HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-10-03, Page 7ro
Miss Janet Meirray returned last
week from spending over a week with
friends at Seaforth and Hensail. .
Miss Isabel Earls, of near Wrox-
eter, spent a'•couple of days last weeks
with her sisters, IVIrs, Kenneth Hastie
.and Mrs.. W, C. King,
M. and Mrs. Henry Herzog, who
were former residents here, have .sold
their bakery business in West Lorne,
owing to ill health of Mr, Herzog,
and intend residing in 'Rodney,
Mrs, Arthur Jacques, Mrs, Thomas
Hutchison and Mrs, Thos, McClement
spent a few days last week with rela-
tives at St. Marys, The ladies' hus-
bands also spent Sunday there.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and
Miss E. Perkins spent Friday and
Saturday with friends at Sebringville
and Stratford. Dr. and Mrs. Arm-
strong also accompanied them as far
gas Mitchell, and visited relatives
• there,
Attended Meeting in Fordwich
Among those who went from here
and were entertained by the Wo -
Men's Auxiliary of Trinity Church,
Fordwich on Thursday last in Trinity
'Church were: Mesdames N. Wade, F.
C. Taylor, G. King, J. Armstrong, I.
Wade, H. V. Holmes, W. King, H.
Woodcock and Miss M. Kaine, also
Rev.. and Mrs. A. H. O'Neil and Mr.
H. V. Holmes. All enjoyed very much
the splendid address given by Mrs.
Miss Velma Zimmerman has re-
turned home after visiting friends in
Rev. F. W. Craik ' and Mr. R.
Bloomfield, of Goderich, were Sunday
.,guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Toner.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Butchard, of
'Guelph, visited with'Gorrie friends ov-
er the week -end.
Mrs. Arthur Lincoln, of Turnberry,
is spending a few days with her dau-
ghter, Mrs. John Cathers.
Mrs. S. Wheeler and son of Brus-
sels, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. G. Dane.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Wood, of Clifford,
also Mrs. J. Dickson, of Toronto,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. Shera
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Irwin and Miss
Lucille, of Long Branch, spent Sun-
day with the forrner's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Irwin.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Bricker and Jack,
of, Fordwich, and Mr. and Mrs. N.
Wade and Robt., were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W. Stinson.
Mrs. R. Grainger, Mrrs. V. Shera,
and Mrs. J. H. Wylie, of Wroxeter,
spent a couple of days with friends
in Guelph.
Mrs. A. H. O'Neil spent a few days
last week at her home in Atwood ow-
ing to the illness of her sister, who,
we are glad to report, is somewhat
Communion Service will be held at
Gorrie United Church next Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. W. Jardine and family
of Brussels spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. Cathers.
Mr .and Mrs. George Galbraith, and
Mrs. Grieves of Orangeville were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Mrs. W. Gamble of Waldemar vis-
ited her mother, Mrs. T. O. Johnston
last week. •
The Anniversary of the Presbyter-
ian. Church here is being held on Suit -
day, October 13th, when Rev. Mr.
Hanna, of Toronto, will be the speak-
er. Special music is being supplied
by Toronto talent, Community Ser-
vice is being held on Sunday, Oct. 6,
at the regular hour of 2.30 o'clock,
Recent guests of Mrs. J. A. Day
were: Mrs, Armstrong, of Florida,
Mr. George Roe, Miss Cassie and Mr.
Harvey Roe, all of Sault Ste. Marie,
r Mich., -Mrs. Crich and Mr. Glenn
Wheeler, Brussels.
Mr, John Taylor, of Kitchener, is
visiting his sister, Mrs, Knowlson.
The regular. Institue meeting will
be held on Wednesday, Oct. 9th, at
the home of Mrs. John Cathers, The
Educational program will be in
charge of Mrs. Victor Shera, and roll
call with be "Something I learned at
the 8chool Fair,"
Mrs, R. T, Stephens. is in Harris-
ton with het sister, Mrs. D. S. Hick's,
who is quite illi, we understated she is
irnproVing nicely.
Mr, Isaac Wade received the sad
news of .the death of his sister, Mrs,
1, J, Downey, who died at her Morrie
�I�i7sSEI.Sr - . .Ohl.
S�t�rrda a£ ,
(Thursday :artd Y address based on Acts, 2-41
at aortic)
Thursday, October 3rd, 1935
in Sault Ste, Marie on Friday last.
Mrs. Wheeler and son, of Brussels,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Dane.
A very beautiful Induction Service
was held in St. Stephen's Anglican
Church here on Tuesday evening of
last week for Rev. A. H. O'Neil, when
a number of the congregation were
also present from Trinity Church,
4Fordwich, and St. James' Church,
Wroxeter, Among those who took
part in the service were Venerable
Archdeacon Sage, of London, who
acted in an official way for Bishop
Seager; also Rural Dean Roberts, of
Wingham, Canon Appleyard of Sea -
forth, Rev. Naylor, of Listowel, Rev.
Graham, of Brussels, Rev. Gibson, of
Harriston and Rev. Buley, of Atwood.
Venerable Archdeacon Sage ex-
plained what each part in the Induc-
tion Service represented; and taking
as his text St. Matthew 7:29 "For He
taught them as one having authority",
spoke on the authority and power of
]esus Christ in Christian lives, where
the principal virtues should be good-
ness and truth. He also said it was
more difficult to be a successful min-
ister to -day than ever before, as there
are so many Sunday picnics and oth-
er counter attractions. A beautiful
solo "Abide With Us was sung by
Miss Evelyn. Gamble.
After the service in the ,church, all
repaired to the Orange Hall for a soc-
ial cup of tea with sandwich and
cookies, and a social program, in
which all spoke very highly of Rev.
and Mrs. O'Neil. Miss Gamble , fav-
ored with a solo "My Task."
The Women's Association of the
Gorrie United Church held their
monthly meeting at the home of
Miss Katherine Earngey on Sep-
tember 26th, with the president,
Mrs. Kaine, in the chair. The
meeting opened by singing "All The.
Way My Saviour Leads Me" after
which the Lord's Prayer was said in
Scripture reading, 1 Corinthians, 13,
was read by Mrs. Hilton Ashton, fol-
lowed by hymn "0 Master, let me
walk with Thee" and Mrs. Whitfield
gave a reading entitled "The Final
Analysis." Business was then trans-
acted and the afternoon was spent in
sewing. The meeting closed by sing-
ing "Take the Name of Jesus with
you" and prayer by Rev, Fydell.
Lunch was served by Mrs. Pyke,
Mrs. Robinson and the hostess, and
a social hour enjoyed.
The 75th Anniversary of the United
Church here was held on Sunday,
When the church was nicely decorated
for the accession with autumn
The morning service which was in
charge of
the pastor, Rev. 5. F. Fy-
dell B. A., was not as largely attended
as on former occasions owing to :th
disagreeable wveatlter, to hear the in-
teresting sermon on, "A Religion
That Satisfies."
The evening service was in charge
of Rev. E. W. Craik of Goderieh, a
former pastor, who delivered -a fine
Dean of Canadian women parlia-
mentarians, Miss Agnes Campbell
Macphail, is pictured' in (1), farm
worker, school teacher; M.P. for
Grey South-east in 1921; re-elected in
1925, 1926, 1930; first woman to re-
present• Canada at the League of Na-
tions and first woman member of a
disarmament conference; - she will
contest the .new riding of Grey -Bruce
as a Progressive. (2) Mrs. Lorna
Cotton -Thomas, Ph.D., who will con=
test Peterboro Wests as a C.C.F. can-
didate; (3) Mrs. Geo. Black of the
Yukon, wife of George Black, form-
er Speaker of the'House•of Commons,
who resigned because of ill -health,
She is an independent Conservative
candidate. Miss Nora Frances Hen-
derson (4), vice-chairmanof the Ham-
ilton board of control, who headed the
polls in Hamilton at the last muni-
cipal election. Society editor and a
close friend of Miss Macphail, she
will contest Hamilton West as Re-
construction candidate, (5) is Mrs.
Rose Henderson, C.C.F. candidate in
Toronto-Park'dale, one of the first
women interested in labor organiza-
tion ,in Canada; long interested in
child welfare work and a member of
the Toronto board of education; (6)
Dr. Minerva Reid, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.,
(London), former president of Ward
7 Conservative Association, who .as-
sertedly severed her Conservative as-
sociations because of her temperance
principles. She is a Stevens Recon-
struction candidate in Toronto -High
The choir under the direction of
Mr. L. Ashton and. Miss E. Stephens
organist gave very fine numbers, and
were assisted at the evening service
by a ladies quartette of 'Clifford, who
sang two unmbers, namely, "Go Tell
The World" and "Wonderful Words",
also Mr. J. L. Taylor who accomp-
anied the orchestra also accompanied
Miss Stephens in an organ prelude
with the Flute. Mr. Hs Sparling and
Miss Jean Sparling sang as a duet,
"Life's Railway to Heaven."
Mission Band
The Mission Band held their Sept-
ember meeting in the Sunday School
room of •the United Church on Sat-
urday afternoon. The meeting was in
charage of the leader, Mrs. Thos. Gib-
son, and was presided over by Minta
Dodds, The minutes were read by
Olive Newton, who also read the'
Scripture passage. It was decided to
have a Birthday Box, and the mem-
bers worked at the snaking of,,scrap-
books, which are to be used as Christ-
mas boxes.
Mrs. Robt, Stocks is spending a
few days with friends in London.
Rev. A. M. Grant spent last week
in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross St.utt and son
Donald, of Bowrtranville visited with
Mrs. J. Stott and Mr. and Mrs. J• L.
McEwen fors a few clays last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Tont Burke of • Tor-
onto were week -end visitors with Mr,
and Mrs; John 'Gibson,
Mt. Geo, Allen, Mrs, Ash.;, Munro
and Mrs. J. Stutt were in Cleveland
last week attending the funeral oaf
their sister Mos, McIntyre, whose
death occurred on Wednesday, after
a long illness,
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Pope and Miss
Mary Pope visited friends at Simeoe
on Sttnday and .the latter erernained
for an extended visit.
Messrs Kenneth Gibson of Ham-
ilton and Edward Gibson of Delhi,
spent Sunday here,'and their Mother,
Mrs. Tilos Gibson returned to Haat.
Ilton With them and will leave from
there this week for Winnipeg where
site will spend the winter,
Miss Cassie Harris of Toronto
spent the week -end with her sister,
Miss Mary Harris.
Messrs D. D. and Alex. Sanderson
visited friends in Fordwich and List-
owel last week.
Some of those from here who at-
tended Brussels Fall Fair on Thurs-
day of last week were: Messrs Harvey
McMichael, Stewart Higgins, Ken-
neth Edgar, and Irwin Durst.
Mrs. Samuel Jefferson of Mildmay
called on friends in the village on
Friday.. •
Mr. Philip Durst was on the sick
list for a ,few days last week, but is
able to be around again.
The local school field day was held
here on: Thursday of last week, and
the pupils of the Continuation School
plan to attend. the: Interschool Field
Meet being held in Blyth ori Friday.
The Anglican Young People. are
holding a social evening in the Sun-
day School room of the Church on
Tuesday evening for the purposse of
re -organizing their Young People's
Mr, and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson spent
Saturday and Sunday with friends et
Beetou and they were accompanied
home by their daughter, :Mrs. Selby
Dobbs and two children who will
spend a few days here.
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Martin and fam-
ily visited with London friends this
week -en d.
Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Wright of Wing -
ham were guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Alex Wright on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson of Wingham
visited with Mrs, Thos. • Gibsod re-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rae and family
and Ivtiss Winnifred Rae all of Wat-
erloo were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and :Mr•s, 1), W. Rae.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Jackman and
nephew of Toronto visited dieing the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Tilos.
Brown, and Mrs, Flemming who has
spent the summer here returned home
With them.
Mr. M , a ,n
ci Mrrs, Alex.. W,. Edgar and
son, I,enwoocl and Laurie, were Sxtn-
day guests of Mr: and Mrs. Veru
Mrs. V. T. McLaughlin hhn a
td Mts
1?, S, MacEwen spent Friday with the
fortnees parent's, Mr. and Mrs, A, C.
Hutchison, Fordwich. •
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phyle, of Mt.
Clemens, . were Saturday guests of
Mr, and Mrs, N. T. McLaughlin.
Mr. J. Lovell was a recent visitor
at Arkona and London.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wade, .Ford-
wich were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs, D. S. MacNaughton.
Mr. and' Mrs. H. B. Allen, Brus-
sels, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs, J. N. Allen,
Mn and Mrs. T. A. Gibson, Ford-
wich, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs, G. A. Wearring.
Mr ,and Mrs. Harvey Casemore, of
Detroit, were guests last week of Mr.
and Mrs. M. Sellers, Their daughter,
Mrs. Leslie Hetherington, of Toronto,
is also spending a short holiday at the .
same home.
Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Leggett, Moles-
worth, were guests of Miss Mae Dav-
idsonn Thursday
o lash
Miss Aileen Schaab spent the
week -end at her home in Elmwood.
Mrs. Morrison spent part of last
week with Brussels friends.
Mrs. J. MacLeod is spending a holi-
day in Detroit, going on from there
to Chicago.
Mrs. P. S. MacEwen had for her
guests during the past week, her cous-
ins, Mrs. Alton Wheeler, of Detroit,
Mrs. Hardy and, her son,,Howard, of
Smith, Nevada, also her sister, Mrs.
Youmans, Detroit.
Anniversary Services
United Church, its chancel bright
with Autumn flowers of many hues,
made a lovely setting for the morn-
ing services on the occasion of their
Anniversary, The special speaker for
the day was Rev. Dr. Dean, of Tor-
otito, who took for his morning ad-
dress "The Value of the Church", and
itt the evening "The Joy of Salva-
tion'", Dr. Dean in his fine scholarly
manner, gave many fine thoughts of
hope and inspiration, and also remind-
ed his hearers of their many privileg-
es, and asked for deeper consecration
of the people of the church. The
Choir, under the leadership of Mrs.
George Allen, with Miss Mary Gib-
son as organist, added a fine tribute
to, the services: by their four anthems,
in the morning "I Was Glad" by Hel-
mond; "Depths of Mercy" Wesley,
and in the evening, "Great is the
Lord", E. 0, Excel!, and "Search Me,
0 God," Gabriel.
Women's Institute
Mrs. J. N. Allen opened her home
for the September meeting of the W.
I. on Thursday last. The President,
Mrs. G. A. Wearring, presided over
the meeting. Several items of inter-
est were brought up and discussed,
Plans were made to replenish the first
aid kit at the school. Mrs. G. A.
Wearring was appointed delegate to
the Convention to be held in Goder-
ich in October. Plans were made for
a bale to be sent the first week in
November and for which any dona-
tions of used clothing would be ap-
preciated. The Roll Call "My Pet
Superstition" brought many amusing
stories. A paper on "Superstition",
prepared by Mrs. Stocks, and read by
Mrs. Waller, was very interesting. A
social half hour was spent when re-
freshments were served by Mrs. G.
A. Wearring, Mrs. A. Munroe and
Mrs. J .N. Allen, was enjoyed by all.
Mrs. H. J. Wylie spent a day last
week at Guelph.
Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Walton
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Hembly last week.
Mrs. B. Wade visited her daugh-
ter at Goderich Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. 13, Martin, Edythe
and Billie, visited at London over
the week -end.
Mr. Bill Cook, Guelph, visited at
Higgins' one day last week.
Field Day at School
In spite of the adversity of the
weather conditions, the Wroxeter
Continuation and Public Schools held
their annual Field Day on Thursday,
Sept. 26th. The number of spectators
was small, we presume this was on
account of the faulty weather condi-
tions, and hope that on Field Day
next year, more of the parents will
come and watch our . enthusiastic weren't."
young amateurs during their perform- "Then
ance. It is a means of encouragement
to them.
the Study 13ook "Eastern Women
To -Day and Tomorrow," was given.
by Miss Mary Pope in the absence of
Miss Eva Musgrove, who bad pre-
pared the paper. The singing of the
hymn "Tell Me The Old • Old Story.
and the repeating of the Mizpah Bene-
diction brought the sheeting to a close,
after which lunch was served.
Toner Woods
"Success Farm," the sixteenth conn -
cession of Hawick, the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Joseph Woods, at high noon
Saturday, September 28th was the
scene of a very pretty but quiet wed-
ding when, under an arch of ever-
green and gladiolus, their - only dau-
ghter, Mabel Violet, became the bride
of Earl William Toner, son of Mr:
and Mrs. AIbert Toner of near Gor-
rie. Rev. J. F. Fydell, pastor of the
United Church Gorrie officiated.
The bride, who was given in mar-
riage by her father was becomingly
gowned in Openhyrnn's Debuvel
Romany blue transparent velvet and
carried a bouquet of talisman roses
and fern. They were unattended. Miss
Irene Wright played the wedding
Following the ceremony a sumptu-
ous wedding dinner was served in the
dining room which was beautifully
decorated in pink and white with bou-
quets of gladiolus in different parts of
the room as well as on the table.
Mid. showers of confetti and good
wishes the happy couple left on a
short motor trip to parts in Eastern
Ontario, the bride travelling in a
navy blue winter coat trimmed with
muskrat, and accessories to match. On
their return they will reside near
The groom's gift to the bride was a
crystal set necklace and ear -rings to
match, and to Miss Wright a silver -
dish. e'
Miss Ferne Bennett of Toronto
spent a few days recently with her
mother, Mrs. Edwin Bennett.
Miss Blanche Weir, nurse -in -train-
ing at Toronto General Hospital, is
spending her vacation with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir.
A large number from this appoint- .
ment attended the Anniversary Ser-
vices in Wroxeter United Church last
Do not forget the Anniversary here
on Sunday, October 13th.
Corn -cutting and filling silos was
the order of the day in this neighbor-
hood last week.,
Mr. A. E. Gallaher spent a couple
of days recently with friends near
Hamilton. His nephew, Mr. John Bry-
ans of Fordwich vicinity accompanied
They were on their honeymoon, and
had just had their first disagreement.
Said he: "Perhaps I was a little
"Yes, you were!" she replied.
"I wasn't!" he said, in a hurt tone..
Then: "Well, took here, Pll say I was
cruel if you'll say I wasn't."
"Very well, peach -blossom,
The pupils of the Public School sec-
tion were Barite disappointed that they
were tenable to play off a game of ball
with the Senior Room from Gorrie
but hope to accomplish that at some
future date, The champions were as
follows: Senior :goys, Gordon Louttit;
Senior Girls, Margaret McLeod; In-
termediate Boys, Jack Wendt; Junior
Boys, Allan Harrison; Junior Girls,
Margaret Moffatt.
The Girl's Mission Circle resumed
their monthly meetings last week,
when their September meeting was
held in the Sunday School room of
the United Church on Thursday even-
ing with a good attendance present.
The President, Miss M. Pope was in
the chair, and the meeting opened
with the singing of "Sound The 'Bat-
tle Cry„ followed by the Lord's Pray-
er, repeated inunison,
The Scripture passage was taken
from Psalrn 1, and the form used was
that as found in theback of the Can-
adian Hymnal, but was repeated ,in
unison, During the business pteriocl
the girls decided to make a special
effort in completing the recipe books
which they are making for sale, and
also in the making of aprons, for
sale which they hope ho tto. hold in Nov-
ember, With the : completion of the
business etre topic,;" Contributions- of
Christianity", based on a chapter of
I'm sorry if I was."
Two Nazi tickets used in Germany
pasting on the windows of Jewish
Torp g ,
shops. The penalty for bringing one
of these tickmi of is
four years'' hard labor, -Translated,
(TOP) : "The man who buys frons a
Jew is a traitor to his own people,"
(30T'rOM); "The Jew is your enc
l l:
emy always. Avoid these ooc 5ucle-
ers, '