HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-01-30, Page 7r{; SIT Thursday, January 130th, 1984) WINGUAM ADVANCE -TIME$ m. visM_ litantstin ialll£t111ammiIriII�IIainauticomiliaonancitsI1nnamimin�imina Miall l t • V POULTRY WANTED .. . ., t.N. ..c i ,11 , • 1,111. OR, DRESSED ....s ,.. We have just installed modern equipment ,E for dressing poultry, and are now in a position to 1 11. ;fa handle live poultry in large quantities. WE PAY HIGHEST.MARKET PRICES -- Call 166 Poultry Taken Any Day. Brinlg Us Your Eggs and Cream. i a Wellington ProduceCo.,O. Ltd. = W. B. THOMPSON, MANAGER Phone 166 - Wingham Branch. 9A1IH111i111101911111it1111111111111011110111®111®111®III®1110111®111®1111111161111&til 11111111111®llI®lllvlil■ill111h HEALTH SERVICE Of The CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOC- IATION WHY SHOULD BIRTHS BE REGISTERED? There is a law •in every province which requires the registration of 'births, and, as a rule, the partial re- sponsibility for such registration rests -upon the parent. Whether or not the parents are held responsible by law,. theyshould see that the provincial. .requirements are met because for the following reasons, it is in the interest •vf the new-born child that the birth he registered. It is through registration of births and deaths that a check is kept upon health conditions. The cause of -deaths, the undue prevalence of dis- ease, the results of health work can only be ascertained from such fig - awes. The public health organization 'depends upon these statistics, and as its efficiency is a matter of import- ance to each inidvidual, in that pro - lection from disease and the •attain- nnent of health depend so largely ttp- nn this public service, each citizen should clo his part in seeing that such necessary reports as birth registra 'tions are made to the proper author- ities. If the child's birth is not register- ed, he may be hampered in adult life, because birth certificates are now de- manded for: 1. Proof of citizenship in order to have the right to vote; to ob- tain a passport for travelling out- side the country, 2. Proof of age: this is required by insurance companies before claims can be settled; as evidence oaf a child's having reached school age; as evidence of age where -work certificates are required, or 'to prove that age when work cer- tificate is required has been pass- ed; to prove age for enlistment in the army; to prove age in connec- tion with marriage. 3. Establishment of identity and parentage; to prove right to an in- heritance. Many more reasons might be giv- en, such as age for a motor driver's license, and age for old age pensions, but enough have been mentioned to establish clearly that frotn the stand- point of both the community and the in dividual, birth registration should never be neglected. A moral and leg- al ' obligation' rests upon parents to. see that the birth of their child is. properly registered. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation,184 College Street, Toron- to, will be answered personally by letter. VISIT THE LAND OF SUNSHINE Some people travel extensively — Ocean cruises to far countries, Eur; ope, etc. Why not spend a few mon- ths this winter in California, the land ofsunshine and play, where climatic conditions are unexcelled the year 'round. A fascinating country of much charm, mountainscenery of great grandeur, colorful deserts, splendid cities and beautiful beaches where bathing is the universal pas- time. Golf, tennis and polo are also very popular while yachting, fishing and hunting can be enjoyed to the full. Dancing in the warm moonlight nights for those who choose. • When visiting California travel one or both ways via the Canadian Rock- ies and stop over at Vancouver and Victoria, Superb hotels, fine golf courses and magnificent scenery en route male this well worth while. Full information, literature etc. will be gladly supplied by any Canadaian Pacific agent. Herbs to Heal Those Sore, Sick Bronchial Tubes Gallagher's Indian Herbal Remedy comes right from the Heart of Nature Don't be miserable all Winter. If you're subject to Bronchitis or similar ills apt to pick up a nasty, clinging cold or cough, be sensible, start now taking Gallagher's Indian Herbal Remedy. It is composed solely of healing herbs. A natural remedy. Perfect for killing off a nasty cough or cold or bronchial ailment. A genuine blood enricher and body builder. This and other reliable Gallagher Herbal Household Remedies now for sale by >tos J. W. McKibbon, Wingham J. N. Allen Wroxeter 1 Wash Day. Is Easy Now Particularly if you have amodern Condor Elec- tric Washer in your home. No tearing ° of clothes, no back -break- ing work. ack-break-ingwork. Just fill the tttb with hot watery drop in the clothes, turn a switch and the work is done. i Wingham Utiiiti Crawford Block. s Co mission Phone 156. "I'KE PfirrATU 4.10.0ABMUL To. Bea Common Feature of English Gauntry House.. In a few years the prltvate air - garage will be a con pion feature of the English :country house, There are some 200 owner -pilots of light planes, and many of them ,are con- templating building air -garages, says a eorz espondent of Toronto. Saturday Night A comparatively small han- gar is needed for this type of ma- chine, ae the wings call be made to fpldback along the body, Hotels and golf clubs are ' alsobeing approached to provide landing space and han- gars for their clients arid members, while the Automobile Association is busily organizing facilities for the motorist -airplane owner. The Duchess of Bedford, who re- cently made air history by flying to India and back in a week, has built an .air garage for her Moth airplane at her new ..country home at Sted- ham, near :Midhurst, Sussex. "WiS- pers" is the picturesque name of the beautifulhouse i old half-timbered red which the duchess is having modern- ized. A large field beside the house has been laid out as a landing ground, while a hangar and huge pe- trol tank to hold several hundred gallons of fuel have been built. Fre- quently the villagers see the duch- ess's tiny airplane drop out of the blue, plane gracefully down to make a neat landing, and taxi up to its garage. Out jumps the duchess with agility which is .amazing for a wo- man of sixty-three. She strolls'acrbss to the house to see the progress the workmen are making while her Moth is being refuelled, and then flies off to be back in London for lunch. "In these days a landing field and a hangar are as necessary to a coun- try house as an ordinary motor gar- age," declares the duchess. "That is why, when I took over my new house, I insisted on having a landing ground. I have had it made large enough to house a larger machine which I may buy in the future." This is the second landing owned by the duchess, for she frequently alights at Woburn. Abbey, her • Bed- fordshire seat, where she can taxi her machine up to the front door of the house. EMPIRE DAY. Was Virtually Established In 1893 by the Late Lord Meath. Lord Meath, who died in London recently, will always be chiefly re- membered as the founder of the Em- pire Day movement, in Great Britain at any rate. It was in 1890 that the idea first occurred to him, says the Toronto Saturday Night. His atten- tionwas arrested by public ignorance of Imperial affairs, and he at once set to work to put this right. Lord Meath used to claim that Empire Day was virtually established in 1893, when he gave £50 to the London School Board for the purchase of Union Jacks to back up the teaching of Empire history. May 24 was fixed upon as Empire Day because it was the birthday of Queen Victoria, and this helped to recommend the move- ment to the Dominions. The celebration of Empire Day took root in Canada about 1897, af- ter agitation by Mrs. Fessenden, of Hamilton, Ont., who had indepen- dently coneei7ed the same idea, and by the time that Australia gave offi- cial sanction to it in 1905 nearly all the overseas Dominions had taken it up. Official recognition of Empire Day in Great Britain was withheld until Imperial rolationships were more deeply stirred by the war. It was a proud day for Lord Meath when in 1916 the Marquess of Crewe announced in the House of Lords that the King had officially sanction- ed the observance of Empire Day by ordering the Union Jack to be flown on all .public buildings within the United Kingdom on May 24. It is estimated that Empire Day is now formally celebrated in at least 75,000 of the Empire's schools. Bested Bernard Shaw. The latest story about George Bernard Shaw concerns the secretary of a women's labor organization, who wrote asking him if he would be kind enough to present to the members a copy of his new book on Socialism. Shaw scribbled at the foot of her let- ter a note •to the effect that if the members couldn't find between them the money to buy his book he was hanged if he'd give it to them. The indignant secretary threw the letter into her wastepaper basket. Then, a little later, she had a brain wave. She retrieved the crumpled missive, smoothed out the creases with a hot iron, and took it to 'a well-known London dealer, who bought it from her for five guineas. Then she went to a bookseller's shop, and bought a copy of the book with a smallpart of the money she had received. Near Enough. Husbands are hard to come by nowadays, and the wise girl lets no eligible chance go by. Which is by way of a prelude to a story told re- cently, by Miss Ielibel MacDonald in response to an American newspaper :reporter's request for "a yarn with a real English' flavor." It concerned a little country lase who dismissed her sweetheart with ,the statement that she couldn't dream of marrying him until he had saved a thousand pounds. About three months later the two met, and she asked him how much the had saved: "About thirty shillings," mid he. "Well," she re- plied, with a blush, "I reckon that's near ,enough." Ontario's Hydra. Mere than 1,100 miles of new hY- dre. power lines in rural Ontario have been conetruoted during 1929, in ad- dition to the 4,000 miles already in. operation. The new lines, the 1lydrix Commission a'rnlrounces, will servo •,700 consumers. • Horses its Austealia. Where are now over 2,2E0,000 heroes In Andrei*, MAKING HEADWAY British motor Vehicles ,Gaining Con- siderable Progress En Markets at the World. The Annual Motor Show at olyr4- pia, England, always creates world- wide interest, for everyone is attract- ed by the developments constantly taking place in motor transport, says a writer in °'Better Automotive Bquiptnent," a monthly magazine is sued. by the Fisher 'Publishing Co. Toronto. Apart from the fact Mast the show is international in character and that there is displayed all the latest wonders of the world, consider- able interest naturally centres round the exhibits of British manufacturers in view of their efforts to secure a pre-eminent positon in the world's. motor markets, That considerable progress has been made in this direction is clearly evident. From January to the end of August, 1929, the exports of British ears, chassis, commercial vehicles, and parts exceeded $35,000,000, re- presenting an increase over the cor- responding period of the previous year of. over $8,000,000. British motor manufacturers are engaged on driving their successes. still further and special models de- signed for overseas conditions are be- ing produced. Through the British Manufactur- ers' Section of the S.M.M.T. the ma- chinery now exists for conferences and discussions as to the best meth- ods of developing the export trade, and no longer can it be said that the British manufacturer is indifferent to the requirements of potential buyers overseas—even if such a statement were ever really correct. As an example . of the progress be- ing made it is interesting to mention that at a luncheon given by an im- portant British manufacturer to in- troduce the 1930: model, it was men- tioned that a 'determined effort to extend overseas business was being made and an order for 146 cars had been received by this company for Singapore, to be delivered within two months. There can be little doubt that the ascending popularity of British vehi- cles has been largely the • result of services rendered, and is this connec- tion The Motor (London) recently published the record of a 14 h. p. British car. This vehicle commenced its active life in April, 1927, and up to the end of its first year had cover- ed 20,000 miles through the British Isles, Germany, France, Austria, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, etc. During the whole of that time the engine gave no trouble, and was not decar- bonized until the car finally returned to England. In its continental tour many well-known passes were nego- tiated, under difficult conditions, but _boiling and overheating were un- known troubles, despite a gruelling • test on a 900 -mile run ;nom Inns- bruck to Rome and Naples in Decem- ber, 1927. In May, 1928, after a general over- haul at the manufacturer's works, the car . was shipped to Auckland, New Zealand, and has since been run- ning like clockwork on long, hara- driven tours, as well as on continu- ous town work. Britishma,nufacturers claim to lead the world in. design and workman- ship and in value for money, and re- cords such as this, coupled with the growing appreciation overseas of their products, proves their claim to be not an empty boast. The recent decision of Australia to afford still greater preference to British motor vehicles has naturally been received by British manufac- turers with the greatest satisfaction,' and with the home and export trade in cars, commercial vehicles and pub- lic service vehicles showing continued expansion, an exceedingly healthy tone prevails in the industry. UMBRELLA OUSTS CANE. Something Happened to Walking- Stick In England. Once the walking -stick was the pride and joy of smart young men; now it has almost disappeared in London. Recently when an investi- gator made a tour of the West End he looked almost in vain for a man with a stick. There are plenty of men with umbrellas neatly wrapped, but there were very few with sticks. A manufacturer of walking -sticks could throw no light on the mystery. "It is a fact that the stick habit has almost died out," he confirmed. "No- body knows why. The only thing I can think of is the 'weather. Men have been finding it more expedient to carry umbrellas, and now they' have lost the walking -stick habit." Another manufacturer pointed out that before the .war young men were ashamed to be seen in public carry- ing umbrellas, whereas now they have almost become the insignia of the business man and his clerk. £200,000 Pee. FamOns lawyers and doctors are popularly supposed to draw the high- est fees of any professional men, but the honors for any single Job must surely be awarded to Mr, Frederick Palmer, who has been engaged by the London County Council as engineer of the great new Charing Cross Bridge at a fee of £200,000. Enormous though this fee is, it fa not by any means all profit for Mr. Palmer. He has to provide his own staff of assistants, clerks, and so on, and the work will take anything from five to seven years to complete. Enough will remain, however, to prove that civil engineering is one of the most paying careers a young man can take up to -day. For Testing Fabrics. ,Knitted fabrics of various kluds ars automatically tested With an interest- irig'apparatus thereleped by a British inventor, It reV'eals irregularities in the finished textiles and also enables the inspectors tb trace and tarred the cause of detects, such as result trete improper variation in the ten-, Mon on the threads during the inapt. ting operation,' WHITECHURCk There is :no news this week, I said, The news they look for, will never be read, The storm laas raged since Wed. last, And who could visit in the week that's past? The snow came down, the wind it blew, Anil even Gibson.couldn't keep the road through, The cars all stopped, the folks stay- ed home, And not many ventured far to roam, Ben got kicked on the knee by a horse And that kept him in the house, of course. With rheumatiz Mac Ross put in the days He says he doesn't like it, not, by a long ways. From town, Roy McGee D. came But he, went back home on the train. On account of the fever, they closed No. 10; And even Mr, Fells didn't show up, then, The children .stayed at home, no tracks did we see. And that was wise as wise could be. "Bob" Carrick didn't carry his gun across his arm And so, last week, the rabbits took no harm. But Sam didn't seem to even mind the weather, But said "such days to go out there, well I never." The farmers seemed to have laid in, of chop a fill, And so even Clarence wasn't busy at his mill, And through all the storm Mr, Wight - man said, The most stuff I'm selling these days, is bread.. At the last of the week they loaded two cars of hay, But as Sandy was sick, then Cecil showed the way. But George was busy, with the mail, For the traihs were late, but they didn't fail. Beth and Edgar went to help their uncle at the wood, And worked every day as hard as they could. Even Amos and Jack stopped work- ing at the logs And on Thursday Jack shipped very few hogs. more Our increase in sales in 1929 over 1928 shows that there were over seven hundred. additional itional and ten thousand d SALADA users last year. "SAL DA's to help J.1 on Friday. each day TEA `Fresh from the gardens' Now Charlie says he's cutting two winters' wood, Can anyone guess the reason that he should? Carman and Milan got back home on Friday night, But returned to school on Monday in broad daylight. Ed., Jack and Harold, on the second, keep the "batch," And you'd never dream it could be such a catch, Why, Frank and Bill and Russell, on almost any night, And John and Ernest too, are seen beading for the light, And when they get started, how swell the music sounds, They have a real ochestra, and the music goes it rounds. Bob axd Jim are working in the bush. so steady; And every morn for Lucknow, Herb has his load already The United Church called off their service altogether And didn't ask their preacher to come so far in such weather. I don't know how many fellows kept their date on Sunday night But Gordon says he made the grade and got back home ail right. Everyone seemed to want to stay at home and take a rest And let the weather blow and snow and do its very best. Oh, I couldn't tell you the half of ,what's going by. Oh, I just know I couldn't, so I bet- ter not try. Mrs. John Kilpatrick of Crewe spent the last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Robinson. Miss Annie Cameron cane from` Detroit. last Monday to attend the. funeral of her little neice, Joann Tif- fin. Miss Isabel Kennedy of. Culross, was visiting last week with her sis- ter, Mrs, Wm. Hogan of Ashfield. The scarlet fever is abating in this community' now, and no new cases have been reported. Mrs. Robert Purdon visited on Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Anderson of St. Helens. Literature Uu-to-Date "Go and sin some more," said the editor of the Confessions Magazine to the young author from whom he had just bought a story.—Schenect- ady Union -Star. {„ RHEUMATISM? NEURALGIA? NEURITIS? Use T -R -C's. Get safe speedy relief from pain and stiffness. 'iI was not able to get anything to help me," writes Mr; Wm. D. Half, Mt. Dennis, Ont., "unti I tried Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules. When I feel a twinge I start using:. T -R -C's." T -R -C's are equally good. for Neuralgia, Neuritis, Sciatica, Lumbago. No harm- ful drugs. 50c and $1 at your dealer's. tse '�' TEMPLETS N'$, Tar ni EuMATIC CAPSULES irres'erse'arz,t' r. Evelio /Invest ae _ n Arretalso Tax havis Tee ads, &. Nit; taw, a house, a stove, some furniture, or any other article that is of no use to you, but may be to someone else. THEN TELEPHONE 34 AND TELL US ABOUT IT AND SEE WHAT PROFITABLE AND QUICK RESULTS ONE OF OUR CLASSIFIED ADS WILL BRING TO YOU. . . merensiesenalannento Everybody Reads Them In the Classified Columns of 11,. A +: Times 7