The Wingham Advance Times, 1929-01-09, Page 4, . 4401,i 04404 4.4444,11poiN .14.1,04.0",11,4w. 174.01111041144.1444,1101440,104,04et!**,,AA0,444144.414 / ADVANC-TIMS AFTER HOLIDAY SPECIALS 1:4‘1..1NCI I LVOR'ir at half price. This is a \VOndOt- Itti eltance to complete your set of this toilet 1416 J I( )1' wATP,Ts.) BOTT I ,E—Gttarant oied. fo years, large size, for . . .. ...$1.49 STATIONERY—A large 25c Writing Pad and a 1.c: package interlined Envelopes for, .. .29c fr AOlkiKarmaoAnas, cKibbon's ri rag Store 7.S"-. %Lola DIts sio„, Tiznothy Says There is Priothing, for the Laggar , T{, Editucav a1 thim Wingllarn PaYPQrs. Deer Sur:— cnvp1,0 TD TRE cmuRcru asorkgston Whig-StUndard) •A contemporary has taken up the question Of giviag to the church, aed quetes some fig-tires'recently. arri. at in one congregation. lhese • ore Eik I LtiRD.LY MO1:IS It..VaitaxIMS ate thAtld ye about :the two 14o.b ed that, five, families p1edge0 Wow- Schoes ol bywho do be sialayiu lvid of two packages of chc•• A ftitte (cost its, an 'Lisa foine pair av young fel- 10-18 they are, but 1. bev to be zither n 1' 1, a bit av a talk now an Wk; eetten the eqv ,dgtkg Oulu a soda; twenty-two g .,13Vall,nrit 'cif on average smoker', eon he 'cost Q1 the thin, to reinfonite, so to shpake, what ,a„,ty . . , they do be latitin at School,. -Thim member , 4.(011.„km,(6,4 Iffruch z4Seach lads do be slItudYln Princh, an Latin( les 0.- oto4141-pay to aTtend the Moy- Grake, an, 4111,04c, nayther wan av , ,oiet• eiight; forty-nine gave ae AlfeMilleA1301i. ItAglitfouted, and '614.*e.,s Evidenee Ttieenendens Strength---Featiese leighter When Cliallecteged—Devot- ed tO SOUng. Seeing. a Canada moose as a ailed - Men in a Museum One might well be lee to epeculate as to the extraordin- ate' build of thie, the largest 'of all ai deer, writes Dan Mecowan in Forest thine kin sheake good English yit, La,: would ay for hench at a and Outdoors. The very tong' legs -dn not aven chteint Irish. 'Tis a me.' 11110,14r4a0b.' :piked eeetatrant; forty- and the extre'nelY 511°11' neck are ap- parent contradictions; the massive wide spreading aetlere with which the male has been provided muse. oureey. pi•chet liardensorne and amulet but •impede the ereature's progress through the tangle of thiek woods; the monstrous nose and oversize up- per lip are singularly grotesque, In- deed the animal seems so uncouth 1and so unreal that the casual ob- server . strolling along the aieles wherein the art of the tee -idol -mist is displayed 'could be forgiven for con - take intoirely, so it "[Int wussen't about 4' elfe that 1 'Alb; fel :flee prke of pound of nlora.opa:t6I:s, vritoa (..ancisr, and forty' .the 14 -1 of a to.lked to thim lasht • , .„ , it moight bey oiii,..„..titipe 1424, , whti ,i,t. , Thie •sietinds tether .tiheap, and a tt, 't.1"1"01 see iitil' ettitent6bile •firee a .year. 1 shpoke to th,,,,,,e1 fsom4„.1,*u° i loike This. vele, long way Of what has been les- "1,3„Y,els'" "''''''' 11, c., ao he Ki'oi'in :veiny •regarded as the "tithe" due to up le'"'..:ce e'n t. am 'not stirpNiisefi •dr•ibe tihutch. it lee eetertteee 'av fhe tonceint ye -acsi nut is it a lair camper], son..., 'We . doubt it. We will grant ii 'r e will soon 11i.11, 'to be .44,40,44mamourrainiarattinnewer.moo.444.****04.44.4amaosnamproweamemanewrow that the average church goes does nut nin Me cot:indite- -an make'', some soft give as much as he mielit • to thework eidering• it one of nature's fantastic . -. ye athetchurch, but there are many *aza9Himents• ' , v ' a hvin fel, rs:flves eat • the 'Same e c tinse., an I ',,a•rie 'to tdll 'ye -that 'tis •I 1 o' i 4 •I'• e. Yet seen in its native haunts, in o . , . we° cite iett teere ts teas to 4,e, re- the torest aisles of British Columbia - - • 11. 4i -e - ' FOR SA:O.,,-A,..-sed C 0 al or v(4)0(1 BLY"cH ,,---- range, higle oven, hot water irunt treservt. lf-lest offer takes 11., Re- 1 -\.fr.,. i;,,,,1 , • , ,, . , 4, , .,, . „. sh 1.41.e.t.sple 41.<4.K.I.Ve(i. LAW ,out.pe:- -placed by electric. Part rash, Mrs, t ' T. R. Bofinc tt, , 'Jig leteiir the other 'day, which is self-' lexplateavory, and enust contribute to 1.?0,Ftr me„,,x si,...a.tes arid tlie pileasure and ‘ii.tisfaction of those' -- • a inte(uested in forwai-ding some Cheese- lloots size 6, nearly view. Appiy , OffitZi.41. n'y ie wureue. an ere the various festival; alien which d. , strength., The great inuseles expand - t -.fug• cause ripples eot t rang IT1 that this ',weekly Pledge or in the wilderness regions of the e poor nein L.- who IS membered,. Whin 41. 'need. 'to .be:Wlirraakiin arrow -id. of ete by in Lie great majority of •cases, if not no means covers etre con, , • ,Nerthern Quebec this splendia ant - :Prairie Provinces, New Brunswick or 'at die l Intl ae the procisniore • •. • , Ys orvainzations itt l'unibee camps, an on railway con- • e • • trunnions made, There ate 'various .3110fatib.,l'eltbehletldee°1..1111'1‘eflosvitnhge connected wifh. th e trainc-cl. athlete, the raoo.se in all its 'fhracts, an rh-er d.roives, alwa lawb churches which call 'for money There • actions gives evidence ot tiemen u. . "found that fhe lasht man on the . t mai= ehe,er to the under-priviteced . . . X04- Ointariii•ie-- the poorest pay, an -wits the furst to special collections are inec.le, such as 1",(YR Ite .'•ei 4,tnit-turms , -Zehool Car, the coat that, despite its coarseness, Ing ton rat, were the Thanl-egng Ftheter and Christ:4. !4shimmers in •the sun; now and again int the sack Whin }ewer min w Rocatis, semi or ittditurnished; also anadian .1`Tatioleal Ry., ' d , 1-11(4050. 1 •as the light plays slant -wise there aice .• ye turn out o )e garage.' Modern, evinveniences, ers shticl het anipistiun enough to -01 Ontario, „ , • . mas; there are extra appea.s 01 Nar- s eems to be a sheen, oi la lei tete - tl • r g;G;t: • ecenibte. 27,, 029, ioue ;objects, contribution2, s .re sought cto.. or like the bluen sh on a sun locietion. .„2e. !J. Ross1) . • ,• e t 1 f • • •• f - 4. Dear Miss Gillespie:— entlinrepitirs o es, n or tor plum'. And now light-footed the eyea - throv to kape the clainest farrum on for nw bu FOR SA1 .E-1 't. -,pan of Perch even mares, fl5I1 liOitItd six years, Ireoken singte «r double, sound wed Have Not Always Right -Of -Way Masstey-Hapeis seven -foot 1 In the couree, of his addresss to right; 3. Cut 'binder, sheaf carrier and wont; the jury tlie 4hearing at the Ses- complete. •Avely to 13aviri Wroxeter. 71VAN't*E1)--Cirl or woinan for 'Gen- eral honsenrwirk. Apply to Advance - Times. 'WetNTED—Horses, Se to e6; rab- bits Mc ealCh. R. Laidlave -pbone 266J. CARD OF THANES Mrs. W. A.. Currie and family wish to extend their sincere thanks for (Highways, but they are entitled, after many kind expressions ,of sympathy doing so, to precederice if they had from friends during the .reeent be- Iri.ocbca the intersection ahead; of reavement„ „ , • 'motors operating on the Provinciat Highways. Thl is a point upon IN MEMORIAM inany appear vague. Westlake-- Lovingly remembering Probably all Amity members are a dear son and brother, Harry West- people whom 1 can remember quite "Jake, who died .Tanuary 3rd, 1921. Ivividle. Please ask thern to help me Sometimes we -view a sunset more - tie -tire out why wheti a millionaire in sions of the Peace at Walkerton re- cently of an auto accident case, His Honor jndge Ovvens drew attention to a misconception in which numbers of PC 9)10 appear to persist. For fire benefit of those Who seem to think that, because they are travelling on a Provincial Highway, they have the right-of-way over -persons in cars 'ap- proaching from intersectiens, he stet - ed, in effect, that this depends upon circumstances. Automobiles are, forc- ed to stop before entering Proeincial ' glorious than the rest, , Or hear Well rendered rou,;ie! by \ankh er muda )1.- in Texas becomes. poor ye byes is that a noun! sInnit card is T. ! • , our Skulls are bleased; the worldls goods then the tinder, 'the -161", (111 to gruw besitt cr°Ps4! the debts on old Once -and. other calls an raise the f Oin est shtock. If ye de- readily occur 'to our readers. We wid thesuc tory parthy fursht ting iso eandRily Confess 510 4Kao not. like -coin, parisons h aS we have otierted;they Colde to go „ in fOr pollyticks, •111C 19) as tc,.). git a rtiight Altai*, an thin are not quite fair' to a great many , .great, this large -bodied deer belies its times when the need of caution is shtiek. to It, Ter the Tories are- bett:' therch memberc; end 'they cast a slur clumsy. aPpearance . and moves ' out i b through the underwoods with a her at handin?-w-- Js to thee which, considering the, large annual frinde:: than fliim Grits are, though eums which are given to the -WM-lc -en I , tit . iiiieanny, Again, when eompelled to stealth that is at once impreseive end 1 Mei,-tot Much out av [him inesilf, the churches cannot be Said to be seek safety in flight, how,impeinwee- but I 'am 'ixPiektin that Mishter Eer- altogether deserved. At the samelv .. , ,. it crashes. through the woods, he ill not fergit 1110 Whin' he ' ' time we frankly admit that peO- eriorinous. palmated antlers Lhrownt guson m .. baekupon the shoulders, then eeem- shfarts a dishpirfsary in Wi'llhati:1' PIC could increaSe their givings to the in . 'Tis ihtiekin te a 'jaw ' that counts, churchvery Considerably if they Were: g folded out of the way and offer- ]) no matther whether. it is pollytickS, ins little hindrance to the progress inclined to do so. - , of• the beerer. • . . . a moose run?" Ia -arr farruniing; arr wurrukin in a Inc-:. , ' . •, ' ' : "How fast can, S Ouestion often asked. In recent Years, Ail .A.S.SeSttetS• :Work members, of the Royal Canadian 4 Monnted Police engaged in Motor -pa.; .van' fQr if Y too much ye will always be slitartin trol du,y within tbe National Par•k L- 1519)0Oangin iirwilild To the Municipal -Council and FelloW at the. bottom av the 'laddher akin, 4 Ratepayers' of East Wawanosh:—. • Utility, net only to observe moose in ereas, of the West haVe had oppo,.r- an 0(1111111 in at the heel av the hunt, Gentlemen, as I have been an (,)f.-• the act of running rapidly, but 4 also, an 1)1111 hewers *IV wood any drawhers freial of the municipality . for a num— by- meaue of speedotneters on meter ber of vears and .I wish to be reliev- cycles, to ebtain eecurate data as to av ,wather ter the 1Migher tip fellahs, ‘he ao+nal speed' aetained 'bv these which the same is what inc dawter- ed.. at this time from that pc.i.sition, ''' ' - : • ! : creatures. In September 192* Corpl. tore is,, stepping high as it well-bred Hackney, daintily as a prairie ante- lope, and surely as the wild sheep on the shining mountains of Canada. At tory, arr in an atvfice. Nivir lave wan place ti114 ye are, sliure av a betther ni-laso call inixin me inettyfers, success and good fecline- from the mere Highway ah.ead of his car for ! feel thait 1. have had a good long , Ball of Banff detachment hail 0. large Amily.way ------------ iyge av an ,terin and have had a fair arnbunt of .bull moose, rtui along the indet- ishman to shpake tll he is undher- the distance of two miles and at a ereat majority of the taxpayers of registered speed of twenty-five miles t'she TOWnship.' •There several per hour. • "The animal ree' .very stood, an what I want to impress on la po----------------------------------------------001010 o' .• things ii•b"Lit 1-11e wl'rk that rather isivaddle-Iegge(1,,, he said "like a in And .wish that be were here with us, privileged of, the bush becomes more b131. sonic things I dcin't pacm,, hoist., When. urged to greater ,44 these blessings 11(4.1 -night share, 1 privileged still. Fort,ettin., for thc. momeat 110,5 111 1 l'his 'is a winter of need. We inade our Father's care; That he is safely guarded --We Would an extra effort for Christmas and 1 ,111,1 llav,-! it chang,"(1- think we did -well and did kindly. But God ,thu,„,td 0A:id 1., it all 1 , , ,. • , auoti nine nonws Just now to It nom most. carefully arranged. And -------, il the daybreak, \elicit. life's 'the help that comes front your d'on- ,mysteries are declared, atioil -will be very necessary and I Ile :will be first to greet us •in that do not cOunt the houses where ac - place God has prepared.. 4.eptim„..ve„s ago grew to hi• :Mother, sisters anli. brothers. ' gifts ' ` • • a habit that bears no good. fruit. SCHOOL REPORT It is my Christmas gift to knew that Amity Class remembered ' nit. , Christmas Tests, 'ILS.S. No. 13. the good New Year be. a great ' - - 1 1.1 it away if it is a thrunip. 4' • ; • the 1'11 1111er I wud advoise ye not to lie noine e• -i their 1)uildings, np goes the assess- ' disappeared. in the greentvcrods. . (11 tile same like. For histance, if a party improv - swerved suddenly abide and at once elipots all yer loives. NONV byeS, I hope 3..n..4 will t ink cm-er 1)01 1110 law sa s it rnust be and more solitiary th.an ariy herliivorous . 11Writ, a thing I always hated to dr), Wary to an unusual deg,ree, much the advoice 1 hey given ye. I cud . '' Y.' • . . • animal found in tile lioekies—•-a Tear - say 14 1,41, inore, but T tink I hear the. . A i j• •all, but I ' b " • ' sequenfiy nothmg else for it. 1 have less dotter when challenged by a !liken., comin un the shtens -o ve 'trice 1 0 3e air 10 PerhaPs riNal—there is , yet one other eha.r- - ' - ' ' ' have erred in some ct.i.ses because 'We acteristic notable in this giant dner, 1 link, 'Misliter F,dithr, that thim don't i;ce all things in the same light. one that has been ruoi•e or less over - had ltetther git back to ye rrooms! tlie Town_ looked„, 4one that, is it,eto.te.r•the.,1ess ouioter het. a few inoore 'Calks wid ilium" roight if I 1 \V.lien T 'first went °ye' . . the year the male moose is• a bashful, lads• will corm" tram all evideni. During the ,„-teatei Intl 1. - , .; ship I can recall many .conversations Yours fel' t bigger and betther .with the old pioneers who are now fellow, tremendously sell-consrionz Canada, • :net-,trly till passed rm. Their pi„ces when under observation. He hatc.,s to be s ied on and loathes bele, de- . Timothy Flay. 'have been taken by others. in look- 1) ' !tected in the act of crossing an open ing over the Past volls I see that space or enntring in. tlie tro()ds. In The nuniber signifies the per cent. \\ t - 'there are miry Five to SiX of the old such a situation is not crestfallen I but only because he lacks a crest; his hornes V.—Elva Dane 69,.!7Margaret Sim- SiltoereIY, Tfloris. 58. Fred Sloman. Sr. IV---e:Tean. Lane 82, Dick , net 69, Wilfred Wier! 68, Elmer Gal- PLAYING ON VIOLIN' 0her 62, Ethel Fitch 62. ; ANNOYED KlIeLER Jr. V—Gladys Fitch 71, 1)onald • , . Fortune 68, Viola Willits 62, jack Guelph. Jan. 2.—Mental delnsions, Wier. 62, George Gallaher 60, Gladys which caused him to betivi•e that Wier' 58, Beulah Lewis 55, Robert "Scobie Dan" MacDonald was trvi 444 ,C4.ratrigan 48. to hill bile With gas mid further an - Jr, lil.!;.,-1\fary King 67, Lloyd Wier 01 000C by the ednstant ' :P10-Yitlg by -64, Myrtle (lathers 60, Earl HallidaY \fact/0111dd 'of a virility Prompted .59, Eva Willits 54. ! , jOcelyn Green, insane murderer 10 1.,, --Edith Willits 56, Helen Willits Make the. frenzied attack MacDon- : h;stelyn Cathers 44, Jack WillitS ald in the psychiatrie ward of the On- - 42 tario reformatory, which resulted in • Lane, Mac Hallida-, n'athers, Margaret Niel, Emerald I.amt-is, Eldred Cathers. l'n—C4 core i 410 Al eN1 ichael, .11111-0 'Bonnet, •\,\'illits. . V. •kl, Setter:4, Teaeller, OM SUNNY CALIFORNIA 4`,eleivei side, Cal„ Jan, 1, 1980 ?Car 12.(111'Z'rr V e have enjoyed 1Iw news in your valuable Weekly paint that we have had =lied to 11, since .14)11611g to this conntry a little 10,00 a, 3,ear ago. We have .4.11 here long 'enough to 00- ( 1)0 different seasons or a whole year and may say, while it 'was extreiraly warm liert• during mid -summer, tiny tell 11.; it Was (111- 115111(1 Trott ever, tale it the 34ear round, 14 11 111 delighted with this climate. Can ran the tottos the year round and (t):,14:4 Wilt 1)1410111 all 'win, ter long. l'o-tlay, New Viiar'S Day, the Snit is shining and is jtist as nine as a May day at home. hat 14 nothing 14:), against qyod old Canada, it's a, enerderfrd (1111111":1% 111 ly the severe cold winters dr 04 lee. With My 'or nre 114%re., . Iteritao it' ts, 1,1111, " nbie Dati'S" dUatil relN" hours later in the institution hospital. Such was the opinton est) ressud by eformatory officials last night le an- nouncing. that an investigation would he opened thiS afternoon at 3 o'clock into tile fatal occurrence. A 3 110y WaS einpanele'd yesterday afternoon by Coroner 1)0. T. FE Orton, who will preside at the inC11.10-St, Information regarding. the killing which was revealed yesterday •was to the effect that Green, inmate of the lestittition ror 11.111.11y 3;*11 1'S attacked Macl )(maid. with 0 small wrapPed iron bar, strikiug 111111 four or five blows and inflicting severe wounds, which were :,14lifiCkni 10 render him tmeon- seiolis resulted in tik death with- in a few- hours, "Seoliie 1)rtn" MacDonald was a re.. turned soldier and had a splendid re,. eord overseas. 14.6 WAS popular ht Kincardine and district aS a ball 'player and at 41C 1111114 play(11. 101' Yo(1011.C11. CARD OF TI4ANXS T, WW1 lo thank the V01(401-, 'of Ai r ris Township foe the continued eon, Nth -nee in me as shown' by the .4. (rte. on Monday, Nr.me Vorl;er (incredulously): "Arid you mean to sav that in Cali•fornitt you hat e 865 days of sunshine. a lean [-rpm ea , , , ttctly so, sir, and triat's a nirgirty con- . „ servaltve, estunate. • LOSING THEIR TRADE lie M11.11QS 011 Cael----------------1 that use is• much too:short to give prpner Ito be there. 1 think it wireld be safe expression to the hang -dog sInmp , to say that 80 per cent. ,of the PrOP-1 that otherwise is all too evident, erties are other owners and ' Of the moose, as of most' of the 'no relatiou 4to the rdiginal owners, 1 so-called wild amnia's. Of Canada, it ;The population has decreased ov d , i is commonplace to say that- they •ate r point by the Kananaskis Lakes about 500 since 1896 when 'I first as- rocky 'se'ssed the township. T was 011 I. 11 en : on a quiet summer evening, watching 'for 1 4 years, then oiff for 12 y ear, , 1 the COWS, acedmpanied by their legge , devote to their young. To Siton.a. 111(1 back a itin for the past 8 .y.tai.s -I calves, come to • the. willows to feed 1 . ' and to the cool clear water to think ,malsina 22 years ni all, ted]. no10 is idyllic occupa.tion for a'devout 110- -- The anthracite coal business in the United States is in a poor Way. 'tire men who run it don't. seem to rx;,. 01)14 to set it right, so they ask. the LT. 5. Department rir Commerce to locate the trouble. The 1:.5, coal Int 015( 4)' ( id not know how 1)4 use its customers :when it. had 110411. . Canadians hatte memories that eas- ily reach back to the days 1011011 1110110. WaS 110 0,101 to 1)S had because a strike was on. The coal 1)00ple in 1.7.S. did a great deal to make people littrry arotmd mid find out that other things weidd. take the place 01 ateliracite coal, and ! also tit make. them find out it could that 1' should quit for the quitting ture lover. It is. likewise pleasing to seems good to me at this time. , see the young being helped in their Only.: the most tender I l 1 • ; met some suitable pers.tin can br°1"11)g' Shoots and leaves of t2e3E4 are appre- be found that will take. my. Place, the' tatod by the, as yet, 'soft - mouthed lbest that can be got will. *be nor -16 calves,. But this sue.mlent green .feed too good for. it Is 0. mery important is for the greater part beyond their ;position for practically all the busi- ' • • , ,•;5 (11: he Tow ), deve ,s 1 mother. She frequently snaps off leafy. ncl ill)"11 branches and. casts them to tbe • (the assessment roll. 1. Wish to ex- ground and often by sheer etrength ipress my sincere thanks. to you all of . muscular shoulder pushes small fOr Inc many aCts Of kindness and poplar trees to earth so that her off TlitirsdaY, January 9th, 1930 T own TUES .4 1, 4 Wingham ameatumme.444.4....-4'.......soummseavv4.4...mmaornmakm4.4.4.44444.4.-444*."4.44.44444'0440.4404444,.. tx.,4Ameacr.rmarnimassistramourattorwassaventamatanmenu.amumimmasinuar.,44.4r4,r44.4. • Irvin whardson Presents Stack Bir trels PLE-21 0 Presenting 2 hours of Music, Singing and Dancing. Choice selection of good, dean, funny jokes arid sweet Southern Melodies. Reserved Seats 75c, tax included, Rush 55c and 25c. Doors Open at "7.30. z enc an us p :110epitality that T have :received at "ring ma"°11v("lientlY reach and )(ours veto sincer(dv, afire it means holoceust for innumor- f I crop. the foliage. •you,r When in midsummer the forest is - • able yoUrtg birds and mammals, Fledgling's are 'destroyed within the . nests and immature Mammals fall ready 1,4:let-bus to smoke and tame. Superintendent Howard. SIbbald of BORN Kootenay National Park tells of the • tate ofthreo victims in a eOnfiagra- ' lso secured otlit:r p1110015 than in I.rnited State's. The average 14111 41 will. haVe 111014v sympathy with the miners tmt 1(1 work than with the coal barons who im 11 1110 1.3140perties„—ileaC031-14kiraIsl. ( ' ilkintoul-- At St. joseph's 1-Tosnital, tion that roared through a long val.- I 0 ,r1 S 11d.11 ays )ecernb(;1. 2, ley and swept a mout,tainside bare of Sudbury t i .forest growth, One was e cow moose, ; to Rev. ,A, 0, and Mrs. Rintonl, the others her twin. calves, The ailtilt ' formeely .of Vorest, a daughter — aqinal might easily have run from :RobinSon, PaSt ASSeSS00. ere. ST ET 1,V1 04 it 0 DE Win Grand Challenge Cup arid out-listanc•ed the fiery scourge ti a Za, but her young, opperently only a few DEATHS . Wroxeter, Deeene days old, lamed, both strength and Ath, lo Alt and m-rs. Hars,(,y. speed to escaPe, And. the clumsY, un- couth 4 . grOtesque looking .mother I-Topper—At SMirt• Ste. I'vfarie, Out, 111 Ttlinrsday, T/ecernher 2n41, ;fa VII- • 1111R triclow ol th(-4 late wit- 1 liam ll'opper, in her 73rd year0 terntent tool; place in Cleardslee Cet11 010 0,y 011 Saturday, M jai 1114037 2nd, 'Nfarearei 'efelivrtin Teed 81 veer.; anti 6 days. ha I, , R maid Robt.it. cleeted.to remain with her offspri ag 1 .• 'ref e es • Wirtgliant 4411 YaUttarv 141 01 land -4n *AVOW 011.11S11 II), Oh Tile:4111y, Jantutry 71 It, to "*.Tr. and rs. .1)6)11 'I -Tolland, a son, Wells---ro Mr. anti Mrs. 1-farry VVel•ls . . 126 Elgin St Clalt,,4in Galt Tiospi- tal, frn January 4t11, 11son—Williarn Tiarry Harding -An Howiek on. Jamtary 4th, , XI 1, a rid ,\ I vs. N orroari Ffardhtg, 1 a datigbtoe ... and the black, pall" wrapped theln. round about. , • 1,.Incour0.ge Maple Sugar industry, • 'The, Qiiebee GoVeritneent wilt in etilIeage the nitaple sugar, induatry bet direct means. To maele .ettgar• 0e- ,0pera1ive bodies the peparttnent 01' Axil oil tat re :will advance, for the vele ' chase and improvement, of erettlpment, OP te $500 free or intereet Charges ter it period 'of live 'e'45. Vollowing 'their victory in the -a- Eastern Lines championship of first-aid teams of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the Windsor Sta- tion police team, of Montreal, car- ried off the Grand Challenge Cup for all first-aid teams on -the Cana- dian Pacific system, defeating a team from Nelson, E.C, winners of the Western Lines championship, in the all -lines final at Ottawa re- cently. The Montreal team obtain- ed 186 pOints out of a possible 275, and Nelson xeceived 168. The trophies were presented by Hon. Hewitt H., Bostock, P. C., 1\f. A., Speaker ,,of 'the Senate, at a • Pleasant informal dinner. The teams were judged by Colonel Charles A. Hodgetts, C.M.G., Vrie. M.D., D.P.H., director of the St,. John. Ambulance Association, Cana - dime Branch. Above is the Mont- real police team: left to right, standing: Constables E. G, Wykes, H. Stott, and 0. Tomlinson; sit- ting: Constable W. H. Allison, (captain of team), C. G. Miller, first-aid instructor -for Eastern. Lines, and Constable W. W. Peter- son. Individual cups, donated by Dr. H. A. Beatty, chief surgeon and medical officer of Canadian Pacific, were • presented to all raembe,rs of the team. ' )1'• "". AA a Government & Municipal:Bondp Real Estate Securities Investment Trust A RECORD IS BETTER THAN A PROMISE 'For 46 years..eyery Bonti iss4e cotimlethl'ed atd sold. by Stitii- son & Ltd„ has paid. interes.M, 101(1 Avheb. �ASTiHSONfa a LrFeureD E$71' 1083 The Oldest lEiond flolIsehlCarnlcIti 159 BAY ST. rolirstql-a 1 " i i 1 • 1- 7