HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-01-23, Page 7Thursday, January 2arc, 1930 ' WXi!jGUAMV1 ADVANCE—TIMES
1111 1it11lil111111P11101 tliNlp hlr111111111111 11111111IR111111 IIUIIhtIOCIIiI1011MIIIMtIL10101II 1II
■ Wehave just installed modern equipment .
re for dressing poultry, and are now in a position, to
handle, live poultry in large quantities.
Call 166 -
it 1111161661116111®111611111l111111111111111111111111161116111111I1111l111111!11111111111 1IOIII11II111111111I IIMI1111111.
Poultry Taken Any Day.
Bring Us Your Eggs and Cream.
Pr. uce�Q,
Wellington Od
ham Branch.
Phone 166 - Wing
"CANADA 1930"
"Canada 1930" is the title of a new
publication just issued by the Mtn -
inion Bureau of Statistics, the nature
end purpose of which are described in
foreward • by the Honourable Mr.
Malcolm,; the Minister of Trade and
Commerce. The need has been felt
for some time for a ; concise and up-
to-date annual review, comprehensive.
in scope and popular in form, of the
current economic situation in Canada,
which would serve as a precise and
compendium of the more voluminous
statistical publications already avail-
The Handbook has been prepared
with special care looking to the above
'requirements. In an- "Introduction"
to the whole, a general survey of the
Tear just passed. is given, analysing
its governing influences and the inter-
relation of the more important econ-
•omic.developments which it has wit-
nessed, ; This is followed by nineteen
'brief` chapters devoted in turn to the,
FIistory and ' Institutions of the 'Do-
minion, its Natural Resources, the
National Wealth and Income, Popu-
lation, Agriculture, Forestry, Mining,
Fisheries; Water -powers,` Construct-
ion, Trade, Transportation, Finance,
Labour Conditions, Education, etc.
In each of these, up-to-the-minute in-
formation is presented, with a descrip-
tive review of the more important
past conditions out of which the pre-
sent has developed. Statistical tables
appear in . the main in an Appendix
which is divided into two parte, the
first tracing the progress of the Do
`minion' in its various manifestations
since 1900, and the second giving the
'more itnporatnt economic barometers
from month to month during the year
. just passed.
To quote from the Ministers' fore-
"The handbook has two immediate
:practical objects: Outside of Canada
it will present a balanced picture of
Canadian conditions, with sufficient,
•historical and descriptive background
to render them intelligible and inter
• esting in a broad way, at a time when
Canada is much in the eye of the
-world as a field for ne* enterprise.
In Canada itself, appearing as .it does
• intmediately after the. New Year, and
-taking the basic form" of a review and
interpretation of the years just passed
it will assist in that general discussion
and appraisement of the situation us-
ual to the season of stocktaking, thus
helping, it is hoped, to lay 'founda-
tions for still further national pro-
gress in 1930."
The Handbook . is profusely illus-
trated with rotogravures and dia-
grams, and while popular in form om-
its no crucial analyses of the existing
situation. In brief it is a scientifi-
cally conceived but easily assimilable
presentation of the data essential in
the forming of a measured judgment
as to current Canadian progress. A
copy may be secured on application
to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics.
Unusual interest was shown this
year in the Municipal Elections in the
various sections of the County. In
East. Wawanosh while there was no
election for the Council, as Mr. E.
Walker and Mr. Youngblut went in
by acclamation, there was keen com-
petition for. the Reeveship as three
candidates were in the field. Mr- P.
Scott, Mr. Bert. Thompson and Mr.
R. Coultes, ran, with the result as
follows: Mr. Bert Thompson headed
the poll with 201 votes, Mr. Scott
146, Mr. Coultes 107. Mr. Thompson
has served in the Council for the past
five years.
In West Wawanosh there was no
election with Win. Mole as Reeve,
and Councillors, F. Todd, W. Carr,
W. Stewart and L. Webster. Busi-
ness will progress the same as last
In Morris W. J. Henderson is the
Reeve again for 1930 with the Coun-
cillors, A. Wheeler, T. Bridge, Bert
Watson and J. Brown.
In Turnberry the Reeve is Mr. I.
Wright; Council, Mr. McTavish, Ed.
13aird, R. Wilkin, and P. McEwen.
Head Se
You CAN have the relief that so many
others have had, For instance, Mrs. W. A.
Farman writes from Moncton, N.B.,
about RAZ -MAH: "I have had Asthma
from birth. For 9 years have depended'
on RAZ -MAH to keep me right ..now
I have very little trouble. I am glad to
recommend RAZ -MAH." Relief guar-
anteed from $1 worth or money back,
No harmful drugs. 50c and $1 boxes
at your dealer's, 162
Go now aid Tony Templeton's
Wash Da
Particularly if you have
a modern Connor Elec-
tric Washer in your
home; No • tearing .of
clothes, no. • back -break-
ing work, just fill the
tub with hot water, drop
in the clothes,, turn' a
switch and the work is
Winghant Utilities Commission
Crawford Block Phone 156.
lixap-11Ia Viers in West Have 14,001).
Poet Mountable to Seale,
In mapping the Dominion's neem-
talncus districts, the' surveyor, $ Y5
the Canadian Bureau of Natural Re-
sources, must be a mountain climber
as well. Inthehro broken areas as ofWest-
ern Canada, where elevations vary
from foot -hills to peaks :L1,000 feet
or more above sea. -level., survey for
Mapping purposes by the regular
methods as 'used in' level or nearly
level country are practically impos-
sible except for limited areas, apd
almost prohibitive owing to excessive
cost. Some cheaper and more prac-
tical method of survey had to he dis-
covered. Thus it was that, as early
as 1886, Canada adopted and improv-
ed the system of photographic survey-
ing for such regions..
In making use of .this method it is
necessary that all the portions o2 the
areas to be surveyed must be seen
from at least tyro points and photo-
graphs taken therefrom to cover the
complete circuit of the horizon. In
ot'hert words, every detail must be,
covered In at least two views. This
means many peaks must be climbed
by the surveyor with his transit and
camera, and the position and eleva-
tion of each established.
While taking the photographs the.
surveyor also observes certain prom-
inent peaks or points which he con-
siders will.
onsiders'wili. afterwards be easily iden-
tified in the photographs. At the
same time he may ascertain the angle
of elevation or depression of these
points and carry on .triangulation:.
One survey party in Jasper Na-
tional Park climbed 29 peaks in the
course, of their duties. Of these
twelve were more than. 10,000 feet
abbve sea 'level, including Nigel peak
(10,625 Peet)., Sunwapta peak (10,-
865 feet),
10;865-feet), and Poboktanpeak (about
10,089 feet).
Winston Churchill Tells One Against
As most people are aware, Mr.
Winston Churchill is by no means
averse to telling stories against him
One especially good one he fired off
the other day concerned an old man
who.happened to see a picture of him
in a window, and stopped to ask a by-
stander who it was.
"Oh, that's Winston Churchill,"
was the reply.
The old chap was more than a little.
deaf, but he caught, though imper-
fectly, Winston's surname.
"Church?" he said; ."A clergyman,
is he? Where does he preach?"
"He's not a preacher," explained
the other; "he's a politician."
"A what?"
"A politician, a member of Pita-
The old manslowly shook his head,
and a look of pity came into his eyes.
"That's too bad!", he exclaimed
sadly. "And he. has such a good face,
London Terminus to I3e as Big as a
Railway Station.
The immense popularity of motor -
coaches is indicated by the fact that a
terminus as big as a railway station ie
being erected in the li,eart of London.
The new terminus is being built
near Kennington Oval and will be
equipped With eight platforms, each
long enough to permit a passenger
train to draw up on either side. The
entrance and station occupy an area
850 feet deep. More than 400,coaches
will be accommodated at once, and
forty will be able to load and unload
at the same time.
Passengers will be able to take
their tickets at an up-to-date booking
office and look up the platform from
which their coach is to start by means
of an electrical indicator. There will
be a waiting -room to hold 1,000 peo-
ple, refreshment rooms, and a big
repair shop with a 12,000 -gallon sup-
ply of petrol,
Whale 011 Factory Ship.
Belfast, spending $1,600,000 on
the construction of •a new dock, has
seen a gratifying improvement in its
shipbuilding trade whose collapse
after the great war caused widespread
distress in the city. 'There is building
a great transatlantic liner costing
$35,000,000. An unusual type of vee-
sel now being built in Belfast for
Norwegian owners is a whale oil fac-
tory ship of 20,000 tons displacement
and arranged to carry a small air-
plane for reconnaissance work in the
Ross, sea in search of whales. Blub-
ber boilers are being installed.
Princes and Styles,
What the King's eons wear is of
deep interest not only to the young
men of England, but throughout Eu-
rope. Their taste; in clothes has a
quick reflection on prevailing fash-
ions, and each of them has a style of
his own. Prince George is particular-
ly followed ley tall young men. He
dresses to suit himself, an persists
iii wearing a large butterfly tie with
"tails" and an evening shirt with two
button -hales. The Prince of Wales
varies his evening fomula from sea-
son to season. He is known, however,
as a "one button". man.
lV1oon Myths.
The Dakota 'adieus think that the
moon at its waning is eaten by mice,
The ]Polynesians believe it is .de-
voured by the spirit) of the dead.
The Kaflrs say that it wanes When,
sulfering from a headache, it puts its
hand to its forehead and hides the
latter from our view.
The Eskimos imagine that the
moon, harassed by fatigue, retires for
a moment to take rest and food.
Tall Soldiers...
In. the guard of the Gordon High-
lander, at Aberdeen, the average
height is 6 feet 2 inches.
Bicycle Production..
Production of bieydies in Canada
rea,c,yhyedlna nein high levet in 1928 at
I -las Never best His Appreciation of
the Value of the
Oaigarlans swear by "11.13," write s
Arthur T. Woollaeott, k'.R. G.S„ In
Toronto Saturday Night. They have
known R, B. Bennett 2or thirty years
and whatever side of theolitical
fence they may be on they have no
hesitation in paying homage to him
as a man, What they like most about
him is that he has never lost his ap-
preciation of the value of the indi-
vidual. ;auecess has not turned his
head. Humanity is not a brute fact
with him, because it is made up of
his friends and neighbors whom he
knows intimately, and others like
them, real people with their ups and
downs, aspirations, struggles, misfor-
tunes and occasional successes:
A few westerners know the story
of the penniless asptrant for legal
honors, of the opposite political faith
be it said, who conceived the idea of
writing to Bennett for financial
Bennett arrived in a western town
andwee met at the station by a line-
up of all the big guns of his party,
all of whom had tales to tell, but he
frankly told them that he hadn't the
time to say anything to any of them
and could only greet them en masse:'
The student -at -law pushed bis way
from the back of the crowd and in-
troduced himself to Bennett.
"You're- So -and -So said R. B.
"Yes, I recall your letter. 'I can give
you just five minutes."
R. B. steered the young man into a
convenient office, took out his cheque
book and asking a few questions
which 'were really comments that in-
dicated his thorough grasp of the sit-
uation, wrote out a cheque large.
enough to see the young man safely
launched as a full-fledged lawyer.
"Pay this back when you can, and
in the meantime don't worry about
it," were R,B.'s parting words as he
cordially shook hands with the young
man. That young man is now a suc-
cessful western lawyer.
A. few old timers know another
story about R. B. Bennett which they
like to tell as a characteristic in-
stance of his humanity.
A very old, old lady with a very
large farm found herself in the pre-
dicament in which people without
business ability are likely to get. All
her men folks were gone, the last of
them, her sons, killed in the Great
War. She had no living relatives.
The large acreage that was still
hers, in name only, was encumbered
in various ways by taxes, mortgages,
debts, backward rentals and a falling
off in productivity. The old lady was
in a quandary, but happened to con-
sult a Calgary business man who. new
Bennett.He, could do nothing him-
self, but suggested that R. B. might
be able to find a way out for her.
"I'll notify you when he is in town.
Then go to see him. Don't take nb._
from any of his office staff. His very
efficient bodyguard of secretaries will
naturally try to sidetrack you, but
just brush them aside and march
right in to `R. B.'s' sanctum."
The old lady followedinstructions
to the letter. R. B. listened with
sympathy as she unfolded her tale of
bankruptcy. As . she afterwards said,
she realized more than ever how
hopeless her case was while she was
telling him the details.
At the conclusion of her recital
R. B. got up and put bis hands on
her shoulders. "Leave all your pa-
pers with me and come back in six
weeks. You'll find everything then in
ship-shape order."
"But how can you do it?" she ex-
claimed with a glimmering suspicion
that 110 human agency oould restore
her affairs in any satisfactory way.
"Leave that to me," he said, "If
men like me can't Iook after mothers
like you this world would be a poor
place to live in."
Six weeks later the bewildered old
lady got all her papers back and
found thatall her affairs were in
order, that is to say, her broad acres
were free from incumbrance and
were again bringing in an income,
but to the day of her death the dear
old lady could never figure out just
exactly how it was done.
Donkey's Wonderful Foot.
The foot of an ass is one of the
most ingenious andunexampled pieces
of mechanism in animal structure.
The hoof contains a series of vertical
and thin laminae of horn, amounting
to about nve hundred, and forming .a
complete lining to it. In this are fit-
ted as many laminae belonging tothe
coffin -bone, while both sets are elas-
tic and adherent. The edge of a quire
of paper Inserted leaf by leaf into an-
other will convey a sufficient idea of
the arrangement. Thus the weight of
the animal is supported by as many
elastic springs as there are laminae
in all the feet, amounting to about
4,000, distributed in the most eseure
manner, since every spring is acted
upon in an oblique direction.
Clever Museum Staff,
The British Museum boasts among
its large staff almost every type of
artist and orafteman, and I was
greatly interested, saysa correspon-
dent to the London Daily Chronicle.
in its private "house -show" held re-
cently. ;This took place in the newly -
decorated North Library, and con-
sisted of oil and water -color paint-
ings, etchings and other works of art,
all executed by members of the staff.
Perhaps the most interesting, because
the most unusual, were the various
curios; of all ages, that had been re-
stored by the Museum laboratories.
The delicate work involved in the res-
toration of these bbjeets, many of
them, minute, is obviously the result
of patient and enlightened ingenuitly.
()lock Plays Tones.
Mr. Sohn Kingston Spratt of
Wootton llivere, Wilshire, England,
has eonstrueteti a village *church
elloek from old steel spindles, iron
bars, parts of agricultural machines,.
bicycles, and are -trona supplied tat
him by the people belonging to the
parish. lie has also construoted
grandfather clock which $los 140
tones on its china**.
Hints For Homebodies
Written for The Advance -Times
Jessie Allen ,Brown
It is hard tp believe that long skirts
are in style and are actually beim
worn again, They have been threat-
ened frequently but have never really
arrived, How many women who has
ever struggled with long skirts will-
ingly goes back to them is beyond
tile. Undoubtedly skirts were too
short, but there is moderation in all
things—even in skirts. Sometimes it
would seen; that women blindly fol-
low Fashion, like a flock of sheep.
There are times when people ere
forced into styles that they do not
particularly desire, because they can
not get what they want. Many wom-
en eventually bobbed their hair be-
cause it was almost impossible to get
a hat that would fit an unbobbed
head. The other day our most ex-
clusive store had dresses in the win-
dow that touched the floor all the.
way round, These happened to be
evening dresses, which are not so bad
long, but the afternoon dresses are
long too.
One of my friends was shopping for
an afternoon dress and as, she was de-
termined not to get a dress long en-
ough to show under her coat, by the
time she bought a dress we hasseen
everyafternoon dress in the city. At
that she ended by getting one that
was quite long at the back, with the
front a nice length, not too long nor
too short. The short ones were just
dresses and lacked that exclusive
thing called style. Possibly after the
young girls (who are always the first
to embrace a change in style) have
had a spell of`dragging skirts through
snow and wet, they may rebel and in-
sist on shorter skirts. We have seen
enbugh knees but most of us do not
welcome real long skirts. The queer
part of it is, that although itis so
hard to buy a reasonably long skirt
even all the way round, very few long
skirts are seen on the street. So may-
be there is hope yet.
Sad to relate, muffs are out of fa-
shion. We frequently read that they
are to be worn, but they never seem
to get past the fashion papers. After
coming in one cold winter's day with
my hands nearly frozen, I decided to
carry my muff, fpr what is the sense
of having a muff languish in the ce-
dar chest and suffer with cold hands?
So 1 took my muff on my next walk.
The looks that poor innocent thing.
got were amusing. Some people tried
to Make it in without appearing to
took any way at all. Others frankly
stared. Those who were dressed in
1 k': at 1n
the mould of fashion loo 4.d y
snuff, looked at me as, much as to say
are; mu"How
went onffs ourreally way sereneinly, andever arrivewed
home with warm hands for a change.
Variety in the Menu
The judicious nee of canned foods
is one of the easiest ways of obtain-
ing variety in the daily menu. Hap-
hazard planning of meals is apt to be
expensive and to lack variety, but if
meals are planned ahead of time and
thefoods dove -tailed, luxuries may be
had at much less cost, Fuel bills are
reduced if full use is made of the ov-
ven when it is heated for one food:
The following dinner and supper
will illustrate this. The dinner con-
sisted of laked potatoes, scalloped
tomatoes, pork chops, celery, pineap-
ple tapioca pudding, supper was celery
soup, asparagus salad, baked apples
and cookies.
The oven was used to cook the po-
tatoes,' chops and apple for supper.
Sufficient celery was purchased for
several meals. and the coarse outside
pieces were kept for soup and salad,
and nothing but the tender inside
stalks appeared on the table. The
cream of celery soup was made of
celery, potato, onion (reinoved before
serving), and the liquid from the can
of asparagus used for the salad, milk
and the liquid remaining after boil-
ing the celery and potato. The flav-
our of the asparagus made the soup
a particularly delicious one. Cream.
soups should be used frequently in
winter. Some of the celery was used
later in the week in a salad of celery,
apple and grated carrot.
The Pineapple Tapioca Pudding
was made from quick tapioca and af-
ter the pudding was in the serving
dish was spread with a few table-
spoons of pineapple. This is a very
easy pudding to make if cooked in a
double ' boiler as it requires so little
watching. The remainder of the can
appeared in several dishes before the,
end of the week. Some was added to
a small amount of apple -sauce to eat
with sausage. Some was added to
cabbage salad by way of variety. A
fruit cup was made from the odds and
ends of preserves. This particular
one contained strawberries, peaches
Takes too long to e•
plain why, but you do
get more eggs when
you give your hens a
daily dose of
Makes ZleritO Lay
More Eggs
Sold by all dealers
Write for Pratts$9ultry Rook,—Frey
PRATT FOOD CO,, of Canada Ltd.
328 Carboy Ave., 'Toronto 8,:0t t
cut into small pieces, applesauce and
3 tablespoons of pineapple. It was
served in sherbet cups and topped
with whipped cream. If you try this
you will save the ends of bottles of
fruit too. The use of apples in a fruit
cup is a recent discovery, but I find;
that apple -sauce or coddles apples im-
prove the flavour; add to the bulk,.
make it less rich and is inexpensive.
If I ' do . not use apples I use lemon
juice. Add lemon juice to foods
whenever possible not only to im.
prove the flavour but to .add mineral
salts and vitamins to the diet. We
have strayed from our can of pine
apple. There was still a small am-. •
Dunt remaining, mostly juice, so that
was added to a lemon jelly. Thus en-
Beth the can of pineapple.
Nuts and Raisins
Nuts and raisins are foods which
contain a fairly large percentage of
valuable minerals and vitamins. Many
people look askance at thein as being
difficult to digest. One of the chief
reasons for this difficulty is that they •
are usually kept for company or holi-
day occasions, and are eaten at the
end of an, already big meal. 'Eat them
frequently at your winter meals, but
count them as part of your meal and
have the first part correspondingly
light. Keep themr on hand to use
when the rest of the meal is a bit
sketchy, for this will happen in even
the best of regulated families. Let.
the small children have the raisins
but notthe nuts.
Brooder to Hatch 40,000 Baby
Checks—Salt Lake Tribune.
t Fe{L ;Ce
w a fala ". e, a cow, a house, a stove, some
furniture, or any other article that is of no use to you,
but may be to someone else.
Everybody y 'e ds Them
In the Classified Columns of
ThAdvance Tiines