HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-01-23, Page 200 iticoitf'(e
Our increase in sales in 1929
over 1928: shows that there
Were over seven hundred
and ten thousand additional
'SAL D A users last year.
`Fresh from the gardens'
llO",l lllllll Unp,tpp,tt lll,i I„1,111 „10111,1 tl,i,, 1,IN„
lllllll 4,ll,,,ttllItl,lllp 111111 l ttl„IttttttIItIO"a
'Hark the voice of Jesus crying,
Who will go and work today?
Fields are white and harvest waiting,
Who will bear the sheaves away?
Loud and strong the Master calleth,
Rich reward Be offers thee,
Who will answer, gladly saying,
".Here am I, send me, send me!”
If you cannot cross the ocean,
And the heathen lands explore,
You can find the heathen nearer,
You can help them at your door.
If you cannot give your thousands,
You can give the widow's mite;
And the least you do :for Jesus
Will be precious in His sight.
If you cannot speak like angels,
into death without that knowledge,
we may find it hard to account for
our negligence when He conte in jud-
So this season of hopeful expect-
ancy always has been a tiine of ex-
amination of our attitude .. towards
missions, and also a time for quick-
ening our interest in that all-import-
ant cause. Men and women workers
as missionaries, both in oeir own land
and in foreign countries, have never
been in greater demand, nor has mon-
ey, to support such laborers, ever
been more urgently needed than at
The very practical and somewhat
affecting hymn here reproduced was
written in 1878 by an earnest Con-
gregational minister of the United
States, who was born in July, 1816,
and named Daniel March. His inter-
est in active missionary work is evi-
dent in every stanza of his' hymn,
If you cannot preach like Paul, which was written rather late in his
You can tell the love of Jesus, life, and .bears the marks of intense
You' can.say He died for all. earnestness born of many i
f you cannot rouse the wicked His was -a trained, literary worker's
With the judgment's dread alarms, mind, for he wrote many devotional
You can lead the little children
To the Saviour's waiting arms.
If you cannot be the watchman,
Standing high on Zion's wall,
Pointing out the path to Heaven,
Offering, life and peace to all;
With your prayers and with your { would appear to have warranted. Pos-
bounties sibly it was too downright, too earn -
You can do what Heaven demands;
You can be like faithful Aaron,
Holding up the prophet's hand.
and theological books. His "Night
Scenes in the Bible" had a very wide
circulation, and is still a treasured
book in many Christian homes though
long ago out of print.
His hymn was not received into the
hymnals as speedily as its merits
If among the older people
You may not be apt to teach;
"Feed my lambs," said Christ our
"Place the food within their reach."
And it may be that the children,
You have fed with trembling hand,
Will be found among your jewels,
• When you reach the better land.
Let none hear you idly saying,
"There is nothing I can dol"
While the souls of amen are dying,
And the Master calls. for you..
Take the task he gives you gladly,
Let His work your pleasure be;
Answer quickly when He calleth,—
alleth;"Here am I, send me, send me!'
est to gain the approbation of com-
pilers more concerned to turn out
books that should command general
popularity, than those which should
best answer to the spiritual needs of
their times.
The United :States Methodist Epis-
copal Hymnal of 1878 included just
two stanzas of it. Ira D. Sankey eag-
erly on the lookout for awakening
hymns, found the remainder of the
verses and published them in full in
Sacred Songs and Solos, in his edition
of that same year, and six years later
the Scottish Hymnal gave five of its
six verses, 14Ir. March wrote the
Ihymn in 1868. Possibly for general
{use it would be improved by omitting
I the fourth verse.
It cannot, perhaps, be claimed that
Mr. Sankey was as successful as us-
ual in 'adopting music to the hymn,
which may account for its not having
won a wider popularity. "Everton,"
It is but natural at this time of year the tune suggested above for it, fits
-when •Christian people have rejoiced :the words. fairly ~yell, but is not so
their hearts in greeting Our Lord and
distinctively its own as to carry the
Saviour Jesus Christ, come as a little words into universal favor. Everton.
Babe in Bethlehem, to bring salve- was composed byHenrymart a
tion to us, and also are turning their
-thoughts towards the new round of
'months upon which they have enter -
,ed, to do His most holy will, that
they should give greater attention 'to
missionary work.
To those who follow Hiin and call
themselves Christians, Jesus has com-
mitted the task. He began while on
'earth, of bringing the knowledge of
5aivation through ,Him to all man -
:kind We are responsible now for
the carrying on of His work, and if
we allow heathen soul's to go down
Lions In ll oodoo Zoo Bectiene Parente
of Three teiAbe,"
The very young pair of lions trent:
Abyssluia,' ,presented to the Laudon
Zoo in. April, 1928, by the king„ have
produced a litter of three cubs, all
of whiolt, so far ...as can be ascertain-
ed, are, healthy. On account of space
the animals have been housed for
serue time in the internal corridor a,t
'he east end of the lion house, with
access to a small outdoor; cage teeing
ale> ;waders' aviary, The quarters are
t c ty, but dark, the only advantage
beiug that the anirrrals cannot be ells-
tnrbed by the public, and that even
the keepers are at some distance
from the sleeping -box. The cubs have
been put by their mother in a dark,
corner on the floor outside the sleep
ing-box, where she has made a bed
for them.
Both . the king's lions are fairly
tame and readily conteto the grating
when a. keeper approaches. On Fri-
day, when one of the officials went
to inspect the arrangements, both
ilon and: lioness at once came forward
to greet him, but almost at once the
gon, evidently thinking that the cubs
should not be deserted, went back
and stood over them, licking them.
Presently, however, one of the cube
gave a, little squeal and the mother
at once got, up, ran back to the cubs,
pushed the father away, and lay town
beside them. The lion' took his lesson
quite meekly, and stood just in front
of the lioness as if he were on guard.
Although there appears to be every
prospect ofsuccess in rearing the
cubs visitors will not be allowed ac-
cess to the enclosure for some time.
Seventeenth Century Ruler Reenb
Interested In Astronomy.
There lived in India, in the seven-
teenth century, a ruler known as
Maharajah Jai Singh II., and being
:eenly interested in astronomy h r .
evolved .a series of structures which..
though not now used for practieie
purposes, constitute the most unique
astronomical instruments to exist-
i lm,. He appears to have collected all
kinds of astronomical books, and sent
some workers to foreign countries to
gather information.
Having determined the kind of 1•-
struments required on which to malt
the necessary recording of the nio' -
ments of the heavenly bodies, he sa-
lected flve places in India as the
.centres in which the observations
Should be taken. The first he built.
at. Delhi, and then others in Jaipur,
Ujain, Benares; and Mathura. The
observatories in Delhi and ,Jaipur
have been carefully restored. Itt ad-
dition to a number of metal instru-
ments, some of them as high as 90
Very careful records were made of
the observations of his staff of work-
ers, and modern astronomers have
expressed surprise at the valuable
information thus collected. The ruler
responsible. for these interesting in-
struments died in 1743 and his wives,
concubines and science expired with.
him on his funeral Lyre.
Ing a Quandary.
Before her marriage a Miss Lloyd
George, Lady Carey Evans, recently
told an amusing story• of how her
father in his lawyer days, when driv-
ing home in his dogcart on one oyes
cion, came across a little Welsh girl
trudging along so wearily that he of-
fers her a lift.
She accepted silently. All the way
along Mr. Lloyd George tried hard to
engage her in conversation, but could
not get her to say a word.
Some days afterwards the little
girl's mother happened to meet him.
"Do you remember that my little
girl drove home with you the other
day?" she said smiling. "Well, when
sbe got indoors she said: 'Mother, I
drove from school with Mr. Lloyd
George, the lawyer, and he kept talk-
ing to me. and I didn't know what to
du, for you said that Mr. Lloyd
George charges you whenever you
tail with him,. and I' hadn't any
money!' "
well-known English musician, who-
died in 1879 after endowing the
church with a large number of well-
known hymn tulles as well as Many
anthems and mud'. other sacred mus-
Kno4fs Pop
Teacher—"Johnny, our father
y, if y
earned $40.00 a week and gave your
mother h'a'lf, what would she have?"
Johnny—"Heart failure,"- Wash-
ington Dirge.
Cream ery
1 Cream, Eggs and Poultry
1/ VII'inghaxn, Ontario..
a Phone 271
1101101111011• Wilainitatammusiii•unin
Centuries Old- Custom.
The annual banquet of the ancient
Cutlers' Company is always attended
by the Lord Mayor of London. This
custom has been maintained practi-
cally continuously for 500 years:
Beforethe dinner an oration
known as the Boar's Head oration is
delivered; then a boar's head is ear-
ried in on a monster salver, preceded
by the beadle of the company earry-
ing his wand of. office, Behind wanks
an official bearing a great ivory -han-
dled knife and fork of the finest Brit-
ritish steel. The :members stand :while
the choir front "Christ Church, Grey-
friars, sings the old carol:
"The Boar's. Head, as I understand,
Is the finest dish in all the laud."
The origins of the customs are said
to date from Viking days.
New N. S. Scallop Beds.
Scene of diiray's Elegy Is Now a .Town
of `i iruber and iflulilditg
It is a good thing for English lit-
erature and for ennobling, spiritual
meditation that tate Poet Gray lived
when he did, in the middle of the
eighteenth century. Ile would have
found it difficult to write his -immor-
tal elegy now, says a writer in 'the
Loudon Daily Express .from Stoke
The speculative builder is closing
in on Stoke Popes and the church-
yard. Like a ` beleaguering army,
Whole battalions of red -roofed villas,
bungalowsand bungaloids are en-
compassing this rural jewel of imag-
efy and solitary meditation.
I came to the "country church -
trd" to -day. . The "rugged elms,"
o tho'usaud-year-old yew tree, be-
neath whose shade still "heaves the
turf in many a mould'ring heap" are
still there. The "ivy -mantled tower,"
denuded of its ivy,- however, nowa-
days, still struggles valiantly to top
the tall trees. Across "the lea" -(pre-
served by private generosity) in glor-
ious autumn sunshine "the lowing.
herds" were even to -day "winding
The tomb of Gray, where he is bur-
ied with his mother, whose loss he
used to mourn .distressingly at her
Shrine, stands where :it did. The
Penna pew and the old window in a
wing of the church—the window
with the figure of a man on a bicycle
(date 1642)—is still shown to visi-
tors. The rude forefathers slept on
beneath tumultuous waves of earth
Somehow I felt, too, that had. I
come at night "a mopping owl," the
last of the Stoke Popes tribes would
"to the man complain
"Of such as wand'ring near her
sacred bow'r,
Molest her ancient solitary reign."
There were worshippers wandering
across the footpaths of the fields. The
vicar, the Rev, Mervyn Clear, .came
through the lych-gate. He talkad
with his parishioners, now one, now
another, as he came. Little girls were
bringing flowers.
It was an idyllic Sunday morning
scene. True, the old churchyard has
spread its borders. Neat new tomb
stones and • standard -roses made .a
modern bodyguard atthe approach.
It seemed to me like decorating Ri
vaul$ Abbey with geraniums. Two
Americans with cameras stood watch-
ing these modern embellishments:
"Isn't it pretty," said one. "I must
have a snap."
Then they went further and found
tiro soul of England amid the "inbui-
d°ring heaps."
Thus far, despite its decorative ex-
tension andthe further fact that the
lower branches of the famous yew
have been stripped of leafage by sou-
venir hunters. Stoke Popes church-
yard still breathes the spirit of the
immortal Elegy and its poet.
Get someone to blindfold you and
lead youthroughthe outer burial
ground, and open your eyes only
when you `Have reached the old
churchyard itself. Sit beneath the
yew tree's shade in silence; let the
poem and its searching thought per-
meate your consciousness, and the
beauty, the wonder, the story of
Gray's thought will still permeate the
spiritual 'consciousness more search-
ingly than any ;sermon or, music- or
Generations have : coarse . to Stoke
Poges and worshipped thus. It is yet
not too late to company, with the
spirits of the "mute inglorious 1Viil-
„"village Hamp-
to the dauntless "villa H p
den," the "guiltless Cromwell," the
"heart once pregnant with celestial
But soon;
I spoke to the vicar.
"Half a mile along the road," he
said, "they ,are proposing to build
2,000 houses. Over there"—he point-
ed 'beyond the "rugged elms "is
'Timber Town.' We are doing what
we can, yet 'with hope, to buy that
patch of groind there.inBut every-
where. they are closing on us. Go
and see."
I drove along the lanes right
round Stoke Popes church. Here,
there and everywhere boards pro-
claiming land for building purposes
placarded the hedge -rows. Away
across the meadows inmass form-
ation a garden city -a mass of burn-
ing red brick and tile—had reared
its flaring bulk against the laudseape.
A vast area of: meadow.laud hadbeen
pegged out in plots.
Early -comers ,had fastened on the
seclusion of Stoke Popes and built
artistic home amid the greenwood,
but mangy of them, fearful of the
advancing hosts, were showing
boards of sale. The speculators on
every hand were enveloping the sa-
cred resting -place of the inglorious
Soon Stoke Popes and the rude
forefathers .will no longer be "far
from the madding crowd's ignoble
Strife." Their ruder descendants are
seeing to that.
;ltu Old College Custom.
At. Queen's College, -Oxford, Eng-
land, an ancient New Year's custom
is perbetuated, The college was
founded by Robert of Eglesfleld,
Queen to, Ed-
Phillipa, u
chaplain Q
ward III., who became patron f the
college. Robert had not much money,
but was keen on thrift, and through
that his memory Is Wen preserved.
On New Year's Day those who dine
in Hall receive from the bursar a
needle threaded with silk ("aiguille
et frl"--•-Eglesfield), and with the "Take this ad
.monition: " e and be thrifty.",
Uses for Volcano Ashes. {
;fishes and pumice spouted by Las-
sen Peak in ,Cailfornla have been us-
ed successfully in making paints,
inks, and dyes after being soaked
With 'natural cherrilcals. As a result,
an Industry based on This discovery
has sprung up, and gttantities of pow-
der, which forms the material of the
three prodricter are beteg sent to San
lr'ranciseo to be nkad.e Into paint used
primarily tor'automobiles.
New scallop areas discovered on
the western coast of Nova Scotia last,
simmer aro belirved to promise con-
siderable enlargement of the mallet)
production of the province,
Scallop landings in Canada 1928in
totalled 26,304 barrels, with a,, ntar
• � • 1h0 83
8• alla
value of I
va u ,
. .d �
kt tc
1771 barrels were taken by Nova
Scotia fishermen: Most of the seal -
:ape landed in Canada are marketed
but a few are canned: It is be-
e-tievgid, howeVer, that the rapid -freez-
ing processwill be itncreasingly. used
in the future in marketing these
sheilfa lt.
;el Grass Insulation.
utilisation of large quantities of
eel grays In the manufacture of in-
,iulating material is in prospect in the
A. 1 t;idie -:oast provinces, anti new
r.ar ttir.i;• . pportutitles for the people
ht halt; fishing districts are likely to
t tr.rty this development
The Oat
t, eeei aro se long In matttring that
th fetiti'g of them le not regarded
as a ewer/eon:leipropositleh.
Thursday, January 23rd, 1930
News and Information
For the Busy Farmer
Furnished by the Ontario Depart,
merit of Agrletilture
Damp weather and a leaky roof is
bad for the healthiest of flocks, Bree-
ding 'ewes require exercise and will
live; in the open even in zero weather,
but they need a dry, well -ventilated
pen free from'draughts for shelter in
bad, weather,
Should Produce. More Cheese
In an address, before the Eastern
Ontario•Dairyman's Association, Prof,
H. H. Dean of O,A.C, urged the adop-
tion of,slpgans based on research to
help production in the various lines
of dairying, such as "Chew cheese
and save your teeth" or "Eat cheese
for supper and sleep well." Healso
pointed out that if the Canadian fam-
ily could be induced to eat one pound
of cheese per week, it would mean
a market of 100 million. pounds of
this product right here in Canada, inr.
stead of the present 30 or 35 millions.
He urged the smaller cheese factories
either to merge with their fellows to
lower the cost of manufacture or else
turn to specialties, such as small chee-
se or some different kinds. • Produc-
ers were urged to keep better cows
and adopt better methods of feeding
and general care.
The Work of Scientists
Gradually we are corning to appre-
ciate the valuable contributions made`
to agriculture and allied industry by
the scientific experts who have made
it their lifework to seek out methods
of improving crops and of carrying
on war against pests. Recently an-
other of these distinguished men, W.
T. Macoun, , Dominion Horticulturist,
was honored by the American Pomo-
logical Society in the award of the
'Wilder silver medal for his work in
developing a new variety of apples
and for his contribution to horticul-
ture generally.. Canadians should not
forget the contribution made by Dr.
Saunders, who evolved a hard wheat
which has done much to make Wes-
tern .Canada the greatest grain -grow-
ing country in the world. The work
of these scientists has become an ab
solutely indispensable counterpart of
agricultural activity.
New T.B. Area
Negotiations' have been in progress,
for some time towards the cleaning
up of the herds in the easterly coun-
ties of Ontario from bovine tuber
culosis. The consent of the farmers
has, now been .obtained and the work,
of testing is underway. The area
comprises the Counties of Russell,
:Prescott, Glengary, Stormont, Dun-
dee, Grenville, and parts of the Coun-
ties of Carleton, Leeds 'and Fronten-
ac. It includes Kingston in the.Srouth-
west angle and Ottawa at the most
northerly point, reaching eastwards
t h-
u ar at the sort
the Quebec c bon d
to „t e Y
cast angle. It also includes the is-
lands of the St. Lawrence belonging
to Canada and in the Ottawa, Riiter
belonging to Ontario.
New Wheat King
The story of the career of Joseph
H. B. Smith, of Wolf Creek, Alberta,
who was recently crowned "Wheat
King of the World" at the Internat-
ional Hay and Grain Show in Chi
cage, is one that is typical of Canada,
Smith left Leicester, England, im-
mediately after graduating from col-
lege twenty-two years ago, and carne
direct to the Canadian West. Pick-
ing a location removed even from the.
fringe of settlements, he took up 'a
quarter section ;of land and commen-
ced the production of registered seed
grain. For the past twelve years he
has been taking prizes in oats and
wheat at various provincial fairs and
in 1924 won second prize at Chicago
in the International competition. To -
clay he farms a square mile of land
In the centre of a very prosperous
ag,•icul tucal district.
Joins O.A.C. Staff
AnnomiCelnent has recently been,
made of the appointment to the 0.
A. C, staff of Harry G. Bell, B,S.A.,
who will assume a position with the
Department of Chemistry in connec-
tion tion with the extension or c w 1 on soils
and fertilizers. Mr, Bell is a native
of Dufferin County and graduated
from O.A.C.'in 1905. Until 1907 he
was assistant experimentalist iti W 1
Dr, Zavitz but from 1907 to 1910 was
a member of the Iowa State College
of Agridulture, leaving there to be-
come Professor of Agronomy at the
University of Maine. Froin. 1911 to
1918 he was agronomist for :the Nat-
ional Fertilizer , Association, Chicago,
and from 1918 to 1928, directorof
the Soil and Crop Improvement Cotn-
rnittee;_ Toronto. Since 1928' he has
been western representative of a conn-
mercial firm. Mr..Bell, by virtue of
his 'wide training and experience,
slrottld render valuable service at
"The College,"
4 Yard ' Wide LINOLEUM
2.95 Yard
58c Each
78C. Each
Q /. Each
Children's CHAMO. GLOVES
38c Pair
All Clearing
1.00 Each
1/2 Price
Specially Priced.
98c Yard
53c Yard
28c Yard
18c Yard
.. W.
1=20 01 0r"--10 ir:101=2 0= 0 0i I0
New Union Officers
U: Z, Gibson of Caledonia was el- '
ected president of the Ontario Agri- {
cultural Experimental Union at its
annual meeting recently. J. Gale of
Guelph, vice-president; W J. Squir-
rel, sedretary; and A. W. Mason, of
O.A.C., the treasurer. The meeting
was featured by addresses by Prof
J. E. Howitt, of O.A.C., J. Tucker,
potato inspector for Canada, and J,
A. Carroll of the Department of Ag-
riculture, Toronto:
Essay Contest Winners
An essay contest open to the mem-
bers of the 1929 "Royal Party" was
conducted. in every 'comity by the dis-
trictof the province by „the Ageicul-
tural Representative Branch as a fol-
low-up to the Royal Winter Fair Trip,
last November. Each of the wr•itees
of the ten best essays in the province
receive free transportation, board aper
lodging for two ' consectitive weeks
while attending one ` of the srbtij
courses at O,A.C, or Kentptville Ag
ricultural School. ,The essays •s'ubtnitL
ted were of a very high calibre and
young un .
demonstrate that the o
men 'fiad
their "eyes open" for the 'dducatioi i
lessons both at the fair acid ato1:lie'
commercial plants visited'...: Th:e ytxin
riche and the counties they i epresent•
are as followsf Tose p1?l h ariiiirfl , Fair
hain;;.I el.
onai•d HartMe,n, "•S7ak,Archie•
Reici,•Wel l't'ngtott; Cid rge'tBtire Noath '
Sintcoe • .:Gordon 3etk yi'' entwonth;
Raymond ?ollardr,.Assex;, °'$oU. Mc
Donald, Grey; lr,ddie',:Mbwc,,, Bruce;
Harold Poole, Leeds; Wilkie, Seeley,•
Lennox and Addington.
Scholarships Awarded.
Anrtouneclnent has been ..lade' of
the winners of 15 scholarships of $100
each offered by the T. Eaton Co. to
members of the 1929 "Royal Party,"
The awards were made following city
arninati•ons held in each county based.
on the trip 'and general agriculture.
The scholarships are to applied on a
course at O.A.C. In addition, •the
Hon, J, S, Martin, Minister of Agri-
culture, is recommending .to the Gov-
ernment that all tuition fees be re-
mitted for the first two years of the
winners' respective courses. The for-
tunate young men and counties they
represent are as follows:
Herbert Markle, Waterloo; Doug-
las Reid, Wellington; Frederick Stock.
Oxford; W. J. 'Turnbull, Huron; Al-
vin S. Wideman, York Jack See,
Peel; Arthur E. Harvey, : Haldimand;
W. McKague, Northumberland Gor-
don B. Henry, Carleton; Maxwell
Thom, Dundas; Donard J. McPhail,
Glengarry; Carl P. Reid, Prince Ed-
,w,ard;., Lewis Tttcllett, Aigolnal Ever-
ett Pitrk,'Pari-y Sound; James 'Maley,
s meds. Bay,
ST. ANDREW'S W. 'Vi, S. "
At: the January meeting of the W.
:of St. Andrew's presbyterial .
Church: on Tuesday, the following 'of-
f icers':were elected: for the ensping
W. J. Henderson,
ist Vice -Pres -Mrs. A. E T.loyai r
2nd •Vide>Pres:Yvt
—Mrs. eGte,
Secreta. —MissR LeWis.
c Y ,.
'Treasurer—Mrs,B el •s.
A. H. Fells.
Glad — Mr nder
Cx d Tidings , M s, J, on. A a
Press Sec'y.—Mee, W, Mitchell,
Welcome and Wel#ate Secred irie
Mrs. J.• Currie. and Miss M. Graffiti,.
'Home Helpers' Sec'ys, — MiHS , C.
Me$urney and Mrs. Tucker
'Literature and LibrarY.,Seerctar
,�, „ Y
Miss Clow. .
Supply Sec'y,-1Vi.rs, Nicholson.
Pianist—Mrs. Craig.
Senior Mission Banal- lvfrs. A. E.
Mission Band Pres.—Mrs, Par-
ker and Miss M. Itoliertsan,