HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-01-23, Page 3;Core
o -.:za
can ser 1 h,
Most pe le avant a hot breakfast dis`
for a coladaY
Wheat isde
milk. Crisp
the biscuitsznthe oven and
rho:Milk au t .,m over them. "The fiavory
shreds -retain t n enoughcrispness to en
courage thorough chewing-- that
g g
'one Te ison it's ' saood for'children.
Delicious for :any meal °with fresh .or
stewed fruits.
',Standards ` of The Kingdom—Mat-
.thew .5:1.48.
.Golden Text—Blessed •are :the :pure
in 'heart ;for ;they .shall :see
'Time -The :Sermon on :the .Mount
',alas spoken in midsummer of A. D.
:28, :the .second ;dear of :Christ's ;min-
Plage--The "Earns of lllattin:"
'13lessed :are :th,e ;poor in -spirit: ;for i
,theirs .is :the kingdom of 'heaven." In
this ;poverty ,of .sp.iaiit tChristls tdiadiPles
'Wwcire to find a real wealth, a germine
a "•a : s
la, lair nes,., a royalfy •like 'Ills; •whm
cline ::to ,five ;fox the ,euusdlfidh 1pttnpose
'of s,ervvn;g men.
"Blessed ;are :t;hey .that victtru11 :for
they sliallt be :comforted. ,Chelet *lead
refererane to ;tlte plan of 'lieaatt sedfi,ch
sin honest it:>;au knows ibaeause this
life is so hill of •sin and self, ;and .so
barren •of unselfish servies. 114. ric1entt-
jy only the poor in spirit can lee study
blessed 'oth is they s euiri ,
"Blessed are the meek; ,for they
shall inherit the.earth." At• our time
when. lou'dness..and aggressiveness of-
ten,.seems.the .synonym of moderate-
ness':it:is 'goad to hear and to give
heed, to; that' blessing.:npon: the meek.
"Blessed are they that hunger and
thirst .after .righteousness: ,for they
shall be;filled."` The first and abiding
condition of .happiness is not .that we
should .be able to have what we want,
but .that •.we Shoiild'.be:.able to want
what -we ought .to :have. ,Righteous-
ness is the response of the'highest in
man: to the claim:cif'God,
"Blessed are ;the merciful: for they
shall obtain mercy." There:must be,
in,soane'fair1tuneasure;:at.least,.a cor-
responding spirit •in. us to receive any
gift or ;blessing -for God. Those who
judge , others :dhall Ibe : judged by . oth-
-Blessed are the, pure in heart: for
they shall see God:" To know purity
Thursday, January 23rd, 1930
""Think not that 1 carne, to destroy
the law of the prophets," Christ's
;teachings were so revolutionary that
the stricter Jews, the scribes and
Pharisees, had already acctised him
of seeking to destroy the old religion,
so dear to the nation. "I came not
to destroy, but to 'fulfil." Christian-
ity is indeed a revolutionary religion,
for it finds the world upside down
and -.sets it right -side up again; it
transforms a man's entire views of
life, as the Beatitudes have'just illus-
trated. But it does ,this not by abro-
gating any divinely given law already
existing, but by carrying it on to new
insight and nobler accomplishments.
"For verily I say unto you Verily
is Amen in the Greek, Itwas Christ's
commonest means of emphasis, often
doubled, 'Verily,' verily' "Till heav-
en andearth pass away:'' When; of
course, there would be no, more need
of laws. "One jot or one title shall
in no wise pass .away from the Saw.
Jot is a contraction of iota, the name
of the smallest letter in the Greek al
plaabet, its I. Its Hebrew mate is. yod.
In_ Hebrew a tittle is a minute stroke
marking the difference between two
letters 'others exactly alike, as our.'I
is much like our J. "Till all things
be accomplished." After these pro-
phesies are accomplished, we are no
longer to' -look for their fulfilment;
e.g,, we are to seek no second Christ.
"Whosoever therefore shall break
one of these least commandments."
Christ is' speaking of those who• are
in His kingdom, but who have slight
regard for some of the old -tune laws,
regarding them as of little worth in
the new order. "And shall teach men
so." His teaching may be by his own
example of neglect, even if he does
not openly inveigh against any of the.
laws. "Shall be called least in the.
kingdom of heaven." He breaks the
least law, he shall be called the least
member of the kingdom. "But who-'
soever shall do and teach thein, he
shall be called great in the' kingdom;
of heaven." The greatest thing in
God's kingdom is full obedience to
God made so attractive by the spirit
of love that it leads others to render
the same obedience.
"For I say unto you." The•jew*s had
been under the false leadership of the
scribes and Pharisees; the true lead-
ership muse come from the disciple
of Christ. "That except your right-
eousness shall exceed the righteous-
ness of the scribes and Pharisees. The
righteousness of the scribes and phar-
isees was shallow, concerning itself
with exteriors, with the formal details
of ceremonial religion. Christ's
righteousness was of the inner life;
based on the indwelling of God in
men's hearts. "Ye shall in no wise en-
ter into the kingdom of heaven,"
Christianity isanore than a 'theologi-
cal doctrine, more even than a moral
and spiritual doctrine, Christianity is
a life.
"Ye have heard • that it was said."
eve :utast ;atirsdlves 'be 'pure. :PurityJesus quotes Lev. 18:18, Thou shalt
.of'heart•is tlaat,cour•t dress and badge love thy neighbor as thyself.
Avifliout-w'hich 'it 'impassible to gain "But I say unto you." his quiet
atixiiission <to the 'King of.'lungs. assertion of an authority :higher than
•"Messed are thepeacemakers: thatnf the rabbis dee lr offended tl
for n y offended the
they' shall .be ccalletl ons ,of tiGorl:" Jewish. leaders, and ultimately led to
Nothing seems to show the absolute our; Lord's death on the cross, "Love
departure of the spirit of the •cltuic h your etietnies." This is a climax of
fronn2 lte,spirit ,Of CClurist in so ;glaring Chris't's teachings, a teething which
a light its klae 'liisto:i•y,o'f +Christianity found its supreme illustration in
nil x:efesreuce ;hoi ears, Christ's death on the cross for sin-
ners who 'were his enemies. "And
pray for them that persecittc you.
We cannot hate a ratan if the pray Eur
him;; `we cannot pray for Biot if we
hate hien, ,
"That we may .be sons of your Fa-
ther Who is in heaven." • '1'o love
one's enemies is like God;: and not
like men. Sons are like .their father.
What higher honor could we have
;than to be sons of God? In. what
dearer way could God show T -Tis love
toe us than by calling .es His sons?
'For he maketh His sun to rise on
lige coil and the good, and sendeth
rain .on the just and the tttljust," God
loVet6 tell men, and to show His love
3-1e showers :His 4ifts on all; but this
it noi: to say that l -Ie loves"their wick-
eciness, l"Ie blesses then not to ap-
prove them, but to Will there,
"1'01• if ye love them that love you,
what reward have ye?" Of course we
arc to love those that love us, but
what credit sluatrld we have for 'that?
could hardly help doing that. "Do
riot even the publicans the, same?"
The publicatrs were the'low-est orders
of tax -collectors. ,They got their pay
squeezing allthey could out of the
Poor, by chcat.iaig and injustice and
oppression.. They were hated and de -
C r
. i>ise<l above all others by the. Jews,
Yet .even they would love those that
loved theta. _ Should not our religion
230 <lo more for tis than that?
"Arid if ye salute yotir brethren on ery at iaeadwoclale, nerles will be sold,
Build up, by regular savings from
yoixr current earnings, provision
for the developments • of the
future. , '
Put by a definite proportion of
your salary every payrda'y.
Regular Re.u. ,
g saving leads to financial
A. M. Bisliep, Branch Manager
Winghtin, Ontario,
ly, what do ye more than others?" A
salutation in the East is more than a
passing formality, it is a profession
of friendship, of brotherhood, and of-
ten is made an elaborate 'ceremony.
"Do not even the Gentiles the sante?"
The Gentiles are non ;Dews, the hea-
then. Christ would have His ,follow-
ers excell thein, as :a proof of their
"Ye therefore shall be perfect, as
your heavenly: Father ds perfect." Per
feet in love, in regard to which Christ
has been speaking.
Mrs. W. H. 'Gregg was iln Mead
owdale last week attending the fun
eral of her uncle, Rev. J. J. Ferguson•
Miss Holmes of Brantford seen
the week -end at 'the home of Mr. I -I
V. Relines.
Mr. 'S. Ferguson attended the fun
era1 of his brother, J. Ferguson, a
Meadowdale last week.
The Annual meeting ls1 the Public
Library will be held on Thursday,
am, '23r
J d, in .itilr. Herzog -s' rooms.
Mrs. Wan, Hill of Fordwich spent
last Friday with Mrs. Jones at the
The W. A. ,of :St. Stephens church
will hold their regular meeting on
Thursday of this week at the home
of Mrs. Fred Taylor,
Quite ;a number .of the members of
Gorrie United -Church met at the
home of Mr. .and Mrs, R. H. Steph-
ens on Monday night for a social ev-
ening. A splendid spirit prevailed.
The mnentbexs gathered to appreciate
the faithful ,servi:ee of their popular
teacher who has taught the class for
more than twenty years. Mrs. R. G.
Dame mead .a fitting address after
which Mrs.. A. E. Toner presented
Mr. Stephens with a beautiful cane,
mounted in gold and suitably engrav-
ed, Mr. Stephens was taken complet-
ely 'by surprise lett made a splendid
reply referring to his work in the
Sunday 'School and stating he had in
every gray enjoyed the fellowship of
the members and had gained inspira-
tion for his own life as he had led
the class in bible study each Sabbath.
Several made appropriate remarks,
and the company sang;,"Blest be the
tie that binds." Some olid -time songs
were sung and several excellent stor-
ies were told. Lunch was served and
a most delightful evening brought to
a close by singing "Auld Lang Syne"
and the National Anthem, The fol
dowing is the address:—
Gorrie, Onta io.
January 20th 1980
Dear Mr. Stephens:— '
We gather this evening as mem-
bers of the Adult Class of Gorrie Un-
ited Church Sunday School to express
our deep appreciation of your serv-
ices to us as our faithful teacher. We
desire you to know your steadfast-
ness to duty and competence in teach-
ing have not been overlooked by us.
We know you have enjoyed your
studies as our leader by the fine spir-
it of enthusiasm in which you have
met tis every Sabbath morning. We
are not able to :fully estimate the
good accotitplislaed by such service as
you -have rendered to those who have
attended your :class; but we desire
to assure you that we have gained
great inspiration from the lessons
Week by week. We certainly know
we have been able to meet the com-
mon problems and emergencies of
life much better as a result of our
i splendid fellowship together. We ask
you to accept this cane as a token of
our esteem hot that we believe the
time has come for you to lean heavily
ulnen any staff, but that the gift will
serve as a continual reminder of the
many happy hofu-s of Christian fel-
lowship spent in the church. With
every' good wish for the year now
rapidly advancing, on behalf of the
Bible Class.
v1any friends will regret -to hear
of the death of Rev, j. J. Ferguson .
D,D., who was called to. the higher
life on Tuesday last after an illness ,
extending over several months. Dr,
Ferguson had. enjoyed retirement
'froth the ministry for three years and
lived in Adleadowdale, Dr, Ferguson's
last cliarge was Simpson Ave. United
Church, Toronto, Other charges I
faithfully served by thedeceased are;
Orillia, Braccbridge and Alliston. He
was a former president of the Tor-
1'monto Conference as member of the
Senate of Toronto University. Sev-
eral old friends of the deceased in
the ministry assisted in the ser'vice,.
among thelia being Chancellorr Bowles
of Victoria' 'U'niver'sity who gave ar
address referring to the, fine qualifies The (love:rii.neut has also ittrodtte
Visit Woman to Enter Legislature of
Manitoba.- 'pical Canadian
Wife and Mother.
Mrs. Edith Rogers, M.L,A., the
first womanto enter the Legislature
of Manitoba,, was born in Manitoba
at Norway House, She 'is a typical
Canadian wife and mother, having
three daughters and one son. Her
husband was the late R. A. Rogers,
of the ,Crescent Creamery Company.
She is publicrspirited, interested In
whatever makes for the building up
of a high type of Canadian citizen-
ship, says the Toronto Star Weekly.
The war, more than anything else,
changed the direction of Mrs. Rogers'
teeming energies. Before that cata-
clysmic event she' was a notable so-
ciety leader in Winnipeg, contentto
hold membership in the "oorrect"
women's organizations. Came the war
and the call to every serious-minded
person to pull his or her full weight.
The Central, Council of Battalion
Auxiliaries was foniied to systema
tize tate support which the women of
Winnipeg were giving to the boys
"over there."' This work soon became
closely linked up with that of the
Patriotic Fund, and in 1915 Mrs.
Rogers opened an office downtown to
heip soldiers' widows. This office is
still doing business, still giving wo-
manly advice to women in need of a
steadying influence, though 'Armag-
eddon is eleven years in the back-
It was as a "glad hand" artiste—
and the term is not used in any ex-
cept its pure meaning -that Mrs. Rog-
ers first felt the call to share the
burdens of ;those less fit to solve their
own problems. She was tireless iu
her work of meeting. trains, welcom-
ing war brides and finding accommo-
dation for families :eoaning from over-
seas. Energetic, resourceful, general-
ly admired•and respected, she accom-
plished herculean and seemingly im-
possible wonders in restoring the do-
mestic and economic equilibrium of
those whom war had rudely jolted. In
sickness she was their help and com-
forter; in bereavement their sheet
anchor; in waywardness their mentor
and friend.
Her initiation into polities came in
1920. It was the first time that Win-
nipeg City was to elect its candidates•
under the multi -member plan. - Mrs.
I•togers stood high when the 1ina1
vote was taken and she has gained
steadily in popularity ever since, She
is a Liberal and has sat in the cham-
ber beside such stalwarts as T. C.
Norris and .judge Robson. Other wo-
men have stood for honors, but they
have invariably lost out when the
ballots were counted,
Ever since her "awakening" dur-
ing the war to woman's place in the
life of the twentieth century Mrs.
Rogers has been an efficient cham-
pion of the principle of "sex equal-
ity." She •fought and talked on be-
half of ' women receiving the full
franchise and being received by man
as his full partner in the business of
living and hewing out a better world
for posterity.
Nave Given to the Oldest Family of
Pre -Cambrian is the name giv:n to
the oldest family of, rocks. It 1;4 uP--
ually applied to mean all trek; v:l•• h
are of a greater tge than 11• • (t : n-
elius fauna of the Cambrian f , ;;; :-
tions. Oleuellus fausa are the • e:t
primitive of well-preserved. tel. -elle,
Pre -Cambrian -reeks may have r.
quired Half of all geological time to
their formation. Estimates vavy
m 48,000,000. y car. ...;
'1,710,000,000 years. The twits are
mostly granite, but also comprise ;
limestones, slates, quartzites and
gneiss. They contain almost no fos-
sils, They are of greatest value for
their mineral deposits.
Pre -Cambrian formations occur in
the Transvaal, India, West Australia,
Southern Rhodesia and Brazil as well
as in Canada, where they are most
extensive. The pre-Cambriau urea in
Canada comprises 1,500,000 square
miles and is mostly around Hudson
Bay although some areas also occur .
In. British Columbia and the Yukon.
It is called the pre -Cambrian Shield
from its shape on the map.
Saved By His Wits.
A crook told me the following—
against myself, writes an ex -police
inspector in Tit -Bits. "I was just
thinking I d let you catch up with
me"—it had been a long chase—
"and nab me," he said, "for I was
getting winded; but when I got round
the corner of X— road, I saw a lot
of sandwich -men drawling along, I
snapped to one: 'Ten bob for your
boards for half an hour. I write for
the papers, .and want to see what the
game is like.' The boards were off
his back and on mine in record time
—had to bel—and whet you cams
tearing round the corner, you looked
'this way and that, and then rushed
off the wrong way—there being only
a lot of Sanlwich-men and ,an old
dowii-and-out going the other way.
So I got clear!"
Reduces 11:Ionibers' Salaries.
/rt. aecordanee with Its election
promiites, the Govermeient of Queens-
land hat passed legislation reducing
the salaries of members front £750 to
£500. The bill: was bitterly opposed
by the Labor Party, members con-
tending that they could not live even
on the present allowance of £750 a
of the
of the late "
e le 1:
d is silo o s
g n t .ell all s
t o 't
h ate
gtison, mfrs, S. W. I ergusoit ,f GOC- enterni'is0s, with the excretion of the
rig, and outer relsrtives it this clis- state insurance ofllsio, State sheep
cl cattle stations bate • '
trice attended the service. Burial hers shops,
ii'sherles, stats hotel at Babinda
took place at the community etemet- the north of Queensland, and cart-
Has Never Quite Settled: Dow,1fA
Domesticity Like
Other. yowl.
From time immemorial the wards
"turkey" and "Christmas'' have been
inseparably associated in our minds.
There are thousands of people who
firmly believe that Christmas without
a turkey would be rendered null and
void. No doubt the day will dawn
when Christmas will be celebrated
without the fleshy sacrificial Ates at-
tendant upon
t-Cendant'upon it at present; but the
turkey is a Very beautiful and inter-
esting bird, because it has never
quite settled down to domesticity like
the other fowl, but still has wild
ways that require a good • deal of
understanding, says a writer in• the
Humane Pleader,
Many people have worn out several
flocks of small turkeys . endeavoring
to treat them like chickens. Tliey
have tried to make their hen turkeys
rear their ,docks after the most ap-
proved poultry yard methods, with
the result that the ,young ones "011
and died on theta," as the. Irish say,
in bunches. They will not thrive in
confinement, and they cannot stand
getting wet, when small, so the am-
bitious turkey -raiser finds himself be-
tween, Charybdis. Until
they get the idea, the owners of
"temperamental turkeys" are driven
to the verge of suicide by their be-
We remember a friend, some years
ago, who was presented with tnree
handsome birds, a gobbler and two
hens. They were supposed..to fornuthe
nucleus of a profitable :flock. Having
been warned that turkeys were not
domesticated in their tastes, but were
given to roamingthe country rather
than sitting on the porch and doing
embroidery, she gave them their lib-
erty and her blessing. They dis-
aTrJeared one morning and were not
heard of or from for three days. Ther
someone phoned to say that three.
straugo turkeys had taken up their
abode in a pine tree on her lawn, and
refused either to come down or pay
rent. The Turkey Trotter, as she sub-
sequently came to be called, drove
furiously to the scene, and claimed
her darlings; that is, she acknowl-
edged them. To all her blandish 'tints.
they turned a cold eye of sustsielise.
and—remained id the tree. Finally.
it was decided to have tea. then try
^•gain. When they went out .1t i tea,
the birds had ,fin ti a. lite,a10T:x'
day a.ueiglibor three miles away re
ported that they were in her barn-
yard, "raising Cain" with the o,1v -
fowls. Another frenzied dash. This
time they were caught and t c'rer
home, but next day they were gore
again. They came home at night
However, but insisted upon roos,inc
in a tall tree. Before daylight the;
were gone, They finally learned 1
call the place "home," but, like pian;
people, they only stayed there wher
tired of travelling.
They refused to lay in any selects.-
elects. 'place, having original ideas of their
own about nests, one of them h, in f
that a place under a stump on tie.
edge of the woods was an ideal IoLa-
tion, view and all. There one of them
raised her brood, and from them'
they were brought peeping mourn-
fully, on the morning of a garden
party. Three of there celebrated the.
occasion by dying, and the others ri-
valled the garden party as a source of
work and worry. They finally con-
sented to live, if they could hay.
their own way, but they didn't. They
peeped along mournfully till sh
weeks old; then one was murdered
by a weasel, another was picked up
by :a hawk, and the other three died
of grief presumably. • In the mean-
time their idiot's parents were
stretching their idiotic necks, and
"quirk, quirk, quirking" all over th<<
country. Two weeks before Tha.nks-
giving the two hens disappeared--
forevver. As their owner put it, way,
ing her arms dramatically, "having
no brains, and no morals, and no
gratitud:+, they were just naturally
bound to goowrong," Alas! that thee
should prefer 'to be eaten by strang-
ers, insi"ad of the hand that I'::d
them—aro,' that isn't quite righ', but
you know what •„ mean.
The n hlaior ; cir•onilitly el:ii: tip
in a pee, n•'d s a' crl the home i ;:aril
on Thank •:v:?;, r',n o•nded the Biot
lesson is t 1 -
Miss Mabel Woods of the 17th con.
visited with Mrs. V,, Shera, on Fri-
day last.
Speneer Ashton Inas gone to Tor-
onto where he expects to secure e
Miss 11, .Ashton is in Sarnia visit-
' lug at the licmic of her sister, :1115.
1, Strangway,
1 Regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid
was held at the home of Mrs, Robt.
Hastic on Thursday with a good
tcndance. Mrs. (1)r.) L N: Whitley
• was appointed lirc.idenl for 1030. Th e
i society has jtist. i Inse:l'l a sHccesstul
Mr. Reg. Newton was t, rec .itt '1', I-
I onto vi,4itof.
-Mrs. F. Ch:ureh ll of i;rtissels . r
Gently visited for several days at tIo
home of Mr, and Mrs, Jas. 3 twin ,
Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Mays of 'Crc..
parva, Sask,, Are ;tit prcSciit :Tending
•gonia blue at the home of Mrs. H.
Neil Mrs. Mays is a iaeicc of Mrs.
neil, Sr.
On Friday last Mrs. J. 51. Day , 'e-
ceived the sad trews of the death' of 1
her brother, Janes R, Frain of Win-
Mrs. D. Patrick has returned 10
her Houle in Brussels alter spending
a 'week with her sister, Mrs.
Rev. John Pritchard of Molesworth
visited in Gorrie on Monday.
Rev, Cl•ailc willcontinue the ser-
ies of evening sermons and will speak
next Sunday night on the subject -•--
"Guarding my own soul," Meet your
friends and neighbors at the services•
;next Sunday.
William. Pilce attended the funeral
of Mrs. McGee of Paisley, on Mon-
day last. '
Mrs, Churchill of Brussels, is the
guest of her cousin,.�I
Mrs. James cs -
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Cole have re-
turned from. Wingham,where they
were the guests of Mr: and Mrs. Geo.
The regular meeting of the Gorrie
Women's Institute was held at the
home of Mrs.' William Hastie's ort
Wednesday, with twelve members 'be-
ing present, The ;president, Mrs,
A. Ashton, presiding. After all`.. ar-
rangetnents had been completed a --
bout tlae play- "Diamond Chip," whichi
the institute were so fortunate in se-
curing for Friday .evening, January
17, and other business completed,- the.
roll call was responded to by a piece•
of Christmas cake. Al] members sam-
piing each piece. The topic was given.
by Mrs. V. Shera, on Historical: Re-
search. The president then asked:that
the antiques be displayed. Among
thein were shown a wine :bottler,
brought front Scotland by her great
grandmother, by Mrs. William Earn-
gey; a Venetian vase, by Mrs. Wil-
liam Hastic; a small pottely tea pot,
which was 109 years old, by Mrs. Ed-
die Bolton; a hand -painted cup and
saucer, seventy-five years old, by Miss
G. White, and a finger ring, handed
down from her great great aunt, by
Mrs. Shera. All these proved very
The Canadian Chautauqua are bill-
ed for Wroxeter on February 19, 20,.
21, 22nd.
Mrs. Derby, Toronto, is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Smyth.
Mrs. F. Davey spent a week in Tor-
who is attending the Anderson school
of Designing.
The annual Vestry meeting of the
Anglican Church has been postponed
from Wednesday to Friday night of
this week owing to confliction of the
date with• other attractions,
Phone 21 (Stinson residence).
Fordwich on Wednesday.
1 to. 9 o'clock.
Phm. B , Opt. D., R. O.
Phone 118 Harriston, Ont,
"The Best Equipped Optical Es-
tablishment in this part of
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ii�,3' WH W fir• i ,I r• a i� � J
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15% Off Until January
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This is the season for Fish
and Oystier,_ We stock frozen
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