HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-01-07, Page 1Lao.N. CURUNGc•Lti. ingle Copies; Five Cents Af4D.'D.AN. A•••-• • • •• ••• namommamuscovaammorommula,...4uomvarmanww9usseisammeta;a4.3 OBITUARY William A. Currie • '' I)cath came rather suddeely on Fri- day to William A, Currie, a well- known eilizerLof who had been in rzaher indifferent for a couple of years'. btfring: the htst few week's be showed considerable improveinent, waS able to enjoy Chrigtmas with the familY aroundthe table, but in a day two suffered a relapse. Mr, Cur- .: was born at Finch, near Ottawa, and came to Wayeanosh with his par- ents, the late Mr. James N. :tnd Mrs. •Cen•rie, when seven 3rears of age. About al years ago he came to Wing - :ham, and after conducting a flour and feed business, ,opened up a machine shop, which he conducted until he suffered a physical break down two years ago. Be had a pleasant Man- ner, was a lover �f clean sport, and .a useful citizen. ' •Soirviving are his wife and two dau- ghters, Mrs. A. Bieman of London WINGHAM ONTARIO, THURSDA NUAY 9th, 199 . . Is THE DAY OF p.A114 COUNCILLORS. 'LOCAL. AND _ PERSONAL iREEVE BAEKER OF BRUSSIELS FAVORITE: , APPROACHING FOR '.WINGFIANI?' t 1 J .• . ...sere's. anuary sale starts Satterday ' FOR aURON COUNTY WARDENSHIP, I nu3 . Jaary llth. Big savings in all! de- partments. Miss Agnes Gi•bbons left on Satur- day for Carmac.. The i au get ral fneeling ,of ,Wi ngh a in Town' Council was held in the Coun- cil Chamber on Monday at` elevidn o'clock, *hen the following',suscfib,ed to the necessary declaration of office: --Thomas Fells, Mayor; J. :W. Me- Kibbon, ,R:eeve; and Messrs. 14, B. Elliott, C..R. Wilkinson, Amos ,Tip- ling,.:Harry Diament and James 'Mc- Gillivray, cotincillors, • Council reaSsembled',at' 8 e'clock in the , evening for general business, whim his Woritiip'Mde , the ayor, ma; his inaugairal address.. He Weleomed the councillors eo the old positions, as an evidence c..)V appreciation oie be- half • of the ratepayers for their: past servites, but regretted that. there was a vacancy.. He urged the steictest ecdtfomy on ,the part of the council- lors 'during tk coming year in order to lighten the'•h,urden, as Much ae.pbs- and Mrs. E. Cross of Toronto; alSo sibla. 'While the grea.tee*.pare of the two sisters, Mrs. S. Leggett and Jean of ( olling-wood. Services were con- ducted, at his late residence Monday :afternoon, by Rev. S.:Davison, pastor .01 the ijnited Church, of which he was a member. • expenditure ig uncontr011edethere is mere need for careful consideration of every expenditure. There had ,been. hearty cb-operEttion in the past, and asked this again, thet the work of the officials land_the progress of the Cor- poration ,nfight proceed, In the best LOCAL AND PERSONAL advantage. Comtnonicatione were received Miss Mary Robertson returned to from the Hospital for Sick' Chirdfen, Stratfol-d :titer spending the holiday at her home. Mr, and, Mre. Geo. Harkness of Lttngside were New Year visitors 'at F. *Marshall', Mts. Kate Hodgin daughter, Kathleen -of Lucan, spent a week with Mrs. 5. Gamble, Diagonal Road. Mr., Albert Harkness of Toronto, spent New Year's Day with his sis- ter, 3.\,fes. F. Marshall, Centre street. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Newman, Jr., .spent a fei.v days with the Tatter's 1,,irents, Mr. and Mrs, Fleming., Chep- ..st. Mr. and Mrs, T. McN. Smith left GrilTivray.; ',13,trdets:FellsWilkinson, Elliott, '1'ropertYTip1ing, , Diment, Spot - Cemetery Diment, MaKibbon, Tipling. Spotton, hi rray, -Each Committee to organize and appoint their own chairman. Thos. Fells H. 13. Elliott Mrs, Alex. Cloakey and son spent thne-honored custom party politics Bayfield The election of Reeve Raeker of Brussels this year, makea him a fav- orite in the running for' Wardenship• of Huron Ceunty. According. to a Grey Reeta•e, Frank Collins. Cotineil, as fotinson, Thomas Datigherty and Stew. MeOuarrite, a few days- -ctinttoo, to Loncton Norrnat School. - Dr, erfargaret Calder returned last roe a,c,c1 as it is the Conservative turn and 'W. H,, Talbot were eleeted vil- bus yea:r, Mr. Baelcer is a likely win- lege trustees: Colbome Miss Angela. Gibbons has retUrned play no part in the choice of 'Warden, E l'1t j. McLeod week from an extended trip to the Sebscriptions, $2,00 P r, WEDDID Oeier-Bolt A quiet but pretty wedding solemnized at the Mamie, Wr6.,,-C'te.ri December 21s1, w 11 e e l4'.1.:v. el re 'Bol-, ingbroke united in ti m r r i a g , : • , M Lri- belh:: Corinne J;oit, ()illy daughter of 2.\fr, and lirs. Elj Bolt, Olh tc sion Turnberry, to Mi.. jeihn 'Micheal Osier, of 1..,istowe1. The bride becomingly gowned in rose le georgette ed radium lace 'with 2.1 Reeve, A. j. Goldthorpo was sue- astnodneb.tartiititoni,inng].astcv,;1;.tiii\stitticr,r tho Pacc coast. , ' j. 'Walton McKibbon• Mr. George :McCurdy Sask.., of' Heward, Reeve, Thos. Inglis 584, Geo. Hub \\ cessful, defeating W. .1.., 1-ortng, E. Wilson and Aaron C. Fisher. The ni ()ay a re C ytion of 1.11(± irninertiate Finance Comenittc•e recommended , *McCurdy, Franefs 'street. • i's visaing% in's sisters, Misses berd 317. Council, 1.".. Lovell 449 I-' reeatives waselhelel at the liceme of councillors elected, were: Melvin Lyn- 1 : payment of several accounts, largely d. Taylor 435, Milton /eeonard 402, clall, William Thomas,. George Feag- the brideis pare.t,os. Ti.,,,, hal ),,v coup, maturing debentures and interest Mr. and Mrs, Richard. Stone of R. I)onaldson 275, F. R. laynn. 235, an and John ;Pablad°' Neisnn,•.•Mc- le will reside rin.'''• r-ist•owd• cOnpons. Anrng their"was one oe Kincardine spent•New Year's at the Jas. Douglas 1.46,,S. Zurbrigg 79. 1"2°t:Y was the nnsuccessful eandidat°' $8000 on the consolidated debt, be- Tuckersrnith home of Mr. ancl Mrs. John Stone. morris, , m_,the last one on the Public schoOl. Mrs. j. McLeod, Oshawae , has ben Reeve, J•fenclerson, 82 majority. • Another thrernP e-coei•ed fight re- A t t_Wile: wet efdler-,1;e11NI.1.6'iles,''__ii,:ri, cr re e in, , 1:,oienti.- There reInttins but one more d.ebenL . a-ricrSOagout visiting. her par. rs. rents, Mand .11II). Council, Brown 242, Shortreed 223salted in 'William • Thompson being _ a tne Cnitect tirch pane t , ,. -, ' tttre on' the consolidated debt, which E. MacDonald, for the last two weeks. Bridge 245, Watson 244, McCallum elected Reeve over NatClark nd Saturday, December 28th, w•he matures next year. n Mae- -T'sePh Crick C°Lineil ' in by accia- gie Xarifa Kerr, only daughter of miss fanisa Horned) has returned 240, Wheeler 318, Barnard 143. Several by.. -laws were put through to Sandwich, after spending0141011.ion. the holi- Fordwich Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jenkins, Turn - their necessary readings for borrow_ days at theme hoof Mr. Robert Coul- Owing to :I - two of candidates for Reeve, wiles Usibluoirinaentyne. council, berry, became the bride ot Mr. Harry ing mone'y from the bank.s to meet tue•. • town trustees failing to qualify, ail- 'Wescott Willfame Sr ) D -LO- T. Wheeler, only soe of Mr. and \1 rs. current ex.pencliture. and foe appoint- Miss Enurea Walters, R.N. of Tor- other nomination meeting is recess- Brussels Arthur Wheeler, of "Morris. Rev, menof the following officerseE. outo, returned to Toront(1, after eisit- a ry. It will be held in the Common-Reeve--Backer. i)avison officiated, After the eere- e Lewis, night-watchman; George Al- in g et her 01111:here over tlie boli- ity Hall on Monday, January 13t0, , Blyth rnony they returned to the bride's len, •Chief of Police; W. A. Galbraith, day. Wil - home N.vhere a dainty dinner was. sec- : I Stephen Reeve---Jaines Cutt defeated Wil - Clerk; .P.ound-keeper, R. Mitchell; Jut v -ed. The happy, couple kit on the Anderson; :High School Trustee, C. ' ersburg., Fenee-:-Mwers, John Morgan and I"P• lielgrave, eft on Tuesday for t S. PetReG - eve, oetzdeput ; y reeve, Sweitzer; Wallace, Charles Bell, George White, Af r, and I\ffrs. J. A. Pe-andon, 011 Steehen Township result ate: --- liam Mills by 49. Councillors --Irvine laiffet:rnoon train for - 1 - eronte: we au wish the.rn a long and happy wedded' P. Smith; :Public Library Represen- weeks . .' Florida, to spend a few 1 Council,. Gill, Icleiailivtporris and Dearing: john Heffron. L 'Williams was elect- ed hydro. eomirtissioner by: acelania•-• tion. tative for 3' years, Rev. S. Davison. seeking a grant; from Kitchener city m,0,1•1 . . — , Dr. Stewart; Auditors, A. H. 11. inteham Arena, Ltd. purpose hold- Ily-law: "Are you in favor of more AFTER 47 YEARS SERVIC cou,nctl petitioning the •Ontario Leg- mus •:.., gl-and epenieg Carnitral within than one licensed billiard or pool- Hay TO.Ve. and Je Dodds ; Solicitor R. in-. islature to so amend the' Old Age van:tone, These. are about the sa'Ine the next week or two. Watch for room in the Town of Clinton?" car- Recw•e-Rader. Pensions Act,, that Corponttions. con- as reed, Alayor, Colonel H. B. Coombe last year, the salaries being un- posters. i Reeve, N. W. Trewartha Council, Hensall tributing- to the maintenance of any changed. Reeve. 'McKibbon thouoin Mrs. Robert Colenum and children Reeve -Higgins.. 4 person, would share M any estate left of Listowel visited at the home.' of George Elliott, 0. L. Paisley, w. G. the allowatnce to the Mayor should Seaforth in- proportion to the amount contri- be d 'd. 1 .7 " "1 ' - her Cat•lte• Mr John Walters, Dieu- , • Cook R. J Miller, F. G. Thompson, Re.reve-Beattie• eCi eC o i now. ...at provision '' ' • ,, , , , , , " -N. S. R. Holmes, . NIcKilloP tuned. Wing•ham Women's Institute asked s• could be ma.de in time estimates.' He 'nal R"ad' ' d 1 $100 1 ld, b 1 ' D- N.1.. 1 111 - ft ' 30 • • Clifford Reeve -Dodds. tate t le . s loti not e lookec J. • - : t ne, a se Yeats t a rebate of hall rent for a concert on as a salary or as it remuneration municipal experience in Myth, and a Reeve, Ben Kerwin. Colman, John , .r, Stanley held in November to raise money for for services rendered, but. as a reeom- good] , • t' f 1 ' R - IN'rcGuire J r, Taylur, H. a Tuck, -,Aceve-e,eyes. _ . ... ,. w. H. Smith. 3 por ion o tlat •time eo,e, , :. Christmas relief in town- pense for many expenses the office i; retirint- The first and htst requests 'were of Mayor exetcts. No person, other Mr. and Mrs. A... J. Ferguson and left Over to the VehrtlarY meetings than those who have passed through children or Auburn, epent New year's Reeve, af. ..ernistionte, Council, j. ' Goderich , Reeve- Turner; deputy reel. Hullett • Reerc_mGicoicdnecriiceilin. . Twp ivlicn sotne definite .standings Will be this ;office, can i-cetlize the Claimst and at the Mime of Airs. Stewart, biag- McBride' C7raigie. taken on the matter of hall rebates, demands made. Councillor Elliott' onal Road. ' I. • • .. .. Lawson.. ..E. _ , ' 1 also : s_lia -,i 41115 ,'P,I.aCIP,..,. .'.. r. leearti.13: -supported the. motion, end , mise' verna Irwin ees returned to • . • - • - Turnberry- -f,...1: London': last.. week, 'where ' Jur; ' 'Col.-inciTIOr-S .ElitOtt ' :Md. Dintent threW out the. sug.gestion to include 'l'oronto. after spending. a week with xeter ' .: 1 ReeNT—I. J. A‘s\hfriiigellidt. Srnith 'has taken. a position with the mom -it'd that Wingham Council en- a $3,o0 payraunt to R1 91 B. M. Francis. COuricil• - ; Councillors •for her parentssMr. and MrS. Tom l'resin, nierliirg• Grit'", Rivers, Rowcliffe. ,': Reeve-MtKenzie. , Sapertest Company. • . : .. dorse the' petition of Kitchener coon- attendieg Council meetings. This 1:1' aS -1.%,Ist aeieNNetriosh, .• ' . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Galb.raith and cil reg•arding :ammenclinents to i • East Wavvanosh West Wawancish ..„ , the plore as a -sentiment than ft.ri earnest .... , • tN•e.o children, of Toronto, visited over .01(1 .kge Pension Act. :Alias. Elsie •Illat•kliall .0as returned Reeve --S. H. rhompson. R eeV ' action to be pitssied. Council did 'not 1,, tier eee„1,1 in ciinn.,,,':aftei. PL 111 ............, New:'Y'ear•s et the INnie of Mr, and • The Clerk read a letter from Rob: third- ti , ,:•:. •, .„ 0 t le, y Qa,r a in .th , osi :month in Tor unto .1,,d . • - 31.r.s.. John Galbi•ait •. It ert. A. Spot:ton, C oulicillor-ek ct, re-, seitable time to bring a Contributions . t'..'i .1.'1 . . '' , 1 ,., ' WINGHAM BAPTIST ALEX. KELLY BACK TO According to the mblished state- • eigtung hie offit e, .and enclosing $10 matter like this uP, but rather it a " "1""- "1 1.• SABBATH SCHOOL SWIFT CURRENT :inent of expenses of le j. B. NVhite- to -0\-0.1cost of new nomination ••Pro- ISlicluld. rime 'be'lime: the public just i Mr. "j()Itil Tees of Bruce Mines, XMAS ENTERTAINMENT ty. and C. A. Robertstm, eandidates in ceedings• previous . to ow tilectimi„ Th, , .. ,, Ontario; ;died January .2nd, 1930, 80 • . • . North Huron „ Provincial election, it c-eit the former $351.92, and. the 'Tat- . ' . bun be acc.epted, the mayor ihs00 a I Cc:runt-II left ovea-• till 111".t 1111001 i Tile cottage PraYvt meeting will be NVIlkinson moved that the ,reSigna- !munpal iudifferenct;,. is :1 't.;ertaintycl '1("din Tues' Culmss . . " ham, Baptist Churc 1 pit.si ecl.at the weehe ago, after a prolonged visit ;mrtie, Grafton and 1I ib Christmas Entertainment of the Sab- , with old friends• in Win : gham and vi- 1 Rev. W. E. Smith pastor of N,Ving- 'home in Swift Current, Sask., a few !has s.inee seenie.reice as agent •at ! :Mr. :Vex. Kelly, Wlin left for .his 'agent and oPerator ' at .Blairton, and •'-'3.t. el e McKihbon and Councillor !would 'Chase away the lethere e of th - ; Y'"I" ''''''' smi ''''. ''"" mr. .and --mrs: : Maberly, Avonmore, Bethany-, Col- ' A "plendid prog,ram tee'$597,14. of vocal solos' I .ra'11." nt ' for a !tele menitiation, „end !the request of Avalker sw.i.es dAci.:t0 held on Friday evening at the home bath School On Deeenlber 30th, \Allen rinity writes unde • d t - .if J • t, , , potton e make a permanent. roadway did lane .ot Miss Bolt, near the Western Fotin- the following prograMme wae pre- . 1st:- .. ' t ' - ' PRESENTAT_ION TO PASTOR arid. -tablet:us will be given. by the ,, , ., . deatte, a lotuses, 'also drills, dialogues i )ildren of Si. Paul's Simday Sthool . . their. report els foltowse-. returned,--Ciireied. i he ..strucine. Committee pretiented - ••, • • running between their propertir the J own Hall, from Joepliine qtreet • . ., . and i dry, All are welcome. Airs, stanley Hare and chuch.0.1 of Hymn, 1 Christmas'', an Acrostic, :cold for a few (lays but. it is real eice , , . . .sented:- , \\ lien wt. ee her.) it wes r ate Knox: Church, Auburn, e4ingre1-13tE,i ,oe Friday ,eveninge ' January 10th, at „ • eight o'clock, in the Parish Hall. A - .I • spending the holidays :eith her par- MI -1n dY i 'Song, L''uise and Ara ri 0 Kel- • Cold after nine children; Recitation, Norman ;now, bright sunshine all day. and net :1-Rioc:Nl.. 1,rteilidaulsR. :•11.11), fici:d iNt\siicp,aslc.ctiiIrc,:•.• , • , 1.'Neent4ve—Mayor Rtes.- Me- 1'1' Edward. s 1 r 001 . " ' - Parkhill have returned' home . Ribbon a0 Couneillor H. 11.. lealiott. ' "There -are only $1850 texes out ents, Mi % anti NIrs• John Rabv. -siiver collection at the door. Finance -Elliott Mt -1".1 b V . l' .' ' l . ' " . . , \I ) ,on,, 1..e- Slanting; a reattwe,y smao. ,amount. ,i ly; Recitation, "\ Little Maid," Ed- . We had a nice trip bad,. Stopped tAisiti') 11)et(1,91.1i11111;.:•:, zfi(,,siri,i(ii.)ititiat )...vpan„stLai‘r-11(e)-if•k,ciiaittlis-7,. • ,,v.,tes,n., Fthrin ,uid Frank King ith Mundy; "What Christmas IrnallS", , iiver in Winnipeg. arid Regina. It tVAS ,'rners united cm"ch mr and m . Andrew. Holmes, Canadian Netion- ,‘ . '' - ' . ' • 'al i exercise by • six girls; 'Violin sehe :cold at both places, ttrid quite a lot , til RallWay section foreman , at Bine- ''.' a L. have resumed their studies at Guelph 's,• vale for ntailys 3rears, has 'retired tin ANNV,AL 1VIEETING OP' EXCITING RUNAWAY.: 0..k.C.' after sfiending the Christmas , ,.. Mr. Sclia'tt'e; R,e'adttig, Peter Tgisher; :of ,snow, There is quite a lot of snow iAlp :vere 1)1e5ente711-efeit4)-tcldres. 1,2119i011, whic:h cominenced on 'Tues- day .ot: laSt week, December 31st. :Mr. Triolmes has served. with. the Grand • C. A. SOCIETY . Bev..':Al.r. 'Afann of Bluevcile, met turned to their 'schools at Venue: - holidays al 1:.e home of their parents. . • • • : Elliott and Oliver 'Pelle have re- , , ,,•• - 0 , , ,, ., , , . 1 aoigue, ' :A vitt 01 k1010., icta K& 11 rioned some. • This city has irnproveti , thin 11111Cil Was served by the ,•. • song be BerVi, Bernice and Edith ;here but these last feW dap: il ha;••.: ,' az,I:t1fitt.i.a:decritligitAcir::(1:111.111.1nnVt.e.,ra tchaesste)'11: -.M.undy; Recitation, Louise Kelly; Di-- gcme down, as it is very mild and 'Te6lik' and the Canadian National. and Butyl Mundy; Song, Marguerite a lot this summer; several new build- Rkilway'S for some rol1,3, years and with,quite a nasty accident, On Sat-. 011.'1'01 and -Part meNichnil aft" 1) 'i I. al( i 01 a •:0\ e , .Zecitat- ings have gone up and a ,lot,' more , ,e4IS' well IttioWn in ritilway ci1 cles.. ft 014 13 of last week 'he and his son; ' sti)lut elticliitlof got.he hCI oliclaYs "" l',1•1 e Par- ion , '91 9111 Kelly:. RecitationB , emire ixiiiii&,? lip in th.c, spring, so things arc . "Miss Evelatt Gibbene has rel. Harry, drove -Miss' Mann to thc C.• Pe i 'Ts believed 'the appointment .01.8 ninv ivrtindy: Violin solo, Mr. Schatte:. looking very go,,d for 1111 future of to idsol and. Miss teathleen ,'',...se...etion foretnan will be made next R. statiiiii at .Winghatu, when. the Elliott Fells reliirned .SaturdaY !-!,1•411),I.gby ('1 1111 A.,..7.!117.1...) Blackball; • this• place, Now Week: , 1 (, a ,t 1,2 people ur 1 \.:9;iallg,icil:10:1eaN:1"(itS1s11:111;.::,1b0177; 10 .C777 V1,7)11, 1101SC 10011 fright at the tri0 71 'and ..rronl ' E-00(100 .N.01711711 SCh061 Re -L'71- . . ,- . . Is M.r. Boeves, the Chatsworth wese 'ther‘ Sage. gable', to prove , himself .a rue- ,prephet? He inade a correct guess :lbotit ,:December west.ther; for it was 'just as cold and stormy es pro- mieed. Now Jentutey came along' with en .extencled thaw,that began the- last pat1: of December, which , is also at eeriling to his forecast, On. :Monday - there was every imbeatien of. rain, 1104 if the 1710.1.Sttli^c did not come ,from .1 hove, ,there was enough cm the. ice It, the Arena to 'cause a pOStponntent e4f, the Kincardine-Wing/lain ...aenior bockey game, This. year" the gantes ' it.2,14e greupedeforjaireary in hopes of .,good 'ic'e„i'lent 'it Iooks' as though th,e ,o'ffieleis ''''' 'led 16 000111I1 the new -weather Mr. Angus :McDonald, C. N. ductor 00 the Wingham-London run for the last nine years, quit the Iser- ; vice and retires On pension. During the 47 years with the railway he has been on the Sarnia -London and Sar- nia -Toronto runs before taking the one out of Wingharre McDen- laid's plans for the future are 1101. definite- , but it is fu,iped lie will still ;remain a citizen of eur town for some tini Retires After 46 Years. The Canadian Pacific Railway 10 - 00011005 the retirement of one o 'veteran ernployee,,, in the person o 'William T. Stinson, who has beet i.station :went at Blyth for the pasee, SeVen years. Mr. Stinson entered the ,services of the company On Noe. 21, 1883, and has been serving cominu- ,oualy for the past 46 years. In May, 1885, Mr. Stinson veas promoted to Tiw annual btismeas „meeting of the Children's Aid Sock& was held last; : 1.4'riday afternoon at ,the „Shelter.: Ott., acconnt of the: lift -lie -0y Wetither. aird deified .walks the .ctitendance 1as small." Reports :of the 'year's work were given and the same Officers were dashed 119) (3, throwmg.M.r. Alarm aly1 ion where he 19 15 one, of. the hosts, Kelly; ...see„ding; mrs..,waner :powek•;,..Naladiag. country a .Tik,asaili ano, pros. eicected .as: in 19.21).", ,...hte presithint, ..Harry outand collided with. a 'free itnd in a .1104 sp,och pr,)p,,e.d. the Mi.xed, Quartette, Miss Parker, krs, , perous N 199 Vear, m.,‘,.. j.• E. Ford, and tile secretary, On, Mal 0,...i.ect, badly •breaking up the toast t o The K ing. - T-ITtching,s, lir. Collar, • Rev, Smith, A, les ,e,,,,,betasett, were re-apiwinted entter,, the horse gel:tine; free 4r0711 Rtn% Pl.:, ytio, Gibbotis has return- ' 'Robert Rakes 'D'inionimiS were pre - as .representativee me the county the Cutter ran down the •street and ed. to his duties as ChaPlairttit St. sented by bellIC011 Geol'ke IP0C0Ck, to board of inanag•ement. Mr, II. T. Ed- was . eilught 111 11 the Ford garago. tfose,pli s Hospani, London, after eight mentbers of the SunclaY School, Wards, . county superintetident, made Ntr...:\lann' wass 1111119111 hitt H'oLtrY re, spending Christtnas with.,Itis parents,: for faithful attendanee: Norman Alien- ' • ,according to ihe rlr•ess, brokers are . .. sPecial mention of the work 'being ceived_a hurt back bni. norFing ,,urL, lir. 'and Mrs. Patrick. (l'ibbonp. ,' dy,, Mariv Kelly; 'T.inifSe. Kelly. Ida ()Iwning 1-Iranch "ffices in ""nn Un-! done , for crippled „eitildren which is i01.45,'• . , , The. engagement is tinnotinded uf: KellY, 1<ath1011 'Plingic, XI0s- \Vvil.That's a terribk .1):lil'i hay(' ----- -thcounty and the :Rotary. Chtb ot , - Stratford. He. reparted that th.C. tete tent, by Nellie') thc:,. t..butity c:innuni as- Mr. William A. Ili '101 80o of MrS, Mrs-,. , C. S. 1.1liickh4 Winoiam, to ens, After the. presentation the pastor '. ' . . a.., ....._ , . gave ap .inspiring Wot'd of commen- '. IVIUSIC.POR THE SKATERS , 1 titiicic 'of •the couraY etnineil toWards sinned the .finan:e41.1 .iesponsibility, a j, 111;,aekley al:14 :the lat Xfr, 5, 11r ick rlat1on to Chose: whnf. had b& 111 . so all the work ,of: the C.A,S. wa,f quite great load had beeit toreii off the ley of Toronfo, the ;In arritega„ to teee fiiithful„ and: enconi-agentent to 111 (191 Di reetors. tif:Wieghatn Arena have syinpathetic and tliCir financial sup- shoidders of' the, actil'ie mcinbers Of place, this month. . who had niit reache'd the standar.d, to installed a lerge orthophonic gramo- port very 'gcrierous... M( 11t7011 was the Childriin's Atit,1 Society, who '.,ottld : 1)r, ,(.7. 7. lilamiltoe (4 (`:•ornwall, an sI 1191 '''''''''t Y:ent. f(:)'''..-111..., r)ll'I'inia' liimne with im'verivd amPlir"'rs' that ' 091(11 (be appointment of ;she eetv now (Myrtle • themselves to ,the 111(41 al old Goderich boye hist Week cultbrat. I l'Izes Were 'Ores:e:ntii!il. hY gx's. rePrOdttlees Popular Music much.. to tileereen,,,, -,,mi.'seet., Tigert„'evil6 recently', and socir,11 .aspect.8 'of...the work of the 'eel the 50th, 11011190 15411 a.,,,,,.• a r;ractia',,, Smith to five nieinb'ers ' of, the MIS 1111 delight of the skatere, This :is , entered' Imon Ina', duties at, tile Sltel- Society. 141H:her, Under the pi sent ing Physician. (3711 (149 a :dele,gadon 9.7(111 11,'"id -':' atil'''d: 'Aiark; 1st t)r-i'e, hilt '11101 her evdence 'If the de•:,''ire ter, 'and: of the offer or' a bale Of syStem the'.' •financial res.tionsibility from the, General HosPitai,:andH.afew 'R,e-t4 StalliCt0n; 2Ttcl Oti.7•"e4. A;I:arie Ke'17 . Cif 1:he 'ffi611s lo make tki' lila". clot hing from the. Mol 01 ;branch 99 (9 more , gen ci..ally diet ributed Oyer jeersentel friends, ...yatrpi':i.,•$ed• '-'oni, •do... ly; 81d prize, Ilerniee Mundy; 1-0114e ,:ai4 en,ioyitble'and pleasant ,a•I ,pOseible of OM 'Women's ItiStitqfe; also Of a the"' comity' .tin•ough 'ilie ieterest - a tan cind ''iir.,,. :Frainotori 'i't their resi- Ken -Y, ile."*Y1 Mtthcl•Y; • ' for the •yrning people. Tlit; ..ileNV.' .1,1.1.)L aOttatipll front Mocha;tempiP, I.,:one ,-the you 11 ty. cm:nice, Aft Ford ..:1, 1 1 , . i .: , , d 1 1 ....fi 1 'Ille chttri'!Ii• .1i.,6,,,i nicehr ticeilrattit. pihnce i‘,. giv;70, verv 'good' s'itiq'f.:9'-: , v 10 (ence, ame Pi Csen e . lel) I'Vt , 1 an . • • • ' . , - ' , . .. .. . ‘ '. - - - &! . ••• . .....‹.1 is preSident of the Children's Aid Si..: address and a heeds:001e silver loving and all attraetivetY at tango(' ttle.::Wit1),..t1041, and .i.:711 rt 141011003 attjtisted,-will ciety, eel(' ,thet he had heard 19 103' eup, • . ' : e. - :le '.ChriatroaS gift and a •stockitig Of: 4 is hoped, lc•ave bet little to be dee' : favorable continents and words. of ap,- On Thuradity • evenieg 41botli :8,80, 04114 f"r ericill sefi6lar• Aft"' iht. (Os' .'s'ir(qt. At Jfie, T)ecember 1991 0(1I of the .prOvai.Upoe thu 111 1(19104 in Which 1111 III NOts 1101k!Ci at the Vordwieh :e1., :tribution of, tito gifts a daintY llineh , • . • „ • ChildrPn" s Shelter coennittee, whieh ron eriotity took ca:re ,.0f. its part .4.4. eetrical •poWer. 'lionee. On investitra- 'was 81'rved• Itrs• (Rev.) Sm.". a•et4(1 ' 1 . , is- cornposed of three Menibere of the the ' vosponsibility in the! matter of troll. it was,di.scovered• that the wires as: s'orla.1 '00" 0r.,' and- the ril''0gram ,.. county ' eouncil ,,,a .tWO inembees 'Of 1 ne•edy and neglected chiyi,rell„ . The ilad Ith.e.•Irtod , i,,N,N:re they fleav' 0, i,h6 eommittee was Mrs._ TT. .HitChings, . 1..i.aroit 0.0.1,111 ei.ab 11,11,d, lis ,ai.L., tile Children's Aid- Skiety, the tiAroi \Virden, • rePresenting' the• county pinfit . arid vansed . 094 fn . It. had : Miss PrIngki Airs. Ke113' and 1\l'ss .trual 14;0c ho 'nod DaCce in Wingham town. 11:01, on 'fhtteSday evenh .3fan, na4. • 'LlifIth,' at 8 o'el4...e.k. cl 'krt. *t. You 99 were, no spenite eliiel le o'clock wl (....ci refreehniet.ts Will 1 merried you. Rig 99. you ;ere. a littlo Atthor's .1';a'd:',&--(4che' ), 9(9 ((1 Dancing 1 rattt ' .. , ,4'.74-. pIns The Wito mal eppear- TQW11 Hall, have been' 'tty audit ne- Yours, Alexander 30113-, • being taken up by the Lions ChilliS Anne Leona, dattghter • of Mr. and SI0kc's, Mr, COs- b°It(mi dr"P "ut 01.anYthi"g' ' EUCHRE ANI.) DANCE 1., S, representac s, Rev-, „3, tqn.tiiti I, " thanked the members of the l'Oed and Mrs, A, i\•.4 obertsoc, ex- •1'. A,, Soeiery for their hind. woeds (10 991(1 their lic.erty )rovei of the nethod of pal rhsip in the emeet 1)1 1111 t eves' •ol :ha( nmle a etar beft)re being extinet itptIrea-tti tincl 11 541704 to had to be Shttt 119 comwil ertitinue to‘vn. 11 (larkile inaiii'est its s01pac1131in the mork, 1110 uip11 1 .Rel)a• rat day 11 '1) on the shingles '1 al'is•(•'r, i-;11ed., 'rho pew- leavjeg the or the 1).elanee of a \\ '1 math-, on 6?' VI UNITE") CI-IURCIi SERTVfON St.TiqjECTS • STIND'AY E•Vt/NIT'NG•S 32. , Mari \Vhi, ()pp, ed Go`d%, Plans. jat), 19. The. WV: Olose , (Iteposc.ti jim 26, T1i :Mae v. bered Pettit Vela 2. 'The Man '\ 11fe4s1irine 1011 13. The' M. ii Beek, Vele 16: 'The :Man '\'',V1 1)esp11141e14t, Fob. 23. 'Ilie,Mati ed 411 Ranl• :Mar,.2,, The 4\•lati TO (31.) 111 0‘, 1110 t ittd