The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-11-28, Page 6AGE. WINCH A loa Serial. Fiction la • rowftl • " + .instahoaais b» > luce S «tali >>ry a halter rtv tttirro t', Timers R«. Is FINAL INSTALMENT Morris was . too sick to be -- Hiram moved. The ; doctor pronounced it pneumonia and for Rose and Jim there commenced a period of sleep- less anxiety. He moved her into his bin and tried to force her to take. ea some rest, but as for hon be did not remove his clothes' and scarcely .clos- ed his eyes for nearly a week Then Mr. Morris died. He had mut- tered. almost constantly; the last word they heard him whisper were those of his favorite prophecy, "Some day 111 land in the pay" you that offered' forty thousand dol- tars for this claim," ."Right. She doesn't know any of tltose'things• 1 .appose You intend to tel] her:" "I do, Ltnless you have enough de- cency left to behave like a man." "How do yutt figure a mate w\'aatld behave?" Jim asked, "Of course it's all hearsay with you, but I'nm curious to know." mind that Hayward flushed. "Never n line of talk. I came to giveyou, a quiet word of wtarning but if you want to get nasty, why, just write your own ticket. I'm ready to take you tela There followed the customary mel- ow, or later." ancholy preparation and formalities.' That you brought There were still a few women left on? the ereeks near by and these did what they could for Rose.' It was Rose who selected a burial glace, upon the north "rim" of the creek—a high bench that paralleled the bottom and that looked out across the tundra towards the open sea. It Maas a spot that in winter was shelt- ed from the icy blasts; in summer it was brilliant with wild flowers, lush ',villa tender grasses, and fragrant with 1, blooms—a pleasant place fora gentle, broken old man to sleep, Other hands were ready to dig the grave, but this was a labor that Thu Rowan reserved for his own. In due time he b, r , Forinn- couldn't even play straight with Rose and her father, It perfectly obvious e,•h' you came out here in the first place. :fell!Men like your ought to be;shot for looking at a girl like lie I "Well, Hayward, I'm not. going un- til 'I get ready." 1t was a dismal travesty of a fun- eral that occurred late that afternoon., :\. eler'gyntdn and a half dozen of ivfr, ]Morris's acquaiutances had driven out n fen town, but: (Walt secluding' then/, there were not twenty people who fol- lowed the pine box as it was carried across .the thin antetntu snow and up to its resting place. Roe was z brave but a pitiful .fig- ..1 set. to . why During the final depressing rites help." Tint Rowan's heart bled for her. k'Ie cc's ,,alter deepened. ""1.is- it was who let fall the first shovelful The speaker's of earth, When the grave had been ten, Rowanl I know what Happened t Englishman. Thonmeon. Hat filled in he saw that Haywartl d di that have didn't leave any friends with him; the 'the tmlergtlmeacabi d taken her back itness�:s were all your friends. I're down team wvith which wa heard about a lot of your other fight` t w had tl>e� rl cin to towvn and ww•hile too—if you Can call 'em that—and . gs to lay off the visitors' were bidding her good I've bad a dozen wvartxtxx, txyt; he went to his own shackand be- gan putting his few belctngin;c s to- gether. ' ` He was mystified when he could not lay his hand upon the litt.le.leath- er case with the old newspaper: 'mor-. ' trait of Rose, for that was about all that he really cared. to take with him. He ]yoked everywhere. for it before he finally gave up the search. Rowan had refused Hayes ard's war- ning to leave, not because he expect- ed Rose to reconcile. herself to his ;past, not becaus e he now retained the faintest hope of ever realizing his dream, but because there was some - thin yet to be done, and, moreover, because, it was not his nature to conic or to go at any man's bidding. He was interrupted in his task by the girl herself. he came - to hi ' dac' and with her she brought Hay- ww ard. Jim,' she began. •'Mr. Haywwarc• hasbeen trying to tell me something' "What: Already:" A flame leaped le moo, gh the ice into Rowan's eyes as be turned them' ea3a e upon the Bonanza foreman. of _ p shovel dirt, �y "pre' Mme a 3"Yes, already! It's best to have It — out and over with,"` the latter declar- , n. sit _ provided ovided own wits, - ' 'ed. dowzedly. At)\r. ; STC l lr 1fi S l.itl. "Most of .it is; ' Nut Heat ttbuut the killing of Thuntpsun, of cotmrse,, He but hiuxtielf bt.euuse he had los the comp tuy stoney. "Ruse, will you let arae tai.e your to Iowa?" l lttytvard asked-, e trnestly'. Slowly the; girl shook her head. ately, the, rim t, -as ole t lir: haft p1 h.de autumn ,, , the -ave. was task an.f. a .1. !was. � . , : i �.h .. .- .. 1 �aert:, peen taw ..t:s:t.. thwtt - tis tee ems ext;: is s s- tht i alt i3 ::r * 'L:'rl r , rr:!-:` z -r n.re: ane, '11:14 'M <. i= r - a.,,,t:ittettl upot nis kiovet.tiowirlit _.z Cs,.,pp.:;- ef. '-=s:, avert, tut firrs. arrivals fai• the -..rf'.-. u.,e " a carne -tit _ I'.s-sVa „h - aid az:oevery- . . _ -f -_ -e Wim• = � TIM n ” n of 7. ti .. r ;: z.. I E w v'.., ..t' cis are. Tee ezrme, prepared," Jim _..are' irirrerlalontsly or. the spea1 cTran darn mean say _ something es, -Las "Certainly zee. 1:screeserve notice on y : a., I w „rte met Mr. Morris and cattle ctn. . and 1 undereseed why yen Mme,~. s. Rose doesn't ender:steed. She d=e know you're The Michigan,ez she thinks 'you're just the _.*3 t leree r f the farnily, her little pia er a= home town. She dcesnt k,.... is - istatt "Jho has arranged to drive me in, I'm sorry you didn't 'wait a while be- fore -I've had a good deal to bear." When the Young torus scowvlCd at :16" wan incl evened his lips to protest,. she snxiled;faintly', "191 ba: perfectly safe with Itimm, The Michigan IO.id hasn't been' accused of killing iw+omen leas he?" "Very well. I'm sorry, too, that it lied to come at a time like this, But I thought it- best. I'ii see.' you to- nuxt'rtaw, Rose, Forgive tame if I've been .rough; It's only because---" The speaker stantniered, .choited, then he turned and went out into, the chill twilight, 'When the crunch of his footsteps had died out Rose inquired, Simply; T _c* e what will happen to Rose at all; ' -1attend _c =ham, She has friends ill merely started to tell .her why enough ,.,s..e her t,. z'. g"h.' she couldn't afford to have anything dont:. finest I .3;zpatse vex:li further, to do with you," the visitor got to say `3 asked baso to say it before you, z, < 1 'duel- Jim ii—if be insists upon saying it he T rt'' ger and that I of- rr.unced. "I tried to tell her that So it was that luck held through. an, the .laoi+Cr 11tay, who stered at her her with working; fat'e, and Inverse, -ou -found that putttre!" "Yes; that night ti•hen I wus look- ing for medicine. How lust]; have Yuba had it, Inn?"., "liver sleep the day yolt grautttted. ]Pee always loved yen, ever sitxce warn a ragged kid staid you drove by. In your wicker petty' cart, Fuse dear, it wrath because of you that I gambled. I wanted .tnuncy, I think I'd !ewe kill- ed to wit at- -utmost, I went through t g hell. '/'hen 'when :I had iny money and had found you I went through ,rain because --.well, because of hell . ,ah. the ]Gell I'd been through, Te -Poor not much of a ems. I'm afraidyou. have made a ixistake- ' Jhmx did not finish, for the girl held up her arms to hint and said, quaver, ingly, like a weary child. "Take me; Jinx. :Please!, tired l" Kid's it was that. The Michigan luck held through to the finish. THE END 4th INSTALMENT OF Poor ---Scor MISS CURRIE'S TRIP (Continued from Page Three) the waters surrounding Trinidad,. They said they had several rivers in Trinidad in which to swim but to find a good ocean beach they have to ride at least twenty miles from Fort of Spain, IN1tile one of the Engineers was taking snapshots of the great grey grim, fortification perched on a cliff. outside St, George, a stranger asked hint fora cigarette. He foundoutthat this stranger had escaped with a cou- ple of Spaniards from. the French penal colony of Devil's Island, off Guiana. The Belgian said .they madel a row boat with' a' sail, but ;the •sae was destroyed and they had drifted for twenty •clays and at last like the /English ships of long ago, came to the friendly shores of Granada. Once they escape 'from 'Devil's Island they cannot be sent back just as in the sane way a man cannot be hanged "Why we - twice. Now they are waiting in Gran - Rowan you do it, Jim?" da the l3elgian to be deported to } Roan answered carelessly: "01-1,Lich sum, and the Spanish to Spain.I'm just naturally a bad sort, I guess! t Maybe the next time they try living- o great amount of character. I` in France they will be lawv abiding. .vanted txZatxeY, and gambling was I Out. at Grand Anse the water is .he easiest way to itgreen.. These islands are' certainly "I 'don't mean that. Why did you green. Granada is partly coral _one out here wvitlr father, ther,:way r you did? "Well now, I'm not sure that I can explain unless it was because of that hunch hI told you about," t' " J tm ma na g ed a splendidassumption of sincerity.. "We gambler's play hunches, • you 1 know. And say, it just pro\yesthere's l '" something in them. . queer thing happened A mighty o -da = Ros e. I didn't mean to tell Phone 150 t You yet, but your- father was right. Thu r , November 28th 193s .. . , MileARGAINS from W 1 NGHAM Nov. 29th, 30th To OTTAWA MONTREAL QUEBEC ,$7,4t) $ SI. Anne de Bearer+ $12.30 T'lcktste good on train leaving Toronto l.l•.1,1 P,M. Nov. 29th and all trains Nev, 30th except No, 6 at 4.00 P,M, • Return, Limit -^ December 2nd. To. thu MA1UTI).VLES -- Nov: 28th All Canadian Pacific Stations in. New Brunswick •tatis m% OA Datninion. Atlantic Rly. b Nova Scotia .�,Rll 5 oin.ts ont later than Dec. TtI';'I'UI�AI I.II�IIT-�•I,c.ave Nova Scotiap 4tli1 New Brunswick points not later than Dec. 3rd, or pull particulars --- ask for Handbill — Consult any Agent I' CANADIAN PACIFIC which accounts for the bone white - mess of the sand and the greenness of the water, As we played mermaid the sun began its evening display. I haven't watched any of the sunsets, 1 dun't want to become maudlin, but while we swain. at Grand Anse the scene changed, The striking tropical green scalloped half moon darkened to moss, the electric blue sky deiloe s n - ed to violet, seeping into the ho, , while' above the peaks a smoky gray outlined the clouds. Against this mut- edbackground the sunset tints be- came a glory, which filtered through the gap like some magic elixir charg- ing the dulled water in the bay with vibrant colour. We felt that we had discovered the Ponce de Leon foun- tain of youth. We felt that strong vi- bration of life force which a spent swimmer . feels when he nears the shore and knows that he has power enough for the„finish. We wanted to swim on through the rose tinted wat- er, on through the golden gap into the fatal fascination of the splendor beyond, but time raucous exhaust of a rudely awakened gas motor brought us about and so we reached home in goat time to dress for dinners ort registration, which corresponds close_ At 11 p.m. we were up on thep ly with the total for last year. Egg weights were excellent throughoutw the contest, there being only 12 pens! which failed to average 24 ounces to, the dozen. The average egg yield per. South, America, we shall have reach- ed another continent, I only just learned yesterday from the Librarian, a Nova Scotian Blue- nose, that I have been travelling or the flagship with the Commodore of the line. The Lady Nelson was built first of the five. Ladies and Commo- dore Coffin went across to Birken- head, England, and brought her over, to Halifax. When they meet the oth- er Lady boat salutes with four blasts„ The Lady Nelson answers. 1 am quite proud of our ship. W. A. C RA OR W F D, M.D. Physician and • Surgeon Located at the office of the late Dr. J. P. Kennedy. Wingham Canadian Egg Laying Contest Time Sixteenth Canadian Egg Lay- ing Contest, held at Central Experi- mental Farm, ended on October 23,. having completed its 51 week course._ Thecomplete results of the year show many excellent performances by both the heavy and light breeds., A feature of the contest was the good health of the birds and the ab- sence of infectious and contagious. diseases. A total of 107 birds qualified for deck under the colored, lights where the colored boys were :strumm:ing a nostlygic tune when we backed away from Granada. So many partings. The island beckons, and opens the front door. We are welcomed and enfolded, The back door opens and we are given the freedom of their hills and valleys. The sun descends, the ship's gong' rings over the Bay. We must say goodbye and tear ourselves away back, to the ship. We stand on deck:. and watch the serried twinkling e like bright ht hillside g tlmeh ort se fad d lights on g feel a and we away winking Y tears w g nausea of sorrow. But tomorrow is another day, and another welcome. We are now at the last island, Trin- idad. The boat sails within the. hour and when we .next stop in thirty-six hours at Demarara, • British Guiana, at West End Bridge_WALKERTON• There's pay on this claim!" said Ro- wan. erect yy 1 r"` c= n 7c; en ;' love her acrd want to marry her. "Please don't let's talk about that". t't what its wt. zM. Then :et -that I'll give a her a home and eyed -all "But, Rose, listen! While I was tea." tl., shorik her." of her troubles" digging up there on the rim the •gray- -r :r, .- Teas= for that offer .O"oaf wasit you said about Jim?" el looked good. I took some sof it. t x >n :seer T _, :see Mi3ch;„tag s- luck," 1-e a1m] ':sled quietly,, down to the creek and tested � n s :_s_ Hayward told lees fankly, brutally p'% ,�'- I � ->e .a"d yen did:most _ � 4 be y of _ '.a.'•.._....:�L. F" y aintlt that 3 cla he repealed S;rbat b'e had previously T. ^-'�, .., , h Fr. h'' w every- said. Jho listened in silence. body It ses 171:e7.1 e, ,say Fon. You "Is h truce? Rose turned a strain- -were c: = x._« in tree 1 r.i.i and you ed, white fate lipon The Mid -Agars WASH DAY ON THE NORTHERN ETHIOPIAN FRONT as fell before the Italian forces. A.' African ,sun and shiveritmg a Italian infamtrynmera take: time out later to wash clothes andbathe during abath can be extremely pleasatmt after 1 tent Imerasures at nights. halt isi the advance Ott Makale, which swveltcrittg for days under a 'broiling t can't begin to guess wvJtat was in it, but it was rich, You're a rich wom- an. There's no mistake. It wasn't a `prospect,' it was big pay, coarse gold!" • at silent then' For a while the girl s , abruptly she hid her face in her hands "Ohl The pity' of ill" she cried. - "After he had worked so long and endured so much! Poor father! So atient, so gentle, so old—t" Tears tole through her fingers. " 'e told us he would land in the pay and we wouldn't believe him. But -know he's glad, for it was yott be scanted it for, not himself, and every- .lminri has come out just the way hG would have had it. I -I11 bet ire's happy+ at last," "Miebif an'w latch stillholds good,],,,,. doe. aXrX: Pshaw! That 'parnerAdp`• tarrange- CHIi�:O11PRlACTOR$ I've +ut rrtrYney, bird was the highest ever recorded in Contests at Ottawa. MONUMENTS at first cost Having our factory equipped with the most modern machinery for the exe- cution of high-class work, we ask you. to : see the largest display of monu- ments of any retail factory in Ontario., l st machines. ines. sand All finished by the 'les from our cane We import allo g Old Country quarries direct, in the rough. You can save all local deal- eFs , agents and middleman profits by seeing us. E J. Skelton & Son DirectorY Prolessional HETHERINGTON J. H. CRAWFORD R. S. LICITOR Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. BARRISTER and SO Office Morton Block. Successor to. R. Notary, ne. Telephone No. 66 Wingham - Ontario P J. W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan. Office — Meyer Block, Wingham Successor to Dudley Holmes. H. W. COLBORNE. M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Medical Representative D. S. C. R. Phone 54. Wingham • Ji i—,n't st' flail the claim is yours, 1, A. R. & F. E. DUV'AL Jim," anent w:t,' a joke., v a l'" 1 CHIROPRACTIC axtd 'lots of it. 'I could, have made things ELECTRO, T]IERA1? good deal easier for Iain amend fete ,u, hut I didn't dare, No, Rose, it's ,Torth 'Street Wingham 1 your; and you baNe tiOtltin„ ter Telephone +300. orgy about any rrar,rt,. ' out xmer„clam']. pay any attention to what Hayward 'aid, metes yr,tt want to, 'f i tow you lake him and—in':, a mighty tater boy, Ile ha', rxruragi and be I',vee. yritt, "But, Jim,. I rlr,rt't lr,',m snot, 1 (l',n't even like, him, any more,” "'Flyer) that'"s that!" Rowan derI0r' ed, heartily. "I love somebody (Okla," The p!irl lifted iwr tear.stainerl face, "Yin io love with, a bey .frd,rn mit' old town. I tlhink. I must have carred for him ever since I was a. little, ail, Amus I've beanin his .thoughts, too, _ He has carried my picture t"onetantIr"-" "'VV'ell, wail! That's certainly nice," Jim could think of nothing else . to say. "He's an unselfish boy, He did a great deal for father. 'z thinly he'd give his life for me, And yet he has never Said that he loves tire, ,I had to find it rut by chance," ro' "Rose!" All. the reserve, all the- counterfeit eheerfulness df Thi= Mich gan K.id, fell away, It was Jim ltow- Dr. Robt. C. REDMOND M.R.C.S. (England) L.R.C.P. (London). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATH All Diseases Treated. Office adjoining residence next to.` Anglican Church on Centre St, Sunday by appointment. Osteopathy Electricity Phone '272. Hours, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.' DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Phone 19. J. ALVIN FOX' Licensed Drugless Practitioner CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS T.ERAPY - RADIONIC EQUIPMENT. Hours by Appointment. Phone 191. Winghan Business Directory ADVERTISE, IN THE ADVANC THOMAS FELLS AISOTIO10f'>+It It,I AL lf,STA'JI4 ;Otte A Thorough knowledge of Portia Stot:'k. Phone 231, Wingham. Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Established 1840. aloha taken on all classes of insur- ance at reasonable rates. Read Office, Guelph, Ont. ABNER COSENS, Agent, Wingham. It "Will Pay You to Bate An XtXPlatT AUCTIONEER tri conduit your sale. See T. R. 11ZNNETT At Thc Ptryai Service Station. ltylioraa 174W. HARRY FRY Furniture and Funeral Service LESLIE GORDON Licensed Embalmer and P iitteral Director Ambulance Service. Phones: Day 117. Night 109. THOMAS E. SMALL LICENSED AUCTIONEER 20 Years' Experience in Vann Stock and Implements. Moderate Prices. Phone 3314 eselwassomerossiessisseesessess •