HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-11-21, Page 8WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIPIES
Thursday, Nov. 21st, 1933
Show Starts at 8 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 21, 22, 23
A Riot of Good Comedy:
Two -Reel Mentone Musical
And Oswald Cartoon — Pictorial and Fox News.
" e Live Again"
Bible Class Held Box Social
The Young Men's Bible Class of
Ebenezer United .Church sponsored a
fine entertainment on Wednesday ev-
ening in the form of a box social.
The Pastor, Rev. A. V. Robb, acted
in the capacity of chairman in a most
efficient manner, Vocal duets by
Misses Donna, : :Smith and Alice
Thornton, Melville and Charles Ma-
thers and musical numbers. by Walter
and Elmer Sellars and Mr. Cardiff
were well received. Readings were
given by Misses Janet Wood, Marie
Wettlaufer, Margaret Turvey and.
Dorothy Aitkin. MissAlice Thornton
and Ross Smith rendered vocal solos.
Messrs: Ernest Dennis and George
Hetherington spoke briefly of the fine
work accomplished by the Young
Men's Class. Following the program
Elmer Hastings, as auctioneer, dis-
posed, of thebeautifully decorated
boxes. The sale of boxes added a
substantial amount to the treasury.
Institute ;Had Splendid Meeting
The regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute was held on Thursday
afternoon at the home of the Presi-
dent, •Mrs. S. N. Gallaher, who Was
in charge of the meeting. The meet-
ing was opened by- singing "0 Can-
ada" 'after
an-ada"after `which Thel'Lord's .Prayer
was repeated in "unison. Following
the business,, the 'roll was answered
by each .one telling "The funniest
scrape I ever saw anyone in". The
motto'."Thele is no place in a world
like -this for one who will not .do
what he does not like," was taken by
Mrs, Alex, Mowbray.
MacLean Lumber & Coal Co.
"Midland" Alberta Coal Phone 64W
Toilet Articles, Jasmine
Gari enia, Lavender
"Travelers Sarnples
Bargain Prices"
In Fancy Boxes, Suitable for Christmas Gifts
(at 30 to 50% Discount)
The boxes are slightly soiled but the contents are
guaranteed to be in perfect condition.
"Articles for Ladies or Men"
Reg. $1.00 Value for 67c Reg. $5.00 value for $3.39
Reg. $1.50 Value for 97c Reg. 75c Value for 49c
Reg. 2.00 value for $L37 Reg. 3.00 value for $1.97
Special Hot Water Bottle' (Guaranteed) for 39c
Mc�ibba�'s D,r�g Store
A splendid paper on Armistice Day
and Why We Celebrate It, was given
by Mrs. Gallaher. IIiss Dona Smith
then gave a fine report of, the annual
convention held in Goderich, Oct, 14
and ].6. An exhibit of articles made
from either a flour or sugar sack,
was interesting:' The meeting was
closed by singing The National An-
them, after which all enjoyecl.refresh
ments served by the hostess assisted
by Mrs. C, Hetherington.
This . community was saddened to
learn of the death of Mr; Joseph
Pugh, of Wingham, Mr. 'Pugh was
a resident of this village ' for many
years before moving to Wingham and
had many friends in this locality.
Mr, and Mrs, Nicholson of Goder-
ich, visited this Week at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Messer.
Mr. and Mrs, P.; D. King,are spend-
ing, the winter' in Toronto.
Mr. and -Mrs; Robert Nicholson, of
Morris, spent Sunday with Mrs. Rob-
ertson and Miss Fraser:
John Kirton, Miss Bella Kirton,
Mrs. Laura Kirton, Eldon Kirton and
Mrs. Margaret Rolphz spent Sunday
with -Mrs. Miehie in Morris.
Alan Ramsay is with his brother,
Daviel Ramsay, in Morris.
Mrs. Robert Andrew, 12th con.,
took in the excursion to Detroit, to
visit with her brothers.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Alton and dau-
ghter, Marion, of Toronto, spent the
week -end with their uncle and aunt,
Mr. and ` Mrs: John' Mullin* and the
Alton families.
Messrs. Alec and Donald. McLean,
12th con., received the sad news of
the passing of their brother, Dr. John
McLean, of Chicago. The funeral was
held on Monday afternoon from.
Lucknow to Kinloss cemetery. We
extend our sympathy to the bereaved
brothers and sisters.
Much sympathy , was expressed in
the community when it became
known that Mr. James Alton, of near
Lucknow, had passed away on Sun-
day morning. He leaves to mourn
him, besides his widow, one daughter,
Miss Olive, and three sons, Charlie,
Dungannon;•Will, Toronto, and Sam,
on the homestead, near Belfast. One
sister living, Mrs. Richard McQuillan,
near Lucknow, and three brothers,
Herbert Alton, 6th con., West Wawa -
nosh; David Alton, 10th con., and Al-
bert Alton, near Belfast. The funeral
was held on Tuesday afternoon to
'Greenhill Cemetery.
Born—To Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Nix-
on, a son, on Monday, Nov. 11th,
Born—To . Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Hackett, a son, on Tuesday, Nov. 12,
Mrs, Jacques was under the doc-
tor's care last week.
Born—On Monday, No'vemb'er 18,
to Mr. and Mrs. l3ert Reed, a 'son.
Mr. J. D. Beecroft was in. Toronto
last Wednesday to see his sister, Miss
Myrtle Beecroft, who underwent an
operation in the General Hospital re-
Mr.' Oscar Casemore, of Stratford,
spent the week -end at the. home of
his brother, Mr. Ernest Casemore.
The Sunday School children of the
United Church started to practise on
Saturday for their concert on Friday,
Dec. 13th.
A very pleasant evening was spent
by the Presbyterian church people on
Wednesday last, when the members
of the Mission Band who were in cos -
Wine for the evening, put on a pro-
gram 'entitled. "An Evening with the
Chinese" and in song, reading and
dialogue, portrayed the habits and
customs of the Chinese people. At the
close of the program, lunch was serv-
ed and a social half-hour was much
enjoyed. Miss Merle Wilson, leader
of the Mission Band, had charge of
the preparation of the program.
The ladies of the losing side of the
recent contest, held by the Women's
Institute, will put on their program
in the Hall this Friday evening. Part
of the program will'consist of a de-
bate, with Milan Moore and James
Wilson taking the affirmative against
Jack Pollock and Bert Cullimore. At
this meeting the lucky ticket for the
bdatttiful comforter, which the ladies
have . made, -Mil be drawn.
Mrs. McBrien of Ripley, visitedfor
a few days last week with her neice,
Mrs. Clarence Cox.
Mr. Harris Pardon held another
altuninurn demonstration at the home.
of his aunt, Mrs, A. E. Purdon, ,on,
Wednesday evening last..
Miss Murdcan Simpson, of Culross,
spent the week -end at the Moine of
)ler aunt, Mrs. Jas. Wilson.
Ms, A. Emerson and. Bert Culli-
more, also Mr. Charles Tiffin, took
in the excursion trip to Detroit for
the week -end and Mrs. Emerson will
visit with Mrs. Newey there for two
Mrs. Andrew Kirk, of Seaforth, Mr,
and Mrs, J. D. Beecroft and Florence
motored to 'Detroit on Saturday last
and, spent the week-endat the home
of the fortnet•'s' daughter, Mrs.
Are You Having
Headache, Dizziness or Failing
Expert Eye. Service is Avail-
able in Wingham at Mod-
erate Prices.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted by
Stratford's Leading Optometrist
for Seventeen Years.
Mr. Reid is at Williams' Jewell.
ery Store each Wednesday
Morning, 9 to 12.00.
Geo. Williams
Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector
IMust be Fresh to be ap-
preciated by good
Get your smoking sup-
plies where you can be
assured of this.
Omar Hasolgrove
Smoke Shoppe
Creighton and with Mr. and Mrs. O.
Kirk, of Birmingham.
On Wednesday last, Mrs. Robert
Ross, Mr. Jas. Ross and Rev. J. Pol-
lock motored to London and Miss Ca-
tharine Ross returned home with
thein Her injured legis now in a
cast, but she is walking around now,
and feeling much better.
Mr. W. R. Farrier has purchased a
new Plymotuh car.
Mrs. Windsor and little son, from
Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Clarke, . of Amhetstburg, spent the
week -end at the home of their fath-
er, Mr. Robt. Carrick, who is much
improved this Week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr, of Cen-
tralia, and Mr. Quinn of .St. Thomas
visited for a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Amos Cornelius recently.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Fallahay and Vera
of Toronto and Miss V. Warren of
Calgary spent the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Thompson and other
The minutes of Council meeting
held in 13luevale 15th Nov. 1935.
Members all present.
Moved by Moffat and Breckenridge
that the minutes of last meeting, be
adopted as read. Carried.
Letter were received and read from
F. M. Eagleson, Orangeville...
Moved by Wilton and Moffat that
By-law No. 28 be passed appointing
Quality That Pleases.
an x.r 'Cream
Phone 600"r 31
the following Election Officers for
year 1935. Carried. Returning Offic-
er, W. R, Cruikshank; Sub. Div. 1,
D,R O., Geo, Orvis; Cleric E, A, Hol-
lovvay; 2, D.R.0., C. J. Biggins; Clerk
Everitt Magee;• 3, D,R.O., Gordon
Wray, Clerk Gilbert Howes; 4, D.R,
0., D. H. Wallace, Clerk, L. Lincoln.
Moved by Porter and Wilton that
we rescind 13y -law No. 21, .1935, to
read, Friday 22nd Novetnb'er 1935 in-
stead of Monday 25th November
1935. Carried,
The following accounts were paid:
F. M. Eagleson $16.50 Jermyn Drain,
G. Mason & Son $1.78 acct., Wingham
Advance -Times •$5.76 acct., R, IVICAr-
thur $7.50 for Relief, J. W. McKibbon
.85 for Relief; Ben Smith $3.50 for
Relief, J. A. Kelly $10.80 for Relief,
N. Greenway $35.03 Jermyn Drain,.
Chas. Kistner $15,00 Bryce Drain, J.
I. Wright $15.00 1 .lamb killed, 5
sheep damaged by dogs; Patrolmen:
George Mundell $94.02, Wni. Breck-
enridge $16.85, W. J. Campbell
$76.05, C, Casemore $32.35, G. Wray
$37.85, Jas. Elliott $19.60, Fred Hogg
$8.55, Jno. McKinnon $8.74, Jno. Pot-
ter $23.70, Jno. Nicholson $18.00; W.
Elliott & Son $4.30 acct., N. Baier
,30 acct., A. Elliott $1.00 acct:, J. T,
Wylie $22.40 Supt., Wm. Casemore
$2,00 dog tax refund.
Moved by Porter and Breckenridge.
thatwe adjourn to meet at Blueva'le
on Monday 16th Dec. at 11 o'clock
in morning. Carried.
W. R. Cruikshank, R. Grain,
Clerk. Reeve.
S.S. No. 8, East Wawanosh, for
September and October. Pupils test-
ed in Arithmetic, . Spelling, History,
Geography, Composition and Litera-
Sr. IV—Velnla Cook 76, Maitland
Johnston 66.
Jr. IV—Jean McCallum 63, Russell
Jamieson 48, Irma Cook 47.
Sr. III -Isabel Scott and Shirley
Chamney equal, 83, Stewart Jamie-
son' 50.
Jr. HI—Dorothy Jamieson 68, Ber-
nice Anderson 61*, Clifford' Bennett
II—Total 550, Pass 330, -Kenneth
Cunningham 402, Nora Scott 362,1
Mabel Bennett 348*, Donald' Cook,
.1—Total 150, Pass 90. -Iona Ben
nett 148, Kenneth Scott 108.
Primer Graham Cook, good
*Denotes absence for one or more
No. on ro1l-18. Av. Att., 16.57.
L. h Hackett, Teacher.
We extend congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Mervin Deeves on the ar-
rival of a baby boy.
'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson, of
Kinlo,ugh, have moved into town for
the winter months,
Mr. Robt. McNall and Norman I
Stewart motored to Peterborough l
last week to visit Norman's parents,,
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. Mr. Stewart`
is at present seriously ill.
Mr. Robt. Button had a ;very, suc-
cessful sale of Pure Bred Ayrshire
cattle. Mr. Button 'has as a fine a
herd of Ayrshires as you will see in
these parts.
Miss Ellen Burns returned home
from Ethel last week with an attack
of appendicitis, at present she is im-
proved somewhat.
Mr. M. Gardner was engaged last
week helping Mr. Richard Gardner
finish his fall ploughing.
Mr. Phillip Stewart and a bond,
salesman from. Toronto were selling
bonds to the Zion farmers last week.
Don't forget the concert Friday
night "The Old Home Place", Luck-,
now Town Hall.
We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Arm-
strong Wilson to their new home on
Quality Hill, They are residing in
the house formerly owned by Mrs.
Wm. Hunter.
For Real Higli Class Watch
Repairs, bring your watch to
Williams, The Jeweller. Noth-
ing but genuine material used;
and all work 'done on the prem.
Bring Yours in, it may be the
lucky one.
Winner for October— .
Mrs. S. Black, Belgrave
Moderate Prices and Satisfac-
tion Guaranteed.
Thurs ay o Satur
It's Overcoat Time It's .Ladies' Coat Time
It's time to buy them for a long season's wear.
Come and look over the big stock we have .and we know
you'll find just what constitutes the "utmost in Coats".
Quality Style Value
. at prices you'll like to pay.
Women's, Stylish Coats at $18.50 - $24.00 - $35.00
Men's Good Overcoats at $15.00 $17.95 - $21.00
New Skirtings
Real Scotch Tartans and the prettiest PIaids. Of finest
lamb's wool, for separate) Skirts Blouses or entire Dresses;
Brown, Wine, Yellow; Red and BlacklWhite. All 54 inches wide
at $2.25 and $2.50 per yard. A yard length makes the average skirt.
It's Christmas Shopping Time
And not toomany days. left irk which to do it. Just 29 of
them. So please : shop early.
KING'S is all readyto help you
Useful gifts for personal or home use. Something for every
member of the family, and so we invite you to see •our,finel New
Christmas Goods.
The Advance -Times ; Want Ads. Bring Results.
Mrs. Angus Stewart, of Howick,
visited last week a few days with her
daughter,. Mrs. Richard Jeffray.
Mrs, W. H. Marshall, also 'Mrs. S.
Marshall are spending a few days this
week in Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Abraham and
family, also Mrs, Mulvey visited Sun-
day evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, David Eadie.
Mr. and Mrs, Conrad Rever and
daughter, of Howick, visited recently
with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stokes.
Miss. L. Robinson, of Wingham, is
spending a .few days with her sister,
Mrs, john Metcalfe.
A number from these parts attend-
ed the shooting match, held on'Mon
d.ay last at the home of Mr, W. Id:.
Miss Elva Metcalfe returned last
week to Guelph where she has resum-
ed Iter duties.
Fiue Food
Service Honest Weight Courtesy
All theNew Xmas Fruit has just arrived ---
Reil eilmber we. specialize in Xmas Fruit' and guar-
antee all oiir fi-uit to be clean and fresh, yet priced
to save you money,
NEW LEXIA RAISINS (With Seeds) 2 Lbs. 25c
SULTANA RAISINS (Seedless) 2 Lbs. 25c
FANCY BLEACHED RAISINS (Seedless) 2 Lbs. 25c
CHOICE CURRANTS (Re -cleaned) 1 Lb. 15c
(Choice) (Choice)
3 Lbs. for .. 25c" 2 Lbs. for 25c
APRICOTS (Choice) , 1 Lb. 28c
PRUNES (Choice) 2 Lbs. 25c
FIGS (Fancy) 2. Lbs. 19c
1 Lb. for .... 39c
1. Lb. for ...... 39c
CHOICE WALNUTS (%2's) 1 Lb. for 45c
PECANS (Shelled) , • %2 Lb. for 45c
2• Lbs. for . 25c
1 Lb. for ....... 23c
ICING SUGAR 2' Lbs. for i5c
BAKING SODA 1 Lb. for 5c •
ALMOND FLAVORING 2 oz. Bottle 10c
_...�. PEAS
(Large Tins) (Large Tins)
2 For .. 19c 2 for . , ........ 19c
SOAfP CHIPS 3 Lbs. for 25c
PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 Bars for 14c
OATMEAL (Bulk) 6 Lbs. for 25c
RISE (Choice) 4 Lbs. for 25c
(Pure Clover
5 Lb. Pail :....
Ethel Bread.
11 Ot. Basket , .. 29c
Bahia las
10 Lbs. for 49c
(With an Order)
Phone 76 Lucknow Flour