HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-09-19, Page 8„u,yir„1.`�MwhMHM,+W..,RA wWW Hi P AGE. ,EIGHT W INCH AM ADVANCE -TIMES Show Starts at 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 19, 20, 21 GEORGE O'BRIEN In T. e Cowboy re A. Modern Western Picture Also Single Reel Vaudeville ISHAM JONES AND HISORCHESTRA and "I Like Mountain Music” The Eaton. Boys "Mickey's Steamroller" — Mickey Mouse and Fox News. NEXT WEEK "GEORGE WHITE'S SCANDALS" WHITECHURCH Mr. Chas. Wightman and Miss May spent Sunday at Blyth with Mrs. Brigham. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Tom and Agnes, visited. on Sunday with Mrs. 'Wilson's mother, Mrs. Ferguson, of Culross. Those who had their colt judged by the colt club judge, were taking (01(10. o11=11Or O How Is Your Recep- tion The cool, dark evenings are here, and you will require the best service possible from your radio. . Phone 171 for RADIO SERVICE, TUBES And SUPPLIES John W. Pattison Tubes Tested Free. Graduate Radio College of j Canada. =0=0) 40=0� O q p 0 et them to Stratford on Tuesday. Mrs. Wm: Attridge, of Rapid. City, Man., with Mr. -and Mrs. Chas. Blatch- ford, of Wingham, were renewing old acquaintances . • in E. Wawanosh on Sunday. Mrs. Scholtz, -Miss Louise Martin and Mr. Jas. Martin attended the London Fair last Friday. Mrs. Ferguson 'and Walter, Mrs. Norman and Jack, and Mrs. Wm. Simpson, of Culross, visited with friends in Rockwood and the men at- tended Toronto Ex. Miss Annie McQuoid arrived home from Calgary last Thursday and Mr. George McQuaid has been some bet- ter during the past week. Don't forget the Women's Institute this Friday in the Hall and remem- ber to bring the oldest antique that you have in your home. Mrs. Craig and Miss Marjorie Lit- tle, of London, also Mr. ands Mrs. Calvert Falconer and children, Blyth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and other relatives here and Mrs. John Falconer return- ed with them to London. Mrs. Knight, of Michigan, and Mrs. Cole, of Lucknow, spent the week- end at the home of Mrs° Ben McCien- aghan. Mrs. McBrien, of Ripley, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox. Quite a .number from hereattended the Fair at Blyth onSaturday. The Whitechurch team were leading in the All-Star - Whitechurch game when it was stopped by a downpour of rain. Mr. Stanley Moore has been in To- ronto and attended the Ex. ° Mr. Tom Wilson left this week to attend Normal School at Stratford and 'Mr. Jack Norman leaves shortly to attend University in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Naylor and Mrs. Emerson and James and Bert Culli- more spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Emerson, of Kincardine. A special treat is in store for this community when the coloured Jubilee Singers from London will be present at the United Church next Tuesday evening. They come highly recom- PIPE SMOKERS Who have False Teeth, come in and see the New Dental Pipe with mouthpiece that really fits the teeth. Omar Haselgrove Tobacconist mended and are under the auspices of the Young People's Union. Whitechurch had a really bagday last Wednesday when all the baseball teams of the iliaitland' league and one fromWingham; playedi'a tournament during the a'fternden. The local team was again successful and the cup was to have been presented to them at this time. Lunch, was 'served by the ladies and in the evening the 'young folks enjoyed dancing until ,the wee small hours. . Mr, and Mrs. Consitt, of Kippen, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lowrey and son, James of Wiarton, also their dau- ghter, Mrs, W. Hobbs and daughter, Ruth, of London, visited on Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (ley and daugh- ter, Mary, and Mt. Feist, of Hamil- ton, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt, To Our Agricultural Customers' We are now prepared to do `Shoe Repairing" on Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o'clock. Willis' Shoe Store, Phone 129,,Wingham. three "Absoluhly free Gifts" During.. The Month Of September �1) (2) (3) One pair Non -slip Hose Savers worn With women's shoes to prevent, slipping and wear- ing out of the hose at the heels, will be ,given with every pair of Women's Shoes. One pair Heel re -liners will be given free with every pair of girls' or boys' shoes. These not only prevent slipping at the heels but also "double" the heel lining : at the spot they wear out quickly. One pair "Heelers" with every pair of Men's or Boys' Rubber Boots. These are a sure cure for slipping at the heels and at the same time prevent wearing out of the socks at the same spot. SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY, THAT XS WORTH WHILE above applies to the month of September Only, Th BLUEVALE The Women's Institute held their regular meeting on Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge with the President, Mrs. S, N. Gallaher, in -charge.. The meet- ing opened by singing the Institute Ode and repeating the Lord's Prayer in uison. After the business part of the meeting, the Roll Call was an- swered by "My Favorite Pickle Re- cipe" accompanied by a sample. Mrs. Curtis then gave a splendid paper on "The Value of a Good Neighbor and how we are benefited by meeting to- gether". A paper on "The House Fly as a Menace to Public Health" was read by Miss Donna Smith. Miss Margaret Curtis then took charge of a Weed Guessing contest which was very interesting. A collection of mix- ed bouquets was exhibited and judged by Mrs. C. H. Garniss and Mrs. Mil- ton Smith. Prizes were awarded to: first, Mrs. Alex° Mowbray; 2nd, Mrs. George Thornton; 3rd, Mrs. J. Cur- tis. The meeting closed with singing the National Anthem, after which re- freshments were served by the host- ess assisted. by Miss Daisy Nicholson. Miss Donna Smith was the hostess Thursday evening at a pleasant lawn party . when she entertained about twenty young people. Following a round of games, weiners andtoasted marshmallows, cake and coffee were served. The Y. P. S. of Knox Presbyterian Church discontinued their meetings. during the summer months and on Friday evening sponsored a weiner roast as the opening social event of the Fall season. Arrangments were made to hold the social gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs; J. C. Hig- gins,- but owing to rain it was ne- cessary to have it in the school room of the Church. All enjoyed. a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Messer, Tor- onto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott and with Mr. John Messer. Mrs. Chas. H. Garniss, of Brussels, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott. Mrs. E. J. Sutton has returned home after spending several weeks at Crystal Beach and Toronto.. Miss Lela Leggatt of Whitechurch visited during the week with her cou- sin, Miss Alba Mowbray. Misses Margaret and Isobel, Miller, 1st' line, have returned home from vis- iting relatives in Detroit, Watch Repairs For Real High Clam—Watch Repairs, . bring yogi-, watch to Williains, The 'Jeweller, 'Noth- ing but genuine material used, and all work done on the prem- ises, EACH MONTH WE REPAIR ONE WATCH FREE Bring Yours in, it may be the lucky one. Winner for August— Mrs. Keine, Gorrie Moderate Prices and Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. Williams' JEWELLERYuSTORE saismimimrsuiZEME were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brandon on Sunday. Mrs. J. 'A.''.Geddes' has returned af- ter spending a couple of weeks at 1 To Our • Agricultural Customers We are now prepared to do "Shoe Repairing" on Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o'clock. Willis' Shoe Store, Thane 129, Wingham. BELGRAVE • 'Are You Thinking about Your New Winter O'coats —Or— Fall Suits New merchandise now on display. A larger 'r�'1•toice than ever of styles and materials. , Let Us tell You Our Prices MEN'S AND "YOUNG MEN'S I:VERCOATS $12.50 to $19.50 Madto-Measure Department Astounding values - $2.50 less than other advertisesd lines — Well' "?tailored, full satin lined Suits and Overcoats. Guaran- teed to fit Rt a New Price $21. 00 MADE TO MEASURE Hanna `& Co.L t d Thursday, Sept Kincardine,. Miss Hazel Brandon, of Mitchell, tias a visitor with her. uncle, J, A. 113rai dote- on Monday. On Sunday, Sept. '22nd; °11ur''est Thank;sgiving services will be held in Trinity Church,,B'elgrave. At 11 ani, Rev. E. L. Roberts, of Wingham, will.: be theaspecial preacher and at 7,30 in the 'e",ening, Rev. L. V. Pocock: will officiate. His address will also be his' farewell sermon in Belgrave, "Every.;. one :in the community welcome, To Our Agricultural Customers We are now prepared to do "Shoe Repairing" on Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o'clock. Willis' 'Shoe Store, Phone 129, Winghaxn. ST.. HELENS Miss Clara Reid, of Dungannon, has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Cliffe Murray.. The following were among those who attended the London Fair last week: Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 Miller, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Salked, Messrs, John and Frank McQuillin, Reg. Lavis, Ted Hoare, Ross McPherson and Dave Todd. Mr. Wilson Woods was a patient in the Wingham Hospital for a few days receiving treatment for a swol- len gland. Miss Mary Murray visited ,with Mrs. Jas. Douglas, Mitchell, last week. Keep .Wednesday, Sept. 25th, in mind as the date of the St. Helen's School Fair. This year the 'evening'.s entertainment will consist of the Pub- lic Speaking, Recitation ander musical contests, interspersed withnumbers from the various School Sections. See bills for paiticluars. Miss Florence McQuillin left on Monday for Strafford when she en- • tered the General Hospital sa a nurse - in -training. The first fall Social under the aus- pices of the Y.P.S.'was held on Fri- day evening last, when Mr. Stanley Todd presided over an interesting program of games and contests. A duet by Misses Greta Webb and Dor- othy Miller was enjoyed. A special, feature of the meeting was the pres- entation of an occasional chair and a silver flower basket to Mr. and Mrs." Lorne Woods in honor of their recent marriage. Mrs, W. A. Miller read the address and Mr. Ted Hoare and Stan- ley Todd made the presentation. Lorne made a fitting reply on behalf of himself and Mrs. Woods. Miss Caroline Wellwood and Mrs. Frank Howson, of Wingham, were guests on Sunday with their nephew, Mr. Harvey and Mrs. Webb. Mr. Chas. Stuart, who had been a visitor with his mother, Mrs. Alex. Stuart, prior to her death, has return- ed to his home in Moosomin, Sask. Miss Anna Stuart also : returned to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durnin are moving this week to Kinburn where they have purchased a farm. Miss Caroline Wellwood, mission- ary on' furlough from West China, where she has laboured for twenty- nine years, was the speaker at the Thank -Offering of the W. M. S. on Sunday morning, Choosing as her subject "Lights and Shadows of Our. Mission Field in West China" Miss Wellwood gave a particularly inter- esting and vivid account of the en- couraging and discouraging factors as she found them in China. Miss Greta Webb contributed a pleasing solo. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson were visitors this week with Mrs, Wm. Blue and Mr. Blue, Detroit. The Convenor of the Fellowship Committee, Miss Greta Webb, had charge of the program of the Y, P. S. on Sunday evening. Miss Mary Irwin read .the Scripture' lesson, and Mr, Stanley Todd, a story. The topic, on "How to Find God" was taken by .Miss Greta Webb. Rev. H. M. Wright also spoke on the subject. Murray and Vera Taylor sang a duet. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, An- drew Gaunt included Mrs. Gaunt's another, Mrs, Sherwood, of Ashfield, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. harbour and Freda, of Goderich, Miss Verna Barbour and the Misses McArthur, of Markdale. 0 ANNIWINTEIMI Announcement I have built a new Cider and Apple- butter Mill at WROXETER I Will Be Open for Busi- ness about Sept. 15th. 3c Gallon for Cider 8c Gallon for boiling Cider into Apple' Butter Robert Gibson ('hone 5& Wroxeter Miss Margaret Kennedy, of Ot- tawa, is a visitor with Mrs. Jno. Van - Camp, Mrs. Jas. VanCamp, of Exeter, , is visiting relatives here. Alex, Bryans shipped a carload of. cattle to Toronto on Saturday and. spent Monday in the city. C. R. Coultes shipped three car- loads of hogs on Thursday which was the largest consignment shipped for a long time, He also shipped one load of cattle from Belgrave and two from Brussels on Saturday and was in To- ronto Sunday and Monday. Rev, Mr. Towuend conducted anni- versary services at Iirowntown Sun- day and Rev, Mr. Robb conducted the services at Belgrave and Brick Churches, Anniversary Services of Knox 1Jn- ited Church have been arranged for Sunday, Sept. 29th, when. Rev, Mr, Sctinteg•'otitr; of Trinidad, will be the special speaiket. Watch for further announcement. Mr. and Mrs. IJ'arold Crowe, of Guelph, and Mrs. Elliott of Elmira, n ..,....AIH Are You Having HE TROUBLE s _ Headache, Dizziness or Failing Vision? Expert Eye Service' is Avail- able in Wingham at Med- crate Prices. Eyes examined, glasses fitted by R. A. REID Stratford's Leading Optometrist for Seventeen Years. Mr. Reid is at Williams' `Jervell cry Store each Wednesday Morning, 9 to 12.$d. Geo. 'Williams JEWELLER Official CN,R. Watct inspector ° 'f inghata • 19th, 1935 • Always A God Place ToShop Womlrnen's Coats, Dresses Knitted Suits You'll want then for Fall. Now is a good time to get a good choice, Para -Rubber Rain Capes $1.95 $2.50 $2.95 Wool. Delaines - Challies For Blouses, Dresses, Children's wear, Bargain to clear 69c yd. Children's Stockings,., Pall Weight • 19c - 39c 59c Turnbull's Children's Vests, Fine Wool,; Reg: $1.15 lines for a .:: 79c Women's'Fall Stockings, Ray- on and Wool texture, .Plain and Ribbed Tops. 39c Fall `Knitting Yarns - New Varieties - New Shades New Prints - Fall Patterns, Per Yard 19c Quilting Broadcloths, all good shades, yard 'wide • 19c School Parasols Red shade pfour -better lines, clearing, Each $1.49. Clearance of Fide Curtains. Single and' Two Pairs of a kind. Our better lines - 20% off. Silk Draperies -' Wide Widths Green, Rust,='Blue, `Clearance Less 20%...,.. , Clearing " Men's Top Coats Two $24,00 Coats at $15.00. Two $17.50 Coats at $12.75. Richwear Fall Socks, Fine Wool, Good Patterns 49c Fall Neck Ties ....45c, 75c, $1,00 Fall Underwear, Separate (Pieces Combinations 69c to $1.98 up Clearing 'Fleece Underwear, 100 Shirts and Drawers 79c Clearing Men's. Wool Pullov- ers, $1.49 lines $1.19 $1.00 lines 89c Boys' Suit Special You'll want them for school. Extra good Tweeds - Two Pants $9.85. Fall Shirtings Heavy weight for warmth, Special, per yard 29c. Men's Heavy Wool Socks. Sale An early purchase allows this low price for such good Work Socks - Fawn shade, white heel and toe. September Sale 29c and 49c. September Blanket Sale Beautifully white, all wool Blankets, full large size, whip- ped singly, a regular $8.50 value Sept. Sale, Per Pair $6.89. White Cushion Forms, various sizes, Each 44c KING BR03. Mrs. Mulligan underwent a critical operation in Wingham General Hos- pital on Sunday morning. Her friends in Morris hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Mary Robertson and Mrs, Eliza Fells intend leaving on Satur- day for a tour through the West. Mr. Jas. Kerney has the contract of shingling -Mrs. Underwood's. house. Mr. Alex. McEwen gave his leg a nasty gash while cutting 'corn. We hope for a speedy 'recovery. . MORRIS Large crowds attended the Anni- versary services at Ebenezer' Church on Sunday. Rev. Townend of Bel - grave, preached in the morning and evening, The choir, which eclipsed all former records, added to the success of the occasion. llea,utiful. Autumn flowers banked the pulpit and added much to the appearance of, the church. "Crtavemad.'6irurbMerki" INiERtO�&"1tXTtRItR .i T ELMER WILIINSON Remember Miss Caroline Well- wood's Missionary.; address in Blue - vale United Church(''oin Thursday ev- ening. at 8 p.m..., • GLENANNAN Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Appleby are spending a week visiting friends at Woodstock and Detroit. • - Miss Catharine `Fortune visited one day recently with her 'friend, Mrs. 0. Stokes. Mr. and Mrs. John Lathers and Kathleen, of Gorrie, also Mr. Harry Brown, of Thornbury,. were. Sunday guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln. Mrs, Isaac Stokes, Mildred and. Torn, were week-en"d guests with their cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. l3oyce, of Norwich. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Renwick and Walter, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Eadie, A number from around here took in the London Fair last week'. elI(.NkatI hIII®IIluIiIu111IIIlollIalIIIIIlalIIc II Peaches We have bought the crop of one of the best orchards in the Niagara District. I will have, from now to the end of this month, Fifteen Thousand Bas- kets of Peaches, also Five Hun- dred Bushels of Peaches in bu- shel Baskets. These peaches e will be fresh every day. Drop Into R !BONDI'sI For Your Fruit l liI Ilalllail IuiiIBI I IIIIiili11Ia1IIiIiluI IIall Ial l It 1 ublic Meeting A Joint Liberal Rally will be held in the TOWN HALL LUCKNOVt' at 8 p.m., an SEPT. Speakers: R. J. DEACHMAN .—+ W. R. TOMLINSON HON. JAMES MALCOLM V YfSODY W L OME*