HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-01-14, Page 1• 'V eemereeeeeeeeeeeeee'!: ut ih the Crow With which is amalgamated L, 8 ELL SERMON very large attendance of pari ners and friends of Rev. H. Snell, were present at St. Paul's ch eh an Sunday night to hear Inin pr •ch his farewell Sermon as Rector that Chez:ch. He took for hie text this occasion pat of the x3th and 14 verse's of the 3rd chap. of St Pan Epistle' to the Phillipians, "But t one thiing I do forgetting those thin whielf are behind and reaching for .unto' those things which are befo press toward the mark for the p se of the high calling of God in Chri Jesus." Comparing a man in a Mar thon race, thinking only of going fo ward to reach the goal, to the race the Christian life ia which we shot' look forward and forgetting theer ors of the past strive to attain th greatest prize of all, the gift of Eter al ;enc. In closing Mr. Snell expres ed his sincere regret at leaving Win --ham and his many 'friends here bu 'nice St. Paul he found it necessary i his work in the Christian Church t press toward the. mark for the priz of the high calling of God in Chris Jesus, and in this case it meant hi removal to a wider sphere of labor i the Master's Vineyard. He also stat ed that he had spent some very pleas ant years during his residence her -and would always remember his ten as Rector of St. Paul's Church Wing ham. The service closed with sing ing of "God be with you till we Mee Again" and genuine sorrow was fel by ell present that Mr. Snell's servi ce as Rector here was closed On Monday evening tne members •of the congregation were the guests of the A. Y. P. A. when Mr. Herb Jobb, Hon. Pres., occupied the chair .and a splendid program of vocal and instrumental music, readings, etc., was enjoyed. Mr. T. J. McLeape one of the Wardens then requested." Mr. and Mrs. SuJII to go to the front and in e'ee---et few well chosen words expressed ,regy,te-of '' the congregation at zetemoval from our midst, at the seine time' wishing them continued success in the work of the Church ey d .and on behalf of ,the members of he • congregation presented,thein with a ;purse of gold in,appreciation of their .services. Mr. Snell on behalf of him - .self and Mrs. Snell thanked the peo- ple for their "gift, again stating his re- gret that it wasnecessary for them to leave Wingham and his work here but thought there was a ight outlook for success it the work at St. Paul's Church Wingham and would always watch with interest both the social and religious affairs of this church. R. Wilkinson on behalf of the ,choie then presented Miss Margaret with a very pretty silver mesh bag as a slight token of appreciation ,of her faithful service as a member of the choir. Lunch, was then serv- ed and a social time spent by all pre- -sent, the ineeting closing by singing "Blest be the tie that binds."-,. sh- ur- ea- of on th l's his gs th re. ri- st a- r - of ld r- 5- gfl- 'Shower for Miss Layina Xing A jolly evening was spent at the home of 1\i1r, and Mrs.' George Case - e more, tenth concession, Turnberry, on Tuesday, January 5th, when over one hundred friendassembled in honour of Miss Lavine King, bride elect, on her approaching marriage to Mr, Alex Leaver, and presented her with a mis- cellaneous shower. The numerous gifts were both valu- able and useful showing the high es- teem in which Mise,King was held in the community. The rest of the ev- ening was spent he cards and dancing . 'until the Wee sine' oors. ' Smi1in Charlie Says., Gorrie Vidette and The WroYieter News a e in s New Arena. Band in Attendance Every Thui WINGI-IAIVI, ONT. Local and General News of Interest to The Comrnunit Miss Elizabeth Barber left on Mon- day for Ottawa, Mise IVIary M. Chandler, left on IVIonday for Toronto, where she in- tends working. • The proper time to have bought good old liard coal seems to have been some years ago. Mrs,',jas. H: Scott has returned from visiting in Petrolia with her sis- ter-in-law, Ensign Scott Mr, Lawrence left on IVIonday morning to spend two weeks visiting his s'on in Owasso, Mich. One car No. 2 Yellow Corn to ar- rive about January 17t1i. Special pri- ce off c-ue A. C. Adams. ,Rev. Wm. Lowe of London,. will condtect the services in St Peals chur- ch, Wingham, next Sunday. Mr. Robt. j. Galbraith of Dresden, spent a few days at the home of his brother, Mr. John Galbraith, Mrs Wni Elliott left On Monday to visit her daughters, Mrs. Garnier and Mrs. Longman, in Windsor. Miss Evelyn Gibbons, has returned to London, where she will resu_nie her studies at first class normal.a Mr. and Mrs. John Dempsey of Souris, MOn., are visiting at the home, of their sister, Mrs. Wm: Phair. Reeve J. Walton McKibbon was called to Toronto on Monday owing to the serious illness of his aunt. Mr. It A. Spotton is attending the Convention of the Ontario Memorial Craftsmen at Toronto this week. During this month, $6.00 will decor- ate any ordinary room With new 1926 paper. Elmer Wilkinson at Phone 228. Lacrosse meeting in the Town Hall on Thursday night, January Leth. Everybody interested will please turn out. Mr. and Mrs, Norman • Shackleton of Lucknow, visited at the home of their brother, C. D. Shacleleton, last week. Mr. David Ross, Brussels, celebrat- ed his hundreth NewYears this year. He is grandfather of Dr. G. H. Ross of Wingham. ' Miss Madeline Gaunt, a recent stu- dent at the Wingham Business Coll- ege, .has gone to Pittsburgh, Pa, to take a position. Mrs. Andrew Mitchell' and daugh- ter, Miss Agnes, leave this week for Florida, wher they will spend the next couple of months. Mr. and Mrs, John Davidson are spending the remainder of the winter at the„ homes of their daughters in Preston and Paris. We sharpen Safety Razor Blades, any make, Single Edge se each, dou- ble eclgeigz each. A perfect edge guaranteed at McKibbon's Drug Store. The Advance Times is equipped to do the very finest job printing with the least possible delay. We guaran- tee to meet all legitimate price COM- . . petition. The lioly Name' Society will hold a euchre and dance in the Parish Hall of Sacred Heart Church, on Tuesday, January egth. Admission 5oc, Ev- erybody welcome. Miss Elizabeth 'Tompson, of the Wingham Business College has se- cured the Silver Medal in a Speed Contest held by the United Typewri- ter Co., Toronto, Ontario. Rev. J. F. and Mrs. Dingman were welcome visitorsi to Wingham this week. Mr. Dingman was pastor in the Wingharn Baptist Church for a few years. ,They now reside in Hag- e rsville, censes start with The Sarnia licen- Wingham auto li the number 222501. ses are the three or four thousand be - and the Oshawa fore these numbers ones are the ones starting with 250,501. Mr. David R. Marshall, who was the successful candidate for Mayor in a four cornered fight at Stratford, is a former employee of the Bell Tele- phone Co„ and was trouble man on this division some years ago. A rumor has been circulated that Mr. Chas. Barber had passed away, this is erroneous. Mr, Barber has been confined to his home, and quite seriously ill too for some time, but we are pleased to say that at time of writing he is a little better than he has been for a while. A few days ago a merchant from a neighboring town called at our office and asked to have a thousand enve- lopes. We took the order but assur- ed him lie could have been just as well pleased with the goods from one of the offices in, his own town, He was quite decided that we would give him much better quality. It is just the nature of some people to believe that an orderfor printing is so much better if a stranger does the work. We have them in Wingham. EASTERN STAR OFFICERS At the regular meeting of Huron Chapter No. 89, Order of the Eastern Star, held in the Parish Hall on Tues- day evening, J'in I2 1926, the follow- ing officers were, installed for the pre- sent year by immediate Past 'Worthy Matron of Huron Chapter, Sister Margaret Shane, assisted by Past Worthy Mation, Sister Annie Thomp- son as Marshall. e Worthy ,Matron—Sister Viola Fox, Worthy Patron ---Brother Edward 5, Nash, Associate Matron—Sister Anna 13oyee., , Secretary --Sister Winnifted Nash. TteasurerL-Sister Mary Pattison. Cenductress—Sister Mary Coutts.' Associate ,Condtictress--Sister Gert- . rude Miller, , _ Chaplain= -Sister Bessie Rae. Marshall—Sister Mabel Habitirk 'Organist—Sister Edna Harrison. Acialee:Sieter Catharine 'Spotton. . Ruth—Sister *Annie' Olver, Esther—Sister Katherine Wilson.. ' Marttalt—Sister Elizabeth Electa—Sister Agnes Mitchell, , Wardell --"Sister 1\18,1'gal:et Phan% Sentin1r,e, 1). Loslie Taylor. 'The retiring Wecn'tbY Matron Sister Margaret Shane and 'Worthy Patron Bro, Oliver Thompson Were present - cd with the . retiring ,offictrs JeWeIS at: theclose Of', the, installation Cere- monies and the 'installing officers Sis- ters . Shane and Thompson were pre- sented With suitable gifts, At the close of the meeting refresluntfite ere served and a tecial, hoUr 1., Meeting tal mcctin 0 be Agents For 5927 Calendars We wish to call the attention of the merchants and business men of Wing - ham to the fact that we are agents for several splendid lines of 5927 cal- endars. We can give you as reason- able a price as any traveller and just the sante quality stock. The Advan- ce -Times, your own local print shop. Died in His Eighty Seventh Year On Monday, January 4th., 'William French, at Cessfield Michigan. De- ceased was born in the Toevriship of Whitechurch County of York, Ont,, and removed with his parents and two uncles to Michigan about seventy years ago. He was a cousin to Mr. F. W. French of the Diagonal Road., and the eldest son of Mr, French's fathers oldest brother. He enclered all the hardships of pioneer life in Michigan. He leaves a widow and two sons and grandchildren to mourn his loss. Mr. Gee. Frencb was visit- ing the family two reeks ago. Pretty January Wedding A very quiet but pretty weddieg was solemnized in Wingham on Janu- ary 6th,, when Mettle Lavine King, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, iney$,,,King of Ternberry, was unit- ed in mei:liege te Mr Alexandei: Lea - Ver, yotingest son of. Mr. Thomas Leaver of East Wawaimsh. The etre- molly was performed by the' Rev, Mr. McIntosh. After the 'marriage the bri- dal couple received, congratulations from those present. After Which they returned to the bride's', home where a wedding,' dinner wee seriiid. The m's gift to the bride was a hand- ., tune ,vrist watch, 'In the evening a reeepttod Was held at tile honie Of Mr. and MI George Coulees, eister of,the groom, wherc Ehe young eon'14 re- tei‘/O'd nany'hiautiftsi gifts, sbti ing /,,44t, THI.JZSDAY,, JANUARY14th. 1926 TWO wINGHAIVI MEN DIE VERY SUDDENLY iTheeriae Caeeels Again we are reminded. Of the un- certainity �f human life in the sudden passing of Thomas ,Cassels. 011 Sat- urday morning about three o'clock Mr. Cassels got out of ,leed to get a drink of water and feeling faint lee sat for a few moments ,on the side of the bed. Mrs. Cassels hurried to prepare drink f h' cl some hotor him an while she was this engaged he passed away-. He was a big robust man, but had not jest felt his; best for some time, al- though he was in his usual health at the time of his sudden death. He was in his 62nd year and had been an esteerried citizen of Wingham for se- veral years. He is survived by his widow and one son, Mark, who have the sympathy of 'the community in their sudden bereavement. Two 'bro- thers, John and Robert Cassels of Flint, Mich., eurvive. ' The remains were interred in the Wingham cemetery on Monday after- noon. Rev. H. W. Snell conducted the funeral service at the house and grave. William McCoy Deepest sympathy is eXtended to the family of the late William Mc- Coy, who died very suddenly on Fri- day morning. He was at his work in the Gunn-Sonola shop and complain- ed about g o'clock of feeling sick: A doctor was called and he, was sent home where he passed away with startling suddeness about eleven o'clock. He was popular with his shopmates as was testified by the splendid sub- scription list which was quickly sub- scribed and headed by the president, Mr. Gunn. Will was only a young man being 42 years and 8 months. He was born in Lucknow and is survived by his aged mother, three brothers and two sisters, as well as his berea- ved wife and three children. Like all his brothers he was an athlete and played lacrosse with the Wingham team up till a couple of years ago. His reinain,s were laid to rest in the Wingham Cemetery on Monday after- noon. As'genius at his occupation and a well liked young man fills an early grave.. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION At the regular meeting of Wingham Orange Lodge held on Friday night Rev. Mr. Snen was made the recipi- ent of a solid leather club bag and the following address: . Wingham, Ont, Jan. 8th., 5926 Rev. H. W. Snell, B. A. Wingham, Ont. Dear Sir and Bro:— It is with deep regret that we learn that you will soon leave us to take up your residence in the city of Strat- ford. During the few years you have lived among us you have endeared yourself to us. As a minister of the Gospel, as a Brother in the lodge - room, acting with us oh our commit- tees, as our County Master, as a Grand Lodge Officer, in fact in every walk of life, you have proven your- self et worthy cottikellor and friend, WO would be pleased to have you and your estimable family remain with us but we also know that your promotion to the larger field is tele will of e ICirid Providence, and we trust that when the Grand 'Master on that great Judgment Day calls His brethren to Him we will meet again with You in that Celestial Lodge above, -erliere partings will be no more. We, your friends and brothers itt L 0, L 754 wish yo.& to accept this club bag as a slight reinembrancte of the man3r pleasant tirnee wehave met to- gether in the little frame lodgerooin in Winghain. We asseigt yod that you will be welcome home as often as you can make it convenient to be with us. Sigeed on behalf of,the members: W 5 amt,bell,, The address vvas read by Mr. 4. G. Smith and the presentation inadoe by Mr. W. j. Campbell. High School Hockey • The fire form of NA/Ingham High School was defeated by the seeped form in a game of hockey in the At- one on Tuesday afternoon, the score being 6- Mr, Coen Mooney ectieg as' tefere .atid "n—goal, Mite d GariliSS. ti -c, ' r ' ' tit efence he Inaugural Meeting of Wingba.m's New The inaugural meeting of Wirighern 1926 council was held at ix o'clock on Monday, After a very brief address by Mayor Fells the striking commit- tee was appointed viz: the Mayor Reeve and Coun, Haney. The meet- ing then adjourned until e.x5 that ev- ening. At the evening- meeting all were present but the Reeve, The report of the striking committee was read and adopted on motion of Coun. Wilkin- son and Spotton. The following com- mittees were appointed, the; first na- med in each case to he the chairman. Executive Committee—Mayor Fells, Reeve McKilebon and H. 13; Elliott, Finance Committee—Reeve McKib- bon, H, B. Elliott and W. Haney. Streets, Sewers and Sidewalks— Mayor Fells, H. B. Elliott and C. R. Wilkinson. Property Committee—W. H, Han- ey, j. W. Hanna and R. A. Spotton. Fire-Comenittee--C. R. Wilkinson J. W. Hanna and E. j. Cemetery Committee—E. j.Mit chell, R. A. Spotton and Reeve Mc- Kibbon. The bylaw was read appointing the same town officials as in previous years. And another bylaw authoriz- ounc ing the borrowing of, up to $40o00, from the Bank. of Commerce.. Both bylaws were carried.. ' On motion of Haney. and 'Wilkin- son the clerk was instructed, tosub- scribe for nine copies of the Munici- paTI School•Literary Society *ere granted the free use of the hall for their annual open literary on mo- tion of Elliott andSpotton. On motion of Elliott. and Mitchell, the following accounts were ordered to be paid:—Doniinion Bank, interest coupon, n; Co 2°. °cIs;1. e .P0remiin, 0. F, ei3tr $ bond $8.00; Dominion Bank interest coupons $495,00; Bank of Conuurce deb cemeentteurrye lt1t1;T02:'00TeliE7LWeweiisr:. zsPelSi special duty duty $3.3o; Pubii6v School Boardy ad- vance on levy, $i5oo; H.S. Board ad= fuel for town hall $7o; Bell Tete - phone Co., service January $28.41; Dominion Express, parcel 45c; Post- master rental of dtawer- $3:oare Iis Honor' Judge Lewis, court .1 c sts $1.7.00; Mmicilial. 'World,. subseriptioy $9.00; A, ,Sanderson, snownleeWing, $3o.00; Fong Re'• Bong, meats, charity $2.ro; A. C. Adams, hose to fire $2,pa. . CHAIRMAN" OF UTILITIES • COMMISSION Ex. -Mayor W. H. Gurney Mr. GurneY was chosen as chairman of the Wingham Utilities, Commission at: their 'inaugural meeting on Mon- day, Look at Your Label The Advance -Times mailing lists have fieen corrected up till Monday, January 55th, and if you have paid your subscription before that date it should be credited if you have not paid please do so within the next week. We find there are over yoo subscribers who are in arrears for $2 and over. Prompt payment will be appreciated, Provided Against Rainy Day Ilelieving ,that it is well to provide against a reley day neighbors and friends met at the home of Air, and Mrs. Ben Reich on Mondayevening last and presented them each with an umbrella. The recipients we;Ie a- bout to leave the following day wiLle their five -children for Wingham, after a residence of fifteen years in Walkerton and knowing that the rain falls on the just because the =- lust have swiped their umbrellas, their friends her showed in a ,tang- ible way etlieir ,solicitation for their futeire health and bappinese by Win- ing forward and presenting them with two perfectly ,good urnbrellase These uselitil gifts welt heeded over On be- half of the gathering by Mr, end Mrs. Herb. Hehu, while' a thuehing address evhich. breathed the hope that these unibrelles *Mild' afford ample shell:ex from the Showers,' was feelingly read by'Mrs. Joseph Yaeck. The farewell event was enhanced with some eXcelle tint music by fr. Bert Mullen, to evhich the youth omet boatity kept time with shifting feet and graceful glide, the lancere and quadrilles be- •iiig popular, , The gathering 'ler iee tin in the wee erne' lotus afte. wsh- ine :Mr. ,and Mrs,, Reich \end 'family Pr:P18111111,/tAe3rEt'allieleartiolannilleersesidiliiii'lleeil;.11e.w , • veleoueelleee eita itaidx • GRADUATION EXERCISES GUAM WiN AND L9 Wingham hoekeYists are a, east brand of bielcey:' for , tatore, who attend :the games iu Arena this 'winter-, 'Thee- y draw back . IS that there e••••.e. enteitgb. attend the gainek,10 111 4 Peering proposition and 'and .t1i, the worthy- treasurer, 11fri•C'e• magi, mUdhew:9717.; Th bit gaged for theeganieeiti Wi although tIte"majOeety,O entleusiastSdo not' ee",'1; are ofenifOrtalAY ginart :band idOM up above. ti t. 6 ito sounde,jiiSt, as good as thpiegh 0,'nttrt the Pradnet ' of the ' 48tki Hig laiideese, or 'thee lineek Watch/or even 'rhettei:1' bands, If eiieb: eodid 'bc. Orr,Wedin e'"e fling ,the• dine, team in.Wingh4n1 lbealS'.;;•41.ri'ea ed thein 2 too. st 7.176d enele • without either, teatn 'seta frig. and .the second period ended,.; likeWfset. The leet Period' 'was about1m1 spent when Wingharn scored mii,iu.tei repeat:eel:the dose. Wirigham- team went to Fr.:!!clay' night and,,Were.tr4-1.31-aoft0'. tinee. of 7: to -O.' We triderstanAt the Score, dotet' trot- boweveeeive pi-61,er idea. of 'the Manher ,itt eViteele the game was fought. We learn, tlioo b°titai''14':e'41'fa's.6.-'hockey;444 tlain:Ptelth!cPf'iiW 4aboys hadthettk('l4,1' Lirtowel goal'; at 'Iteet ,hall ••,' :Antithefe''epiendiel exhibition 'er skill was iut on in wini t9,u4aY:' Lane vas il4ed between C eareedist.hie ,stoeitikletfoilee ors tInhcpetiod eat '011E The graduating exercises in eonnele-- t tion with Wingharn General 116Spitil was held on Tuesday evening in 't/he k Town Hall and ,clifew the eieuai 16:rge .••:‘,, attendance, The silver collettipie; for A the hospital amounted: to $23no:/;a Mr. J. A. MacLean was chairenari: i for the evening and, opened the nevet-' b ing by calling on Rev. Gies AAEm /den T to offer prayer, Rev. J. F. Ding an o\ ni of 'Hagersville forer pastor of e Wingliam Baptist Church 'arid t present Nurse Pelan'e, hombtoweie tor, gave an excellent address. Mr Snell -a th • du a 0 Pponente' ,nets . 'eating' the ,score te i o 5 re' lay g ve e gra ate Wingham. Miss Alba Hogg, daughter of Mr. bert Hogg of Turnberry and Miss Mary Pel -in of Ragersville, the Flor- ence Nightingale Pledge and. Di. R. IC. Redmond presented the medals and diplomas to the young ladies after which he gave theen some sound ad- vice and congratulated them on the high marks they- took in their exams. Mr. A. 11: Musgrove delivered an able address. Little Gracey king, daughter fJitt and Mrs. T, C. Xing presented! the graduating class with boquets of roses. The audience was delighted tvith so- los by IVIrs: Jr. F. Dingman, Miss Sar- ah MacLean, Mr. Bert Abell, Mr. A. IV'. Forbes -and Mr. Gordon Buchanan, Instrumental' selection by Miss Bess- ie Abell' andt Miss Hazel Brandon and a reading by Mrs. W. VanWyck, .who as an elbemioniest is in a class by herself. Repot& of Hog- Shipments For•Week ending january 7th, 1926 Wingham, total logs 66; select bacon 26e thick smooth, 35; heavies 4j: extra he,avles 5. Wroxeter, total hogs 529; select bacon 20; thick smooth 84; 1tea- vies.16; extra heavies 8. Ilelgrave to- tal' hogs 596; select bacon 61; thick smooth sx5; heavies x; extra heavies I s': Theron County, total hogs .1765; street bacon 537; thick smooth 1035; heavies 84; extra, heavies 5; shop hogs 48e. lighte...and feeders ro. I-Iockey Boys Need Funds One wonders whit is wrong with AA/Ingham sports when they realize that the hockey club are about $500 in the hole and the boys find it im- possible to get more tho.n a $roo gate, *Idle it takes about 425 to pay ex- penses. Wingliam team swills sec- ond place in their group in the Nor. m theLeague is they are at the top of their grouping in the 0, ra, A. and run; a fairly good chance of go- ing higher, The Kincardine tdtuti had te 11 $168 gate on Wednesday night, ), Couldn't we give our ,Whigham boys :p a pleasant surprise by croevtling the Arena at their next match. in Wing- b hem, which, may be a 6.exai final game, g The following` is the pi eeeet standlue; • _ ,HURRAH FOR THE AREN The only place for Real Hea Exercise and sport. The, games hockey that have been played and to be played are let,ClaSs'in,.e.i. speet The skating, nig joying- in the funeee-Why WhtLt is matter with yen' people I 'inean stay at homes, Come out and ' get skate on skating Parties for private o public sport (for (sale). Band will be in attendance ev4y Thursday night.: Skating in theeaftere ifoons as often, as it is, passible to, have it. Then don't forgetethe ',Grand Scottish Concert to be giveitein aid Of the Arena in the Opera. Fienveee Jannary 25111 (Burris Night). ' Bing' this event will be posted this „tereek-',:•as 1:Nreil as programe, width consists �f High Class Talent, Singing ofg:01.0 Scotch Songs, Highland Dancing a Piping by the best that: we can gage. The, plain pf th I witrOge, Monday at 2 "O' k for reserfati Call and get 'eel:Mr tickets bon's Drug Store. Petty Thieving at Arena The directore of the Wing/lane, eria are determineel to make it an' ensive business f&ethe partyiK foetid stealing' from overeoatee any manner at the. Arena, Men been take'n out PR. Pockets and the Arcati'directors (nre not talti. responsibility for lest stol cies, yet they atte out to P111 the petty theiiing and St;i be made art' todnnpit lot.. Annual "At: Biome" to be Br Radio texts in r-,Ittrort: tit rough'Ont Orderio, should Al CFCA Toronto Thuretj janeaty 2eat, , The :',Progt ce ramie. (and th.,:ettx,'4ir Id t head,ed by A, b. broadleast froth izi.o,ie tre, , through 'the toi, Vestern: CatiedEn Flottt- ily. The IT. O. 13, tete gos et ehip .5,50.0 itt Te atlieging 1 Idit year - it record.' , • BitrfOn, 'till enteSic it bO had in Spetinl of the teanis: Norther: League Ieistowel won 3, lest le. Wirightmi, Won e„,pt L s Ripley won e, 1<ineev•Airte 11