HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-01-07, Page 4AFTER HOLIDAY SPECIALS _.
IVORY at Il� price. This 18 l l\u
:Il chance to complete your. set ofthis toilet
Wi'Vri.:R. B TT railteed for 2 ro
-5 large size,for $ t:4' l
years, � ..�
S F ()N,i 1 'V A large 2k '«`ritin. Pad and
a 15cpackage , 11tCrI
e; ,Cor.,: .29c
,A a^ips/( M,A oCUNW0W1P
!rug r •l: re
Timothy S,
Nath Akin
here Is
the Laggard
1'u t1X;c4 ;i j ur a 'i ;111 thin
1Vinghant 1'aypers,
1}E(:z :sur: -
'� i- to�uld ye about the two 1-luigh
School by !s who do be shtayin Avid
VS, an 'tis a foilie .pair av young :fel-
l<llls they aro, but 1 hev to be afther
,giv'in thitu a bit av a take now an
soto sh.rtlec. v 1
thin, to rc}lifoar Ct., 1 ,
they clo be larnin at School. 'l.'him
lads do be shltzdyin l�rinett, an Latin,
an Grake, an, shure, nayt:hcr wan av
thitn kin sbpakc good English yit,
an not aven dacint Irish. 'Tis a mish-
take intuirely, so it is.
But it wussen't about this that T
talked to thim laslit n ,rahr; 1 4on:.;lt
I it rnoight hey Se^i'. emu g to clo a:id it,
�i 1 Shpoke to tilittz swinging Iatke this.
` rl �e:,,' sera 1, "For do be growin
rf, fasht, an I ant not stirprotsed at
it be raysonav the amount ye 'ate;
annyln;ay ye \vitt soon hey tc, be run'-
nin the. CotitlthTy an lnaktn sone' sort
fer e
av a li l , } Crsily t ,at `the same
tonne; an I want' to tell ye that 'tis
a poor livin the fellate 'gaits who is
at the tail ind ave the 'procrlshron.
\Whin T used to he ia•urrudn arround
in lumber tamps, an On railway �con-
tbracts, •an river. droives, T always
found that the lasht man on the jawb
got the rough hid av the wurruk, an
the poor est pay, an was the forst to
git .the sack whin fewer nein were
raided. If ye turn riut to, be'farrum-
ers ye sh>d Iter ambishun enough to
throy to kape the clainest farrutn on
the loi,le,,an to grow the hesht crops,
6iiMUilnrt.11.0.1ms„®M•f,W'u4amw 1.4Z1.1.....¢mw1Y•.711.4 ICK.MtPYD'.:.a6114M0bai9YYr
:3}2 S: t.I 1 -'e Coal 'or wood
sam'irt,,, high oven, hot v\-at.i:r front
a-,, ser rciir Ilest 'offer takes u. Re-
placc'd by electric- Part cash. 1Irs.
Bennett, . {
t f tI
atm" C,all,espie received the follow-
ing ]ells the.other day, which is self-
expTawiron'y, and must contribute to
the ykasure and satisfaction of those
interested in forwardiit� sonic Cbri,;t-
ma-''cli'.eer rto the under -privileged is
New :Ontario:-
Qntario:-School Car,
• Canadian National Ry.,
Cameo', Ontario.
December 27, 1929.
Dear Miss Gillespie; '
FOR I T' 1 Span of P rcherou
mares, rtSi.ng' 'five. and ,lx years, 1.
brok.n single or double, sound and
ht `1 -Massey-Harris seven -foot
clot , ,tel r.
sheaf carrier and truck
com:taplete: Anvil: to ].)avid Totten,
1V or'et,km.
FOR ,S \1.1; �l .:+-r Men's; Skates and
Boot: "size 6,` pearly ne:w. Apply
aEi�sllnce 11nn'es OfFite.
1 Ci1t 1d.1 NT- 'Ion: e, sent -furnished,
Rooms ;c1n or uillur iu shed; also
garage. \1odern cart\,'etuenc'.s, and
>(•r(1 1.e>catti«lp., :y:. j. Ross.'
•l an raiisc the #oiliest shtilel:: .If ye de -
Have Not Always eight -of -Way
In the course of his addresss to
the jury at the hearing at -the yes
siuns of the' I>cace at 'Walkerton re-
cently (>f an auto accident case, His
Honor Judge Owens drew attention
WANT] ])-:Girl kir woman for Gen- to a misconception in which numbers
ei-al lionsework. Apply to Advance-
iVAYTED-Horses, $4 to $6; rah-
bits 2kk each. R. 1.aidlaw, phone.
Mrs. \V. A. Currie and Family wish
to extend their sincere thanks for
many kind expressions eons of sympathy-
from friend:;' during the recent
•i eavetuent,
'l 1
Forgetting for the moment he's Ire.
'o'er Father's care; '
That mile is safely guarded --we vv>uld
not ha 'x it changed.God. planned his lift 'and has it aIl..
Most. carefully arranged.•
so until the daybreak, vv 11I 11 life's
zttysteries' are declared,
He will be first. to greet us in that
place Clilci has prepared,
Mother, ,Sisters an7.l' brothers.
\\'estlake-- i vingly. remembering
at._ rlcar .son and. brother, Harry \\'est -
"Sake, who died January 3rd, 1921.
m c; 1.1I'S1e5 ''ve view a sunset ore
;glorious than the r est,
(:;3r hear well rendered music by which
our souls are blessed,.
And wish that he were here withus,
these blessings he iii; tt s are,
Christmas Tests, U.S.S. No,; 13
The tittutber-signifies the 1')rT :cent,
elf 1111'. total obtainable.
V ---Elva ])ane 69, 1f alga e't Sim-
;lon5 58.
-.Sr. 1V ---foam 1_an;, .812, hick i;en-
t (39, \Wilfred \\.'icr 63, Eimer Gal -
<'r -G2 1 alio] Fitch 62
l r, -f \ (:,la<?v's lrit,eh ii; 1)onald
1?.ortllne 63, t`il'l-. 'i4`illits 62, - Jack
Wier 62, tee , i ge Gallaher- 60, Gladys
Wier 5i.' Beulah. Lewis 55, 'Robert
�: _--v ' 1t ,ice ¢•
Tr. 1 T1-\lary King 67, Lloyd Wier
6I Myrtle t.'atthw.s
60 Earl Halliday
59Willits ,
.7. , Eva 54.
T1 -Edith Willits 43(1„ Helen \Willits
'Evelyn C:atltcrs 44, hulk Willits
1.--Aluriel lane, Mae Halliday, h.ei-
ta Gathers, 'Margaret Niel, Emerald
L Wits, 'Eldred Gathers,
1'14. -Geo rgi IIt-11ichael, l.aurtt
I;ervtrt,, toss \Willits.
V. 11':. Sellers, "Teacher.
1Ziyt-lshle, ("al., jan. 1, 1.630
1lear Edit' We have enjoys d the nears iti your.
iluttblt- weekly paper that We have
had 111011'(i tt' 'us since coming to ikis
yrotintry a little r,t e r a year aro. We
tv1� bc' iz here long 'enough to ca-
crint'o the diffelon 1 seasons of at
•<•r- and may.�.
rl while it
renicly ww•n1here during last
er, tlts y i ell 11s it vy,O' un -
01.‘ yr,
o-01''(1', take i1 the •ertr t'(19.111(1,
perfectly delighted with this
('an run the atutr,0 tllc 'yettt•
and ro to out in bloom all vvin-
ihiy, �ivw' 'Yum', 1)us' 1lic stag
110(!1„ 1111(1 is '1i1;»t 1» nit.(' 0, 11
jr 111 llonn. 1 have nothing to
t '-1,4,11(1 (41(1.1 ititiitla, it's 0
Iittry, only Ilie severe
11(11 'agree with 1(131
bel 1or for Inc
of people appear to: persist. Far the
benefit of those who seem to think
that, becausethey are travelling on
a Provincial :Highway, they have. the
right-of-way over persons in cars ap-
proaching from intersections, he stat-
ed, in effect, that this depends upon
circurustanc,tts.Automobiles are fore -
ed to stop befcre entering Provincial
Highways, but they are entitled, after
doing so, to precedence if they had
reached the intersection ahead of
motors operating tin the Provincial
Highways: 'hits is 0 point upon
which 0(04ty- appear vague.
Probably all Amity members are
People whom T. can remember quite.
v'i:cidly. Please ask: them to help mme
figure_ out why when a Millionaire in
Bermuda 1.>r in texas, becomes poor
hi the world's goods thele the under-
privileged of the biisli becomes more
privileged stili,
Chis'is 0 winter of need. \Ve. made
an extra effort for Christmas and I
think 1'. slid well and did kindly, But
1 knot'v''tliue homes just now to whom
the help that comes :from your don -
(11100s \5'11! b_ 'very necessary and I
(10 not 'count the houses where ac-
cepting >'iFts 'years ago gl:ew t1' be
habit' that'beat•s no good fruit.
It is my • Christmas gift to know
(dict :1 lily Class remembered Us.
ta>ide to go 0, fer .,, 1i,ticla jit.e up
(I iztgstc't1 Whig -Standard)
1 ce>ntuitipoz•ary has' token up the �j
question o€'giving to the.cburch, and
quotes si.itn:e figures recently arrived
at in onecongregation. These show-
ed that five families pledged the cost
of two Packages of chewing gum a
week.; seven the equivalent of cele
soda; t wonty-two :gave the cost of the
average P.i1toker'S daily smoke tit r-t1-
ly=.c}; ht contributed as mnuclz t;, each
member would pay to attend the nmov -
les on one night; forty -rine gave at.
much as Woulv pay for lunch
moderately priced restaurant;fotty-.
six: paid in the price of a pound of
moderately Priced candy, and forty
farriliet pledged the,'equivalent of a
set of automobile tires a year,
This sounds rather cheap, and a
very long way off what has been uti
ually regarded, as the "tithe". due to
the church, -But is it . fair comlari-
son : e doubt ;t.; We wit grant
that the are' -age church goes does not
givenz much as he might to tl'.c work'.
are man..
of Clic church, but, there . y
Who do. But there is this to be re-
mc:irrbered, that this Weekly pledge
in the .great, majority of cases, if not
of all, by 110 111eans 'Covers the con
tribtitions made, There are various
organizations . connected with tbi;
churches 'which salt for money. There
are the various festivals upon which
special collections are 1nad. , mole as
the Thanksgiving, Eas.tcr at: .1 Christ-
mas, there are extra appeals for var-
ious objects, contributions are sought
'for new buildings, repairs on or for
the debts on old ones, and other calls
'readily occur to our readers. We
candidly r.ontess vve eta 119 1 c com
w -id t11e Tory partly 1'u1'stit ting s0 tp >arisons such as. we :have quoted; they
as to'git a roil ht `,slttart, 011 thin are not quite fair to a great many
shtick to it, fer the ;.Cciries are belt- church members,•.airrl they cast a slur
her at haildin but jawbs to thccr which; considering
the large annual
frinds than thin Grits are, though sums which are given to the work of
T nivir got iiiuclt out av 111'111 rncsilf, the churches cannot be ,said to be
but T am'ixpicictin that Mishter leer
' g altoretilet- <lcservet}. • At .the seize
guson wi11not fcr;git nee whin he
shtarts a dishpinsary in \'Vinghanr.
'"Cis shtiekin to a jawb that counts,'
ntatther whether it is pollytick.s,'
arr farruming, arr witrrukin in a fac-
tory, arr in an a\vfice. Nivir lave wan
place till ye are shure ay a betther
wan fer 'if ye kape changin arround
ion much ye ]l always be shtaa-tin
at the bottom av the laddher
an' callin in at the heti av the lttnit,
ltut. Nein hewers av wood tin cb'arvhe.rs
aV lathe- 'fer the hoigher up fellahs,
Which the sante is what m0 dawter-
iti-law- w•ud call rrlixin 1110 nzettvfers,
t\irnyway 'tis the privilege ay' an Ir-
ishman to shpake till he is undlier-
stood, an what 1 want to impress on
ye byes is that a noine shpot card iS '
a poor wan to hould, but don't trove'
it away if it is 0 thrurtlp: All the same
1 '•ud 1-v' 1 i i
vv acvct.t. 'r n>l t> be mine'
shpots all yer lnii'es.
Now byes, 1.hope ye will tisk over,
the a'lv'.,ice 1 h:ry given ye, T cad
say a lot more, brat I tink I ilr'r the
time we. frankly admit that many peo-
ple could increase their givir,gs to the
church very considerably if :they were
11.141, 011711111 up the E1+,.098, 5(1 ye
had bettl'rrr git Kaci: to ye rroor'ns."
T 'line:, liish:er Edibur, that, thine • ,
hath va• 1, come frau all roighf if T
Iltc•v- a few ninon: talks u -id thine.
Yours fer a bigger and 1)ettlier
.11 ay the good Ne\v "ear he a great Timothy Hay.
\\•lute. ;gift for your 0h,ss and their
Fred Sh;nian.
biffil A'ssessol 's Work
Tci the Municipal Council'. and Fellow
Ratepayers of East \Vawanusli
Gentlemen, as l Have been an of-
ficial of the niunacipallty for a num-
ber of \ears and 1 •tivish to be relies-
ed at this time from that position,
I `feel thin 1 have had a good long
tern: and have lead a fair amount of
success and }ocici fooling from the
great majority .c,f the taxpayers of
the 'l'uvvnship. There are <c.'cer -1
things about the work that I rather
tr>prceiate but some thitl:gs I don't
tike. For inst tr7 e, if a party improv-
es their• bnii1mgs,'tip (40(18 -,the;; :gssess-
uterit,. a thing 1'. always hated to do,
but the law says it must be acid con-
sequently nothing else for it. I have
tried to be fair tt,,all, but perhaps l
bare erred in some rases because iv,
don't see all lhiirgs in the sante light.
first went over the
shii 1 can recall many conversations
with the old pioneers who ,are now
nearly all passed on. Their places
have been taken by others. In, look-
mg over the past rolls I see that
'there are only five to six of the old
New Yorker (incredu'ously): "And inanies on each: concession that used
:you mean to say that 111 Californiast11 be there, T think it would be safe
you have 365 days ref sunshine a Ito say t}tat'> 0 per cent. of the prop-
erties are }meld 1)y other owners and
'.Che limn from Leis Angeles: "Ex-
actly ,11, sir, and that's a mighty Con-
(r 1 I as r - {n • delusions, (scrvative es11ma1'%.
ticpr,J,ir.:3. ATc tel
which caused him
to believe that I
t5cnbreDan" \fat 1d wa< trying
to I:ill hint with, gas and further an-
n yaucc by the constant playing by
\facl)unaid . of a violin, prompted
1 t<lyn Green,'insane murderer tO
make the frenzied attack on MaX'1)o1r-
ul 1 in the psychiatric ward :af h On-
p y 1 the
reformatory, which resulted
'S•ol>ie Dale's"'
1 .death a few hour,:
later in the: histltittij;ili j10apitil.
Such was ' the opittt,ui 1'Ypr'eSAed by
reformatory officials last night in an-
nouncing that :111 1111• C'Stigation would
he,l>pened this aftl;rrinorl at 3 o'clock
int), the fatal occurrence: 1 jury '(('ax
empnitl-lr.-ll yesterday afternoon, by
Coroner lir, T. IT. Orton, tvlto will
preside at the inquest,
Information regarding the killing;'.
which Was revealed yesterday was to
the effect that. Green, inmate of the
institution' for 101(11y y000s atttackecl
MacDonald with 0 small wrapped iron
liter, striking; hili feet' or five blows
and inflicting severe wounds, which
were ,
1c sufficient to render him nru.ott-
50irn7N and 1-5111ted in. his (100(11 with-
in a few (lours,
''Sc•i I>ie Ilan" Mad )(mald was 11 rt -
totaled -,oldie• an(1.110(1 a. splendid re-
oriel overseas. `1t -was popular _ in
hin.1)((1iIll' ((ltd distrltit- as am ball
player and art ,1111- time' played for
'lilt- anthracite coat busi11058 lit the
United States is in a poor way. The
men who run it don't seen . to, be 1
able•' to set it right s the • ask the
right, u y
IT: 5, Tlepartltlent r,f Contniercc• to,
locate the trouble.
The IT..,, 0(3111 industry (1111 tiot.
1100w Ito\]' to use its custrot11t•r's, (11011,
it had th iii.
Canadians have memories that eas-
ily 10(11111 1)1101: to the days when there
vv0s no coal tri 1,c' hard becatis,. 0
sl Tilt' wfl5 reit.
'lite coal peopl1'. in 1'. S. (lid tt great
de'a1 to unmake poodle hurry" ar•ctt(0tl
111(11 find 001 (lilt other things w•utild
101 relation to the original owners,
.The population has decreased by
about 500 since 1896 when I first 101-
80O11 -d ,the township. 1 was on' then
for .14 years, then off for 12 years,
and hack again for the least 8. years,
marking 22 years in all. ' T feel 11010
S'PLENDI,Y) A N 111 A l' (:X)MPE1.w
:tl D1 ILB TIO ,
Ik Ligbtfooteti, and Gives lilVide,nr
of'1't'enendous .Streugthe,- tentless
Righter' 'molten O1zaltenged---1 evat-
ed to 'Young.
thin I should quit . for thequitting
scents (10011 to me nt this 61110.
I hope some suitable person can
1_tc, 1otnrd that will take my place, the
i est that can be ,got ivi11 ,be none
Om ;good' for. it is a very important
position, for rzieticall = 011 the busi-
1 y
11055 4if .the-- Township depends upr20
the511l.'ssment roll, 1 wish to 4110-
9(11148 11(3• ritti-cre thanks to you' all
'for the tetany acts of kindness and.
hospitality that 1 have received at
your homes.
1 '\ (Airs eery Si13C rely,
\Vin. Robinson,
Past. Assessor.
Mk(' the, place of twthracitc call; and :
also to utak' thelia field out it 'could
be secured in outer places titansu i BORN
1'[TTnitetl Stales,
The average mail will have more
sympathy wit 11 the Millers mit of
1.1•(4(']0 than with the coal Introits who
• , l '
'Rapper -At SSault. Ste„ Marie, Ont.,
"11(11('59ay, December 2119, Jam--
ima C,reig, widota 11f the- late \Vel-
littln 11(ipper, 111 her 73rd ;year. In-
terment t11(11< 9tae0 in C lotal,slet'
cemetery :en Saturday,
�:A1 l'lw:t"11•�-T (1 1Dltte1.0le • irr y 2o9
, , ;i .m tai „ >�r
fat'gitret lfrllwaill, aged' 81
1 wish to than]( the voter:< r,f -Mor.
"1'i\v itsirip .'fer flr1� rontinti'ed ,von- attrcl 6 (larys.
" ,
fi(l.ct c. Ire "14'.t. . hult,ir try the "4° , ,
C"nrrt•ie•-'•l'rt \Vrrtg,ll.trrr, ort Jana
r *r Monday,
al en, � \\l, J, 1'1(iyiorson,
r. > K.
WitIlatti A, Croute,, ht }ii Slst'. ear,
Rintoul. 11 Si, Joseph's 1-Tospital,
Sudbury, on Sunday, December 29,
1,> Rev. i1. G. and Mrs. Rintoul,
I formerly of Forest, a daughter
Ruth. 3auizat:
\[ '>icltliet Jn•5w`roxetcr,, on Decern-
{' :her 101.i1: 1•e 31i', and lldr•s. Harvey
:\fchtirhaol, a sent--TZ01a1MM Robert,
Ilellarnd»7n Minh) 'l"owns'lii1, on
• l'tlesdaly, Jaetatry 7th, to nr, and
f V'1rs: ].01111 Holland, 0 son.
\\''ell,, --'To Mr. and Mrs, i -Tarry Wells
12(3 lilla:in St., (`,alt, in (;alt T�Ir>spi-
aa11, rm January 1th, a seen•- Williarl,l
Hardio -Tn 1lowick on 5a nuai 4th -
!ti t y ,
j141 Mt. and ? s, Nerz001) t•Tttrding;,
tt tl,tug Ili e.a
Seeing a Canada moose as a sped-
mien in a museum one might well be
led to Speculate as to the extraordin-
ary build of this, 'the largest of all'
deer, writes Dan McCowa,ii in Forest.
anct Outdoors." `rh, Very' long legs
itac2 the exti'eti1eiy short Deck are ap-
parent trontradiotions; the, massive
wide spending antlers , with whleh
'male has .been 15i.'ovided must
serol) Prove burdensome and cannel,
bat impede the creature's progress
through the tangle of thick woods; •
the monstrous nose and oversize, up-
per lip are singularly grotesque. In-.
dee:3 the animal seems so uncouth
and so unreal that the casual •.o'b-
setver Strolling' along the , aisles
wherein the art of the taxidermist is
displayed could be forgiven for con-
sidering it one ot nature's fantastic
experil: tents. • ' •
Yet r een in its native haunts, in
the foreat aisles of British Columbia
01' In tlit wilderness regions of the
Prairie Provinces, New Brunswick e1r
Northeru Zuebee, this splendid ani-
ma: at: •anee eorn els the adiniration
of the beho'der, - Moving like a well-
trained athhtte, the Moose in all Its
actions gives evidence of tremendous
strength, The': great muscles, expand-
ing laud contra:+,eting cause ripples 'n
the coat that, fleapits its. coarseness,
shimmers in diet eun; now and again
as the light plays slantwise there
seems to be a Sheen, or rather over -
color, like the hhu5h on a sun -ripened
plum. And how light-footed the crea-
ture is, stepping high as a well-bred
Hackney, daintily 1t5 ti': prairie ante
lope,` and surely as toe' wild sheep on
the shining maunt,f;ine oX Canada. At
time when the need. of caution is
great, this large: -bodied deer belies its
clumsy appearaace and moves.
through the underwoods with a.
stealth that is -at •onee impr'essiv'e and
uncanny. .Again, when compelled to
seek safety In flight, how impetuous-
ly. it crashes throughthe woods, the
enormous palmated antlers tnrovvn
back upon the shoulders, then seem-
' iib folded out of the way and offer-
ing little hindrance to the progress
of the bearer.
"How fast tan a moose run?" is a
gatestion often asked. in recent years,
anem tbet s. of the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police engaged in motor pa-
trol c'it,.y within the National Park
areas of the 'West have. had oPPf.i'-
,tunity, ;aot only to observe moose in
the a..t of running rapidly, but feriae.
by ineans 4>f speedometers on itiotor
cycles, to Obtain accurate data as to
. the actual speed a,tt a;ned by these
creatures. In September 19925 Corpl,
Ball of Banff detaehnment had a large
bull =etrerun along the Winder-
; mere Highway ahead of his ear for
the distance of two miles and at a
registered speed of twenty-five miles,
per hour. "The animal ran very
spraddle-legged," he said, "like a
pacing horse." When urged to greater
effort • by ' his pursuer the runner
swerved suddenly aside and at one
disappeared in the greenwoods.
Wary to an unusual degree, amueh
i more solitary than any herbivorous
animal found in the Itockles-a fear-
, less
ear.less fighter when challenged by .a
' rival -there is yet one other char-
acteristic notable in tarts giant does,
one that has been more or Tess over-.
' looked. one that is nevertheless quite
' evident, During the greater part 01
the year the male moose is a bashful
fellow, • tremendously self-conscious
=hen under observation. He hates to
be spit d upon and loathe i, beim,
teetc d in the act of crossing an open
space or clearing' in the woods. in
Buell a situation he is not crestfallen
hut only because he lacks a creest;. his
•i.tzzl is much aoo short to give proper
expression to the hang -dog ;,1ump
that ' otherwise is all too evident.
Of the moose, as of moat of the
so-called wild animals' of Canada, it
is commonplace to say* that tieey are
devoted to their young. To sit on a
rocky point by the Kiznanaskis
on a quiet,snmmt'r eveningwatching
the cows, accompanied by their leggy
calves, come to the willows 101, recut
and -to the cool clear water to drink
is idyllic occupation fora devout na-
tore 1over. Itis likewise pleasing to
see the young being helped. in their
browsing. Only the most tender
shoots and leaves of trees are app re:
ia:ted by the, as yet, soft mouthed
calves. But this succulent green feed
is for the greater part beyond illaix
reach and must be procurred by the
mother. She frequently snaps ore"lcta.fy
branches and ` casts thele .to the
ground and often by sheer strength
of nmuseular should.er pushes small
poplar trees to earth so that bet. off-
spring . May conveniently reach acid •
erop the foliage, .
When. In mtdsumnie,r the forest .is
5iire It means holocaust for innumer-
able young "birds and mammals,
Fledglings •tare destroyed within the
nests and immature mammals fall
ready , victims to smoke-. and. Battle.
Superintendent Howard Sihbald ref
Kootenay National Park tells ofthe
fate of three victims in a conflagra-
tion that roared through a long val-
ley amid Swept a mountainside bare of
forest growj,h. One was a cow moose,
time °there her twin, ialves. The adult
animal might easily have ifron
and out-iistanced the fiery sepurgc
beat her yol10(1, appar'ently only a few
days old, backed both: strength and
speed to escape. And the clumsy, art-
eouth, grotesque' looking mother
elected to remain with her offspring
and, t:ile bleed& pall: w rappkd them
round about,
anuar;sr iith, 103.W
oi#11 Wingham
f ,°Vll :.w. ,'r, ichardson
Black Bard
,4,32, .VJ.®.
PLE-20 0
Presenting 2 hours of Music, Singing and' Dancing.
Choice s -election ofood, clan, funny jokes
and sweet Southern Melodies.,
Reserved Seats 75c, tax included, Rush 55c and 25c.
Doors Open at 7.30.
A:;+ ► :: ADE
Win Grand Challenge Cup
T'ollowing their victory in the
-1- Eastern Lines, championship.of
first-aid teams of the : Canadian
Pacific Railway, the Windsor Sta-
tion police team, of Montreal, car-
ried off the Grand Challenge Cup
for all first-aid teams on the Cana-
dian Pacific system, defeating a
team from Nelson, B.C, winners of
the Western Lines championship,
in the all -lines final at Ottawa re-
cently. The Montreal team obtain-
ed'18(3 points out of a possible 275,
and Nelson received 163. ' The
'trophies were pt.'esetted by Hon...
Hewitt H. Bostock, P. C., 111,-A.,
Speaker_of the Senate, at a
pleasant informal dinner, The,
teams were judged by Colonel
Charles A. Hodgetts,
M.D., thP.II., director' of the St,.
John Ambulance Association, Cana.-
diea Branch. Above is the .Mont-
real police team: left to right,..
standing: Constables E. G. Wykes,.
A. H. Stott, and 0. Tomlinson;' sit-
ting: Constable W. II. Allison;
(captain of :team),
first-aid instructor for Eastern
Lines, and Constable W. W. Peter-
son. Individual cups, donated by 'r
Dr. H. A. Beatty, chief` surgeon.
and medical officer of Canadian
Pacific, were presented to all
mel'(lbers. 'of the teank..,
'Co 'Ntteollrage ,'lfaple Sugar Industry,
the Quebec Government wilt en ;.
courage the maple sugar iu4tlstry by ,
direct 11(00110. To maple augtl' co-
operative bodies tate Department of
Agriculture ]aIle Adverted, toi,'.the pur-
chase Improvement of equipment,
chase an lr,
8(1(1(8 up " o $540 tree oil Iti•terest
ohiirgta tof' st period of fly years.
Government & Munici' dw,
al Bon€ s
Real Estate ' Securities
Investment Trust
I:'or 46 years- every B3ontl' issue 00-
COi1111'lC71dfld and.sold ley G, A. Stim-
son & Co,, Ltd., has paid, interest- and
principal when (111(x,
Limn -ea 1'hd • E il" (sea.
Bd>10900inCaf tS
, 068 OP:ON:i e),