HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-11-28, Page 8G
Show Starts at 8 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 28, 29, 30
i e ive A ain'�
A Classical Drama.
Also Pepper Pot Vaudeville Reel and Fox News.
'Princess O'Hara"
Presbytery Y. P. S. Plan Play
The Blue Banner Mission Band had
:charge of the . Y. P. S. meeting in
Knox Presbyterian Church on Friday
evening, with the president, Miss Al -
la Mowbray presiding.
Quality That Pleases.
and Cream
Phone 600 r 31
Miss Lois Elliott read the scripture
lesson followed by a season of play-
A . chorus by the members of the
band with Misses Lois Elliott and
Helen Mowbray taking the solo parts
was a pleasing feature. -
Mrs. Alex Mowbray in taking the
topic,_ gave, a sketch of the life and
work of the late Miss Mildred San -
Gordon Greig, president of the Y.
P. S. conducted the business period.
Arrangements were made for present-
ing a short play at the Christmas en-
ertaininent, and final plans were made
for carrying on •the contest. Mr. Greig
also expressed his appreciation to the
Mission Band for ,the fine program
they had, provided.
Following the benediction by Rev
J. R. Greig, a social period was en
j oyed.
Rubber Footwear
In Comprehensive Variety
We are Agents for Three- excellent makes, in
fact we have in stock "practically everything" in
Rubber Footwear and our' prices. 'are As Low As
The Lowest in all eases for "strictly new goods.
An important point to remember for those
who find it inconvenient to come to town, as fol-
lows, "When possible, "send the shoe you desire to
have fitted".that is;•'when you are not able to come
yourself, in this way you are assured of.a "perfect
fit" and rubber footwear will not give satisfactory
wear unless "they fit".
Moreover our Rubber footw7ear is yuaran
teed to give satisfactory wear, arid: We `make good'
any thing we sell in this kindOf footwear that does
not give "absolute satisfaction" and without argu-
You will likely need a pair of rubbers or ov-
ershoes or rubber boots in the near future and we
invite you to come to the store where most of the
good people purchase their footwear.
Willis' Shoe Store
Phone 129 Wingham
United Church Y, P. S.
The Young People's Society of the
'United Church held their regular
meeting on ,Friday evening. with Miss
Marie Wettlaufer in charge,` •
The meeting opened' •ivith a hymn
ala'cl tlit;°.• orcl's ltt,aver repeated in
'autism after thief, Carl. Johnston
read the scripture lesson from Mat,.
thew 5.
George Hetherington gave a react-
ing which was followed by the topic
on "Citizenship" by 'Miss Dorothy
Aitken. She pointed out that to be
a good citizen one must be a Christ-
ian Citizen. A Christian Citizen
measures his life and character by
standards set by Christ. A Christian
Citizen is distinguished by such qual-
ities as, (1) an unconquerable faith.
(2) Anunlimited love for all human
beings. (3) An international minded-
ness. (4) Deep respect for the sanct-
ity of home. (5) The gift of vision:
(0) Selfishlessness, etc. Let us live
our lives in accordance with the
standards set by Christ for citizen-
ship and the Christian Life.
Miss Aitken closed with the poem,
"You, who are Young" by Mary C.
Miss Alice Thornton then. gave a
fine piano solo.
The meeting closed with the Miz-
pah Benediction.
Rev. J. R. Greig, Mrs. Greig and
Mrs. E. J. Sutton spent a day in Tor-
onto during the past week.
Mrs. Alex_ Mowbray. visited with
Mrs. C., H. Garniss at Brussels.
Dr. Whitley and Mrs. Whitley of
Gorrie were recent visitors with Mac
and. Miss Olive Scott.
J. C. Higgins, Stanley Moffatt and
Robert' Mitchell attended the Royal
Winter Fair this week.
Mrs. Mary Moffatt has gone to
Toronto where she will spend the
winter with her daughter, Mrs. Vern-
on Higgins.
Mr. and Mrs.° R. F. •Garniss
Wednesday with relatives in
Miss Florence Fowler was a recent
visitor with Seaforth friends.
IVIr. and Mrs. Joseph Curtis and
Miss Margaiet spent Sunday with
Mrs. Margaret.Rolph and Mrs. Laura
Kirton in Turnberry.
Harry Mann of Gorrie was a week-
end visitor with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross of Luck -
now spent Sunday with Miss Donna
Mr. and Mrs. Leanord Gatis and
two children of Cherrywood are
spending a few days with Mr. and.
Mrs. Robert Shaw.
Friends of William McKinney will
be. glad to know that he is making
favorable progress following an oper-
ation for Goitre in Toronto.
Rev. A. V. Robb and Mrs. Robb
entertained the Young Men's Bible
Class of the Ebenezer United Church,
at the Manse on Thursday evening.
The program consisted of games,
music and contests.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Churchill, Lor-
een and Vernon Hamilton spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Hamilton, Centralia.
Toilet Articles, Jasm ine
Gardenia, Lavender
'Travellers Sarnples
Bargain Prices
In Fancy Boxes, Suitable for Christmas Gifts
(at 30 to 50% Discount)
The boxes are slightly soiled but the contents are
guaranteed to be in perfect condition.
"Articles for Ladies or Men"
Reg. $1.00 Value for 67c Reg. $5.00 value for $3.39
Reg. $1.50 Value for 97c Reg. 75c Value for 49c
Reg. 2.00 value for $L37 Reg. 3.00 value for $1.97
Special -- Hot Water Bottle (Guaranteed) for 39c
McKibbon's Drug Store
T r .rtoiko
Sea -
McBURNEY—In Wingham General
Hospital, on Saturday, November
23rd, to Mr. and'Mrs. John McBur-
ney, Belgrave, a son.
;Are You Having
Headache, Dizziness or Failing
Expert Eye Service is Avail-
able in Wingham at Mod-.
erate Prices.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted by
Stratford's Leading Optometrist
for Seventeen Years.
Mr. Reid is at Williams' Jewell-
ery Store each Wednesday
Morning, 9 to 12.00.
Geo.• Williams
Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector
Mr. Jas. Nicol and Mr. John Mess-
er took in the Royal Winter Fair at
Make one of the most
appreciated Gifts at
Xmas Time. Beautiful
Pipes in attractive box-
es at the modest price of
$1.00. •
Omar Hasolgrove's
Smoke Shoppe
Toronto last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Geddes, of Bel -
grave, visited on Sunday afternoon
with Mrs. Mary Robertson and Miss
Martha Fraser.
Mr. are sorry to ,hear that Mr. Wm.
IVIcKinney was operated on for goitre
in the hospital.: in Toronto, but glad
to hear he, is getting along ^well.
Mr.- and Mrs. Jack Fisher spent
Sunday afternoon with Miss Martha
Fraser and Mrs. Mary Robertson of
For Real High Class Watch
Repairs, bring, your watch to
Williams, The Jeweller. Noth-
ing but genuine material used,
and all work done on the prem-
Bring Yours in, it may be the
lucky one.
Winner for October—
Mrs. S. Black, Belgrave
Moderate Prices and Satisfac-
tion Guaranteed.
t, 111
Thur:s.November 28th, 1935.
3 Day Sale of Women's Coats
(Thursday, Friday Saturday. Only)
15% 10.1/4 Off
is ter Coats
Reg. Each $20-®° to $55.00
Your Opportunity Sale
$16.95 to $43.00
During These Three Days
Extraordinary Savings - All New Styles
A wonderful lot of Coats they
are — heavily furred in Wolf,
Red Fox, Grey Squirrel, Coon,
Black Fox, Alaska Sable, .Per-
sian Lamb, . Brown Squirrel,
Seal and. French Beaver in lot.
Distinctly Styled.
Handsomely Finished.
Richly lined and interlined.
Choose your. Winter Coat at this Big Opportun-
ity Sale that King's have made so distinctly
worth your while.
Women's, Misses' and Junior Styles
In a fine choice o'f colors.
Remember the time
This Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only.
It's Time to do your •King's have a fine Stock
IN Ra. Xmas Gifts.
Christmas Shopping. � of Usable
Mr. Jas. Thyne and his men finish-
ed threshing for this season last
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Eliza Fell arrived home on
Saturday from visiting her son in To -
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ross of Dick
now, visited with Miss Donna Smith
on Sunday. •
We are glad, to hear Mr. Charles
Forest got ;home on Saturday, feel-
ing much better.
for Health Protection
a ` and Dependable Qualify
Dr. Denton Sleepers are made of
hygienic fabric that gives the cortect
protection every child should have.
Dentons do not shrink and they stay
soft after endless washings. Some of
the special features are: Patented
extra -heavy romper feet, extra -full
drop seat, non -breakable rubber but-.
tons, strong flat seams, finely tailored
throughout. One or two-piece styles
(extra lower pieces can be secured
Attractively priced at
and up
Mr. -Wm. • Casemore of Wroxeter,
spent last Sunday afternoon with his,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Case -
Miss Luella Siinmons spent a few
days last week with her sister, Mrs.
Maitland Porter and Mr. Porter.
Mr. Lloyd Weir spent last Sunday
afternoon with his sister, Miss Gladys
Weir, near Fordwich.
Mrs. Earls from south of Gorrie
spent a few days recently with her
daughter, Mrs'. W. A. Lathers and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weir and
children of Kitchener spent last week-
end with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. L. Weir,
Mr. A. 13. Longley attended the Fat
Stock Show in Toronto last week. °
a, an. ammilaiii*Ier
Mrs. Wm. Weir spent last week
with Mr. and Mrs. George Dane and
other friends north of Gorrie.
We. Have
Our Store
Come in and see our Large Assortment of
We are Agents, for Rogers Radios
See Models on, Display.
A generous Trade-in Allowance made on your old •
G. Mason & Son
C.N.R. Express Money Orders. Radio Licenses.
You may
come further
but you
Save More.
iNIMINEMIMMyour Buy Xmas Baking Needs Here — We Carry the Best
Count and your Prices you can depend on to be Right.
Grocery with
the Greaest
Brands of Quality where Quality Does
Xmas Peel Shredded
Lemon Peel 21c lb Cocoanut
Orange Peel 22c lb
Citron Peel 35c lb Cut Price ... 19c lb.
Granulated A Qc
ib `7t V
WithSugar, $110 Grocery
Order (Sugar not;
• Included).
Xmas Raisins
Best1 Seedless
Raisins,2 lbs. 25c
Best Bleached
White Raisins
Special ....... 21c lb.
Best Icing Sugar 3 .lbs. 25c Fresh Cleaned Currants 15c lb:
Maple Leaf Bak. Powder lb. 15c Magic Bak'g Powder 14, 19, 28c
Lily Baking Powder 1 ib tin 17c Pure Lard, all Brands, 17c lb.
Best Mincemeat
Best Cooking
2 lb. for 25c
Jelly Powder 5c pkg
Figs . for 8 lb.
Shelled Walnuts
Quarters, Cut
Price, 'Jz lb. ... 19c
Shelled Walnuts
Halves, Cut
Price, i/z lb. 24c
Kellogg's and Sug-
ar Crisp Corn
Flakes 7c pltg,
Sliced Breakfast
V lb. •pkg, 14c
1 Schneider's Crispy
Shortening ..
1 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c
No coloring fill-
er, 12 oz. bottle
2 for .:.25c
Full Tins 3 Soup r ;'5c
Lif Pricey Soap •
Lifebu 7c cake.
Med. Old
Best Canadian
Cheese ...•... 17c lb,
Choice Lobster
Cut Price.:. 19c tin
Toilet Paper 5 rolls 19c
Best Soap Flakes .,. 3 lb. for 25c
SuperSuds, Citi price •.. 8t pkgGold
Eddy Matches ...., ... 3 boxes 23c
Pure Breakfast Cocoa ... llc ib,
;Medal Coffee, 1 11>. tin 38c
Best Rice,
Choice Rice,
Soap ......,, 3 bars 9c
Blue Rose 2 lbs. 15c
Special 2 lbs. 13c
Kure Clover
5 .Lb, Pail ,....... 39c
Fresh Dates
2 lbs. for 17c
Pitted Dates00
2 ibs, for 25c
Bluebird Toilet Redpath Grant, -
hated Sugar, Cut
Tissue• ......., 10c roll Price, lb. bag
3 rolls 21c for 85.19
Chicken 1 Taddie
Cut price ... 12c tilt
Puffed Oats ...•.. 2 pkgs. for 17e
Shop Here acid Save Money.
i fresh, for 12e lb;
Soda Biscuits,
Pure Peanut Butter 2 Ib: for 250
Compare these prices anywhere.
Milk Choc. Ring Cakes for 191
'I•Ionest Weight — nest Quality
If you „can't
ebme,, lhlione 7.
j The Store with Reid Pront —; Gurney Block A.
t 'Wt:°KEEP DOWN THE 'iy 'W1:BrP
We Deliver, iio
matter how synali,