HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-01-09, Page 1HURON CU
Sin Copies, :Five Cents
WTha*n .JL Currie
• 4)c:title ,capteerathee sadden I ee • o it" Fri-
day to William A. Currie, a
known citizen'OfeWielharnewho had;
1>een i rather indiffek-eat foi!., a couple:,
yeaes, "Dfritirig the rest few week's
a showed cansiderableaimproveineet,
Was able to enjoy Christmas with the
•ifamilar around the tabre, bitt in e,day
'or' two suffered a relapse, Mr. Cur-
Weseibarn at Fierth, "leer Ottawa,
calla 0,:itlirre 't•O Wewenosh with his pare
ents, the late Mr. James N. arid. 1.1.171",
Currie, when „seven , years o'fl
Aliout 21 yrs egO be-Catee 'tot Wilfg-
Inns; .and aftee toritlucting 'to flotir and
it:ed.:business, opened up a ',Machine
allot), which he conducted -.until he
sefiered; a physical' break -clown two
arears ago. He had a pleasant man -
nee,' WaS a. lover of'Cleansport,
eSeful .eitizen.
Surviving are his wife aiitl two dau-
ghters, Mrs. A. Bieman of „London
and Mrs.' E.ross of 'Toronto; ...also
twolsistetes, Mrs, S. Leggett, and Jean
of CollingwoOd.. Services-, :Were con-
•duct'ed at his late, re'sidence 'Mooday
afternoota by Rear. S. Davison, pastor
Of the 'United_ Church, of, which he
was e Member.
eeti ng of Winghein
was held je the:Coun-
cil Chenthee on , Monday at eleven
o'clock, when theeiollowing suscribed
to the eecessary declaration of office:.
--Thomas Fells, Mayor5. W. Mc-
Kibbon, Reeve; and :!Meases. I -L 18,
Elliott, C R Wilkinson, _Athos Tip+
ling, Harry:Diament and james Mc-
Council reassembled at 8 o'clock in
the evening fiir, general busineas;
when his Worship, the Mayor, .matte
his inaugural idress, He welcomed
the- councillors 'to the oldposition,
as Re evider\ca of appreciation on bee:
half of the ratepayers for their !Pest
services, but regretted that there was
vacancy. He urged the strictest
economy;"oe the part of the couecil-.
leteS during the coming year in order
to lighten the burden as much as pose,
sible. While the greater part of the
expenditure is uncontrolled there is
more need for careful consideration
Of _every.expericlitere._ There had been
hearty cp-operation in the .past, and
asked,thie again, that the work of the
officials and the progress of the: car:-
Poration'inight proceed, to the best
'Miss Mary Robertson returned to
:Stratford after spending tl#. holiday
•at her home. , • ''
' 'Communications were received
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. • Harkness- of
Langside were New Year visitdrs, at
F. Marshall's. -
Mr. Kate Hodgin and datightero
Kathleen of Lucan, spent a week with
Mrs. 5, Gamble, Diagonal: Road. '
Mr.. Albert Harkness of Toronto,
hem the Hospitai. for, Sick -Children,
seekieg, a .,,:rant; from -Kitchener icity
'council petitioning the Ontario Leg-
islature to so amend the •Old Age
pen'Sions Act, that Co rp ore t s cpn-
tributing ,to the maintenance of any
perSon, would share in ',ply estate left
ie proportion tothe amouet contri-
buted ' • •
Wieghanc Woinertle.',Institute Asked
for a rebate of hall rent for a• cOncert
spent New Year e : S held in Noyem er to raise money for
• ter, Mrs. F. "Marshall Centre street. •
Christmas relief in town:
Mr: and. Mrs., Chris. Newman, jr., The first and last requests were
spent a few days with the latter's left over 10 the ' February meeting,
perenta, Mr. and -Mrs. Flenaihg, Chep- iceben scene definite standing will be
atswe, Ont. ft [ On thy lliatjq o la1irebatcs4
Mr. and Mrs. T.EcK. Smlth lefi'and also the eseei grzattS Made.
• for' London.: last week,. where Mr. I, Councillors Elliott and Diluent
Smith has taken a position with the !mewed that' Winghath Council en-
Sapertesta•Company, , Idorse thepetition. of Kitchener Com( -
Mr, and Mrs, Frank Galbraith and ;ei1. regarding' themendreents to the
two children, of Toronto, visited over ; °lel Age Pension Act. ,
New Year' S at the 'benne of Mr. and: 1 he (Jerk read a letter from Rob -
john Galbraith.' ' eet A. Spotton, Councillor -elect, re-
stetimg p let, ant can. osme $10
• AccOrdieg to the published state -
eon of expenses Of Dr. J. B. White- It° corer cost Of 11CW nomination Pro-
le' and Ca A. Robertson, candidates..-th'Iceedings.
'North Huron Provincial election, it eeve McK.ibbon and Councillor
mid that thn. esi,na-
lion be accepted, the Mayor issue a
warrant for a new • nomination, and
that the deposit of Mr, Stanton be
and tableaus will be given by the ,„ ,
Striking Committepresented
all,t,ildren of St. Paul's Sunday 'School
their report as followS:'—
• cei Friday evening, January 10th, at, • . .„
texectawe—mayor Fells, Reeve Mc-
, eight, ,o'clock, in the Parish Hall, A
Kibbop and Councillor H. 11glliotif.
silVee collection at the door.
DIeance—Elliott, McKibben, Mc, -
coat the former $851.92; and the lat-
ter $597.14.
A. splendid program of vocal solos,
(limas, choruses, also drills, dialogues
Gillivraya •
Streets -',-.Fells, 'Wilkinson; 'Elliott,
PropertyTipling,. DiMenti ',Spot -
top. -
Diment, McKibben,
Each • Cordmittee to organi,ae: and
appoint their own chairman.
Thos. Fella, H. B. Ellidtt,
5. Waltoi McKibbon,
Finance Conimittee recommended
payment of several accounts, largely
maturing debentures and 'interest
eounons. Among them. Was : one' of
$8000 an the coneolidated debt be-
ing.the last mie, on the. Public School,
There remains but one more. deben-
ture an the consolidated debt, which
matures next year. •
Several by-laws were put through
their necessary readings for borrow-
ing ,money from the 'banks to .tneet
current expenditure and for appoint-
ment of the, following offieerie-LtE.
Lewis, aight-watchman; George. Al-
len, Chief of Police; W. A...Galbraith,
Clerk; Patind-.keeper, R.., Mitchell;
Fence -viewers, John Morgan. And -Jim
Anderson; High School Trustee, C.
P. 'Smith; Public Library *a:presen-
t:give For 3 years, Rev. Davison;
M.0.1-1., Dr, Stewart; Auditors, A. H.
Musgrove and j. Dodds; Solicitor, ' R.
Vanstone. These are about the seine
as lett veer, the 'salaries being. un-
changed. Reeve MeKibbou thought
the 'allowence to thee Mayor ',Should
be des:hied on eerie, that provision
could be made in the estimates. He
stated the $100 should not be looked
on as a:salary or as a reertmeratien
for services rendered, but as a recom-
pense for many expenses 'the (dike
of Mayor exacts. No person, other
than those who have passed throtigh
thie, office, call realize the claims 1111d
/0011111as thatle. Ceencilloe
;heartily .stipptated the motion and
1,threW MIL t 1 d.
S ion o u
la $8.00 paymein t''..thincillors for
tit:tending Council meetinfiai, \vas
'more as 11 sentiment than en earnest
:action to be passed. Council did tioi.
:think the beginning ei the 3'ear a
'suitable time to bring a eoutributione
!matter like this up, but rather it
should come. before the public jest
;previous to the elections. That :it
would chase away the lethargy of the
municipal ledaterence. is a certainty,
Council left over till next' meeting
.the reequest of AN. calker Stores Ltd., to
, •
;make a permanent roadway, the lane
Leaning between their Property eted
!the Town Hall, from joscphine str' eet
to Edward. street.
`Cliere are only $1850 taxes out-
. .
standing, a relatively small, alumna.
•Aedrew :f-Tohnes, Canadian Nation: -
al Railway section foreman at Blue -
vale Inc many years, has • retired en
pension, Which ,commeneecl Tues,
"day of laSt week, D.e.cember 31st. Mr.
Holines. has served With: I the Grand
'retail< .and the Canadian Natignal
Railways for some forty.: years .and last Friday, afternoon at the Sheltie'.
is Well knoWn in 'railway ciecles, It On , accOunt of the Monroe' :weather
is believed the appointment of a neW iind drifted walks the attendence was
section foreman will be made next small, Reports of the year's work
• The annual business meeting of
the Children's Aid Society was held
• Is Mr. Bowes,. the ,Chetsworth wee-
', ther. Sage goinge-tor .petiVe himself a
true prophet? • He :made. a correct
aness aboet December Weather, Inc
it was jest asecold and stormy as pro-
mised. , Now. Jannary canle along with
nn extended thew 'that begin the last
part of DeceMber, Which. is ale° ace
cndirig to his foreeast. 'On Moeday
there 'twits eVery inaicatioe of•. rain
epd if the Maistftecedia net conic from
above., thee evits enough on the iee
at the Arena toecause aiosaparnaent.
of ,the , Kincardine-Whighant :senior
hockey game. This Year the games
were grounea forjeattary in 'hopes of
good, ice, bet it ,lobles thaugh the
, officials failed etiestilt ;the •tie*
weather' man,
The Black 'Birds'
'Whoopee IVIiiisteels
Making their first annual appear-.
;ince in Canada, will be in Town Hall,
Tuesday, fan, 14th. They have been
playing to larbe arid capacity auditine-
throttghout :their tour.
Firsteclaes liorseshoeine' is asstired
everyone. General repair ..work
g'one on it gearantee .basis atereasons
able ratea, but bring. it in early,
Fr'ed-Stalinge: Blueivale,
were given and the same Officers were
elected as it 1929. 'The presidene,
Rev, J. E. Feed, and the secretary,
A. M. 'Robertson, were re -appointed
as representatives oti the county
board air management. °Ma H. T. Ed-
wards, county superinteederit, made
special mention of the work being
done. for crippled children -which is
being taken trp by the Lines Clubs fir
the ',eattritY:t Ahd 'the Rotary Club of
Stratford, He reported that the at-
titude of. the comity council toward -8
aIi the work of the C,A,S. Was quite
sympathetic and their financial sap -
port very. geneitous. Mention was
made the appointment: of the •new
mateote, Mrs: `Meet who recently
'entered upon lice. antieS at • the'Shel-
ter, :and' of the' ,o,ffer of a hale of;
clothing from. the Molesworth branch
orahe Wenn:it's rnatitute; also of it
dottation ;from: Temple, Lon -
At • the D'ecamther meeting of the
Children'e Shelter committee, which
is composed of three membets of the
county conneft and two membees
the Childrele,a Aii1 Sociirty, the two
'Ci A. S. represeetatives, P.0v, J, F.
Ford and :Mrs. A. M. 1"Zoliertscat ex-
pressed their hearty approval of the
new method of partnerliaiP itt the
managemeet of tlie Sheltee, IA' Was
isolated oat' that, under the new, ays-
Rey. 'Mr. Mann of 131nevale, met
with quite a fleet:a:accident, On Set-
erdity of last week he and his son,
Harey, droee !Mies :Mann to the C,
R. station at; Wirighent, ivhen the
!terse took fright al the train and
dashed away, throwaig Ma Maim and
finery out and COnide4 With a '(.fee:
on Mem street, badly breaking up the
(*.utter, the /nano" getting free from
the cutter tam down the Streeti and
was catight thaw the' 1.-/Cied gategte
Mr, Mann Was unhurt but Harry .re-
ceiv'ed a hurt hack but metring
tetra by .ivhich the eciunty (mina os-.
seined the financial „responsibility, a
greet load had been taken oft the
sheiriders of the aCtive members of
Ithe Ciiildeen!'s Aid Society, who could
now devotetheroselves to the meral
and social aspects. Of the sw.ork of the
,Soc,,i'e tya, Ir4rt‘lier, Under 'the' ptesent
sp401).; , tfic' fintteedol responsibility
Was entire generally distributed over;
the county' tliecitigh, the interest of
the count'y council. ilia Fried, who
is, president attic Childeen's Aid So-
Ciety, said. that he had betted onmy
favorableatontments'endIwords of art-
provel upon the Mariner, in whiCli
roe comity. took Care
the respOnsibility•II
Opely and, negleeted1
Warden, representing
,r its part; ot•
lile tnatter ni
the cotintY
cottnell! thattleerlthe: mentbers of the
1'. A. Soeic,ty for their kind wiry&
of al)Proval teed assuted: then; thee
Huron eotinty eotteeil wcittlel C(11 1111111
to rnanifest.it.s $yinpatIty in the :weals,
Sabseriptions, $3.11 Per 9
ISard's January sale starts SaturdaY
January lith, !Ng savings in all de-
Miss Agnes Gibbons left an Satur-
day Inc Cermae.
Mrs. Alex, CloakeY and sot spera
a few days in Clinton:
Miss Angela .Gibbons has returned
to London. Normal Sehotel.
Dr. Margaret Calder returned lest
week from an eatended • trip to the
Pacific coast,
Mr., George :McCurdy of Heweed,.
Sask., is visiting his, sisters; .MiSsea
MeCtirdSa'FIteneli street
Me. and. Mrs., • Richard Stone of
Kincardine -spent New Year's at the.
home :of Mr. and Mrs. John Stone.
"Nies, J. :McLeod, Oshawa, has been
visiting her parents, Mr. 'and. Mrs, D.
E. .MaeDonald, for the last two weekii,
Miss J-ttnieta. Hpriietb has returned
to .Sandwich, after, epending the holi-
days at the home of Mr. Robert Coul-
Miss 'Eritrea Walters, R.N., of Tor-
onto, rettirned to Toronto, after visit-
ing at her homP • here aver the
dav. ••
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ''llrainton, of
BelgraVe, left on Tuesday for St. Pet-
ersburg; Floricla, to spend a few
weeks •
Winghani. Arena Ltd. purpose hold-
ing grand opening' Carnival within
the next week, or two. 'Watch for
Mrs. Robert Coleman and children
of -Listowel Visited, at. the- home of
her father, Mie •john Walters, Diags
anal: Road.
De. W. J. Milne after 86. .years
municipa expeilepre in an a
is. retiring. W. Di, Smitla C rue.-
Godeeieh Twp.
de that. time Reese McGuire, 5, L. laylor
The election of Reeve Baeker of
Brussels this year, makes him a fay-
orite in the running for Wardenship
of Huron County. According to a
time-honored custom party politics.
play no pert in the choice of Warden,
and as iit is the Conservative tern and W.. H. Talbot were elected
this year, Mr. Backer is a likely win- lage trustees..
nen. Colborne
Reeve., Frank. Courted,
as Janson, Thennes Daugherty and
.Stew. MeQuerrae.
".E: A. Featherstone, W. J. AfeLeod
Reeve, A. T. Goldthorpe was sue-
eesefal, ..clefeating W. I- Young, F.
Reeve, ThoS, Inglis 584, Geo. Hub-
bard 3171.: Council, !T. Lovell 449,
C., Taylor 43, Milton Leonard 402,
R. Dortaldson 275, F. R. Lynn 235,
Jas. Douglas 146, S. Zurborigg
• Morris
ReCtlre, Henderson, 82 majority,
Council, :Brown 242, Shortreed 223,.
Bridge 245,. Watson 244, 'McCallum
240, Wheeler 818, Barnard 143.
• Fordveich
&Wing- to. two of the candidate for
town taustees failing to qualifY, an-
other nomination meeting is, n'eciess-
ary. it will be held in the Continue-
ity Hail on, Monday, January 13th.
Stephen. Township results are: —
Reeve, Goetz; deputy reeve, Sweitzer;
Council, Gill, Beavers Mid Dearing.
1 Clinton
. By-law; "Are you in favor of more
than one licensed billiard or pool-
room in the Town of Clinton?" car-
ried. Mayor, Colonel H. 13: Cothnbe.
I •
:Reeve, N. W. Trewartha, Council,
George O. L. Paisley, W. G.
Cook, R. j. Miller, • F. G. Thompson,
W. S. R. Holmes. ,
Wilson and Aaron C. Fisher. •be
councillors erected: were: Melvin Lyn-
dall, William Thomas, George Feag-
an and John Pitblado. Nelson Me-
Larty was the unsuccessful candidate.
• .Tuckarsmith
Another threeecornered fight re -
Stilted.. William Thompron being
elected Reeve .oven Nat, Clark and
Joseph Crich. Couricil in, by acela-,
Reeve,. James Baltantyne. Council
Wescott, Williams, S,hire, Drew.
Reeve—James Cutt defeated
Mille by. 49. Councillors—Irvine
Wallace, Charles Bell, Gearge White,
John Heffron. L. Williams was elect,.
ed hydro. commissioner by accla.ma-
Clifford •
goodly portion
Mr. and Mrs. j. Ferguson and
!children of Aubet-e, ',:pent Ni' year's
lat the home of , Mrs. Stewart Diag-
!anal' .11 ()ad.
. ' Exeter
' Alias Verna Irwin hits returned. te
tiftlet feta pretty wecIdieg,
soletninied at the Ma e 40/440:NZ&
1)6 ererrib'fA" alsti. when Re Mr, Bo
ingbrOke, united in' mart -lege; "Nla.eii,
helleaConiene. Bolt, only daughter tif.
Ale. and r.Mrs. Eli Bolt, •6th conces-
sion Tiernberry,, to, Mr. John lVlickeat
'0 Sitio "Of st 'Ph e bride 'was
becomingly gowned, in rose beige
georgette and radium lace with rine
stone teinintings with.sailor bine
and hat to matetha. After the c
molly. a reception of the intrnothate
relatives was. held at the hence. .of
the bride's parents. The happy coup-
le will 'reside in Listowel.
• Wheeler-jenkins
•A pretty wedding was solemnized.
at the 'United Church parsonage on
Saturday, December 28th, edam Mag-
gie Xarifa' Kerr, only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jenkins, Turn
berry, became the bride of Mr. Harry
.TA.rtl}:intihre e\lk,e/h,eoeinelr3; an01 t:\,IarriS d Mrs.
Davison officiated. • After the cere-
afternoon train for Toronto. Wei alT
:II:. they returned to the bride's
home where a dainty dinner was ser-
ved. The happy coupte Zeit on the
wish them a. long and happy wedded
Mr. Angus McDonald, C, N; R. con-
ductar on the "Wingharee-London
for the last nine years, emit the ser-
vice and .retires • on pension. During
the 47 years with th,e .railway he has
been on the Sarnia -London and Sar-
nia -Toronto runs before taking the
lone out of Wingliam. Me. "McDon-
ald's plans for the future are not ,dee
nth' ita, but it is boned he Will still
remain ie citizen of our town for eorite
, Reeve,. M.Armstrong, Ct,iencil, J. .7.,.
• Flullett
...1' R ,,,11,,Gc)der.iell., ,, .:24',,,eate 1,,R.atires After 46 Years, - --a-,
1,,ii\rsoll., _04 . i .1 .„ , 1 52 1 lae.ci,ie,437., Tuvrneeet, d.e..7,:ity reeve --- eirrtv
1 urn. eii4
;The Canadian Paelfic Reilivav aa-
, ,-. • d keeve—f, j. 'Wright. '!nounces the retirement o? O11e
;Toronto tater :spending a• week with I Recvc, h 'Francis. Council — •
I her parents, Mt. and •frs. 1nn ,IIrwin, 1 1-lierling, GErai7w, aRwiNa'cnro%h:wawanosh
• West
East Wawanosh, . ,
...veteran employees, in the person of
("1 "enz1v* " LItillianr Stinson, who has been
isliss Elsie Blackball has return ed Reeve—S. Thompson, I Reeve—Molt..
Ito her sciwol in 'Climon ,after s•pend-
lifa tini past month in '.I 01 1)111' and.
at her lectia, herr.
' .Talie 'rare. of -Brien,' Mines, XMAS ENTERTAINMENT ;
!station agent et, Blyth for the past
laevet years. Mt. Stinson entered the
' ' .services of the company on Nov, 21,
Ontario, (bed Lateheita. 2 lid, 1930, 80
13 ewe old, 1.111of late i1t, and il rs. I Rev, \ae E. iih1 flai41,1! el ;Wing-
! lobe Tees, Cul 055
I The cottage prayer meeting be
110111.11 (111 on Friday evening at the hothe
1,1 Mjili ,
wet, near tht, \Vesture lame -
:dela All ate Welcome.
I Mrs. Stanley Hare and children of
1.Parklall have returned home after
!spenrimg the holidays with her par -
amts., lfr, and Mrs. John Raby.
' Frank. King, essis, F.'d-ain and
theee resumed their studies at: Guelph
0.A C. after spending the Christmas
!holidays at the home of 1ficir ])11101) ti.
Elliott and Oliver Fells have
turned to their schools at White-
cherch • and Poet McNicholl after
sin:riding the holidays under the par-.
;Neal roof,
r 14'014 ret rit ed Saturday
Beim London Normal Sch001 Re -Un-
ion. wfievi' In W15s one of the hosts,:
arid in a treat apeach p01110o50I ilic
'taiist. try King,. •
'key. PI: leo, i:5lti fele return-
ed to his duties as Chaplain at
.fosepit's Hospital, favedon, affee
s oefuting Chrietines. with his parents,.
Mr;• and Mrs: Peal:it:1C" (libbk:aes.
• The engagement is ammeneed: of
tArials faeoetv, datighter and;
:\tIte Wingham,
%1:11'iona A.. PIVa(151e31, soe of
3. Brad:lee anti:the littP j:
ley 'of "l'oronto; the marrige to' tithe
place this month. -
1)1., C. J. Hamilton of Cornwall, an
old Goderich boy, last week cidebrat-
ed the 50th anniversary. a$ ‘a
ing physician One day a delegatiOn•
from the General Hospital, told a few
perspeal friends, surprised the doc-
tor Red Mrs', Hamilton at their resi-
detice, and preitented ttlom with avi
taldresa and a hon (150010 silver loving'
On Thursdey evening about 8.30,
fire was notice(t at the Fordwich el-
itetrical paver 11Mtee, GO ievestiga-
tieef' it!' WitS diS Peed that the wires
had shorted where titey leave the
plant and caused the fire, It had
gained Otte 5 start an tile shingles
before,. belt*, eXtilditdithea: The pow -
had": to Ve idea off, leavieg the
toWn 115 daekness for 'the balance of
the night Revates were Miracle ori
dtit.,,t• Meriting,
fltt Batt ('1 ,.,,.t, tidiit
t.hrisintaa fetertairtenent of thearpisr
,frath School on December 30th, when
tis' following programme was, Pre_
I Hymn, "Clielstniat", art Acrostic.
nine. children; Pleiration, N raman
enc e, Sang, 1.1111150 a4id islark7. -
ly; Recitation, "A litttile Mold,' Ed-
ith Mundy; "What Chriettnies Means",
an eaercise by six girls; solo,
Mr. Set:tote; Reading, Petetr
Song be Ilervl Bernice and EdiiK
Mundy; Recitation, Louise Ke113::.
alogue, "A Gift of Gold,- Ida 'Kelly
'and Beryl Mundy; Song, Marguerite
Philip= and Nora Newell; Recitat-
ion, Marie Kelly; Recitation, llerllicc
:Mundy; Violin kilo, Mr. Schatte;
Reading, by Mies Anne Blackball;
hA Dream. 01 Givers' by Gertrude
Kelly;"Redieg, Mrs, Walter Pocock;
Miaed Ottartette, Miss Perker, Mrs,
Hitchirigs, Mr. Collet, Rey. Smith.
,Robert Rakes Diplomas Were tetie-
seined by Deacon (leorge Pocock, to
eig.ht members of the Senday Scliool,'
for faithful attendatice; Norman Men-
dy, Marie Kelly, Louise Kelly,. lda
K0113,, Kathleen Pringle, Mrs. !Wm,
,Stokes, Mrs, B. Collar, Mr, A. Cos -
ens.: 4fter the presentation the pastor
gave , an inspiring we,rd of' 0011111101)-
(11511011 to those .who had been
faithful, and encouragement to; 1119.50.
litte twit taaehad the staedard, to',
strive next year for the Diploma. -
.Prizc.'s were. presented ,by Mrs,
Smith to fire members of the Mis-
siOn Band' Inc active work; lit prize,
RetaeStapletoe; 2nd Prize, Marie Kel-
8r5 prize, lierniee Mundy; Louise
*.elly, Beryl' Mtmdy,
The church was nicely decorated
and .an attractively arranged tree with ,
Cheistmas gift and 11 stockieg, of
candy for -each' scholar„ Aftec. the dis-
tribution of the gifts delety, lunch !
'Was served. Miete (Rev.) Smith atted nutinkt .AND DANCE
as social eonverfor, and the p.rogeern!
('Olflibitt" was kis' H' "gsk: Huroo telling Club:, holds its an-.
Mr, Alex. Kelly, who left for his
borne in Swift Current, Sask., a few
vehs ago, after a prolonged visit
ieith old trlends at V\anghtim and
, ejnity, writee ender date of January
1 s 1 ---
Who got he!a: it Nees pretty
void for a few days htti it Is 1141'1110e
now, bright sent:hine all day end ina
\Ye' had a nicetrip back. Stepped
.1888' end has been seeving contipe-
ionsly for the past 46 years. in May,
t 1885. Mr. Stinson was promoted to
iagent and .opeeater .at Illairtcm, and
has sint(' seen. aera-ice ZIS 'agent at
:Maberly, .A.vonmore, Bethany, Col -
wee, Grafton .and "Myth,
Knox i.limech, Auburn, cimerega,
:tion held a farewell foe its pastor,
Rev. Tharriiiit R. Al;, and wife, who,
;Ae r leaving fie' ()thieve, where, Mie
!Over in Winnipeg and Regina. It \vTi `11r,-)heuiii,a Stii ta Iyt pastor of
eokl at both places, and quite a lot niers Lnit ed Church, Mr. atid Mee;
64 snow. nen., is quite a ha of stioNe .A*11) were presented with addeees-s,
'tete fat these last few days it bus !and a purse of money, a Casserole and
tib riewn„ as it is rehravs
!I:ail-a:di some : This eity
!it:lid' this simmer, eeveral new build- r tlic 01101
15051e i1innd g lot 111:1'e •
!going' the slieine, se things ars. Miss Evelye Gibbons has reterned
• looking;;verVa gdold wf.y.1.1 CIUi)l.' 1013111114 .11.,((ini\sAiti(nds
}(...1•111•1111(1(.1.1,13.Miss Kathleen Gib
this place, New
1 till the 1'c-.1thii, ui .Witelnein and set -
rounding Cec.'ai;arY1"pleaSiti1'l151id pees-,
Perous New ''!,:ear.; •
' Alexander Kelly.
According to i1i t"Pe's;beakers are
opening branell offiet.$ 'hi, ocean
ers, That's a , terrible pia& to have
She bottom drop eut of anytliieg.
Directors of Wiegliam Arena have
installed a large orthophonic: gremo-
pholie with powerful amplifiers,' that
reproducee , popular tuusio much to
the delight of: the skaters. Thisis
but another evidence of the desire
ofthe officiala to make this :place
as enjoyable and pleasant as Possible
for the young 'people. I he; tie\Y „ap-
pli.ance is giving: very garOd, sratiSfac.:1
tion, and when peoperly aditisted, wfll
It is hoped, leave bet taibe de-
Miss Pringle, Mrs. Kay and Mies t
T -Te: 'Yon were 'rto spring
whee T married reit,' ! ,
IShe; 'Right von •are. 1 was
mutt Etteln.e.and 'Dance 10 Winghnte
Town. Hall on Thursday.evening, Jan.
nary 1,611iii at 8 o'clottk:, 'Cards mail
11 O'clorle when refreshreents: Will he
served, 1)iinelie1t ti, foie o'clock
Atthnest. Radio s1111
',47e rdee 30 take
Jae,12, Mon Who Oppos-
e • ed God's ' . ns.
fan. 111.:The. Man 'Whose Marls
God c)ppoaed,":
jait 26.bertiet -
Feb. 2. hp Mao with Th,
1Veastiring ;
Feb,9„il\VIio (.0100
aclish,t, • ,Mart
Feb. 16. 'The'll,fan Who Ilea -ante
Pb. 28. ,The Matt who 3
Mar. 2. The Man who RefuSeil
11 To Go In. •
Mat 9. The Man N1,11 o SIviq
Mar. 1.6.
1011.0" Tr:melte,
'1 V1 (S Wf,Lf•
11;rar 23 1