HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-10-17, Page 7Thursday, October 17, 19:35
Y. P, S; Resume Meetings
'On Wednesday evening the Y.P.S.
sof the Gorrie 'United Church held
their -opening fall meeting. The de-
votional period was in charge of Miss
A. Douglas, .assisted by 'Misses N.
Ruttan, V. Lennox, and B. Day, who
rendered a beautiful solo. The re-
mainder of the meeting took the forth
of a social evening when games and
contests, under the direction of Miss
V. Lennox, were much enjoyed.
Messrs. L. Robinson and G. Galbraith
favoured with an instrumental duet.
, Following this the members enjoyed.
a weiner' roast. The meeting closed
by forming the Friendship Circle to
sing Abide With Me and repeat the.
Mizpah Benediction.
Mr. Patterson .of Edmonton, Alta.,
is visiting his brother, Mr. Robert
Mrs. Bolton who is spending some
time in Woodstock and Ingersol; un-
dergoing treatment,- spent the week-
end at her home here.
Miss Agnes Ferguson of Clifford
was a guest this week of Mrs. J.
Miss Bertha Earls of Ethel is visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Ross Earls and
otherrelatives in the community.
Miss Ethel Fitch spent the week-
end at her home .near Belmore.
Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, J.
Hyndman were: Mr, and Mrs. W,
Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Scott of Strat-
ford, Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Pritchard
and Mr. Jno. Lavery of Harriston, Mr.
and Mrs. Lwin of Belmore, and Mr.
and Mrs. Jackson of Wingham.
Born—Tn Listowel Memorial Hosp-
ital on Thursday, October 10th, to
Mr. ` and Mrs. Gordon Brown, a baby
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Edgar and.
daughters of Molesworth spent Sun-
day with Misses Murray.
Mrs. Grieves of Orangeville was a
guest on Sunday of Miss S. Johnston.
Mr. Delbert Clegg, Mrs. Ernest
King and Mr. Walter King spent Sun-
day in London when they visited with
Mrs. Clegg who is •confined to the
Bryon Hospital for treatment.
Rev. A. H. O'Neil is writing his
B. D. degree examinations in Lon-
don this week and next. Mrs. O'Neil
is visiting her many friends and rel-
atives in Atwood.
Mr. Ecclestone of London will be
the special speaker in the Anglican
church parish, here next Sunday and
will speak on Missions and Mission-
ary work ..
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie ,and
daughter Edith, spent Sunday at the
home of Frank Earls near Wroxeter.
Congratulations are extended to
Miss Bessie Wylie who was success-
ful in passing her examination at the
Toronto University which she attend-
ed this summer.
Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs.
Armstrong were: Mrs. Ed. Hough-
ton of London, Miss Diana Houghton
of Ottawa, Mrs. Scott and Mr, Archie
Scott of Blyth.
Rev. and Mrs. Fydell and Miss
Ruth were Port Elgin visitors Mon-
Mr. Wm. Edgar of Woodstock,
spent the week -end at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. "'Mayberry of Wood-
stock, spent Sunday with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham.
Miss Mary Gibson of Listowel, was
a recent guest of Mr: and Mrs. Harold
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Siinson spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 13ricker,
in Fordwich..
Miss Bessie Wylie, of : Toronto,
spent the week -end with her mother,
Mrs. J. Wylie. Miss Jeanette McGee
of Toronto, Messrs. Roy and William'
Ballantyne, of Stratford, were Sunday
visitors at the ,same home.
Mr. Albert Vatstone" of London is
visiting Gorrie friends.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Evening Auxiliary met at Mrs. Ir-
ving Toner's home on Monday even-
ing and enjoyed a meeting bearing
the theme "Praising God in Our
'Speech" which was ably prepared by
Misses Velma Lennox and Evelyn
Stephens, who also played the accolri-
patiitnent of the hyrruis on their guit-
ars, The meeting opened with hymn
"Take- my life," with the Scripture
lesson, Jatnes 3rd chapter, following,
read by Miss Lennon, who afterwards
led in prayer. Misses Hamilton arid
Hicks sang sweetly "Gracious Spirit
bweli wife Me," as a duet, Miss Ev-.
11A M1STER, SO ,ICtTOR,, Etc.
('thuraddy and Saturday afternoons
at Gotrio)
elyn Stephens gave the topic which
was "The Tongue, the Power for
Good or Evil", was very ably dealt
with, and was followed by a fitting
poem "Just a Wbrd" read by" Miss
Douglas. Hymn "Fill Thou my Life"
was sung before Miss E. Dane took
the concluding chapter in the Study
Book, Builders of the Indian- Church.
During the business discussion, com-
mittees were named to make plans
for a Hallowe'en Social evening to
be held Hallowe'en night ` in the
schoolroom of the church. The meet-
ing closed with the Mizpah benedic-
tion and refreshments were served' by
the hostess.
On Friday evening last a large
number of friends and neighbours ga-
thered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Toner in honor of their mar-
riage, and enjoyed an evening of fun.
At a suitable time, Mr. and Mrs. Ton-
er were presented with the following
address and bridge lamp from the nei-
bours as well as many beautiful gifts
from their friends, for which both Mr.
and Mrs. Toner thanked their friends
in a few well chosen words, Follow-
ing is the address:
Dear Mabel and Earl:
We, your friends and neighbours,
have gathered tonight to 'extend to
you our heartiest wishes for a long
and happy married life.
Mabel, we take this opportunity of
welcoming you into our neighbor-
At this time we would like to show
in a brief way our goodwill toward
you and the esteem in which you are•
held in the community. We ask you
to accept these gifts and may they
bring you pleasure in your new home.
We offer our sincere congratulations
and may God guide and protect you
through your married life.
Signed on behalf of your friends
and neighbours,
Mrs. Ernest King, Mr, Walter King
and Mrs. Delbert ,Clegg spent Sun-
day in London and visited with Mrs.
D. Clegg, who is in. the Queen Alex-
andria Hospital there: She is very
cheerful and improved in health and
her many friends wish her a speedy
Rev. R. S. and Mrs. Jones, Lon-
don, spent Monday and Tuesday with
Mr. and Mrs, F. C. Taylor and other
A special Children's Day Service
was observed in the Anglican Church
hereon Sunday, with 'a good number
of children taking part, Special
h inns and music were enjoyed, is
was also the earnest and helpful ser-
mon by Rev. A. H, O'Neil.
Miss Margaret Foster, R,N., spent
a few days last week with friends in
Guests of Mts. Bell Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Mil of 11itchcner,
Mr. Chester Cookc,,ot Clifford, and
Harar, capital of the Ethiopian pro-
vince of Ogaden and situated about
half way between French Somaliland
and Addis. Ababa, may see bloody
lighting between Ethiopian and Ital-
ian troops. One unconfirmed report
is that Italian forces, fighting their
way south from Somaliland, are with-
in 20 miles of. Harar. The city, a
strategic point, is reported to be
swarming with grim -faced Ethiopian
troops, prepared to .resist bitterly any
Italian advance. The Mohammedan
mosque in Harar, shown in (1), is said
to be the oldest in Africa, A street
in Harar is seen in (2) and (3) is a
scene in the public square there,
showing the entire male population of
the town mobilizing for its defence.
Mn and Mrs. James Hubbard and
family .of Harriston,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade were
guests of friends in Fordwich one day
last week
An illustrated Sermon will be held
at the evening service of Gorrie Unit-
ed Church on Sunday evening.
The Presbyterian Church Ladies are
planning on holding their bazaar on
November l lith.
Miss Ferguson of Clifford is visit-
ing her aunt, Mrs. Bitigha.m.
Fine weather and large congrega-
tions attended both services of the
Gorrie Presbyterian Anniversary held
here Sunday and aided in making it
a . day of blessing. The church was
tastefully decorated for the occasion
with autumn flowers and plants, and
the special speaker was Rev. W. G.
Hanna of Toronto who gave two ser-
mons, both of which were of spirit -
tial value and ones which will linger
long in the hearts of all who heard
theta, 'l:'he morning text was taken,
from Revelations 8, 20 and the gett-
ing text from 1 Kirtgs 10r1i.
The choir under the direction of
Miss E, Ross, with Miss E. Stephens
as orgatiist gave two anthems, .and„.
were assisted at both services by
Misses E. and C. Sullivan of Toronto
Bible College who rendered two suit-
able duets at each service,
The-rionthly meeting of the Gorrie
Women's Institute suet at the home of
Mrs, Everett Sparling on Wednesday
of last week, when a good program
was enjoyed, Mrs. Victor Shera being
in charge, the subject being on "Edu-
The meeting opened in the ,usual
manner with the opening Ode (ac-
companied on the piano by Miss Illy-
the Underwood) and the Lord's pray-
er in unison. Minutes of last meeting
and Roll Call, whicll was answered.
by "What I `learned at the School
Fair" were followed by a discussion
of business matters, in which it was
decided that a petition be drawn up
with regards to having the Township
Hall stage re -modelled and redecor-
Mrs. Kaine then gave the peace
talk in which she told of the Inter.:
stational, .Peace Garden, which is sit-
uated half in Southern Manitoba and
half ist North Dakota, and comprises
1800. acres` of lovely garden, in which
the Woolen's institutes have assisted
in' creating development. Mrs. W. C.
King then gave a reading by Marg-
aret Sangster, entitled "So Easy" after
which the Topic was ably taken by
Miss Fisher, being the "Education of
Music in the Schools" in which Miss
Fisher brought out the value and help
of music in children's lives. Mrs. Shera
then conducted a guessing contest in
which were pictures of risen and wom-
en of note. During a social half hour
Miss M. Kahle and Miss Blythe Un-
derwood served lunch, assisted:by the
The first A. Y, P. A. meeting of
the season was held at tate hoine of
Mrs. Chas. Lawrence on Friday- night
last when it took the fortn of a. social
evening, with election of officers. Con-
tests were enjoyed, as were readings,
instrumental music and conimutiity
The election of officers were . as
'eatdent—Miss Ivy l:.awrence,:
Vice PPresident—Mrs, O'Neil.
Secretary—Nellie Dinsmore ,
Treasurer -Robert Wade.
A membership drivewas instittited
with Carl Dinsmore and Harold King
as captains and an invitation accepted
from the A. Y.- P. A. at Wroxeter to
go there on October 28th for a Hallo-
we'en Social. The next local meeting
will be held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jno. Dinsmore on November
A large crowd attended the George
Spotton Rally held here on Tuesday
night. The speakers were firs. Fleet
of Brussels, also Reeve Bowman and
Mr. E. D. Bell of Brussels and Reeve
W. J. Iiryans of Fordwich, Mr. Geo.
Hubbard acted as chairman, A Mixed
program of solos by Miss Gamble of
,Fordwich, Mr. H. McGee of Lucknow
and the Kansas Farmer, interspersed
the addresses. Mr. Deachtnan's meet-
ing held on Wednesday was also well
Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Sanderson and
daughter, Catherine, of London, spent
the week -end with friends here, and
they were accompanied home on Mon-
day by Mr. Chris. Moffatt.
Miss Margaret Durst left this week
for Clinton where site has accepted
Mr. Jim Sanderson spent the week-
end at Beeton, and iVirs. Dobbs and.
children who have been visiting -here
during the past cotple of week; re-
turned home with him.
Miss Eleanor Douglas attended the
Teachers' Convention in Stratford last
The Jubilee Singers are presenting
a concert in the Town Hall here on
Saturday evening of this week.
Mr. Jack Gibson spent Sunday at
Dyer's Bay.
Mr. Kenneth Edgar attended the
Perth Teachers' Convention held in
Stratford last Thursday and Friday.
Golden Wedding
A happy event occurred on Mon-
day of last week when Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Hupfer celebrated the fiftieth
anniversary of their wedding, at their:
home itt Turnberry. They were mar-
ried fifty years ago by Rev. Mr.
Edwards, at the home now owned by
Mr. D. D. Sanderson, just south of
the village, and went as bride and
groom tothe farm where they are
now living: .
Mrs, Huck, Georgetown, who was
bridesmaid, was presentat the cele-
el -bration, but ;Mr. Jack. Hupfcr of Sault
Ste. Maria, the best man, was not able
to attend the gathering,
Dinner was served to about forty
tables ,i_. o
guests, the ab es best g decorated inr
white and yellow, with yellow mums.
The wedding cake was trimmed in
white and gold. i
Guests "svere present from iiratasels,
Listowel, Detroit, Windsor, Dear-..
borne, Romielus, Elapid City, Mich.,
Sudbury, Georgetown and Preston.
Mr. and Mrs. Eupfer were the rem
cipient of a number of lovely gifts.
Mrs. A. C. Hutchison, Fordwich, is
spending a few days with her daugh-
ter, I1 rs. N. T. McLaughlin,
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton
and John spent the week -end with
London friends.
Miss Florence Fowler had for her
guest last week Miss Jean Scott of
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elliott and,
son, Guelph, were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hooper.
Mr. John MacNaughton who has
spent the past few weeks at the home
of his son, D. S. MacNaughton, was
taken to St. Joseph's Hospital on.
Thursday. His condition is favorable
following two operations.
Mrs. Harvey Timm spent a few
days last week_ with. her sisters in
London. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stocks
and Mrs. Harvey ` Timm also spent
the week -end in London.
Miss Myrtle Deans of S. S. No. 2,
Turnberry, attended the Teachers'
Convention in Stratford, Thursday
and Friday.
Mr. Laurie VanVelsor spent the
week -end at Midland.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann spent the
week -end in Toronto with Dr. W: A.
and Mrs. Spence.
Mrs. Campbell was the guest of
her daughter, ilirs. Philip Durst last
Miss Marian Hooper of the C. S..
staff, spent the week -end at her home
in Clifford.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Allen- also Mr.
Jack Gibson, spent the week -end at
Lion's. Head.
Mrs. Hemphill spent Saturday at
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Westlake, God-
erich, ware week -end guests of Mrs..
B. Wade,
Mr. and Mrs. Walton, Palmerston,
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mellis, Kipped,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Gibson,
i�ir. Archie Edgar is spending two
weeks in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, H. 11. Allen were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, N.
Messrs. Jack and Bob Gibson, also
Mr. J. J. Allen spent a day last week
in Goderich.
The marriage took place in Lis-
towel on Saturday, October 5th, of
Catheryne May Monto Earngey, data-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Earrigsy,
to Robert Lawrence Short, son of Mr.
and Mrs. T. 5. Short, Gorrie.
He—"I'ni going to kiss yon."
She -"It takes two to make a bar-
He—"O.K. I'll give you two kis
Mr:. Anthony Eden, A130VE, shown:
as he left No. 10 Downing ,est„ after
presenting his report on the Geneva
proceedings on the italo-:ttltiopi tis.