HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-09-19, Page 4PAGE B OUR
Thursday, Sept. 19th, 193
01:1 0 0 9 O Oil
14 cents:a word peri insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
Soles for all plows are .heavier,
tougher and stronger. Homuth'
Bennett Service Station.
DON'T crank your head off, get a
new Willard Battery for easy start-
ing in the cold weather. Batteries
properly charged; prompt, honest,
courteous service. Homuth & Ben-
FOR RENT—Modern Service Station
—Completely equipped; in Kincar-
dine. Small capital required. Ap-
ply to Box 322, Seaforth.
SALE - A Bargain—Water and
light; good cellar, barn and garden.
Apply T. Fells.
HOUSE FOR RENT—Half of dou-
ble house on John St. Apply to J.
H. Crawford.
MEN WANTED for Rawleigh Rout-
es in S. Bruce County. Write to-
day. Rawleigh Co., Dept. ML -453,
Montreal, Canada.
STRAYED PIG—On the property of
Henry McGee, Lot 31, Con. 12, E,
Wawanosh. Owner may have same
by proving property and paying ex-
Exhibits • Wer Splendid Indeed
Concert in the Evening Was Fine
•. • Feature.
Weather Was Ideal for thisi Big Ev-
Another very successful School
Fair was held Wednesday afternoon
last week when the annual event was
held in Belgrave. The weather was
all that could ije desired and the peo-
ple gathered early. The roots, farm
mechanics, poultry, grain and pets
were exhibited in the Presbyterian
Church .Shed while the flowers, fruit,
school work and baking were shown
in the Foresters' Hall.
At 1.30 p.m. the several schools lin-
ed up and paraded on the streets to
the bagpipe music played by Mr. Mac-
Donald, of Lucknow, who, with the
president, Lyle Hopper, Dr. Field,
Public School Inspector, and Ian Mc-
Leod, B,S.A., Agricultural Represen-
tative,led the procession to the Unit-
ed Church groundswhere the Strath.-
CARD OF THANKS cona Exercises were conducted by
Miss Margaret Procter.
The family of the late John D. Mc- The Foresters' Hall was filled with
Ewen wish to express their apprecia an interested crowd of people in the
evening for the concert and contests.
C. R. Coultes acted as -chairman and
the program consisted of the follow-
ing numbers: Piano duet, Velma
Wheeler and Charlie Scott; Musical
selections on accordian, Ross Cardiff;
Recitation Competition, Murray Mc-
Dowell, Audrey Bradburn, Elizabeth
Young, Ross Procter, Mabel Bennett,
Iona Bennett, Ken Cunningham,.
Gwen Irwin; Boys' Doll Drill, S. S.
No, 13; Duet, Charlie and Clark John-
ston; singing competition with the
following taking part: Dorothy Wade,
Winnifred Thompson, Ross Procter,
Aubrey Toll, Maitland Johnston, Jean
McCallum, Lloyd Johnston; mouth-
organ duet by pupils of S. S. No. 16,
E. Wawanosh; Dance, S. S. No. 9,
Girls. Public speaking contest with
the following taking part: Ferne Mc-
Dowell, who chose "Pauline Johns-
ton" as her subject; Mabel Coultes
spoke on "The Postal System of Can-
ada"; Arial Johnston on "Napoleon";
Kenneth Johnston, "Sir Francis
Drake"; Maitland Johnston, "Seeing
Ourselves -'As Orthers'"`See Us"; Jean
McCallum;; "Courtesy to Others and
Tourists"; June Irwin, "Our Pioneer
Days'•-;--Vocal..solossGeo. Henderson;
Mouth-organcompetitions had Jim
Golley, Amy Tan,, Lloyd Johnston,
Dick Irwin.
While the judges;were making their
decision Clifford Logan and Ross
Cardiff entertained 'i, A. L. Posliff of
Wingham, gave the judges' decision
in the public speaking and recitation
contest and congratulated the compet-
itors on their splendid addresses and
told them what a splendid opportunity
these contests gave them to develop
their talents. James McGill gave the,
judges' decision in the musical con-
tests and congratulated all on their
Special Prizes
The following were presented with
tion to their friends, the 1.0.0.F. and
Rev. Kenneth MacLean, for the kind-
ness and sympathy extended during
their recent bereavement.
We wish to express our sincere ap-
preciation to all those who were so
kind and thoughtful during the recent
illness of our. son.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent.
1RWIN--In loving memory of Thos.
Irwin, who passed away Sept. 21st,
'When the shadows of evening are
And we are sitting all alone,
Then often comes a longing,
If you could only come home.
—Lovingly remembered by his Wife
and Family.
The job of stoning the approach of
the Godwin bridge on the fourth line
of Morris will be let on Sept. 24th,
at 7. p.m. F. McCallum, Councillor.
Municipality of Wingham, County of
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with section 7 of the Voters'
List Act and that I have posted up
at my office on the 7th day of Sep-
tember, 1935, the list of all persons
entitled to vote in the said municipal-
ity at municipal elections and that
such list remains there for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions correct-
ed according to .law, the last day for
appeal being the 29th day of Septem-
ber, 1935.
Dated at Wingham this 7th day of
September, 1935.
W. A. GALBRAITH, Town Clerk,
Wingham, Ontario.
Unseen by. the referee, the all -in
wrestler bit his opponent severely.
"You're biting," hissed the sufferer.
"Well," gasped his adversary, "do
yer expect . me to swaller ' yer in' a•
Physician and Surgeon:
Located at the office of the late
Dr, J. P. Kennedy,
Phone 150 Wingham,
the special prizes: Norman Pocock,'
the Bank of Commerce Cup for colt;
Highest marks at Entrance E :aurin-
ation (written), Edith McCleneghan,
Lloyd Cook—Donated. by C. R. Coul-
tes, 7,; Eaton ,Prices, .Mabel Coultes,
f hat'kie,;l'Jrogte# RRslsuiProcter.
Stewart Procter on behalf of the
officers thanked the judges and all
who had taken part in the program
or helped in any way to make the:.
Fair a success. The singing of the,
National Anthem brought . another
very successful Fair to• a close,
The Prize Winners
The following is the list •of prize
winners in the various departments:
Spring Wheat, 1 qt. -Harold Mas-
on, Donald Cook, Caroline Higgins;
Spring wheat, sheaf -Harold Mason,
Dick Irwin, Donald Cook, Caroline
Higgins, Donald McArter; Oats, 1
qt. --Mary Mason, Kenneth Cunning-
ham, Howard Walker, Wilfred Walk-
er, Norman Higgins,June Irwin; Oats
—sheaf—Norman Higgins, Ken. Cun-
ningham, June Irwin, Mary Mason;
Barley, 1 qt. — Floyd Thompson,'
Lloyd Mason, Dorothy Pattison; bar-
ley, sheaf—Lloyd Mason; sweet corn,
6 ears -Jack Shield; Kenneth John-
son, Roy Robinson, Beth Brydges,
Nora Scott, Billie Manning; rrrangels,
3—Charlie Procter, Gordon Bosman,
Alvin Higgins, Eleanor Taylor, Clif-
ford Bennett, John Spivey; Turnips, 3
—Helen Yuill, Ivan Armstrong, Ar-
thur Edgar, Marjory Johnson, Ross
Procter, Ernest Walker; beets, De-
troit dark red, 5.roots—Maitland Ed-
gar, Thelma McGuire, Murray Mc-
Dowell, June Johnson, Elmer Shield,
Evelyn Scott; carrots, Chantenay —
Harry Stewart, Jack Armstrong, Ver-
na Thompson, E. Young, Jim Case -
more, Mabel Coultes; onions — Lois
McGuire, Jane Armstrong, Norman
Young, Margaret Nesbitt, Willa Reid,.
Billie Henry; parsnips—Evelyn Scott,
Dorothy Wade, Audrey Irwin, Helen
Thompson, Gordon Wilkinson, Alrfed
Mason; winter wheat, 1 quart—Billie
McCleneghan, Lloyd Taylor, Helen
Yuill, Kenneth Cunningham, Mary
Wheeler, Elsie Cook; potatoes, Irish
Cobblers — Helen Thompson, Billie
Henry, Thelma Snell, Gordon Bosman,
Jim Coulter, Grace Coulter; potatoes,
Green Mountain—Caroline Higgins,
Ross Procter, Billie ,McCleneghan,
Charlie Procter; potatoes, Dooleys—
Wilfred Haines, Helen Thompson,
Jack Armstrong, Gibson .Armstrong,
Ruth Robinson, Helen Yuill; cabbage,
head—Joyce Rath, Mary Mason, Har-
old Mason, Jack Armstrong, Lloyd
Mason, Margaret Haines.
Asters—George Edgar, Lloyd Mas-
on, Ruth McGuire; ,Scabiosa—Chester
Higgins, Lois McGuire, Dorothy Pat-
tison, Ruth Nethery, Harry Stewart;
Zinnia—Keith Dunbar, Billie Henry,
Mary Yuill, Nora Scott, Gordon Wil-
kinson; Cosmos—George , Higgins,
Verna Thompson, Charlie Procter,
Kenneth Scott, Audrey Bradburn;
French Marigolds—Norman Higgins,
Hazel Bentley, Shirley Nethery, Stan-
ley Hopper, Elmer Shield; Snapdrag-
ons — Jack Shield, Dorothy Wade,
Glen Van. Camp, Gibson Armstrong,
Isabel Scott; Calendula—Thelma Mc-
Guire, Jack Higgins, Mabel Coultes;
Maxine Thompson, Gladys ,McBurn-
ey; Helichrysum (Straw Flower) —
Bill Elston, Be,,rnice Thompson, Roy
Bentley, Jack Manning, Ruth Brad-
burn; Pinks—Gordon Nethery, Ivan
Armstrong, Laura Yuill, John Haines,
Mary Nesbitt; Dining -room Bouquet
-Billie Henry, Lois McGuire, Mabel
Coultes, Gordon Wilkinson,' Jane
Armstrong; Gaillardia — Margaret
Nesbitt, Beth Brydges, Jane Arm-
Apples, Northern Spy — Eleanor
Taylor, Willa Reid, Jane Armstrong,
Helen Yuill; Snow Apples — Willa
Reid, Charlie Procter, Alfred Mason,
Bernice Anderson; ripe tomatoes —
Ivan Armstrong, Jack Armstrong,
Charlie Procter, Ruth McGuire; pears
—Fall or Winter—Willa Reid, Thelma
Snell, Ross Procter, Alice Cook. •
Barred Rock Cockerel -Keith Dun-
bar, Clifton Walsh, Margaret Haines,
Juneve Hull, Wilfred Haines, June
Casemore;' Barred Rock Pullet—Clif-
ton Walsh, Ross Procter, Keith Dun-
bar, Charlie Procter, Jim Casemore,
Juneve Hull; White Leghorn Cock-
erel -Charlie Procter, Ross Procter,
Billie Henry, Billie McCleneghan, Jiin
Casemore, Bill Manning; White Leg-
horn Pullet—Ross Procter, Charlie
Procter, Billie Manning, Amy Smith,
Billie Henry, Billie McCleneghan;
Ducks -- Gordon Workman, Harold
Keating, Jack Van Camp; Helen
Xuill, Clare Van Camp; Ariel John-
son; 1. dozen Brown Eggs—Ivan Arm-
strong, Floyd Thompson, Keith Dun -
Bar, Evelyn Scott, Jack Cook, Wil-
fred Wilker; 1 dozen White Eggs ....
Thelma Snell, Maitland Johnson, Rus-
sel Kelly, Shirley Charnney, Billie
Manning,Lois Kelly;
Largest Pumpkin -Dorothy Mason,
Jack Cook, Ross Dunbar, Audrey Ir-
win,„ jpsts
r-win,„jpsts, th,••i rr n? Cooke; One
Citron 1VI e,.,;,irrnstroa g, Dorothy
Mason Joke Rath,, Wilfred Spivey,
Margaret Workman, Maitland Zdgar,
1 Sttnflower--Ionia Bennett, rrod
Good Buildings
Well Watered
Near School
Cosens ;$& Booth
Office 165. Nights 190 or 112.
Fill in today and send to the "Good -Will" Club,
The Advance -Times Office, Wingham, Ont,
'the Advance -Times "Good -Will" Club Advertising and
Subscription Campaign
NAME...... ......... ............. .........
.• 1 Otte CreditAllowed.
Jl"irOOd for 10,000 Votes Only O )rt
Edith Cook, Audrey Bradburn, Lorna
'TROUBLED WITH Dunbar; Padded Holder for Pots and
pans—Ruth . McGuire, Gwen Irwin,
Dorothy, :J,amieson, Laura Yuill, Lois
CONSTIPATION* FOR.JKohyos;onC,lo,theNsis£ n -si
Taylor, Lois lvl,r,Guire; ;Jean
him, Dorothy Pattison; Knitted cover
for hot water bottle—Mabei Cogltes,•
Helen Yuill, Hazel Bentley; House-
hold Science Scrap Book —Mabel
Coultes, Helen Yuill, Isabel Scott,
Jean McCallum, Mabel Bennett; Plas-
ticine or
•SoapModel of ,a bottle —•
Ken Cunningham, Eddie Taylor, Nor-
man Pocock, Jack Manning, Charlie
Cook, Murray, McDowell; Model of
a Rustic Chair—Charlie Procter, Gor-
don Wilkinson, Ivan Armstrong;
Painted sign for farm gate—Ivlaitland
Johnson, Roy Bennett, Alfred Mason,
John Taylor; Model Hog Trough—
Ivan Armstrong, Howard Wacker,
Maitland Johnston, Kenneth Scott,
Ross Anderson, Lloyd Johnston;
Scrap Book, 5 Winter and Summer
Birds—Jack Van Camp, Dorothy
Jamieson, Gwen Irwin, Elizabeth
Young, Ruby Smith, Laura Yuill; Col-
lection 4 Snapshots of Farm Homes
—Mary Mason, Louise Coultes, Mary
Yuill, Charlie Procter, Thelma Snell,
Lloyd Taylor.
Collection 5 Fungus Diseases—Wil-
la Reid, Mabel Coultes, Helen Yuill;
Agricultural Scrap Book—Ken Cun-
ningham, Dorothy Pattison, Willa
Reid, Mabel Cook, Velma Cook, Mait
land Johnston,
Writing — Primer—Charlie Cook,.
Mary Wheeler, Gloria Clark, Wilda
Montgomery, ,Iona Bennett; 1st Class
-Ruth McGuire, Keith Dunbar, Mur-
ray McDowell, Eddie Taylor, Audrey
Bradburn; 2nd Class Elizabeth
Young, Lois Kelly, Clifford Bennett,
Catherine Currie, Dorothy Jamieson;
3rd Class—Lois McGuire, Irma Cook,
Lloyd Taylor, Maxine Thompson,
Norma Taylor; 4th Class—Ferne Mc-
Dowell, Ruth Nethery, Willa Reid,
Mabel Coultes, Elaine Hull; 5th Class
—Ross Anderson, Alice Cook, Juneve
'j'i)eii AI�L-BRAN{ B.ro{�ght
;,•. ;we1CQrile Relief'
Read this voluntary letter from
Mr. Lecour: "I have been troubled
with, constipation'" for the past 25
years. I tried practically every
cathartic without results.
"Recently, I determined to give
Kellogg's ALL -BRAN a fair trial.
Kellogg's' ALL -BRAN. has not only
helped me, but I believe it is an
actual relief for chronic constipa-
tion.a'—Mr. Henry E. Lecour. Ad-
dress upon request.
*Due to insufficient "bulk" in
Kellogg' s ALL -BRAN provides
"bulk" to aid elimination. It also
furnishes vitamin B and iron.
The "bulk" in ALL -BRAN is gen-
tle—and safe for normal individ-
uals. Often more effective' than
"bulk" in fruits and vegetables, as it
does not break down within the body.
Isn't this,natural food pleasanter
than patent medicines? Just eat
two tablespoonfuls daily. Chronic
cases, with each meal If not re-
lieved, see your doctor. -
Get the red -and -green package at
your grocer's. Made by Kellogg in
London, Ontario. `
Keep on the Sunny Side of Life
Walker, Donald IvicArter, Margaret
Workman, Audrey Irwin, Kenneth
Scott; Tomatoes—Norman Brydges,
Ruth Higgins, Audrey Irwin, Ross
Procter, Dorothy Mason Howard. Am-
Rabbits -Glen Van Camp, Ernest
Walker; Dog Ross Procter, jack
Van Camp, Donald Cook, Murray Mc-
Dowell; Cat—Jane Armstrong, Stan- Hull, Gordon Nethery, Donna Arm-
ley Hopper, Edith Cook, Margaret strong.
Workman, Donald Cook, Norman Po -
Map of Huron County — Laura
cock; Pigeons—Jack Shield, Ernest Yuill, Clifford Bennett, George Hg -
Young; Canar'yF Maitland Edgar, gins, Jack Armstrong, Lois Kelly;
Kenneth Cunningham,'Gordon Wilk
Map of North America—Lloyd Tay-
inson; Any other pet not listed above lot, Dorothy Pattison, Berna Yule,
—Harold Mason, Maitland Edgar, Er- Irma Cook, Mary Nesbit; Map of Eu -
nest Walker, Amy Smith, Kenneth rope—Amy Toll, Thelma McGuire,
Workman, Russel Cook. Mabel Coultes, Evelyn Scott, Ruth
Beef Calf -Billie Henry, Ross Proc- Nethery; Map of the World - Ross
ter, Harold ' Mason, Lloyd Mason; Anderson.
Farmers' Club, Belgrave,(Speelals),,
Paper Model :r "cracergtCatt�ltel',-, F1
elice Smith, .~;dant r� hi 11, ,�y �1 C
Audrey Irwin, "jd'S'ce Rath.
Special donated by C, R. Coultes
,to'''itwo pupils taicing.,highest; marks
atifl recent Entranee Examinations,
Edith McCleneghan, Lloyd 'Cook.
• 'Belgrave Women's Institute special
for girls: Senior Girls'' apron from
flour 'sack—Thelrha Snell,'' Mabel:
Coultes, Edith McCleneghan,, Thelma
McGuire, Helen Yidill; Jr.� Girlg, Bou-
ou-quet• from Home Garden—Ruth Mc-
Guire, Marjorie ` Ji3hrtston;•irlwerl
win, Mary Wheeler;. -Joyce' Rath;" T.
Eaton Trophies, :presented to three
pupils winning the highest nurnber of,
points at the school fair wereaward-
ed as follows: Silver Trophy -Mabel
Coultes; The Modern Encyclopeclia,
Charlie Procter; Book entitled "Un-
written History",, Ross Procter.
Dairy Calf—Roy Robinson; Agricul-
tural or Draft Colt—Norman Pocock,
Howard Walker, Gordon Workman,
Willa Reid; Ewe Lamb—Louise Coul-
tes Helen Thompson, Billie Hen -
lst Class—Book Cover "Month of
June"—Sybil Grant, Murray McDow-
ell, Wilfred Walker, Ruth. McGuire,
as. Alcock; 2nd Class —'Crayon of
ry, Ruth" Robinson; Halter -broken • J Cools
Cherries on a Branch—Donald,
Colt —Willa Reid, Alfred Mason;
Halter -broken calf—Charlie Procter, G4Ten Irwin, Clifford Bennett, Win -
Ross Procter, Billie Henry, Harold nifred Thompson, Laura Yuill; 3rd
Class .-- Poster in water colors suit-
able for the health topic"Drink Plen-
ty of Milk" — Mary Nesbitt, Berna
Yule, Louise Coultes, Beriice Ander-
son, Alice Nicols; 4th Class—Land-
scape in water color—Maitland John-
ston, Roy Bennett, Amy Toll, Mabel
Coultes, He Yuill; 5th Class—Book
cover "Wild Life"—Juneve Hull, Ross
Anderson, Gordon Nethery, Alice
Essay—My Favorite Game Billie
Manning, Elizabeth Young, Lois Kel-
Mason; 1 pair Bacon Hogs—Harold
Pocock, Willa Reid, Helen Thomp-
son, Shirley Nethery.
Half dozen Bran Muffins—Caroline
Higgins, Nora• Scott, Grace Coulter,
Lorna Dunbar, Norma Brydges, Flor-
ence Cool'; 3 sandwiches suitable for
school lunch—Beth Brydges, Ruth
McGuire, Dorothy=' Wade, Jean Hull,
Dorothy Yuill, Dorothy Jamieson;
Johnny Cake—Isabel Scott, Eleanor
Taylor, -Irma CAok, Gladys McGurn-,
The game scheduled for 'last Wed-
nesday evening was :nbt played when
Lloyd's failed to put in an appearance.
at the park. Merkley's ;had':a :work-
out against a picked team With Bill
Lediet in the boxy
* *, * *
Merkley's Win Second Game
Merkley's evened the series' in, the
softball play-offs Monday evening
when they won by a 'score of 16 - wr:
The gas pump gang led. all. • the way
and were never in danger, the bats
of the sash and door, men being very
ineffective, while their opposition hit
very well. There were several errors
by both teams 'but the game was fast
nevertheless, and was watched with
interest by a fair crowd.
* *
Lloyd's Take Third Game 14-3
Tuesday night ended the semi-finals
of the softball with Lloyd's winning
14-3, after many had given .up hope
of the series eve,;;, being finished. The
winners played good ball, having on-
ly a couple of errors which did no
particular harm, while Merkley'sfell
down badly at the bat and on the de-
fensive compared to the game the ev-
ening before. The Woodworkers will
now meet the Foundry in a series for
the title and it should be a close one.
Lloyd's have yet to<defeat-the Foun-
dry this year, but they are greatly
improved since they last played the
Iron Men.
Council met on Sept.' 9th,ititlr all
the members present. Mr e >Vast
regu7ar and special meetings;, *ere
read and approved.
Three applicat ons were.. received
for the office of Collector, Ali ri, Pat-
tison being re -appointed, to ,lys ,of-
fice at a salary of• $75.00
Moved by 'Mr.,,,Yungbiiit, 4ccorided
by Mr: Beecroft that the date:of-'the
Nomination meet nE .''be * `advanced
from the last Monday, rn December
to the Friday 13reiiiou5 to `flie last
Monday in November•.;(22•nd)y ;with
the election, if required, to be held
on the first Monday in,,Decestiber.-
Carried.. '
ey, Mary Mason,. Norma Van Camp; Lance Grain was Fappointed as in
is uits-Ev- ly, `Beth Brydges, Amy Smith; Essay Spector on the Grain lrarn Contract.
Half dozen Sour Milk B c —How We Spent Arbour Day—Elsie
pelma McGuire,'Edith pOn motion of Robertot a;nd``urg
elyn ; Scott,s TCook Lois McGuire Jean McCallum,
McCleneghan, June Irwin, Lenore ' Essay—
a — blut, $25.00 was voted as a grant to
ellin s Elaine Hall; half dozen Berna Yule, Norma Taylor; ss Y both the Winghanl and Blyth Fall
W g Coultes,Gladys Biography: "Outstanding Present-day Fairs. ° , -d tt ?J k:, v
Butter Tarts—Louise `Canadian—Alice Cook,Mabel Coul-.
Two by-laws, one confi`r`ming ap-
ses, Jack Taylor, Edith McCleneghan,
Ferne McDowell.
Public Speaking—June Irwin, Ken-
neth Johnson, Maitland Johnston,.
Ferne McDowell, Jean McCallum,
Mabel Coultes.
Recitations—Murray McDowell, El-
izabeth Young,' Audrey Bradburn,.
Gwen Irwin, Ken. Cunningham, Iona
Singing`Solo-D'orothy'Wade, Ross
Procter, Maitla i';I Johnston, Aubrey
'roll, Lloyd Johnson, Mouth Oxg
Competition—AMY Jim ,Golley,
Dick Ir!in, Lloyd Jghn`ston; Spelling
Match Thelma JvlcGuire,: Mabel
Coulfes, Willa Rad,- Lloyd' Taylor;
.Mental Arithmetic—Mabel Coultes,
Helen Yuill, Helen Thompson, Willa
Reid; Darning Wool Sock—Mabel
Coultes, June Irwin, Thelma Mc-
Guire, Edith McCleneghan,
I Live Stock Judging Competition --
Lloyd 'Mason, Dick Irwin, Billie Hen
ry, Charlie Procter.
Strathcona Exercises
Strathcona Exercises—S, S. No. 8,
E. Wawanosh; S. S. No. 13, E. Wa-
wanosh; 5. S. No, 7, Morris,
Boys'' Collection of Vegetables from
Home Garden (Institute Special) —
Jack Higgins, Charlie Procter, Billie
Henry, Dick Irwin, Lloyd Armstrong.
Boys, 10 years and under—Living-
room Bouq'uet from Home Garden—
(Institute Special) — Ross Procter,
Wilfred Spivey, Harry Stewart, Jim
Coulter, Ken. Cunningham,
Agriculture Note Book—Verne Mer
Dowell,Y Ruth: Nethery Mabel Coultes
Charlie « tA Edith.,;Mc •,fit .
T;helm ,;}; l� q;; ; . Scrap • • .
gtave --Scrap Bak
McBurney, Amy Smith, Mabel Ben-
nett, Elsie Cook, Lenore Wellings.;
Ginger Bread -Mabel Coultes, Ruth
Nethery, Dorothy Pattison, Beth
Brydges, Julia B. Anderson, June Ir-
Sewing -
Banana in running stitch -Florence
Snaith, Audrey Irwin, Joyce Rath,
The citizen's and 'especially' the
merchants of Wingham liiave
shown such favor fororir service
in the past that we are making fur-
ther efforts to improve our service
to your town: Every effort will
be made to give you delivery as
early as possible each morning and
to serve your needs in several ways
as only can be done by a company
operating on the system we main-
For overnight service please
snake sure that your order is mark-
and show our telephone number in
the city you are ordering from,
1825 790
BA. 4687 WAT. 919
MET. 1854 1774
AD. 7305 698
• WINGHAM 77. , ,...
Ask our drivers for further ,ftift�r
motion on RATES & SERVICE
Listowel Transport
Lead Office, Lxs'rovmL, X55
gi g Wi tl''A narri;ed of Ontario,
ajeaft Hull, Laura Yurlly Gwen. Irwin;:
pointment of collector„,, the other, ap-
pointingg time and -place.Of 'uomirra
tion, polling places and' election offic-
ials, were read andvapiiroved.
The following accounts were. paid:
P. W. Scott, • taking indigent to the
County Horne $1.90; The Advance -
Times, advertising $3.50.;q4 Da' son,
underbrushing on Roati- �; , $12.40;
Alvin cy,nell, building catch -basin and
cement'$2.40;::E; Robinson, work on:
Road No"• 8, $1'6 ; L.Wightroan,,
work Iota "load No. -S10, $1:04,:k.A:
Pollock,, ,spikes 25 `'bents, Rae =;
ThZn-ntkSO,n, bolts and nails 85 „cG'ntsi
S McBurney, tears trucking $2.00,
Now Ready
Fall Business
With Full Stocks in
Men's and Women's
Wear Store
Big Choice and Big Val-
ue in all Departments.
Visit Ladies' Ready -to.
Wear Department and
inspect our large range
Fall and Winter Coats,
Dresses, Suits, Waists,
Skirts, Pullovers and
Misses' Dresses
See our values in Women's and
Misses' Dresses at
$3.95, $4.95, $5.95 up to
Ladies' Winter Coats
In all the best cloths and latest
models and leading colors.
See' the Smart Models at
$14.95 $18,50, $22.50 and
New Millinery
Ladies, see our new Fall Hats
—Leading colors in Felt and
Velvet. Our Prices will interest
Children'•s Winter Coats
All sizes in stock. Range 1,
Sizes 2 to 6 years; Range 2,
Sizes 8 to 14 years. Complete
stock of Best Materials and
New Models.
You are invited to inspect our
H.E. hsard & Co.
salary $30.00; MacLean Lumber Co.,
lumber $10.25; County Huron, second
hand plank $3.60; The Acme Paint $z:
Varnish Co., paint for 10th line river
bridge $100.75.
Council adjourned to meet again on
Tuesday, October 15th.
A. Porterfield, Clerk,
"Social Credit is applied, Christian-
ity." This was the fundamental argu=
ment presented by Hon. William Ab-
erhart, Premier of Alberta, in explain-
ing the platform and policies of the
new political party which recently
swept into power in Alberta by an
overwhelming majority. The leader
of that: party was addressing almost
1,300 of his home -town people, of
Seaforth, who filled every available-
seat of First Presbyterian Church at.
the evening service Sunday night.
Mr. Aberhart spoke from the pul-
pit of the church he attended as a..
boy. Long before the service started
the church was packed. Chairs were,
'placed in the aisles and corners and""
many stood in the doorway and many -
others were turned away. The serv-
ices at the United Church across the •
street werecancelled and the congre-
gation of that eliuroh swelled the -
numbers eager to heaiMr. Aberha`.i.
The western Premier was 'ori a visit
"to his old home and ,was staying oviek• •
the week -end with' his another and'
two brothers,' at Seaforth.
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