HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-12-05, Page 4NCE FOUR ow etnstGln TO RUSSELS 1 expect to be at my Brussel's'Office in Miss Maude Bryan's Home (Phone 26x) Brussels., all; day, Wednesday, Dec.. 1 1 t to Examine Eyes by the Newest `Precision Methods and to fit Lenses where, >neciso Y,... Call Miss Bryans, Phone 26x Brussels, for Appoint- anent or Come in the forenoon.if. possible. F. F. HOMUTH EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Harriston Phone 118. Brussels Phone 26x. 33OARDER8 And ROOMERS Want-' CARD SOF THANKS ed—Apply Mrs. Alex, Stewart, Di - 1 agonal Road., CURLING STONES FOR .SALE— Two sets, in good 'condition, price per pair (boxed) $15.00. Mrs. C. McKinnon, Huron St., West, Clin- ton. FOR SALE—White enamel steel baby's bed in good condition. Ap- ply Advance -Times. FOR SALE—Aged driver, sound. For further information apply to : And- rew Jamieson, Belgrave. Furniture REPAIRING, 'Upholster- ing and Refinishing. E. Hammond, Phone 339. FOR SALE -8 rock pullets, also 1 light bob sleigh, good shape. Geo. Tervit, Phone 632r3. FARM FOR SALE -100 acre grass farm for sale cheap, on No. 4 High- way near Wingham. For particu- lars apply to W. J. Sexotbottom, 11-' derton, RR. No. 4., Ont. LOST -Friday morning, on Victoria or Main St., bunch of keys on ring. Finder please leave at Advance - Times. SEVERAL GOOD FARMS For Sale —All will stand inspection, also town properties from $600 to $3000. Any or all to be sold at a bargain. Apply T. Fells. 10 CUTTERS FOR SALE --All in good condition, also set of double driving harness. Apply Alex. Case - more, R.R. 1, Wingham; ph. 7 on 601, Wroxeter.. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and 'neighbors. who were so kind and help- ful during Allan's sickness and since our recent sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smith and Family. CARD OF THANKS To the Electors of East Wawanosh: I wish to take this opportunity of thanking all those who supported me in the recent election. HARVEY BLACK. CARD OF THANKS To the Electors of East Wawanosh: wish to express niy appreciation to the electors for the splendid sup- port they gave me .in the election on Monday. Yours sincerely, LEWIS RUDDY. CARD OF THANKS To the Electors of East Wawanosh I urish to express my thanks and appreciation of the support given me, en electing me as member of your Wishing Council for 1936. 1'G tshmg you all the compliments of "the Season, 3. D, BEECROFT. CARD OF THANKS To the Electors of Wingham Please accept my sincere thanks for the splendid vote given me as Coun- ciilor, for 1936. I will endeavour to merit the confidence wwhieh:you have placed in sue .. ''lL Asir iii eaer31 J Re CRAWFORD. CARD OF THANKS .. Your supplant. in the eeeent electitxat was, very trine appreciated: I will endeavour to nse nay best judgment in the interests of our town. ELMER WILKINSON. CARD OF THANKS To the Electors of Wingham: I wish to express my appreciation 1 support you award- ed the wcoarderfu pp rd - a ped nwe on Monday, As a member of tem- 1936 Council I will endeavour to carry on my duties to your satis- faction. Once again I thank you for the confidence you placed in me. Yours sincerely, R. H. LLOYD. CARD OF 'THANKS To the Electors of Wingham:, I take this opportunity of thanking the. Electors for electing nit as .a member of€ire 1936 C auntil. Yours sincerely, s R. S. Id'1 T TIEI .INGTON. v, To th :Electors of the Town,' of Wingham: Please accept my sincere thanks for the splencled% vette accorded me on Monday in e1ecting,me.as Reeve for 1936, .I 'shall endeavour, to the best of my ability, to justify. the faith you have shown, and wilt at all times have the interests- of the town at heart. T FRED L.DAVIDSOI�. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the estate of JOSEPH PLTGH,'late of the Town of Wingham in the County. of Huron, Builder, Who died on or about the .14th day of November A.D. 1935, are notified to send to R. S. Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the 21st day of December, A.D. 1935,, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said 21st clay of December, 1935, the assets of the said testator will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard' only to the claims of which -the executrix shall thenhave notice, DATED at Wingham, this thirtieth day of 'November, A.D. 1935. R S. HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ont. Solicitor for the Executrix. TOWN OF WINGHAM AUCTION SALE The property known as the Wil- liams properteeon. Patrick Street, will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Council Chambers, Town Hall, Wingham, at 2 p.m., on Saturday, De- cember 21st, by T. Fells, Auctioneer. Subject to 'a reserved bid. W. A. GALBRAITH, Clerk. ASHES WANTED—Will exchange soaps for wood. ashes, kept dry.' Will gather monthly. R. Smith, R. R. 5, Wingham. � CARD Or THANKS wish to thank, the citizens of Otani for their loyal support in int rnt:'as a member of the Coon..; ar 1934, ` burs sitter ti ' WALTER VANWY'C NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of JOHN ELSTON, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Retired. ,Farmer, who died on or about the Ninth day of October, A.D. 1935, are notified to send to R. S. Hetherington, Wing- hani, Ontario, on or before the 21st day of December, A.D. 1935, full par- ticulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said '21st day of December, 1935, the assets of the. said deceased will be distributed am- ong the parties entitled thereto hav- ing regard only to the claims of which the administratrix shall then hav notice. DATED at W.ingham, this thirtieth day of November, A.D. 1935. R. S. HETHERINGTON, • Wingham, Ont. Solicitor for the Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of JOHN GEORGE Mc- QU'C?ID late of the Village of White- churc`li, in the C-puYity, of Bruce, Post- Master, who died ;Von or about the twenty-sixth. day''cvf October, A.D. 1935,' are notified to send to R. S. Hetherington, Wingham, ' Ontario, on or before the 21st'of-December, A\ D. 1935 full patti Mars. 61, their claims in writing., Trniriediateljr after which date the assets :nf'-,the said testator will be distributed asnlingst ate par- ties entitle t ei eto, -, hat ong regard only to the clai9ns.of-winch t'he•-:exeett- tore. shall theta' have,notice. ',DATED ` h tp this thi tieth .� at �s g a , r. "day of rove ;er A.D. 1935. R. S. HETHERINGTON, 1i,. it ghaen, Ont. Solrcifi' for` the Executors. Teacher; Tonamy, can you give me, an example cif': a'paradox?" Tommi : " i e ,`` Sir. A span walking a mile, and oiil$s'anowrtrg two feet." Permanent 'Waves Specials for the Month of De- cember $7.00 Wave $5.00 $5.00 Wave . $4.00 $4.00 Wave $2.50 An Extra Special... ,.-$1.95 Shampoo and Forger Wave 35 All Small Wnr . - - .._ .25 A Permanent makes .an Ideal Xmas Gift, l i s Bea ut iuppe Phone 138. WINGHAM AD.VANC -TIM] S OBITUARY Andrew Ferrie Another of the older Pioneers of this distele has passed axway. in the 41ZA411, of"Asi,dw,wvr• ta'rie; •of'the 2nd. Concession of Kinloss. 1\1r. Ferrie, although in declining- health, was about es usual . until a week before his death, which occurr'ed on Monday, December 2nd. The Monday previ- ous he took a weak spell and sank rapidly, The deceased, who was in his 83rd year, was born. at Mitchell, Out., and as a child of two years, moved with his parents to the 2nd Concession of Kinloss, where he has since -resided. Mr. Ferrie never married and the on- ly survivor is a sister, Mrs. Kate Smillie, of Hamilton, North Dakota, who is the last of a family of ten children. Mrs. J. Henry Christie, of Wingharn, is a cousin. The funeral will be held on Thurs- day afternoon, December 5th, Serv- ice will be held in Chalmer's Presby- terian Church, Zlrhitechurch,of which he was a member, at 2 p.m. and will be conducted by Rev,' John Pollock, minister of the church. The. remains are resting at the horse of Mr. B. McClenaghan,' 2nd Concession of Kinloss, Interment will take place in 'Wing - ham Cemetery. John Kerr Following an extended illness, John Kerr, Lower Wingham, one of the district's most highly respected cit- izens, passed away at his home on Thursday morning, November 28th. The deceased, who was in his 74th year, was born in London Township, Fifty-five years ago he moved to Wingham and after :clerking in sev- eral stores he conducted a restaurant where A. 5, Walker's store is now located. Later he operated a grocery store in the Carter Block and a dry good and grocery store in the Mac- Donald Block. Prior to leaving for London, 22 years ago, his store was located where Mr. Christie's store now is. He engaged in the grocery business in London for two years but due to ill health he moved to Lower Wingham where he has since resided. Fifty-two years ago last May he was married in Wingham to Mary Fyfe and two years ago last May they celebrated their golden wedding at their home in Lower Wingham. Mr, Kerr was a valued member of the United Church and for many years he was a member of the Board. He also served this town. as Council- lor. He leaves to mourn their loss, be- sides his widow, one son, Percy T., of Sarnina, and four daughters, Mrs. Benson Cruikshank, Lower Wingham, Mrs. A. E. Hammond, of South Bend, Ind., Mrs. John F. McCallum, of Mil- ton, and Mrs. (Dr.) R. W. Hoffman of Toronto. The funeral was held from his late residence, Lower Wingham, on Sat- urday afternoon. The service was conducted by Rev. J. F. Anderson, pastor of the United Church, The pallbearers were Benson Cruikshank, Dr. R. W. Hoffman, Jas. G. Fyfe, Percy T. Kerr, W. B. Cruik- shank and J. R. Hammond. Interment took place in Wingham Cemetery. Friends and relatives from .a dis- tance who attended the funeral were: Mr. James G. Fyfe, of Shelbourne; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hammond and son, Robert, of South Bend, Ind.; Mrs. R. G. Maguire, Rydall Bank, Al- goma; Dr. and Mrs. R W. Hoffman, n Mr. and Mrs. Toronto; John F. Mc- Callum, Milton; Mr. Percy T. Kerr, bf Sarnia; Mrs. A. Armes, Windsor; Miss Janisa Homuth, Windsor, and Mrs, Henry Kerr, of London. • Allen Leroy Smith Following an illness of four weeks, Allen Leroy Smith, 15 -year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Smith, Lot 3.6, Concession 11, East Wawanosh, :,passed away on Wednesday of last week. Surviving besides his parents is one e brother, Stewart, and. seven sisters, v s , Mrs. Alex. Zettler,Brant Township; Mrs. Elwin Chamney, East Wawa - nosh; Mrs. Harry Clover, Montana; Martha, Ruby, Florence and Claire at home. The funeral was held from :the fam- ily residence, East Wawanosh, on Saturday afternoon. The service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Townend. The pallbearers were:.Angus Nich- olson, Ronald kfcCrostie, Harold and smemmimimermisamimmik For Sale Small frame bath, suit- able for gagare. To be moved from present premises. Cosefs fiBooth Isard's Men's . Store !or Ch n ..;, r�s� �s .. Values. .. GIFT SUGGESTIONS Men's Dressing Gowns Fine quality Wool Flannel, choice of colors, also satin and Eiderdown, all made in smart styles. Men's Fashioned Socks In plain and fancy patterns, Silk and All Wool. See values at 35c and 49c Men's Plain and Fancy Broadcloth Shirts Separate or attached Collars; Our Specials are priced at $1.00, $1.19, $1.50, $1.95 New Neck Ties For Xmas Gifts. A large range of choice at 49c, 69c, 79c to $1.00 Braces and Belts Are in stock in best makes. See them at 35c and 50c Sweaters and Pullovers for Men and Boys In a large range of. Best mak- es. See our values in Men's siz- es at $1.19 $1.49, $1.95 - $2.95 Boys' sizes at 79c, 98c, $1.19 to $1.95 Handkerchiefs Hemstitched and Fancy Init- ialed, pure linen. Bargains at 25c, 35c, '50c Men's and Boys' Scarfs In Silk and fancy pattern all Wool. Christmas Value, 69c, 95c, $1.25 Men's Kid Gloves Grey, Black .or Tan, special at $1.00, $1.19, $1.50 Winter Caps Men's and Boys' Winter Caps made "of fancy Tweed, at 50c, 75c, $1.00 Big Stock of Men's and Boys' Winter U'Wear In Stanfield's, Penman's and Tiger Brand. See our Christ- mas Values. Clothing Showing a large and complete range of Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Windbreakers and Leather Coats. See our stock for Special Christmas Values. This is the Store with the Big Stock and Better Values. H. E.bard &Co. and Mr. Stanley Hare attended the funeral which took place in Grand l3api<ls osi Saturday, Nov, 30th,. DIED CAMPBELL—In Morris, on:Sul-kW, Deeetnber 1st, 1935, John Henry Campbell, infant son of Mre and Mrs, Oliver Campbell, .aged one month and 27 days The funeral; which was. private was• held from the family 'residence, t Lot 7, Con- cession 2, on Tuesday afternoon, Interment took place• in Wingham Cemetery. WITH THE BOYS AND GIRLS The Wingham Explores have "adopted" a needy pioneer family . in Northern Ontario, and will forward a parcel of Chrisemas cheer. The officers of the Mohawk Trail Rangers for this term are as follows Mentor, Wm. Secord; Chief Ranger, Bill Burgman; Sub -Chief, Mack Hab- kirk; Tally, Ross Orvis; Cache, Ken Jackson; Sentinel, Roy. Dark. Friday evening was installation of officers at the newly organized Ex- celsior Tuxis Square. The following officers were duly intalled in their various responsibilities by the Mentor Rev. J. F, Anderson, Pretor, Ross Howson Deputy-pretor, Bill David- son; Scriptor, Bob Murray; Comptor, Lloyd Dark; Lictor, Charlie Well - wood; Stature, Lloyd Proctor; Sap-. ientia, Bill Tiffin; Sanctitas, Russel Z•urbrigg,• Sodalitas, Lloyd Hutton, The Excelsior Tuxis Square have nominated Ross Howson as candidate for theoffice of member' of the fif- teenth Older Boys' Parliament repre- senting the constituency of Huron North. The Older Boys' Parliaxnent will hold its sessions in Toronto dur- ing the Christmas vacation. Its mem- bership will represent all Ontario, and it will discuss and promote character building agencies among boys. The Wohelo and Lohelopu Groups of the Canadian Girls in. Training held a joint meeting on Friday even- ing under the leadership of Miss Ruth Pollock. After the worship and pro- gramme periods of the meeting were finished, -the girls joined 'the members SHOP Thursday, December' 5, 1935 WHERE THE , PIRAT OF XMAS PREVAILS '. The Grand Christmas Gift • Skating out- fits - Skates and Shoes r 1f:..... a— \ 111H\\NAV\\\\ :.:'::ii5;N�,;,, Men's Skating Outfits Boys' Skating Outfits Women's Skating Outfits Children's Skating Outfits .$3.95 and $4.95. ▪ ....,.....$3.50; .. $3.500 • $2.50 and .$3.00. FREE—With every pair of Men's, Boys' and Wo- men's; Sktin.g Outfits we give Free of Charge One Hoc Bey Stick and Puck. All your other=Christmas Needs can be filled at Gilts E. E "THE 'GQOD SHOE STORE" of the Tuxis Square in some exciting Volley Ball in the gymnasium. Sides, captained by Lloyd Proctor and Chas. Wellwood respectively, contested four' hard fought games, each winning two. King's Sister Passes Princess Victoria, sister' of King George, died.at her home in Bucking- hamshire, early Monday. The Prin- cess, who was 67 years old, never married., She was the fourth child and, second daughter of King, Edward VII and Queen Alexandra. She is surviv- ed by one sister, Princess Maud Char- lotte Mary Victoria, Queen of Nor- way, and King George. Premier Hepburn Back Premier Hepburn' arrivedback in Toronto on Tuesday much better in health and his supporters are greatly encouraged that he will be able to continue as Leader of the Ontario Liberals, He will attend the Confer- ence of Provincial Premiers which will be held at Ottawa next week. William Huntplrrey., Creighton Reid and Richard Irwvin, Interment took laoenWingham Cemetery Mrs. David G. Small There passed away on Wednesday November 27th, at her home iri Grand Rapids, Michigan, Earah -Elizabeth Raby, beloved wife of David G. Small. Mrs. Small suffered a stroke three months ago.froni wv.hich she failed to recover She was married in Wing - ham forty-five years ago and lived here for several years, then moved to Grand Rapids. She leaves to mourn her loss, be- sides her husband, three sons, Bur - of Pittsburg, Penn.; Prank, of Ludington, Mich.; and Herbert, of Gratid Rapids, Mich. She is also sur- wiwed'by four sisters and threebro- thers, Mrs. Robert Kellsey ,arid Mrs. David Kellsey, of Fleming, Sask.; Mrs. Thomas Rowe, New Lowvell, Ont.; Miss Alice Raby, of Hanson, Ont.; George, of Victoria, B.C.; Fared of Neepawa, Manitoba, and Sohn, of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. J. Raby, Mr. 5, Small DO INO Baking Powder 1 -ib. Tin Rolled OATS BULK ' lbs. 25C RICE FANCY BLUE ROSE These prices are effective from Dec. 5 to Dec. 7, inclusive. • Ask about the amazing, op- portunity to secure Wnt. A. Rogers', -A1+ Quality Silver- ware. OLD DUTCH CLEANSER Tin 9C lb. :'GINGEI BROWN LABEL t . Saiada FRESH,lb CRISP OXYD OL AMERICAN BEAUTS' Tins Shriiflts - ?N c s b. ,..' Pkg. Lar Pkg. 1-1b, Pkg,? FREE! Face cloth With each purchase of 4 cakes of Many'flowers 4 Cakes 18c Soap R & G SOAP 5B19c, ,. C Cakes 1 9 Cala Soap Iceberg Head Fresh e LETTUCE 7c head Choice Grape Fruit 2 for .... • 13c Celery Hearts ..... 10c bunch Snow Apples 29c 6 Qt. Basket ice..-: •;-;,,,,,;,