HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-01-30, Page 6WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES
y, Janrtta'y 30th, 1930'
i�Ingham Advance -Times.
PGtblishedi at
Every Thursday Morning
W. Logan Craig, Publisher
xttbscription rates — One Year $a.00,
Sax months $i,00, in advance,
To U. S. A. $a5o per year.
Advertising rates on application.
Wellington Mutual Fire
Insurance Co,
Head Office, Guelph, Ont.
Established 1844
Risks taken on all class of insur-
ance at reasonable rates.
ABNER COSENS, Agent, Wingham
Office in Chisholm Block
P , O. Bogie 360 Phone 240
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Money to Loan
Office—Meyer Block Wingham
Successor to Dudley Holmes
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates
Wingham, - Ontario
W,ingham, Ontario
Office Over Isard's Store
Physician and Surgeon
Medical Representative D. S. C. R.
Successor, to Dr, W. R. Hambly
Phone 54 Wingham
M.R.C.S. (ENG.) L.R.C.P. (Lond.)
Graduate of University of Toronto,
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the
Ontario College of Physicians and
Office. in Chisholm' Block
Josephine Street. Phone 29
DR. G. W. H O W SO N
Office over John Galbraith's Store.
All Diseases Treated
Office Adjoining residence next to
Anglican Church on Centre Street,
Sundays by appointment
Osteopathy Electricity
Phone 272, Hours, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
A. R. & F. E. DUVAL
Licensed Drugless Practitioners
Chiropractic and Electro Therapy.
Graduates of Canadian Chiropractic.
College, Toronto, and National Col-
lege, Chicago.
Out of town and night calls res-
ponded to. All business confidential.:
Phone, 60143.
Registered Drugless Practitioner
Hours 2-5, 7-8. or by
appointment. Phone 191.
Phone 802r14.
Sales of Farm Stock and Imple-
ments, Real Estate, etc., conducted:
with satisfaction and at moderate
c thorough kre t e4
Phor:e 231., Win. .
Phone AUCT10'i" ;,i
lyhone 4311rir 47s
R. JL 1, #;e r,e
where and. ^ : ,.. ,sero
George Walk,. f =:Yra ..
•'. S'+.,F N &
ai�tr lid*4,aair?
Licenwed` Furtct el IaDise'� t
lwaanbabri +tt.
Office Phone 106 Il',r;:u.
latest Liinousitad aatreeral
British Empire Trade Exhibition Is
the First "Axl -British" Show liver
Staged In a Foreign' Country—
Canada's Part.
Canada's participation in the Brit-
ish Empire 'Trade Fair at Buenos
Aires, .Argentina, in the Spring of
1981, will be of a dignified nature, as
befitting the largest and oldest Dour.
inion in the British Commonwealth
of .Nations, ..and is calculated to fur-
ther cement the commercial and na-
tional friendship which exists be-
tween Canada and the Republic of
Argentina. The Canadian pavilion is
to be the .largest individual pavilion'
in the fair grounds and will have a
frontage of over 310 feet in one of
the choicest 'locations of the world-
famous Palermo Park where the ex-
hibition is to be staged. The Cana-
dian paviliou is to be placed •at the
head of a broad approach, fiankiecl b
grass slopes, trees and Sewer beds.
On either side of the approach an;
buildings which are being refaced to
give the appearance of an old English
village of the Tudor type. With this
setting, the Canadian building, hot. -
ever, will stand out in relief in a
more modern architectural design
with a striking facade of a dignified
appearance, and housing, what Is
planned to be, one of the most strik-
ing exhibits of Canadian commercial
and industrial aggressiveness, says an
article in Power Age.
Palermo Park, which is in the
heart of the city of Buenos Aires, is
the home of the Argentine Rural Sr'-
ciety which- annually stages its stock
and agricultural shows, considered nl
be the biggest and most important c:f
their kind in the world. The perman-
ent show buildings are being adapted
for the British Empire Trade Fair
and the pavilion secured by Can..da
s being remodelled. When remodel-
led, this pavilion will be a standing
monument of Canadian dignity . and
The British Empire Trade E xhibi
tion is the first "All -British" short
ever staged in a foreign cquntry and
promises to be the biggest and most
comprehensive exhibition ever Bald
.en the South American eontinnet.
The staging of the fair, which is in-
tended to be truly representative of
the British Empire and its mainufac-
tures. synchronizes with a determin-
ed extort on the. part of British and
Canadian manufacturers to further
develop trade,' with South Anierica,
Buenos Aires, which is the most ini-
portant city in South America, having
a population of approximately two
and a half millions and controlling
approximately eighty per cent. of the
total purchasing power of the whole
continent of South America, is the
logica.i location for such an exhibi-
tion. Buenos Aires is generally
known as the "Show Window of
South America," and compares favor-
ably in splendor with Paris, Vienna
and other European cities of beauty.
Canada is committed to an aggres-
sive and expanding trade policy in
relation to the South American mar-
kets. The inauguration last year •if
the Canadian National Steamship
ervices from Canadian Atlantic ports
to Buenos Aires and other South Am-
erican ports was out of the main
kcps in carrying out this policy, by
making available to Canadian menu-.
i'::ce.urers to display their products is
the best advantage to a large pro-
portion of the South American mars
It ets, Furthermore, through the
a,atishnient of additional trade
,.tmissioners' offices, the possibili-
of South Americtan markets are
'eine more extensively examined by
a s.rff of experts, who are recording,
`er the benefit of Canadian exporters
the most advantageous methods of
s curing a fair share of the trade of
theee erirntries. In Buenos Aires,
.•: , t' i,. L. McColl has been instru-
.,t i:; greatly increasing Canada's
ti•. -i y't•1:'+ ige and has been taking an
.t • par. in promoting the British
Empire 'Trade Fair. Major McColl
visited Canada recently and inter-
viewed hundreds o1' •wanufacturers
on the poisihilities of enlarging their
trade connections with Argentina,
Chile and Uruguay.
Under A. S. Blceakney, Canadiau
Trade Comutiseioner at Rio de Ja-
ueiro; the further possibilities al the
Brazilian market for Canadian goods
aie being earefully investigated. In
the past fc:w months additional offiees
nave been opened at Lima, Peru,
under G. R. Stevens, whose territory
:also iueludee Bolivia and Ecuador;
and at Panama City, Panama, under
J. A. Strong, whale: territ+,ry takee in
Vt riezeeia and Columbia.
Canadian expo* b to South Arrrer-
r•ar eninntri's In to fiscal year ended
1949. ltitalr d S32.600,000 as
r eIta:a:ai vritie $27,900,,000 in the
-p.a.!. Iia arts from thele
Y� :6 totau?e4 $25,5411.049 iri the
tnatia' Rec:r,rei
A.Jg "a;aacia ptis rt sae t only
? • -- .ff PAf ore, 1-0'r r•errds. (Vr t:1r'
~.. J 2a.t4n a.l.. rte' kiy
a we.
t t s• iyr,irair. e,l� Ps rc
4444 rYlo," 3 d 7' F'nrtit: ef, time
1,d l,<.r tett#. 01
e e, 1,;,•t- r n•rrt.
xe <aii e•r; 15 per
r,>.4 pulp and
e 1. k1':t I,il4tcrl.
per r of off" thee.
wt Rut*ES'anrl a'
t.rsil taia:kel.
e gg:113 producer,
;iire'c' ,snook and little
'lltta ienallty, of it/
'ill hsa4s
r f 1sf ,i.•6 is of whsle oil
dy eu, tray.; the whaling
Ilr'ithelt Columbia
r a t;f,sen,iidated Whaling:
f„ Lei., tit*, i'efsult of opera.
rr' a 1;6114 of six hunting vessele
rRI ss 2,rr-ton ;ender, Among the 881l
s�,L.s1 . *.ken were a record hutrtbei
-' ab000rctu.
Tom Bilbeck is time narrator. He
is a fat newspaper writer who drives
a tuinble-down car he calls Grand-
mother Page. He is in love with
Maryella, ,his rival being Jini Coop-
er, The three are members of an arn-
ateur dramatic group. Plans for 'a
play at the Old Soldiers' Home are
under way. Grandmother Page has
engine trouble while Maryella is out
;driving with Bilbeck, and Cooper,
passing in a big roadster, taunts him,
After Maryella has left Bilbeck is able
to. start his car again.
. The amateur players are to give
Pygmalion and Galatea at the Old
Soldiers' Horne. In their version Bil-
beck is .to act as the statue, and Mary-
ella despairs when she discovers his
bow legs. Mrs. Hemingway later
flatters Bilbeck and talks to him a-
bout the play, 'Bilbeck pats her hand,
only to find a rough hand grasping
him by the shoulder and lifting him
out of his seat. •
The escape of prisoners from the
local penitentiary keeps Bilbeck busy
at his newspaper work, so that he
gets away from the dramatic group.
The players arrive at the Old Sol-
diers' Home, being greeted royally
and meeting Pilk Henwether and
Conversing with Comrade Hen -
wether had its embarassing draw-
backs at that. It is true it didn't ,nat-
ter what you said to him, but on the
other hand he had the trick of pre-
tending that he heard perfectly and
replying to what he thought you said;
Thus unexpectedly when I asked
him to pass the bread he responded.:
"Yes. He has got a funny nose,
hasn't he? That's Herb Ahlswede.
But don't let him know you think so,
because he is sensitive—terribly sen-
sitive, Until 1 learned to be careful
about it I used to make him mad
when I spoke about it."
The forty-four caliber look w1 ich
Comrade Ahlswede shot in his diec-
tion would have pierced anything but
a rhinoceros -hide; but Pilk Henw th-
er prattled on obviously:
'It Iooks as if he `drinks, don't it?
But that can't be, because he ain't
allowed to here at the Horne. It's
durn curious, and I've been puzzled
about it ever since I come here eight
years ago conte next September."
Cornrade Ahlswede half rose frond
his chair With a durable -looking iron-
stone -china cup in his hand from
which he hastily gulped the coffee.
I was torn between a desire to ap-
pear polite and an impulse for self-
preservation which was urging me to
get under the table, when Colonel
Stewart rapped sharply on the table
and a neighboring band drew Ahls-
wede back into his chair.
"That's one thing I pride myself
on,"' shouted Comrade Henwether,
leaning cloeer so that I could hear
him. "7 ant considerate, I am, and
never hurt anybody's feelings if I can
help it. No natter how funny e thing
looks to nig I shut up about it."
`I'hcn changing the subject hastily,
he observed in a confidential shout:
"That's a aright pretty woman you
got with you—the blond one, I mean.
She ain't your wife, is she?"
I shook my head frantically,
"No? 'Well, I guess you are kind
of sweet o nher just the same. • I'm
uld but I can tell from the way you
looked at her and the way she look-
cd back at you --Well, 'I miss Pty
guess if there -ain't a wedding pretty
50.00 t"
Mee. Hermingway was blushing to
her eare,
1"'ilk Henwether saw it.
"Notice how she's blushing'?" he ob-'
served, 1 wonder if site could have
heard what I was saying to you, If
you want her, my boy, go iir and win.
I 'ha'.n't stop you. ;If 1 was a little
younger I am blessed if I wouldn't
try it!"
Colonel Stewart rapiied Orr the table
again, bat 1'ilk failed to ;hear it, Fin-
ally lie went one of the inert who wait -
;t1 on tilt• gable: wiilt :;erne kind of a
message to my friend. The aide tap -
10,44 4.'onaracle Ffcnii'ether on the
shoulder and motioned toward the
wincing door at the rear of the
rose reluctantly,
` 1 ' know what s the matter," he
growled, "1 got to cat.,my supper in
1the kitchcir,, 1 'Prost always do,"
Then bre laughed, a laugh of fri-
"But l fooled luta this tinge! I got
all through before he caught mel"
l?xpostulating loudly with his guide
Cornrade bilk Henwether was led
away past the swinging doors to the
kitchen, Where a loud rtttnble from
time to time reassured tie thathestill
l retained the powers of speech,
All For the Besi
AL eightaclackthe Soldier's ,Hoie
Band:played an overture in the thea-
tre, which was improvised from the
stable at the rear of the institution.
1 will do that band justice: We had
not heard them at their best out in
the open, To get the full benefit of
their talent you have 10 get there in
a small building where there is no
escape either for you or the sound.
Never have I heard so much nnisit
in so short a space of time..
The curtain rose on Galatea and
her apprentice at work, I did not
have to make up until the first act
was pretty well along, so I stood
the wings to watch, Maryella was
resplendent in a flowing Greek robe
and Mrs. Hernnringway's pearls,
which added just the final touch to
the soft, flowing flesh of her neck.
When I had finished .any approving
inspection of Maryella I alio, ed my
glance to stray to Mfrs. Henimini;way.
herself. She was dressed as befure,
except .that beneath the skirt of her
tunic she was wearing voluminously
ruffled pantalets which modestly cov-
ered the criticized hiatus between the
tunic and the :ankle. She had said
that she would fix her, costume so
that her husband would not object,
!me stay,. Wait until you want t4) Play
another piece. Where'll your band be
without inc to play the •bass.drurit?
Besides, I thought something like
this would happen, se I Bid all the
Chuckling, be was yanked through
the doors.
We picked up the threads of the
story andtried to go ahead, I stood
there with hands upraised and eyes.
fixed upon the spot where Maryella
would enter." It was a hard pose to
.hold even for a few minutes, owing
to the interruption: 1 had.been oblig-
ed to stand there in that strained pos-
ition for considerable time, My arms
began to feel like leaden weights and
a spot on my, shin started to itch, it
seemed as if I couldn't possibleekcep
from bending over and scratching it,
41.1: was maddening!
"This is all for the best; it's all' fur
the best," I kept repeating If it did-
n't itch I wouldn't know it was al'ive."
13et that didn't stop it. It seems
as if it would take forever for Mary-
ella to make her entrance and kneel
at the Foot' of the pedestal. How eat;'-
erly I' waited for the words
"It's my dearest wish that my :beau-
tiful' statue should conte to life."
I tried to think how it would be
possible to snake it plausible for the
first rnove of .a transformed statue to
Horrified Gaze His Chest Sank Down _ Slowly and Lodged
Conspicuously at His Waist
acid she hacl succeeded—but at what
a cost!
I had just barely become -accustom-
ed to Mrs. Hemmingway's concealed
supports when Jim Cooper, the 'War-
rior, stalked on the stage. But what
an altered gladiator he was! It was
difficult to tell whether he was in-
• fantry or cavalry, His chest -preced-
ed him by at least eight inches. If
you didn't look below the waist he
would scare you to death.
He advanced to Galatea and told
her in manly tones that he loved her.
She spurned him, and when he tried
to enbracc her she spurned him again.
yin the sante place; rather roughly this
time. Something must have become
unfastened or broken, because he
stood for a minute panic-strickenand
then before our horrified gaze his
,chest sank down slowly and lodged
conspicuously at his waist.
it's lucky he wore a waistband or
I hate to think of the consequences.
The plot of the piece was a trifle.
unfamiliar to most of our audience
and the beauty of the 'lines was prob-
ably lost upon them.
"It ain't as funny as 'Uncle Tom's
Cabin' " vouchsafed Comrade Pill;
Henwether to the slide -trombonist,
"but we won't let them know we
think so. That's a durn pretty wo-
man—the one that's in love with the
fat fellow,"
1 was getting ready to go out and
break the big drum. over his head
when a number of his feilow veter-
ans made him subside by placing their
hands over •his mouth.
They kept him quiet, too, until the
beginning to the second act, when
the curtain went op on lite standin+,
on the pedestal where the statue had
been. - Comrade I-lenwether took' one
leak ,and exploded into merriment.
I' nearly burned up -with' anger. If
it hadn't been for the play I would
have jumped across the foot -lights
and chocked the, old fool, I' tried to
assure myself that it was all for the
best; that I had to stand there be-:
cause otherwise. I would probably
have had to appear in court for as-
sault and battery' the next morning;
but it was difficult to do,
"You can't • fooll me," said I.3en-
wether in the tone of a subdued fog-
horn, "That ain't to statue; That's
the fat fellow that sat next to Inc at
dinner, 1. like him. 1te's funny. I'rn
glad they-ve get a clown in this
We had to hold the performance
while they put hint out protesting,
He delivered a parthian shat at the
"Hal You'll be sorry you didn't let
'be that of scratching the shin.
At last she crossed the stage. She
knelt. She looked up at ane. Siie"-
paused. It seemed as if the words
would never come. What was the
;natter? I -counted ten. At last • I
looked down at her. She was trying
to speak but could not. Her eyes
were fixed with terror on a spot a-
bove pay head, I turned quickly.
()lie of the borders or hanging ){
pieces of scenery was ablaze! Yel-1
low, licking 'flames were creeping ov-
er it like serpents. It had not gained
much headway yet, but it was a zlif-
ficult place to reach.
I leaped from the pedestal, My
first thought was for those old nien make -It -P.
crowded into the improvised audien- "The stable was fully insured,"'
ce-chamber. Whatever happened, Colonel Stewart assured us, "and we
"Colonel Stewart," 1 said, "will you
please instruct your bugler to call as-
sembly and draw your men up for in-
spection outside? Please hurry,"
The colonel saw that there was
some unusual reason for nay regttes.t:,
and did a$ I asked, The familiar, blare
of the bugle brought the old soldiers
instantly to their feet and they filed
out in orderly fashion' atthe word
of command, not knowing what it 'was
all about.
I told the women of the company
to get out as quickly as they could
just as they were, and asked the bran
to help mire putout the fire if pos-
sible, and save whatever., property we
The hope df extinguishing the blaze
soon vanished. All water -connections
in the stable were frozen up and there
were no chemical extinguishers. We
tried to beat out the flames, but ow-
ing to the location above it proved
impossible, .
By thetime we decided to abandon
the building the fire had spread to
the ressdin as •we could
and t
save nothin but a few things that
g g
were standing around the stage. 'Jim
Cooper ,managed e ed to rescue the barge
and 1 got out with .the papier-mache
statue of myself. No one was hurt.
We stood, a disconsolate array,
watching while the barn burned.
There seemed no one to blame for
the occurence of the fire, which had
doubtless been caused by defective
insulation in the electric wiring. As
we had not put that ...In ourselves,
there seemed no reason why we
should be considered at fault.
"It's all for the best," said Mary-
ella brightly. "I didn't know my lines
in the last act anyway."
Jim Cooper vies standing dejected-
ly with the handle of the barge in
his hand, The padding which was
supposed to be on his chest had set-
tled down once more and he had mov-
ed it around in back of hint out of
the way. It was a curious -looking
place for one's chest.
"I suppose it is all for the best,"
he said, "but I wish I had been able
to save any clothes. The Greeks must
have designed this costume of mine
for summer weather,"
"If you're cold," I said, "think of
file !"
`•`I suppose everybody thinks I start-
ed that fire," complained the voice c:,f
Comrade Henwether. "But I didn't.
The way I get blamed for everythit:;
that happens around here ought to
be reported to the President of the
United States!"
Jogging Back.
The light snow .which bad been
falling all day had been succeeded by
a heavier precipitation: The air was
thick with failing flakes that loomed
black as they dropped between us
and the blazing stable. As the fire
burned itself out we became more
keenly aware of the cold a'nd at'Col-
onel Stewart's invitation we returned
to the main building of the Horne to
get warm.
We made a fine motley picture
with our combination of Greeks„ and.
old soldiers, to say nothing of my
self in white tights and white -face
there must be no panic.
I stepped to the foot -lights.
flare and There
The largest passenger liner mato
the port of Sabel John in 1908 was,
the Parisian, of 4500 tons; nowa-
days the 20,000 -ton Duchess of York
is but one of four "Duebess"ships
using the poet, nitid Ilugh A. Allan.
founder of the Allan Line of Steam-
ships, on landing at Saimt John re-
cently, and commenting on the
growth of the port. Re was certain
it would continue to grow- in the fti-
ture as it had done in the, past,
bare is a huge market in Durr.
ope. for breeding silver foxes which
will absorb all that Canada has to,:
offer for many years, is the view of
J. S. Wedlock, of St. John, passen-.
ger on the Duchess of York, who
has been spending some time in.
Sweden 'where he established a fox
farm stocked froth his farm ora
Prince Edward Island.
Sponsored by Hon. R. Randolph
Bruce; Lieutenant -Governor of Brit-
ish Columbia,, and under direction,
of Harold 'Eustace Key, musical diµ
rector for the Canadian Pacific -
Railway, the second annual sea
music festival has just been held.
at the Empress Hotel, Victoria,
with great success. Artists of in-
ternational repute took part in the-
revival of the sea . chanteys that
'men sang when wooden ships
manned by iron crews sailed the;
Seven Seas.
During, the five years that the:
Canada Colonization Association:
has been under the control of the.
Canadian Pacific Railway, it has.,
settled 4,270 families on 844,268
acres at a purchase priee including
equipnient of more than $33,000,000..
was the statement of W. M. Neale
general manager of the ;railway's.
western lines, speaking at the first..
annual meeting of the Saskatche-
wan branch of the Association held
at Regina recently.
A vast amount of serious work is
being done along constructive lines
in oil development in Alberta, G. G.
Ommanney, director of the Cana-
dian Pacific Railway's department
of development, stated in a recent
interview at Winnipeg. A million;.
barrels of oil had been taken from
western Canada last year and pros-
pects were good for greater pro-
duction in 1930, he added.'
Seven Canadian Pacific special
trains will be required to carry
some snowshoers, members of clubs.
in Quebec Province and New Eng-
land, who are coming to the con-
vention of snowshoe clubs to be•
held at Ottawa February 1-2. Twa
special trains will be needed e,
carry the delegation from Main.
centres and two more for that trot::
Another new C'anadlan Tacit'-.
steamer took to the water t'ece.m` -
at Glasgow when the "Prir••t
Elizabeth", 5,000 -ton vessel far 1'; .e
British Colunihta Coastal :'.rr:4.
was launched from the a ii:'^
the Fairfield Shiphitildirsr, r
at Govan by Mrs. Pr B S 1: -''rt .;
daughter of W. R. Maclt c
president of the t mecca.til P...••
Railway. The shop r•::n ;se
speed of 16% lune a 1v'14
sleeping accommodation ' it•
passengers and day le. o: „
for 1,500.
Fish caught 10 itrr i ..-4-
••-•of the Province n , •
have an an'+io1
000. Amrrr r; tlt •
tisk caught arc '',
pickerel, pike. t"1., `
trout, tullihco '
L. O. L. No. 794 will hold their -
next regular meeting on Friday; Jan-
uary 31st, instead of the regular nate,
never kept horses in it anyway." Members please note the change of
cContinued next week.) ' date,
.. For ..
iscri matin, Customers
Our equipment is complete for the satisfactory production of
printing of every description—from n'o'un a. small .
p cares to a booklet.
With this
a pnen', t, suitable stock, gces competent etent varky
We will be pleased to consult,
you in regard to anything you
may need.:
The Advance=Times