HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-01-09, Page 81
ction. Of Wint
Thursday, January 91:14 1930
the, have cut prices sharply to affect a quick disposal. This is your
is month dor liquidatingstock ��� we
opp��•'rtunity to secure seasonable goods atMoney Saving Prices. Come early for a choice,
Some of the items will not last long at cut prices. Sale starts
2 jars Prepared Mustard 25c
■ Mixed Pickles, per •bottle 15c
Choice Seedless Raisins, 2 ib. 25c
Rice Krispies, 2 pkges 25c
Bestq uality Old Cheese 28c
`11e114.(1 Walnuts, per 11).- 50c
r 11 lbs. Granulated Sugar ..5.90
Maple Leaf Bak. Powd, lb. tin 20c
Choice Black or Green. Tea 59c
5 bars P. & 0. Laund. Soap 19c
Corn Starch, per pkge 10c
1,ux, per pkge. .... , lOc
Pork and Beans, per tin . 1Oc
3 Jelly Powders, for 19c
Choice Red Salmon, lb. tin35c
I' .ellogs Corn Flakes 11c
Heinz Tomato Soup, tit 10c
5 Ib. pail Table Syrup 33c
3 doz..Clothes Pins .... 10c
Black Duchess Silk, vd. wide
Ready -to- ear Dept.
Savings on
�' and
Lot No. l—Clearing Women's
and Misses' Coats, at .9.50
Lot No. 2 Rack of Coats,' plain
or Fur tritnined, go at ..13.75
Lot No. 3—Rack of Coats high
class models, your choice 19.50
'Women's and Misses' Dresses,
made in latest models of crepe
satin, San Toy, silk crepe, wool
crepe, and georgette, on sale less
20 per cent.
Print House Dresses ......1.29
Clearing all litres of Men's, Wo-
mLn's. & Children's Boots, Shoes
Rubbers and Overshoes at Cost
L;very pair must be solei
cl ivake room for other goods.
.25 San -Toy Dress Good a:li` wool 95c'
1IMI VIII U13111112111IEVI!l 11//1121 1111 11111 11i161112!1411u)!!hatI1X111811MM13111 1li5ili i
Striped Flannelette . '.15c
Prints, fast colors; regular 30c
and 35c, on ' sale . s eat .: ...25c
Table Linens, 1.25 'qual. .95c
Satin Chene, yd. wide 50c for 39c
Linen Towelling, 25c qual....20c
Pillow Slips, hemstitched ..29c
White Turkish Towels, 18x36 25c
Heavy Sheeting, 2 yds: wide.49c
Curtain Goods, value to 50c, .25c
Flannelettes, yd. wide, 25c for 20c
Fine`qual. White Cotton 30c. .25c
Yd. wide Factor)- Cotton ...19c
Ginghams, value to 35c, sale, 25c
Cotton Broadcloth in stripes 39c
Large size Imported Ilanne1-
ette Blankets for . .... 2.29
Fine quality Bleached Table
Linens., 2.50 for 1,95'
Fancy Painted Cushion Tops 98'c
Imp. Wool. Blankets, large 8.75•
Best quality Black Fing-e'ririo•
Yarn, per -11). .. .. '441.00
Tress �� elvets',. best, colors:...1.29
F3 CO.
Corsets, Hose, loves
Special in,Corsettes, sale . .7.98C
5 doz. Corsettes, reg. 2:00. ...,i49
Clearing odd lines of Corsets . 69c
Wool Gloves and Mitts . 49c
Black Cashmere Glove`s... , 25c
'Wool Toques and Tams 39'c
All wool and Silk -.Wool Hose 59c
Supers.ilk Hose, reg. 1.50 ...1.19
Girls' Wool and Silk and Wool
Hose, on sale at . .. 29c
Silk Bloomers and - ests ..98c
Rayon 'Princess Slips reg. $2.1.59
Washable Gloves, go at 49c
Leather Hand Bags, Purses 98c
Lace Collar and .Cuff sets' 25c
January Clearance of a Big stock
of,ngs, in Tapestry, Wool, Wil-
ton, • ,Velvet. Axir, i'nster; arid all
makes of Stair Carpet on sale at
20: per cent. off regular prices,
Panty T'ani.ah'Ray<ral, yd Avid. 69c:
/000111111 i" 11A■■1•a■■11H1i11111i1 OINI■1�NNIINNI .E1■®1101111111
Men's Wear Store
Savings worth °while on Men's &
Boys' Overcoats and, Suits.
Big stock to'choose frgni, at a sa-.
vin o f •
,>, ......2{l� Per cent:
•Underwear special to clear, va-
lue up to $1.50, Shirts.and,
Drawers,oft sale at - 1.00
Stanfield's Blue. Label Shirts
and Drawers reduced to ..2.39
Boys' Fleece lined Shirts
Men's. all wool Work Socks at
3 pair for ... .... .1.0'9
Clear. Men's Sweater's. all Wool
varsity stitch; popular col. 3.75
Flannel Top Shirts, hill sires' 98'c'
Fancy Silk. and Wool Socks..49c
Heavy Snag Proof Overalls' .1.95
Men's Cloth Caps, bar g-ai'rr....79c
Boys'' Leather Mitts',. sale ...25c
Men's Fancy Print Shills ..1.39;
Fancy Salk Ties, va.1tre to- $'T ..6;9tc
Silk Crepe, reg. 2.50, safe' .,
I r. reur e act>iier, }r„ spent a curs in \Vir�g'hant: sister, Mrs. Horan,, in Detaoit;. din --
t ----
,;\]i Wilfred Rleft t 5• 1\l Al 1.1 '
\\ ] i before d. ur c t ,'un da+ ', c too the fo leery- Mrs, :Ernest ; .1 hcintYtsn>at and (laugh::
•.1' e r air ,r
A ' 1' M tiffs
- Mr. and Mrs, \b. Cameron of A,sh- : l or onto. :rhos: Mloorc,.. S'ec.-'1 teas., Clarence Mr. and Mrs. Norman` Thompson and Y '
la field were visitors. • - • .• .. i? Craig, Organists, Mrs. Thci
Thos. Lam-
fete; days last .reel: at Calcdon with I :\t thu annual meeting' of. the 'Unit- nig the halida' s.
cat : Sat- r.' r, and Airs. • +�•i n . ; e :attcaoc c ore c Church 1 S- i• • S •] 1 .1 1
- turas for Toronto where fee entet•s] 'vr t,r c Saturday to resume his'rn„ officers were elected:—Supt„
e. . uirt., Mlr: tors, Louise and Alhtr$, 'spent pt.;;;.• -of
='his third Medic r r
Mrs:. A1!6• ct' Campbell; 1st t=,ice Pres•,
Mrs. G .narfgc Naylor; 2hd' vice ,press,.
Mrs. Win. Robinson;" See -'Teas;, .Mrs.
Otobt. Cliarnncv: Corr: -sec. _Mrs . Bert
117 < eats in eC tr 11 gess c 'Hale, a lee eo ogie, O e,<' 111 ' las. 1,, 1 0 an., ssis . . itl , r-- to nis Inas - o iilr ty-s .1 1 iIl wl 1 . ionipson,,, rangcts ec, M. us,
tic ld, tt er e t isitor s. tt telt Mi • and. Airs. Mess \\ rnntfr ed ], arr•aen•acft on Sat- Afe ,•; s
Clena„1ian, .\,01st., Olive rattier ; co•;lier <fi•iends." ford!' and:•r\Ylrs, as, Craig.
Annual Meeting of the 1 urnberl.-v A ricr Meson 1 t r
!!! t don c u \\.echo srttay last. tet day for her school to (C',;dar Valley, . or rantst Mrs. � }t . ' , � . • People
tttr�Ll Society Will be held it ;
R J.. �. T,ccci oft, Assisi., The Young' , , of. Blake's
— s � � .y '� i 3nan;, Church, s 1, rc c : will >rsent` their .7 - -.,, 7 . -' ,last - 1 iy' mere' man can ever understand
A'intihain, Un'ruesdav, a nita.><y 21,gt, 1930 at 2 /),11/,'�ispent the . two Ay' t?„itl her en is' i r ,•• ` -•
... � - t,• been'. ,rt nt, with her stst:�r,, tills. C. 'Bible Class Teacher, AI,-:. Alae Ross; play, "Reads n. •' String," " .
_,., , l 5, n a ,.trtn�, in Donny- why a Woman will payhire dollars
. Eileen arid: Vilma La t»t�,. � ; ,-• - ,.; - �,, ;, Cl
to receive 1.he report' ' 0•� t1"tP. pll is 'l' '- 1 �� - arm -Mier. t.t 1'alec n in C l + t . - f i j l
1 the Council Chamber, Alms nettle L1001tret of Toronto Mrs McClelland of -Orangeville has Olive Farrier r
5 et triter Intl May \Vt It Ci 1 Asnfield, 11 ll l
P C r es t s. D
. , J 13ec nook C of 5 elect l C) 1 f l s et u t c v� of ace
east cit l. s Lrbl Cl 4 M r
lrr . u. �tday evening,
Church on' Tr
- ., " _ . \\ illiarn Ai,ruhtrott , aFter ,hay week, i , Boy's and transact any other 1)Usiness )C1 tdtnln''' to the c t [t, Tntt.tattetli<tle Class, J. G. Jtxrtuat 17t1i antler tfi au
1 ,y e spices. of
= in, spent t tc nas 'vee: vttlt es Alrss attbar t b •
Gtr 17 fon Sunday Gillespie; )ie, Cir 1'C,-
lhtk.rtiiediatt 11Its the r
Society.9 C b\ Queen s Missionary Snctety.
= son, Mr. 'Chomas• Arinstr-.ong of Lent -,fur her school at Reimerta.. Laidlaw; Luys and:C,t4., tutor class Adults^) r,
a ., now -visiting y � f. h„ on 35c anal 2oti.
E G. a ' 7 t Gantt, t, with his sister„ Mr. and Mrs. ue Clark of..T- iris- Mrs r
– C. t. Ct�1.I.Ybi,1,�.., ��' . ':. (:rl. j L! l� - 1 a .. Thos, A•I,crore; T tartars Class The :f)trnnubro I ..' M. ' '
,� � .o \`�, S Held 1
Presielent. Sec
ih, �u,tuts .en. t {.t can• ,Satur- brothers, Messrs. Alfred- aizd Phomas Alias A. M. Carrick. ,
t f last week for the pttx+pose of' elect-
16111'111.ndllv,llthi 11 for th • nest t cit Yttm. Airs. Henry Grain or hc2lantLts vis- \Tess. A[erle h\il,un of Stratford Hits- result of.' lvliicli is n:9 follows—Pres,
RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW FOR THE satut•rlay with 'Mr. and airs, George Grain.
rw. ADVANCE -TIMES Robertson of East \\-a1w-anosh, whom, Mr. Russ Robinson left, On Monday passing therm probation caantiitatibns.
tt e are pleased to report, is improv- to attend. Wingham TISir1i School. The Young People's Society in the.
nem Mg, nicely, after• het: recent. severe op -Airs.' Emerson and Lila spent New ;'t -Tinted Church held' an oyster. suppet
• era.tions. Year's with Mr. and lvfrs'.•Viteor lint- on•Tuesday nig-lit in the basement
• Many old: fritiu'd • were pleased, to erson of iKin1oss. 'of the church,
1, renew old .acquaintance with (Rev.)' Rev. and Mrs Wilkinson and child- A�lrs. Charles Gillespie spent 'tire
i .iV'fri W,ill,.insoat on, Sunday, ren of. St, T.:eleus, were.gttcsts of' Mr. week -end with her cousin,. Miss
, \l r: and Ctrs. Thoma:;, McInnis and and Mrs. ' W. R. Farrier on New 1Gladys Hodgins of :L.ucknow.
• fa nils from S totsguard„ Sask., :arse iat Year's s '1)ay�, The negi..ilar monthly meeting of
■,:this• district visiting with his parents., Mr. McCartney. and Mrs. Tendo- the \Vromet1's• Tim:titnt . will be held
IMr. and Mrs. Data McInnis and with son of 1'owassott and! Mr. and Mrs. on ']Thursday, fauuary' nth.
at other r.v+t'atives: Herbert Laidlaw aotl: children spent Master Gordon Leggatt visited on'e
st' Mr: Melville l3eecr•oft left ons\ed- Sunday with Mr. and:tV'lirs, Stewart of day. last week with his cousins ,at
x `ltesday last to resume his studies at Kinloss. 1.3iuev�ale;
aWes.tere. University, London. Mrs, . Roy :Patton\ of T:ucatt spent Mrs. Morrison, an old resident of
a' bits• Campbell; Ms. Tarry \l:eClett- the week -end' with bier mother, Mrs.. Whitechurch,, i , again ill at her dart.-
11l:agh to and children visited on Friday Andrew k o ghter's, ars,, Alec Mowbray of.Woe-
last last with. Mr. -ands Mrs. Wm, Barbour,. Mr.•Gcorge. Scott' of...Montreal spent 'vale. •
Mrs. Jas. flat -hour who has been, New S'ear's' with This sister, Mrs. J. Quite at ra:uttttber of High Sc•Ctms,1
ittlltrs; \'\'ni' (antes of Gmdtrieti.
ton are visiting at the homes, of. her AIi^.s, f: Cir; (Cillcstlie:;; Cradle. Roll Shpt. special 'a meeting retctr v.. ld t ct 1 e etyng on iLlnnrXayi afternoon
7i1, • MI' I 1 ' l-l� • 1.
clay t.. resrnne her wort; in • pronto AIcCrei t .
fli�lll iCi� HMllll�f 1�111�111�III�iill�tlll�il �111�' i t,l. t � Many will he pleased to know heat iiig': officers: for the � 1 I 1,11>dlHllB1Ni�111sI11i6N16f11i111 I I �' -I
Mr. and Mrs, Henry -McGee spentogee of .her .ern;: Mr. L.'pital and. Miss Mary Weir"cif Hztmil-
itingat the It
, +ton :H tpital; ha\�.0 been successful in
14)(11,..dEUM THEATRE
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 9, 10 and 11
�ilOtis Thin and �t s Harl n.
`.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 13 14, 15
Mary Astor, .Lloyd Hughes
�. ends, Lucien Littlefield
A hi ,g tir e comedy oi,a small town roa ance,
y, January 14th, i ]1ospta1 Night, tickets
be haat from the Women's oapital,:Auk.
arNo tickets sold at " 'he etre.
vistttiig wtili her dtu:gltterr, .Mrs, Ben fnrrtay,.., students- front here were getting n back,
am■!McClettaghan, vettirned• pouffe on Sun,- Mrs. (Dr,) itsthr,scan of Luckimw, to their work. again 0;Monday, We
nay. nay spent a few d'i )!a,t week with Mr. wish them a sttecessful. term,
■ The :play wliclwas put 00 in the George and Miss Ida McQuaid:, ,A sedanerr made its Way over the
0.:Tnstitntc Hall on'Priday last was eery Miss Annie. Krnttecly of. Lindon is snow hanks from Winghain. on Sun-'
Iinteresting and: a capacity audience spending a week Vvi't:lt tier parents; clay.. This was the first one through
for some time,
Mi'._and Mrs. Alt Carr and, family,
Mr.. and Mfrs. j oltit Tertritt, Aft. and.
Mrs. W, J. Coulter and family, iV.1r;
and Mrs, R1} Jaerlt es spent Nets
Year's 'Ev'e with. Mr. nod Mrs. An-
drew Nilson at a fowl supper And,
■ was present. Mr. and Mrs.David Kennedy. Their
■ Very great interest t is being shown daughter, Mrs. Tt,a;rry. `i iel bottrne of
■ in, this week's municipal elections. Goderieli •aro spent last week with
■ ,lrr, \V. J, Croston from Oregon, theta,
■ is herr~ visiting his uncles, Messrs. , Mrs. Siclny i erguson and .sot,:,
■ Andrew and Robert Ferric and other 1)01101(1, of •Lond:4ni arse visiting with
111 friends in this district. Mrs, Archie CI OW,-.
Miss Mabel Johnston returned to M[1ss ' McReniie who' was •isi� i with tousle and
■ . gg i t ttg• dancing, and oltlw
▪ het, school at Blot* on .Mortality it10111- with relatives in Kincardine, returned tittle songs,
inrr, to the Manse on Saturday.
IN ■ Mr, and Mrs. Militate` moss and M.'r. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McInnis spont DONNYBROOK
and Mrs. Alfred Ross of Teesw:ttet', New Year's with their daughter, Tv.tt'S.
11 also Mr, aid Mrs. Archie Patterson Orval Tiffin, 'Our teachers and students have re -
Ili and family of Luek'now, spent New We are pleased to report that Mrs, turned to their Sel itols after spend-
1:"Vear's with Mr, and ,Airs. �•\'iri, 'lay -T eri 'lids mime Iced io irrrl)rnve' af.- int;; the holidays at their respective
•' 10r tit :1R'iftloS , ,ter het• recent ,]]lne ti,: • homes.
','"Mr. and' Mts; crlttt 'T�aleorter and 1, Miss. Annie Moore r•elttr'nt•d r Mrs,, Witt, Crozier
J t< the' and daa.tl,'hters,
1''fnutily, also Mr. George Falconer, se., Rosiness College 111 W]nghaan 'ot) 1'tartr.cs and T,ot' na of Crewe, spent
.tnd family, ;lpCitt Nt;iv Year's with MT+)rrday, tt £t'cV 'days last iverlc with her par-
r.' and Mrs, Daniel haleon-i' of ('tel- I Mr, Tommy'
Moffatt on ;Monday ents, Mr and Mrs.WM. Campbell,
'toss, jtrnirn meed the •tlttsiittts 'ollcge Tisa. Josie Murphy Visited with leer
enntt:ng year, the
for a pair of stockings that give the
impression that she isn:t wearing
stockings. --Ottawa (Kau. journal,
V"c understand from the ad.aentisc
nients- that' the college lad's are at
least passing their cigarette tests with
great 'success this ' year.—Arkansas
January Sale of FOP Coats
Here isan' opportunity' that. rarely happens-.
A chance to btiy; Quality Furs; at less than, the
price. of cheaper' goods.
. Best Fur Coats
at Big acrifice in ' Pri
New good's just to hand and bought
-at many dollars hElo\1iratlifactLtl, a.
. Coat.
A great chance for Misses' and Small
rxr ll
Women f to save.
• Natural,, Talended and Silver Muskrat
and a few Persia l
A.11, less 20 to 50%.
It will pay you to come miles for these. Bargains.