HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-01-30, Page 3"great" Children
u caneat Shredded redded Wheat Biscuit
right out Of the package with milkor
cream -but it tastes better if
crisp the biscuits in the oven and pour
hot milk over them. The flavory
shreds of baked wheat are so crisp
and delicious—children always ask
for more and it is so good for them.
Containseverything ev ryth><ng their growing
bodies need. Delicious with fruits.
+ ,,,, •,FI TMewe
Putting God's Kingdom First—Matt.
6: 1-34.
Golden Text.—Seek ye first his
kingdom, and his righteousness; and
all these things shall be aded unto
yon.—Matt. 6:33.
Time.—The 'Sermon fen the Mount
was preached in midsummer of. A.D.
28, in the second year of Christ's
ministry. •
Place.- The Horns of 1-Iattin, a
hill southwest of Capernaum, on the
west shore of the Sea of Galilee.
And when ye pray, ye shall not be
as the hypocrites. The Greek word
transliterated in our "hypocrite"
means "an actor," and that is just
what a hypocrite is; he is pretending
to be something that he is not, he
is acting a part. For they love to
stand and pray. Standing was. the
customary attitude of prayer among;
the Jews, as sitting',; 4vas the attitude
of teaching, In the synagogues and
iii corners of . the streets. The Jews
prayed three times a day, at 9 a.m.,
at noon, and at 8 p.m and they pray-
ed.wherever they might be when
these hotirs arrived. That they may
be seen of men.: And heard also, 'as
they prayed aloud, their minds not
bent on talking with their Father, in
Heaven, Verily , I say unto you.
Christ's favorite inocleof emphasis.
'They have received their reward.
They have gained the applause of
men, .which is all they arc seeking,
so they should be content.
But thou, whets thou pr•:aycat, The
Christian is not to imittitc the hypo-
crites, but is to do the very opposite
of their hypocrisy. Enter into thine
inner chamber, ,the "closet" of pray-
er 0.(.01ding to King J1.111tes 'version,
some place that is "closed," And hav-
ing shut thy door. Mee arc shut out,
God is ;;hut in with you. Pray to
thy Father Who is in 'secret. :L'er-
itatp:s there. is some thought here of
the dark Holy of Holies in tl'oe tem-
ple, cotisecated tot•li • t, secret Pres -
ence of the Almighty, And thy d'.
thcr Who sect 1 in secret', shall recom-
pense thee, (roil', most blessed Fee-
ward for secret prayer is a secret re-
compense, the consciousness of fel-
lowship with the Father, the constant
1 Spirit it our
presence of the Holy Sp tit
And in. praying use not vain repc-
1 :Alonrt, as the Gentiles. do, Theboa-
then, all that are not Jews. "Ilse vain
repetitions" is one word in the Greek,
"a word formed in imitation of the
sound, battalogein; properly, to stem -
'neer; then to table or prate, to re-
peat the same formula many times,
as the worshippers of Baal and of
Diana of Ephesus, and the Roman-
ists with their pater rosters and ay-
es." For they think that they shall
be' heard for their much speaking.
Christ does not forbid' the repetition
of prayers that are born of earnest-
nest and not of empty formalism, and
we are to remember His parable of
the widow who wore out the unjust
judge by her passionately reiterated
appeals. Neither is Christ forbidding
long prayers, if they are real prayers;
He is only forbidding prayers that
are false, unreal:.
13e not therefore like unto diem.
Tlie Christian is to pattern his life
after• examples, but think how many
noble examples he has to .pattern af-
ter! For your Father knoweth what
things ye4'have need of, before ye
ask ]dim. :If God knows our wants,
why pray at all? In the 'first place,
prayer shouid be adoration, cotn-
ntuniion, and theeksgiving, es well as
petition; and in the second place, God
wants tis to express our desires, as
evidence of faith in Him and de-
pendence on Hien, just as an earthly
father knows what his children need,
but .would feel hurt if they did not
talk over their needs and desires with
After this manner therefore pray
ye. "When the Lord said this, we
know that He intended His follow-
ers. not to use the exact words. only,
as a prayer itself; but itiot'e especial-
ly to find iti the prayer a model on
which they could build their own
specific prayers. Otte :Bather, We
cannot go; to God and ask Him evert
for the supply of our most elemen-
tal* 01.1111:S;ti
, unless in heart enol spirit
we. realty take with 11s all others, till
v,'e dislike, all we cles,pise, all we
count worthess—our (Inclines, perse-
ctitors,arid slanderers.. We must not
Pray onl for 1 Y Y t thein—we nittsl take
them will) tis:'when we -'say "Our Fa-
ther." Who art in• Heaven, "And so
heetvcn is -Something More than t cel-
estial UatC •city;• , 01 lcthnigMore than a
• rl
pierce of wondrous beauty and ,dc.h hl.
'Hallowed bee thy metre. ""rhe word
'hallowed' Mean 'regarded and. treated
as .i10ly, ,'-s •metified, dealt With '•ever-
cellally, as a sacred thing; so that
whea''we play that God's name may-
be hallowed, we mean that, in all
whereby He 'Makes Himself: known:;
1 ho e.
He may be honored, reverenced,
Thykingdom conte. "Thee king-
dont of God is a society of renewed
risen who have experienced the pow-
er of God in their lives. The natural
man cannot enter that kingdom. He
Inust be born from above." (John 3:
3). Thy will de done, as in heaven,
so on eatrh, "God's will is that we
should do justly, and love mercy, and 1
walk humbly with. our God,"
Give us this day our daily.' bread:
'Why do you pray every day for
daily bread?' a little girl was asked,
'Becatise we want it fresh;' was her
wise reply. This petition voices a
child's faith inour Father the
a2 at er as t 1
great giver for both soul and body."
And forgive its our debts, as we
also have forgiven our debtors. "Who
acn say that there are not things in
his life left undone which he ought
to have done, and things done which
he ought not to have done? In the
best -spent ddys of the best -spent life,
how many are the actual transgres-
sions! how many more the failures
and shortcomings!"
And bring us not into temptation.
This is a prayer of God's leading;
"You are in a world of temptation
and you have never passed this way
before. How can you avoid anxiety?
How many souls tremble at the sta-
dow of tomorrow." But deliver us
from the evil one. The Greek may be
either masculine or neuter, either
"from the evil one," i.e-, Satan; or,
"from the evil thing," i.e., evil in any
Lay not up for yourselves treasur-
es upon the earth. Our attitude may
ward a very slight possession may
inake it a "treasure upon ,the earth,"
while many a person has owend vast
wealth and yet made it a 'means of
securing treasures in. heaven. Where,
moth and rust consume. Orientals
put much of their weatlh into costly
garments which were often ruined by
moths. 'They had no banks and -of-
ten buried their money in the ground
where it would corrode. And where
thieves break through and "steal, Lit-
erally, "dig through," the house walls
being only of sun-dried mud. The
absence of windows froth 'Oriental
homes made it necessary for burglars
to break through the walls.
But lay tip for yourselves treasures
it heaven. "We have lost loved ones
who have gone before; and so with
much thought of them, and of God,
and of the dear Saviour, your conver-
sation is in heaven." Where neither
moth nor .rust doth consume, and
where thieves do not break through
nor Meal. "Treasures in heaven is
lasting treasure! The man who has
laid up treasure on earth loses it all
when he .dies; but the roan whose
treasure is laid' up in heaven 19oks
forward to an inheritance incorrupt-
ible and Undefiled and which fadeth
not away."
For where thy treasure is, there
willthy heart be also. "If we 'lay up
treasure in heaven,' live Imre, useful,
Christian lives, our hearts will be
where our treasure is, we shall love
God, and good men, and the noblest
I Be not therefore anxious. Note
,that this is a command, as binding
as any ever uttered. If we worry we
are breaking one of Christ's solemn
commandments. • Saying, What shall
IWe eat? or, What shall we drink? or,
Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
"In the last • analysis we shall find,
,if we made the analysis fearlessly,
that our worry is not about mere
food and rnci'e raiment, bet about
isuperfluous food and superfluous rai-
ment; and our Lord would call us
(back to the 'eanacioti n est that life
itself is an infinitely larger thing than
the externals of life,"
For after all these things do the
!Gentiles seek. 'The heathen world,
knowing nothing of a loving heaven-
ly Father, seeps eagerly (the verb
has that meaning) after fhe externals
of life; but. Christians, knowing;' their
Father iii heaven, should not admit
heathen worries to their souls. For
'your. heavenly •[♦ether knoweth that
ye have :need of all these things,
"Jesus clots not say., that worry is 0
sin because fond and raiment are tri-
fles, unworthy of the a0X101ls tbotrght_
of a, spiritual mart; he says they are
of vital importance, and it is because,
they are essential' to `human life that
110 man or wainan should worry a-
beut them." •
But seck ye first his Vingdom ,4t/id
}'iti. rig•htcon,ness. Other [Mugs may
be sought, but sought secondar'il�.
our main aim must he to ,pr c mote
the rein or God—that. is, God's right-
ecjttsnc., nt our own hearts and in
all the world. 'Irir•st; things first, and
these are the first
things, An
chestthings' shall. be unto
yr. u,
"These things"' ere the necessary
food and clothing and the like about
which so many. worry,
Thursday, Janittary 30th 1930
We are pleased to see Mrs, Morri-
,son able to, be out again after being
confined to the house with a broken
The weather :being suitable for the
rink, it is well patronized,
T. G, Hemphill and A. E. Gallaher
went to. Walkerton on business Wed-
nesday of last week.
Mr, Sam Burk's infant child, who
has been very Iow with pneumonia,
is getting better,
iVIr. Bob, White of Windsor is at
present visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Neil White,
Mr. James J. Allen, who has been
indisposed for some two weeks, is
improving, but not yet able to be out.
Mr. John. Young has also been un-
der the doctor's care, having contract-
.ed a severe cold.
The Curling Clubintend holding'a
Progressive Euchre, Box Social and
Dance in the Hall on Wednesday,
Feb, 5th,
The annual Vestry meeting of St.
Janes Church, Wroxeter, was held
in the basement of the church on
Friday evening, Jan. 24th, Consider-
ing the cold and stormy night, there
was a fair attendance. The Rector,
Mr, Jones, reported all the congrega-
tion in the parishhad paid the full
budget apportionment, and read a let-
ter from the Bishop congratulating
them for their efforts. The minutes
of last regularmeeting were read and
adopted. The sec -treas.'s report was
read showing a small credit balance
on hand after all expenses for the
year were paid. The report was adop-
ted. Mrs. McMichael, sec-treas, of
the' Ladies' Guild, read the report
showing a credit balance of $83.22,
after assuming payment of re -wiring
and lighting of the Church. A vote
of thanks was tendered them on their
splendid efforts. A vote of thanks
from the congregation to the Pastor,
Mr. Jones, showing their apprecia-
tion of his faithful interest in the wel-
fare of the congregation. Mr. Robt.
McMichael was appointed Rector's
Warden. Mr. G. S. Smyth was elect-
ed People's Warden. Select Vestry,
Frank Earls, H. Waller, Geo. Paul-
in, Geo. Town, J. Douglas and Geo.
Griffith. Sidesmen, Lorne Kake, Wes
Paulin, H. Waller, Geo. Paulin Jr.
Sec -Trees., F. Davey; Auditors, Mrs.
Waller and Mrs. Davey. Delegate to
Synod, F. Davey, sub., Geo. Paulin.
'The Business Men's Carnival last
Wednesday night was quite a suc-
cess and was well patronized consid-
ering the very cold night. The fol-
lowing is the list of prize-winners:—
National Costume, lady, 1st Mable
Patterson, 2nd Mrs. J. Howe.
National Costume, Gent,, M. Ross,
M. Milligan.
Best Dressed Lady, Katie Waller,
Mrs. Davey.
Best Dressed Gent, Archie Edgar,
Geo. J. Town.
Best Dressed 130y, Billy Martin.
Best Dressed Girl, Edith Martin.
Gents' race, free for all, E,'Tr. Brown,
Ladies' race, free for all, Marie
Boys' race, under 15 years, Bud
Girls' race, under 15 years, lie
Best Comic Costume, gent., Stew-
art Higgins,
};est Comic Costume, lady, Vera
Durst. •
Best Gent. Skater, Alvin Moffatt,
'Best Lady Skater, Miss Ross,
Best Boy Skater, hilly Martin.
Best girl Skater under 10 years,
Irene Robinson,
'Couple race, Archie Edgar and
Marie Mines.
Lucky Number Ticket, Alvin Mof-
Mr. Oliver Galla7,vay of Gorrie has
t in
a gang of nen cutting wood in the
bush he purchased from Stewart Fine
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ellis have mov-
ed brick into their own home.
Mr.' Win. Finlay is not improving
as fast as his friends and neighbors
would like.
We are sorry to hear of Miss Fan-
ny l..onglcy's misfortune of slipping
of he ire and breaking her wrist.
m t g,
Mr. Arnold Halliday purchased a
driver from Ale ` Fred Mahood of
Laic e:e
1 t
Mrs. V.H.)i te spent. 1 few days
last Week :with her parents
eter. eter.
Mr r:Wylie lig Iiia1' a 1prsiness yc <e 1 t
Tr r1 5 flora l' week,
t j. to Mc c..�vo t1 � day est 'cute,,
Mr. 'anal Mi•s, Merriest entertained'
a number of their friends one even-'
ing last' week,
JAPGIRLS �� INDUSTRY � saran l�t•;�l;�,r� Fart y�ti��c.�111‘i:
. _ken. Prom a Gentleman's Lu'm'c, <:
500,000 Women and Girls Live In
.Factory Dormitories— Silk Reel-
ing1 Cotton Spinning and 'Wowing,.
Etc., Etc.
"Ohio go zai mashital" the writer
called softly in her best Oriental tone,
as, rambling along the countryside, a
half -opened door revealed a small
girl grinding rice by hand: A soft
shimmer of white hadsettled on all
nearby objeets, even fringing the
Ye ashes•of the child who seem-
ed to be dreamily distant froze her
employment and only subconse.tously
turning the heavy stone. The grind-
ing ceased as the round, serious race
surveyed in surprise the foreign wo-
man greeting her In Japanese, writes
Kate Kerby in the Ohristian Science
"May I come in? An older sister
with a rosy -cheesed baby strapped
on her back and an English spelling
book in her hand, appeared from, a
dark corner and smiled a pleasantly
serious invitation to enter, as she
drew forward the red guest stool. It
developed later that she was attend-
ing a night class for girls about a
mile distant and could understand
slowly spoken simple English. The
stranger learned all about the farm
of five acres owned by this family.
It was a large farm in that neighbor-
hood, most of them being only two or
three acres in extent. The farms are
divided by narrow strips of unculti-
vated landa foot or two in width.
•About half of the produce of these
tenant farmers goes to the owner for
Then Matsu, the girl with the
baby, took her guest behind a screen
and explained how the fine rice fiour
was used in the thin little cakes, and
•in the delis-a•te "mochi," the cake for
birthdays and festivals. This child
'was evidently the housekeeper, for
]the mother and another sister work-
tr -
led in a silk factory, where she ter.
iwould go as soon as the baby was 0
!little older. Girls are more dexter-
ous inthis industry than boys, so are
}always in demand. Another and leen
pleasant reason for their popularity
".is that they are paid less.
Two other sisters were engaged in
a paper hill where the beautiful rice
'paper, res soft as silk, is made. The
`drying process requires very careful
(handling, it is made up into books
!and other things; all the bindery
work being done by girls,
While western organizations are
opening up other avenues of work,
!such as stenography, typewriting,
clerkships in stores, etc., it is in the
itextile industries that the great ma-
jority of girls and women in Japan
'are employed in silk reeling, cotton
spinning and weaving, etc., even
'though in these industries wages are
lower and hours longer than in cler-
ical positions. But, as little Maten
explained, the 12 -hour day will soon
,be reduced to 11 or less. The big
'factories are putting up fire escapes,
providing lunches in some cases, and
meeting the expenses of employee
who are injured. Also night work
for girls a.nd women is to be pr'ohibit-
'ed. In 1925 there were 181;03.2 nem
and boys employed 121 the textile in-
dustry, mid. 781,599 women ei el 1 vie.
This preponderance of wv.r.on and
girls results in a great naleth'r• re'
"recruiting agents." These mein even,
out to the rural homes with 3freseeas
of money or other gifts for the psi-
ents, and show pictures of the Lino
factory buildings where the girls will.
work. To the girls they pan.; the joys
of city life, as compared' to :the dull
routine on the farm alltl existence in
the poor little cabins. Many fa.etorir:s
have opened dormitories for th it
employes, where in a spirit of pater-
nalism prevailing since feudal times,
the owner supplies the food at fess.
than cost. The supervision is rather
strict, as, for instance, the girls are
not allowed outside the company's
compound oftener than once a week.
The conditions in these dormitories
are being rapidly improved. The regu-
lations call for only 16 girls in a
large room, two in a bed. The bed,
called a "futan," is made of heavy
quilts laid directly on the matted
floor. This couch is rolled up in: the
morning and put away. The food, too,
which formerly was of poor quality,
is now of higher grade and served in
larger rations.
Since 500,000 woman and girls in
Japan live in factory dormitories,
according to Harada's "Labor Condi- 1
tions in Japan," these improvements
are important. Particularly is this
true as this small country, with its
60,000,000 inhabitants, increasing at
the rate of approximately 900,000 a
year, has a comparatively small .
amount of arable land and few min- '
oral deposits and is therefore rapidly
turning to industrialization as a solu-
tion of the economic problem.
But better than all the commercial •
and industrial changes that have
taken place in the Last sixty years is
the new spiritual outlook of the peo-
ple. The old philosophy of fatalism
andcalm resignation to a life of
hardship and toll is, under a more
favorable environment, fast giving
way as the possibilities of a brighter
and 'happier mode oS living appear.
Little Matsu told with glowing eyes
about the club at the night sohool
and of the new games and recreations
Out of doors on the weekly holiday;
and, too, of learning to eook and to
S, Aird the singing, which she liked
The sun was creeping down behind
the western hills, painting a vivid
picture sof a sweet girl with her baby
brother standing in the low doorway
of the little 'cable, as a soft voiee.
galled, "Sayonara, ,rr.vetiera!"
IEtiquette Published in 113(10,
A Gentleman's Book of ittlgllc;t'c,
published. in 186.0, was widely quoted'
as an authority at, to what was con
s sidered becoming, Numerous weri'
the prohibitions on smokers:
One must never smoke a pipe ie
the streets; one must newel' Smolt( a:
all in the coffee room of a hotel. Om
must never smoke, without consent.
in the presence of a clergyman, and
one must neveroffer a cigar to an
ecclesiastic. But if you smoke o1• if
you are in the company of smokers•
and are to wear your clothes in tit+
presence of ladies afterward,, yore
I must change them to smoke in, A
host, who asks you to smoke will gen-
erally offer you an old coat for the
]purpose. You must also, after smok-
ing; rinse the mouth well out, and; if
possible, brush the teeth.
You should never smoke in anoth-
er person's house without leave, and
you should not ask leave to do so if
there are ladies in the house. b4 Jl:. n
you are going to smoke a cigar you
should offer one at the same time to
anybody present, if not a- clergyman
or a very old man. You should al-
ways smoke ,a ; cigar given to you.
whether good or bad, and never make
any remarks on its quality.
It should be remembered that till}
was in 1880 and the reader will nat-
urally observe that it was far los:r
bother for a gentleman to pull out
his plug and bite off a satisfactory
chunk than to be obliged to remem-
ber and comply with all the above
German Publication Gives interesting
The city of Genera, always a pic-
turesque resort, lias attained a quite
extraordinary political significance, as
a meeting place for the delegates to
the League of Nations. A German
publication, "Der Querschnitt," re-
cently gave us some interesting facts
about the League and its city:
"As a matter of fact, the League
includes half a thousand or so diplo-
mats and would-be diplomats. They
come `rom forty -free countries enc'
constitute the first international min-
istry of foreign affairs of the embry-
onto world state. Their attitude on
political, social, and material ques-
tions determines the character and
the functioning. of Geneva's League
of Nations—the greatest curiosity in'
the world's history.
"During the war, there stood on
the shores of Lake Leman a prince -e,
hotel—which served primarily es a
centre for international espionage.
After the peace, when Brussels, The
Hague, Vienna, and. Constantinople
each failed to have itself selected as
the seat of the new League of Na-
tions, this mammoth inn was chosen.
and Geneva thereby lost its only tru-
ly palatial hostelry. It had been the
Hotel National, valued at five and a
half million Swiss francs."
Encyclopaedia Says "Its Capabilities
are Extremely Limited."
To -day we hear many bitter dis-
cussions on the value of such instru-
ments as the saxophone and the bag-
pipes, but when Damian, of Vienna,
produced the first accordion, a hun-
dred years ago, he caused more both-
er and bitterness in ten minutes than
saxophones and bagpipes have caused
in years.
Discussion raged whether the ac-
cordion was a musical instrument or
a weapon, while leading encyclopae-
dias described the instrument as
"coarse in timbre and devoid of beau-
ty," "much inferior to the eonec,-
tina," and "its capabilities are ex-
tremely limited,"
First tried out at a Viennese ranee -
cal festival, the accordion soon sank
to barrel -organ level. The wily source
of revenue from it was for taking it
1 "samewhere else,"
There are, at present, only two
! •traces in Europe where the accordion
is not despised --Scotland and I3e1-
glum, the latter country possessing
40,000 aceordion players,
ir•:,t Steel lens.
1Steel pens were invented before
the destruction of Pompeii (A.D. 70)
for in the Museum of Naples, Italy.
there is a pere-point made of bronze,,
slit after the manner practiced to-
day, which was found ie the ruins of
Pompeii, but t11ey wore first cOmnlOn-
1y known in the fifteenth century,
P,artel p: ,r Wer.' first mad:. in
1780 by a split -ring maker of Pere-
; „
ere -l. ;eaut, Iinglan0, 1;•,221. d 1nniu '1
• arrisen. A, blacks ith of Sedg lr i.
11'. ee stc'rehire, England, me eet1
wheldtrn, improved the teethed of
.r:akin!;' these, tapering r^: -jl'ri";ing
1 be orPen-point before ;be here( 1
pan was tempered. In 180'' It.y'ete
Donkin made barrel pens With p1.0 -
polies of steel, braes silver, goad, std
platinum. To Mai was ;ralttetl 1120
first English patent for Making steel
Missing E.elubt'andta,
• It is not generally known th;,; !
there are no fever than a verity lost
Reinbrandts, some of them possiie:y
in the possession of very poor prole::'
If they onlYy knew, they might t pos-
sess the wherewithal
to rriairttajr
themselves not only in cotnfor.t but
even in luxury for life., .4,11 70 ai'c
dcseribed in ancient records as hast••,.
'lug been painted by .the master. One
1 ou.don art dealer has already devot-
ed many years to a quest : for these
iq,t mastr:trplcett.,r
. Some of them
h rvc' been missing for centuries: The
priecipal rc0500 why Huy arc stiff
missing ie: that their 0110(1' do 11e1
treailae their identity,
There was no service in the Pre,
byterian IIa11 Sabbath afternooit ow-
ing to the Inclemency of the weather. -
Our Hockey team ..crossedsticks
with the Teeswater bays on the ',Gor-
rie rink Tuesday evening; the, scot
was 10-2 in favor of Teeswater,
oJcffray was visitir,
at Miss the 1Eleanr.0112e of 1.11r, :and, 1VIrs. Clark
Renick the past week.
Wednesday evening proved to be
some unlucky time for sa nc of aur
youth, MMMT, Carl Douglas while go-
ilig from his horse to the rink on his
skates •fractured his ankle Which will
lay him aside for a while. The same.
evening Miss Irene Ivfundcll had the,
misfortune: to drop a $10 bill enclos-
ed in an envelope, The finder has
failed, so far, to return to the owner,
waiting, ive expect, for. dad to sell
the pigs.
A radio has been recently instal
in the Manse,
Miss Ella Inglis, Katherine Fosi
and Irene Mundell spent Monday af-
ternoon with Mrs, Turnbull,
Coming Clean
Mr& :Corntossel—"I've been expect-
ing a package of medicine for a week,
and haven't gat it yet."
Expressman—"Yes, Ma'am. Please
fill in this paper and state the nature
of your complaint."
"Well, if you •must know, it's in-
digestion." -Border Cities Star.
Bargain Burglary
The Gossip—"I hear your store wa 3
robbed last night. Lose much?"
The Optimist — "Sonia. But it
would have been worse if the yeggs
had got in the night before. You
see yesterday I had just finished
marking everything down 29 per cent.
—Detroit News.
If You've Money to Burn
Restaurant counter and showcase,
combined; splendid outfit, $50. worth
$5.00—Chesnut •Hill (Pa.) Herald:
Just Colne To.
"So you were upta Montreal
week, eh?"
"Yell—that's what I hear. --I
All Set for a Scrap
A man in Atchison, Kansas, can
play an ukulele with his toes. This .
has an advantage, leaving the hands
free for self-defence,—Detroit vetrs.
Phone 21 (Stinson residence)
Fordwich on Wednesday..
1 to 9 o'clock,
Phm. B., Opt. D•, R. O.
Phone 118 Harriston,
"The Best Equipped Optical Es
tablishment in this part of
Save � Money
Jl e
On Ytlrur
15% Off Until Januar-
15th, on
This is the season for Fish
and Oyster, We stock frozen
Salmon, fresh 'a
and salt Herring,
Smoked Fillets and Haddiep
and Fresh Oysters.