HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-11-14, Page 8. AGIZ CCxTTT Show Stars at . part. Thursday,Friday, Saturday, November 14, 15, 16 SPECIAL JOSEPH M. SCHENCK presents a ,DARRYL ZANUCI( production CJIJJEJIflJIL I IiTLW STARRING' GEORG-E.fIRLISS with MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN EDWARD ARNOLD • DOUGLAS DUMBRILLE FRANCIS LISTER • CESAR ROMERO Released thru UNITED ARTISTS 20. CENTURY PICTURE A Great Production Filled with Gripping Drama, Tender Romance and Laugh Provoking Comedy Also Silly Symphony in 'Technicolor "THE TORTOISE AND '_THE HARE" Single Reel Musical and "Fob News. Admission - 35c and.,'', 2Qc. NEXT WEEK' "SHE GETS HER MAN" WINCH AM ADVANCE -TIMES hostess, Mrs. Alex MacEwen, Mrs. James Kerney and Mrs. J, �Y ,Wett- laufer, , Knox Y P. S To 1101d Contest r,, lle yT [' S of -Knox Presbyter- ian tlierch met for the regular meet- ing On Friday evening. Miss Jean Elliott read the scripture lesson and Mrs. J. R. Greig led in prayer, "1 The society have entered a contest, the mernbers are divided into t•a*o groups. Eldon Kirton is captain for the Turnberry group, while Donald Robertson leads the Morris members. Miss Alba Mowbray was appointed Reporter to the Challenge. The topic, "Protestantisim" was taken by Arnold. Lillow. Mission Band Met Saturday The Blue Banner Mission Band of the Presbyterian Church held the reg- ular egular meeting in the school room on Saturday afternoon, the vice Presi- dent, .1VIiss Jean Elliott presided:; Following a period of sentence prayer, Mrs. Greig told the story from the Black Bearded. Barbarian of John Leslie McKay's'first convert. Jack Mowbray had charge of the lesson story, "The Fruit of ' the Fields" from the study book. Follow- ing the regular meeting the children practised for the Christmas entertain- ment. Mr. and Mrs, F. S. Edmunds and son Bob, of Stratford visited with friends here this. week. Mrs. D. J. Falconer and Miss Betty Anne of Listowel spent Friday in the village. Mrs. Thomas Coultes has gone to Toronto where she will spend the. winter with her daughter, Miss Mab- le Coultes. Mr. and Mrs. Will Langstrath of Ingersol spent this week with Mr. William Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Thynne Wray and daughter Lois, and Mrs, Gerry Wray returned to their homes at Woodrow, Sask. after spending some weeks with Mr. Thomas Stewart, Miss Bar- bara Thytme and other relatives. Mrs. Mary Robertson, Mrs. Elia Fell and Mrs. Nellie Scott have re tunred home froth a six weeks' visit in the Canadian West. `Midland"Alberta Coal ' ` > Phone 64W BLUEVALE Remembrance Day was observed zt the service in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning, when the `pastor Rev. J. R, Greig delivered a :Fine Message, most fitting for the oc- ecassiion, Sunday evening, Mr. Greig 'conducted the service in the com- munity Hall at Jamestown, .Dodd Attendance At Fowl Supper A fowl supper. and entertainment, -raider the auspices of L. 0. L. No. `766, was held in the school room of the Uniited. Church on the evening of '�iovember 5th, with a .good attend - Nance. - ance.. After all had partaken of the good things provided by the wives and mothers of the members, a program of music and singing by the Kansas IYarn er, Jack' T-hyitne and Matchers Brothers, inter perced with speches by:- •George Thornton and Robert Shaw. Performances by Mr. Will La„tgs`trath of Ingersol were well re- ceived.. Ta Scup 'Relief Bale 1 111+8: Ih , V,. Robb' was the hostess hcj at ie "Ciite_ Church Manse on Tliursttay,',afternoon for the meeting= of the Woman's Association. Mrs.' Eclwar d. Johnston^presided, and after regain: .ascripture passage Mrs.'Robb offered sprayer, The ladies have been active lately, preparing .guilts and clothing for a We'ster=n Relief hale which will be packed this'"week. ' `Mrs'Jno'"Wickstead favored with asolo e Refreshments were served by the Do You dear ::Heavy Work Rubbers If so, we desire to 'bring to your attention "ca -new line" of "Felt Fillers” which we: Hake at our place of business. These are made of a Heavy Grey Felt. and with leather back -strap are a bg improvement over the heavy knit socks that 'once were worn. fillers keeps the feet warm and dry, in These ill, keep, other words, in addition to, the warmththey pre- ' ventperspiration to a large extent, by absorption. this "thei leather backstrapmakes X17: addition to.. thein strong at the weak point." The Price is very reasonable lamely ,85 cts: per t'l1 all sizes for men. pair We believe this New Type of Felt Filler will Sof "satisfactory actor footwear help to sore the problem s y .For the winter" and invite all those who wear "heavy work rubbers" to call and "look, theta over" illis' Sho (The Lea cling Sloe Store one 129 These Parts W11nghanl BLYTH Mr. Ward Lauridy of the Customs Staff, Niagara Falls spent over Sun- day with his father, councillor Ed, Laundy, Miss Carrie Sims of Toronto spent the week -end with her father; Mr. James Sims. - ' Born—in Florence, Lampton Coun- ty, on Friday; November 8th to Rev. V. L. and Mrs. Pocock, a daughter. Born -in Blyth, November 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Morritt, a daugh- ter. A Men's Banquet will be helot on Wednesday evening, November 13th in St. Andrews Church. Mr. J. ' C. Elliott, B. A. eel' London will be the guest speaker. At the'Presbyterian Manse on Sat- urday November 9th, Mrs. Matilda Godkin and Mr. Robert 'Johnston were united in marriage by Rev. T. W. Mills. They will reside in the groom's residence on King Street, Congratulations. There passed away on Wednesday November 6th, Catherine Cluff, be- loved wife of Mr. Ben Lockart, aged 57 years. Surviving are her husband and two daughter, Mary and Edith at hone. Service was conducted at her home on Friday afternoon with Rev. W. B. Hawkins of Forest in charge; Interment being, made in Dungannon Cemetery. . Y The Young People held a patriotic meeting on Monday evening. Mr, Bray with Mrs. McElroy at the ,piano. conducted the community singing. Mr. Alex Elliott gave a .well prepared, talk, his theme "Why nations go, to war, and the 'cure for it". Miss' Viv- ian McElroy gave a reading, entitled "Tis not the British way." An levita- tion from the Londesboro society; to meet with them next Monday even- ing was accepted. Mr, Stanley Sib- thorpe played the-La'st Post, the aud- ience standingin solemn reverence for our herotic dead.. The meeting closed with the singing of the Nation- al Anthem, The fowl supper athd concert held under, theauspices of the Wo.inan s Institute was well patronized, The concert by Camero'n,Geddes and his assisting Concert Co. were well re- ceived. Special mention of. Erect Gor.d,- en, Graduate of London England Conservatory of Musk, exemplified reverence and culture by his art of standing and playing at the' piano the National Anthem, an inherent quality of reverence we Canadians are losing sight of when we sing God Save Our King. Cameron Geddes is always well received by'a Blyth ience which was amply demonstrated by the applause he received, . so "Why rlo you a h�tv a: �'s 'look gloomy?" "A gloomy than avoids many ahard luck tale." I Are You<Havi'11g. • • EYE TROU LE Headache, Dizziness or Failing Vision? Expert Eye Service is Avail- able in Wingham at Mod- erate . . Prices. Eyes examined, glasses fitted by R. A. REICH Stratford's Leading Optometrist' for. Seventeen Years. - „Mr. Reid is at Williams' Jewell. cry Store each Wednesday Morning,:..9 to ;12;60. Geo. Williams- 'JEWELLER Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector Wingham ummatimsenimmussessimmum TOBACCOS Must be Fresh to be ap- preciated by good'.. smokers. Get„ your ."smoking' sup- • plies where you can be assured of this. OinAr Hase1grove Smoke Shoppe am= —mingsmowiss stupendous amount of money lnvol- sved in the worlds struggle for liberty. 'His discourse being listened to with special interest on the particular oc- �• eassaon. �ntr7e: ee It _niece eee Ih Chicken -Pie Supper Successful A very siccessfiel Chicken -Pie step- per was held by the members of the Anglican church in the Foresters Hall Belgrave when there was a good at- tendance present. After supper had been served the play "Apple Blossom Tiiue" was presented by a group from the Anglican church of Luck - now. All the players took their parts well and the .play was• well received and enjoyed by all, Miss Mary Coultes of Toronto was a visitor with relatives here on Sunday. . Rev, Mr.. Roberts of Wingham .con- ducted the service in Trinity Angli- can Church on Sunday afternoon. The service was in the form of a Meinorial or Remembrance Day ser- vice, Re'v.' Mr. Maloney the new rector will have charge next Sunday. C. R. Coultes was in Goderich all week where he served on the Petit Jury. Institute To Meet November 19 The November meeting of the Bel grave Branch of the Women's Ins- ' titute will be helld on Tuesday after- noon, November 19 at the home of Mrs. Jas. Taylor; Roll Call—Danes' for the sick room. Motto—Mrs, W. Van Camp; Current Events -Mrs. C. R. Coultes; Address—Mrs. C. Wheel- er; Music—Nora Van Cainp; Lunch Committee—Mrs. , J. Taylor, Mrs: J. Van Camp, Mrs. W. Van Camp. A cordial invitation is extended to all the ladies to attend this meeting, Mr. and Mrs. R. Yule and Miss Berne also 'Mrs. David Scott spent the week -end in London. Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Wray, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wray and daughter Lios, who have been visiting with the formers sister, Mrs. Brandon for the past few weeks also 'many other friends, left this week for there horne in Saskatchewan.' Miss J. Jamison visited with friends in Wingham last week. Mr. and Mrs.,. Booth of London were guests with Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Brandon .for a couple ' of days last week. Ell1U,�il•�,�,l:XIt�IQR rA� nit ELMER 'WILKINSON 1 BELGRAVE Dr. Barnett Gave 'Fine Address 'The Presbyterians of Belgravewere fortunate sin ti0611g.:.s'•their preacher on Sunday last, Rev. Dr. Barnett of Goderich. Haying• 'spent the better partof fora years overseas as. chaplin of Ale. 71st Battalion Dr,' Barnett was in a position to give his hearers ` a grt'pllic •description of the terrible 'toll of ;l;ife. sacrificed ` and the ttitlex err Here Do you suffer from rupture? If. so, your big opportunity has now arrived.. Mj: . Reavely, the noted ruture'expert, will be at the Brunswick Hotel Wingham for' oiie day only Tues. • November 19th , and will be .pleased to give free examination to any sufferer and to demonstrate his famous appliance. This appliance will -contract the', opening in..1O to 15 days, and has been known, to cure, cases in from,. i ' months: This appli- anceto s x ppli- ance is positively demonstrated to you right on your own person without any charge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied that it is the right appli- ance for you. Acconsultationsultation with Mr. Reavely will cost you nothing. Don't let this opportunity get away from you. Remember the date. Thurs. Noyerbei 14, 1935 Mrs. Jas. McGee Sr, has spent: tl?e. past week at the home tog, 9l'; 9004: ':Lr. Henry McGee, ,r Mrs. R.oleert'Portio,a spent a few stags j laid. week at the home of her 'parents, Mr, and Mrs, Archie Ander- son, of St. Helens, The W, M. S. of the 'United Church are holding a tea at the horne of Mrs. J ,B, Morrison_on Thursday after- 110011.- '• Mrs. Goyeau, of Leamington, spent the week -end at the home of her dau- ghter, Mrs. Aloin Pardon; Mr, and Mrs, Fred Clarke, of Arn- herstburg, were called home this week -end on account of the illness of her. father, Mr, Robei,t Carrick, Mrs. Fox, who has been visiting. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roy' Patten, of Lucan, returned:on Sunday with them, Mrs. A, Emerson and. James and Bert Cullimore .spent Sunday at the home of the former's daughter,, Mrs. Haggitt' of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Taylor and daughter and other Hamilton friends called at the home of ivir, and Mrs, Fred Newman on Sunday, Mr, Stanley Todd of. St, .Helens and Mr, Clarence McClenaghan were in Wroxeter last Thursday assisting with the Young People's Rally there. Mr. James Weir, of London, spent the week=end at .his home here, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt .and children. of Marnoch,, also. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson. .w The regular monthly meeting of the Women's . Institute ywas ;,held In the Hall on Friday •:afternoon last with the president, Mrs. Robert. Ross, in charge of the meeting.. After the op- ening exercises, roll -call ,of Pet Sup- erstitions, the ladies• decided to make a comforter and -sell tickets on it, in order to pay fon the recent. improve- ments, platform and walk which had been built, Then the following pro- gram was given: piano •solo, Miss L. Leggatt; readings,; Mrs. Victor:,Emer- son; solo, Mrs. Lott; paper on, Tem- perance Work by Mrs. Gibson: Gill- espie;`piano solo, Mrs. W. R. Farrier. and readings by Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. The recent contest ended . with Mrs. Lott's side securing some thirty points more than:Mrs. Emerson's side so the Tatter's side ;will put on -;the program for the 'social evening. The ladies decided to hold the next meet- ing in the Hall and. ;omit -the lunch. The meeting closed by singing the National Anthem.' Mrs. W. R. Farrier is spending a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. R, T. Phillips. of Goderich, ivIrs. Ben'McClenaghau :spent a few days last week at Fordyce with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Barbour, who is still on the sick list., Mrs. Jos. Holmes spent a few•days last week with her sister-in-law.Mrs. Hawthorne, of Brantford. Mr. Chas. Wightman and Miss May spent the -week-end . with Mrs. Brigham, of Blyth. Miss May Simpson of Detroit spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Garton. Mrs. Chas: Gillespie and son, Frank of Toronto, ,spent. Suriday',at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie. Mrs. Wilson, of Woodstock, spent the week -end -en at the home of Mrs. Frank Henry. Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Auburn, ,had charge of the service in. the United Church here on Sunday. Mr. Charlie Deyell, Owen Sottnd, visited Sunday with his sister, Mrs. George Scott, Langside:, • Watch ST. HELENS •Visitors here for the holiday week- end included. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith, Elinore and Yvanne and Miss Zylcta Webster, of Toronto; Miss Dorothy Webster of London, and Miss Dorine Webster of Carlow with Mrs. John Webster; Miss Dorothy McQuillan of Sandwich; Messrs. George McQuillan of , Guelph and Charles McQuillan of Clandeboye, at their homes here; Miss Irene Woods of. Kitchener and Miss Myrtle Wilfang of Elmira.. with Mr, and Mrs. Robinson Woods;! 1Vlessrs, Lorne Webb and Wilson Woods of the O.A.C., Guelph.' Mrs. Cranston opened herr home on Thursday for the November meeting of the Women's lnstiture at which there was an attendance of about 40. The president, Mrs. Lorne Durnin, occupied the chair. The roll call was responded to by suggestions for Hot. Supper Dishes. Letters of apprecia- tion were read from Miss Annie Mc- Kenzie for a little gift on her • de- parture to Wingham and from Mrs. John Cameron for a• remembrance when she was ill. Mrs. Ed. Purvis read a fine paper on the subject "Mu- sical Appreciation" and the report of the Area Convention held recently at presented bythe dele- gates, Goderichwas gates, Mrs. Ted Rice and Mrs. Wal- lace Miller. Lunch was served by the, hostesses, Mrs. J. Swan, Mrs. W. Humphrey and Mrs, G. Phillips, Taking as 11, 1 his text his day is a day of good tiding and we hold our peace" front II Kings 7:9, Rev. H, C. Wilson, of Auburn, made a stirring appealefor missionary interest in the United Church on Sunday morning. A lantern lecture on India, was the special .feature of the meeting of the Y.P.U. on Sunday'evening. Murray Taylor read the Scripture lesson and Stanley Todd read an article in keep- ing with Armistice Day: Mrs. Jas. lvl:cFarlene, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McFarlene of 131uevale, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon McPherson on Monday. b Repairs For Real High Class' Watch Repairs, bring 'your watch to Williams, The jeweller, Noth- ing but genuine material used, and all work done on the prem- ises, EACH MONTH WE REPAIR ONE WATCH FREE 'Bring Yours in, it may be the lucky one. Winner o e't-r-,,.a W r£ ><Octeb Mrs. S. Black; Belgrave Moderate Prices and Satisfao. tion Guaranteed. WELL AV STORE,. 0 WHYTECHURCH Mr, and Mts. Jasper McBrien, of Auburn, and their daughter, Mrs. Ed- gar ICurschenski, of Detroit, and their niece, Mrs: Good, of Colborne, spent Tuesday last with Mrs: Maiden here. Mrs. (Rev.) Watt, of Long Branch, who has been visiting at the home of her son, Dr. Watt, of Southampton, spent last week here with her daugh- ter, Miss Mtt'riel Watt, and returned to her home on Monday. • t 'r nifred Fattier of Toro r Miss Wl1 to teaching staff spent the week -end here at the house of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Farrier, EAST WAWANOSH Mss Jessie Finlayson and Miss rrner's o he h • £ Maryry `Dow visited at t horne over the week -end, , Born—In Windsor• on Monday, Nov. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Shiell, a daughter. • Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman at- tended the funeral of Mr.: MacDon- ald, Teeswater, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. , Frank Thompson, Helen and Sydney, visited at Noeman Thompson's on Sunday. The regular meeting of the Brick W.M.S. will be• held at the home of Mrs.,Stewart MeBurricy on Thursday,sda Y, Nov. 21st, at 2,30 pan. Mrs. Robert Scott,, Mrs: Stewart McBurney and Mrs. Charters visited with friends in Toronto,, Mr. William Irwin returtle,d horne from the North last week, ' Mr. George Taylor spent the .week- end in St, Thomas. Mrs, Bibles returned to her home in Detroit on Friday; The W.M.S. held a very 'successful Ice Create Social on Friday evening at the horne of Mrs. Chas. Shiell. A short program was put on,, after this, refreshments were served including sandwiches, take,`ice. cream. and tea. A social evening was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Bert Thomp- son, of East Wawanosll on Wednes- day .:evening last week. The ladies of $,.Altgtistine Women's Institute were present, also e gentlemen of the community, .Dr, Redmond of Wing - ham, was the ggest'.speaket and gave an 'interesting address on rr'I'he..Med, aIt S at KING'S And it's the very best time to buy one. { Big Choice Big Values ' Big Satisfactions` When you buy it at KING'S Women's' Misses' and Children's styles, sizes and colors — ll prices you'll At liketo y pay. Special Sale 20 Lovely Coats taken from our fine stock, all New' Styles and beautifully fur trimmed, Browns - Black- Navy - Green, in sizes 16 to 40. Regular Val- ues to $25,00. Thursday to Sat- urday, Sale $18.50. Men's and Boys' Clothing New Overcoats — New Suits Good Underwear •Alwajs a good. place.. to shop. KING BROS. Wingham. AIM terranean Cruise." He had several •elics to show, one being a piece of, he Rock of Gibraltar. After the ad - cress lunch was served by the • hostess Ind cards and dancing were enjoyed. rhere were _ about fifty present. DONNYBROOK The Y. P. S. will hold their regular meeting on Friday evening with Miss Elaine Bamford presiding. The W. M. S. will meet on Friday afternoon of this week at the home of Mrs. Thos. Bamford. The first chapter in the new study book will be taken by Miss Irene Jefferson. A very pleasant Social Evening was held by members of the St. Augustine Institute and their families last Wed- nesday evening at the home of the president, Mrs. R. H. Thompson. Dr. Redmond,. of 'Wingham, was guest speaker and, gave a very *interesting and instructive account of the Medi- terranean Cruise which he took last year. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Potter and family, of Parkhill, were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Robinson. consump- The increased>P- tion of the individual tion customer is proof of the quality of H• t Milk' Phone 600 r' 31 1 Red Front Grocery Qual- e to Buy'. The Best P lacnal- ity Groceries and .. Meats at Lower Prices -- The Grocery where you get your weight, 10 Lb. GRAND"- Ap LATED SUGAR for `O C Withal $1.00 Grocery Order • (Sugar not included) Sweet Pickle Cottage Rolls 21c ib. Oxford Cheese 1/2 lb. pkg. 12c Quick Tapioca, pkg. for 8c 32 oz, Peanut Butter, Jar ... 29c lOc Toilet Tissue ' 3 for 21c Seedless Raisins ....2 lb. 25c Icing Sugar • 3. lbs. for 25c Corn and Peas, No. 1 Tin 6c Eddy Matches ,........ .. 3 boxes 23c All Corn Flakes 3 boxes 25c Nippy Old Cheese , ,..,.,.. 21c lb. Best, Med. Old Cheese 17c lb. Colmean's Pure Lard 17c lb, Beta Salmon :,..,...,.., 1 lb. tin •11c Cooking Figs ... .... ,... . 3 lb. 25c Best Choice 'Prunes .:. 2 1bs25e Choice Mince Meat .., 2 ib. 25c n Campbell's Tomato Soup ..,8cc Best Peanut Butter.,, 2 lbs. 8 Soda 13isc'uits, Fresh ,., 12c ib. Coffee and Tea in all the best . leading brands at very special prices. l uy your t leas, flet a — We rani l' save:y4'ttri3116A y PHONE 17, Wi DtL1V ea I AnitrnNi�h+Nxiii