HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-01-02, Page 7lzl,iNa ill January 2nd, 1929 II IIII•IIIlIIIMIIlEignitl i11Il11IIii1IIIIIIIIIIIIMIM1IIIA1111M111111111111q 11111111N111111111111n1 11 ii ii POULTRY LIVE OR DRESSED . We have just�installed modern equipment 1 _ for dressing poultry, and are now in a position to ;, handle live poultry in large quantities. S WE:P;AY•d-iIG ET MARKET H PRICES Call 166 Poultry Day. t y Taken Any D y Bring Us Your Eggs and Cream. Wellington t Produce CO., Ltd. °, . B.TH PS N MANAGER A W. OM O , M N GER' P • h in. ha� Phone 1 66, -- W g xn Igranchy a ammuoil■III■aniniI tinililin iii linllmanImIIn111mininIIan1p11nimma®III/111 IUe HEALTH ..SERVICE of the CANADIAN .MEDICAL>ASSOC- IATION THE MEDICAL ALMANAC The discovery of the printing p ress , 'ha-5brought b ,aliout a spreadof know- iedge which in turn has had a• tre- mendous influence on human life. `Through our newspapers we are kept informed of events all over the world, and we also learn through the news- papers and magazines as to what is being done in the variouscentres of research.; These same papers and magazines are also used extensively as a Means of bringing to our atten- tion the goods Which .someone wants to sell. , It may be that the merchant gets out•a publication all his own, to ' advertise his own particular goods, and so it is that there is produced the medical .almanac =or some similar publication to place before the pub- lic, in an attractive and interesting' manner, some medical products which generally • speaking, claim to . abolish most of the -ills Irom . which the hu- man family suffers. The proper adequate treatment of disease in its earliest stages is of the greatest importance to the 'person treated. There aresome diseases which we call acute, and which sud- ,denly strike without previous warn- ing, but that is itot 'trueof most of ;the serious illnesses which attack' mankind. Most serious diseases be- gin inamild way, and unless treat: - ted, - ted, " gradually progress to the point 'where they , actually endanger life. The man with a serious heart condi- tion today has been gradually devel- oping this condition over a number of years. Kidney disease in its ad- vanced stage is the result of a con= alittbal; whichhas gone on for years. This means that it is a serious thing to attempt to diagnose and treat your- self because you feel that there is not much wrong with you and you do not steed a doctor, The time when you need a doctor most is the time when le can do the most for .you, andthat is when you are in the early stage of disease. It is a mistake to attempt self -treatment. It may not do actual" Barth, but it postpones proper treat- ment, which in many "cases, will, pre- vent serious disease later. Questions concerning' Health, ;ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College Street,, Toron- to, will be answered personally by letter. .. MORRIS COUNCIL Minutes of council meeting held in he Township Hall, , Morris' on Mon- day, December 16,' 1929. The members were all present The' Reeve, presided. The minutes of the last meetingwere read and adopted. The. By -Law on the Johnston drain was' finally passed as read. A By -Law appointing a time and place to hold' the. nomination was passed. The following accounts were paid: Thos. Clark, rebate on taxes, $20.50 J. Wightnian, Belgrave, School Fair,' $10,00; A. MacEwen, salary, 225:00 Ye $ Postage, $20.00; L. H. Bosman, " tile for road, $2.25; for Black` drain, $2.72, for Rintoul drain ':60; for cartage, � g, $2,00; ` T. Miller, making tile, $5.20; A. Shaw, Truant Officer, $15.00; Fin- ancial Statement, $10.00; Alvin Arm- strong, error in drain tax, $2.00;S. W. Archibald, engineer's account,' $557.00; Blyth Corp., Hall rent $20; Municipal World, acc.; .43; Sawyer - Massey, Grader blade, $8.16; Wm. Dunbar, error in taxes, $11.75; Har- vey 13 gown, W. C. Laidlaw, John Hunter; each, refund dog tax, $2.00; W. J. Henderson, refund part dog tax, ,$1:00; Harvey Beirnes, broken plow $3.00; Mr. Hyndman, `tile Pea- cock drain, $7.04; A. MacEwen, By Laws andfees eesJohnstonJ drain, $32.00;: John McGill, drawing tile Rintoul drain $1.50; John A. Brown, Council- or, $75,00; Wm. J. Shortreed, Coun- cillor, $75.00 John McGill, Council- lor, $75.00; W. J. Henderson, Reeve,: $125.00; Ivan Carter, caretaker hall, $15.00; S. Barr, wood for 'hall, $4.00; R. D. Golley,' Patrol;, $57.21; Frank Shaw,, Patrol., $9,05; Stewart Proc- ter, Patrol.,' $5.00; W. C. Thuell, Pat- rol., $2.00; Wm. Craig, Patrol., $9.35; Rus. S�undercock, Patrol., $5.50; Len Jewitt, Patrol., $5.75; Win. Brown, Patrol., $12.00; Duncan Johnston, blasting, $15.90; Chas. Workman, Pa- trol., $8.33;: John Craig, Patrol,, $16.- .23; Thos. Miller, salary, Telephones and' supplies, $233.05;' Tiles used on road, $76.40; W. J. Henderson,Fin- ancial' Statement, $2,00. A. MacEwen, Clerk. Wash Day IsEasy Now Particularly if yott have a modern Connor Elec- tric Washer in ; your home. No tearing of clothes, , no back-break- ing b .ck-break-ing work., rust fill the t>.ib with hot water, drop, in the clothes, turn a switch aiid the 'work is done, / fk.„ 1 Wingha Commission Crawford dock. Phone 156. COFFEE CAUSED TROUBLE At One Time It Was Considered In- toxicating, and Was Forbidden—. Smugglers Were Very Active. There was a time in the world's history when coffee was forbidden, smugglersend w"er eas active e as�th e smugglers of liquor in the Uni>ed States of to -day, although, perhaps not on such a large and expensive scale. Some time back in the fif- teen century, says an article in the New York Herald -Tribune, one Gemel Eddin, a Mahommedan mufti., or high priest, was induced, when he fell ill during a journey into Persia, to drink of 'a certain "black draught." He found the 'strange new mixture exceedingly exililirating. Perhaps he was told then the story that persists to ' this day — of leow shepherds were unable to quiet their Socks during a whole night after the animalshad nibbled berries from a strange shrub—and how investig- ation revealed coffee to the world. At any the good mann b e - thought himsef on his• return to Arabia to 'introduce coffee into his monastery, where, it must be admit- ted, there had been some difficulty' in keeping the monks awake through- out their all-night services. As a "devotional antsorporific" coffee more than met the fond expectations of Gemel Eddin. But the poor fellow,' innocently enough, had set up a terrific clamor. More conservative priests saw little virtue in drug-induced wakefulness. They cried out that the Koran's edict against intoxicating beverages, was. being broken. Eventually,when the mosques came to be deserted for the pleasant coffee houses that sprang up. in Constantinople, the .clerics won an edict closing the popular rendezvous and. punishing, 'moreover, with twen- ty-four 'blows any who . were 'caught drinking the fragrant cup in private. In polities coffee's ventures were scarcely more happy than in religion. Reinstated by a G1;and Vizier who saw a . fruitful source of taxes in the tempting beverage, coffeeenjoyed a blameless reputation only a very short time. It was not long before Kuprul Pasha discovered that, coffee houses were breeding political mal- contents, and once more the popular drink parlors were padlocked. ' Perhaps the potion that has made many a vigil and many a masterpiece possible, that has sharpened many a sluggard wit, fomented, too, a resent- ment of .injustice. At any rate, ChaarlesII.,.,in his turn, grew concerned about the free discussion in the renowned coffee houses of London and attempted p'ted _ a similar and just as unsuccessful move against Will's, St. James' Button's, the Rainbow, and the rest of .them. And, indeed, there's no denying the fact that it was out of the doors of the old Cafe Foy in the Palais Royal that a white-faced. young journalist led the determined mobthat spread into• the wildfire of the French revolution. One writer points out that "what- ever may be said about :causes and circumstances, the French revolution was not brought about until coffee as well as philosophy had come to Paris." And, had he known of it, 'doubtless he would have found fur- ther significance in certain events in our own country. It was no other than a coffee house< -the famous Burns Coffee House, which once stood oft the west side of Broadway just north ` of. Bowling Green—that afforded a meeting place on October 31, 1765, for the rebel- lious merohants who adopted resolu- tions to import no more British goods Until the stamp act should be repeal- ed. Moreover, it was in the Green Dragon, most celebrated of Boston's. coffee house taverns, that Paul Re- vere and John Adams, Warren and James Otis, met for those conferences so fraught with consequence in 1776 of the War of Independence. Whatever may or may not have been the political responsibilies of coffee in the past, there is •no need now to fear the captivating cup. Even the nerve -wracked and weak- stomached, the old and the slightly young, may now indulge along with hardier folk, in the pleasant amenity of after-dinner coffee and sleep the easy, unbroken slumber of the un - SPROUT BEST IN ACID WATER. Although Good for Wood It Is Rad foe Grain. Acid soil has long been 'decried as bad farm land for so many years that it has come to be considered by cur- rent thought as no good for anything. It may, however, be as good for growing crops of wood as it is bad for growing crops of grain, accord- ing to results of experiments recently performed by Henry I. Baldwin, of. Berlin, N.H. Mr. Baldwin Sprouted red spruce seeds in water of varying acidity and alkalinity. He found that slightly acid water was better than any ;of the alkaline waters. He got the best results in pure distilled water, whieh is perfectly neutral; but of course dis- tilled water is never found Under nat- ural conditions. Six Steps to Popularity, Before yott start along the road to popularity, you must have six things packed ready to take with you: 1. Unselfishness. 2. Sincere friendliness towards people of all ages. 3, Abi-lity or willingness to adapt oneself to be at ease under various circumstances and with all people. 4. An' unassums ing lnabner. :5. A controlled tongue that refrains from gossip and 'need- less eriticlsm, and speaks fit kindness, 6. Trustworthiness, so that othere know you will keep confidences, and that your word, le as good as your bond. Eleetrocute A hew method of ing. whales provides fora Metal 1t atttaehed to the harpoon and whale tip, through' which, when 'tile h4r11661,1 has embed- ded itself in the quad, , a strong electrle current is pass, thus lee - Mediate* eleetreetiUn, tl x14.. {• WI141xHlb,'11+Y Al VANCk r' ".IMES VERY FUNNY MISR. Some Peculiar things "41 bout Animals of the Sea. There is a small fish. called gou- romi, found in the waters of India, which croak almost l ke a frog when on the surra ne of the water, y' The angler -fish is the "will -o' -the wisp" of the' sea. Its body is camou- ilaged like seaweed, and its can give off a red light which attracts smaller Ash on,' which the "angler" feeds. The starfish fastens itself to the body it wishes to feed on, turns its stomach inside out,. and enwraps lee ,prey with this 'useful organ. Alaska has a fish which, when dried, can be used as, a candle. The. eyes of Boles and plaice trove about their bodies while yqung. In early days, they swim upright with an eye qd eaeh side, 'but, : as they_ begin to swim fiat, one eye crosses right over thebody, until both eyes are .on the same side. In some cases the eye is believed to have passed right through the . Lobsterbodyssti ma cats their food with their jaws, but they have also sets of teeth in their stomachs, where they complete the work of chewing.. The tiniest fish in the world are called "millions fish." When fully grownthesefish are less than half an inch long, but they are the deadliest' enemy of the 'mosquito, on whose eggs they feed. • . The waters around Hong, Kong„ have a ash- with' almost a human - looking head, and which• gives a cry almost like that of a baby. One species, of shark grows to fully 40 feet in length and is quite harm- 1esg. AMERICANS LOSING "PEP.' Exhaustion Is a Constantly Increas- ing Complaint.. The famous `"pep" so longe charac- teristic of the people of the United States is . becoming a thing of the past, It appears trona observations reported to the American Medical Association by Dr. 0..W. Dowden, of Louisville,: Ky. Dr. Dowden finds ex- haustion or "lack of Pep"- is a con- stantly increasing complaint among his patients. About one of every five during the last two years have con- sulted him because of exhaustion, and 'had no specific underlying disease. Dr. Dowden principal ave four al g P p causes of this condition: The world war with Its effect on the mental make-up of the people; ,influenza and its persistent after-effects; the quan- tity of bad alcohol drunk by both men: and women, and carbon mon- oxide saturation of the atmosphere as' a result of the increasing use of automobiles. While exhaustion is often attribut- ed to glandular disease, Dr. Dowden thinks this particular type is due to depletion of the individual as a whole. It may be: considered under two headings Chronic infection in. respiratory andbiliary tracts, and mental depression resulting from emotional, financial or business wor- ries. Medical treatment for this sort of exhaustion will not be satisfactory unless the underlying cause is found and corrected. FORD RECEIVES SETBACK. Right of State to Confiscate Rubber Seeds Is Upheld. The Ford, project to establish an enormous robberlantati p on in the State of Para received a severe set- back when the Supreme Court sus- tained the right of the State, of Ama- zonas to confiscate r=ubber seeds in transit through its territory. The State of Amazonas had .con- fiscajed rubber seeds stored in a warehouse at Manoaswhile being transported to the State of Para from" Matto Grosso by the Ford Industrial Company. Representatives of the Ford Com- pany claimed the Amazonas law pro- hibiting exportation of rubber seeds from that state did not apply to seeds originating in other parts of Brazil. While thq Ford Company can still ship seeds to Para, without passing through Amazonas territory, it will be forced to use the upper reaches of the Xingu river, where transpor- ta'ionabie. conditions are very unfavor- ' Aids to Aviators. In the United States chimneys of. great height must _ be illuminated at night by means of, .a 'circle of red lights. This, because they are apt to be a menace to aviators. A very no- vel and : remarkable beacon for the guidance of airplanes 'at night con- sists of a concrete factory chimney, illuminated . by flood lights: So bril- liantly Is itilluminated that it can be seen for miles, and it furnishes .a conspiuous landmark for pilots /ty- ing over the Chicago industrial dis= trict on the south shore of Lake Michigan. The sides of the chimney most vividly lighted are those in line with the main path of air' travel be- tween Chicago and the East. The Hippopotamus. What la the hippopotamus? Its name ineans river horse, but really it isa very large member of the pig family. The Greeks Called it river horse because they thought ;It looked rather like a shiers° and because it certainly lived in rivers. After the elephant, the b,ippopbta- mua is the biggest land aaiuml•in the world; it weighs tip to tour tons and has a hide nearly twee inches thick. . Ilippos are now found chiedy' In . the rivers' of Central Africa, but for- merly they were found all over Eu- rope they once even lived as far north its the north of England. Getting Pinned tip Whenever *tingle wottlan, adaangst a pow'erf~u1 tribe in the Persian Matin tains wishes • to Marty, she eitnply sends a tervatit to. Pitt a htndke'c'hlef on the hat of the main et her dhoiee, 14e is obliged' by tribal raw to mftr'ry her utiti -es he c•an prove himself too poor Vthe tita iPoia'listion • hbi' fath es for the 104* Wf .. Hints For Homebodies Written for The Advance -Times By Jessie Allen Brown The present issue isthe beginning g of the second year of "Hints for Homebodies." The work somewhat resembles broadcasting, in that one never knows just how it is going ac- ross, •Sometimes an editor will write me that he has liked something or other, specially, or that the people in his town are interested in diets, or thatthey like recipes. Various readers haire written to ask me to write about some special difficulty, or for a particular recipe. Others tell me that they like to read about the correct, foods to give their fam- ilies, and another writes to tell me that she . always likes to read the "piece" that I put at the first of the Hints. And soy' it goes: When we know what 'the readers want we try to give it to them to the best of our ability. ,Fortunately no one has asked me anything yet could not answer,. but who knows when the day may come! In the meantime we can just struggle along, blindly, trying to guess at what may prove interesting to our readers which stretch from one coast to the other and as far north as Peace River. Balancing our Budgets The first of the year usually brings a .consideration of our financial af- fairs, and most of us firmly resolve to spend less and save more, but Whether or not we live up toour res- olutions remains to be seen. One of the chief trouble with most of us is., that we spread our money in too many directions and do not concen- trate. It mightgbe a sound idea a just t o stop and consider what are our ,ehicf ambitions, and set about attaining them. Fortunately people . have dif- ferent ideas about what they want. Some people's chief ambition is to have a big car, others want a nice home, or it may be a specially fine radio,others want amusement or tra- 1 vel, some desire beautiful clothes.. Whatever our ambition may be- con- centrate on it, and do not try to get everything at once. t If your ambition is a fine car, all t right concentrate on it, and when you get it, think that you ` have realized your ambition and be satisfied. Re-: member always that you have, or fire working to have, the thing you want most, and do not be discontented be- cause .the Jones' radio i$ better than yours. They may be able to get Mars —but what of it! Likely they listen most of the time to the same two stations you do with your old set, anyhow. Try to concentrate on the, thing you want most and be satisfied in realizing it ane;, not discontented because there are other things you may want, Concentration accomp- lishes :a great deal. Look at what concentration does' for the child at Christmas time who .only wants one thing. Chances are 11 gets it. Santa Claus may not bring you your heart's desire, but you are apt to get it. if you do not want the Earth. Many of our ambitions are attained without us actually realizing it. Coughs Theseason of coughs and colds has arrived. When 'one has a cold and coughs frequently, it is very distress- ing and difficult to get relief. Steam from a boiling kettle will do more to relieve a cough than any cough medi- cine. Some method of boiling a ket-' tie in the same room as the patient place be devised. If you have el- ectricity the easiesk, way is to the boiling kettle on a flat toaster or grill. Coughs always seem worse at night, and in extreme cases it may be necessary to let the kettle boil gen- tly all night. Steam will relieve the coughing and; prevent many wakeful lours.. Use it at intervals during the lay if necessary, Hanging,Dut the Clothes One of the most disagreeable tasks of winter, is hanging out the clothes in frosty winter. Have you ever tried filling up the clothes -horse with wet clothes and then putting it out on the veranda. Some days the clothes will dry sufficiently for dampening,, others they will require drying in the house. In any case they will freeze, and con- sequently bleach and will lose that close objectionable smell of clothes that have been dried in the house. This method saves temper and the clothes from the bad effecfs of freeze, ng. Potato Omelet 1 cup `smashed potatoes, 4 eggs, 4 tablespoons milk, salt and pepper to este. Beat the eggs separately. Add he milk to the egg yolk, then stir the . mixture in to the potato gradually. Add salt and pepper to taste. Fold in the beaten whites. Cook over mo - YOU 1y a erdilywxs th T \fr. 5 en, Iiesibc rate, O i Qften felt as tho:4 pain ilii his se o hone, talus_ �e first dobe of Tenxl Rhe tie esu Il, Cal: les, .ho writers relief: ' ept takin r them brave. had a :urn of the ,,'eiatica.j' ii ft r Nit is, Neuralgia, ?aur R1ieugoodmatistn, No harmful div, and 131' at your dealer's. to ✓ in.FIESIMATIC GEORGE WILLIAMS Official C. N, R. Watch Inspector Repairing Our Specialty, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 5. Opp. Queens Hotek. derate heat, in a generously buttered frying pan. Cover and cools until.ni:-< ely. browned, Fold in half and turn:; out on a. hot platter. This dish is a, good one when eggs are scarce and is served with . Chilli Sauce. Stuffed Bacon Make a moist poultry dressing. Cut the rind off slices of bacon. Forrre into a roll and fasten with a skewer or toothpick. Fill with dressing and bake in a moderate oven for about 10' minutes or until baconis cooked. Ba- ked potatoes, scalloped tomatoes, and: stuffed bacon rolls make a tasty din- ner, that may be cooked in the overs and requires little watching. Mr. Fixit Forgetful husband, to friend—'W want you to help me. T promised to meet my wife at one o'clock for lute- cheon. and 1 can't remember where. Would you mind ringing her up at ourr house and ask her where I am likely to be at that tine?"—Answers,' * * r 0 * No Riest for the Wicked She—"The world is,full of rascals. This morning . the milkman gave the a counterfeit half dollar." He.—••"Where is it, my dear?" ``Oh, I've already ' got rid • of it— luckily the butcher took it."—Detroit News. Bring R suit S R, Ever Invest ::mr0`: n(s in Perhaps you have for sale a horse, a cow, a house, a store, some furniture, or any other article that is of no use to you, but may be to someone else. THEN TELEPHONE 34 AND TELL US ABOUT IT AND SEE WHAT PROFITABLE AND QUICK RESULTS ONE OF OU1 CLASSIFIED ADS WILL BRING TO YOU. Everybody ends Them In the Classified Columns of wrance �-I