HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-11-14, Page 4.,r VAGI4 EOUR WING 0 TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY VOTERS' LIST COURT Notice is hereby given that -•-Court for the Revisi90 : of faits •l iiet 4 2 of the Vo e t, TOof Turn,, bert^y' •1V ' be Yd byy'4'lie Coun- ty ).eclete, in the Town Hall, Wing - had; on Friday, November 15th, 1935, at 4 o'clock p.m, All parties interest- ed will please take :notice and govern 0 themselves accordingly. W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk, cents a word fter insertion, with a idi9nr:i'ttu[th charge of 25e. P.Jt011=Ol`O O4e3 O:.µ:, oL'fl • AUCSALE of Stock and Iii shall be sealed with the seal of the TION oration pientents will be held at Lot 21, Corporation, Con.1, Grey, at 1.30 p.m. on Mon- 5. During the currency of the deben - day;: November 18th. Terms—Cash. tures there shall be raised annuallyi Mrs. Alex. Brown, Proprietor. the sum of Five ..Iluudred Eighty- three g ty three and 41100 Dollars to form a cow .sinking fluid fer the payment of 'the'. GO�V TOR SALE—Lnfreshened debt and Three' Hundred and Fifteen oilers for'the of interest oils ..'payment hereon; making•an all' the sum of ight Hundred Ninety -Eight' and 1100 Dollars to be •raised annually or the payment of the debt and in- erest. The debentures may contain any rovisipn•-for the registration of them uthorieed; by law; - 7. This By -Lew shall -take effect.. on the day of the passing thereof subject to its bei t assented tb by the elect - 4 years old, in good condition. Ape ply ;Mrs. John C. Casemore; lst line D t of Morris. E 4 'AIR fFOR WARNING—All 1934 accounts owing to Homuth & Bennett and unpaid Dec. lst, 1935, will then be placed in court for collection with costs. All 1935 accounts are also now due. ': SALE -Rogers Radio, Cabinet style, electric, in good condition. apply to Advance -Times.. FOR SALE—Frame barn 18' x 24'. Apply Miss Weir, John Street. FOR SALE—Boy's Overcoat, nearly as good as new; aged nine or ten years. Call at Advauce-•Times.' FOR' SALE OR RENT --Brick rkouse with all conveniences, on Leopold St.. Apply to Advance -Times. FOR SALE -1 hand washing mach- ine, with wringer attached; also a number of Barred Rocks and An - none Pullets, Apply to Mex. Dark, Centre Street. FOR SALE—Ladies' best quality Muskrat Coat in good condition. Size 36 to 40. Apply Advance - Times. FOR SALE—One Sow, sired by Grand Champion of C.N.E., with 11 (eleven) pigs at her feet. Also young boars and sows of service- able ages, sired by a son of Grand Champion of C.N.E. Orville Free, Dungannon, R. R. 1. Phone, Dun- gannon 14 r 13. fIAVE YOU A CAR? We can offer your valuable territory to cover PASSED this 7th day of November, A.D.1935. ' j: W, lIan ta,, .',A, Galbraith, Mayor. Clerk TOWN OF •W INGHAM By -Lav No. 107'6, 1935 A By-law to provide for taking the MORTGAGE SALE of property in h Town Plot 'of Winghain in the Township of Turn - berry in the County of Huron. Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in. a certain mort- gage which will be produced at the tme of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction at the office of J. 3 Crawford, Wingham, . Ontario, on Friday, the 29th day of November, A.D. 1935, at 10 o'clock in the fore= noon by Thos. Fells, Auctioneer, the following property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR those cer- tain parcels or tracts of land. and premises situate, lying and being in the Town Plot of Wingham in the County of Huron and being composed of Park Lot. No. 65 on the south side of Albert Street and Lots• Nos. 209 and 210 on the east side of Adelaide Street and Lots Nos. 211 and 212 on the west side of Alice Street, all in the Government Survey in said Town • Plot of Wingham, containing seven acres more or less. On the property is said to be a 2- r 7 -roomed house and wood - store); shed. TERMS OF SALE — Ten per cent. of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance in"thirty' days thereafter. The' property will be of- fered subject to 'a reserved bid. Further particulars and conditions made known on the day of sale or,may be had on appli-structure to be seen. As we drew ATE at tug lam, Ontario, is 12th day of November, A.D. 1935. the :hacks and hobbledehoys which AM ADVANCE -TIMES UNNY LIVING a it tarts at ' the table Hew Xon.feel.and how' you look depend largely on the foods you eat. The balaneed menu provides the "bulk" to prevent common eonsti- pation —• caused by lack of this es. sential fiber. Common constipation frequently causes headaches, loss of appetite ''find energy. Yet, in most cases, it can be overcome pleasantly and safely by eatiing:''a delicious cereal, Kellogg's ALL -$a tx is a natural food for normal individuals. It fur- nishes ur nishes "bulk" in convenient and" concentrated form. .Ar,L.BitAN also provides vitamin B and iron. Isn't this sunny way better than taking patent medicines? Two table. spoonfuls of ALL-BaAast' daily ' are usually sufficient.' Chronic cases, with i each meal. If relief is not Obtained ; see your doctor. Serve ALL-Baaiv as a cereal, or use in cooking. Get the redand-green pack- age at your grocer's. Made by Kellogg in London, „Ontario. u Keep do the'Sunny ,Side of Life for a letter stamp, and 4 .cents for a postcard, Their stamps just now are the .:lattge jubilee stamps soo nto be discontinued, These shore. are sponsored by the ship. \�,c�e sa'iled, rt�i4 Afternoon:, and regretted not being' able'itQ ae .lalote,' the Bermuda Islands more thorough ly, When rheumatism hampers n�iy movements it will be time for me to go back to Bermuda, There are no traffic problems there. Tlie sun shin- es and the rain rains. When the Eas- ter lilies are.. all marketed, they. dig up what is left of the plant, and .plant potatoes. The tourists come and go and leave a wake of dollars behind them. There are no serious problems in Bermuda except that there are no springs. •They either catch rain wat- er by corrugated roofs, or buy im- ported bottled water. There is no tax to pay on everything one buys. It is •a grand place to relax, One does not have to occupy oneself with work to pass the time or to keep . arm. There is the eternal fascina- tion tion of the sea and sky, the flying fish and flowering shrubs. One can sit and look, and look some more, and drink a swizzle, and then:anoth- er. The world is kind. There was a stiff breeze blowing when we left Bermuda Islands. The boat' plunged like a heavy horse through pitchholes:. After dinner I took a good murder story from the library and went up on top deck,to read. But I gave it up to watch the sky. It.grew blacker and blacker. Finally, the' two black masses at the stern and the bow met on the star- board side and then dripped on down the . ocean. - They; were wind into clouds and . there was to ofa hurri- cane: Small cyclones had been re - Santo Rico and i ported over Porto' Mybed is placed crosswise of the ship and it seemed to ire that I was standing on my head half the:night, the other half I was sliding down to the foot. But I slept, The ship roll- ed the three days to St. Kitts. My stomach or something began to com- plain: It didn't want . to eat, it didn't want to drink. It wanted to get off the boat, it wanted to go back home. It became so troublesome that I gave ` it some knockout pills to have peace. I wanted to eat, I wanted to drink, and I wanted to have a good:time. I was very glad when we anchored outside of St. Kitts. , There is no harbour here at Besse- Thurs., November' 14, 1935 votes .of the elect:at- on a proposed By-law to ,borrow the sum of Seven of sale will -be Thousand Dollars for the purpose of talk hurri purchasing the Wingham Arena. } d PASSED this 7th day of 'November, . D. 1935. A. WHEREAS it is desirable that a Domingo. proposed 13y -law of the Corporation Wingham, g entitled "A 13y -law for borrowing the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars for the purchase , of the Wingham Arena" be submitted to the electors for their a roval and itis expedient and nec- essary , essary to pass this By -Taw for the pur- pose of enabling the electors to vote on the propose d y- axe. Taylor, late BE IT THEREFORE enacted by .of the Town Plot of Wingham in the the Municipal Council of the Corpor- County of Huron, Widow, who died ation of the Town of Wingliani as fol- on or about the fourth day of Oc lows: tober, A.D. 1935, are notified to send 1, The rotes " of the electors of the to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, On - Corporation . of the Ton -n of Wing-tario, on or before . the 30th day of ham shall be taken on the said pro- November, A.D. 1935, full particulars !posed By-law on the 2nd day of De- of their claims in writing. Immediate- . Caffees cember, A.D. 1935 between the hours ly after the said. 30th day of. Novem- selling our Quality Te. s, ' of Nine o'clock in the forenoon and ber, 1935, the assets of the said test- Cocoa; Spices, Extracts, Medicinal n d ! five o'clock in the afternoon at the atrix will be distributed amongst the PreparationssinHuron direct to established p parties entitled thereto,having regard h users in County. Write T. following places, and by the Deputy o an South, Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, only to the claims of which the exec The shops weft what one would terre A launch met us and took us H. Ward C mp Hamilton:' namely,Wingham, this thirteenth expect There cDation'tto-the; undersigned. th' closer in I noticed with amusement THOS. FELLS, J. H. CRAWFORD, m Ont. Win ham,.Ont., Auctioneer. Solicitor for the Vendor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL person having claims against. the estate ofCatherine ay or; a e serve as taxis. We were pleased as children to run down the gangplank even in the rain, for it was .raining in Beautiful, Bermuda. . My Boston friend disdained a car- riage. She coursed excitedly along the natural paved streets in her rain- coat and umbrella and as I sloshed after her I noticed the complete ab- sence of civilzation's racket. There are not factories and no automobiles. 'I also noticed the'difference in the prevailing odor of the city of 'Hamil- ton. Instead of a' mixture of carbon monoxide gas, dust, smoke and other smells which • pollute the atmosphere of an industrial ' city, there was a spiciness and a smellofthe sea. y, John mors snail then have notice, to. find in .a city whose chief to the. island for' a motor trip. around, Ward 110. 1. At Geo. T. Robert -DATED a r < g , 1935 industries are Easter blies, oni•ons, it and up to Brimstone Peak. LOST—White gold tie -pin. Reward. son's Garage by Edgar Pattison, D,R. day of November A D Please leave at Advance -Times. O. and Richard Casemore, Poll Clerk. J. H. CRAWFORD, Ward No. 2. At Win- Davidson's Wuigham, Ontario, MEN WANTED -To train far tea- Implement Shop by J. M. Graham, D. Solicitor for the Executors. inion in Deisel Engineering,. Must R.a and Wm. Robertson, Poll Clerk. be interested in Diesel and have Ward No. 3. At the Town Hall by mechanical ability and furnish good Lloyd Hingston, D.R,O. and. John Character references. Apply Box McDonald, Poll Clerk. G, Advance -Times. Ward No. 4. P.S.D. 1. At C. Tem - WOOD FOR SALE—Cedar by the pleman's Store by Thos. Garrett, D. 114 112 or cord, also wood of all R. O. and Murray Johnson, Poll. kinds delivered. John Falconer, ph. Clerk, 2675. WardNo. 4. P.S.D. 2. At Frank . Watson's Store by David McGill, D. IN MEMORIAM R.O. and Thos. Miller, Poll Clerk. 2. On the 28th day of November, A. ORR—In fond and loving memory of D. 1935 at the hour of ten o'clock in a Dear Husband and Daddy, who the forenoon, the Head, of the C oun Paaway one years ago, cit of thesaid Corporation or some e 17th, 1934. member of the saidCouncilaPPoirated To -day -we are thinking of someone for that purpose by resolution shall who was loving, kind and true, attend at the Town Hall in the said Whose smile was -as dear as the sun- Municipality for the purpose of ap- shine, Dear Bill, that someone was you. —Sadly missed by his Wife and son, Jackie. ING IAM int, place on behalf of the persons in - pointing, and, if requested so to do, shall appoint by writing signed by him two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, and one person to attend at each poll OWN W OF terested in and promoting the Propos- By-Law No. 1075, 1035ed by-law, and a like number on be- half of the. persons interested in op - For borrowing the sum of $7000.901 posing the proposed By-law. for the purchase of the \•inghani I 3. On the 3rd day of December, A.D. Arena- i 1935 at the hoar of ten o'clock in the WHEREAS the building known as , forenoon at the Town Hall, in the said the ‘Nringriam Arena is aoout to be 1 municipality the Clerk of. ' the said sold, due to default under a certain . Municipality shall attend and sum up mortgage on the said buildings and' the votes given ,for and against the premises; : proposed By -law. -N,•,, WWHEREAS dice to the po s • PASSED this 7th day of November, ke anc dson. sr 93 wrecked A.D.A.D t J e n - of , V' it a loll y NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the estate of John Allan. Mills, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Merchant, who died on or about the tenth day of September, A.D. 1935, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, \Vinghafn, Ontario, on or before the 30th day of November, A.D. 1935, full, particulars of their claims in writing. .Immediately after the said 30th day of November, 1935, ed will said de eas etdeg the assets of the be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Administrat- or shall then have notice. DATED at Wingham, this thirteenth day of November, A.D. 1935. Jr. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. moven away, the Council of the'Car- i J �V, Hanna,, W. A. Galbraith, e Town of 1l tnghar€m, Mayor, Clerk. I7oration 0r the Have been petitioned t<, borrow the suin of $70UU.00 :Lr the purpose Arena rm i a'� ,. 1<T� a .�, purchasing the .+1 .. which suns wo . id be'Ike amount of the debt to. be created; e =owl t of AND "HE.£: sS �a the whCle rateable gr 1,i rtl: - Municipality a ..og la -t re vised assessment ent . t7,.2 is $1,093,002• AND. WHEREAS the amount of . the debenture debt of the Corporation is 8230425.11 no part ofthe principal inct a l or interest of whichwhichiS in erred ra; , BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal. Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Wingham: 1. For the purpose mentioned in the preamble there shall be borrowed on the credit of the Corporation the sinn of $7000.00 and i . n debentures 45 slali b e issued therefore on the sinking fund plan in sums of not less than $100.00 shallhave con lav ons at- tached which a tached thereto for the payment of the interest. all bear the 2. The debentures shall sane date and shall be issued within two Fears alter the date on which this I3y-Law is passed, and may bear any date within such two years and shall be payable within ten years from the date when they shall be issued, and shall bear .interest at the rate of four and one-half per cent. per annum, pay- able yearly. S, The debentures as to both prin- cipal and interest .shall be expressed in Canadian currency and niay be pay- able at any place or places in Canada. 4, The: debentures acid the interest coupon shall be,signed anti issued by the M or> gu' sb ;;foci signed also by the reasurer, and the debentures l iii w+C. . NOTICE .. Take notice that the foregoing is a: trAid ` copy of a proposed 13y -law of the ._ Corporation of the Town of es ley. t r •, tail t itted Ll zn a.m to be=s ub n of the electprson the •nd day of De- cember; AD: --1935.' And if the assent of the electors is By-law, ' fro 0 sed sal •" d to the d P ab#a the proposed by : •t 'consideration i "lie taken to o it vv will, - the Miiiiicipat'Council of the said Cor- poratian; at a - meeting thereof to be held after this°expl'ration of one month /tom the datergf thefirst publication of this notice and that such publica- tion was ntad`e on 7th day of Novetn• ber, 1935. Take notice that "a tenan • • liar •fort and tourists; especially tourists. There were shops whish made a spec- ialty of English sporting goods and doeskin, shoph merchandising Indian silk and scarves, Par'fuin shops, china. shops, and gift shops full of cedar and coral knicknacks. We called into the beautiful cathedral which is built entirely of native limestone. We passed the Bermudiana Hotel set in fifteen acres of gardens. It was seven. when my friend finally became wet enough and tired' -enough" to return to the ship ,for dipner.,; She had bought $1.00 worth if postcards and have been several bad earthquake shocks here within the past few months which left a lot, of ruins. The island is green with the waving sugar cane. All the little sugar cane fac- tories are closed and the industry of sugar, molasses and rum making is carried on at a central factory in the town. Rum is a' favorite beverage here, andcan be had byasking for a Panters Punch, ora rum swizzle. Id the tropics everybody drinks swizzles of one kind or another to quench their everlasting thirst. We call next at Nevis and Antigua, a beautifully em voideredIndiasilka and Sundaynday Montserrat v here nightie. The restshe saysshe }many of the pa rty are turning g back. buy on her recurn,ars . Willwrite again from Trinidad. In the evening I went out with one, V. Olive Currie. of the ship's officers to a hotel danc- ing. He was a fine looking chap from Halifax. The hotel had an open air garden court for dancing. It, would `be _much too alarm at times to dance BERMUDA A GREAT t _ indoa rs in Bermuda. The people are sociable and have an English accent. PLACE TO RELAX Second Instalment of Her Trip Writ- tne by V. Olive Currie. Bermuda consists of a hundred is- lets and is the crest of submerged volcanic peaks. The large islands cov- Pier and rode over Aly d the Aquarium been, found) e of it t impression was the greenness ll of trop 3 They do their markesting. by bicycle with their market basket on the han- dle bars. There is a railroad running through the Island which has been built within the past few years. After breakfast tire next. morning e boarded a tram or trolly at the STORING THE FARM MACHINERY Proper care should be exercised at all times to protect the large invest- ment in farm machinery from rapid. deterioration. Heat, moisture, wind, frost, and direct sunlight are the most destructive elements encountered by farm equipment.. Storage means protection against these deteriorating effects ,during the w e and has machin s Y toSt. Georges- inactive life of the, r ' n Ex eri_ er about nineteen square miles. 1I b th Dnminio p Island. We visite t rs imp - Mental Station tit Swift Cutren4i, to the Islands, and the lime rte , wooden rb a n notthe isa � enjoy There didn't Y d dt 1 y ings. ut I i. b gbone coloring, sea serpents, the avvftil ° ;reeir. niorav fish 4Ve .were` taken which boasts a fine ea cotton , stone build- 1 uild- ,'i • •• ical� fish. They had ge€rrgeous rain- be the greatest.siiigie factor yn,,pro who desires to rote ispan the said pro- posed By-law must deliver to the Clerk not later than the tenth day be- :. fore the day, appointed for taking the vote, a declaration under the Canada Evidence Act. that he is a tenant whose lease extends for the time for which' the debt= of liability is to be created, or in which the money to be raised by the proposed By-law is pay- able, or for' at least ten years, and that he has by the lease covenanted to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the property of which he is tenant, other than local improvement rates': Mso take notice that By-law No. • which shown 1076, a true copy of tivlttch is . avv above, is the B' -law providing for taking the votes of the electors. Dated and first published this 7th day of November, A.D. 1935.' • , .. a �..9a1sraith, Clerk. nor the devilfis ,.. Partnership Shil i'P• Dissolved The partnership of Rae & Thompsonhas been dissol- ved. All accounts owing are now due and must be settled by Dec. lst, 1935. 1 through the Crystal Cave. The stal- agmites testal- actites. a t t} and m ,. reachupee �,,., „ actites. The walls ; glisten - tike frost, but it is the mixture of limestone and water hardening for thousands of 1l yeses. The float of the cave is fu of blue water which -rises and falls with the tide so we crossed the cave on pontoons. They light the cave ef- fectively with flood lights, It is like fairy land, After coining out of the cave we were driven in carriages to igaimimmimmigionsommommiganthe perfume factory. Our horse was 'Bubbles and our black driver was Harold Trott, One driver I noticed wore a jaunty black derby, a shirt of some nondescript colour, overalls tucked into knee length rubber boots. They made an unique collection of hacksters, but we all arrived safely ete'the perfume factory, They use the native' flowers; Easter lily, oleander,. passion flower, and others 1,f4as a place reekingwith sweetness'. We boarded the trolly again and • were tootled to St. Georges Hotel. Some f the gang went swimming in the pool and theft we had lunch. After that I mailed letters: It & Sts 6 ceIit9 ilIMMIINIMOIMIMINIMamWr 1 For ii Sale Small frame barn, suit- able for gagare. To be moved from present premises. OSCIIS Bii0Olth longing the life of facm.n nunnery, most active.,pettod.of deterior- ation is during the season' of machine use. It is important, .lioweyer, to pro- tect, machinery 'the year round :frons the effects 'of weather, Generous use of paint on all wood and metal parts, wherever the original has worn thin, and tr removal to a dry shed of all slats, canvasses, knives, plough -shar- es, cultivator• teeth, etc., immediately the machine is out of use, will help prolong the useful life of the imple- ment. Pack all .bearings with the correct grade of. lubricant. Cover all exposed metal parts worn bright from use with old ,crankcase or transmission oil be- fore putting the machine aside even for a few days. This will keep out all dirt and moisture, from the bearings and off the wearing surfaces, thus pre- venting excessive ware due to rust. Clean all seed .from drill boxes, be sure that all dirt is removed from plough or one-way disk bottoms and that they are well greased before leaving. All straw, grain or :weeds should be c til iW binders, cofi'x , 'vators, disks, etc. before greasing and p riii'tiWg for Storage. • ursday , x ,th, Friday 15th Satu d iy Lith. NOV is the timb,rs restock those empty pantry shelves.. Our Canned Goods were booked sev eral months ago, therefore, we are able to offer yoiv a0Wonderful saving on these .items. Government repiorts, show that canned 'good's have advanc- ed at least 20% and are due for a further advancer •:so Buy Now , and Save. .., a PEAS `: (New Pack) . Seim 41 Large Tins 2 for . .. .. 19c Case of 24 CORN (New ' Pack) Large Tins 2 for `. . . 19c. Case of 24 Tins $2:00 New Figs 2 lbs. for 19c . Oatmeal • .6 lbs„ for 25c Prunes 2 lbs. for 25c White Beans 6 lbs. for 25c Dates 2 lbs. for 19c Macaroni .... . ,..,, 3 lbs. for 14c RaisinsSeedless)` 2 lbs.' for 25c Tapioca 2lbs. for 19c Currants (Fresh) 1 lb. for 15c Icing Sugar 2 lbs. for 15c TOMATOES ,., PORK.& BEANS (Choice) Large 2t/ Size • (28 oz. 'Tins) 2 fo. , ,o 19c 2 for .......... 19c Quick ck Ta. ioca 2 pkgs., for 23c Corn:`Flakes (all brands) ' Spagg p hetti, plc. reg. 13c, 2 -for 19c •�'-•••••,s, 3 for 23c Muffets 2 pkgs.' 19c Kelloggs Bran Fences 2 far 23c Grape Nut Flakes 2, pkgs. 19c . Super Suds 2-pkgs. 15c , Wheatlets 5 1bs, 23c Princess Flakes 2 pkgs. 85c Bran 40 oz, bag 13c Big Five Cleanser 3 for 14c Puffed Wheat 2 pkgs. 19c Handy Ammonia•. •PUMPKIN (Large 2y/Z Tins) •.` 2 for 19c CORNED BEEF (Reg. -14c) 2 for 23c DOUBLE VOTES The Good -Will: Contest closes Saturday, the 16th, so this is your last chance to make your votes count. Sodas 1 ib, pkg. 12c Canned Plums . 2 for 19c Canned Pears , 2 for 19c Gold Medal Coffee 1 lb. 39c Morning Cheer Coffee; 1 lb. 29c - Bulk Tea 1 ,lb. 39c. Vanilla, 2 oz. bottle, reg. 10c 5c Vanillia, 8 oz., reg..25c for 14c Peanut Butter, Reg. 15c, ..... 12c LUCKNOW FLOUR Tomato Juice 5 Tins fox 23c boa Heinz Tomato Ketchup 2 for 25c Heinz Soups( large) 2 for 23c Norris !Pineapple, (reg. 1.6c)` 2 for 23c Canned Herring .......,2 for 25c Chicken Haddie 2 tins 25c Peanut Butter, 28 ozjar ;... 21c Peanut Butter, Reg. 15c for 12c ETHEL BREAD Sugar 10 lbs: for 49c With an Order Honey 5-1b. pail Guaran -teed pure cloven 39c Alymer Pineapple Marin. 29c Onions ,-..'10 lb. bag No. 2's 19c Tomato Juice, large, 2 for 19c Onons ... 50 lb. bag No. 2's 69c Baking Soda, 1 lb. for 5c Onions 10 lb. bag No. 1's 24c Soap Chipslbs. 0 25c Carrotts rottis 9 lbs. for 25c for ..._.. 3 Apples Potatoes (Cooking) (Graded Na. 1) 11 -Qt. Basket 90 -Lb. Bag 23c $1:25 Turnips Free .of Water Core, Bushel 32c Don'takeac e ons chancespoiling your Xmas Cake by using p g cheap, inferior goods. Remember, we stock nothing but the Best in Xmas Cake Ingredients and our prices are Right, so make This Store your Shopping Headquart ers. • Big Phone 76 Grocery Wingham , Quick. Delivery Bright sunlight and Moisture; cause ° and wooden separators is desirable,: but not essential. - Outside storage of machinery has been found highly suc- cessful at the above station when pro- per care has been exercised to urn tect against animals and weather by good fences, the use of paint and pro- per lubricants. exposed wooden parts to warp and track, paint applied early will prevent this destruction. Metal parts exposed will rust and wear; grease lir paint -will save these surfaces.. Inside storage of'' grain boxes, wooden drills, wagon running gears 1 Instal That NOW! Repair Your Old One:. Attend to it. NOW before it becomes necessary to keep the fires going, andhave it ready for the win- ter's .1se. Phone 58 for prompt service. l'ho;'t 58