HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-02-06, Page 5WING AM ,ADVANCRsFUMES Thursday, February 6th, _1930' ' V !1& v sw am!l>`a w J mJ... f/J:WJlr41 %lLhV4 4 4'W me JtblJ ont,tr JIt:/7 \" J: WJIMI:\74i�AL\�/J' SPECIALISTS IN CANADIAN MINING AND OILE" I'I -•' AN S CURT "�S S. TAYLOR. . ' CO. — Limited STOCKBROKERS ' Gregory Block, Josehine St, Wingha , Phone 37 T. J. McLean, Local Mgr. ]. V. Collins, Member Standard Stock and Mining Exchange. e. T ad Office: 8-10 KingSt.W.,Toronto. �e „ Other Offices: Montreal, Hamilton, Owen Sound, Trenton, Walkerton. IC iteP1'aiarr ir•11fntYintri`fteM1tmairlittriairaW i iitSaiarenaaragetreatir\1sa1'Pierliairriefieliiii\1A'Pealitekarki •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••� • ■ ■ ■ 111TRE•. LYCEUM `'T' A . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■February6 7 and 8 ■ • Saturday, Thursday, Friday, S y, ,■ ■McCOY •■ TIM• ■ ■ ■ • In •• ,, ■ ii 9f ■ ■ THE DESERT RIDER O ■ A Storyof Pioneer Days. ■ ■ ■ • ■ • O ■ ■ MI ▪ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 10, 11, 12 ■ II ■ • ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ M MILTON SILLS • • ■ In -- � "THE CRASH" p A Dramatic Railroad Picture. •., ■ • WINOHAM COUNCIL Mayor Fells .extended greetings and conig ratulatidns to' 'Councilor 'Fred Davidson, who took his seat at the, Cduncil Board for the, " firer titrate on 1' ". f h. Monday evening, assuring ng arna a the hearty co-operation of the Council and the town officials, ,Goold; Roads Association sought the membership, of,. Wingham council, with its annual' fee of $15.00, This organization is perhaps closer to the Public Highways Department in Tor- onto, . than any other organization, and .any recommendation sponsored by it gets careful consideration. At the forthcoming convention the mat- ter of . customs tax, rebate on good road machinery will be considered, in addition to a re -adjustment of reven- ue for road purposes. On motion 'of Messrs, Elliott and McGillivray it was decided to join the •Association this year. Finance Committee reported favi or on a large number of accounts;' not a few of which were for charity. Reeve . McKibbon estimated that Wingham would receive a rebate of $40.00 from the County, fines paid for piosecutions instituted by town officialsfor infractions of the High- way Act. Council authorized Cemetery Com- mittee to install a new card index A Cake and PastryExpert sa •s Y "Since Purity is a"strong, rich flour, with great expanding qualities use 1 tablespoon less per cup if your cake recipe calls for ordinary pastryor soft wheat flour. If it calls for milk, use half milk and half water (luke-warm) with Purity. New Recipe for Flaky Pie Crust For two pie shells use 2 cups Purity Flour, % teaspoon salt, % cup shortening % cup cold water. Mix flour and salt, cutting in the shortening until the mixture is like ,fine meal. Mix thoroughly with the water. Roll out thin, keeping it quite dry. For extra rich pastry use half butter and half lard. Send 30c for Purity Flour Cook Book. Western Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited Toronto, Ont. 96R Still the Best for Bread system for the Cemetery, which will provide an accurate and convenient record for every plot in the Cemet- ery. The present system leaves a' lot So the caretaker and Clerk, and lacks a lot of word information. The new system will cost about $125.00 and should be taken are of by the cite - rent year's revenue. Councillor Davidson was . added to Property and Fire Committees, . Mayor Fells Reported that a wait- ing room, heated by a small stove, had been• erected at C.P.R. scales for accommodation and shelter of the weighmaster, By-law was put through appoint- ing David McGill assessor for 1930; at a salary of $275.00. Clerk read the report of the audi- tors,• which was adopted on ihotion Of Councillor- Elliott and Reeve Mc- Kibbon. Total receipts were $135,- 145.68; and expenditure $6781.83 in excess. There are $2165.05 uncollect- ed taxes, which should reduce the'de- ficit to $4616.78. The amount still due on the loan to the Farmers' Fer- tilizer Co., accounts for the shortage. Public School Board has a surplus of $855,80, and' the- High School Board $1038.83. Public Library ended the year with $22.47 to the good,and the Utilities Commission $1177.95. The I-lv_dro Shop showed a net profit of $996,32. Officials are bonded in re- cognized agencies for satisfactory accounts. Insurance . to amount of $210,300 is carried on various town properties. The Sinking Ftuid increased $5801.- ,11, during the year, when $4712.52 was paid out, leaving a balance on hand of, $53,885.06,. This is invested in revenue producing debentures and bonds and cash. During the 12 years the Cemetery has been administered on a perman- ent cartbasis, a handsome balance of $6923.23 has accumulated, which is prudently invested. Another evidence of careful financ- ing is seen in Consolidated .Debcn- ture "E11 issued as litmus to the Salt Bo ,'English Y'Know Patty iia whieh Miss Edith Kings-; ton D daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. ,Anthony J, D. Jr, makes her 'bow to `society, in New York with dinner, ancl' supper dance, costs approximately $50,000. Expen- ses:include special rain few guests , froth' Philadelphia,—Philadelphia Pa- per. Boys Who Made Good A to �'r:a Ai of the Kansas :penis tcntiary of which Frank Hamilton and Stewart Byes, sent to prison from this county, are incinbers.,.,•has' just f'been received by Sheriff Georg e, H e- song, from 3ycs. Hamilton )etfcrns on the banjo while Byes -plays the trombones The two are also members of the penitentiary band,ford Scott P g Thnes. u Lil ij We Sell Travellers' Cheques They assure safety ; and Convenience in carrying money while cravellintg and are 11CC every- where. ever - where, sale at ,n ForY Branch. 8stablisbtrd 1871 • ,140 ;1 A. M. lir ishop, Branch Mgr,, Winghtltn to their property at the "rear, and hence the request for about 20 feet of this lane to be declared an open street, The town hall property runs to within about three feet of the store property, and naturally they wish to protect themselves against future possible building that might encroach too close to their property, and cut them .off from getting in or out. Council will deal with the mat- ter, at, 'next 'meeting. NORTH HURON COUNTY I, O. L,. North Huron County I., O. L. held its regular annual meeting in Wing - ham Orange Hall, on Tuesday after- noon, about 60 members- in attend- .anter representing the 18 Primary Lodges of the County, • it was decided not to hold a 12th of July celebration in North Huron this' year but the lodges of the coun- ty will probably join 'with South 'Hitr- on in their celebration at Bayfield. • After the regular routine business the following resolution was unani- mously adopted::' "Whereas there is a determined ef- fort being made by the. Roman Cath- olic Heirarchy and representatives of Seperate, Schools in the Province of Ontario 'to procure a larger propor- tion of school taxes paid by corpora- tion and Limited 'Companies within the prolvvince, for Separate School pur- poses, • And, whereas, it has been publicly stated by leading clergymen .of the Roman Catholic Church that the Gov- ernment of Ontario was favorable to the change; Be it therefore resolved that the members of this County Orange Lod- ge of 'North. Huron in regular session assembled do . hereby'protest against any cliange in the school laws of the Province, which would. grant ' to the separate schools, any concessions, other than those already agreed to in the British North America •Act. And 'further, that we petition the Government of the Province of On - will be held in the United Church tarso to consider the advisability of received a large shipment of this cel- on Monday evening ,February 10th. ebrated medicine. repealing all the previous amend - Well and the C..1'..R., amounting to $11,000, maturing in 1937. There is noa;' sufficient in the sinking fund to cover this, and only the interest will .required raised for this ac- be rc.gt t cul to be cd count until date of payment. 'There is also sufficient funds on hand to take care of $9000 sewer and sewer completion debenttti•es, and $6000 waterworks debentures. , Waterworks Department spent $7,- 938.98 no: repairs to pumphouse and dant repairs, of which the town will be liable for $2789.60, and debentures will be isstm(L This department had a deficit of ,$1929.19, 'Cite Auditors state that as hereto- fore, they hiun(i everything in con- nection with the^ Treasurer's act't,lt-nts in good shape and all valuable clocu- nicnts properly safeguarded. The clot stic,n of adequate inatirancc i•rotcctiun carne up infnrnl:ally, tht' haling being that there was n+,t .uf- fie'icrlt. .\ survey ('f the propa rti, s is to be 'tinkle, and the matter dealt with at special meeting t the ' cuuni•i1. Tho icncn [fall only rnrrtt_ $2f1,000, and fire Ball and rtint( nts, th2800. 'Them•. is `5000 on tht l:ee tili er i'lanit and 100 fin nlaChinerv' hall. C'oirneil bri+. (l • considered ai;jllira- tine-'frniii Walker Stores, 1.1111ted In declare tine riettla"i(V or lain north of their prop. rty, front Iosephthe 1(> Edward Streets, an open, : eii•t•et, anti_ again deferred action, There art SCV- cral peculiar angles to this 'matter. When the townagreed with the Fed- Oral Government t,, have the :Artuunr lesbuilt, a permanent right of nay 01'1 :three sides of•:ihe buildint was given. This is extended to itractical- iy the renin" Of tinct town hall, Walker Stores 'hitch, '(le'.iie ttltf(•'(tric4,,,l aeeess I3LUE'VALE The regular meeting of the 'W.' M. S. of the United Chul'cfj ,;was held at the parsonage with the president, Mrs. B'dward Johnston in the 'chair. Af- ter Mann' led 'prayer. ter singing-, Mrs, Man in The treasurer, Mrs. J. Masters, and the various secretaries gave their re- ports for the year 1929, Sixteen mem- bers were present and the roll call was responded to 'by the payment of the annual fee. Miss Beatrice Thorn- ton was the leader in the synopsis of the new study book, "Froth Jerusa- lem to Jerusalem," and the different speakers were Mrs. Edward Barnard, Mrs, Jos. Breckenridge, • Mrs. L. H. Bosman and Miss. M. Collie. Mrs. Jos. Curtiss read the devotional leaf- let, "Pentecost", a fulfilment. Mrs. Robert Shaw volunteered to take the study book for the February meet- ing, which will be held. at her home. The meeting was then closed by all repeating the watchword. Gordon Messer is around'again af- ter being. under the doctor's care for some time. David Patton has improved suffic- iently to allow: the nurse to leave, His many friends hope he will soon he well again. Mfrs. Ronald Nicholson and child- ren of. Oakeville,' Manitoba, spent a few days of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Chris. Hetherington. Mr, Wni.. Branton' is ' confined to his bed this week`, Mrs. Robt. Aitchison spent a few days with relatives at Guelph. Mr. Wm. T. Elliott of Wroxeter spent a couple. of days with friends here this week. The many friends of Mr. David Pat- ton will be'pleased to hear he"is im- proving after being seriously ill the past few weeks. Mr. Thos. Johnston is quite ill and LOCAL FIRM AWARDED VALUABLE :FRANCHISE Local citizens` who have, heard of, the results Which have been ac,col a- plished by Sarl;on; will be interested in the announcen'tent that this new scientific formula can�now be obtain- ed in this town. Sargon was introduced in the Un- ited States in April 1928. •Since that time it has become a nationally - known, nationally -advertised product. Not in recent years,, perhaps, has any other medicine of its kind attained such widespread popularity, and.: were it not for the actual facts and' figures given. out by some ,of the leading drug firms of America, the suecess attained by this product would be hard to believe,. Sargon is now being introduced in Canada, .and a new, modernly equip- ped plant has'been established in On- tario to take care.of the rapidly grow- ing demand throughout the Domin- ion. In awarding the local agency, the manufacturers of Sargon' are carrying out their established policy -of con- fining the sale to one thoroughly re- sponsible and centrally located drug firm in each city, and wherever in- troduced the Sargon 'store will be found to be' one of the leading and most representative. Such firms are always anxious and willing to co-op- erate with the manufacturers of vier-• itorious products, especially interna- tionally known products of proven merit. Sargon was recently introduced in Toronto, Hamilton, London and oth- er cities in Ontario ,and judging from the large' initial sales and. the repeat business it has enjoyed, it now seems a forgone conclusion that the success attained by Sargon in the United Sta- tes will.be duplicated in Canada. In the leading cities of the United States some of the insist prominent men of the country have been among the hundreds who have come forward to tell what Sargon has done for them, and many thousands have used it with the most gratifying results. Human nature is the same the world over, and when suffering men and wo- men find a medicine that helps them, they want to tell their friends about it, and in this way Sorted is rapidly under the doctor's care at the home becoming known throughout the en - of Mr, Johti Johnston, 1st line Mor- tire American Continent, The exclusive agency for• Sargon ri5 and Sargon Soft Mass fills for this Miss Rebecca Mather spent a few days with relatives at Whitechurch. The annual Congregational meeting town and section has been awarded to the firm of 3. Walton McKibbon. In anticipation of the extraordinary demand, this well known firm has just •relents to the Act, which grant special privileges to the separate school, all of which in the opinion of this Coun- ty Lodge have been to the detriment and at the expense of the Public The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Association will be held at the parsonage on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. (Rev.) Mann and Mrs, Stanley Gallaher will act as hostesses. Miss Ethel Mathers of Brussels, schools of the Province. was home for the week -end. And further, that a'copy of this re- Mr. Alex. Elliott spent Sunday with solution be sent to the Minister of his family at Durham. Education, the sitting member for Mr. Alex MacEwen visited friend North Huron and The Orange Sen- Hat St. George this week. tine[," I Mr. Flein9ng 13lack spent Monday The election of officers for the en--; ,tt Toronto. suing year resulted as follows: • , Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Thompson of County Master — j. V. 'Haines, IWingham spent Sunday at the hone Wingham. I of their son, George. Dep. Master—Chas. Stewart, Blyth. Mrs. A. McGee and W'm, McGee Chap. -jos. Hamilton, Walton. and I\1:r•. and Mrs. Geo. Thornton Rec. See'y. C. R. Copeland, Wine- S d 1 1 f' M Ilona, and Mrs. Wm. Thornton. Fin. Secy, 1. V. Pattison, Bel- Quite a number of Qrautgenten grave. ifroin here attended the County naeet- l;ect. f;ter,—\Vn. i\Iole, Dungannon. Ling held at Wingham on Tuesday af- -Thos. Wheeler, Winghatl.t. 1' rternuotl, Dep. Lect•—Robt. McMurray, Bel -1 The February meeting of the \\ o larave• linen's Association will be held an Marshall—Jos. Taman, Myth. 3 . Thursday evening, Feb, 13th, in the 1+ Auditors—D. L. Weir, . Wroxetcr.,<arestcr's Hall. This is the annual1'. W. Scott, Belgrave. open meeting and. the community is spent . un ay at t )e tome o r. Wanton. Madrap Captain Orlebar, this British speed demon, who recently flew' in that wonderful new plane at the rate of 368 miles an hour, is said to be about the best croquet -player in England. We knew there was a wild streak in him somewhere—Los Angeles Times, Correcting his aim—The driver 'of the machine said he swerved his au tom.obile to avoid missing ' the wo- man's husband,—Elgin Courier News BELGRAVE WHITRCI'I.URCH Miss Norah Falconer spent laat Falconer Calvert a of ui+eels with Mrs. e I a iCulross. Miss Norma Murray is visiting with Mrs, Gibson Gillespie. The Scotch Concert whieh was to have been on Wednesday last was postponed on account of 'storms and the resulting bad roads and is being put on in the Institute Hall on Fri- day, February- 7th, At the same time an autograph quilt will be sold. The young People .ofthe United Church are holding a Valentine .eon-. cert -social in the Sunday • School room on Monday evening next, Mr. and Mrs. Robert I'urdon en- tertained a number. of their neighbors and relatives an Friday evening last. A sleigh -load from Wingham spent a happy evening at the home of lir, and Mrs. Cecil Falconer one evening last week. Mrs, Lovatt and daughter of Clin- ton are visiting with her mother, Mrs. McBrien. Miss, Becky Mathers of Weliwyn, Sask., and her cousin, .Mr. Wesley 13arberree, of Acton, visited for a few days s last week at the home of their Y, ' i cousin,: Mr. W. R. I'atrier, Mr. George Webb of West Wawa - nosh is very low with Pleuro : pneu- monia, and, his family have all been called home' owing to the serious na- ture of his illness. Mr, Webb has been confined' to his bed for some weeks, Mr. William Falconer of Z.angs'ide visited on Friday with 1\ r• and Mrs. James Falconer.; Mr. Harry Chainney, who has been very ill this winter is recovering nice- ly now, and has been able to call on some of his neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer, and babe, and Miss Norah Falconer, also Mr. and Mrs. Lester Falconer of Cul- ross spent a day last week with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Falconer of Blaevale. Mr. Charlie Martin loaded two cars of pressed hay here last week. Miss Martha Clifton of Lucknow is visiting for a few days` with Miss Ida McQuoid, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGee spent the week -end at the home of his par- ents, here. Mr. Jin.[ Culbert of Lucicnow is pressing hay at Mr. Wm, Dawson's. Mr. Russel Grant spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. David ' Currie. Mr. Blake Gaunt visited last week with his sister, Mrs. Wilber Nichol- son of Auburn. Miss Mary Lott of Brussels is here visiting with her sister, Mrs. David Farrier. Mrs. James 'Cornelius, also Miss Sarah Garubtt have, not been as well as their many friends would like to see them. Mr. Robert Kirk, an uncle of Mrs. J. D. Beecroft, passed away at his home at Cantle, 13. C., on Jan. 10th. He was formerly a resident of Dun- gannon, anon, but had lived in the West for over twenty years. Mrs. Will Ly - A very successful oyster supper was held by the Belgrave Farmers' Club 1 on Friday evening in the Forester;'. Hall, when there was a good attend - a nce. After all had done justice to the tables a splendid t bl program e'ram was on: of Londesboro is, a daugliter. given, with the ptc it[ent, StewartC ldr. and Itis. John:Falconer spent Procter in the chair. is day this wecl: witMIr. and Mari. The program which opened withLester falconer of chtalross. community singing consisted of the fullotutng numbers: tiin >ele tiot - \rdelville Beecroft of \ extern ASHFIELD by Athol Bruce, acconlarird by \.g. University spent 'the week -end of last „eek at his Heinle in East \\'aw•anush. Mr. and 'Mrs. Cy ril Campbell auri little son, Narry, spent Friday with Mrs. Campbell's brother, Mr. Rouls- t4'. ton, near Ripley, and instrumental music. The chair. vt ' a I Mr. John Waldie of Acton preach - withOS17, tit?t.ltt friday C\°'En111 k, t _---,-----_,- --._t tf the 1 tt ' parents, 'Mr and tett ret Tti.11( 1 tcsbyte tusked to be present and help make the evening 0, success. .The young Penni('of .firotvntown will present the playlette "Mix well and servt " There 111 he some slt(.,rt addresses, vocal MIr. and Mrs. A ndrew Gaunt, 'West 'ill be occupied by, the Rev, Mann. wl i 17 it t•r• 5 a. • Mfrs. Sam Sherwood. •Hat lochs' on Sunday. 1 lir .and Mrs. Roger Oke were Sun Mr, and Mrs. Jim Sherwood, near with• for- day visitors In the village. Crewe, spent Saturday the Speer 14 r. and Mrs. \\-i11 of Morris 1 a 1 l . flier's I<trcnts, Mr. and Mrs. _Sam Sherwood. Ispent Monday at the home of Mr. Born= -'To \fr. and Mrs. Herb Stn- land firs. Peter King. Mrs. King is 'hero south of Dungannon ori 'able to be around attain a{t('I her t , a son, u Friday, J'ala, 31. Coegratulatittnsirarent illness, airs, .\1<'x Hackett is Spedding 0 I 'CIV days with 1lrs, 11crb. Stothert.. GLENANNAN bars. 'Jack Emmerson, near .lain- `— lough, .spent a couple of • days last ".1'n)an{ritrnds, of blr. Allie l,in- week with her parents, Mr. and 1'frs, cola lie 1t ill bye pleased• io beta ural he Ranh Xix(lu, near f1(1fast, is improving. Miss Marine 1-:fack5lr,,ty, who has'Miss 1.4'da \\initis spear a fury days been ttssistin;g Mrs, 1). K. \l', n for lastweek with [ter aunt, .Airs, W. 11. It. Few tnnntirs, Setnrnt-d to her hunt(•, Marshall* l0tht con. laittlnss, ,\ little girl has Lorne to '•lad([(11 [ties Kennedy, 11,0u. \khit.'11n1Ali, the he,nle of 'Mr. and 41i's. Chester spent :t {(w days with In -r sister, Mee. 11LI111.in, "t,'»113(l'rttllal." i5,,, Hogan, 10t11 cots - (Jilin- a tttlunht'r from Otis 411 mhatl•'- Mr. an(l'.bits. Si([n,} htrtiuseiu ar(tl ,1yy011'11'1i(1 1113' ir„ztr 11'111'1'1 11 lililc ,(171, 1)01111(1, i'f 1,n11d('11, at'e \I�• •1i<,'!1.(' of Nit'. ant MN, • 1'adctit Il'eewi:14 ilin:z tritli lir f+erits,hl`.s harem—, '314 l'ri fay iri;rh1 \il rt.11(r1 .1 ;'••.(1 )1r. ;is1,1 \Ifs• '11''411 s I'creu•.nn, IOth 10(10 \lr :Marshall Ilrecl,,'nri(l ' con, , 4nlilaspent ilte.. [:Mist 1'1ok with ni+ hr.,ibt•r, \Lr. \Viilianl n.rvel ree-41y,. Mrs. \'stn. \1 cit. also los \\'illi,,[ Head 5 ` t{t%' I; /' Beoncltial W is "' V 4 Colds I• You wall bless RAZ -MAH No matter ter vs hat lyon've tried, don't (lest o i iso RAZ -MAIL . Mr. James ] oreat, New hamburg, Ont.,'iviites,: "1 W6,9 much ul'ft^rted With Asthma for yca:s, One day 'Bev. Ds II. Brand recommended •RA -MAH... It has a wonderful effect. The first dose gave me relief." Guaranteed relief frons $1. worth or your money back.No 'baneful drugs, !Wand $1 Boxes at your dealer's, 163 100 W1410W Mad buy' Y`ra>snefale•ton's J t ul6641 1(1u,11 tit tlu• [1 (1(14 ,,1 141r. n11(1 11r Thtolna Mr. and 11 r•t. 1)i(:f. ('1i113trnt ait(I 1;1* ditr,htor ttc?'c Sun(la. tisfl((1s I•tvilh 11141 latter's patents, 'Ir. an(1 'Airs, h, 3 l)uirelas, iielnn<:•rts Bruce at tate piano; vocal solo by Maitland H.cnry, accompanied by his • ratter, Mrs. R. Henry: pit're•, duct, l SCHOOL REPORT Miss Nora Van Camp and Ars. C. ( I \\'ade; a dance by four :,mall iris with; Miss Walton accompanying; sl short address by Art Wilson of'Wini.t- Report of U. S. S. leo. 14, West 'Wave:mush for January. V. Laura Martin 65%, .Sr. I\', Kam:tetlt Laidlaw 72%, I l- bam; vocal solo by Mr. R. Winters,' ,oy Laidlaw f 1dr�• . -with Miss S. Cole accompany; Igor musicalJr. I\'. Clifford l'urdbn 73;i, Rod - selection by J,, M, C1*uitt"st ,. �.:r Inglis o1/r.. violin Miss Cela Coultt s,guitar, and'Sr. IIL Russell farrier 62%, itu- Mrs. J. M. Coulters, piano: an address; 'by Airs. Benson. of Toronto; a Inure- sclia Guest 57%°, Jr, Olive t tut dn �w l Il. t,t r%, Jack ber by Miss Nora \�anC'amp, Mrs. :�?,7 Geddes, Mrs. G. A, Jortlan and 1411s.IInglis 59';i lfary (Must 55%, l'atar- San,, Cole, leen 1'ur(lrnr 54';i, 1)1ek Guest 'I; The program ov:as 1)rntt> ht t+, 3I II.. Muriel l'urden 54%, G,,rd(±n ,‘...lose with singing the N;tti,,nal in t.aid',iw 52r,1. 1. 'r xlt tl in sialling only, Roil ifs..')) Pale!: Iso',t, Ernest l cet'r(=(t' :9';• ['writes t;m ;i Pr. (heal, l) 'hold M[artitr, Pauline ;lrr_li-: fair. (sill Martin. t:,.. N. ,11 1',,11 20, tosannse, aftceidtul,•l' i thein, Thr euchre and dance held by the 'business nu•11 of the village list week In -ea nut as well attended as it [flight 'have been, ,,n ater,t'111 '0 the 'te'l'l (04 (1it(•r and road c„ndilians, r, those NOD, were 1'1'.(131 splint !a 141 0 enjoy shit" time. The le not, f "ti:( ct,.1)i1( t.t•re Al 11 by ;NI re, 1. 1',. Ur( allntr, ;,r(i 11:1x' (v t ,;r•lc. Niise Elle=, sp, n.?fi,;, ru( 1111),' with her shot r, :Ors, 'i \ne".'er end aiee 'Basta, in "1' ,st, 1'105. Sirimhe .9l� 0- frit"r•1e\itte aft••,. a ('411`4111 illi ,'.45, :\L 1I ;rtni and eons, Billie, mid 1in'k. 1)14' 'peaditte 0 (,'tv don's ttiih Tet 1 tier1 j, t', ntl,d \!: ran(rs+., 11,11 'auburn, Charles - R. (,,(11t& ahi1Hut1 a::11r Inatl :1f t' iltle lo Ful,+lll1, (,11 5:11110. . day 1(11(1 7F. 515t',tldill .1 the tt't', 14 end:11 iter city. 1 1- f'iaehelt. Ora IN QUICKEST TIME KNOWN • Skaters! 1/o y(;11 I:nntc that 14' Itrl. "Saresar r,rrtcers,torptonths,l)octors ~[.anis are not (nily'shar)(n('d, but fel- 1 to 11..;;.4. hen'Soottla.S 1vtt'heale(l i 1 thernlnfotvdal's."bulosSimard. "Sootha- tr 14):. I'fi(4 00^(y"1't)11113,''t'1'Itl1 ''1 f111is11 tit ! 5a1C'h heals Sores, nngk. bolts,[intros. r,cat<ls; eczema, Utes mutt? Atl dru(<gts(s, (.1 veer±s.-shr>tr'i(',v(o •ir t tit . . „(4 O 1 clicafiesi eili(d stir - tet way '1ta lkl'i(';'Cl \`i'il1'ter (g;yS IS <_a 1\ t: '14`( nitro lil,'I3S 3b tlil '1v' t:lole of (17 a„tt rs� a2(1 re ',(2.egs Sold by all da,d5 rri Write for !Pratt¢Poultry Boole..Frree PRATT FOOD l a., of Canada ;Ltd.. .328 C.i,rlt.w Ave., 'Toronto 8, Ont. , it