HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-10-24, Page 6Finn Serial Fiction in a >a • ear firm. • , ;Three Prize Short Starivsa (of four instalments each) by si master story -teller... . They're Rex Beach at his heat. at, Rau 0E4,4M 'OPSIS ! Then=e's something queer about it... permit her. He promised to let her SYN Uncle Joe was a sweet, easy-going hear from lrinx in a day or sa. man and, she rode him with a Spa.nish,I 'Betty's face was flushed, her eyes bit. She never would have let him ;were shining, when she enteredthe take rine in, when my folks died, only :bouae after he was gone. She was 1 did all'"the work. )3ut he sure .loved' surprised to find her ` aunt awaiting When the .oil excitement came "Tiller came over the other night file I her. they rowed and "fought fore months, 4 T 1 s Whenever he got an offer she claimed w.hee;you was in town," Mrs, Durham he was trying to give the farm away began. and threatened to go to law. I told you about that. He stood it as long as he could; then he up and announc- ed that I'd been more of a daughter to him than she'd been a wife and he aimed to give most of his money to me anyhow, and then he made that lease with the Planet people. That's how Maddox came. I think she'd have poisoned me, if she dared, affer what uncle said. When he was killed I sup- posed, of course, she'd throw me out, but she didn't. No use to du it, I will." Mrs. 'Durham's lips set them - suppose, inasmuch as he hadn't left selves in lines of :inflexibility. If you any writing. As a matter of fact, she got a smitch of sense you will. Do was better to me than she'd ever been. you want to be poor all your life or That's what makes me wonder some,- d'you want to be rich? de - "Wonder "I tell you I won't! I wont. what?" cured the girl. "The big, black, "If he didn't tell Tiller something. greasy brute!" "Now don't fly off the *handle till I'm through. I've been pretty good Ben Furlong, a young but practical oil man and driller from .the Penn- sylvania field, drifted into the. Texas oil country; broke and looking for work. Fiscally be fetched up at the Durham home where live an elderly aunt, shortly widowed by the explos- ion of a powder wagon, and her neice, pretty Betty Durham.... Perhaps be cause of his smile, qty cooks some food for Ben and while '.he eats he learns the aunt, in town on business, has an oil. man, Tiller Maddox, sink- ing an oil well for her ... A short 6 -inch bolt worked louse .from the rigging and is in the hottom of the well, Work has been suspended for days as the crew "fish" for ;the bolt and operating funds dwindle .away . . Furlong offers to give a hand, but Maddox objects • .: Betty iinuists and overrules Maddox so Furlong fash- ions a tool which he has just lowered into the well, hoping to fish out the bolt. . . . On the order of Betty's aunt, Furlong is given a job.. Mad- dox. doff shows his dislike for the .new hand, especially because Ben and Bet- ty are friendly. While the two are in town shopping one evening, Mad- Something that makes her scared of him. Sometimes she acts like it's only because of Minn that she's nice to rue. , .. I don't know what. I'd do if she sent me away. I haven't got a red cent. There isn't a living soul I could "laid ;he.?., "He talked a lot about you, 'Tiller's a fine man, dearie—" Betty broke out irritably: "Don't let's stare that all over again." "Oh, your head's full of Furlong, I supposel But what's he got? Nothing. Not even ;job.' Now Tiller wants to marry yon steel—you, better do it." 'You know very well I'll do nothing of the sort..'" "Maybe you won't and maybe you LN ;1-1 AM ADVANCE -TIMES him. She's RCoughing now, an' 1 bet to eiued, had deepened and grown.,, by .as many wells has been ruined by that ! prayer fellowship with God ,and'b,y .� stuff as they is wells that's been implicit, unvarying and uncunaproan.is- tiradS ,,, in;; obedience to God's will. There "I'm going :to see Mrs. Durham." are 'few men in 41 history Worthy to Bert fuse, but the other explained:. be counted Daniel's peer. "She's gene away over Sunday to Many yesrs'before the time of the srisit her kinfolks." sensational incident of,this lesson "Who's lookingont for Betty?" Daniel had been brougt, as a 'boy, "1 dunno. T!llei, I reckon." across the desert from Judah to Baby- lon , Nebuchadnezzar, perhaps the mightiest monarchthis world has eve er known, was King of Babylon then; and when he subjugated Judah and took Jerusalem he gave orders that dox calls upon the aunt, demanding ;.he help his case with Betty or there will be no well. . . NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. THIRD INSTALMENT "Did you drop that bolt in the well?" Mrs. Durham bleated, in dis- may. I ain't sayin' I did or I didn't. But remember, if this well ain't a produc- er, you're blowed up, and it ain't a-1 goin' to produce till there's a Mrs. Tiller Maddox to see it and to get her sharel We bargained that out, long ago. Yes, an' I ain't afraid of you goin' back on our deal, either. You don't dast." "I—I'll try again." 'You better do more'n try. I'll give you just one more chance. If she don't come across, I want you, to go visit your folks Saturday evenin', an' leave her here. Understand?" For a moment Mrs .Durham stared at the speaker, then she said: "Tiller Maddox, you're g dirty di_•!" "Say! I've took all the back talk 1 can stand for one day. You heard me. You do like I tell you, an' you needn't to get b acts from you visit till Mon- day,,, 19?n.t until Ben and Betty had finish- ed their shopping and were on their way home did he tell her about the-- oubie i t Ir id liar( with Maddox. that Ben _passed Ids arra.around the slim ,`trMorn-leg. girlish figure and drew it to him. "He let on he was fooling, but of course hell fire me the first chance he gets," Furlong predicted. kissed the cheek next to his and Bet - "Oh Ben! Why did you do it?" ty hungrily pressed her face closer. Ben passed his arm around the -slim, girlish figure and drew it to him. "That'll be about .all for you!" He I Furlong frowned. For a .while he listened inattentively: to his', then be rose and left the rink. Conditions all over the oil fields, as be well knew, were unsettled, and he did ace relish the thought of Betty' the finest young men of the children out there alone in that farmhouse; but ! of Israel, "of the king's seed, and of ever more disturbing was the fact that , the` princes; children in whom was 'no Mallow: proposed to shoot the Dur- blemish, but well ,favored, and skilful Baan well. What ailed the man? in all wisdom, and cunning in know- After :seine indecision Ben decided ledge; and understanding science, and to warn Betty. It was none of hissuch as, had ability in them to, stand business, ito be sure, but a word' from I in the king's palace," should be care her might 'induce the aunt to go slow- fully chosen and cared for as young ly and perhaps save the cost of the princes, that they might be taught well. It would be criminal to leave "the learning and thetongue of the her in ignorance of the risks she ran. Chaldeans.'• Daniel was one of these run boys. We may think it no wonder that. he "made good" and rose to great prom- inence in the mighty Empire of Bab- ylon. : ab-ylon.: But there was a wonder: living in the midst of luntiry,,pagan idol to you—" "I've earned my keep ever since I came. You'd have paid more for a hired 'girl than I cost." "Oh, hush up and let me finish. We allus fight like this. Your Uncle Joe cared a lot for you and—and I want to respect his wishes. When that well. comes in this farm'll be worth — I dont: know what. Anyhow, my heart's set on seeing you get a good home and have everything. How'd you like to live in a fine house in Dallas?" "What ails you? Are you losing your mind, Aunt Mary?" and it was "And you can have 'em - if you mar- were for hire were out, ry Tiller. Marry Furlong and you'll spend your life over a cook stove." "How can Tiller give me things like that?" "I'll give 'em to you." After a moment Betty inquired, cu - He tried to hire a car to' back out to the farm, but what him few The next he knew Betty Durham was holding his head in her lap. some time before he could discover a truck that was later going in that direction. It was considerably after dark when Furlong left Opportunity; he had to walk the last three miles, so it was riously, "How much will you give?" late bedtime when he finally arrived It was Mrs. Durham's time to hesi- at the Durham homestead. tate, her words came with an effort. "I Evidently Bettywas asleep; at any don't krtow—mebbe .a quarter inter- rate, the farmhouse windows were est." dark and Ben. wondered hove he could "H m h l" The exxclatnatiprt vas one best awaken her without causing al - of of scorn. ' - arm. Visitors in the country at this "There's gratitude r titude for you! Mebbe time of night were not common. He if it's a real `big well I'd do better. decided to call softly from outside her You --you've got to do it, Betty!" the window, so he closed the gate quietly widow cried in distraction. "If you !behind him and made his way around don't he'll ruin everything. He said the house. ""$I - 5o. If that well don't come in the 1 He paused in surprise when he had farm ain't worth—"turned the corner of the building, for "Sol That's why you're so gener- !the kitchen door was open. A mo- t' ous. Now you listen to me. I would- mentary panic swept over him; then n't marry Tiller Maddox,not for all he drew 'a breath of relief, for at that the oil in Texas, not if it was to save ;moment he heard the girl's muffled voice. "Who's there?" she cried. He opened his lips to speak reas- suringly, but the sound died in his throat, for inside Betty's room be Thursday, October 24, 1935 SECOND WOMAN MEMBER atry, voluptuousness, immorality of Mrs. George Black, who; at over every sort and of the most appealing seventy, has entered parliament, will sorts, Daniel never swerved in his be the second woman member in the personal faith, allegiance, and obed- ience to God, on in his personal pur- ity andstrict habits in eating and drinking, so that spirit, mind and body were kept at their best through a long lifetime. ""s And Daniel had come into great prominencenot merely because of his natural gifts an1-,1 "characteristics, bus. also because God gave him supernat- ural revelations. As a very young man he interpreted for Nebuchadnez- zar a dream in which God had given the'King a prophetic forecast of the - ages of the world, from Nebuchad- nezzar's day down to the tune in which we live, and beyond. Many years had now passed, and a ra.ndson of Nebuchadnezzar was reigning, Belshazzar. He was a typi- cal king of his period: worldling, lib- ertine, gourmand and drunkard,. spending his royal riches in a prod- 'gal way to satisfy his appetites and to enable his courtiers to join in all this with him. He "made a great feast to a thous - Ind of his lords, and drank wine be- fore the. thousand." In blasphemous bravado he had the gold and silver ressels which Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple in Jerusalem brought to this feast, so that "the king and his princes, his wives, and his concubines, might drink therein." We can imagine the laughter, licent- iousness, abandon of this affair al "they drank wine, and praised the gods of gold,' and of silver, or brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone." "We were bound to tie into each "Good thing you wren t an heiress— your life." other sooner or later. You can't and me with less than a hundred dol- "Wait! Don't•. make up your mind i-`' larsJ" crhoose a time to get fighting mad; its in a hurry. I—I'm going over toou'll Cousin Anna's—" as much as you can do to pick good. '°You behave yourself, or y r+ o f s footing, "Aunt Bary` F•vont let him•fire you. She doesn't trust him any more than I do." "Say! What has he got on her?" � The girl did not look up from her broke the news to his sweetheart. Be t - driving She fetched a deep breath as ty was indignant. She was for appeal- she pp it- she said: "I'd dearly love to know. ng to her aunt, but he refused to wreck this car," the girl warned him. Maddox carried out his intention. He discharged Furlong on Friday night, explaining that the well was down, and the next morning Ben EMPEROR AND FAMILY When? What or?" heard a ruin's voice, then a stir, a 'Right after dinner. You think it j over while I'm gone, dearie. I feel (movement. This was followed by a like you was my own kin. I want to crash, as if a Chair had been over- -" 1 turned, then a scream. "Rats!" Rats by you andl" said the girl. 1 Furlong uttered a shout; he leaped The town lay hot and gasping un- i forward- acme marauder had entered der the sun. There was no shade out- i the house just ahead of him. in time lrncred- of doors' for nothing grew thin in the , ' ible as it seemed, he bad arrived bare - streets, streets, not even grass; its cinder 1 y yards, its board walls and_ iron roofs radiated waves of heat like those from a stove. Late in the afternoon Ben Furlong entered the skating rink, paid his ad- mission at the turnstile, and went through. Here, at least, was a plate to sit down out of the sun. Out of the whirling throng upon cthe floor shot a figure; it was Ben's 1 friend, the engineer of the Maddox rig. He rolled tip to the bench where Furlong sat and collapsed upon it, "Whew!" It's hard work Navin' a good time in this town," he panted. "Landed a job yet?" "I've got some prospects lined up. What's the matter? You fired, too?", "Naw! Maddox laid us off for The day. glia' Durham brought us in." "Did• Betty come with her?" len. eagerly rnquired. The engineer shook his head; a grin spread over his face. "Sayl You know how scared Tiller is of nitroglycerine?' When we left he was hidin' out in the brush like a quail. The powder wagon carne an' he took it on the runs", "Powder wagon? What's a pounder wagon doing there?" Igen inquired, "Why, he -aims to shoot the well. Re got a permit an' the stuff's on the ground, ready for the men." "Re's crazy if he shoots that well," 'urlong declared, "What's he think - g about?" "So I told him., 'Leave her alotte n' she'll blow herself in; 1 stays to il' he "I log, of Kings" and his entp• Addis Ababa, surrounded. by a group iss ar°e shown standing with one of of missionaries grid newspaper men, xeir Solis outside the royal; palace at .U4464444-, 4-,. "Bettyi!" he yelled. "Betty!" He made the for the door beyond, That throaty clarnor frorn thegirl's room, meanwhile, continued. There were hasty movements, the sounds of a struggle. I{urlong had never been inside the front part of the house, but its plan was simple and he was guided by those shrieks of terror. The deur, l�> Betty's , room was ,closed, but it open- ed when he found the knob. 1fe glimpsed tlie dint sytaa•rc of a wiind*rw'1 C. )pO,,ite and silo ottettrd against it li,; saw the girl herself, then bIas:Jsue:s'; engulfed him, (Coag{;luded N t Week) House of Commons.' Mrs. Black,. as wife of : the former Speaker of the House, has endeared herself to many Then God struck. The blow fell. The fingers of . a man's hand were seen writing strange, unintelligible words on the wall of the great ban- queting.hall,"and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote." It was like a bolt frbm heaven. "The king's countenance was chang- ed"; terror seized him; and instead of the laughter and shouting and music there must have been a sudden and ominous silence as every mouth was stopped. Astrologers, Chaldeans, soothsayers were sent for --the wisest of the wise men of Babylon. It was no avail. The wise men were as helpless as the king to• un- derstand the writing. The queen had not been at this drunken feast, but now she came into the king's presence and told him of a man who had rendered priceless ser- vice to Nebuchadnezzar by interpret- ing dreams that no others could un- derstand. His name was Daniel, she said, and he had been given the Bab- Lyonian'nanre. Belteshazzar, "Now let Daniel be called, and he will show th.e interpretation." Everything waited while Daniel was sent for; then Belshazzar pleaded With him to make known the inter- pretation. Afabulous reward was pledged to Daniel. "Let thy gifts be to thyself, and give thy rewards to another," said Daniel with austere dignity; "yet 1 will read the writing unto the king,. and make known to him the interpre- tation." Daniel reminded the king - of ' the: might and power and glory of Ne- buchadnezzar, whom God nevertheless had brought down into humiliation, and 'abasement until he was "made• like the beasts," till finally "he knew that the most high God ruled in the• kingdom of men, and that he appoint- eth over it whomsoever He will,",But Belshazzar, knowing all this, had not humbled his heart, had not recognized. or'worshipped .God, but had "lifted up thyself against the Lord of. heaven." He 'persisted in worshipping false gods, rejecting and dishonoring God,. and because of this he was doomed. Here was the writing: "Mene,_ Mene, Telie1, Upli,arsin;" And the interpretation:. "God hath, numbered thy kingdom and finished: it. . . Thou art weighed in the :bal- ances and art found wanting.-... Thy kingdonh is divided, and given to the Medes. and Persians." That very night Belshazzar was - slain, and Darius the Mede took his. throne., God .does` not^ always deal as sud— denly and openly with those' who re- ject Him; but we know, from God's. revelation, that He must and will deal in judgment and destruction with - those who incorrigibly and persistent— ly reject His mercy, His love, and' His grace. sassissror Professional Directory m. J. W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. 1 Money to Loan. Office Block, l ock yV , ing tarn Successor to Dudley Holmes, H. W.COLBORNE..II MPl+�P PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Medical Representative V, S, C, R, phene v9. V.i,''itt0, A.,R"atF aDUVAL CHIROPRACTORS DR:oP.R.CTIC Axid BL,ECTRo THE AP( rth 'rsfta Wxrtg l in R. S. HETHERINOTON BARRISTER and SOLICITOR Office— Morton Block. Telephone No. 66 'Orr, Rabt, C. REDMOND ,'li~.C,S, (England) L,R.C,P, (London) I'fI° 'S:ICtAN AND SURGEON F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATH All Diseases Treated. Office adjoining residence next to Anglican Church on Centre St. Sunday by appointment. Oeteopdtthy Electricity in,e 212, I;l!oure,'4/ a.m. to 8 p.tn. TUE SUNDAY SCHOOL LEMON SEI✓SHAZZJ W FEAST T :(International Temperano Lagoa') Sunday, 27,,,4iaaalei f$;i.21, olden Texts Wine iss a m,A1443te Sitrotvg; drink9:s raging; and Ivip),9riew r is 44:cel,k4 ( trFt thereby ins ,t vvasK. 3tr"�v. �1si 1)anisil, wgtr> f 170u0 1994, iia ativt"�,. crat, ling. 'i( tla ir�>7!:119 $. , l ii: d" ,,,f the ; highest culture' and ethdAAreigip, af,1,,a the manor bent, " i i f:4ligAtI-)""ii ;44' continned to aro •eYfmor4la' ary tt✓' gto througlar ut his3 life 04 by foitd tl yr rl among 'kings- .rid pr' r)<ia iki tilt girt, ! courts, Mgt' of y.tI1. tae IV00vM f9' 4,, ieritl; lar yE at sC l&h 00100 Ilk 'WV/ ten ii NH ANC J. H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Successor to R. Vanstone. Winghani Ontario DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND. SURGEON Phone 19. J. ALVIN FOX - Licensed Drugless Practitioner CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS THERAPY - RADIONIC EQUIPMENT Hours by Appointment. Phone 191. Wingham ess Directory Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Establlehed 1840. f1alt0 totem on all claws of inter. Ante ttt; reasonable rates, IZortd Office, Guelph, Oint. AR':NI+IR COSLI NS, Agent. WIngbatt, THOMAS ELL 76iM Wit;'a'1'it, Thorn gli knoviiiodio 01646 HARRY FR'( Furniture and Funeral,Service LESLIE GORDo ' Licensed Embalmer and Puaeral Director Ambulance. Service. PhMidst Day 1i7'. . Night 109. "NOMAS E. SMALL I,,ICR'[l'SEIi AUCTIONEER 20 Veer$' Extpt;i•irettce in Para Static and Itt plemertta Moderate 11Pricce. ;?.Mone 3I1.