HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-11-07, Page 3Thursday, November 7, 1935 WINGHIA'M ADVA.NCE- oodV ill" Chi IMS. 20 Valuable Prizes Given Away Free To.. The Lades of Wingham and Surrounding Communities Cash Commissions on Subscriptions. to Contestants Who Do Not Win a Prize Award The geese have gone south GET YOUR COAL NOW From Maclean lumber & Cna! Company Now is the Time to Buy Your OVERCOAT Our Styles and Prices .are. Right. ARMITAGE'S Xmas Will Soon Be Here VISIT OUR GIFT SHOP A Fine Selection from which to choose. William's Jewellery Only the Best Materials Are Used by Us. A Trial will convince you. Gibson's Bakery Your Dug Store Require- ments will be carefully attended to at " McKIBBON'S You will be Satisfied with your New Shoes if you buy them from Greer's Shoe Store See the Many FURNITURE BARGAINS. at Our Store. Walker's Furniture: For FRESH GROCERIES and Prompt Service, Call Olver's Grocery Stationery Patent Medicines School Supplies G. Mason & Son GET YOUR VOTES From Hanna & Co. Ltd. QUEBEC COOK STOVE With Reservoir, High Clo- set, Reg. $50.00 Clearing one only $39.00 Buchanan Hardware BLACK TEA 50c Blends 65c Orange Pekoe 85c. Christie's Grocery Equip Your Car for Win- ter Heaters, Defrosters, Batt- eries. Merkley's Garage STOP THAT COUGH WITH PINOL McAvoy's Drug Store Ladies are Sure of STYLE AND QUALITY at the Rush Millinery Sale of Wonzn's and Miss- es' Winter Coats. at Reduced Prices. DOUBLE VOTES ON SATURDAY SALES H. E. Isard & Co, Men's Work Clothes, Und- erwear, Sweaters. You'll find It Pays to shop ' at King's. KING BROS. HYDRO LAMPS ARE THE BEST. Hydro Shop Prepare .your car for Winter Driving. Best of Workmanship at Crawford Garage DOUBLE VOTES THURSDAY. FRIDAY And SATURDAY Biggs' Grocery For Further Information, Call, Write or Phone The Advance -Times R. L. TAYLOR, Club Manager World Wide News In Brief Form Italian King Backs Mussolini Rome -King Victoi Emmanuel; for the first time in public, backed Prem- ier Mussolini's campaign in Africa. Declaring the war is for Italy's "life, her security and her future," the King appealed to foreigners to spread word of Italy's mission of civilization. Massey for London Post Ottawa -Hon. Vincent Massey, who was Canadian HighCommissioner in London for a brief period in 1930, has again been appointed to that post, Prime Minister King announced, Mr. Massey's appointment will date Irom November 8th, theGovernment hav- ing G .v accepted the• resignation of Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, present High Comtnissioner, as effective on that elate. $75,000,000 Dominion Govt. Issue. Ottawa—A . $75,000,000 Dominion `Government bond issue was offered • to Canadian investors on Monday. The money will be used for general purposes and the bonds will be in two 'maturities, four and 19 '112 year, at two and three per cent. respective- ly. The four year, two per cent. bonds maturing Nov. 15, 1939, will be off- ered at 99.43 and accreted interest, to yield 2,15 per Cent. The 19 112 year three per cent, bonds will mature June 1, 1955, and wil be sold at 98 814, and accrued interest, yielding approx- imately ppro r.-imately 3.08 per cent. Chinese Premier wounded Nankin, China—The critical wound- ing of Premier Wang Ching-wei by an assailant was blamed by pollee up- on a "well -organized plot by. Chinese Comntunistis.'' Eleven suspects are held, including a girl Communist, The would-be killer himself is gravely wounded, Wang Ching -wee, 50, popularly t'ew garded as pro Japanese, and another official of the Nationalist Government were shot down just before a meeting of Chinese leaders to. consider Japan- ese 'demands concerning North China. Beverage Authorities Cancelled in 19 Hotels Nineteen Ontario hotels, whose op- eration, according to Premier Hep- burn, is definitely linked through Mo- hawk investments, Ltd., to breweries affiliated with Brewing Corporation of Canada, Ltd., had their beer and wine authorities suspended by the On- tario Liquor, Commission, with ap- proval of the Cabinet 'at Queen's Park. The suspension will remain in force, Premier Hepburn announced, until the hotels are "genuinely" solei or otherwise disposed of and acquire new managements satisfactory to the Liquor Commission, and not connect - cd directly or ' indirectly . with the brewing trade. Kernel in Lung 'Causes. Death A kernel of corn, which lodged in his lung, was blamed for the, death of Gerald Latimer, two-year-old and on- ly "child of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lat- imer, Tilbury West Township, The boy swallowed the kernel, was oper- ated on in a Detroit hospital and died, Gatineau, to Seek Separate Deal Gatineau officers will fight alone for a new contract with the Ontario Gov- ernment for their cotxnpany, while Maclaren, Bcattharuois and Ottawa Valley will try to iron out their trou- bles and approach the Government with a united front, it is understood. Chief obstacle to progress still is the attitude adopted—and 'maintained—by the first-class security holders, it was stated, who are adamant that they will not give ground to favor secondary or other interests in the company. Quebec Power Off Awaiting New Deals However long the Quebec power company executives or the vast nutn- ber of shareholders niay take to for- mulate their "new deals", the settle- ment with the Government, which is to effect so much saving to Ontario power users, is .to be effective as and from Nov. 1st. Italian Students Cry "Down With England" Rome—Bands of Sfudents threaten- ed establishments they believed to be British as Mussolini invoked a state of "economic seige" for all Italy. Af- ter howling "Down with England" in a demonstration before the British Embassy until gendarmes drove them away, the students descended on bus- iness and us-iness.and amusement places. New Premier of Saskatchewan Regina—Hon. W. J. Patterson, Min- ister of Natural Resources in the Sas- katchewan Government, was chosen to succeed Hon. J. G. Gardiner, Fed- eral Minister of Agricultute,' as Prem- ier of Saskatchewan. Transients Blamed for Fire Orillia—A theory that transients were responsible for the $20,000 fire that raged in South Ward School here was under investigation by ' police, Most of the rooms itt the school and their furniture were destroyed. To Investigate Peaty Deposits Toronto --Hon, Paul Leduc, pro- vincial minister of mines, announced A. R. Crozier, of his departtnent, would make extensive investigations and tests of peat deposits throughout Ontario with a view to developing, the industry. Interest of the Ontario Gov eminent itt peat was aroused by Mr. Crozier's survey of a 1,200 -acre peat bog owned and under proeessi»g lit Ellice Township by W. Lease, of Mil- verton, Ont. Italy May Arm Merchant' Marine •Rome—Premier Mussolini ordered a census of the mercantile marine to determine the strength of the naval reserve. Merchant ships will be arm- ed, if necessary, said the decree. Ottawa to Submit Questions. to Supreme Court Ottawa -The Department of Justice is drafting a series of ' questions to be submitted to the Supreme Court of Canada. These are to determine whether the Dominion, Parliament has exclusive legislative jurisdiction with respect to the eight-hour day, mini- mum wages, unemployment insurance and other social reforms enacted by :Parliament at its last session, Nazis. Take Census e sus of Private Cars Berlin-eMotorists and commericial drivers were ordered to watch for the date fa general inspection of all mo- tor vehicles, 'designed to determine and catalogue their suitability for `ar my use in the event of emergency, .A Berlin reserve officer, it was announc- ed, will be named as the,"preliminary• motor master official, Italy Wants to Trade with US. Washington—Italy requestedeinfor- tnati.on on trade agreements between the United States and other countries. Behind the request lay negotiations for an American -Italian reciprocal trade treaty, begun early in the spring, but dormant since the Italo- Ethiopian dispute began and Presi- dent Roosevelt discouraged trade with the belligerents. Diner: "This salmon isn't nearly as nice as that I had a week ago."' Waiter: "It should be, sirit's the same fish?' Sher "Are you sure that we are living beyond our means?" Het "Worse than that, We are liv- ing beyond our credit;" YI 111111111111,1111110111111 U 1111/"1,1111111.'111,1011141101011 NEWS Of the DISTRICT .. 1.11111"i Serve the. •. 01111110„111111111111101"101111111"1110111111111111011114110110,1 • t W: Barn Burned at $ervie Fire totally destroyed the frame barn of Wilfred Sheane, Bervie last Thursday evening, The flames were noticed by neighbors, who notified the Sheane family, who were absent from their home at the time. The cause of the fire' is unknown. Included in the loss is all the seasons' crop. A strong wind fanning the flanies .endangered the hone for some time, and a call was put in to the Kincardine Fire Bri gade, ten miles away: When they ar- rived.they were unable to help matters as the water tank for the farm was situated in the top of the burning barn, Owen Sound Motorist Sentenced to One Year One year in the Ontario Reform- atory was the sentence imposed upon Melville Smith, of Owen Sound, by Justice Kelly, presiding at the Bruce fall assizes at -Walkerton. ' The jury found him guilty of criminal negli- gence. The charge was the result of a motor accident last May 7th when Miss Annie Sparks, of Saugeen Town- ship, was knocked down by a motor- ist while walking along the highway near Port Elgin and almost instantly. killed. Smith was arrested two days later at an Owen Sound garage through the clue of a broken head- light found at the scene of the acci- dent. Crushed by Gravel Thos. White, of Listowel, while as- sisting W. A. Gray to load gravel, received injuries to his legs and body when about two, tons of gravel fell in, almost burying him. No bones were broken. . Ellice Township School Closed Several Cases of scarlet fever have broken out in School Section No. 8, Ellice Township, Perth County, and in consequence Dr. P. F. Quinlan, of Stratford, M.O.H., for the township, ordered the school closed and to be fumigated over the week -end. Fined for Taking Car Convicted on a charge of using an automobile without the consent of the owner, H. Wallace, an employee of the Superior Motors here, was fined $25.00 and costs when he appeared in Guelph police court.—Palmerston Ob- server. New Hotel for Port Elgin The new summer hotel at Port El- gin Beach is rapidly taking shape as workmen endeavour to close in the structure before the oncoming wintry weather makes outdoor work impos- sible. Mr. Roswell K. Park, the pro- prietor, is busily supervising all de- tails of the new hotel which will con- tain twenty-eight rooms besides large dining accommodtition, lounges with a • massive fireplace and complete plumbing for hot 'and cold water throughout.—Port Elgin Times. Deer Killed A big buck deer was discovered ly- in dead in the ditch just south. of "Boles" hill, below the 12th Conces- sion on Wednesday near noon. Mac Webster made the discovery, finding the animal cold and stiff having evi- dently been struck and killed by a car or truck.—Lucluiow Sentinel. Tombstone Stolen An unusual disappearance was re- ported at Goderch when the police were informed of the loss of a mass- ive granite tombstone from a grave in Maitland Cemetery. The stone was removed, apparently by truck, during a brief absence of the sexton. Police are investigating, Godlerioh Residents to be Tried by County Judge J. Howard Robertson, former God- erich tax collector, charged with theft by conversion of $7,582 municipal funds, and John A. Lawrence, former C.N.R. town ticket agent, charged with the theft by conversion of $1,875 of the railway company's funds, ap- peared before Judge T. M. Costello, to change their'election. Mr. Robert- son, who pleaded not guilty at the preliminary bearing before Magistrate C. W. Hawkshaw an August 15, and elected trial by a judge and jury, el- eeted trial by Judge Costello, The date of the hearing was set for Dec. 17th at 2 o'clock: Bpi] in the suns of $10,000 was .renewed. Mr. Lawrence also elected trial by Judge Costello, changing his election of trial by judge and jury made before Magistrate • J. A. Makins on September 12. "Fie pleaded not guilty. The case will be heard at 10 ern. on December 170. J1110 est Tea 11 T E A Bail in the sum of $5,000 was renew- 'found that there were several cows. ed ors the track. Kraemer, who was plow- ing nearby, realized the danger and: stopped the train, He was given a lift and fhe wayward bovines were 'coralled to a nearby lanevay. Child Swallowed Safety Pin Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell McLennan of Lucknow had 'a few anxious hours an Thursday when their five months' old daughter, Marlene, swallowed a small open safety pin. The little tot did not appear to be suffering any ill effects, and when an X-ray revealed that the pin had passed through the stomach without lodging there, the physician was satisfied that the little tot would not be seriously affected. The open pin was expelled a few hours later without any serious harm. befalling the child. Goderich Issues Writ The Corporation of the town of Goderich issued a writ against the United States Fidelity Company and J. Howard Robertson for $8,400, the amount of the alleged shortages in the former tax collector's accounts. • Ex -Reeve Took Stroke The many friends of Mr. Moses Fil- singer, former reeve of the township of Carrick, wii] deeply regret to learn that he was the victim of paralysis. His right side is seriously affected and although his condition is quite seri- ous, hopes are held out for his re- covery.—Mildmay Gazette. Eye Badly Gashed Audrey, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wendt, had her eye' badly injured on Wednesday noon,• when a door hook lacerated her face, causing a wound that took several stitches to close. She was taken to the Bruce County Hospital to have an ex- amination made of her eye.—Mildmay Gazette. 53rd Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. James 1,V. Carter, of Auburn, observed, the 53rd annivers- ary of their wedding at their home on main street. James Willis Carter was born at Oakville, Halton County, son of Isaac Carter and Sarah Bell. Mary Hetherington was the oldest daughter of Joseph Hetherington and Elizabeth Scott. She was educated at No. 5, Colborne. The marriage took place at the parsonage in Dungannon, on .November 1, 1882. As was the cus- tom at that time there was no- wed- ding trip. They went to their home in Kingsbridge, where they lived for a year before going to Auburn 52 years ago. Flags Train to Save Cows Using- his workshirt as a distress signal, Kenneth Kraemer, young far- mer,. flagged the Stratford-Goderich freight train to a stop about four mil- es east of Mitchell, Wednesday morn- ing. The engineer noticed the flag- ging and when he stopped his train Family Has Continued Bad Luck Bad luck continues to pursue the family of John Cronyn, McGillivray Township, farmer, resident on high- way No. 4, near the Roman Catholic Church, south of Exeter. What is re- ported as the fifth mishap within the past two years to members of the Cronyn family took place when his. three-year-old son, Larry, climbed a. haystack looking for hen's eggs. The little lad lost his footing and in elhe resulting fall to the ground, fractured an arm. Contests Mother's Will An action by Mary Bella Foster, of Gorrie, to cancel the will of her mo- ther, Mary A. Underwood, deceased, of Wingham, has been started; plain- tiff's brother, G. Nelson Underwood, is the defendant. Plaintiff charges un- due or fraudulent influence on part of defendant. CHINESE PREMIER WOUNDED* The attempted assassination of Wang Ching Wei, Chinese premier and foreign minister, pictured ABOVE, has been reported in a dispatch from Nankin, which says he vas shot and seriously wounded. The assassin is dead. 0 NOM RATES 41.50 4 to 250NM Ea ere ;111, 11 oil !11 1f yll 111 all 1 11 fcolar•!Y MODERN FIREPROOF # HOTELS Y 1YEKIEEILY B.00ATEO I,EASY KIK FACILITIES Montre i Fronto ROCH ESTER'LBLSFFACO-e'RIE ang Cain 1 aig MOP 20% ff apear Prices SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. 2 YEARS TO COMPLETE PAYMENT Also Range Wiringfinanced umder above plain. New Low Prices on all reliable makes of Electric Ranges. es. CALL AT YOUR HYDRO SHOP ,FOR FULL INFORMATION ..Witighana 0.'