of
d i4s.
Make* nails Lay
More Eggs
Sold by an dcabetn
Write for P*It iia Peeiteeneek-•!s><•rea
PA'rt Poon Ca, of C testi e, Ltd,
aelew Ave.. . 'Toronto 8, Ont.
Thursday, March
'Women of (beet Britobut *lave Vo,
lowed In IPeotsteps sof Vai'rm-
et's' Wives ileac Canada..
A quarter of a mlliion women. 3n
England, Scotia -ad, ,and Wales to -day
owe new pleasures •and interests in
lite to a tiny gx'oup of farmers' ;wives
and daughters en Canada,
Some years ago a few of these wo-
men,, tired o,# the Solitude enforced by
long distaa•ces and lack of organized
society, started a little club, Their
aims were .partly social, partly edu-
The club became popular, others
were !formed all over the Dominion,.
and in 1915 Mrs. Alfa'ed Watt
brought the "Women's Institute"
mouement.to Britain.
A single club was started, and
from this modest beginning the vast.,
organization known as the National
Federation of Women's Institutes has
sprung. There are over 4,000 of these
institutes in the Old Country, with a
membership of about 250,000 provin-
cial women. Although the headquar-
ters are in London, it is essentially' a
rural movement, and the vast major-
ity of members are village woixsen,
who have jumped at the chance et
finding new joys and occupations.
There are no social distinctions,
and party politics and sectarian relig-
ion:.are taboo, There are lectures,
entertainments, competitions, and oc-
cupations ` of every degree.
They not only read the plays .of
our leading dramatists, but act in
them. Folk dancing is another pas-
time. One of the primary -interests is
agriculture.' Boredom has no place in
their scheme of life. Here are some
of their` activities during one month,
saps an Old Country writer:—
Lecture demonstrations onthe care
and renovation of furniture; a "dance
ing through the ages" competition; ay
scholarship for fruit -bottling; a "roll -
call" on laundry- and "my
greatest household diftleulty"; bulb
competitions; handicraft exhibitions;
the publicatign of a set of songs for
musical festivals; hor t i e n 1 t u r a l
shows; a shawl parade from prehis-
toric periods to 1930; entertainments
in aid of gale victims; boot and shoe
repair demonstrations; a cake -icing
competition, and a discussion on how
to divide the household work among
members of the family.
The first club ii Englund was
started in West Sussex, but Wales has
the pioneer institute of Great Britain.
The name of this little village in ,An-
glesey is seldom upon human lips, for
it is spelt Llanfairpwllgwngligogerv-
ahwyrndrobwll - llantsysiliogogogoch,
with ,almost as many letters as in-
In. Scotland there is an institute in
every other village. One branch was
getting rather tired of a woman who
continually grumbled about the work
she had to do. At last the secretary
"Now, Mrs. , you're always
talking about the amount of work
you have to do. Suppose you let us
have a ten minutes'. paper on 'How I
spend my time from Sunday moining
till Saturday night'."
She gave • the paper, and it was
suecessful from every point of view,
tor she exhausted her troubles and
had much less to say afterwards!
Friday Is Oertainly Not England's
Unlucky Day.
The scarcity of marriages on Fri-
day proves how ?many people still
have a lingering faith in the ill -luck
of the sixth day of the week.
There never was a more foolish
superstition, and Friday is certainly
not, England's and
day, says an
article. in Pearson's Weekly. It :a
funny thing that sailors are more
superstitious about Friday than
landsmen, yet it is. the lucky day of
the British navy. The great defeat of
the Spanish Armada occurred on Fri-
day, July 29th, 1588, and since then
at least a dozen of our greatest naval
victories have been won on Friday,.
What, then, is the worst day of the
week? 1f you ask a tradesman he
will probably say Tuesday, and in
the Telephone Departni.ent of the
Post Office, which is a barometer o1
both business and pleasure, Tuesday
is looked upon as less harassing than
other business days. Not long ago
Lord Ashfield pointed out that Lon-
doners travel less on Tuesdays thaxt
on. any other day of the week. The
only important people who dissent
from this view are theatrical man-
agers, who declare that Monday is
their worst day.
Snowdon's Infeltible Will, w
Mr. 'Philip Snowden, Labor Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer in Britain,
has always been a map of determined:
purpose, says an article in Tit -Bits.
His duty has been his first consider-
ation, and he yields to uobobdy. A
story is going the, rounds of the days
when the Chancellor was employed
in the Inland Revenue Department
in Yorkshire. He called at a. famous
Yorkshire house to inspect the gun
licenses of the shooting party. He
saw" theme all hut one. "1 want to.
see all of there," he said. "I'm afraid
you can't see the'other one," he was
cold; "it belongs to the ; Prince of
Wales." "I' know' my duty," said
Philip. "I want 'to see his license, aa
well." And he'did.'
Se ;rave Seared the Sergeant.
During the general strike of 1926
in London, Major Segrave, the auto-
mobile speed champion, volunteered
to assist the police. He had to drive
a sergeant troin Whitehall to be-
tween Mitcham and clroyden, a dis-
tance of about ten miles. Major Se -
grave drove the astonished policeman
to his destinii.tion. in tour -and -a -half
Afterwards the sergeant toad, "You
can give me as many general strikes
se you like, but nester again a driver
like that one."
Our First 1 st Cllftiee.
Catalda's Hirst post office has ole>ti-
iti itt. Hanftwa i .a., in l'55.;
'Seente w hours after we had sad-
ed away from the rapacious Seale,
we reached, the asylum of our room.
We ate • a supper of boiled spanish
onions (boiled . the night before),
, brown bread and coffee, 13th even
these dainty salubrious; and satisfy-
ing substances, failed, for that night
only, they never did again, to quicken
life in me, or freshen me up, as the
saying is,
The big seal's awful snap, the big
seal's ugly lock, had undone me be-
yond repair, as I then thought;
The Great Shakespearian Actor,
Edmond Tearle was then in Glasgow,
and that night was to give his fatu-
ous impersonation of King Lear; I
knew it would be no good my going
to weep with Tearl's Lear; the only
leer I would or could see that night,
was the seal's leer; the leer it had
thrown at ane when it shat away with
my walking. stick.
As I refused to go tie the theatre,
my'comrades decided to stay at home
with me and keep me company. How
should we spend the evening? My
brother suggested we shoiild tackle
Mrs. Besant again; my friend suggest-
ed we should study king Lear;' I was
too far gone to suggest anything
Suddenly, our friend, whose name wa
Horner, and woh always sat in a cor
mer, moved, (though he did not move)
that we talk of the seals: My' broth-
er glanced at me, and decided not to
second Horner's move. In atiother
couple of seconds I was in bed; and in
another couple of thousands seconds
"Oh, gentle nature's sweet restor-
er, balmy sleep," Nature was not
gentle with Me that night, Instead
of serving out balmy sleep, she slipp-
ed a seditious seal into my bed, and
gave it complete dominion over me.
My Dream began. I was back in
the Aquarium, at the Seal's Pool.
There was only one seal there; the
big one. There was only one person
there, myself, The seal' saw ole, op-
ened its jaws, and I lept into them.
(My dream should have really ended
at this point, or there should have'
been a brief intermission of some
kind; but no; it proceeded unmolest-
I felt and saw myself slipping down.
the Seal's gullet, down, down, down,
it seemed a long way. It was not a
pleasant passage, neither was it a
rough one. The seal's gullet was kind
of velvety, kind of raw-Iiverishy, and
I was being slowly oozed through it.
Suddenly I reached a roomier and a
loftier region. Where was '1? The
place looked familiar. Why of course,
1 was in the Cabin of:my Uncle Dan's
brig, The Cabin was gutted of its
furniture; how the deuce had that
been accomplished? But the lockers
were all there, just as usual, For a
few seconds: I forgot all about the
seal having swallowed me. I would
open the locker where Uncle Dan
kept his ship -biscuits, and help any -
self. I was in luck; a long time spice
I had tasted ship -biscuits. I threw
open the door of the locker. :Hor-
rors! it vias full.of decayed fisli,,.sec
tions of crabs and lobster were inter-
spersed with these, and tresses of
dilse and seaweed intermixed. Oh,
what a sight; and the whole conglom-
eration was alive; alive, it. moved and
breathed; and oh,' hoot it stank.'
This conglomor'ate abomination ap-
peared to be giving itself, much -
against its will, and its grain, and::to
the ,decided detriment of its conven-
ience, a most unmerciful,' and un-
scrupulous massage. ' Soon I recoll-
ected where I was. I hastily Closed
the locker door; but 1 could still see
that gruesome animate mass, At
length this massaging massgot itself
8 cC
away, how, has not yet been 'revealed
to alae.
I felt reassured,' and gently opened
the door of locker number two. At
first I could see nothing in it, then
gradually, there grew 'in it, until it
enveloped the whole locker, t.lie seal's'
eye, with the awful, leer in it. 'This
school Hour:
Children love CROWN
BRAND Syrup on bread
give it to them every day,
it's delicious and wholesome.
Write for our Net) Edwardsburg Recipe Book free,
E b`SIMl�`G
A1I"rriond of the Family
• leer seemed to have the dual capacity
s of leering and grinning sinniltane.sens-
-'ly, and: while I s'hivcred and shook,
it leered and grinned. .
It appeared greatly delighted with
its performance, and, disposed to car-
ry on for some time;. but at. length
it faded away, in the cutest unimag-
inable way. This was a kindness
had not expected of it.
Then the Cabin became itself again
but only for a short time. It gradual-
ly changed into 'a stomach, a seal's
stomach. I had been in a seal's coat
before but never in a seal's stomach.
This stomach was full of all -kinds of
half -chewed salvage, in perpetual mo-
tion. I was in the midst of it, and
the churning was souring MY' stom-
ach. My senses were reeling, pitch-
ing, and tossing about, in a most dis-
tressing manner. I was pretty nearly
all in;, I was quite ready to throw up
the sponge, but I didn't happen to
have a sponge about ore, or any very
great area to throw' it in.
All this time, I knew the seal was
darting hither and thither in the pool.
Suddenly its movements slowed down.
My ,presence I felt, was no longer de-
sirable, and as I could not be digest-
ed, I had to be dislodged. I looked
around for means of escape; I per-
ceived my walking stick (still intact,
the churning had not affected it), .l
seized it, and darting toward the ne-
ther end of the seal's gullet I com-
menced my perilous 'ascent, using" my
stick as an alpine stock. As I got
hearer the top end I felt I was being
assisted. The seal had the hiccoushs,
and every hiccough pulled me up with
it. The last hiccough was like a hur-
ricane, and it delivered me from my
I woke up, and my bed looked good
to nee. But; what a Dream; Jonah,
and I, are, I hope, the only two, dead
and alive, who ever passed through
the terrible ordeal' of having to live
for a tiine in such disagreeably dis-
reputable places. Jonah, of course,
served a longer terns than I did, vet:
hot, I trust so often.
Jas, G. Webster.
2 Glasses Water, Not Too .
Cold, Help N Consti ation
One glass water is not enough ---
take 2 glasses a half hour before
breakfast. 'You get quicker and bet-
ter results by adding a little simple'
glycerin, saline, etc,, (known as Ad-
lerika) to one glass.
Unlike other remedies, Adlerika
acts on BOTH upper and lower bow-
el ,and removes old poisons you never
thought were in your system. Adler-
ika stops GAS and sour stomach in
10 minutes! Relieves constipation in
2 hours. McKibbon's Drug .Store, 5
GIRLS• --To 'sew on men's pants.—
Ad in the Baltimore Sun
j-- .•.a�f.- .. �a ncv
'I a magrc,' says ''r.~ hatigny.
Thousands write kidney and bladder
Its, constipation, indigestion, gas, back-
ache end overnight math "Fruit -a -fives".
Nerves quiet. Sou sleep at once. Get
Fruit a Lives" from, druggist today.
Ruttan: lin Bluevale, on Saturday,
March 8th, 1930,,Leonard W. Ratt-
an, aged 76 years.
Coulter—In Turnberry on Thursday,
March 6th, 1930, William. Coulter,.
in his 81st year.
Wilson—In Turnberry, on Friday,.
March 7th, 1930, Murray Wilson,.
aged 66 years.
Goy—In Wingham, on Sunday, March:
9th, 1930, Jennie Stephenson, wid-
ow of the late John Goy, in her
55th year,
McLean -In Clinton, on Tuesday,
March llth, 1930, Miss . Margaret.
b kLean.
Davison --Iii Wingliano'Gbneral Hos-
pital, on Tuesday, March llth, to
Rev. Sidney and Mrs. '`Davison, a
Riclimond--Iii Toronto on March 7,
to. Mr. and Mrs, Jeffrey Rich-
mond; a, son, (nee Nora Smith).
::�,r,{�..'>•.t�7 �•..�-i'. a IN'
Make money 'easier. Thewick
sure road to success. Increasing;
demand for Trained Men. World's
biggest, most fascinating trades 3
needs Auto and Aviation lVfechari-i.
fes, Electric Welders, House Wire -S
men,... Electricians,... Bricklayers,
Building Estimators, Draftsmen,
Few weeks, practical guaranteed,=
unlimited, Shop Training, endors-
ed by graduates. Canadian etn-1
ploynaent service. Earn part time
Free railroad fare. FIND OUT
HOWwriting to, maketo-day, $50 weekly upwards;
• . -
Commercial Engineering Schools,;
57 Queen Street, W:, Toronto. E.
ffff.ffff tf 1111111 Iff1 lIttIllf11111110011 iiiiii ii letx ttttt,,,,,,,,,ttt,t
C. N. R. Watch Inspector
Repairing Otir Specialty.
Satisfaction Guaranteed,
Phone 5. Opp. Queens Hotel.
income T
Due March
Are you an• Employer?
Are you paying a wage or salary to
If so the law requires you to make a
return on Form T4 of all such persons
to whom you paid $1,000' or mote
dluring 1929.
Are you a Trustee, an Executor, or an
Assignee ? If so the law requires from
you a report on.Porlt>tt 'T3.
Secretaries of Joint Stock Companies
p ones.
ate required to file on Farm T5 a re.'
turn of dividends paid.
Act Pros l ptly exp Avoid Penalties
The necessary Forms can be had on application to. your Postmaster
HON. w, �. cilia 1t, X i col o Tex Division
lditriricr of Notional irevetitrn C1TI 9C%A O. s. WA>f'i+i'E12S,
CoiMoiittiesrer of bicome, Mk