HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-11-28, Page 7pry
1 n5
Fordwich', Nov. 20th, 1935_
'Council met in the United Church.
'hall, according to adjournment, mem-
bers were all present, the Reeve in
the chair.
Minutes of last regular also spec-
ial 'sleeting- were read and on motion
of Weir and 'Baker were adoj>ted.
Moved by Toner and Lovell that
this Council request the Hydro Elec-
tric Power Commission to cancel the
contract on the upstair part of W. j,
Earngey's Store; Gorrie, as same is
unoccupied. Carried...
Moved by Lovell and Toner that
Norman Clegg be granted the sum of
$25,00. Carried. •
Moved by. Lovell and Weir . that:
amendment to By -Law No. 7 of the
year 1933 as read be finally passed.
Moved by Lovell and Weir that the
following bills be paid: J, H. Rogers,
preparing statement and issuing cheq-
ues, Clifford Municipal Drain, $3.00;
Isaac. Gamble, Preparing Amending
By-law, Clifford Mun. Drain, $5.00
Russel Rtittan, Cutting weeds in cem-
etery, Lot 13, Con, 9, $L40; A. C.
Hutchison, fart salary as Weed In-
spector, $12.30; Norrnan Wade, bonds
.f or Collectors and Treasure, $57.50;
. Norman Wade, Insurance on Hall,
Wroxeter, $20.00; Isaac Gamble, part
salary as Clerk $35,00; Archie Rob-
erts, Extra on Tax Bills and Notices
re land' sale's, $475 Heber Mahood,
• wood for Clerk's office, $12.50; A. K.
Dinette, funeral expenses of Mrs. E.
:Rinn and. baby, $75.00; Norman
Clegg, Grant. $25.00; J. H. Rogers,
assisting Road Auditor, $4.00; County
Treas., Arrears of taxes, $27.00; E.
A Corbett, part of amount .on deposit
' by Veterans $5.00; Prov. Treas., Am
'usement tax tickets for Wroxeter
'Hall, $10,76; Dr. Ross, Medical serv-
ices for Mrs. E. Rinn and family, also
anaesthetic for Mrs: Heipel $36,00;
'Albert Sage, Refund of taxes, due to
error in assessment, $14.80; Com. Sta-
tionery and Printing Co., Supplies. for
Clerk's Office, $4.15; United Church,
rent of hall, $1.50; Relief $36.74.
Road Expenditures
E. G. Denny, Weeds and dragging,
.49.45; John Delta, weeds, $1.75; A.
Pike, weeds, ,.70; Geo. Blum, weeds,
.41.40; Norman McDowell, weeds, $1.-
'05; J. Kroft, weeds, .87; Leslie Shoe-
maker weeds, $1.75; Robt, Denny,
weeds, $1.40; Philip Wenzel, weeds,
.70; Glad. Edgar, weeds $1.55; T. Mc -
''Clement, weeds, $2.10 A. Jacques,
weeds, dragging, bridge and timber,
$19.10,•, E. Williamson, weeds, .90;
Harvey Williamson, hauling gravel,
$6,05; Richard, Aldrich, hauling grav-
el, $7.00; Norman McDowell, hauling
gravel, $9.25; Harvey Gibson, hauling
gravel, etc., $10;70; 'Win. Albright,
• shovelling, $1.75; Leslie Knight, shov-
elling,.:$2.75,• Archie Albright, shov-
elling, $1.75; Jess. Mosure, Spreading,
$1.75; Clarence Gibson, Dragging,
$2.65; Richard Aldrich, gravel, $10.35;
John Brown, Brushing and dragging,
48,15; Clifford Brown, weeds ,95; Geo,
Townsend, dragging• and weeds, $7.-
7,50; Russel Walker, Underbrushing,
$1.05; . John McCutcheon, Dragging
and weeds, $10.50; Ben: Hislop,'Drag-
ging and weeds, $14.00; Thos. Jacklin,
Brushing; $3,70; Geo, Paulin, Dragg-
ing, $3.40; Thos. Grant, Brushing,
$2:00; Reg. Hobbs, Ditching, $3,50;
Oliver Stewart, Dragging, $12.60; T.
Strong, Draggingand fill $25.70; Jno..
Fleet, Dragging and fill, $3.50; Hugh
McLeod, Making fill $1.76 Gordon
Gibson, Cement Culvert, $282.00;; W.
Elliott, Tile $10.60; Win, Elliott, Tile,
$6,00; J. W. Kreller, Hill and Dragg-
ing, $26,10; Lloyd Jacques, Work on
hill, $4,40; Robt, Hubbard, Work on
hill, $2.90; Ira Kriger, Work on hill;
$1.50; Thos, Ellis, Uttderbrushing,
$$4,70, Thos. Ellis, Ditching, $1,40;
Thos, Day, Dragging and Ditching,
$15.95; Edwin Day, Dragging $4,85;
Delbert Clegg, Ditching, .70; The
Pedlar People, Steel Culvert,' $50.04;
Adam Zurbrigg, Weeds, $1.20; Wm,
Darcey, Brush, ,85; Harold Kaake,
Weeds, $1,00; R. F. Edgar, Supt. Sal-
ary, $24.50; Gordon Vittie, Under-
brushing, $17.10; R. J. Sanderson,
Weeds, $4,00; Wm. 'Reis, Jr,, Winter
road, $3.00; Lloyd Behrns, Wire fen-
ce, $6:00 'Village of Clifford, Weeds;
Moved 'by Weir and Lovell that
Council do now adjottr•tr to meet in
•tliegTownship Ti'all, Gorrie, on the
16th day of December, Carried.
Isaac Gamble, 'Clerk,
D. BELL, , B.A.
"i`h r a 'afternoons
C u slay and Saiturd y after
a't Gortae
f sISIS+ /Sent 9osso k%,y^rl .:
Mrs; Crich, of Brussels, was the
guest of Mrs. J. A. Day for a few
days this week.
Mrs. R. G. Dane is visiting: her son,
Mr. Stanley Dane and Mrs. Dane also
other friends in Toronto, Little Bet-
ty Dane returned home with Mrs.
Dane after spending a couple of
weeks with her grandparents.
' Mrs. Jaynes. Doig, of Drayton, was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. •Fred
Hyndran a few days last week. Mr.
Doig also Mr. and Mrs. Emerson, all
of Drayton, attended the party at
Hyndman's on Thursday evening.
Mr, A. E. Toner and Mr. John
Hyndnian spent a couple of days in
Toronto last week. Mrs. Toner re-
turned home . with' thein. on Sunday
after spending two weeks in the city.
Mrs. Jos. Wood, of Clifford, spent
a few days last week with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Earl Toner.
Mrs. Anson Galbraith and daughter
are visiting friends in Toronto this
week. ,
Mr. William Miller has returned to.
his home in Saskatchewan after visit-
ing his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex.
Miller for the past months.
Inspector Game of 'Walkerton paid
his official visit to Gorrie School on
IVfiss Gladys Fitch of Belmore, was
a week -end guest of her friend, Miss
Annie Douglas.
Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson and
two children, also Mrs. Munro of Au-
burn, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Gregg. Mrs. Wilson is a niece
of Mr. Gregg,
Mr, Delbert Clegg, Mrs. R. S. Clegg
and Mi•,' William Pylce accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Earl of. Ethel to.
London on Friday where they visited
with Mrs. Delbert Clegg.
The many friends of Mrs, John.
Hyndnian will: regret learning she is
not enjoying good health, and is at
present with her daughter in Toronto.
Mrs, Anna Shannon and Mr. Har-
old Fisher of Harriston, visited on
Wednesday last at the home of Mrs.
Isaac Wade,
Mr, Norman Wade spent a few.
days last week at the Royal Winter
Fair in Toronto and also visited re-
latives there,
Miss McNair of Brussels, spent the
past week withher sister, Mrs. Alex.
Edgar, Sr,
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Wright and Mr.
Harold Cooke, of Lakelet, also Mrs.
Chester Cook, of Clifford, visited one
day lasf week at the home of Mrs.
Mrs, Bell and Marian Clark spent
the week -end with Mr. and ' Mrs. F.
Wright, near Lakelet, and relatives
in Turnberry.
Guests of Mr, and Mrs, Charles
Ting on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs.
Sam Willis and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
King and daughter, Miss` Jean, ali of
Mr, and Mrs. Sandy Hastie, Toron-
to, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,
Igen, Hastie, and Mrs. E. Hastie, who
has been visiting here for the past
tvvo weeks, returtiod home with theirs
t,O,B.A, Visited Palmerston
'TwentyTwenty-threernembers oft the Gor-
or-rie T . 0, 13. A, visited Palmerston
Lodge on Mray g
n iJ evening wlie'ti a
While Japanese militarists continue
their agitation for an autonomous
state in northern China, two leading
British diplomats, Sir Alexander Ca-
dogan 'and Sir Frederick Leith -Ross,
are reported to be conferring with
Chinese offiicals. Japanese troops
have been reported on the move near
the border at Shanhaikwan,, where
two train loads of tanks are said to
have arrived, (1) Marshal Yen Hsi-
Shan, centre, dictator of Shansi pro-
vince, mentioned as a possibility to
lead the proposed Japanese -backed in-
dependent regime in North China,
shown at a recent meeting of an ex-
ecutive committee in Nanking. (2) A
view of the city of Tatung -Fu in
Shansi province, one of the .five prov-
inces \V1riClt apai4 1iopes to corribiii
in an autonomous state. .(3) Gen.
Kenji Doihara, named "the Lawrence
of Manchuria," who has been negot-
iating with Chinese officials of the
northern provinces to form the new
state. (4) The latest official picture
of Hirohito, emperor of Japan, whose
sphere of influence is rapidly extend-
ing in Asia.
number of Grand Lodge officers were
present, including the Grand Mistress
of Ontario West, Mistress Lillian
Morgan, A degree team of Past Mis-
tresses from Toronto exemplified the
floor work of the first degree. A very;
interesting time was spent.
Mrs. Andrew passes
Mr. Leo. Stevenson, .of Constance,
called at the home of Mr. W. H.
Gregg, -on Sunday to make arrange-
ments for the funeral < of his grand-
mother, Mrs. Andrew, who passed
away at the Bone of her daughter in
Prince Rupert, •13.C.' •The deceased,
who was 'in her .85th' year and was a
former resident of Gorrie; Mr. And-
rew; who predeceased his wife some
twenty years ago, was a dry goods
merchant in the store now occupied
by Mr, Sipple.` The Andrew family
will have the sympathy of a large
number of Gorrie friends. The fun-
eral is expected to be held' following
the arrival of the west -bound train on
Wednesday, to Gorrie Cemetery.
Splendid Program by Florida Sextette
The Famous' Florida Sextetteg •ave
a very enjoyable concert in the Unit-
ed Church here an Monday evening
under .the auspices of .the Young Peo-
ple's Union. Plantation Songs, Spir-
ituals, popular songs, camp• meeting
songs and ibale quartettes were on
the progr•ant. It was .enjoyed by all
present. They also assisted at the
Sunday evening service.
Mr. and' Mrs., Arnistrang, Mr, Bert
Armstrong and' i11MT'iss Procter, all of
Winghani, were' Sunday .guests of Mr,
and Mrs, Tcnowlson Hueston,'
Mr. and Mrs. 'W. R, Mayberry, y y, of
Woodstock, s rpt Sunday t`
pe St i c ay vvitli Mr.
and Mrs, W, Graham,
Miss Norrna Grabanr has returned
home ., after spending the last two
weeks visiting in Port Huron and
Mr.' and Mrs. E. W. Carson and
,family were. Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs, Bert Wright at Lakelet.
Mrs, Ritchie and Mr., David A. Rit-
chic, of Teeswater, visited with the
former's sister, Mrs. J, Armstrong, on
Monday. Miss Doris Sample, who has
been a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Arm-
strong, returned lime with there.
Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Holt have
moved to town and are occupying Mr.
Bremner's, property at the station.
Mit. Haold Leaver of Ripley spent
a few days this week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Lawrence,
Mr, and Mrs, H. V. Holmes and
Miss E. Perkins spent Sunday with
friends in Guelph.
Woman's Assoc. Held Meeting
The November meeting of the Wo
man's Associatiori was held at the
'seine of Miss Earngey on Tbtrsday
with a splendid attendance, Mrs.
Kaine ,the president, was in the chair
and the meeting opened with singing
"Work for the Night is Coming." -
Mrs, W. G. Strong led lit prayer and
the Scripture reading, .Psalm. 91,, was
taken by Mrs, P'ydell. The hymn,
"'Cake time to be • holy" was sung.
Plans were made' to ship a relief bale
following which the meeting closed
with "Tell me the'oldold story", and
the President led' in prayer, The bal-
ance of the afternoon wag spent in
sewing on very
after which a r
� cy
tasty lurch was served by .Mr -s, Gam-
ble, Mrs, Edward's and the hostess.
L.O,B,A, Guests at F'or:dwrch
A pleasant everting was spent by
members of the .O,R'.A, on Wednes-
day last when they were entertained
by Morning Star Lodge of Fordwich.
The bale for the Orphanage at Rich-
mond Hill will be packed early in
December. The L.O.B,A, also pur-
pose holding a Bazaar when a hot
supper will be served.
Gorrie L.O.B.A. held their Annual
meeting on Thursday,. November 7th,
when the following officers were el-
P. h[. -Mfrs. A, E. Toner.
W. M, -Mrs. Lorne Walker,
D. M. -Mrs. Everard Carson.
Chap. -Mrs, J. Sanderson.
Rec. Sec, -Mrs. N, Wade.
Fin, Sec. -Miss Evelyn Dane.
Treas.-Mrs. H. V. Holmes.
1st Lect.-Miss Elva Dane,
2rtd. Lect.-Mrs. J. Anger,
Dir, of Ceremonies -Mrs. 1. Toner.
Inner• Guard -Mrs. J. Dinsmore,
Outer Guard -Mr. R H. Carson..
Sr. Member of Committee -Mrs.
Alex. Taylor.
Committee -Mesdames 1. Neil, G.
Ring, R Grainger and Miss M. Raine,
Guardian ---Mrs, 1. Neil,
Auditors-Mis. R. Grainger, Mrs.
G. Ring,
Organist -Mrs. G. King,
The regular meeting of the Wg.
Men's, Auxiliary. 'of St, Stephen's
Church, Gorrie, Bret at the liotne of
Mrs. Isaac Wade on Thursday after-
noon last when the ladies made cariily
bags for the Annual Xmas Tree of
'their Sunday School, which will be
held on December 18th. Mrs. N.
Wade then led in prayer, followed by
the members' prayer in unison, and
minutes and Roll Call answered by a
suit.,.ble Scripture verse, after which
busi:ress matters were discussed.
The Scripture lesson for St. And-
rew's Day was then read by Mrs. Wil-
ford King, after which Rev, . A. H.
O'Neil closed the meeting with pray-
The annual meeting- was arranged
for, to be held at the residence of
Mrs.' H. V. Holmes, on December 5th,
when all ladies of the congregation
are cordially invited to attend. A
dainty lunch was then served by the
• A very interesting and instructive
meeting was held by St. Stephen's
i ;GhurGh Ch1.rbz Gorrie, at the home of
Mr, and virs. i�lornl°
rt Wade ea Wed-
nesday evening last, with the subje:.`
being "Missionaries and Missions"
with Rev. A. 1S. O'Neil and TedMa
lone asconvenors, also Mrs. W. Ring
who was. not able to be present.
The meeting opened in the usual
Manner with hymn '`From. Green-
land's Icy Mountain" followed by
prayer by elle president. Interesting
features of the program.. were a talk
by Mr. O'Neil about 'early Church
History, early. Bishops, and Bishop
Stringer; a very touching story of a
missionary who endured hardships in
the Northwest, the name of which is
"She taught my little ones the way
to Jesus" given by Mrs. Holmes;
Mrs, Taylor told the story of the
"Little Slave Girl of Madagascar" and
Mrs. Woodcock read a story "The
Missionary Potato," Mr. Ted Malone
also gave a paper on "St. Paul, the
Another beneficial part of the pro-
gram in which most took part was
The Friendly Road" 'conducted by
Mrs. O'Neil. There were also three
contests, one being books of the Bi-
ble, The meeting closed with the Na-
tional Anthem, The next meeting is
to be field at the 'horne of Mrs. Er-
nest Ring on Wednesday, Dec. 4th,
]:Torn in Howiek Township in 1866,
the late Mr. E. W. Lambkin, whose
death occurred recently, resided there
until moving to the 11th of Mary-
borough in 1921; where ire farmed
successfully ever since. In poor
health for a number of years, he had
been seriously ill for the past four
months, following a paralytic stroke.
He was a member of Moorefield
United Church, and a Liberal in pol-
itics. A man of kindly and industri-
ous habits,
nclustrious;habits, he made many friends.
On October 20, 1904, he married
Miss Charlotte Ann fames, in How -
ick, who,. with three sons, survive;
Leonard, 10th of Maryborough, and
Wesley and Gurdon at 110010,
The funeral was field Saturday with
a service at his home. Rev. R. A.
Facey, Moorefield, officiated.' Inter-
ment took place hi Palmerston Cem-
over one hundred friends gathered
at the home of lv[r. and Mrs,. George
:Paulin, Wroxeter, on Wednesday ev-
ening of last week to trtteaid the
shower given in 'honor of Mr, and
Mrs, Wesley Paulin (nee Ila Sharp -
in). The young couple were tlic re-
cipients of many useful, gifts, among
which was 'a' lovely 6 -piece kitchen
set in cream and green and an occas-
ional rocker.
Time evening was -spent in playing
cards and dancing. After lunch the
following address was read by.1Vliss
Lily Waller,
Dear Ila and: Wes:
We, your friends, have gathered
here to extend to yon our heartiest
congratulations and best wishes for
the future, May your life together be
one long journey of happiness and
as you travel onward it is our fondest
wish that as you go about your daily
tasks these gifts will be. to you a re-
minder of the highesteem in which
you are held in this community. You
have lived among us all your lives and
we hope that you will' continue to
take :an active part in all the social
functions as you have done in the
As you climb the hill of the corning
year, may you travel on high and
never shift gears, with plenty ,of spark
and never a knock and a joy filling-
illingstation at every block:
Signed on behalf of your, friends,
Mrs. H. Waller and Lily, Maud
The groom, in a few well chosen
words, on behalf of his wife and him-
self, expressedthanks for the many.
gifts which they had received and in-
vited everyone to visit them in their.
new home. All joined in singing "For
they are jolly good fellows". Danc-
ing continued until the "wee Sma'
hours of the morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Davidson of
Oshawa spent the week -end with
friends here and Mrs. Robt- Mc-
Laughlin returned home with them,
and will spend the winter there.
Miss Aileen Schaub "spent the week-
end at her home in Elmwood.
Miss Rebecca McNair of Cranbrook
visited, for a few days recently with
Mrs. Mary Edgar.
Miss Breita Peterson returned to
her lronre at Rothsay after visiting
for a week .at the home of Miss Mae
Don't Forget the Girl's Mission
sale of aprons,
s recipe
etc, in the school room of the United
Church on Friday afternoon of this
week. Afternoon, tea will be served.
Mrs. Mary Edgar spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lynn
of Howick..
Mr, Ted. Husks was a week•. -end
visitor at his home in tarriston. ='(y
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bolt and son
of Salem, visited the latter's Uncle,
Mr. Geo. Muir, sunday afternoon.
Mr. Kenneth Gibson of Hamilton,
also Mr. Ed. Gibson of Delhi spent
Sunday in town with friends.
Mrs. John Wray spent a few days
last week with her son 'Gorden, on the
6th of Turnberry.
Mrs. Sangster is at present'visit-
ing friends in Toronto.
Celebrated: Silver Wedding
Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs.
Barney Whitmore (nee Nellie Black),
Owen Sound, who recently celebrat-
ed their Silver Wedding Anniversary.
The occasion was marked by a small
dinner party followed by a bridge
party when they were presented with
aSilver Sheffield tray, from their
friends. Mr, and Mrs. Whitfield were
married NOV. 1, 1910, at the bride's
home, Wroxeter, andmade their
home in Harriston trail 1931 when
they moved to`Owen Sound where
Mr. Whitfield is Manager of Georg-
ian Bay Dairy Company.
Mr. George Fischer spent the week-
end with friends at Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. 3, H. Wade, of For•.d-
wich, - were Sunday guests of 1). 5.
and Mrs. MacNaughton,
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Raake and
Kenneth were in London one day last
Mrs. R. J. Rann spent a few.' days
in Brussels .last week the rttest of
Mr, and 'Mrs; Atkin. Rants,
Miss Margaret Gibson . and Mr,
John Barnard, both of London, were
week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs, J.
Mr. Paulin and son, George, spent
a day at Woodstock this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Allen were Or-
angeville visitors last week.
Additional Wroxeter. on Page Two.