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Wingham "Good -Will" Club
20: Valuable Prizes Given Away Free
To The Ladies of Wiugham and Surrounding Communities
Cash Commissions on Subscriptions to Contestants Who Do Not Win a Prize Award
The geese have gone south
MacLean lumber & Coal
All Overcoats Reduced for
Now is the time to buy at
William's Jewellery
Only the Best Materials
Are Used by Us.
A Trial will convince you.
Gibson's Bakery
Greer's Shoe Store
Sole Agents.
On All our Stock for
Walker's Furniture
Olver's Grocery
It Will Pay You to Buy on
G. Mason & Son
Hanna & Co. Ltd.
With Reservoir, High Clo-
set, Reg, $50.00
Cleariag one only $39.00
Buchanan Hardware
Choice Black Tea 49c Lb.
Christie's Grocery
Prepare your Car for Win-
ter Driving, Anti -Freeze,
Merkley's Garage
Thurs., Friday, Saturday
Double Votes during Sale
McAvoy's Drug Store
Ladies are Sure of
at the
Rush Millinery
Outstanding Values for
H. -E. lsard & Co.
On all Cash Purchases on
Hydro Shop
Crawford Garage
Biggs' Grocery
For Further Information, Call, Write or Phone The Advance -Times
R. L. TAYLOR, Club Manager
World Wide News In Brief Form
Bannon Given 15 Years
London, Ont.—Jack Bannon was
found guilty on charges of kidnapping.
. and armed robbery of John S. Labatt,
millionaire London brewer,. on Aug.
14, 1934. Justice G. F. McFarland,
who at a former Labatt kidnap trial
imposed a fifteen -year, sentence on
David Meisner, Covington, Ky., gamb-
ler, in less than five minutes after the
jury reported, sent Bannon to Kings-
ton Penittentiary for fifteen years.
Germany, Armed Camp,
Says Churchill
London—Winston Churchill, veter-
an of many Conservative : Cabinets,
told the. House of Commons that Bri-
tain insist. maintain command of the
Mediterranean Sea, and, warned that
"the whole of Germany is an armed
camp." "We must without delay pro-
vide for secure and lasting command
of the Mediterranean," said Churchill
amid loud cheers,
1270 Seek EIection
London—The Royal proclamation
dissolving Parliament and suit'Imotiing
a new Pariiament into session on No-
vember 26 was published, while head=
quarters of all parties drove ahead.
with plans for candidates and cam-
paign speeches. There are 1270 seek-
ing election,
Sanctions Will Go On
London—A prediction that League
sanctions against Italy "absolutely
will go on" came from authoritative
quarters.' Recurring and, unconfirmed
reports of Premier Mussolini's "peace
sounding' 'to Prance met a cool re-
ception, Officials stood on their
statements that any suggestions for
peace rntrst be satisfactory to both the
League of Nations and Ethiopia, and
well-informed personssaid
no such.
suggestions yet had Come from Il
Selassie Spurns Peace
Addis Ababa—Emperor Haile Sel-
assie 'spruned any peace that does not
include an adequate indemnity for his
Empire, return of the lost cities of
Askum and Adowa, and the with-
drawal of every Italian soldier from
the land. With peace talk rife throu-
ghout the country, it was emphasized'
that he has received no suggestions
whatever for settlement of the war,
either officially or unofficially.
Former French Premier
Praises Britain
Paris—Former Premier Edouard
Herriot warned France's Largest pol-
iticad party thatEthro •ia is far
and there are other countries nearer
to us" where the principle of sanc-
tions may some day have to be ap-
plied. This, remark," taken in some
quarters as a thinly veiled refernce
to Germany, concluded • the states-
man's speech before the Radical -Soc-
ialist Congress, now in session, Great
Britain is France'sbest friend and
"the oldest, most certain and most
powerful enemy at war,"Paul Bestial,
Chairman of the Foreign Affairs
Committee of the Chamber of Deput-
ies, told the Congress.
Power Bond Holders to be Consulted
Bondholders -there are over 100,-
000 of thein -of the four Quebec pri-
vate power companies at present en
gaged in the $300,000,000 power con-
troversy with the Hepburn' Govern-
ment are to be given a real say in
the settlement. Before the Ontario
Government will negotiate new con-
tracts—definitely, there are to be new
contracts—with the executives of the
companies who consulted with the
Cabinet; the power "barons" will have
to produce their bondholders' author-
ities make ke
t t~e the new w deals. Power
bondholders are jubilant over the
Government's action in giving them a
say in settlement of the interprovinc-
ial power dispute, ` They will author-
ize their company executives to ne-
gotiate, but will keep a firm, protect-
ive_hand in any deal.
Slot Machines Seized
Two police trucks loaded with slot
Machines were brought to the Moral-
ity Office in the Stewart Building, in
Toronto, during the past few days.
The police are seizing all machines
being used as gambling devices. In
the stores from which the slot ma-
chines were taken, the police claim
tobacco .and other merchandise was
given in exchange for slugs.
Navy Continues to Guard
the Mediterranean
London—British naval concentra
tion in the Mediterranean remains, i
was learned •
n d fr tri
0 official ai sources
The Government appreciates Musso
lini's "gesture" in withdrawing a di
vision of Italian troops from Libya
but the British authorities emphasize
that it is no Dart of the "bargain,"
and no orders have yet come forth
for the reduction of British naval
forces in the .Mediterranean:
Hotel Chain Rumour Denied
Although Brewing Corporation of-
ficials deny that they are in any way
concerned, Premier Mitchell F. Hep-
burn has asked Ontario Liquor Com
imssioner E. G. Odette to investigate
allegations that certain organizations
are endeavoring to buy up hotels and
establish a "tied" hotel system, with
beverage -selling privileges, "There is
nothing to it, sb far as I know," the
Premier stated, in respect to the in -
guides about to be made. "And Mr.
Taylor of the Corporation denies it,
which would seern to end it, Never-
theless," rata having Mr. Odette make
a complete check,"
Orillia's New Power Plant
In Operation!
Lindsay—When say-Whe
n :. I. Tud
ope; the
pioneer of municipally owner utilities
of Orillia, .pressed the button at the
$800,000 power dam at Workman's
Falls, Minden, 6,000 horsepower, gen-
erated from the headlakes in the
County of Haliburton, flashed along
50 miles of high-powered line to Oril-
lia, and turned the wheels of industry,
and lighted the streets and houses of
that town. Orillia now has two pow-
er dams municipally owned and oper-
ated. A million -dollar, plant at Swift
Rapids, Severn River and Workman's
Falls, at Minden, which cost $800,000.
Italian Minister to Ethiopia Leaves
Addis Ababa ---Italy's minister to
Ethiopia, Count Lugi Vinci-Gigliucci,
left Addis Ababa Saturday closely
guarded but unresisting after 'having
defied for 18 days a government ulti-
matum to depart.
Japan to Annex Chahar
Province will be in-
corporated within the next two weeks
pito Manchouktro, or made an auton-
omous Province as a preliminery to
such incorporation, it was reported
here. The Mongol Prince Toowan is
scheduled to become Chairman of the
new administration.
Britain Wants Naval, Conference
London—Great l3ritain formally in-
vited the United States, Japan, France
and Italy to a naval conference at
London, he invitation was accepted
by the ''United States. The Govern-
ment set the date for Dec. 2, and fol-
lowed the invitations with an announ-
cement in Commons by Sir 13ilton
Eyres-Monsell, First Lord of the Ad-
France Will Aid Britain
Paris --'Premier Laval told the For-
eign'Affairs Committee of the Cham-
ber of Deputies that, -whatever the fut-
ure brings,. France will kuphold the
League of Nations and fulfil all its
obligations tinder the Covenant. The
Premier told, the committee French
battleships will steam immediately to
the assistance of Great Britain if the
latter is •attacked by Italy, without
waiting for the League to act,
,V, :teneeteiet11ettee1,t11 ee.,,1111,1/ts1111es.. 1111,1111„ 10„ 1d
NEWS - -
of 'tile
Bagedd 111 Rabbits
Wednesday of last week was a dis-
astrous day for jack rabbits in the
Ripley district. A score or more Wal-
kerton and Mildmay nimrods arrang-
ed the drive, and covered about two
thousand acres in their operations. It
was not long before the bombarding
commenced, and before it was over,
one hundred and eleven jacks had fal-
len.—Mildmay Gazette.
Motor Car on C. P. R. Tracks-.-'
Considerable interest was shown on
Tuesday fast when C. P. R. officials
came into the village in a large Pack-
ard touring car of ancient vintage—
not via the King's Highway but on
the, steel rails of the railroad. The
car, in appearance, was much the
same as an ordinary one except that
flanged wheels were substituted for
the regular ones and a large bell was.
hung, protruding in front of the rad-
iator.—Milverton Sun.
First Oats Shipped in 25 Years
J. A. Goetz shipped a caroald of
oats from this station on Wednesday.
That doesn't appear interesting, ex-
cept for the fact that it is the first
shipment of oats made from Mildmay
in the past quarter of a century. Mild-
may usually imports many cars of
oats and other feed grains each year.
Mildmay Gazette,
A Queer Carrot
Mr. John G. Gibbings of Hallett
dug up a carrot in his garden the
other day which measured eight in-
ches in length and which had attach-
ed to its point a string root measur-
ing twenty-six inches.—Clinton News -
Investigate Fire
Provincial Constable J. M. Douglas
is investigating the report of an at-
tempted arson case which occurred at'
the home of William. Porterfield in
Elms township. An attempt was made
police were informed, to burn the
barn on the Porterfield farm. A small
quantity of hay was found burning in
the corner of the rnow, but it was ex-
tinguished before much damage was
done.—Listowel Banner,
Large Chimney for Goderich
An interesting development is tak-
ing place in the industrial progress of
Goderich. The Goderich Salt Co.,
Ltd., to which a large portion of the
activity of the community iii recent
years is due, are again to the fore.
The first step in the erection of the
Company's new steam plant is being
taken, namely the building of a solid
concrete chimney, which will tower
155 feet into the air and be a land-
mark for utiles around.
Paisley Bridge Open
Official opening of the new county
bridge at Paisley was carried out on
Tuesday afternoon, with Hon. T. B.
McQuesten, minister of highways for
the province officiating. A banquet
will be tendered Mr. 1MScQuesten by
the village and county councils as a
part of the celebration of the occasion.
Fell 20 Feet Fracturing Foot
Falling a distance of some 20 feet
from a crusher bin, Bert Mahaffey,
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Mahaffey, Hibbert Township, had a
large bone in one foot broken. The
young man was at work with his fa-
therwho was operating a gravel
Ministers Supervise Road Building
Working under United church prea-
chers of the Goderich district, three
gangs of men have begun the con-
struction of a road from the Blue
Water Highway to the United church
summer camp, three miles north of
Goderich. The camp has become pop-
ular, but it has been difficult to reach
because of a poor roadway, . The
gangs of men are grading the half
mile stretch and will finish up by
graevliing it.
Six Months for Attempted Burglary
Harriston—Arthur Armstrong was
sentenced to six months confinement
when he appeared before Magistrate
Watt here in the police court charg-
ed with attempted burglary.
Auto Thieves Busy at Orangeville
Car thieves had a field day at Or-
angeville Thursday night. The new
sedan car of John 13. Hughson of John
Street, was taken from the Street in
front of his residence. Cars owned
by Dr. W. H. Bowles, West Broad-
way, and Thomas G. Rennick, Church
Street, were taken from their garages,
but left onthes t
re t nearby when carby the
thieves were unabie to lock the mesh-
anion'. • Roy Smith's new sedan was
damaged when it was being removed
alada Orange 'Pekoe
13Iend will prove a slaver
delight to lovers of Fine tea.
from his garage on John Street, and
he 'found it in, a ditch near his home
this morning, The service station of
Norman Reid, Broadway; showed
sig -ns this morning of an attempt hav-
ing been made to enter it during the
Shot in Abdomen
Dr. H. J. Wildfang, • a Tillsonburg
physician, was dangerously wounded
Thanksgiving Day in a shooting acci-
dent while spending the holiday at
his summer home at Inverhuron. Dr.
Wildfang, accompanied by his wife
and daughter, was walking behind the
cottage toward a field where be plan-
ned to have a few' practice shots with
his shotgun. He stumbled on rough
ground and the weapon discharged
directly into his abdomen. He was
taken to Kincardine Hospital in a ser-
ious condition. He was given two.
blood transfusions, the blood being
supplied by Boy Scouts.
New Barrister for Kincardine
The town of Kincardine welcomes;
a new business man this week. He is
Mr, William C. Cuttell, of Toronto,
who has taken over the law practice
of Mr. E. Stewart Graham, Mr. and
Mrs. Graham will leave about Nov-
ember 1st for Toronto, where Mr.
Grahana will practice. — Kincardine
Skunk Takes Charge of
Doctor's Office
Patients of Dr, J. B. Whitely,
erich, will be received' at his home i
definitely, Although the office i
wide open, the physician is in no fea
of marauders ransacking the place fo
it is completely guarded—by a skunk
Dr. Whitely discovered the animal in
the cellar and left the doors open
hoping the skunk would become hun
gry and walk out. He did not wait to
see if the animal was in need of medi
cal assistance.
of the district, Each diagram showed
the easiest method of approaching a`
store of fruit, vegetables and wood or
pig pens and chicken coops. The lay-
out of the Monteith farm is said to
have been in Durr's book, with "on-
ions" marked on it.
Car Hits Buggy, Three Injjured
When retruning home from Clifford
on highway No, 9, opposite Peter Ste.
Marie's' farm, Mr. and Mrs. George
Klein and the latter's sister, Miss
Freda Hobermahl, met with an acci-
dent when their buggy was struck by
a car driven by Alec • Krammer. All
three were thrown out onto the pave-
ment. Mrs. Klein was caught beneath
the buggy and dragged 30 rods along
the road until the horse.'came to a
standstill. She still had hold of the
lines and the lighted lantern. She was
badly bruised and scratched. Miss
Hobermahl had four ribs broken aid.
Mr. Klein suffered concussion and
had one rib broken. All are suffering
severely from shock. The buggy was
badly wrecked. The men. in the car
were unhurt and their car just slightly
damaged They were on their way to
Garage Man Robbed
Armed with two large revolvers, a
masked robber held up; and took $26
from Victor Torrance, employed by
Henderson Bros. at their service sta-
tion on East Broadway, Orangeville..
A car drove up to the gas pumps, and`
God- as' Torrance opened the door to serve
n- the customer he had the two guns:
s shoved against him. He backed into
r the station where the bandit went
r through his pockets as he lay on the
floor, face down.
Shingle Mill Burned
The shingle mi1l of Mr. Andrew
F.reiburger on the Walkerton -Kincar-
dine highway, just west of the Tees -
water Road, was completely destroyed
by fire with the contents of the struc-
ture, which included the saw and ma-
chinery, a chopping outfit, a gasoline
engine which was used for pumping
water, and also the tools, etc.
Stolen Onions Recovered
Police recovered a ton of onions
stolen from the farm of Charles Mon-
teith, Usborne Township, a fete days
ago. The load was found dumped at
a side road near Monteith's farm. It
is suspected that Edgar and Alvin
Durr and Kenneth Morley, of Park-
hill, arrested on Monday charged with
a Stephen Township theft, also per-
petrated the Usborne theft, When ar-
rested, police state, Edgar Durr bad
in his possession a book containing
diagrams of the layout of many farms
"If it wasn't for me you'd be the
biggest fool in the show business.,"
"How does it feel to head the list?"
"Your diet should include plenty of
"But, doctor, I haven't 'a toothin
my head."
He had just been worsted in a bus-
iness deal and he was very angry.
"1 look upon you, sir, as a rascal!"
he said.
"You are privileged,' 'said his rival,
"to look upon me in any character
you care to assume."
Hydro Range
20% Off Regu'ar Prices
Also Range Wiring financed under above plan.
New Low Prices on all reliable makes of
Electric Ranges,
Wingham Utilities