HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-01-16, Page 4seseeissossessessossesist•Wisseasseesesassmesesissisesessies-ssessesosessisseee T ARRIVE1)--- Sargon The new treatment to increase bodily vigor and well being. THE SARGON TREATMENT ;17 Sargon , . . .... • • • ***** $1 35 Sargon Soft Mass 6•0c McKibbon's Drug Store Rgs...71ctga 54re 11000401.1.1.1. NIEL WINGHAM HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Wingham Horti- cultural Society will be held in the council chamber, Wingham, on Friday, January 24th, 1930, at 8.30 p. • m., for election of officers, receiving of reports and other important business. MRS. GEO. SPOTTON, MRS. E. J. NASH, President.• Secretary. • nummulicisinnuminumultiutiminitumulnumunsinuiliunorisituiluinunwisis TURNBERRY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 6' i . i lit , Annual- Meeting i =.,..,., The Annual Meeting of the Turnberry Agricul- i 2 .tural Society will be held in the Council Chainber, i Wingham, on Tuesday, aJnuary 21st, 1930, at 2 p.ni. to receive the report of the Directors, elect officers, IA and transact any other business pertaining to the i '--- Society. PI C. G. CAMPBELL, W. J. GREER, ..-. President. Secretary. se TIII111011111111111111/111111111121112811111111151111E1IIIIIIIEll1/5111111111131111R111 111511181111111111111111011112111151111611111011111 . - 11111111111111111111111111121111112121111111111EIVIINIMMEMINKIMENESEERVI SI An Investment Plan For laconic N NI III Ill M MI • MI • M MI NI The Straight Path to Your Hearts Desire. • Write Your Own Cheque in Ten Years. a Thousands of Prominent Canadian Business Men and Worn- 111 N en of all ages and conditions are building up fortunes through the IS , IIII systematic investing and compounding of interest with the oldest alli first mortgage bond house in America' dil Id • to I• THE INVESTORS' SYNDICATE • This company was organized in 1894 in Minneapolis, Minn., in ma and is now an institution of National Proportions with offices in all I is the larger cities of Canada and the United States....Stock brokers, N is doctors, lawyers, teachers, farmers, business men, Insurance men, IA • manufacturers, laborers, housewives, etc, dtc., are now using our common sense plan for accumulating. No more do people view it , as -a, foreign concern, but as a valuable service, knowing no boun- dary lines,. .It 36 years of marked progress is favorably recogniz- ed by leading financial critics the world over. Canadians owes ns. • of R'a! worth of saving seeklicatess• MI The, iNvEsToRs SYNDICATE ri (5'66 Norther,T4 Ontario Building, Toronto, iskriatissuir,Esion issinessm-,1:00manitinsumesseisummum al large percent:f the. company's ..stoek and. beSts-V.ver $7,000,000 ;447• • '; • Government & • Municipal Bonds • Real Estate Securities • investment Trust A RECORD IS BETTER THAN A PROMISE • For 46 years every Bond issue re- commended and sold by G. A Stim- •, son & Co., Ltd., has paid interest, and principal when due, .A.STIMSON sta. elt4rre° 'the Oldegst eat 1864 Bend lietIte inssalthde ISO SAY 4tioingd.414 7'"'"""''.',"'"7. • • FOR SALE—Barred Rock Cockerels 'red to lay, • Appy to J. J. Kerr, R, •R 3 Wingham Phone 22-613. n.,...._ „ TEESWATER APPLE BUTTER For sale at the North End Grocery, F. Watson. FOR 5ALE--100 White Legborns, Robert McKinnon strain. Must sell it once. Apply to Mrs, B. Fry - ole, or at Advance -Times office. FOR SALE -7 room Irarne house, in good condition, Pleasant Valley, Apply to Frank Hill. FOR SALE—Steel range No. 9, for coal or wood, warming closet, res- ervoir, in good condition, good ba- ker, reason. or selling too large 'tor small kitchen. Phone 245, Wingham DIVISION SALESMANAGER wan- ted to sell shares in the largest Muskrat and Beaver farms in Can- ada, give age, reference and tele- phone number in first letter. -Mid- dle aged and older men preerred. Do not answer this advertisement unless you believe in the future of this business. Write -advertiser, room 14, 33 Melinda street, Tor- onto. • AGENTS WANTED If you are looking for an opportun- ity to better your position, the Wat- kins Business will put you in the path of Success without risk. , Positively the largest and best line of goods sold to families. $50.00 or more pro- fit per week for the industrious man. Apply now for the nearest locality, Rural or •City, and start the New Year right The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Dept, R-31, 749 Craig West, Montreal, Que. • MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL . The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the County Council Chamber, Goderich, at two o'clock in • the afternoon of Tuesday the 28th day of January, 1930 All accounts ,against the County, and applications for Old Age Pen- sions should be in the hands of the Clerk on or before Saturday the 25th inst. in, order to ensure action at this 'Meeting of the County Council, and the 0.. A. Pensions .Committee., Applicants for 0. A. Pensions should see that all questions are pro- perly and plainly. answered and all forms properly executed. Be sure your Post Office and the MUNICIPAL- ITY you live in are correctly given. Municipal Clerks are asked to send per mail as soon as possible their Certificates of Election of Reeves and Dept -ides. • Geo. W. Holman, County Clerk Goderich, Jan. 10th, 1930. CARD OF THANKS . .. To the Ratepayers of Morris:— Ladies and Gentlemen: Kindly accept my most sincere thanks and appreciation for the sup- port given me in the late elections for councillors. Your best interests will have my very earnest endeavors. • J. T. Brydges. IN MEMORIAM • Mason—In loving memory of Robert D. Mason who passed away one year ago, January 15, 1929, Loving and kind in all his ways. Upright and just to the end of his days Sincere and true in his heart and mind Beautiful memories he left behind. Sadly missed by his wife, son and daughters. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stork and Implements The undersigned has been instruct- ed by JOSEPH KERMATII, South ?,- Lot 8, Con. 4, Morris, to sell by pub- lic. auction at one o'clock on - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29th Stock -1 mare 12 years 'old; mare rising'4 years; filly rising 2 years; COW with calf at foot, .cow due March 14; cow, due April 24; heifer, due in February; heifer, due April 16; 2 heif- ers rising 2 years; 4 steers rising 2 years; 4 calves rising 1 year; Short- -torn bUll, 1 year; s sre.entag ewes; OxfordneWaikiis sow due March 427f1rC10 chunks; 8 young pigs. Poultry -25 year-old Leghorn hens, 2 geese, 1 gander, Implements — Massey -Harris 6 ft. binder; Massey -Harris manure sprea- WINGAM ADVAIsl CB ,TINIES • EAST WAWANOSI-I On New YOr.'„ Eye YerY pleas- ant trine Was 'Spent At the Moine of Mr, W, J. Currie, when a number of the neighbours gathered to honer Mr, and Mrs, Leslie 13tiekman (formerly Miss Kathleen Kerr), to Whom, they presented a number of gifts, The bapply couple left for their tome in Toronto on January 2nd. Miss Ethel Drehrnatin spent the Christmas holidays at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Wm, Wellings. She also visited her father at Bayfield for a few days. Mis Mina Currie has returned to Leamington after spending the Xmas vacation with • her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Currie. Miss Rachel Currie spent New Year's at W. J. Currie's, Miss Irene Taylor spent -a week witb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Taylor. We are sorry to report that Mr. Dayley is on the sick list at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harry Perdue. Miss Rutherford of Hamilton, vis- ited her sister, Mrs. Geo. Pocock. RHEUMATISM? T -R -C's give safe, speedy relief . from Pain and Stiffness Listen to Mr. H. C. Benedict, Thedford, Ont: "In the morning I would not be able to move one arm unless I lifted it with the other .it would feel as though it were going to irealc. I am glad to recommend T -R -C's' . Equally good for Sciatica, Neuritis, Neuralgia, Lumbago. No harm- ful drugs. 50c and $1 at your dealer's. 162 Taltre$ %was ONTARIO .FIRM OF INVEST- MENT BANKERS PLAY .A UNIQUE PART IN CAN- ADIAN FINANCIAL HISTORY Every country has an interesting History in her Financial Leaders. 'hursclay, Privary loot, 9$0) ve flnances acprovid- ericcotnnis'ine:we‘ho ipv:woaapnylhdesa Uddh tosernlreS14: aslo Illuttl.`fovejerS tericnlia'seyar1 n8:0e'°efs"3118r3,Georgeities-A, Stins- 4';011., a Young man born in Ingersoll, Ontario, opened a small Investment Office in Toronto, with the intention of selling Municipal Bowls direct to the public. This decision was an in- novation in financial affairs, as prev- iously this type of bond had been bid and purchased direct from the Prov- ince or Municipality they represented. Col, George A. Stimson laid down firm and staple principals of Invest- ment Banking, to which his success- ors have strongly adhered in offering investments to the public, This Com- pany has over a period of 47 years, paid interest, and principal when due, on every bond issue that they have recommended and sold. Their offices spread from the Atlantic to the Pac- ific. Today they have 17 Branch Of- fices distributed all the way across Canada, where they are offering to the Investors, the same sound invest- ments that were issued 47 years ago. Two years ago this Company financ- ed and erected one of the finest of- fice buildings in Toronto, the Com- merce and Transportation Building, which stands on the corner of Bay and Front streets, occupying one of the most prominent office site's in the Dominion. It stands directly across from the Union Station, also the new Customs House is being erected op- posite the south side of the I3uilding. Last year the Executives of the Company, after a visit to Western Canada; decided that Vancouver •of- fered itself to unusual opportunities for development. Consequently, they decided to erect the Marine 13uilding, which when completed in May this year, will be the largest office build- ing in our 'four Western provinces. The building stands 236 feet high and hs twenty storys and an extra four storys of sub -structure. The President of G. A. Stimson Co., Limited, is a Canadian with a • Life Insurance Its Thrift Life Insurance is a means whereby the life value of man may be replaced in his home or business. Wednesday, January 22nd, 1930 ----- Is ---- • Life Insurance Day THE VALUE OF LIFE INSURANCE as a means of THRIFT and as a means of REPLACING MAN'S LIFE VALUE will be emphasized on this date in Canadian Daily Papers, Banks and Trust Companies are co-operating. Your co-operation will pay your family big dividends.' /THE' MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA W. T. Booth, Representative. Wingham, Ont. distinguished record in Financial and Canadian Corporations. ' . Military affairs, Col. F. G. Johnston, M.C. with bar. He is a well-known figure in Bond and. Security transac- tions, and takes an active part in any- thing which pertains to the develop- ment of Canada, He is firmly en- trenched in the original schoolofIn- vestment Banking as taught by Col. G. A. Stimson, and he also serves as President Or Director of many other Tliis Company, while being the old.= est Borrd House in. Canada, has for its clients tens of thousands of,Can- adian families, most of whom are the older pioneer families of Ontario. They enjoy the confidence of the' Canadian people to an unusual ex- tent and the future will see them tak- ing still a gr. -eater part in its future development of our country. issimmanniassammaaniammummainamaismanannisammaiumanummassassannimmussitmant a. 1111 ss. 119 „MI 1111 111 Ed • ma • • der, steel hay rake, nearly now; Seed NI drill; sceffler; 2 walking plows; Wa- gon, set of sleighs, hay rack, stock 111 rack.'set of harrows; fanning mill; hay fork, car, ropes, slings and pul- leys, new; turnip pulpern. Stanc1=1, icerle'rinsceulb)aartaotro,Vilo-oegdgasDan, sizI):;w;colony 111 house, 7 ft x 11 (t.; set double har- ness; :forks, shovels, and other, artic- les too numerous to mention. ' Grain -600 bushels oats; 250 bush- ma els barley; quantity of hay; quantity MI of turnips, Terms -s Hay, grain, turnips and fowl, and all sums of $10,00 and un- der, cash; over that amount, 6 mon- Rd ths4 credit on approved joint notes, land owners security, or 4 per tent. off for cash. • . ' .Tas. Taylor, Auctioneer, ft*Xt.,011111— • „ CEOTICE WILLIV" ,41,3 Official C. N. R. Watch , ir.apttot, Repairin' SatiO1' n Our Speeialty. nasetion Guatailteed. P' ebli46 5. opt). OtUtris Hotel. • So SKINNY Ashamed in BaihintiSuit,Gained 15ths.. • ,ttitattetitegbr AL. '.. issads es% &Ss IlitOit.rotAkii. Withilogralida .10i0CSIdtitalettte.. bogrolett, .06't /Milked . Witt tittlitift &OM Itttitia 014 STARTING FRIDAY, JAN. 17 I • All Lines of Winter Goods at GreatlyRevdeuiebody Reduced Prices Buy Now and Save Money. Bargains forEry • 1 TOWELS AND DRESSES Turkish Towels 18x40, pair 49c Turkish Towels, 20x42, pair 59c Corsets, D. & A. and Goddess 49c, 95c Silk Vests and Bloomers 79e House •Dresses, clearing at 69c, 98c, 1.49 20% Discount on all Blankets, Lin- ens, Spreads, Underwear, Crepes and Dress. Goods, Lirioleums, Oilcloths, and Rugs. Remnants at Half Price. UNDERWEAR' Vests, all wool, reg. 1.25, 1.50...... ..... 95c , Wool and Silk and Wool Vests, regular 85c, at 59c Ladies' Heavy Winter BloomerS regular 85c, for 59c C,g4r911.' Ye§tS• al44. Dr4Wrs: reg. to 90c, for •• ad Child's 'Winter Drawers, reg. 75c 39c 1,1 Boys' Fleece Shirts and DraWers 49s. Men's Fleece Shirts and Drawers 79 All Wool Drawers and Shirts 4.79 Silk Vests and Bloomers, reg. to I 1.50, 00 s.ale 95c .10iVirtikrisiaA;imiroxiii,Aildeirammusbaisitte.r.wat „A-INENs AND STAPLES 81 inch Wabasso Sheeting . . .. '19c V.xtra heavy Wabasso Sheeing, 81 inch wide, reg. 1.25 ........ .„ ... . ... -95c 40 and 42 in Wabasso Pillow Cotton at 39c 36 itch Flette ... ....... . ... 19e 'to 240 White 161.ette 36 inch wide ..,..24e, 27o Cotton Sheets, arga size .. each i1kSpreads, large size, reg. 5,50 on sale at 4.19 Table Isitiee, colored border, all, pure linen at • ,o1.19 Table Linen, speelal -690 . . COMPARE THESE •PRICES , , , • Factory Yarni, 2 and 3 ply 95c S. F. Yarn, 3 and 4 ply ..... . ........$1.15 A. C. A, Ticking 42c 35c Linen 'rowelling 28c 40 Inch Factory Cotton • 22c Heavy Shirting Black and Blue..,30c Ladies' 79c Children's . . . ........... 49c and 59c Men' d 95a Boys' • 79c Silk Hoge, feg. 95e, foe. „.„„„„„ ..... „ .... 49c Mertif FtWVASIIiOned, all pure silk, beg. $2,50 • $1.95 MEN'S WEAR Boys' Pullover Sweaters, reg. to 2.50, on sale at 1.79 Men's Sweaters, reg. 5.50 3.95 Fine Shirts, reg. to 3.50 1,79 Fine Shirts, reg. to 2,50 .... ... 1.39 Fine Soso., 39i to 69c Work Sox • • 29e, 39c, 49e 20% off Sweaters, Underwear, Ties, Gloves ancl Scarfs. Overcoats, reg. to 25,00, for . . . .. -17.50 • Reg, 29.50 for 19.50 BOys' Bloomer Stdts ... ...... .2.95, 3.95 Men's Suits 9.95 en's Gloves, lined or tsnlitied, reg, to 2.50, for 1.69 Phone 46 DRESS GOODS All Wool Flannels, small check, 58 inches wide, neg. 2.50 1,49. 56 In. all Wool Black Serge - 1.19. 54 In. All Wool Serge and Coat- ings at 95c 56 In, Heavy Black and„...prey Coat- ings and Tweeds, price . 1.49 CURTAIN GOODS AND DRAPERIES ' 35 in. *COrriforter Sateen, special,.....35c 36 in. Cretonnes and Chintz 29c, 2,9c, • Curtain Nets' and Sciirns 29c Reversible Draperies Cloth, 46 inches wide at 50c Silk Panels, 2* yd. long 1.95 Net Curtain 2* yds. reg. 2.50. .. .. ... -1.95 36 inch plain Satins, reg. 50c 39c • SPECIALS AT 19c 32 Inch English Ginghams ••19c Prints, light ,and dark ....... .. ...... . . . . ....,19c 36 inch. Flannelette, light and dark reg. to 28c, special 19c Towelling, all linen 19c .Childriert's Ribbed Cotton Hose 19c Girls' Corset Waists .... . .. - ....., . .s. . 19c GROCERIES Fresh Figs 4 1.0c ib, Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. for .. .. -25c Prunes •1.5c lb, Black Tea .... .. . . .. . 59c lb. Heinz Pork and Beans, large • 22e Olives, 26 oz. bottles .. . . . ..... . ..35c Fresh Dates ile Macaroni 10o am, a • 111. • a a . a ▪ , m • a ▪ • a r- at • • ma ma am° 110011111111111100111011011111111111011111011101111111111111011101111111111111111111101111.101010111101111111411101 ' ' • .r.04416,0,14, „