HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-10-03, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Show Starts at 8 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 3rd, 4th, 5th
A Picture Packed with Good Comedy
OSWALD CARTOON - "Two Little Lambs"
Mr .and. Mrs. Percy Vincent and
family of Westfield visited on Sunday
at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mc-
Mr .and Mrs. Orville Tiffin and
sons visited on Friday at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Gordon Jamieson of
Mr .and Mrs. Dan McInnis of Clin-
ton visited on Sunday at the home of
his sister, Mrs. Orville Tiffin on Sun-
Mr. Alec Naylor of Fort Erie call-
ed on his brother, Mr. B. S. Naylor
and other relatives in Wingham, and
Brussels on Sunday.
Mrs. Jas. Brigham and sons, of
Blyth spent the week -end at the home
of her father, Mr. Chas. Wightman.
Silo filling and cutting buckwheat
have been -the order of the day during
the past week.
Mr. Clarence McClenaghan and Mr.
Gilbert Beecroft attended the Young
Peoples Convention in St. Thomas
during the past week.
'Mr:` and Mr's: Charles Gillespie and
children visited on Sunday with Mr.
and. Mrs. Sperling Yoe of Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson of De-
troit spent .the week -end here with
her •parernts, AMr.• and Mrs. George
GartonF ' ... .,
There passed away in Clinton Hos-
pitpl on Saturday, Doris Dunlop, be-
loved ;wife of Mr. Thos. Morrison, of
r 1e
. The
funeral service for 1
and her little son, was held in the
United Church, Blyth, on Sunday af-
ternoon,;and.from there, she was tak-
en to the' home of her mother, Mrs.
October 10 I
Young Men's 2 -Paint Suits' .. $16.95 and $19.50
New Black Worsted Patterns.
In Newest Styles and Models at Lower Prices
$14.50 - $17.50 $21'.4+0
We are agents this season for John B. Stetson's,
Brock's and Kensington's Hats.
• New Fall Shades
$2.95 to $6.00
.Ilanna's special Two -Pant Suits, Made -to -Measure
Special Price for Wednesday and Thursday
$25.0.0 Extra Trousers
Shope Here Fair Day and Save.
Hanna & Co., Ltd.
Will be held in Wingham on
Wed. Thurs., Oct. 9t6, 10th
We invite friends and customer's to make our store
their headquarters.d Tneet
Leave your wraps. and parcels and
your friends here.
Always lots of heat and Tight at
Wll�i� Sho
The Leading Shoe Stox.
hone 129
Curof County.
Dunlop, in Toronto, for burial, Am-
ong those from here, besides This par-
ents, who attended the fttneral, were:,
Mrs. A. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben
Tiffin and Charles, Mrs. Victor Etn-
ersttn'and. Mrs. 'Russel Ritchie. Tie -
sides her sorrowing young littsbanct,
she leaves to mourn her, ber mother
and one brother. This community
mourns, with her husband, the pass-
ing of one sb young and extends'sym-
pathy to him in his sad bereavement.
Mrs, Gibson Gillespie, Mrs, Chas,
Gillespie and Mrs. Walter Lott at-
tended the North Sectional meeting
of the W. M. S. at Wroxeter on
Tuesday when Miss Caroline Well -
wood was the special speaker. The
W.M.S. purpose having a banquet in
the church basement on Tuesday, Oc-
tober 15th, when Miss Wellwood, of
Wingham, will be the special speaker.
The program given in the United
Church, on Tuesday evening last by
the Southern Jubilee Singers, was
very much appreciated by a capacity
audience. The quartettes were espec-
ially worthy of commendation also
the solo numbers and the camp mel-
odies drew great applause and many
Mr. George McQuoid, who has
been very ill during the past three
weeks, necessitating the services of
a trained nurse, has started to im-
prove now.
Miss Muriel Watt, Miss May
Wightman and Mr. Clarence McClen-
aghan attended the Young People's
Convention in Goderich on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacDonald and
son, Jack, of Holyrood, visited with
Miss Catharine Ross on Saturday:
Mrs. Eli Jacques received word one
day last week, that her sister, Mrs.
Taylor, of Lower Wingham, had suf-
fered a stroke.
Miss Kay Myers of Toronto ,spent
the week visiting at the manse.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel. Gaunt enter-
tained a number of their friends and
Thursday neighbours on eve ing
All report a good time.
Miss S. Sharpe, of Teeswater, spent
Friday with Miss Catharine Ross.
Mrs. John Falconer received word
on Monday of the death of Mrs. El-
len Young of Hamilton, the funeral
was held from the Harris Undertak-
ing Parlours, London, on Tuesday, to
London Cemetery. Mrs. Geo. Falcon-
er and Leslie, of Culross, also Mr.
and Mrs. Jno. Falconer of E. Wawa -
nosh, attended the funeral.
Mr. Dave Scott of Scriber, Ont.,
spent the week -end here with his mo-
ther, Mrs. Walter Scott, who is laid
up with a broken leg.
Little Miss Jessie Scott is having
her tonsils removed in Wingham Hos-
pital this Tuesday.
Miss Amelia Lever, who has spent
the past two weeks with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Lever, returned
to her home in London on Saturday.
Mr. and. Mrs. Al. Dowling and son,
and Miss Evelyn Reed, of Hamilton,
spent the week -end with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reed and at-
tended the funeral of their grandmo-
ther, Mrs. Fisher, in Lucknow, on
Institute Will Meet October 10th
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held on
Thursday afternoon, Oct. 10th, at the
home of Mrs. John Wickstead. Motto
-Forget. the mistakes of' the past and
press on to greater achievements for
tomorrow -Mrs. Milton Smith. Roll
Call, Methods used .in the home as a
means of preventing fire. Mrs. S. N.
Gallaher will give .a paper on fire
Prevention, A reading by Miss Olive
Scott. A paper on "Progress in dress
since Confederation" will be given by
Mrs. A. Mowbray. Exhibit of cook-
ies 'accompanied by recipe.. Ladies of
the community welcome.
For Real High . ClassWatch
Repairs, bringour watch to
Williams, .The Jeweller. Noth-
ing but genuine material used,
and all work done on the prem-
Bring Yours in, it may be the
lucky one.
Winner for August -
Mrs, Kaine, Gorrie
Moderate Prices and Satisfac-
tion Guaranteed.
Knox Y.P.S. Held First Meeting
The first regular meeting of the Y.
P. S;' of Knox Presbyterian Church
for the winter season was held on
Friday night with the President, Gor-
don Greig, presiding. Rev. J. R. Greig
who was Dean of the Kintail summer-
ummercamp this year, gave a full account
of the work of the camp and its value
to young people. The Y.P.S. donated
$5.0() towards the fund for having a
water supply systetn supplied at the
Rally Day Service
The annual Rally Day service was
observed at the morning service in
Knox Presbyterian Church on Sun-
day. Rev. 3. R. Greig led the service.
Scripture passages were read by Jean
Elliott and Billy Adams, and Lois. El-
liott contributed a pleasing solo. Mr.
Greig - gave a very fine talk on the
subject "Christ the Saviour". An in-
teresting part of the service was the
presentation of certificates for S. S.
work. Junior certificates wore pre -
tented to Beth: McCracken, Orval Mc-
Cracketr; and'' Charley Shaw. lean El-
liott and Jack Mowbray received dip
lomat for repeating the primary cate-
chism and Lois Elliott has the silver
seal added to her diploma, for tnem,-
Thursday, October 3rd, 1935
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Shaw received
Word on Sunday 'evening of the {len passing of Mrs. Thorn, near Ham..
',Mrs. Thom, was formerly Miss.
Redmond, was born in Bluevale and
had many friends and relatives here.
1klr, and Mrs, Shaw attended the fun-
Miss Hazel Mundell.has retuined'to
Toronto after spending the summer
,months with her parents, Mr: and
Mrs. John Mundell,
Miss Margaret Mundell, Wingham,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Mundell.
Norman Hall, of Lakelet, and Mr,
and Mrs, James Master of Parkhill,
spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Jno,
Annual Field Day Meet
The annual Field Day was held by
Bluevale School pupils on Wednes-
day afternoon. This is the chief
school event of the year. Exhibits of
sewing, manual training, writing and
art are on view in the school room.
All the pupils compete in these. The
afternoon is spent in competition in
sports on the grounds. The fine wea-
ther brought many spectators this
year. The children gave an exhibition
of physical exercises and marching,
followed by racing, jumping and var-
ious contests. An exciting football
game concluded the programme, the
Bluevale stalwarts being ranged
against a strong team from the
schools of No. 8 and No. 10, Morris.
The Bluevale bbys won. Mr. James
Breckenridge acted as referee.
The points awarded for sports and
for the schoolroom competition were
added together. Ronald Mulligan se-
cured; highest of all pupils with 31
Champions --
Senior Boys -Ronald Mulligan, 31
points; Runner-pu, Clarence Hollen-
beck, 11 points.
Junior Boys -Jack Mowbray, Alan.
Barnard,19 points each;
Spence McKinnon, Russel Hollenbeck
15 points each.
Senior Girls -Alba Shiell, 23 points;
Runner-up, .Olive, Mulligan, Orhpa
Mulligan, 19 points each.
Junior Girls -Helen Mowbray, 24
points; Runner-up, Doreen Stacey, 22
Those under the doctor's care are:
Mr. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Baiers, Reg.
Reid and Ed. Lawrence.
Members of the Women's Mission-
ary Society met the McIntosh Auxil-
iary at Mrs. Doig's, Carriclf, on Wed-
nesday afternoon. They report a
splendid meeting and a social time as
Mr- James Austin's three sisters of
Toronto, were viistors at his home
The weatherman failed to spoil the
anniversary services in the United
Church Sunday, a full house greeting
the Rev. Perkins, of Harriston, in the
morning. The choir rendered splen-
did music, accompanied throughout
by Ford Buchanan, of Kitchener, on
the violin, with Miss Katherine Camp-
bell as soloist. The Misses Wolfe of
Lakelet, sang a duet. In the evening
a still larger crowd were in evidence.
Miss Alberta Wolfe, of Lakelet, was
soloist. The Misses Foster of New-
bridge sang a 'duet. We wish to thank
those who contributed flowers which
added much to the beauty of the ser-
vice, and those who so willingly as-
sisted the choir. The day was a very
successful one in every way.
Those here for Sunday were: Mrs.
Pritchard and son, of Harriston, with
Miss Haktney; Mrs. Rev. Jones and
children at Tom Abram's; Miss Mar-
jory Herd, of Clinton, Jack of Wing -
ham, and the Foster family, of New-
bridge, at. Herd's; Mr. and Mrs. Rin-
toul, of Wingham, at Metcalf's.
An epidemic of Sunday sickness has
crept into the village. No one as yet
has been quarantined, no loss of life.
It generally attacks the head of the
fancily, creeping down to the children.
The Young People's meeting was
held in the Church Monday evening.
About 9.30 Monday rnorning Mrs.
Lawrence passed peacefully away.
Particulars next week.
Mrs. McNeil and Mae Johann at-
tended a very .prett}t wedding in
Teeswater Saturday, it being the mar-
riage of Mrs. McNeil's neice, Miss
Dorothy Dickinson, of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Armstrong and
Roy Armstrong, of Windsor, spent
the week -end with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs, W. Vii. Armstrong.
The members of ' the Belgrave
branch of the Women's Institute are
invited to meet with .the ladies of the
Wingham. Brands on Monday, Oct.
ith in the afternoon when Miss Es-
ther A. Slicter will address the meet-
ing on "Housing"
United Church Anniversary Services
Very successful anniversary servic-
es were held in :Knox 'United Church
ors Sunday, Sept, 29th, when Rev.
Fall Coats Dresses -- Knitted Suits Millinery
It's Underwear Time
Come and see the good values
for all members of the family.
Light weights for immediate use
and heavier lines for later. Com-
binations or separate pieces.
Children's School Hose
- 39c
Made from strong rugged
yarns for wear and comfort --
Black Ribs Sand Ribs - Clear-
ing Price per pair -. 39c.
Clearing Children's
Made from strong cotton
yarns cream shade - made by
Turnbulls - a regular 60c line,
Out they go - Bargain 49c.
Girls' Cream and Navy Cot-
ton Bloomers -'.Special 29c.
F1'ette Night Gowns
It's time now to use them -.
white Saxony in ,Misses' and
Women's Sizes 75c, $1.00, $1.19.
New Crepe Pyjamas
Full roomy styles in pretty
patterns $1.39 and $1.59.
Crepe Finish Cotton
An excellent material for
home dresses - darker patterns
for Fall. Per Yard 32c.
Chiffon 'Hose Sale $1.00
Extra quality of fine gauge
chiffon, broken sizes of our reg-
luar $1.25 and $1.50 lines. Buy
them this week at a ;big saving
- per pair $1.00..
New Fall Scarfs and
Collars : _
Pretty ''patterns : in The new
diagonal style 39c and 75c.
October is Blanket Time
We invite you to see our good
values in both Cotton and Wool
Bed Blankets and • All • Wool
Special Wool Blankets
Per Pair ,....- $6.89
Youth's Wool Pullover,
- 98c
A good fall weight for these
chilly days Special each 98c.
Sale of Women's Coats
- $8.75
Warm comfortable coats with
excellent furs. You'll get a lot
of coat for very little money.
Bargain this week -end - $8.75.
Smaller ovs' Sweaters
- 7.9c
A grand wearing pullover for
boys 8 to 12. Navy Blue and
Sand shades. bargain each 79c.
Men's Wool Werk
Socks - 29c
A wonderfully good sock at a
low cost. White heel and toe,
long leg. Special per pair 29c.
Men's Fleece Underwear
-- 79c
This is our regular dollar line
Clearing balance of stock at a
bargain 79c.
Men's Fleece Combination $i:39
Boys' Whipcord
Breeches - $1.98
New shipment of these good
breeches with double knees per
Pair $1.98.
Men's Broadcloth
Pyjamas - $1.93
Fine broadcloth in Sand, Blue
and Mauve shades - All sizes -
Clearing Youth's Pull-
overs - $1.39
Made from .strong black wor-
sted yarns with Zipper fasten-
ing. Bargain Each - $1.39.
Boys' Suits at Special
Good Tweeds and fine Navy
Blues - Beautifully tailored in
double breast style; the sort of
suit that appeals to every mo-
ther wanting big value - Spec-
ially priced at $9.85 and $11.00.
Clearing Men's Felt
Hats $1.98
Broken lines of our better
grade hats that will make e4tcel-
lent work hats. Bargain, Each
- $1.98.
Scrimegour of Trinidad College, was
the special speake-. Special' music
was given by the cl'ioir` and at the
morning service a quartette of .four
o fthe members, :Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Jordan, Mrs.' Carl Proctor' and J. M.
Coultes, sang a very appropriate num-
ber. At the evening service Mr. John
Reavie was guest soloist. The church
which was nicely decorated with au-
tumn flowers, was 'filled with large
congregations at -each service.
Miss Jennie Townend, daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. Townend, has complet-
ed her training for a nurse and re-
turned home on, Friday.
Mrs. Malcolm Walsh, of Blyth, vis-
ited for a week with her sister, Mrs.
J. Walsh and other friends.
Mr. Leathorn of Brantford, spent a
couple of days with Joe Brandon -
Week -end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. J .A. Brandon were: Mr: Irwin,
of Orangeville, Miss Irwin, and/Miss'
Reid, of Toronto; Mr. and. Mrs. Her-
also Misses Audrey and Doris Camp-
bell, of Fergus.
man Patterson' and daughter, Betty,
Men!! Women! There are -big bar-
gains for everyone during the Rexall
ORIGINAL On Cent Sales Two for
the price of one, plus only 1c. 295
bargains to choose from. Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, McKibbon's, The
Rexall Drug Store.
{eaVbs Na Brush Alo•k,"
Wed., Thur.,
r. Fri. and Sat.,
Phone or Mail Orders
Prompt Attention
McKibbon's . Drug Store
W"la halms
• .n
Phone 53.. ,:_ar
I have purchased. the Flour &
Feed' business of the late J. A.
Mills and will give the patrons
the same courteous, honest ser-
vice that they received from the
late proprietor.
When you require
Call or Phone Me.
Harry FIMOGee
Phonei.,9.<:: Wingham
prizing Scripture verses.
' Miss Martha Koine, Gorrie, accom-
panied by her sister, Mrs. Sanderson,
Fort Francis, visited this week with
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaw.
Who have False Teeth, come in
and see the
New Dental Pipe
with mouthpiece that really fits
the teeth.
Omar Haselgrove
The undersigned Creamery has
• purchased
Victoria St„ Wingham.
Yearly tickets can be purchased
at the Creamery Office. Rebate
to Steady Patrons of the
All tickets due Oct. 1st, 1935.
Wingham, Ontario.
Phone 90. H. T. Thomson..
dr' t >''
EGr r
Are You Having
Headache, Dizziness or Failing
Expert Eye Service is Avail-
able in Wingham at Mod-
.erate Prices.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted by
Stratford's Leading Optometrist
for Seventeen Yeats.
Mr. Reid is at Williarne. Jewell
ery Store each Wednesday.
Morning, 9 to 12.00.
Geo. Williams
`,` 'DWELiDR
Wit1a1 "o.N.IR, Watch Inspector,
Miss Margaret Mundell, Wingham,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Mundell.
Norman Hall, of Lakelet, and Mr,
and Mrs, James Master of Parkhill,
spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Jno,
Annual Field Day Meet
The annual Field Day was held by
Bluevale School pupils on Wednes-
day afternoon. This is the chief
school event of the year. Exhibits of
sewing, manual training, writing and
art are on view in the school room.
All the pupils compete in these. The
afternoon is spent in competition in
sports on the grounds. The fine wea-
ther brought many spectators this
year. The children gave an exhibition
of physical exercises and marching,
followed by racing, jumping and var-
ious contests. An exciting football
game concluded the programme, the
Bluevale stalwarts being ranged
against a strong team from the
schools of No. 8 and No. 10, Morris.
The Bluevale bbys won. Mr. James
Breckenridge acted as referee.
The points awarded for sports and
for the schoolroom competition were
added together. Ronald Mulligan se-
cured; highest of all pupils with 31
Champions --
Senior Boys -Ronald Mulligan, 31
points; Runner-pu, Clarence Hollen-
beck, 11 points.
Junior Boys -Jack Mowbray, Alan.
Barnard,19 points each;
Spence McKinnon, Russel Hollenbeck
15 points each.
Senior Girls -Alba Shiell, 23 points;
Runner-up, .Olive, Mulligan, Orhpa
Mulligan, 19 points each.
Junior Girls -Helen Mowbray, 24
points; Runner-up, Doreen Stacey, 22
Those under the doctor's care are:
Mr. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Baiers, Reg.
Reid and Ed. Lawrence.
Members of the Women's Mission-
ary Society met the McIntosh Auxil-
iary at Mrs. Doig's, Carriclf, on Wed-
nesday afternoon. They report a
splendid meeting and a social time as
Mr- James Austin's three sisters of
Toronto, were viistors at his home
The weatherman failed to spoil the
anniversary services in the United
Church Sunday, a full house greeting
the Rev. Perkins, of Harriston, in the
morning. The choir rendered splen-
did music, accompanied throughout
by Ford Buchanan, of Kitchener, on
the violin, with Miss Katherine Camp-
bell as soloist. The Misses Wolfe of
Lakelet, sang a duet. In the evening
a still larger crowd were in evidence.
Miss Alberta Wolfe, of Lakelet, was
soloist. The Misses Foster of New-
bridge sang a 'duet. We wish to thank
those who contributed flowers which
added much to the beauty of the ser-
vice, and those who so willingly as-
sisted the choir. The day was a very
successful one in every way.
Those here for Sunday were: Mrs.
Pritchard and son, of Harriston, with
Miss Haktney; Mrs. Rev. Jones and
children at Tom Abram's; Miss Mar-
jory Herd, of Clinton, Jack of Wing -
ham, and the Foster family, of New-
bridge, at. Herd's; Mr. and Mrs. Rin-
toul, of Wingham, at Metcalf's.
An epidemic of Sunday sickness has
crept into the village. No one as yet
has been quarantined, no loss of life.
It generally attacks the head of the
fancily, creeping down to the children.
The Young People's meeting was
held in the Church Monday evening.
About 9.30 Monday rnorning Mrs.
Lawrence passed peacefully away.
Particulars next week.
Mrs. McNeil and Mae Johann at-
tended a very .prett}t wedding in
Teeswater Saturday, it being the mar-
riage of Mrs. McNeil's neice, Miss
Dorothy Dickinson, of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Armstrong and
Roy Armstrong, of Windsor, spent
the week -end with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs, W. Vii. Armstrong.
The members of ' the Belgrave
branch of the Women's Institute are
invited to meet with .the ladies of the
Wingham. Brands on Monday, Oct.
ith in the afternoon when Miss Es-
ther A. Slicter will address the meet-
ing on "Housing"
United Church Anniversary Services
Very successful anniversary servic-
es were held in :Knox 'United Church
ors Sunday, Sept, 29th, when Rev.
Fall Coats Dresses -- Knitted Suits Millinery
It's Underwear Time
Come and see the good values
for all members of the family.
Light weights for immediate use
and heavier lines for later. Com-
binations or separate pieces.
Children's School Hose
- 39c
Made from strong rugged
yarns for wear and comfort --
Black Ribs Sand Ribs - Clear-
ing Price per pair -. 39c.
Clearing Children's
Made from strong cotton
yarns cream shade - made by
Turnbulls - a regular 60c line,
Out they go - Bargain 49c.
Girls' Cream and Navy Cot-
ton Bloomers -'.Special 29c.
F1'ette Night Gowns
It's time now to use them -.
white Saxony in ,Misses' and
Women's Sizes 75c, $1.00, $1.19.
New Crepe Pyjamas
Full roomy styles in pretty
patterns $1.39 and $1.59.
Crepe Finish Cotton
An excellent material for
home dresses - darker patterns
for Fall. Per Yard 32c.
Chiffon 'Hose Sale $1.00
Extra quality of fine gauge
chiffon, broken sizes of our reg-
luar $1.25 and $1.50 lines. Buy
them this week at a ;big saving
- per pair $1.00..
New Fall Scarfs and
Collars : _
Pretty ''patterns : in The new
diagonal style 39c and 75c.
October is Blanket Time
We invite you to see our good
values in both Cotton and Wool
Bed Blankets and • All • Wool
Special Wool Blankets
Per Pair ,....- $6.89
Youth's Wool Pullover,
- 98c
A good fall weight for these
chilly days Special each 98c.
Sale of Women's Coats
- $8.75
Warm comfortable coats with
excellent furs. You'll get a lot
of coat for very little money.
Bargain this week -end - $8.75.
Smaller ovs' Sweaters
- 7.9c
A grand wearing pullover for
boys 8 to 12. Navy Blue and
Sand shades. bargain each 79c.
Men's Wool Werk
Socks - 29c
A wonderfully good sock at a
low cost. White heel and toe,
long leg. Special per pair 29c.
Men's Fleece Underwear
-- 79c
This is our regular dollar line
Clearing balance of stock at a
bargain 79c.
Men's Fleece Combination $i:39
Boys' Whipcord
Breeches - $1.98
New shipment of these good
breeches with double knees per
Pair $1.98.
Men's Broadcloth
Pyjamas - $1.93
Fine broadcloth in Sand, Blue
and Mauve shades - All sizes -
Clearing Youth's Pull-
overs - $1.39
Made from .strong black wor-
sted yarns with Zipper fasten-
ing. Bargain Each - $1.39.
Boys' Suits at Special
Good Tweeds and fine Navy
Blues - Beautifully tailored in
double breast style; the sort of
suit that appeals to every mo-
ther wanting big value - Spec-
ially priced at $9.85 and $11.00.
Clearing Men's Felt
Hats $1.98
Broken lines of our better
grade hats that will make e4tcel-
lent work hats. Bargain, Each
- $1.98.
Scrimegour of Trinidad College, was
the special speake-. Special' music
was given by the cl'ioir` and at the
morning service a quartette of .four
o fthe members, :Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Jordan, Mrs.' Carl Proctor' and J. M.
Coultes, sang a very appropriate num-
ber. At the evening service Mr. John
Reavie was guest soloist. The church
which was nicely decorated with au-
tumn flowers, was 'filled with large
congregations at -each service.
Miss Jennie Townend, daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. Townend, has complet-
ed her training for a nurse and re-
turned home on, Friday.
Mrs. Malcolm Walsh, of Blyth, vis-
ited for a week with her sister, Mrs.
J. Walsh and other friends.
Mr. Leathorn of Brantford, spent a
couple of days with Joe Brandon -
Week -end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. J .A. Brandon were: Mr: Irwin,
of Orangeville, Miss Irwin, and/Miss'
Reid, of Toronto; Mr. and. Mrs. Her-
also Misses Audrey and Doris Camp-
bell, of Fergus.
man Patterson' and daughter, Betty,
Men!! Women! There are -big bar-
gains for everyone during the Rexall
ORIGINAL On Cent Sales Two for
the price of one, plus only 1c. 295
bargains to choose from. Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, McKibbon's, The
Rexall Drug Store.
{eaVbs Na Brush Alo•k,"
Wed., Thur.,
r. Fri. and Sat.,
Phone or Mail Orders
Prompt Attention
McKibbon's . Drug Store
W"la halms
• .n
Phone 53.. ,:_ar