HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-02-20, Page 8N1MBBNUNIIMMININ ii 1 illifillifinSIMENEMINESSEMEN WXIVGHAM :ADVANCE -TIMES !'I Thursday, :Vebruary 20th, 1930 w iing$11■�■■� w�■r r11>1N 111 1.4m iia . i rmlrsr lia ■■i SrM� ��iiIN M IN ■ ■N■■ �� ■■ r11�.��r 'URI �u I�B81 • � _ ,����Si�B. ._ _.��M .�� M81 �� CMN B� M M _ .. .:: >N i 1 es r■ ■ ■ ■ Scores of ar ains b sides those listed that are of Big Interest to Everyone. Misses' Silk Dresses $10.85, regular v.allies $15.00 to $24.50. Every Winter Coat at a Bargain Price —°All the new styles less 20 to 50 per hent,., Big Savings on Fur Coats — Hudson Seal, Persian Lamb, Muskrat, all less 20 per cent. Extra quality Stockings Reduced 49c, 59c, 79c, 98c, $1.18. Curtain Nets, Draperies, etc., 19c, 39c, 74c, 99c, Sheetings and Pillow Cottons fest grades only, all at Big Reductions. 30-30, Brown's Irish Linen Table Cloths $12.50 lines for $7.45 $10,00 Cloths for .... S6.95 Choice Sliced Pineapple 2 tins..29c September Cheese ........ 28c lb. 5 String Corn Brooms ...39c Heinz Tomato Soup (large) 3....45c 11111 Madeira Linens Reduced -- Squares, Serviettes, Rounds, .4, l to / Off. $13.75 Scotch Wool Blankets $10.98. English and Highland Prints 23c, 25c, 38c, 48c. $4.50 Wilton Stair Carpet 3.49, 50c Rubber Door Mats 29c Dress Crepes, Satins, Georgette, all the colors less 20%. $2.50. Natural Linen Card !Table Covers, a few only $1.00, , Tapestry Bedroom Rugs an Sale, all sizes less 25%, $1.25 Factory Yarns 89c. Extra Large Comforter Batts 79c. Choice Dates, 3>lbs. . , ..... ...21c Kelloggs' Corn Flakes, 3 for ..25c 6 Rolls Toilet Paper ... , .... 19c Comfort Soap . .. 5c a bar ROS. Fresh Groceries To buy a a ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ • Ail Men's and Boys' Clothing -- Overcoats an,el Suits less 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 1 ■ ■ 20 to 30 per cent, $14.50 to $18.00 Boys' Suits, now $9.69. Men's $2.25 to $3.00 Fine Shirts, now $1.59. $1,00 and $1.25 Fine Socks 69c. '''' Extra Wear Handkerchiefs, on sale at 5 for $1,00.` Mitts, Gloves, Gauntlets,. all less 20%. ` $3.50 Motor -Rugs $1.98 —Clearing Mew's .Caps 59c. Men's $1.00 Fine Braces 50c Boys' 98c Golf Hose .69c. r Sweaters, Pullovers, Mackinaws, all reduced 20 to 40%, j .,uki 3 for . , . , ,29c •Infant's. Delight Soap, 4 for 23c ■ �� 10-1 Pilf€ Clover Honey 54c Pair Corn Syrup,b. pail ........64c Bordeaux Walnuts .. , ...49c Blue. Rose Rice, 3 lbs. 25c IA 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar ..:.$1.29 Choice Black Tea 63c lb. MA wiNGHAmoNT. 1 ® ■®®® ®����®®■®■®■■■®®®11■■11■11■■■■.1u11111■■11®11■®®®-1011111MI SIIIII■®EMENSI r,■■I■II■■■Ir■■■®■■■■■■■II®■■sM1■■■■011111r■■®10>ll1 i1 Best Oats and Best Dishes , -QUAKER 0LTS SKS IN 2% MINUTES 870 New pattern English ware B}LUEVALE ASHFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Campbell and three children spent Thursday_ with her brother, Mr. Roulston, near Rip- ley. Mrs. Robert Bullin returned home after a week's visit in Goderich. Mrs. James Cook is spending this week in Toronto with her son, Mr. John Cook and sister, Mrs. ' Fred Topp. We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moran in the loss of their infant son, who died suddenly, on Wednesday, 5th. The funeral was on Thursday :morning to Kingsbridge Cemetery, Mrs. Will Finlay, .9th con,, spent a few days with her daughter, Mar garet, in Stratford, who is attending. Normal School. Mr. Will Baldwin received the sad news of the passing of Ms youngest sister (Bertha) Mrs. Leo•i7 Hall, at Canton, Ohio, on February"7th. The exceedii gly well staged and portray- funeral was held on Sunday, Oth. We ed the ridiculous and humorous side i extend our sympathy to the bereaved. of life. The two addresses, "The Va- • lue of the Church in the Community" by Miss Mae McLeod and "Canadian I Mr. Elwell Webster of Wingham went through the village on Sunday with his new snow -mobile, in which he has built an areoplane engine and on which is a regular aeroplane pro- pellor. It seemed to run on the snow banks in the ditch the sante as it does on the road: He made the trip from his home at Fordyce to Wingham in 30 minutes. Mrs. Jack Johnston and Mr. Willie Miller spent last week -end with rela- tives at Wroxeter. Mr. Harris Purdon of Detroit is spending this week with his parents, at St;. Helens. Quite- a number from here attend- ed the funeral" of Rev, Dr. Perrie. in Wingham. on Thursday last. Mrs. Jennie Simpson of London, daughter'' of Mrs. Joint McGee Sr., had the misfortune to fall downstairs at her, home last week and break her right arm at the wrist. EAST AWANOSH COUNCIL We are sorry to report Mrs. Fred Council met on February 11th, with Brewer seriously ill, she having suf- CLENANNAN . ai4: t1te' membersP resent. Minutes- of last meeting were read • fered : another paralytic stroke. Mr.. and 'Mrs. Wm. Spier spent Sun- Fiction" by Will Peacock, were bo WINGFIAM JUNIORS WIN, DISTRICT The last week has been one .of hec- tic excitement among the hockey fans in town. On Friday night the Juniors went to Kincardine, coming baek with a 4-4 tie. The locals. for two thirds of the game seemed to have things in good control, entering the last per- iod with. a 4-1 lead. Theft' the unex- pected happened. Kincardine threw themselves into the game wit& a de- termined onslaught that would- not be denied, and for the first tem min-. utes had our boys dazed, scoring the three goals that tied the score. Trsab seemed to be .the signal to the local's to get real busy, and. to the end ofi the game, closely he1U the battling fishermen. S. Bowers of Ripley, h ndlec1 the, game in absence of Rocker o:f Listo- wel, who failed to get wo.rtt in suf- ficient thee. He had a real man's - job to hold the battling players; to the. job of the evening—chasing the prtcic; for there was a keen desire on the part of many to tackle the op eesite player. For two periods things went pretty -yell, and during the last; lies IMPORTS AND EMPLOYMENT We have received from R. J..Deach- man of Ottawa, a little booklet en- titled, "The Tale of the Missing 5." This is not a. detective Story- it deals with the relationship of imports to unemployment. It explains and de- fends the contention that'irriport-s do riot cause unemployment for the sim- ple reason that imports are paid for by exports, and increased imports, on- ly means increased employment. Whatever difference of opinion there may be on the question there. is no escape from the fact that im- ports in 1929 -were much higher than in 1922 and. esnployinent was at the highest level. ever reached, in 1929. We ase not going to argue the question -Mr. Deachman will send a copy free to- any person who asks for ite The; addeess• is.;. R: j, Deachman, Box 844, Ottawa • Kincardine Coutsa+ll made a giant of $150 to .the town, band„ • and a green- of. $300; towards, F'irernen's• Con- vention, to be held. in August. Richmond- Coffee;, 5,7e' per AGS, tin. Dona''inion Stones,. Ltd,. and:a. a i , r teidav fora Ottawa to attend opening day with relatives.. here. highly. appreciated by the audience as , fatally spent Sunday at the home of Rard. and 11`ou�ngislrxt. , g _...— y X' p In the' report for Ebenezer last theywere both of an instructive and ! Mr. and Mrs. Colin Eadie. Iof 1 arlianient to -da. ,.. p A rep'r:esentatve o£ the J. D. Ad- Headed by Kincardine Band abcK�it eyed: the total amount raised was re- educational nature.: The rest of the Miss Margaret Ludwig spent Sun - tams; Coy: Gaited. on the Council in 300 supporters of the Hockey Team came to Wingham on Monday ni inc g , and were given seats .of honor along the left side of the Arena where theee kept bap a steady tatto in oppositioraa� to the supporters of the local boys,a,, Etiquetts is. Satisfied all of which goes to make a night .; li,�" .The Pope will. not, return the sink's Ekeee this a real; lively and interesting ,visit in person—New Orleans State. S`5orti after C.; • � y Rocher had issued „ �. th i Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cathers, 1 and approved on motion of Cozens, sicrn, well the players had contra M. Gore S:pottrr�, Ivt,P., Trek yes ported .wrong, we wish to correct it to read. $792.81, Mr, F. Black shipped a car of cat- tle to Toronto on Saturday and spent the week -end in the city. Mr. David Ramsey visited his wife :at London on Monday, she is sorne- what improved in health we are pleas- ed to say. Mr. Peter D. King is on the sick .list this week, - Miss S. Blatchford of Toronto, spent the week -end with friends here. Miss Ethel blathers of Brussels was home over Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Thornton is under the doctor's care, her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. The annual open aneeting of the Women's institute was held Thursday .evening, February 18th, in the Fores- :ters' Hall. The special feature of the evening was the playette, "Mix Well ;and Servo°', presented by the Young People of Browntown. The play was Blyth spent a few days last week with loft Drain, affecting certain lands in ,I `- her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Charles East and West \ awanoslle and; 3 i:m, ii Lf®1®1®1®® ®1®■111111■■ 111®®111111 1111 NWP.! Wightman: loss, was read! andi pr:ovisioraft, adope. program consisted of vocal and in- day at her home in Wingham. strumeatal music, highland dancing A little boy has conte to gladden and readings. The chair was occu-1the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas pied byRev.. A. E. Mann . whoper- ;Metcalfe. Con ratulations, g formed his duties in splendid style, ! `Mrs. Howard Wylie and little dam- whichadded greatly to the success 1ghter, Frances, also Miss Gladys Hut - 1 of the programme. ton, of the 6th line, were visitors at the m chi eofl2 The appreciation of the Women s , i. and Mrs. J. D. Het- institute was voiced in a vote of , catfe. reference to the sale of road mach- inery. The' trc,unei,l:,, however,. ase not contemplating: pureliasing any addit- ional rriachinerrtihis' seasof; Cont. from the Retail Merchants' Assoc,, calling t;iie attention :of ' the Council to thee revision, cif the On•tar io Statutes, in regard to the transient Traders' Act;e fiasset'1 at the ]last sea - thanks moved by Mrs. Aitken, secon- • sion of .the Legislature recentred: and. Idea by Miss Olive Scott. The meet- ; VVHITECHURCI ling dosed -by singing' the National )) I The Auditors: presented, thein re Anthem. The three year old son, Allen, of port of receipts:, ands expen•drttire for Ross Cameron cif Georgetown, a Mr. and Ivirs. Thos. Inglis, of West 1929, the abstracts statetnen:t showing 'student at Knox College, occupied the 1Vawanosh, passed away on Sunday, total receipts of $55;496.21 with an pulpit at Bluevaie and Eadies on Sun- I February 9th, The funeral was held expenditure of $50=77, this: liea- t day. !to Greenhill cemetery, I,ucknow. Be- ing a deficit on the year's opera- Mrs. Cloine Higgins has been call- ;sides his parents, there are three sis-• tions of $529.56. The neport was- ade ed to Toronto owing to the illness of ters, Mrs. jack Flannigan of Toronto, opted on motion; et Campbell] and her mother, Mrs. Mary Moffatt and ;Chrissie and Pauline; and three bro- her sister, Mrs, "Vernon Higgins. ithers, Mac, Roddy and Jack. all of i whom were at home and will mourn ISpecial on, all our blends of Tea, the passing of the baby brother from son be appointed weed inspector. ;Reduced 6c lb. for this week only, { the .home. • Carried, , ;Dominion Stores Ltd, Mrs. James Brigham and babe of The Engineer's report on. the ElIL Walker. Moved by Me Water, seconded' by Mr. Youngblutt that William, R'ol in'. Detroit Were: Hea'ea: Hymn,; 195, " ]Dean Ford and Fa.- tlher of, Mankind,:'--M.ianroe (Ida.) Church ;' l3ztlletirt. kite instructions to the players, and dropped the puck, Geddes of. Kincar- dine grabbed the rubber and whizzed it Monte foo the first counter. Right there determination stuck' out from every pfayee;, Kincardine to hold that advantage, and Wingham' to win the. gainer. Roder Banded out 14 penal- ties in all,eight to Kincardine and six to Wh eel:awe. which may convey :some idea of the strenuotns exertions of the !conflict. Harry Brown' scored one, ',liiei'u was not allowed, the bell tink- ling for an offside as he shot. In the second period Ken Somers got a ti eiea:tr opening- evening the score. A. few minutes later during a mix -tip in;, a li`r:one. of Kincardine .goal with five.,or, 1 six • players piled on top of the goala,esi,-!' Alex, Ross poked the disc in for thee.' seeon:d counter. l The third period proved a he the affair,, with heavy body checkiag,:endi i a liberal application of sticlq; wattilt, which Fortunately had n� sericite& Ile- sults, e sults, Both teams played theit elver- ileitis l er-nems rather than the ptick,;,withi the :result that effective team wAillt, was impossible, mi Born—On Friday, February 14th, ted ® toM l r, and Mrs, Hardie Simpson (nee The taxes having all been accounted LI THEATRE E ®Lulu Conn) of Culross, a daughter. for with the exuieptiou of _those agent - 11111 Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Nicholson 1st W. h. lot 4. con. 10, a f,uvther ex - .1 im Thursda,r Friday,Saturday,February Z1r 21, 2Z r■' William Haines, Joan Crawford ■ ■,and son of Auburn spent Wednesday etension eff mime wasgiven; the colt'fee- ■ t last with her sister, Mrs."George Me- I tor, till] 1>tiarclt 11th, it being c•oanskt- Clenaghan. ered that this amount whorild: be fsttrtli;- C Mr. Robert Henry Purdon of Wal- coaxing beiCire that date. ■ pole, '.Sask.,' was called home last liy-law:No. 1, 1930e confirm ag- the ■ 'weekonaccount of the serious ill- appoi;tittndnt of Twp., officials~„ By-law ■ ness of his mother, who took a stroke Nee 2 1930, authorizing the borrow- Wingham and Kincaraltut Bands - Ill - i • last Sunday and, from which she is. ing: asufficient °n tone; tomeet the played during the evening:; ;,� ■ still suffering. ordlunary expenditure, and .Illy -taw no: The line-up was: C■ ■3;'ne-Goal, Riggb s,, defense, ■ l� 6i 0 fi Mr. and Mrs Archie Anderson' of t930 providitag for expenditure • on Ktncardi The Duke Steps. '°�°� roads this corning Kearns, ■ St. Helens spent Sunday last, wiithg season; were all Anderson; Ceetee, Geddes; ■I t;r, ■ their daughter, Mrs, Robert Purdon, read and .passed. wings, McDonald; I:Iai t; sobs, Chap- * ley Sadie Coiling, R.N., of Ripe 'Che following accounts were paid; man, Walpole, McNebe. „ ■ ey went through an operation for —The Municipal World, supplies $38r. Wingham- Goal, awn defense; 111 ■ goitre on Wednesday last iin Toronto 38; Wtn. II Campbell,. auditor $12:20, Ii, Mitchell, H, Mitrixebt; centre, Ross, I■ ■, General Hospital, She is improving Frank ,Thompson, auditor, $12.00; P. wings, H. Brown, finers; subs, Ger, Monday, Tuesday,- Wednesday, Februarys 24, 25, 26 g ■ nicely. Anderson, salary, $120.00, Financial ney, Groves, Scott` Ir "' ■ gReferee—Rocher of Listowel. ������ Jack Mulhall 1�tss Isabel cox was. visiting last.statements, war tai. and express char- Re A Dorothy M al; In ,^'-- 4 4 T ' " '1 ■ • week with her sister, Mrs, Roy Pat- ges $35,40; G, A, Jordan, storing the ton of Lucan. crasher $20,00; patrolmen, Roy Toll, Mr. James Barbour of Goderich 'els- $14.00, M, McDowell 4.24, G. R,, Vin - ;ted last week with his mother' at cent, $10,75, 5, I:tallahan, $8.25; R. Fordyce. Chaney $18,10. Mr. Elwood harbour held a very Council adjourned to meet again on successful sale on Wednesday last, Tuesday, March lith, evert thttigh: it was such a rainy` day, • A. Porterfield, Clerk, Nein,•+Qollegiate lie gage his eldest "son a liberal ed- ucation, The rest] he brought tip res,- pecttbly. Epitaph' gtiated by the Not- wch $trltGtitt, an..•.x...n.�...n,., .� .,. IW,WTw1w�w,nr..,vP,IfIClit7viA„nnu�dwu...:....-.,...,..a.:MiliYOLUAtllatiiWCa�wkm„Wf4ki4n,b.Niai7NVn.G «+.nt, ......... .itwk.wdL LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Alvin geinimond has taken a posi- tion with Walker Stores, Ltd: Mr. Morgue',. Minnie St., is it9kaking great improverrte'nts to his house: Raspberry or. Mack ick Currant James, 33c for 40 oz. jai,, at Dominion Stotts, Mr. Wm. Burchirl'll, Kinloss, has pure- chased ur -chased the farm of Mrs,. Jennie Cur-- rie, East Wawanosh;• Mrs. Jas. S. Carr a' 4swded the fun- eral of her uncle, • the ' date Rev. A. G. McLachlin, at. Strad -61,d on Mon- day. The regular meeting oi¢ the Wo - Men's Institute will be held/ in the Coi ncil Chamber. on Thursday. Feb- ruary 27th, at 3 o'clock. • 'Ice Box Cookies" 1 :cap butter e 2 cups sugw;, 3/ cups Purity Flour; 2 eggs; 2 tea- snoons baking powder; flavoring;. 1 cup nuts and satisinsehopped (optional) Make the dough in x soil and keepp it overnight in the ice box or a: cool place.. Slice thinly and bake is a,. quick oven. Best for all Baks",ng Semi 30c for 700 Pacipe Cook Book., Western' Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited. Toronto. - Every; ReEk,Telephone is a Lone Distance Station New Low Meg Still Laver Rates from 7 .m. The reduction in. rates in. January -- the second reduction within a year — makes long distance tele- phone service cheaper than ever. You can make it cheaper still by taking advantage of special low rates which are offered during evening :hours. From 7.00 p.rn. until 8.30 the long distance rate is about twenty-five per cent lower than the day rate. And from 8.30 p.m, until 4.30 a.m. your call will cost you only about half the usual day rate Long distance rates are listed in the directory. If you cannot find the rate you want, ask the Long Distance operator and she will tell you. We want your telephone to be as useful and inexpensive as possible. * Minymuot':;reduced rater Ttrenini' IS° Night -^- '6d WwLYNiNA6�YknuR.,,•, ,... .; •re