HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-11-21, Page 3Thursday, Nov. 21st, 1935 1 4a).1•••••1*1****11.1.11-4,P1•Gloo•oo.o•••.. *1*1*..****1**1*****1*.*.1 .'91.14.*******Ai"...00.fli°1..."44.1"' World Wide News ID Brief Form 1 "'.7""'""""*""""rw'mwales.powegoe,iwe'omie Wafdist Protest to League Cairo--Pulice quickly jut down sporadic disorders as the powerfu Nationalist Party, centre of the anti- British rioting in Egypt, sent a for- mal protest to the League of Nations against the measures used in repress- ing the riots, Tlie Wafdist protest to the League supplemented a mess- age to the League by Egyptian 'uni- versity students, who announced they had called a general strike as a pro- test against statements of British Foreign Secretary Sir Samuel Hoare during an election speech in London. Acquitted in River Drowning Brockville--joseph Donovan and John McDade both'were acquitted of a joint charge of manslaughter laid following .the death of Victor Johns- ton, whose, body was found floating in the St. Lawrence River last Aug- ust, In the case of Doriovan, who was quoted by a" -witness as having said he drowned •a man "for the price of a bottle of liquor", holding him under water until bubbles began to rise, Mr. Justide Charles McTague said he was in "entire agreement" with the jury's finding. Richmond Hill Vote Dry By a majority of 429 •the Village of Richmond Hill reaffirmed its de- cision,on three previous vole's to re- main in the dry column. The vote was the largest on record, with 9067.0 of those eligible going to the polls. It also gave •the temperance force the • most sweeping victory ever recorded. Suggests Tribunal for Musical Work Ottdwa—Finding fees charged for performance of musical works con- trolled by the Canadian Performing Right Societywere excessive in some instances, although satisfactory in •others, Judge James Parker, of Tor- onto, has recommended establishment ' of an appeal tribunal in a report, Canada Puts Sanctions in Force r=r---The Government passed •an Order -in -Council imposing econ- omic and financial sanctions against • Italy, which took effect Monday. When Canada decided to adopt the• recommendation of the .League and apply sanctions, Premier King em- phasized the country was not com- the Liberal standing in the House to 171, Trade Increased $100,000,000 Ottawa—Canada's external trade continues to improve. The increase in total business with the world for the twelve months ending September, was sli-ghtly over $100,000,000 over the previous year. Trade with all parts of the world, excepting the Con- tinent of Europe, •showed a steady rise. German Jews Loose Rights Berlin—jews were stripped of all political rights by. the German Gov eminent and were forbidden to mar- ry Gentiles. Official decrees put in- to effect the sweeping citizenship and racial laws approved by the Reich- stag in September, during the Nazi Party convention. Questioned re Ruth Taylor Murder Wanted for questioning with the rnurder of Ruth Taylor, a 19 -year-old French -.Canadian youth was taken to Police Headquarters, after his arrival from Trenton, under a police escort. He is Robert Carcher, formerly of Alberta, who was arrested in Trenton. Harry O'Donnell, •accused „murderer of the young stenographer, made a few -minute appearance in Police Court Friday morning, and was re- manded until Ndv. 22 for preliminary trial. The Ternand was granted over the protest of his counsel, Frank Re- gan. • • Canada to Send Naval Delegates Ottawa—Hon. Vincent Massey; Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, and • Commodore P. W. Nelles, chief of naval staff here, will be Canada's delegates to the De- WINGHAM APVANCE-TIMRS PAGE', THREE 1,01.'S WITH BANKER Miss Mabel Reynard, 19, New Ro- chell, New Yerk, society 'girl, who eloped to Marlborough, Maryland, this week with George S. Groves, 40, millionaire - Stachtsman-banker. The couple are on a honeymoon cruise to Florida aboard the groom's yacht, the Maloha. scheduled to raise their economic drawbridges. But, despite the Pope's hope that world powers will delay the economic boycott of Italy, sanctions generally became effective Monday. Opposed Freight Rate Reduction 1 Moncton ---Ontario counsel oppos- ing an applicaitori before •the Board of Railway Commissioners for Can- ada, here, created a sensation by flat- ly declaring that the Maritime Freight Rates Act was unconstitu tional. Manila Now Self -Governing Manila—Self-government returned to the Phillipine Islands Friday after nearly 400 years. With whistles and firecrackers, Filipinos hailed the day cember 5th naval conference in Lon- that marked' establishments of their commonwealth government and the beginning of a ten-year march to complete independence. , Woman Ocean Flier Safe Rio de Janeiro—Jean Batten, the plucky young New Zealander, arrived in Rio de Janeiro Friday, long over- due and in another. plane, but the proud claimant of a new record. She was forced down in a salt swamp near Praia Secca, Brazil, about 53 miles north of here, while flying here after becoming the first woman to fly solo across the South Atlantic. The 25 - year -old girl flew from Dakar, Africa, to Natal in 13 hours, 15 minutes. don, it was announced officially. Stops Donations to Baptists, New York—Forsaking the tradit- tional practice of his father; John D. Rockefeller Jr. has terminated his an- nual monetary gifts to the Northern Baptist Church, in the belief that in- terdenominationalism is the best ser- vitor of Christian religion, and that henceforth any future gifts •would be only to • specific agencies of the Church. mitted to military- sanctions. • Pope Urges That Sanctions Liberal Elected in Vancouver Be Postponed G. G. McGeer has been declared el- Rome—Earnest efforts by ,Pope ected in Vancouver-Burrard on a re- Pius to obtain postponements, of san- count. His majorityis six over his ctions in the interest of world peace • C.C,F. opponent, Arnold Webster, at became known four days before the Lord Tweedsmuir to Toronto Toronto will extend a civic wel- first declared elected. This increases 'League of Nations and Italy were come to Lord Tweedsmuir, Governor - 0 11 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 011,111 11111 11111 11111 1111 lllll 1111111oo 111111111111, lilliolloo 5 P1117-11LMTIEOS Norma oto4.2.:&,• Ccan, rro A Classified Want Ad In- The :dnn-Times You ! • Don't think that Buyers are as hard to find as the proverb- ial "needle in the hay - Not if you ADVERTISE! People, these days, are "Bargain Hunters", and, nearly 2000 Families in this district are constant readers of this paper, and make it a prac- tice to watch the Classified Want Ad..Column for the "Buying Op- portunities" listed there. RATES P/2 CENTS PER WORD WITH A MINIMUM OF 25c. Telephone 34 O0:: 0 0 0 11 0 11 General of Canada, on Nov, 25th, it was announced by Mayor James Simpson. Members of the Ontario Government will be invited to par- ticipate in the reception to his Ex- --- Mussolini plans Reprisals Rome—Premier Mussolini plans re- prisals against sanctionist countries, it was disclosed. Diplomatic circles said his plan of treating other coun- tries as they treat Italy exp/ails why no blanket order will bar all imports, Detroit Baseball IVIagnate Dies Frank j. Navin, President of the Detroit Baseball Club, who died. of a heart attack suffered after falling from his horse. Navin's sudden death ended a thirty-year career in major league baseball, which sporting luck happily crowned with a world's championship early in October—his only one in three decades of compe- tition. • Chinese Leader Slain Tientsin—Sun Chuan -fang, often called Japan's choicefor leadership of, an independent North China, was shot and killed by a 25 -year-old, well- dressed woman as he entered a tem- ple to attend a Buddhist meeting. The assassin calmly surrendered to police. NEWS the DISTRICT Baker Badly Burned Charles Mills, 54, married, was bad- ly burned when a pot of grease he was using 'in making doughnuts took fire :early Saturday morning in For- ester's bakery at Fergus. Mills is in Groves Memorial hospital in a critical condition. Fire gutted the bakery, causing estimated loss of $10,000 af- ter threatening the business sesction of Fergus. Mills was revived by a fellow employee, L. Rathbun, at risk of his own life. Tug Sinks in Georgian Bay Owen ,Sound—The tug Sa.ymo, owned and commanded by Captain William G. Sinclair of Wiarton, lies at the bottom. of Georgian Bay, a short distance from Club Island. The ship foundered during the rough wea- ther Monday night as she was on her way to Wiarton towing the barge Im- perial with a load of posts. Bennett Remembers Aged Tees - water Voter Because Mrs. Richard Ewing, a resident of Teeswater, who is nearing her centenary, expressed the wish that she might be spared long enough tq again vote for Right Hon. R. B. Bennett's candidate, as she did in the last election, the former Prime Min- ister sent to Mrs. Ewing a letter of appreciation and a signed portrait of himself, both of which she prizes highly. Hydro Rebate at Listowel Listowel light and power users will receive a 10 per cent. rebate on their 1935 bills. This announcement was made following the Public Utilities Commission meeting last week. Walkerton Man Has 91st Birthday One of Walkerton's most promin- ent citizens and an ex -business man, H. M. Havill, celebrated his 91st birthday, Mr. Havill still retains good physical and mental strength, aside from an impairment in his sight. He still takes a keen interest in his surroundings and local events. For well over a quarter of a century he was one of the town's leading busi- ness men carrying on a tinsmith and plumbing business. Student Constructs Telescope From odds and ends of metal and parts of a broken windshield, Randal Cole, R.R. 2, Clinton, and a student at the University of Western Ontario, has fashioned a telescope which brought the admiration of university professors. Mr. Cole devoted eight- een months of Spare time in the con- struction of the telescope, and he alst ground th lens r.ut of a icre bro- ken windshield. Grand Bend Girl Won Inter -County Contest New honors were won by Rath Love, daughter of Mr, and Mrs,Win, Love, Grand Bend, and a student of Grand Public School, when she was awarded the championship of the In- tereounty Public • Speaking contest. This was a competition among West- ern Ontario counties champions and the Grand Bend girl wort among sev- en contestants. Tlie contest was held at Massey Hall, O.A.C., Guelph, and was sponsored by the Guelph District Educational Society, As a result of her winning the Inter -County award Ruth Love will now be eligible for the provincial championship contest • ••• PREPARED FOR$ANCTXONS To • prepare every possible resis- tance to the League of Nations sanc- tions against Italy, to start Monday, Premier Mussolini assembled the pre- fects of Italy's 96 provinces in a sec- ret session to give thein orders of procedure in effecting economies. Il Duce is shown ABOVE, speaking to one of his fascist organizations. to be held next Easter under the aus- pices of the 0. E. S. in Toronto. The winner chose as her subject "Rubber" and in a natural manner and pleas- ing voice gave her address and illus- trated her talk. She was presented with an engraved silver plate embleni- atic of the championship. Youth Accidentally Shot by Father Accidentally shot by his father in mistake for game, Woodland Vail, 19 - year -old Tobermory youth, died in. the hospital from a bullet wound in the abdomen. An operation and a blood. transfusion failed to save the boy's life. The boy's father, 0. C. Vail, Tobermory fisherman, said he thought the boy was ten miles away. The son was to meet Vail on a cross- road. He came ahead of time and the , father fired when he saw a movement in the brush, Hospital Left $1000 The Bruce County Hospital, Walk-! erton, was willed the sum of $1,000.00 by the late R. E. Truax, ex-M.P., who for many years had ,been president of the board of directors. His death oc- curred last spring, but the fact that he had made the hospital a benefic- iary of his estate was made known this week.. Paid in Silver When 230 employees of the Circle Bar Knitting Company, Kincardine, received their pay Saturday it was not in bills, as is customary, but in new silver dollars. Arrangements had been made with the bank for this. The pay roll weighed 125 pounds, and piled up, is 26,feet above the ground. Car Stolen at Chesley Burglars' broke into a garage own- ed by Dan Austin, Chesley, and' stole a a 1935 sedan owned by H. S. Sand- a erson, of Chesley, also about $3.00 in i change out of the till, and a quantity of gasoline. A little over a month ago a car of the same type, also owned by Mr. Sanderson, figured in a rail- way crash two miles from Chesley, in which Mr. Sanderson was severely injured, and in which the car was to- tally wrecked. 1110 You'll like the rick, 1411 flavour o1 Salado Orange Pekoe Blend. Try a package 4 the greatest amount expended by the county in this department in its, his- tory.' The , Mountain Sanitarium,' of Hamilton, held the largest account, with a bill for $1,417; The Council has. under Consideration the advisab- ility of not sending patients inhos- pital in future. News and Information For the Busy Farmer Important Dates' November 20-28—Royal Agricultur- al Winter Fair, Toronto. December 3-5—Ontario Provincial Winter Fair, Guelph, Ont. November 30 -Dec. 7—International Live Stock Exposition and Hay and Grain Show, Chicago, Ill. Standard Poultry Boxes Hardwood of any kind is not suit- able for standard dressed poultry boxes. According to the Canadian Standards, lumber used for making these boxes must be a sound, clear, dry quality of soft wood planed smooth on both sides free from knots, and square., straight -edge stock but not tongued or grooved. When boxes are made up, there are five essential points; (1) each side and end must be in one piece and be square cut, (2) tops and bottoms must be flush with and fit flush over both sides. (3) an allowance must be made for a small space, of not more than a sixteenth of an inch, between the boards on top and bottom of the box to assist quick sharp freezing when placed in storage. (4), the bottoms and tops should be in at least three pieces, and (5) wide boards should' be used as outside boards in both tops and bottoms. The nails used should only be long enough and strong enough to give the neces- sary srrength, so that the weight of poultry may be shipped in safety. In packing, strict observance should be paid to the allowance variation in weight in birds packed in the same box—squab and broiling chickens not over 114 pound per bird; all other chickens and fowl not over 112 lb.; tnrkeys and geese not more than 3 lbs. It is. recomenended that this in- dividual variation \of turkeys and geese be limited to two pounds. The weight variation for ducks packed in the same box is one pound per bird. Advance of Branded Beef The popularity of beef as food has a much deeper foundation than simply its appeal to the palate. It not only contains many of the elements neces- sary for the proper growth and devel- opment of the human body but it sup- plements and improves the value of many of the nutrients found in grains and vegetables. In Canada there is nother incentive. Canadians have an dvantage over some other countries n that they have at their disposal a fine selection of many foods, which Robbery at Elora Burglars made attempts to break into three places of business on El- ora's main street, but their only suc- cess came when they drilled holes in, the front door of Murray's drug store to release the lock and gain an ent- rance. Once inside they cleaned the shelves of cigarettes as well as tak- ing a small quantity of chocolate bars. Cooked Bulbs Instead of Onions The duties of a division court clerk do not necessitate a knowledge of botany, so Charles Sheppard, Goder- ich, is not entirely to blame for the mistake he made. It. is fortunate, hoe, - ever, that his sense of taste is in good order. Charlie cooked himself a nice mess of anions and did not know un- til he had taken the first mouthful that he. had by mistake prepared his meal from a bag of narcissus bulbs. Bruce Comity May Stop Sending Patients to Hospitals • The increasing cast of indigent pa- tients in hospitals to the County of Bruce, has aroused the attention of the Cotinty Council and a special committee composed of Reeve Tol- mie, of Southampton; Ewart, of Cites - ley, and togie, of Paisley, was ap- pointed to investigate. The accounts for last year of over $5,700 tOTH prise tinder the mark "Canada Approved" are .guaranteed by the Government free from disease. In the case of Gov- ernment graded beef, a step further has been taken. In 'addition to the "Canada Approved" mark, there is a Government mark or brand of qual- ity in the form of ribbon-like marks running lengthwise of the carcass. A section of this mark appears on every individual cut, and thus the purchaser is assured of receiving the quality paid for. The red brand marks the best quality, entitled "Choice," and the se- cond quality called "Good" is branded in blue. The gradual spread of this knowledge in one way accounts for the steady increase in • the sales of Canadian branded beef. • The total sales ,during the month of August, 1935, amounted to 3,509,913 pounds, bringing the • total • far the eight months of the year to 27,823,692 lbs., or approximately 640,000 pounds more than in the corresponding period of 1934; 6, 848,527 pounds more than in 1933; 13,529,389 pounds more than in 1932, and 15,950,028 pounds more than in 1931 when the system was initiat- ed. • ON TRIAL IN FATHER SLAYING oneemo••••••• Lois Elaine Zachary, Hollywood !film extra and artists' model, shown during her trial on the charge of slay- ing her father, Roy R. Zachary, in their Encinitas home. Miss Zachary told police, they said, she shot her father while he was in an argument with her mother, • Epp D9OTELS ,6 ki.4.0 o 9 HOOSE RATES 4150 $ to 250 SINGLE NO HorR • 1 111 111 M.o.ntrea. -IorLOtbi' . ROC.HES'rtR-BUFFAL",..),-ERIE 1 CONOHY MODERN FIREPROOF ',HOTELS CONVENNELY 'LOCATED EASY PARKIN FACILITIES ro ge 20% Off Reg Regar Prices SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. 2 YEARS TO COMPLETE PAYMENT Also Range Wiring financed under above plan. New Low Prices on all reliable makes of Electric Ranges. CALL AT YOUR HYDRO SHOP FOR FULL INFORMATION. Wngharn Utilities ••••,••••••oomennom1M111•111•1111111111111111111111 . • ,. . .