HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-11-14, Page 5Thurs., November 14, 1935
Women's 1 r �' nip,
'Cotton Eiderdown
Dressing ,Gowns'
Each ..
Made. from good weight•cotton Eiderdown,
,pleasing all over pattern color combination, has
deep shawl collar; :sizes, small, medium and large;'
:choice of colors.
"Car-dinal .Richelieu" at the Lyceum.
Theatre this week.
Miss Ella Rae is visiting with rel-
atives in Stratford.
Miss H. R. McGregor spent the
week:en,d in Bowmanville.
Miss K. McGregor spent the week-
end at her „borne in Clinton.
Miss Pollock spent the week -end
in Toronto with her parents.
Mr : and Mrs. A. J. Wilson spent
a few. day's' in Toronto last week
. Mr and;' Mrs. L. R. Blackwood
spent the week -end in Tillsonburg.
Mr: Harvey Burgess of Toronto,
spent the .week -end at his home here.
Mr. Frani -Madill visited ' with
friends inToronto over the week -end.
Mr:- and Mrs. Harcourt Mundy oT
London spent the week -end in town.
Mr, and ` Mrs. J. W. Raby visited
with friends in London over the week
Mrs.'H.-C. MacLean is visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert King of Mon-
Mrs. J. E. Fells visited over the
week -end with her daughter in Burnt
River x'. , ..
Mr. and `14Irs ,.,'-Peebles spent Sun-
day with, the, former's mother in
Miss:.litycLlac.Donald spent the
holiday week entli7at her home in
:Milts Dofis 'Fells visited with. Mrs.
Bert Laianing in Toronto over the
,Capt, and Mis, W. J. Adams spent
the week -end, -14, ,Toronto with their
son Alton., „
Mr..R. aU rsmmr• leaves on Thursday
for • Hamiltijn where he has accepted
a position:
Mr. John Cunningham of Brant-
ford is visiting with his sister, Mrs.
L. Buckrnan.
Mrt; Billie .Lepard .has returned
home; after spending the past `week
in' Orangevlle.
Mr. Fired Piper, of Oshawa spent
the week -end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. Piper. ,
We have everything in Rubbers
and this -is the -Rubber season—all
new stock at Greer's,
Oliver Feiland Prof. Smalle of
London were week -end visitors at the
former's home here,.
Mr, and Mrs, Robert ;Burgess and
son are visiting friends in Toronto'
a few days, this week. r rtr,
Mrs. Reginald Sutton of- Oiangel
vile visited'' -ax a1Lw !:days 'this week
h rrelattavesr,in l+tlow1W' aal r
rs; Alec. Stewart and family of
lAawick have moved into the Jobb
house on Diagonal Road.
Mr. and Mrs, J. 1. Currie and son
Jack, df Islington spent the week -end
in Wingham and vicinity.'
Mr. and"Mrs. Archie McKinney
and family of Sarnia, spent the week-
end with friends in town.
Miss Mary Johnston of Toronto
visited with her mother, Mrs: Adam
Johnston over the wek-end.
Mr. and Mrs. John King of Ethel
spent the week -end with Mrs. Ar-
thur McGee, l3lnevale Road.
Come in and letour new lines of
Fall Shoes, talk to you for a few
moments—Greer's Shoe Store.
Mrs. S. Hare and Elizabeth spent
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles McDonald. Wyoming.
See George Arliss in "Cardinal
Richelieu" at Lyceum Theatre.
Mrs. Chas-,, Gillespie and son IVr.
Frank Gillespie' of Toronto, spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. A- M.
Misses Mary and : Kate King of
Western University spent the week-
end with their parents, T. C. and Mrs.
The Sewing;,: circle of 'th.e 13aptist•
Church packed two boxes of clothing
ne - beryl br the needy in : 1..
Mrs. Vint returned to Detroit after
visiting for the past two weeks 'with'
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John T.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walker and
family visited at the hone of Dr. and
Mrs, Chapman; Fort ;Erie, over the
Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Crawford at
tended the. Golden Wedding of the
former's parents in .Brampton on
Mr. and Mrs. J. Elgin Currie and
son Jack, of Islington spent Saturday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
T. Currie,
Mr. and Mrs. R, A, Bonar and baby•
of Toronto, spent• the' week -end -. at
Mr. Leslie Deans of Detroit spent the home of her parents', Mr. and Mrs.
the week -end at the home of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Deans.
Dr. and Mrs. Ray 'Stanley Smith
of Detroit spent a few days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Town,
Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Telfer, Cred-
iton spent the week -end with the lat-
ter's mother, Mrs. C. A. Rintoul.
Mr. and Mrs. W. ° E. Jackson of,
Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs,
R. E. Jackson over the week -end.
Mrs. 'George 'McKay and daughter
Mary Elizabeth, are visiting with her.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Adams.
Misses Ann. and Florence Barber of
Toronto visited over the week -end
with their mother, •Mrs. Chas. Barber.
Mr. Charlile Deyell of Owen Sound
visited over the week -end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Deyell.
Miss Louise Thompson of Kitchen-
er 'was the week -end guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Thompson.
J. A.,Haugh•
Mr. and Mrs. • W. C. Lepard and
Mary spent the holiday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. E. Greenwood of
Orangeville. ` '' '
Mr. and Mrs.` G. L. Baker and Mr.
and Mrs. 'A.rken' of Galt were guests
of Mr and Mrs. W. H Farenclj over,.
the week -end."
Jean, Mary'. Hele'4nd"l John-
Schaefer of. Goderich, spent-the,.week-
end ' with their grandmother, Mrs.
John McCool;
Mss Eleanore McLean and Miss
Hattie Sutton spent the week-endat
the home of Mr.and Mrs. Reg. Sutton
in Orangeville.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Hamilton
and their daughter of Detrot visited
with Mr, and Mrs. C. N. Merkley'
over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Harrison at-
tended the funeral of the late Mr. H.
Corn Syrup
11,aii 39c
interrmeat Rolled Oats Marmalade
lbs. 25c 6 lbs. 25'
The new nutty flavored soda creation
slightly salted.
1 4
2 -ib.
Marshmallow and Jelly" topped
Chocolate Honey Biscuit.
Perfection 1-1b. tin
FLOOR WAX • • 250
Artificial 2 -oz. bot.
FIGS - • 3 lbs. 250
"Dominion" Chocolate
BUDS • - : ' 'ib. 23c
Aunt Dinah No. 234's tin
MOLASSES • - tin 130 ; ..
Pure Clover' No. 1 white,
HbblE .:. 47/2 tin 450
Ti Checolate Health ,Drink
OVALflNE; - nied tin 580
Cooking Onions
No. Vs, 59c
50 lb. bag
No. 1
Cooking Onions
10 lbs. 19c
Grape Fruit.
.6.for 27c
2, 'Lbs. 23c
'Juicy Oranges'
27c and 39c Doz.
10c, Each
a:.n;:;•: o-. ark::�,
•2 lbs. 1 IC
:�\Sk}:}S •i h\j >.}ayay:,�[yy.,� .. `�i'� G�;'.:::,r;.::2�i:::.:L:t�,y<
LARGE PKG. ' leo
The New Granular Wheat Food
A L.4 Household. Washing!
t ;8''a'v
Get Them GOING and 'Keep „Them
DOING with
Com oncentrate
No need for a farmer'wrtla his own grains to bay expensive
Laying' Mashes.
• will give you
A scientifically balanced, vitamized high -protein laying mash.
• In ROE COMPLETE CONCENTRATE, every ingredient y gr nt is present in just the amount '
proved right by scientific research and practical feeding tests.—No guess work. We know.
Freshly mixed daily with quality ingredients, very palatable; easily digested vital<nized
with Dehydrated alfalfa, fortified cod oil, yeast and iron, a choice selection of animal andf vege-
table proteins, you can't find a safer, more dependable source of Protein Concentrate.
Care and practical experience keep the quality, up. Our volume buying keeps your price
down. It ie in daily use by more than 500 farmers. Get a bag today. Complete instructions in
every bag. • ,
Roe Farms Millin, r
Division of The Roe Poultry Ranch
'' +'
Representatives —.HOWSON & 'HOWSON
McQuarrie, 4th Concession of Grey
Thursday last week.
• Rubber Boots for Boys, Misses and
'Children. Just the thing for wear
these wet days- $L49, $1.69, to $.198—
Greer's Shoe Store.
Mr. Ted Elliott of Detroit spent
a few days last week in town. Mrs.
Carson returned to Detroit with him
to spend the winter.
Mr. Bruce Fox of the National
School of Chiropractic, Chicago,
spent the week -end with his parents,
Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Fox.
Mrs. Brock Brandon, Mr. and Mrs.
Crowe and•Bobbie, Mr. Gordon Esch
and Billie, of Hanover, spent Sunday
at the home of Wilfrid Reid. -
Mr, and Mrs. Fred L. Davidson,
Miss Verna McLaughlin, Miss Sarah
Farquharson and Miss Edith Lott
spent the week -end in Toronto.
Mr. Jas. V. Breen and son Mait-
land, visited in Mount Forest last
Mrs, McTavish and son, Archie, of
London, spent the week -end with the
former's sister, Mrs. D. L. Weir and
other friends.
Mr. James Longley, of Toronto, is
holidaying with his brother, Mr. 3crt
Longley and his sisters, Misses Fan-
nie and Helen Langley.
James Lind was a doctor. As a
Sunday, and were accompanied home young pian, he joined the naval med-
by Mrs. Breen who spent the last ical service. at a time when sailors liv-
week there visiting friends. ed in overcrowded' damp cabins, on. a
Visitors at the home of Rev. and diet of rotting meat and mouldy bis-
Mrs. Smith over the week -end were: cults. Lind wrote: "The number of
Mrs. Smith Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Smith, Messrs. Albert and Vic-
tor Smith, all of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Stanley Hall and
fainily visited over the week -end with
the latter's parents, Dr. and Mrs.
Scott Hogg of Preston. Miss Marion
Hogg returned with them for a visit.
Mr. Ezra Merkley of London spent
the week -end with his son, C. N,.
Merkley. Mrs. Merkiey who has been
visiting with Miss Bolt and Miss
Gemmill returned to London ,:with
Mrs. Fred Zick, of Detroit, Mrs.
Beverley Smythe of Califorina, visit-
ed over the week -end with Mrs. John
A. MacLean. Miss V. Dinsely who
has been visiting in Detroit returned.
with them. ,/
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Casemore and
children of Blenheim spent the week --
end at the home of the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Casernore.
They were accompanied . h.onie by
Miss Marion Casernore who will
spend a month with friends in Chat-
ham, Blenheim and Windsor.
AIKENS-In Windsor, Ont., on
Monday; November 11th, 1935,
Mary Jane. Buchanan, widow of the,
late Robert M. Aikens, in her 91st
year: The ftrileiai:- service will be
. held.in the United Church, Wing -
haft, on Thursday,, Nov. 14th,.1985.
Quints to Become Movie Stars
A contract between the guardians
of, the Dionne quintuplets and Fox
Twentieth Centrnuy Films for a mo-
tion picture featuring the five sisters
received the approval of Hon. Daviel
A. Croll, Ontario iniiii.ster of labor -
welfare and special guardian of the
quintuplets. The photoplay wil be en-
titled "The Country Doctor" and Will
be based largely on the life of Dr.
A. R. Dafoe, the Quints' doctor,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McLaughlin,
of Oshawa, called on ad neighbors
and :friends one day recently.
, Dr: Wilfred and Mrs. 'Weir and son
Malcolm, and Mrs, Tom Schreiber, of
Toronto, spent a couple of days with
the former's mother, Mrs. Wm, Weir.
and other friends. '
Miss Eve4•Wi,elfdel, who teaches
at fort,, Bit '*pent a few days
With he Clay Mr. and _ Mrs. Thos.
seamen in time of war who 'die of
shipwreck, capture, famine, fire ,and
sword is not inconsiderable in res-
pect of such as are destroyed by the
ships diseases, and by the usual mal-
adies of intemperate climates."
. Lind is remembered today because
he devoted most of his life to ;the
study of scurvy. About the middle of
the eighteenth century, he published
his book on scurvy. That he had an,
excellent opportunity of studying the
disease is evident when we learn that
one out of five cases admitted to the
naval hospital, of which he had charge
—suffered from scurvy.
Scurvy had been known for centur-
ies, and many methods of treatinent
had been devised. Lind was dead by
the time the Admiralty issued an ord-
er, in 1795, that a ration of lemon
juice be supplied to all ships of the
fleet. Froin this date, scurvy
This early work' of :Lind was one
of the first efforts which linked a de-
finite disease with the lack of some
essential in the diet. In the- course .
of time, it came to be known that
there are a number of substances,
called vitamins, the entire absence of
which from the diet causds,grave dis-
optimum health is dependent, in part,;
upon the presence in the diet ofan,
abundance of all the vitamins. Scurvy -
is practically unknown to us, and sev-
ere cases of rickets are comparatively
rare. A low standard of health, how-
ever, is fairly common.
The public do not need to know the
different kinds of vitamins as they are
designated by letters of the alphabet:.
It is not necessary to know in what
particular foods they are found in ab-
undance, or to worry over their man-
ner of functioning in the body, pro-;.
vided that milk, eggs and a good var-
iety of vegetables and fruit are regu-
larly used.
Thanks to modern methods for tfie:
preservation and shipment of foods,
we live in almost perpetual summer
as far as vegetables are concerned.
An abundance of vitamins is assured
to those who use regularly milk, eggs
and a variety of fruits and vegetables.
Such a diet means good health in so
far as the diet contributes to good.
* * *
Questions concerning Health, ad-
dressed to the Canadian Medical As-
sociation, 184 College St., Toronto,.
will be answered personally by letter..
"Me father and a man named Dool-
ey have been fighting for twenty years
but now they've stopped."
"Why? Did they bury the hatchet?
"No; they buried Dooley."
Reduce ,o F r ;..,
November 20 to 28, 1935
Leaving Nov. 19 to 28 inclusive. Re-
turning up to and including Dec. 2.
Going Nov. 20, Returning Nov. 22
Going Nov.. 27, Returning Nov. 29
orders as scurvy;, rickets and so on. Full details (rain any Agent
This discovery has had a far -reach -
i tg effect,' for :it is: now known that '' °" '• d�",•
r;4 1 C
Optornetrjst . ruin
I will be at My Brussels Office in'Miss ,Maude
C. Brans' Home
y (P'hon'e 26x) all dayevening,
and e-o1ng,
Wednesday, Nov. 20th to examine Eyes and fit
glasses where necessary. -
Take advantage of this opportunity to lhav '
p ye your
eyes properly cared for.
Don't confuse our complete Precision Examination
with the ordinary Guess -Test usually given.
Our Prices are very low considering the quality of
work and material used.
Make an appontn' ent is possible.
>� . :. Eyesight Specalist.
arriiston,' Brus;Aels
Phone 1i Pone