The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-10-10, Page 10PA t‘ Tr:,N
Show Starts at 8 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 10, 11th, 12th
and .the
Released thru
Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, October 14, 15, 16
Produced 6y SOL M. WURTZEf.'`.
hggested by the boots by Waller B. PitI. s
Two -Reel Vaudeville Act
With HAL LeROY, Radio Star.
Regular Price of Admission.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Zane Grey.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gray, of Gotl-
erich, Mr, and Mrs. Matthew Shackle-
ton and Benson, of Crewe, visited on
Thursday last at the home of Mrs.
Gray's sister, Mrs. Jas. Cornelius.
Mrs, Wm, Dawson held an alumin-
um tea on Friday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Browner, of Toronto,
visited last week with Mr, and Mrs.
John McGee,
Quite a number from here attend-
ed .the Teeswater Fair on Wednesday
Mrs. Alec, Mowbray and family, of
i3luevale, visited on Sunday with Mrs.
Robt, Mowbray .and Mrs. Wesley
Leggatt on Sunday.
Miss Catharine Mowbray spent last
week at Teeswater with Miss Hazel
Mr. and ivrrs. Jake Reed and fam-
amily from Dungannon visited on Sun-
day with Mrs. Bert Reed.
Mrs. Wm. Simpson, and Miss May
Wed. Thur.,
Phone or Mail Orders
Prompt Attentioi i
WinghaM, Onto'..
Phone 534
Simpson, of Detroit, spent the week
end here with the former's parents,
Mr, and Mrs, George Garton,
I\1r. and Alis,. Roy' Patten., of z.ucan,
:;pent Sunday with het mother, Mrs.
Fox,. '
Don't fo4,,et the regular monthly
Meeting of the Women's Institute :to
be held on Friday at the home of
Mrs. Chas. Martin, The roll call is,
"Suggestions for storing winter vege-
Miss Florence Le Warne, Toronto,
and Mr. Archie Jamieson of Culross,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs,: James Wilson.
The ladies' of the United, 'Church
are holding a Missionary Banquet in
the church next Tuesday evening, The
special speaker for the evening will
be Miss Caroline Wellwood of Wing -
ham. •
Mr. George McQuoid and Mr. Rob-
ert Carrick are both` improving slow -
Mrs. Jacques received word that
her sister, Mrs. Taylor, of Lower
Wingham, passed away on Friday ev-
ening and they attended the fiuneral
on Monday.
Mrs. J. B. Morrison and Mr. Thos.
Morrison returned from Toronto on
Mrs. McBrien held a W.M.S. tea
at her home on Friday afternoon and
MVlrs. George McClenaghan held one
at her home in the evening. The lad-
ies are busy sewing and making quilts.
The Young People of the United
Church are invited to St. Helens on
Friday, Oct. 18th.
Misses Marion and Vera Caseuzore'
of Turnberry, and IVlr. Oscar Case-
more, of Stratford, spent Sunday with
Mr. and: Mrs. -Ernest Casemore.
Rev. and Mrs. J. Ore Stewart of
Elmira, spent Wednesday last at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross.
The Mission Circle met this week
at the home of -Mrs. Russel Gaunt.
Miss .Verna McBrien; of 'Westfield,
spent last week with her grandmoth-
er, Mrs. 'McBrien. . c
Miss ' Parker and Mr. Athol Pur-
don and other Paisley friends spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Purdon:
Watch our ads closely. The big-
gest money -saving event of the sea-
son is coining soon. Get ready for
big bargains at the. Rexall ORIGIN-
AL One Cent Sale. Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, .Oct, 9th,
10th, 11th, 12th, 'at. McKibbon's, the
Reran Drug Store.
W. M. S. Entertain
A. very pleasant time was spent Fri-
day evening when the members of
the Women's Missionary Society of
Inox Unted Church entertained the
ladies of the community to a Mother
and Daughter Banquet and a large
attendance was present. The base-
ment and tables, were decorated vvith
yellow and blue. At 'the conclusion
of the supper, Mrs. R. Chamney.acted.
as charman and .toastmistress and in-
troduced the following program which
started with community singing. This
For Real High Class Watch
Repairs, bring your watch to
Williams, The Jeweller. Noth-
ing but genuine material used,
andall work done on the prem-
Bring Yours in, it may be the
lucky one.
Winner for September—
Mr. Mac Ross, Whitechurch
Moderate Prices and Satisfac-
tion Guaranteed.
was followed by the toast to the King
by Mrs. Albert Coutles and this was
responded to by all singing "God Save
the King' and "0 Canada".
The toast to Our Daughters, was
proposed by Mrs. T -L Wheeler and
replied to by Kathleen Townend.
The toast' to Our Mothers, was pro-
posed by Miss Martha Armstrong. A
very appropriate solo was sung by
Miss Nora yanCamp and this toast
was replied to by Mrs. S. Procter. 'A
duet by Mrs. A. Manning and Freda
Jordon was enjoyed.
The toast to Our Sister Societies,
was proposed by Mrs. Jas. Michie and
Mrs. 0. G. Anderson replied on be-
half of the Presbyterian ladies and
Mrs. W. Brydges for the Anglican
The toast to the Presbyterial Soc-
iety was
oc-iety.was sponsored by Mrs. J. Wheel-
er and Mrs.,Robb'of Bluevale replied.
The Toast to the Church, was pro-
posed by Mrs. C. W. Scott and was
replied to by Mrs. J. Miller. Rev.
IVIr. Townend spoke a few words at
this time.
After the singing cif a hymn, the
benediction was pronounced and a
pleasant evening brought to a close.
C. R. Coultes spent the week -end in
Miss Stella Nethery Ieft on Friday
for' Saskatoon. where she has secured
a position.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Wray, Mr. and
Mrs. W. T.`Wray and; daughter, Lois,
all of Woodrow, Sask., are visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ,Brandon and
other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walsh and
Mrs. Will Kelly spent last Thursday
afternoon in Stratford.
Thank -Offering Meeting
The president, Mrs. J. R. Greig, pre-
sided over the annual Thank -Offering
meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox Pres-
byterian Church on Thursday after -
Dr. Lode ShoesFor Women
Designed: for those who like Good Shoes at a Mod-
erate Price and that "Fit Perfectly".
Made with every pew feature as far as Perfect Fit-
ting and Comfort is concerned.
Special steel arch, Combination fitting, and made
of Fine Dongola Kid, also made in Widths
to fit the most difficult foot.
Price $5.00 per pair.
Dr. Locke_'Shoes For Men
A very superior shoe, for men who like Good Shoes
with every New Feature such at
Projecting Insole
Reinforced Arch
Broad Steel Shank
Specially designed Arch
Made to give the utmost in Comfort and in widths
so that the most difficult (normal foot)
can be fitted perfectly.
Made of Fine Dongola Kid -- we doubt that a bet-
ter shoe is made in Canada at any price,
Dr, Locke $hoes for Men- are $8.50 per pair.
i;Villis° Shove
Phone 129 Wingham
noon, owing to unfavorable weather;
several of the ladies were •unable to
be present. Fallowing Scripture tend-
ing and prayer by the leader, business
arrangements were made for:the No-.
v.ember sheeting which is the fiftieth
anniversary of the organization of the
WKS. in connection with this can
gregation. Plans were also made for
attending the sectional meeting at
Molesworth on Oct. 17th.
Mrs. Cameron Adams gave a very
interesting and helpful talk on "The
Art of combining the Jay of Thank-
fulness with Giving." The meeting
closed with repeating.tlie Lord's.Pray
er in unison.
United Church Woman's Association
The Woman's Association of the
United Church enjoyed a splendid
meeting on Friday afternoon at the.
hone of Mrs. James Peacock with a
good attendance. The president be-
ing absent, the meeting was presided
over by Mrs, Edward Johnston. Dur-
ing the afternoon solos were rendered
by ' Mrs. John Wicicstead and Miss
Barbara Thynne, Quilt patching oc-
cupied a portion of the afternoon.
Following the program a social cup
of tea was enjoyed, The refreshment
committee was, Mrs. Peacock, Mrs.
Wickstead and Mrs. Jelin Johnston.
Me. and Mrs. John Patton, Mrs.
Norman Patton and baby, of Port
Hope, spent the week -end with their
uncle, David and wars. Patton.
J. Wesley • Beattie and daughters,
Ethel and Florence; of Seaforth, 'vis-
ited their cousin, Miss M. Olive Scott.
IVtiss Florence Fowler spent Sun-
day with friends at Seaforth.
Miss Grant, of brussels, is the
guest of her neice, Mrs. Cameron Ad-
Mrs. (Rev.) A. V. Robb attended
the Mother and Daughter banquet at
Belgrave on Friday, under the aus-
pices of the W.M.S. of the United
Owing to unfavorable weather on
Thursday afternoon, Mr. W. J. Johns -
ton's sale. of cattle was not so well
attended, and after disposing of some
of them at a very good price, the sale
was called. off.
Jonathan Jewitt
. Word was received here on Satur-
day that Mr. Jonathan Jewitt had.
passed away at his home at Shell -
brook, Sask., in his 77th year. Mr.
Jewitt was the eldest son of the late
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Jewitt, and was
born on the 2nd concession of !Morris
Township. When quite a young man
he moved to Thessalon, Algoma,
where he resided for a time, then go-
ing further west to Shellbrook, Sask.
He is :survived by his wife and a
grown-up family, three brothers in
the West, one brother, David, Blue -
vale, and one sister, Mrs... David Er-
rington, Dungannon.
Mrs. Grace Snell received word this
week of the death of her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Ari s W. J. Mills, of Sioux Falls, Da-
kota. Mrs. Mills was formerly Miss
Elizabeth Churchill, eldest daughter
of the ' late Mr. and Mrs. George
Churchill of the 2nd concession of
Turnberry, where she lived until her
marriage when she moved to Dakota.
Blue Banner ,Mission Band
The Blue Banner Mission Band
held the regular meeting on Satur-
day afternoon at the Manse. Miss J.
Elliott presided and, opened themeet-
ing by having the Band repeat •Sen-
tence prayers. Following the reading
of the minutes, the treasurer's report
and some items of business, the lead-
er, Mrs, J. R, Greig, outlined in a
very interesting manner, a chapter
from "The Black Bearded Barbarian"
showing how he learned the language'
of the Island of Forniosa and how he.
learned to understand the natives.
Miss Flora McTavish told the story
of "Little Sing" the boy who changed
his name. After enjoying a period -of
games the hostess served lunch.
Mr. and Mrs, John Mundell\ and
family, Mr ,and Mrs. George Gannett,.
attended the funeral of the. late Mrs.
George Mundell' on Monday. Mrs.
Mundell passed away at her home in
Drayton. Interment was made in the
Wingham Cemetery,
Mrs. Grace Snell is visiting with
her gra'ridclaughter . in Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilt Patterson and
son, Lloyd, of Long Branch, and Miss
Fannie Patterson, of Toronto, called
onfriends in the village on Sunday.
IRWIN--Tn Wingham, on Wednes-
day, October 9th, 1935, to Dr. and
Mrs. A. W, Irwin, twin daughters.
WAT T—In* New York City, on Sun-
day, October'"6th, Jimmie Watt, 9'-
year olfl son of the late Ben Watt
and Mrs. John Cameron. The fun-
eral was held on Tuesday to Albion
Cemetery, Mich• Mr. and Mrs. J. B,
Mattison, of Kinloss, are grandpar-
ents of the deceased.
Thursday, October 10, 1935
Fc 1t..
Featuring :a Big Selling of Fine Ready -to -Wear
Coats -Millinery - Dresses - Avon Knitted Suits
Every article in a class by itself and a "Full Value"
Ladies! Visit King's show rooms and be convinced
it is the best place to shop.
Other Good Values You'll Like -
It's Wool Blanket Time
Genuine Scotch, English and
Canadian Wool Blankets. Our
special Canadian quality at $6.89
is a Big Value.
Super Dress, Velvets
Good shades, remarkably low
priced. Per yard `..' $1.79.
Real Silk DresS':Crepes
Beautiful- draping–quality in
the good Fail shades Special
Value per yard 98c.
Turnbull's' Factory
Exclusive with us and it the
best knitting- yen "'we 'know of
- Socks, Sweaters, Mufflers,
Mitts, etc. Come in and handle
Children's School' Hose
Made from fineall.wool black
yarns and the price is just about,
half the usual. "Sizes 5 to 7?4:.
Clearing -at 39c.
Small Children's
Wool Vests — 79c
•For infants "anus children ` up
to 3 years...". Turnbull's ""high
grade dollar dines,- clearing at
79c. The best'iieal£h vests 'for
small children.
Selling Boys-' :Suite. $9.85
We think them the best value
possible. Bring in your boys
and let us fit them m with a really
good suite with extra trousers.
You'll like them at $9,85.
It's Underwear Time
Turnbull's - Watson's - Pen-
; man's - Single Garments and
Combinations for all members
of the family. Special - Girls'
Bloomers - Cream ,and Navy -
per pair 29c.
Women's $1.50 Chiffon
Specially priced at per pair
$1.00. A super value - Buy sev-
eral pairs and save.
New Linen Towellings
Shamrock' quality. Come in
and see the new patterns.
New Pajama :Cloths
Now is the time to make
things for Christmas. A special
45c cloth for 33c per yard.
Good Factory Cotton
— 14c
Very fine count and free from
sizing. Easy to work and a yard
wide - 14c.
It's a Good Tune-- to
Buy Curtains
Frilled Curtains - Swiss Nets
-'Panels - Draperies and Cover-
ings. Let us give you good
values for your money.
Buy Men's Caps
at King's
You'll like the style and col-
ors $3.00 to $1.50. Men's New
Hats $3.50 to $4.50.
Men's Quality Socks
Medium and Fall Weights -
the sort of socks a man likes
to wear New Patterns - 49c
- 69c - 98c.
Men's Work Clothes
Overalls Smocks - Odd
Trousers - Windbreakers Good
work Shirts. Wool work Socks
Special 29c and 49c.
Selling Men's Fleece
Penman's best grade - single
garments, while they last at
each 79c.
Remember Wingham Fair this Thursday and when in town make
it a point to visit KING'S STORE.
Good -Will Coupons with all purchases.
Every Item, .a Wanted Home Article, so much Different than you
usually see in sale bills,
Granulated SUGAR, 10 Lbs. for
With a $1.00 Grocery Order (Sugar -not included)
Chase . ,and ' Sanborn's High
Grade Coffee, Sold here on-
ly 39c lb. t/i. lb..,.... 20c
Chase and Sanborn's Dated
Coffee in. Bulk, 1 lb. bag 35c.
yz Ib. 19c
Gold Seal Coffee in Bulk 21c lb.
Schneiders, Colemansarnd�
Swift's Breakfast Bacon
%z Ib. pk 15c
Best Vinegars, cider, wine,
gallon 38c
Best Blue Rose Rice, 2 lbs15c
Best Choice Rice, 2 lbs. for 13c
JELLY POWDERS, 3 large pkgs... 14c
All Flavors. McLaren's and Harry Horne's Bluebird.
Best Mincemeat, 2 lb. for 25c Best Icing Sugar, 3 lbs. for 25c
Peanut Butter, ,best, 21b, 25c Shelled Walnuts, %z ib. for 19c
Seedless Raisins, 2 ib. for 25c Best Med. Cheese, for 17c ib.
Choice TOMATOES, 3 Tins for r . ......25c
Hand Packed. No. 21/2 Size Tins
COTTAGE ROLLS, Special for ... .
Sweet Pickle, Sugar Cured.
Unwrapped Soap, 3 'cakes 9c Soda` Biscuits 12c lb. 2 for 23c
Ready -Cat Macaroni .,. 5c 113, Quick Cooking Oats, lac pkg.
Pure Breakfast Cocoa for lic ib Choice Prunes 2 lbs. for 25c
BAKING POWDERS, 1 Lb. Tin for:. V r
Rote. • Lily, Thistle, 'Maple Leaf
10c Toilet Paper, 3 for 21c Oxford Cream Cheese, t� lbe
5c 'T'oilet Paper', 5 for ...- 19c
Miracle Whr Circe Japanee, a, %t lb, pkg 24c
lit 81 oz. bottle Imo ; P'
Sauce, Special ,,. ,......... 26c
Phone 1,"f.
The Busy Cortier of the mast
to be the Busiest in the lEi uturer
ire Deliver