HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-12-05, Page 1•
Single Copies Five Cents
With Which Is Arnalgamated .The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter Newts.
Peter W. Scott Re -Elected for His
Fifth Term.
East Wawanosh re-elected Peter
'W. Scott as Reeve for his fifth term
on Monday in a three -cornered con-
test with W. G, M. Reid and George
The Council elected were: Lewis
Ruddy, J. D, -Beecroft, R. R. Red-
mond and Harvey. Black.
The vote was as follows:
For Reeve
1 2 3 4 5 total
:Scott 12 86 56 40 33 227
-Reid 28 24 73 56 18 199
Yungblut . 42 40 .27 19 60 188
For Council
1 2 3 4 5 total
Ruddy' 57 61 55 63 85 321
Beecroft 26 69 103 98 16 312
Igedmon l 51 92 52 32 77 304
131ack 57 133 ` 40 33 36 299
'Robertson 29 71 99 67 16 282
Kerr 20 45 109 43 1:9 236
traughan 29 38 30 22 50 169
Don't miss the .Tea and Sale of
'Gifts, Baking, Candy, Aprons, Dolls,
White Elephants, Etc., at the Pres-
lbyte•ian Church on Saturday after-
moon at three o'clock.
Mrs. Adam Johnston visited in To-
.,"onto last week.
Mr..: John McBurney is visiting with
Itis daughter in Wroxeter,.
Mies Margaret MacLean is spend-
ing a few days in Toronto.
Come for Tea at the Presbyterian
Church on Saturday afternoon.
Ivliss Ena Currie, of Toronto, spent
"the week -end at her home here.
For appointments for Finger Wave
"or Marcel, phone Beryl 1bliindy, Shut-
•er St..
Miss Margaret Bogue of Strathroy
spent the week -end with Miss Ella
Rae. •
Mr, W. VT; Armstrong spent the
:week -end in Peterborough and
Miss Lina Barber, of Toronto, is
visiting with her mother, Mrs. Chas.
'Mr. and Mss. Joe Kerr spent a few
"days in Toronto last week, attending
`the Royal Winter Fair.
We are sorry to ieport'that Mrs.
(Rev.) J. F. Ahderson is at present
'under the doctor's care.
Mr. R, J. Deachman, M.P. for N.
Huron, is in town this week.' .On
Monday he gave a talk over CKNX,
'Mrs; W. VV. Armstrong is spend-
ing a few days this week the guest.
of her mother, Mrs, W. L. Craig,
Miss Agnes MacLean and Miss M.
Dinwoody visited over the week -end
with the former's mother, Mrs. J. A.
Mrs. H. C. MacLean returned home
on Friday after visiting in Montreal.
with Mn- and Mrs. Robert King for
two weeks.
"Sparton" The Radio with the Nat-
ural tone, both Battery and Electric
Models, from $49,95 up, Easy terms
if desired. Furnture, . Funeral Serv-
ice. A. J, Walker.
Buying your Christmas Gifts at
'Greer's. Shoe Store is an investment,
mot merely a purchase. You get re-
turns in long wear and comfort.
Mr, and Mrs. D. McGill and ZVfr.
Alton Adams, of Toronto, were guests
of the latter's parents, Capt. and Mrs.
W J, Adams, over the week -end.
The regular meeting of the W os
men's, Auxiliary to the General Hos-
pital will be held in the Council
Chamber on Monday, Dec. 9th at 3.45.
Xmas for the children, you will find
some real good Gifts here, Doll Car-
riages, \elocypedes, Kiddie Cars,
Scooter, Toy Sets, Rockers, Cradles,
A, J. Welker.
Mr, and. Mrs. Richard Maulers and
daughter, of Lake View, spent the
creel; -end with their aunt, Mus. Nor
'man Baker, of'Lower Wingham, Mr,
,John Free and Mrs. Free accompan-
led them home after spending two
weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Baker,
Gifts from Walker's, Fancy Lamps
'for the floor or table; Easy Chairs;
Fancy Occasional Chairs; Day -Beds,.
Couches, Faney Occasional Tables,
Card Tables, Mirrors Come in and
fet tis help you. A, J. Walker.
To Spend 'Winter in the South
Mr. and Mrs.'•A. E. Lloyd aild Miss
DorgtiT'y. I,loyd�"?eft oil Monday to
spend 'the iri Soutit Cu.r•olina.•
Over 100 .From. District Present:
A Lodge of Instruction for the
Oddfellows of this district was held
here in the Maitland Lodge: rooms on
Thursday evening, All lodges in the
district were well represented, over
100 being present.
The Wroxeter Lodge was in charge'.
of the meeting. • The initiatiary degree
was exemplified . by the .Teeswater
brethren, the 1st degree by the Blyth
lodge, the 2nd degree by Brussels and
the 3rd degree by the local lodge.
Following the work in the lodge
room a lunch was :served and a social
time enjoyed.
Who was elected Reeve for 1936 by
a majority' of 125.
Foster the Spirt of ,Christmas by Sub-
scribing Early.
Again this year the Chamber of
'Commerce is sponsoring the Xmas
:Tree and Santa Claus Fund.' During
the past number of years the citizens
of Wingham have been very genes•
ous toward this fund and only by
means of this 'splendid co-operation
is the committee able to carryon this
splendid activity.
Subscription lists have been placed
in both banks to make it convenient
for all who desire to make donations.
The committee would be greatly
pleased if the .citizens would attend
to this matter as early as possible se
that they caii eroceed with the work.
Christmas baskets will be sent out
.is usual and the Christmas Concert
and distribution of goodies to the
children veil be, made at the Town
Hall; Friday evening, December 20th.
There will be a Special Table of
Gifts for the children, a ' Fish Poncl.
and White Elephant Sale at the Pres-
byterian Church on Saturday after-
noon at three o'clock.
Salvation Army Bazaar
The Salvation Army will hold a sale
of fancy goods, aprons and )tome
baking in the Citadel on Saturday
ter Poon, December 7th.
a�n er Christmas Remembrance
Problem Solved
Why not.send a Historical Review
of the Town of Wingham, to one of
your friends, this Christmas? It would
be appreciated. There are still a num-
ber of copies left and we are offer-
ing them at a reduced Christmas rate,
25c per single copy; three for 50c or
six copies. for One Dollar.
Thomas : J. McLean.
This. would be a wonderful Xmas
for the entire Family if you had a'
Chesterfield Suite delivered jtist at
the right' time. We have a good
choice at from $49.00 for 3 pieces'to
$150,00 for 3 pieces. A, J. Walker.
The merchants of Wingham have
as: fine a Christmas assortment of
goods ready for your approval, as can
be purchase) any where. The Gift
needs of the public are anticipated by
our merchants and they are ready to
serve you. Xmas is fast drawing near
—only 17 more shopping, di rs.
Plan to visit the stores at concei c
avoid' that Mast-mii`Tutc rush it th"tt is
so` Cl7tiftibilTr,
Next Meeting Will Be December 16th
The 'regular meeting of .thte Town
Council was held iii the Council
Chamber t on Tuesday, ;The members
present were: Mayor Hanna, Council
Tors Crawford,Wilson,
Thomson and
Geddes: Reeve F. L. Davidson'. was
absent as he is attending the meeting
of the County Council in Gederich.
The minutes of the last' meeting
were read and approved:
A letter wasfrom
e . Mrs.
John Kerr expressing her apprecia-
tion of the letter, of ;sympathy sent
to her by the Council
On motion of Courts. Crawford rd and
r w o
Thomson, .a number of accounts
which had been presented by the Fin
ance Committee, were passed for pay-
A letter was read from Fire Chief
Louttit requesting that a phone be
placed in the firemen's room as on
nights and Sundays they have not ac-
cess to the phone in the Clerk's of-
Moved by Couns. Wilson and Craw-
ford; that a phone be placed in the
Firemen's rooms for the winter
months, this to be either a sub phone
or a separate connection, Carried,
The Clerk reported the official re-
turns of elections. He also reported
that a deed for the Williams house
on Patrick Street can now be secured.
Moved by Couns. Geddes and.
Thomson that this property be sold
by public auction on Saturday, Dec,
21st, with Mr. T. Fells as. auctioneer.
It was decided by Council to light
up the evergreen trees in front of the
Town Hall with colored lights for
the Christmas season.
Appreciation of the broadcast of
the •election returns by CKNX, was
expressed by the Council.
A request was received by a group
to hold religious meetings in the
Council Chamber: It was decided that
they be given use of the Chambers
for one night for organization pur-
poses and that the charge for subse-
quent meetings be the regular charge
of $5,00.
The next meeting of the Council
will be a statutory one and will be
held on December 16th. `
Make your Xmas Gifts this year of
Furniture. We have some lovely
"Gift Pieces" at most reasonable pric-
es.. A. J. Walker.
Buchanan - Campbell
On Saturday afternoon, November
30th, in the family hone in Wingham
was solemnized the marriage of Edna,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Campbell, of 79 Strathallan Bvd.,
Toronto, to Mr. W. Gordon Buchanan
of Wingham. Rev. Kenneth MacLean,
minister of the Presbyterian Church,
The wedding was unique in the fact
that the parents of both bride and
groom were married in the same
drawing -room.
The charming bride, who was giv-,
en in marriage by her father, wore a
gown of sapphire blue velvet with.
matching hat and carried Richmond.
roses. Miss Katharine Campbell,
wearing American Beauty velvet, and
carrying Johanna Hill roses, was her
sister's bridesmaid, while Mr. E. G,
Buchanan, of Toronto, brother of the
groom, acted. as best man. The Wed-
ding Mach was played 'by Miss
Eurith Campbell.
After, the wedding the : guests were
received by the bride's mother, who
was most becomingly gowrieid in
olive-green French crepe with corsage
of sunset roses.
The brideand groom Ieft by motor
for Florida, aurid the, good wishes of
a host of friends. On their return
they will reside' in Toronto.
Now Dad, how. about giving = Mo-
ther a nice Writing. Desk; or Floor
Lamp? Our prices, you will find,'' are
right, A.' J. Walker,
Purchased Equipment
Mr, A. B. George, 'Listowel, has
purchased' the equipment of the Pea-
cock Cafe and has .moved It to his
restaurant at Listowel.
Missionary to Preach
Stillwell, Generale r
pr. Sti1we,Sce
tary oft1{{e T3aptist,Foreig•n Mission,
will tell about the . mission work in
India and Bolivia, South America,' at
the Baptist Church on Stinday, Dec.
8th, at 7, p,tn. All are 'welcotnc. ti
Su', eriptions $2•b10.Per Year,
Arena By -Law Carried by Majority
of 129,
R. H. Lloyd Headed Polls for Coun-
cil with Record Vote of 646.
The vote on Monday was very large
--onl 19 less than twoyears ago
when a record. vote
was polled. 852
cast their ballotsthis year, which is
much above the average Tu
nber. 7�.
Reeve Davidson Was re-elected for
his third ' term with a majority of 125
over J, W. McKibbon.
' The Council .elected were: R. I
Lloyd, J. H. Crawford, H. T. Thom-
son, R1 S. Hetherington, Walter Van -
Wyck and Ebner 'Wilkinson. Those
who failed to be •elected were: Dan
Geddes, W. 13. McCool and H. F. Bu-
The Arena By -Law went over with
a bang. The majority in favor of the
By -Law was 129. Two' years ago last
August, when the ratepayers voted on
this question the by-law was defeated
by. 33 votes. All wards voted, in favor
of the By-Lawthis election. Permis-
sion will have to be secured from the
Railway Board before the Arena will
become the town property.
As previously announced Mayor J.
W. Hanna was elected by acclamation
as was J. A, Walker to the Utilities'
Commission. The, school trustees
were also, elected by acclamation for
a two-year term as follows: Ward 1,.
Rev. J. F. Andersop; Ward 2, N. L.
Fry; Ward 3, J. 0. Habkirk; Ward 4,
Dr. F. A. Parker.
VtTho was elected Commissioner': for
a two year term by acclamation.
Monday's vote was as follows:
For Reeve
Davidson 77 100 113 131 69 490
McKibbon ...,72 65 . 93 96 39 365
Davidson's majority
For Council
1 2` 3
Lloyd 107 128 1733
Crawford .,87 104 134
Thomson 89 102 142
Hetherington 93 97.122
VanWyck 62 78' 99
Wilkinson. 60 74 11
Geddes 40 70 85
McCool 52 56 56
Buchanan 38 36 25
Arena By -Law
1 2 3 4
For 71 70' 104 102
Against 39 48 66 71
Relief Bales Sent to Western Canada
Tlie Woman's Missionary Society
of Wingham United Church held their••
December meeting and election of of-
ficers on Tuesday; Mrs. F. R. How-
son presiding. A reading"The Spirit
1 g 1' e ..
of Christmas" was given by Mrs. Tif-
fin and Mrs. A. J. Walker presented
tite.second chapter of the study; book
"The New Africa" which ' with
the faiths of Africa. A. duet "Listen:
,to the Angel Song" by Mrs: Geddes
and Mrs. V. Sanderson, was much ap-
preciated. Mrs. Jas. Robinson report-
ed that the relief bales had been sent
to Western Canada, These consisted
of eleven bales of clothing and quilts
valued at $140:00.
Mrs. Wm. Field presented the re-
port of the nominating committee and
the installation service was conduct-
ed by Rev. j. F. Anderson, who ex-
pressed his appreciation of the work
which the WKS. had done during
the year.
The officers for 1936 are:
Hon. Pres.—Miss P. Powell, Mrs.
J. Pattison.
President—Mrs. F. R. Howson.
1st Vice Pres.—Mrs. W. Field.
2nd Vice Pres.—Mrs. J. Wilson.
3rd. Vice Pres.—Mrs. M. Griffin.
4th Vice Pres.—Mrs. J. Dennison,
Rec. Secy.—Mrs. A. Coutts.
Cor. Secy.—lvlrs, J. Gilmour.
Assist. Secy,—Mrs, J. H. Christie.
Literature Secy.—Mrs. (Rev.) J. F.
Anderson. -
Treas,—Mrs. VanWyck.
Supt, Systematic Giving—Mrs, A.
J. Walker.
Supt. Communion—Mrs. Robt. Cur-
Secy. Finance --Mrs. B. Wellwood.
Strangers' Secy.—Miss Turner.
Christian Stewardship Secy.—Mr's.
G. Williams.
Temperance Secy.—Mrs. Mundell.
Missionary Monthly Secy.—Mrs.
W. F .Burginan. •
Supply Secys.—Mrs. Robinson and
Mrs: T. Miller.
Associate Helpers' Secy.—Miss E.
Pianist—Mrs. D. Geddes.
Supt. of Mission Band—Mrs. E.
Supt. of Baby Band—Mrs. W. H
Have you read Greer's Ad.? It will
pay you.
Mulvey - Stokes
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized on Saturday, November
30th, at the Presbyterian Manse,
Teeswater, by the Rev. F. B. Allan,
when Elma May, youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stokes, was
united in marriage to William Harry,
125 third son of Mrs. John iviulvey aiid
the late John Mulvey, of Turnberry.
The bride, wearing a rose moire
silk woth grey accessories to snatch,
was attended by her sister, Miss
Annie Stokes. The groom was at-
tended by Mr. Alvin Fitch.'
After the ceremony a dainty wed -
cling dinner was served to the im-
mediate relatives at the home of the
4 5 total
164 74 646
141 73 539
141 60 534
130 55 497
1.99 47 415
4 111 52 411
104 39 338 bride's parents,
68 42 274 The bride and groom will reside at
49 18 166 I their home• in Turnberry.
5 total
40 387
34 258
Majority For
Extra Special, this Week-Eend; an
all our Lamps, The early . shoppers
get the choice. A. J. Walker. •
Bazaar, December 14th
The Ladies' Guild of St..Patil's An-
glican Church are holding their An-
nual Bazaar of home-made baking,
etc, in the Council Chambers, Satur-
day afternoon, December 14t1i, After-
p'oon tea will be served.
Tea and°Sale, Saturday, Dec. 7th
The Ladies' Aid of St- Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, will ?Told their
annual Tea and Sale in the -basement
of then .:Church on Saturday after✓.
noon,,:December :7th, 1985. Sale will
Consist •,icf• all kinds of -hotne-Made
Baking, Candy, Etc. There will also
be a large assortment of miseeilan-
4ous articles, all suitable for Christ-'
in -
Pias gifts for,.sale. Sale e tvu ilt com-
mence at 3' otetock sharp, Tea serv-
ed. from 3 to. 5 tT, citTciz. I;very�body
Smith - Cole
A quiet but pretty wedding was,
solemnized in St. Paul's Anglican
Church, Wingham on Wednesday. af-
ternoon last week, at 2.30 o'clock
when Sara A. Cole, A. T. C. M., eld-
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
J. Cole, Belgrave and Wilbert L.
Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith
of London were united in marriage,
Rev: A.Maloney, rector of Trinity
Church, Belgrave officiated, assisted
by Rev. T. T,. Roberts of Wingham.
The bride wore a dark brown crepe
dress in. military effect with "gold
epaulets, and hat and accessories to,
match. She carried a beautiful bou-
quet of Talisman roses,
Immediately ''following the cere-.
money the bride and groom left on
their honeymoon to Toronto and
Hamilton. They will reside in London
at 65Bruce St,
Town League 1VCeeting
Thursday Evening, Dec. 12th
lin the Council Chamber, Town
?Tall. All thoseinterested in re-organs
T 2- kind?
iziilg Town,(.ag1tC htTCl ee{ kindly at-
tend, Election of officers will take
'plate. Tr se eete,ring
teams please
•brhg lists or players.
Lighted Match to Shell Caused` Acci-
Jack Inglis, aged 15, son of Mr.
and Mrs, Thos: Inglis; W. Wawanosh,
net with u f n accident
r an Hotta ate at
S.S. No. 14, on Friday morning, when
he put a lighted match to a supposed-
ly spent gun shell, and injured the
thumb and-er: in of hishand,
g s left
also burntlhis right forehead. He was
taken to Wingham Hospital where
Dr. Connell attended hila.
Who was elected Mayor for 1936
by acclamation,
Mission Band Held .Thantt-Offering
The Happy Gleaners' Mission, Band
of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
held their Thank -Offering meeting on
Wednesday :evening, when''they pre
sented a program.
Rev. K MacLean acted as chair-
man and after opening the meeting
with a `hymn, he gave an interesting
talk on the life of David Livingstone.
This was followed by a solo `Jesus
Bids us Shine," by Iona Henderson;
a duet by George Lloyd and Douglas
Fry, a pians solo by Margaret Ho -
math and a reading by Anna Chit -
A pageant entitled "The Tree of
Gratitude" was given by all the mem-
bers of the Band in which each gave
his or her reason for being thankful,.
After singing a hymn the meeting
was brought to a close by Mr. Mac-
Lean pronouncing the Benediction.
Gifts for everybody, also Home
Baking, Candy, 'Dolls, Aprons, White
Elephants for sale; Fish Pond too, at
Presbyterian Church 00 Saturday at
3 o'clock.
Christmas Concert .
And Box Social will be held at the
Stone School; Friday, Dec. 13th, Ad-
mission 15c, Children Free.
Elected at North Bay
John Allen, of North 1 Bay, son of
Robert Allen, was elected as an .Al-
derman at North Bayon Monday.
c y
Entered in „O.H.A.
The local Hockey Club have enter-
ntered a team in the Intermediate 13.
O.H.A. again this year a meeting will
be held shortly to make preparation
for the season's clay and elect' of-
Special for' this Week-Eml, clear-
ing sale of pictures. We have made
groups of all our stock. Group No. 1,
15c each; No 2, 25c each; No, 3, 35c
each; No. 4, 50c each. "These pictures
will make a real gift—Come in and
look them over. A. J. Walker.
Toth our readers, who send
...those of
parcels or cards at Xmas time we
issue this timely suggestion. Mail
your parecls and cards early.
Each year the post office staff has.
great difficulty in 'handling the extra
volatile of mail that the Christunas
season .brings, Co operation of the
public is necessary itt order that good
serV'Qce' 'cart be given, and to snake
sure that all mail' is delivered at the
time clesii•:ed. Get your Xmas snail
away as early as possible and avoid'
<1Tsat lxt7in tt 'T si
Address on Liberalism Was Special
Theen r l
op meeting r ;, o f f t u Liberal
Women's Club held in the Council
Charnber Tbu.i.:y sdaevening of last
week was wellattended and those.
present enjoyed an excellent program•.
At the close of the businessar
1' t of
the program, Mrs. D. Rae sang in her
usual Pleasing manner, accompanied
by Miss Ella Rae, The feature of the
program was the paper which follow-
ed, prepared and given by Miss Eliza-
beth Dey and entitled "A Study of
Liberalism as Applied to Canada.
The romantic history of Canada
was traced from the early French re-
gime to the passing of the Constitu-
tional Act in 1791 and the subsequent
period of political strife which result-
ed in the formation of the two great
political parties. The Liberals of' Can-
ada found their models in the Liber-
alism of England, in the men who
had fought the battles of orderly free-.
dom and repsonsible self-government
against privileged and selfish inter-
' The life of a. Liberal is one of
unceasing effort towards progress and
development of mankind. Miss Dey
quoted that great statesman and Lib-
eral, Sir Wilfred Laurier and traced `
his long and colorful political careen
She urged her listeners to a staunch
support of their present able leader
and true •Liberalism.
Miss Sara MacLean sang two de-
lightful numbers and these were fol-
lowed by a short ,address by Mr. R.
S. Hetherington. Mr. Hetherington
spoke briefly but in a very clear-
sighted manner on the Italo-Ethiop-
ian'situation, with its far-reaching ef-
fects on European politics, and sub-
sequently American and Canadian re-
Mr. Hetherington read a message
which came by wire from Mr.' Deach-
man, in which he expressed his re-
gret in having to missthe meeting.
The singing of the National Anth-
em brought the meeting to a close.
To the Boy Friend—How about ,a
nice Walnut Chest for her Gift? W'e
have some lovely chests at right pric-
es. A. J. Walker.
Willsubscribers please read the
label on the Advance -Times this
week. .The mailing lists have been
corrected up to and including Friday,.
November 29th. ,
Errors may have occurred in the
rush during the contest, so kindly
examine your label and notify us at
once if there has been a mistake. 'It
is a simple matter to make correc-
tions now but will be mach more dif-
ficult if left for some time.
We ask your co-operation in this
regard — notify us at once if your
label does not read as you think it
Lhauldt .
C.O.O.F. 'Elect Officers
Court Maitland No. 25, Canadian.
Order of Foresters, held a meeting
last creek when the following officers
were elected: '
Chief Ranger—J. Gilmour.
Rec. Secy.—J, Mitchell.
Fin. Secy.—E. Zurbrigg.
Treas.—G. Olver.
Chaplain—J. W. Scott,
Auditors -W. J, Greer, A. E. Lon-
ttit. -
Good News for Picture Fans
The price of a ticket totheLyceum
Theatre is now 25c plus 2c tax, a sav-
ing of 3c. Children's tickets, 1.5c, no
tax extra. This popular reduction, no
doubt, wilt, be appreciated by patrons
of the. theatre. '
Former Brussels Woman'
Claims Legacy
An elderly Halifax woman plans to
lay, claitn to the $600,000 fortune left
by a Florence, Kansas, recluse, who
died iittcstate. Mrs. James M. Broad-
foot, wife of a Halifax hotelman, said
she was a second cousin of 'wealthy
Ellen Doyle and one of the nearest
heirs to the money left without an
owner by the Kansas woman's death
a few months ago, Though slue never 1.
met her wealthy relative, Mrs. Broad -
foot lived years . in Kansas before
moving I3aHalifax, 50 years
ago. She
arrived i.n Emporia front her home in'
Brussels, Ont., at theage of three
arid it tv""Ls:. there she married Mr.
Baact?tt, a1 0 anative of Brussels,
9 •
its 1$.3