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The Wingham Advance Times, 1930-02-06, Page 8
r ■ Cw 17.7 Rd°"?auyW?NWA^'R!A"??nP WINGRAM ADVANCE -TIMES i hpraday, F.ehruary ,6th, 1:9$!1 ' asmaniassiiiimiliiiiii00.10111111011101111111111111101 ■■■ gym... .._.�. ros. reat CONTINUING THROUGHOUTTHE ENTIRE MONTH 1111,, ■ mi ■'. ■ II al II wllltlill�illdll116iul�nl�111®ui■ullllulllll�ln■I(I®III®IiIIwIIIIMiIIY/1�l lrtll:Ull;Illlll�ul■ul■I II@ II■II ■I III■ ■ ■ _ ■ I I I Illiill�■Illmlll�lllrill�rlilYlll■Illlrlll■IIImalilllolll�lllolllmlllsllllillllwlllalll■IIImIIIoIIIMIII■III®Illiilll■IIINIII■III�III�III■III®111■Ill■UI�III■Ill■ IIS II■I I II I I II■ Ililllrl , ■■III■11181111■III■Llllll■Illilll■III,III�If14111r111�111■IIIMIII■Illilll,' X13.50 in "° ■ _ i a t �c Sale o en eac -to ear II III • I SCOTCH WOOL BLANKETS ® i E iii ill h ldre swear 1111 i $10.98 Coats -- Dresses Knitted Goods ■ _ • . • All sizes 4 to 14 years. • DRESSES, C �. _ ANIS' SWEATERS II i __ EVery Garment on the Bargain Counter. I• _ C ■ � Winter Underwear 1 -II _ ■ ■ ■ ■ } ISI` _,.■ N. .. •... ■ _Reducedy All the never$ les Materials and Trim �� All Less ■ V iii II - • — _.■ _ vi,,, J 1' /- — — _.�'�0 °■ ■ 9 ! Y _, 1 I. 1 k5, L'�; r. e -• 1 11�Lll�— _ ■ = Mens Women's Cildren's Com- i> _ , to 1 A �L - - 2 Q S40% ■ ■ ® ° •, , la l UUP ' ry'..r�i ia`� a" banataons or Separate Garments. ®,e6 !� �= gsacrificed,I- _ 9 . e IN min s are to clear .our ■ ■ - - - 7 G E t s t = r — �• ®a P-_ �` �� 4r , Entire Stock = N. ■ _ _ _ i▪ _ BuyThese Specials a - In pure wools, mixture weights _ I aywr ,a i. !■ and combed cottons. ■ - , 4Y/ �. & . 111 _ ■ 11 n mi _ f1Jne moi. © sr ,, ° _ Now i_ y gp _ %; j - <> J I ` ° r All Linen Hand Towellin 17c and 1.9c E' ■ ■ • ■ Ever garment at a big sale price ■ I'l%' 'j f 20 to 50 Per Cent. Off = ,All Curtains and Tlr�.,o;te�� onot a ▪ ■ a P IIIIII! Ili es II iii — 61 _ Il • i1 / r', y. �1 - 25c Check 50 in. Casement Cloths.:..88c 111 —1111■ ■ ■ All. Through the Department ■ heck Lingerie Muslin, 5 yds. for 98c :■ WOOL COVERLETS - �rs�i El $4.50 Velour Draperies, now less 20% W ■ ■ _El AUTO AND ` ° . _ Inch wide6.00 Black all size Corsets ; 60c 1 a ■ II ■ irr LOUNGE RUGS ■ ■Trimming, now ...25c ■ _ _ _ = 45c and 40c Pajama Cloths now less 232c ■ Eng. Purses and Hand Bags ■ Extra Grade Nurser Flannelet PI - - MI ■ ® All Reduced — �.\ _ There never was a better : time to buy styli▪ sh 32 in. Fine Check Ginghams atte • ® �y . g .. Heavy Shirting, assorted stripes at 33c 19c i im 20% ■ �,s - - garments at such Cut Prices. imona hs ' s 0% • All K lot les 2 ■ = i = — -1.00 Remnants, 1 'to 4 yds. ' at Half Price . i ■ Ili■III■III■Ill®!II®III■III■III■III®III■III■il■III■I(I■III■111!111■1111! III■illilllo(11■ll!■III■III■III■IIl■IIl®ILI■III■III •` t = Il- i• ■III■111■Illilll■III■III■III■III■III■IIICIIIiilflllul�lil■III■11181111■III■III■Illilil�lll■III■11181111 u1■III�IiI■III�III■III■III■Illilll■III■Ill■111■III®Ill■ lily' ylllill maiIII■Illilll■III■Ill■III■III■Illmlff•III■Illslllolllmlll■1111 ■ ▪ BOYS' $6.50 MACKINAW COATS $4.25 MADEIRA LINENS 1 II/4 to 1/2 OFF 200 Yd. COTTON SPOOLS 5c 45 POTTER'S ,ENGLISH PRINTS .......29c i ■ X111■ill■III■III■III■III■III■111i1(18llll■m III■ill®IIIIII■III■III■III■11181111■Ill■III■I!l■1i■ill '®InlAul■lu> olid■til■InitmomomommW■illlulmal■f1i■lllsluouimui■WoIiI■III■ul■lu■IN■ I ■ = ■ . 118tlll■Illmu ■III■111!111■III■III■Lllillllllilll BI11®IU■III■Ili■til■III■Ili■Illelll■Illslll0111■111811111111■III®111■fllilll■III■III■Illilll■111m1II II MI m i Fox Scarfs, Suirrel I III Every Fur Coat I i Nemo -Flex - \ Gossard 1-_i I Squirrel NI .. i . i . - ■ .. , and II i Sable Chokers i i • i •' Go 9j a ti - ®. - • Corsets and Accessories ■ FE - ■ New m� dels and styles exclusively. s ■ ■ ALL REDUCED _� ■ 2.- -- s ■ - , - - Never have we offered. such a choice Vf i APRONS, BELTS AND SHADOW SKIRTS. ■ a i • ■ ` ,e": _ : ALL REDUCED ,® k = 20% of the best .Fur Coats. A _ Persian Lamb —i Id al �,� _ = - II i 11 i ® pe ■ Hudson Se a RI,�: 3 ■ ■ CIan i2i a anadian Muskrat — French Seal 3 All ::=Tess Goods and Natural ;iii Cut Prices o Coon ® ■ 2 SILK VELVETS, FLAT CREPES, SATINS, El . , 1Sh � �Se��a�► 'I_ Prices No Object. Every Garment 0. n Sale. :, ..�■ LI - III ill. GEORGETTES and CREPE-DE-CHENES _E- il -al • .. .. Misses' 16 to 20 sizes in Flat Crepes, Satins � ✓ lia -_ - ■ II . REDUCED ® °-' A�asses9, omen's aaad, 6A at Sizes. °$ ;moi , ■ : Navy, Sand, ■ _ ® ',.: :. f° . Red and Blacks' that sell regularly to $25.00. ui ■ • ■ 1 i ® Save $25.00 to $100.00: e •i YOUR CHOICE, EACH 2Qto�g� tO 40% �. ■ ■ ■ _®ii m IN On Tour Purchase Now.s . $10.85 . �' ill ■ Ili■III■Illilll■III■Ill■Ilillil■III■Ill■III■111■III■III■III■III■Illslll®III■III■III®III■III■Illilll■ lil■III■II!®III■III■III■III■III■III■III■III■III■IIImIllstlll■III■III■mflll■III■IIIuIII■111■ 111I(I■111■III■Illilu@Iltl■ Il;�lll■I immuimullrul■IIIISHI ms TIIll1l�llil■III■Ill lu■IIIf im sill■ul�lilaIII■ISI■lu■uiiiln■)a®dial!!■limm ul■ulellif lu�1 : II■ is45cand 40c PYJAMA CLOTH ............32c . 3 North Star COMFORTER BATTS .... .$1.00 75c 5 -STRING BROOMS 39c ALL HORSE HIDE MITTS al ■' ■1118(111■III■Ill■III■III®III■III■1111111■III■III■11■III■I(I■111■11111111 mtumIII®Illilll®III■1111111®Ill®III■IIII�IiI■IllelllmumIII■111®III®III■III■III■III■III■Ili ' i m = ■ iillt111 ■.II■III■III■III■111!111■III■III■III■III®III®III®LII®III®III®III®III■III■11191111■Illilllllll■Illilll)■III■11!811: VIII®III■IJlllll■III■III■III■Illllllilil■Illilll■Illilll■III■Itl■111■II,� ■ C I Fres Groceries • SilitS 1--- i� III .. - . l�eaurful Hrah _ v il ®. Table Linen Dates, s Raisins,as for 25c _ They. _ ■.,•. .NI ■ Seedless 2 lbs. for 25c. _OUt ®e�'� a e..• Corn Syrup, 5-1b. Pail, 3 for . = ■ •® — ■ // ® $1.00 ® ''� •' ` ---1' ; \ �. — 1 a it.. McLaren's Jelly Powders, 4 for 23c •` ` \ = O Sets, Cloths and separate' °pieces, a1S t•_- .1 \ L — from Jahn S: Brown s. All` reduced 20 ° ® it Heinz Tomato Soup, 3 tins 45c — ■ =� 4��!. \ ` s� IN _ % ■' Kellogg's 3 for 25c ° = TheSuits • • • _ _ i g� s Corn Flakes, �, 35c Fancy, Glass T I ■ ■ _ , 1 ' d . J - !ling 23c — ■ i I \\ /� r . ® owe w ....$1.4 ■ ■ • Naptha Soap, aplbs r 25c1•Men's, t s �� ■ . ■ $1.75 ,.and $2:15 Oyster . Linens no 9Kil •® s 3 for Men s, Young'Men s and Youths'Models in the 1n• k I \ �.j �i 75c Oyster 18 in. !tanner Linen, for 58c _ ■ II -74 Choice Black Tea, per lb. 63c ® - a est old countrymaterials,exacting-styles.I ' ' ;i , � I �' _ , ; 25c All Linen Tea Towels .: .._...19c ® September Cheese, per lb. 28c = i cut in the most ./ \ / v $1.85 EmbroideryLinen ■ _t t .. . --"-a. ■$1.39 • ■ ® ® Campbell's Tomato Soup, 2 tuffs for 25cNI �1 ■ Buy them now'less 20% and more. ! l• 1 $2 Browns' Super Dish Towelling 89 i — 5 Stan Corn Brooms 39c �� _ s$2.50Alllinen Sheetin r"�, b ® ru ii g,now.$1:89Silver Gloss Starch, 2 for 25c �� ■Infant's Delight Soap, 4 for23 SI l'%` i� r HandTowels,8atnTowelstizdlVlatS■/ 11▪ : all reduced 20% ■ - Comfort Soap, ger bar ■ N� c« '� �i"t s _ ■ �� —/Overcoats _ - Lux, 3 pkgs. for • 29c ®:., ,; _ ,r /� ■ °' — ■ 1 ■ Pure Clover Honey, 5=1b. pail for 54c - ° �i ? . . . / l w�_ I' ■ new Ulsters, Town Coats and Guard's - ■ h All the d s - ' Ill: a ■ is w Leather - Men's Models, Navy ' Wh�tneys,, Barrymores, Tweeds, •- rials made b:$ Cverchecks and Friezes, in sizes up to 48. OnE SHIRTS. in i • ii- .FUR COATS. sale less20E to 40 per: cent. ' io All Overcoats and Suits in sues from 8 to 15 years, are in this ALL LEss or 111 Forsyth, Strand and Stewart. . ili 1 i 1111 sale. Buy there now when the big sailings are on. _ .— v iii a, i :it I Ill�fllllfl ousil ii11r111M of imffi iiuLMIU1 ui81111118ii1■i■ �(omolowi 11811 I otifi r 1■Il IIII 1■ 118 l iI i ■ -, ■ (L!� � M i I I II I II1(II IIIIIII■IIiNIIII1fII�IIIAlilllllll■IIIIIti,11�111111Mr11181111■IIIMIII�IuI■Illllllllll■Illllil■Illl�llllllll�illll � r � II I ■1111111�111i11111111■Illilll■III■illll.l■ III- 1111MI1fililwlil�11111111�11■Clllll■III■IIIMIII■1x111■IIIiIUlllw ■ '. ■ ANNUAL SALE VEN'1" EVERY WEEKDAY 15 A SALE D Y. . . - i' ■ o�� BIG � BARGAINS' ,CONTINUE ,�1=�� WHOLE �oN�r rIr .r�r ,..i�l�,,rrr� :r�r. ..w.rr�r .rte. a:,rr .W. , . - .�.r _ ,i� �I■�. ir�■r iflr. Irl■► ,rte .�. _11 s' Wear • • ■ ■ ALL LESS sssns saws siswsormaasMISS Jt ltiMllii�