HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-11-07, Page 8'blue -coal' PAGi lagamall11$84016:14111 Show Starts at 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November ' 7. 8 , 9th BUCK JONES In "Thi Crimson Trail" A Western, Picture Also Two -Reel Musical Comedy "HERE'S THE GANG" A Colored Cartoon "CANDYLAND" POP -EYE And NEWS REEL NEXT WEEK "CARDINAL R NAL RICHELIEU" GEORGE ARLISS i�wra sic r.„„1., s iimsimmomminesi You Will Like The Quality and Flavour of Hd licrest Milk Raw or Pasteurized. PHONE 600r31. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lott; Ripley, spentSunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott. ees- I Miss Margaret.MacGregor, Gre or g , P water, spent the week -end at the home .,of her 'aunt, Mrs. T. H. Moore. Mrs. Kenneth Weaves • spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Bert Boyd, of Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and family visited on Sunday with her mo- .ther, Mrs. Jas. Barbour, of Fordyce, who is still seriously .ill with heart :trouble. did wav :in which each one took his or her part. • Between acts, Mr. Wil- mer Rutledge and Rev. Mr. Pomeroy gave splendid readings for which they were heartily' encored. The meeting, closed by singing the National An- them, after 'which the young folks danced .until: closing time. Mr. • and Mrs, Fred - Newnan and fancily, of Hamilton, spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Naylor. Mr. Philip Steele' and his neiee, Mrs. Thos. Smith,_. also Mi, and Mrs. Len Westb 1a01and her mother, Mrs. rs. Thurlow, all,of Goderich, visited on Sunday ,with the former's sister, Mrs.. Jas. Cornelitts Mr. 'Alec >Mowbray purposed leav- ing his home at Bluevale with a load of'yothg''nten`'to 'work in the mines at Timmins this week. Mr. Scott Pater- son r son and.. Mr, Kenneth Weaver, from here, were accompanying him: Mr. Robert Carrick is still under the doctor's care. " Mrs. Clarence Cox was called to her home in Auburn last week, on ac- count of the serious condition of her father, Mr. Wm Paterson. Latest re- ports were that he had taken a change for the: better.. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mowbray and. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Gillespie and family, Hector and Athol Purdon, Family moved to Dungannon last were in Paisley last Tuesday attend- ily reunion. Mr. George Ross of Wingham spent the week -end, her with his parents, Mr.and ,Mrs, Robt, Ross The regular monthly -meeting of the Woilaen s Institute will he held this P:r,idax .iiaiihe ll with Mrs. J, Gaunt as hostess for the meeting. The roll - call will be answered by giving "My' One Superstition." A good program is being prepa'ed.' Mr, and 'Mrs. Geo.'facgttes and fam- ily, of Paris, -spent the week -end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Eli Jacques and with Mr, and Mrs, Wes- ley Leggatt, Mr. John Mowbray has rented his farm to Mr. Jas. McInnis, who takes over the farm next spring. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert George and daughter, Mary, Mrs, Wendorf . and Mr. Musselman, of Hanover, spent, Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Carl Lott. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Moore anct baby, Rea, spent Sunday -with her mo- ther, Mrs. Young, of :Langside. Mr. Jas, Ross spent several days last week at his hone at Holyrood. Communion Service was held in the United Church on .Sunday:last- Mrs, Wm. Dawson spent a few days last week visiting friends in Wing - ham: Miss Olive Kennedy spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Casemore, 13. Line. Mr. and Mrs. Green, of Teeswater, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Gaunt. Mr. ' Jack Gilles -pie, who has been. working at Fergus for the past five Weeks, spent the week -end at his home here. Don't forget the ice-cream social that the W.M.S. of Brick Church are holdingat the home of Mrs. Charles Shiell on Friday evening. Mr. Tom Wilson, of Stratford Nor- mal School, spent the week -end at. his home here. ' The W.M.S, of the 'United. Church were quilting the mission band quilt at the home of Mrs. George McClen- aghan on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Miss Merle and James, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bateman of Turnberry. Mrs. Wm. Robinson motored with Mr.. and. Mrs. John. Kilpatrick' and children of Crewe, to Paris and visit- ed with her sister; Mrs. Cahill and to Galt and visited with her brother-in- law, Mr. Robt. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. 'Cecil Wheeler, Mor- ris, spent, Saturday at the .home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wirt. Rob- inson. Tuesday where they will be for the rnext few months. Mr. Gillespie ntov- „edtthe dredge and the crusher down -there and is working on the Blue Wa- ter IJighwray with a gang of nien from ,Kitchener. 'The play "The Old Hoene Place", -which was presented in the Hall on tFriday' evening by the young people ,of Nile United Church, was worthy oI the highest commendation, and these seven yaung folks of the play .are to be congratulated for the splen - ing the opening of the new bridge, which Mr. I3owbray and his gang of. workmen have constructed this sum- mer. Mr. Arthur Sedgewick, Provinc- ial Engineer,"had, charge of the pro- gram for the day. A banquet was ten- dered to the officials at night, nad was followed by a concert and dance. Mr. and Mrs. Auras Cornelius and other Goderich relatives were at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Huston, of :Walton, on Friday evening last at- tending a Hallowe'en party and farn- HEEL Vomuclavammuoczwammoor THAT ARE WORN WITH RUBBER BOOTS The above are a real panacea for those•wo- men who have. Their Husband's or • Son's Socks to darn in the heel so often; in fact, one woman stated to the writer of this advertisement that she -was coinpelled to darn her husband's socks four times each week, anchwomen's time is valuable. Heelers (made of good strong leather) fit perfectly preventing and tear over the heel, thereby prove � � to that portion of the sock, and absolutely "prevent slipping", Three kinds and prices '.27c, .30c and .35c They save much time. and worry to the busy wo- man of the house. Many shoes while fitting perfectly in the forepart. will persistently •"slip, at the heels". , This applies to all kinds of footwear (loot rubber boots) more or less. k us about 'otl have this trouble tivitll yc>ilr shoes ask about our new Protector .., n Heel Reiner Non Slip Host Men's and women's are 25c cents per pair Children's 20 cents per pair And they completely overcome this veracious trouble. Willis' The Leading Shoe Store *These 1'artg. Are You Having" EYE TRU Headache, Dizziness ,or Failing Vision? Expert Eye Service is Avail- ablein Winghani at Mod- erate Prices. Eyes examined, glasses fitted by R. A. REID Stratford's Leading Optometrist for 'Seventeen Years. Mr. Reid is at Williams' Jewell- ery Store each Wednesday Morning, 9 to 12.00. Geo. Williams JEWELLER Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector Wingharn Fellowship Committee in charge. Mr. Ted Rice read the Scripture lesson and Ioan Swan the Bible character. The topic "Is. Christianity Christian?" was taken by. Stanley Todd. The nom- inating committee; composed of Rev, H. M. Wright, Mesdames W. L Mill- er and Frank' Todd, Messrs. Stanley Todd and W. A. Miller, suggested the following slate of officers, which ,was accepted by the class: Pres., Stanley Todd Vice 'Pres., Wallace Niillel Secretary, Dorothy Miller; Assistant, Iona Swan; .Treasurer, Ear1 Durnin, Assistant, • Helen Miller; Christian Fellowship Convener, Ruth Ramage, Asst., Is:obel, Miller; Christian Citiz- enship Convener Cyuler Ramage, As- st., Murray Taylor; Missionary'Con- vener, Mrs. Gordon, Asst., Mary Ir- win;Christian •Culture Convener, Mrs. Lorne oods Asst., Lorne Woods; , Recreational' "Cnvener, 'Ted Rice; Asst., Dick Weatherehad; Pianist, Mrs. Ted. Rice, Asst., Lila Humph- rey. MORRIS Mr, Gordon. Hamilton of Centralia is very i11 at present due to high blood pressure. The Young Men's Class of Eben- ezer Church (Browntown) are holding a Box Social 'on Wednesday night, Nov. 13th, when everybody from ev- erywhere will be welcome. 'It is ex- pected that the Young People of Blue - vale will supply part of the program. Boxes will be sold by auction. Miss Elizabeth Robertson left last week for Toronto to care for her sis- ter who underwent an operation re- cently. Mr. Orwell Jones of St. Marys spent the week -end at his home here. Mr. Alex. Mowbray, left on Monday for Northern Ontario. He was ac- companied by c-companiedby Mr. Bert Garniss, Mr. Leslie Greenway, Bernard Thomas and several other young inen who will work in the north for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Jno.' Thyne spent Sunday at the home of •Mr. and Mrs:, W. J. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Berry, Bruce- field, spent Sunday at the home of A. D. Smith; MissMcEvers, of Wingharn, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton. Mr, John Webster. -Who has been a patient in the Wingham Hospital"for the past week, underwent i minor op- eration on Saturday. Mr, George Derainn, of Fleming, Man., ita4 been a visitor with ILLS bra Cher ' Mi:'Si.Yd ,hila' Mrs. Durnin, Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon` McPhdrdon; Margaret and Billy and Mi. loss Mc- Pherson were at Bluevale recently, as guests at a shower In honor of Mr's, Plierson's brother, Mr. Walter Mc- Farlene and his bride. , BELGRAVE Hallowe'en Social Enjoyed ' Hallowe'en \N'as fittingly observed by the members of the Young Peo- ple's Society of Knox '' Jnited Church when a very enjoyable social evening was field and they were hosts to sev- eral visitors. A good part of the com- pany carne in costume anal theiriden- tity was the cause of much ,specula- tion and a few were not known until the mask was removed after the pro- menade and the judging had been completed. The prizes were awarded to the best old couple, Mrs, J. F. Mc- Callum and Mrs, H Kirkby; hest cos- tLtine, Cowboy, Ferne ,McCallum; fan- cy costume, Miss : W: Lane. Games and contests were enjoyed, after which lunch was served,; Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Coultes, Jim and Mabel attended a family re -union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reid of Varna, on Saturday evening. Mrs. Alex.: Manning spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, Patterson, near Auburn. June Irwin, Murray McDowell, Thelma McGuire and Mabel Coultes, who were winners of the public speak- ing contest and spelling match at the Beigrave School Fair, were in Clinton Saturday competing in the Huron Go. Contest. We congratulate June Irwin on securing third prize in the public speaking arid Murray McDowell, 2nd place in the Recitation Contest. itorrs with relatives. Mrs. J. C. Higgins is,spending this week with Mrs. Leon Kaufmann at 'Oil Springs,- • Mrs, Rayatiot d, Elliot is spending a ;fear days -with her brothers' and other .rela.tiv'cisl'in Toronto. ..- Mr. • and .Mrs. Carter; 'of . Seafor'th, were • .Sunday visitors with Elmer Fowler and Miss Florence Fowler, Mrs,.Jno, Sparks and Eileen are vis- iting in London.. Mr. ,and. Mrs, .1', D. King are 'visit- ing will' Mr, and;Mrs.•Will Jamieson at Elora, - TOBACCOS Must' be'Fresh'to be"ap- precigted by good -s riiikers. Get Y out' smoking sup- Plies uPPlies whre' you can be assumed of this. Oa>r' H aselgrove Smoke Shoppe ININiallgaiMaiffilliallaggiONgara ST. HELENS Recent visitors in the, community included Rev,' and Mrs. R.. W. Craw and little granddaughter, Mary Evelyn Mitchell, of Dorchester, with Mrs. J. 13, Rutherford; Mr. J. W. Salkeld, Mrs. J. T. Salkeld, Misses Mary and Elizabeth Salkeld, of .Goderich, with Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Gordon. Appropriate .colorful decorations added a festive air to the Hallowe'en Social held under the auspices of the a n Young Peoples Union. My came in costume and prizes in the different classes went to Mrs. Wright, dressed as a ghost, to Mrs. Jansen and May McDonald as a groom and bride, and to Allan Miller dressed as a young lady. An interesting programa of gam- es and contests was carried out under the direction of Miss Ruth Ramage,' convenor. accordance withan exchange of Ministers in Huron Presbytery ar- ranged in the interests of Missions, Rev. H. C. Watson, of Auburn, w ilt ecttpy the pulpit.,liere,next. Sunday morning. , the "2.F,U. was held The meeting of on Sunday evening with the Christian RHONE YOUR.O R FOR "Midland" ... nd" Alberta CO AL TRY : A TON SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of No. 11, East Wavvanosh, for the months of Septeinber and October.' Honors 75%, Pass 60%. Sr. IV -June Irwin 75,5, Sr. III --Martha Sinith 80.9, Dor- othy Pattison 60. Sr. II -Gwendolyn Irwin 76.4, Ruby Smith 59.7. , Primer -Audrey Irwin, Jack Shiell,• Elmer 'Shiell, Florence Smith. Nuinber on the roll 9, Average at- tendance -7.8. Jessie E. Finlayson, Teacher. Mr. and Mrs.; Harmon Mitchell, of Rothsay, spent Sunday with relatives here. ` Joe. McGill and Mel. Keating have opened a radio business in Lucknow. BLUEVALE Dr. Bert and Mrs. Hetherington. and baby, Helen,, of Brampton, also Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington, of Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Hetherington one day this week. Institute to Meet Nov. 14th The regular meeting, of the Worn - en's: Institute will be held on Thurs- day afternoon, Nov. 14th, at the home of Mrs. S. N. Gallaher. Roll Call - SOLD IN WINGHAM BY MacLEAN Lumber & Coal Co. PHONE 64W Thursday, November 7, 1935 sisseerioilisiginowom EAST WAWANOSH The first meeting of the season of the Jolly Time ' Literary Society was held in S. S. No. 9; East • Wawanosh, last Priddy evening, Nov. lst, This meeting took the form. of a Masquer- ade Social and Dance. Prizes were awarded to Miss .Mildred : Perdue as best dressed gentleman, and to Miss Mary Dow as best dressed lady. Im- mediately after lunch a business meet- ing was called to order by the past president, Mr; Elmer •Ireland, for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year. Thefollowing were el- ected: fres„ Mr. Alex. Robertson; ; Vice Pres., Mr. George Walker; Sec- retary, Mr. Gordon :McBurney. The. new president took the chair and the programs for the ensuing • year. were .. drawn up. We are looking forward to a very successful; year in our Lit- erary Society. A very enjoyable Hallowe'en social under the auspices of the Y.P.U. was held at the. liom'e of Mr.. and Ivi rs•. Leslie Wiglitman on Tuesday even- ing last week. Quite a number of the young people arrived incostume and. the usual tricks and fun were enjoyed by all, after the judges had given out their decisions which were as follows best dressed lady, Miss Helen Thomp- son; best . dressed gent, Mr. Gilbert Beectoft; best comic • costume, Miss June Irwin. The people who had. not come in costume were asked to.guess The Funniest Scr I ever saw any- who the ones in costume were,, arid. ape ELMER WILKINSON one in," Motto "There is no place in then to unmask. After this a fere a world like this for one who willl not do what he does not like", Mrs. Alex, Mowbray. Paper, Armistice Day. and ,why we celebrate it, Mrs. Gallaher. Report of: the annual con- vention by Miss Donna Smith. Exhib- it of article made from either a flour or sugar. sack. Visitors are always welcome. Y.P.S. Held Social The Hallowe'en Social given .by the Y.P.S. in the schoolroom of the Unit- ed Church on Friday evening brought out many costumes of odd ' design. The schoolroom was decorated in or- ange and black and made a pretty set- ting for the masqueraders, The prize winners were: Elizabeth :gathers, dressed as a pirate; Miss Louie Pat- ton and Mrs, 3. Smith as old-timers; Helen Thomson in Hallowe'en cos- tume; Harry . Wettlaufer, a pretty miss; ,Billy Gallaher, the hired man, and most popular of all, Bill Peacock] and Carl Johnston dressed as Mr. and Mrs. Dionne with a carriage full of sweet babies.. After the parade and awarding of prizes, games were play- ed and real Hallowe'en refreshments brought to a close an evening of fun. CALL 171 , JohnW.Pattison For RADIO SEiz.VICE, TIMES And SUPPLIES SatiSfaotion Guaranteed, games and contests were indulged, ap and lunch was served. After lunch all gathered together again, and Miss Jes- sie Finlayson moved a vote of thanks to the host and hostess: for ,the use of 'Weir home, and the host very ably, replied, after which the minister, Rev. Mr. Townend closed with a short prayer. The W. M. S. of. Brick .;United Churchare holding an ice-cream soc- ial at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sheill on Friday evening, Nov. 9th. W.M.S. to Celebrate 50th Anniversary The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church are arranging to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the organizing of the society on the afternoon of Tuesday, Nov. 126, when they ex- pect guests from the neighboring attx• iliaries. Milton McVittie and daughter, Miss Dorothy, of Flint, Mieh,, were week- end visitors at" the home of Mr. and. i Mrs. W. S. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. McEachern,' Louise and Gilbert, of Mount Forest, and Mr. George Yates, of Moose Jaw, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, R. F. Gat -piss. It?r.nincl were Mrsthe. Thos.guGeld;of of : Duinff- sardie; ests Mids BLYTH. The annual Fowl Supper ata d Con- cert under the auspices' of the Worn-. en's Institute will be held on Thurs- day, Nov 7th; -Cameron Geddes and assisting artists will presenta high- class program. Come and bring a friend. A rare treat is in store for you. Mrs. Steinoff has accepted a posi- tion in Mr. S. Popplestone's store,' Mrs.' Alice Slater visited her ne- phew, Mr. Melville Tyndall' of Col- borne Township. • Miss Ada Stackhouse •is visiting with friends at Brucefield this week. Mrs. Robert Brown,Brown,. spent .,a few clays in London this week. Mrs.- Thomas Kelly underwent a serious operation for goitre in Sea - forth Hospital recently. We pleas- ed to report she is progressing favor- ably. Mrs. Pheobie Taylor visited friends at Goderich during the past week. Mr. R. M. McKay, Robert Somers,. Ken. Ashton, have left for Northerat Ontario on. a •hunting expedition. Our tov<,ns ,, Mr. James mesDod Dodds, is on the sick list and is having medi- cal treatment in Clinton Hospital. Rev. Mr. Maloney of Brantford, has been appointed Rector o'f •Auburn, Belgrave and Blyth parishes, and will commence his duties Sunday, Nov. 11. Thank You! To ail who helped make our Dollar Days' Sale stich.p. splen- did success we extend • our thanks. May we bespeak your patronage for the "Almost Here" Christi -ma Shopping Sea- son, T, C, King Clearing Broken Limes. Sizes, Colors, Remnants, Oddquantities from last week's Dol- lar Days' Selling - Every de- ' pertinent has something to- of- fer'and there ,,are many splendid ,- buys. Shop at KING'S , this Thursday to Saturday. al ay. Mr. and Mrs. Field'leave this week for Flor- ida and California where they will spend the reinter. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and. family of Whiteehurch, spent''Stinday with , friends h'ete : `- lvtrs, Sarah "MdKinney and son, Ri- chard, of Toronto, were week -end vis ad. Mrs. Aitken on Sunday. Women's Stylish. Coats $15.00 to .$50.09 'Women's, Misses' Silk Dresses $5.95 - $7.50 - $12.75 Children's Good Coats , $5.50 to $12.75 Women's Avon Knit Suits $16.50 - $19.75 - $25.00 $27.50 All Linen Towelling 8 yards $1.00 45e Pajama Cloth 33e $8.50 All Wool Blankets $6.89 New Wool Dress Goods Smart Tartans Plaids - Botanys and Fine Tweed ef- fects. They're just right for skirts and blouses. Children's School Stock- ings' - 39c Made from strong, all wool - black yarns - some , with double knees -•excellent for school or home wear. Bargain per pair 39c., l$8.50 Misses' s' Tw eed Ra in- Coats Clearing- $4.98 Men's Extra Navy Suits $15.95 - $20.00 High Grade Overcoats. - 25.04 $15.00 - $19.75$ Men's $2.50 Winter Vests - $1.98 Boys' Suits and Over- Coats Splendid garments for all ages. Sweater Coats Jackets A big choice for Men,, Youths and Boys - $1.39 - $2.95 - $5.50. It's Underwear Time Turnbull's, Watson's and Penman's good lines forall members of the family. Com- binations and separate gar- ments. Come and see our good' values..' Men's Good Work Pants $2.14 Men's Wool Work Socks Extra value 29c - 49c Selling Men's Ties $1.19 Special purchase enables the low price for early sell- ing of Christmas Ties - reg- ular $1.50 Real Silk Ties on sale for $1.19. "When quality counts it pays to shop at KING'S" KING BROS. erson,' Cecil . C. II -Elizabeth Griffith, B; Billy San- derson, D., Sr. 'I -Betty Daly, B. Primer -Audrey rblcCutcheon, Margaret Sanderson, C. *-Absent for tests. John W. Fortune, Teacher. SCHOOL REPORT. U.S.S. No. 1, Tttrnberry (A--75 to 100, 13-011 to 75, Cr• -;40 to 60, D -'-below 40). • - Sr. IV --Helen Daly, 13; Mildred Griffith, :rl. Jr. TV! -I -Billy Adams ' . Jr. III Getirg +Nicholson *, Sand Watch Repairs • For Real High Class Watch Repairs, bring your watch to Williams, The Jeweller. Both- ing but genuine material used, on 1s prem- ises. done the l.wak and alp ises, EACH MONTH WE REPAIR ONE. WATCH FREE Bring Yours in, it may be 'the lucky one. Winner for October - Mrs. S, 131ack, Belgrave is MV:oderate Prices and Satisfac= tion Guaranteed: Williams Jl✓iiJ>" I,L]R�' STORE