HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-09-19, Page 1, • • • • With Which Is Amalgamated The Corrie Vidette and 'Wroxeter News. Single Copies Five Cents WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1935 Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year WINGHAM "GOOD -WILL" CLUB CONTEST OFF TO GOOD START- HURON REGIMENT INSPECTED HERE HIGH SCHOOL • GLEE CLUB NEW SURFACE ON COUNTY ROADS GUILD ENJOYED SOCIAL EVENING MIXED DOUBLES : BOWLING TOURNEY Motored to Kintail Where Enjoyable Evening Was Spent. Was Most Successful Tournament 35 Pairs Entered, INTEREST DEVELOPING EARLY. Inspecting Officers Were Brig, -Gen Road, From Wingharn to Bluevale Finished and from Wingham to McMillan's Corner will be Fin- fished This Week. Organization Meeting. Held and Of- ficers Elected. Number of Entries Received -Many More Should Follow Ross and Major Whitelaw, of London. •------ On Monday night about sixty morn- bers of the Westminster Guild of St• Andrew's Presbyterian Church met at the church and motored to Kintail Camp where a social evening was spent. An impromptu program of readings and community singing; was enjoyed which Mr:'A, L. Posliff, in his usual capable manner, conducted 'a number of games and contests. , The social committee served hot- dogs and coffee and"a opera]. sin g_ song brought the first meeting of the year . to a close. One of the tnast successful Mixed Bowling Twilights held in some time was staged on the local greens Tues- day evening when, 35 pairs entered, 5 more than the greens would accom- mod -ale, 'Entries were present from, Lucknow 7, Palmerston.1, Mount For- est 2, Teeswater 2, Hanover 2, Wal- kertonKincardine 5 2, Wingham 14. Three ten -end games. were played with a plus of 8 and between the sec - and• and third games lunch was sere- ed, The. winners were: 1st; Mrs. 'Wel- lington Henderson and W: McCoy, Lucknow, 3 wins 19; 2nd Mr.. - On. Wednesday of last week after school about fifty students gathered in the Assembly Hall. of Wingham High School for the purpose' of re- organizing the Glee Club, • Carman Hetherington, who was in charge of the meeting, called on Miss Helen R, 1'AcGregor, our leader. She in a fewafter. P' words the purpos- es of the meeting and outlined briefly the program for the coming year, As an organization. we will begin our meetings toward the end regularBg of October, newly -elected executive is asgravel,which follows: Director -Miss H. R McGregor: President -Carman Hetherington. Vice Pres. -Ross Howson. Secretary -Ida Kelly. Librarian -John Preston. Assist, Librarian -Velma Wheeler. Marshal -Lloyd Henderson, This Week --5,000 Extra Votes for New Entries- ' _ 1. rilsl Special Prue Wan by Miss Loreen ITalle First Sham Battle Also Took Place. Considerable work has been done on the road fromWingham to Blue- vale and from. Wingham to IVIcMill- an's corner. These sections of the county road near here, have been re- surfaced with what is called stabiliz.- ed calcium chloride treatment: This is done by mixing a certain type of clay with 3 inches of gravel and plac- ing calcium chloride on top. The cost of this surface is about $300 a mile; outside of the cost of the made an inex ensive P road and where it has been used has given good service. The Bluevale Road is finished and from Wingham to McMillan's corner will be finished this week. The first of this class of road to be used in the county was • a 3 -mile stretch near Dungannon and it gave such good service that the county is doing 40 miles of this work this year. In speaking to CountyEngineer p g g Roy Patterson, he said the advantage of this type of road is that it is dust- less, no loose gravel and the cost of maintenance is little in comparison to other types of gravel roads. Save the Coupons -Win a ValuablePrize Ori Sunday, the Huron Regiment, under command of Lt, -Col Sturdy, of Goderich, assembled at the Armouries here 9.30 Following the "fall- Theme certainly should be some e ]action and enthusiasm from nown" a In to the close of the Wingham i , advance -Times Good Will Club. This.. %ION. H H STEVENSSTE�ENS � � WILL SPEAK HERE at a,m, and roll calls the regiment, head- ed by the Battalion Band of Clinton,expressed and the Wingham Citizens' Band, par- :ontest has started to createn un- tsual amount of interest in this coif}- nunity and the merchants co -operas- ng are reporting increased sales, Miss Lorean Haller now leads he list.af contestants, having secur- ;d the special prize the past week for he largest total of votes` deposited tp to Monday night Persons saving coupons for the con- estants can do much to help by de- The Leader of the Reconstruction Party, Hon• H. H. Stevens is expect -'Major, : ed to speak in Wingham on October• 2nd in the interests of W. J. Hander- son Stevens candidate for North Huron: It has been definitely decid- ed that he will speak here but a change of date may be necessary, If a change of date is made announce- Inept to this effect will be made, aded to the Town Park, where they were •inspected by Brigadier -General Ross and Whitelaw, of Lon- don, and held ceremonial parade. The troops did exceedingly well,The P g YY considering the amount of training they have had and the inspecting of- ficers apparently were well pleased. Following the inspection and drill at the town park, the regiment parad-. ed back to the Armouries and had dinner. W, C, 'I', I;j, phis ,. and Mrs. Alex. Crawford, town, 3 17; 3rd, Mr. and Mrs, E. R. The regularinontltly meeting of the local Union of the W.C.T,U was held last week at the home of Mrs. Geo, Mason. The meeting opened with the hymn "I Need Thee Every Hour:" Miss Dedles led in prayer and the Scripture reading Rom• 13-11 verses was taken by Miss Hostetler. Ther President, Mrs,. R J. Tindall, con- ducted the clip sheet Following prayer by Mrs. Anderson, it was ,pass- ed on motion of Mrs. Smith and Mrs. w=ins plus p s Harrison; town, 3 wins. plus 16; 4th, Miss Cliford and D. I3; Porter, towns. 3 wins plus 15; 5th, Mrs, Rife and A. E• Maundreli, Mount Forest, 3 wins plus 10; 6th; Mrs. Lawrence and C. Chapman, Palmerston, 2 wins plus 16; 7th Mrs. Gordon Small and N. Hiscox, Teeswater, 2: wins plus 16, The last two and Mr, and Mrs. J. Chapman, Kincardine, were tied for 6th and 7th prize and in the draw Mr. and Mrs. Chapman were eliminated. ,ositing the ballots tl]emselves.D Entries Close Next Wednesday Postively no. new entries will be cce ted after newt Wednesday, Sept-turist, P y' p ober 25th. Anyone saving coupons ,nd intendingto enter must do s© before that date. Come ins Saturday :nd secure the extra votes given to Lew entries. Special Prize This Week This week a special prize ,another ;5,00 cash will begiven to the con- errant who turns in the largest num- ter of vote coupons between Tues- say, September 17, and Monday, iepte 23. Extra Votes For New Entries New contestants can secure some =aluable suggestions and assistance ty calling at the Advance -Times office• i.ext Saturday between ten a.m. and tine p.m. As a special inducement •o each contestant to do this, 5,000 tee votes will. be given to new en- rants in the competition at the sameofficer inion and those contestants already :ntered, who have not secured their egi traton votes should also call on iaturda First Standing Announced The standing ,appearing. below is 'or all votes for publication up to ast Monday evening. ' Ars. Harry Browne, Sr: 15,000 Ars, Leslie Buckman 16,600 'liss Susie Carrick • :' 15,000 4 Judged Flowers at Lucknow • Mr. J. M. Graham, local horticul- was one of the judges at the annualflower show held by the Luck- now •Hoeticultural Society last week, Fur Coats If you are thinking of buying a Fur Coat it will be to your interest to see the splay ,of beautiful Fur Coats at Isard's Store, Friday and Saturday of this week, A Naine Omitted Last week we published a list of the kiddies who are startingout on their school career, We regret that g the name of Laurene Prentice was omitted from the list. Lost to Na anee • Southampton. Fishermen lost the first aaine of their series with Nap- P anee by the score of 1-0. The next Some isto-dad (Wednesday) ill Southampton and the Fishermen will have to win to stay in the running, Clinton Hockey Star Fractures Ankle _ Harold Gibbs, star right-winger of the Clinton hockey team, fractured his ankle, last week and the Clinton fans are pulling for 'his quick recovery so that he can line upwith the Colts this year, If Gibbs is lost to the Colts they sure will miss him. The afternoon program was just as interesting as was the morning par- ade, The battalion assembled at Rob- ext Vint's farm and tookpart in a military scheme. Operations coni- menced at 1,30 and continued until 3 o'clock, The sham battle in which the troops engaged was well executed and the officers and men carried on during this demonstration like voter- ans. The supposition was that the Town, of Wingham had been captured by the enemy and were proceeding west. The regiment stationed at Vints farm attacked tyke enemy, intercepting their progress and putting them to rout. All told there were 169 officers and men taking part in parade and. battle. The Regiment, which is under the command of Lt: Col. Sturdy, of God- crick, is made up as follows: "A" Company, Goderich, Major H. Jane, „ commanding, B Company, Wingham, Major E. Corbett Ford- g � i w ich, officer commanding and second in command of the .Regiment; "C" Company, Clinton, Major T. Morgan, officer commanding; "D" Company, Seaforth, Capt, R. Campbell, Brussels, Bear - officer commanding; Stretcher Bear- er Corps and Band, Clinton, Capt. Thompson, officer commanding; Sig- nal Section, Wingham, Lieut R. S. Hetherington, officer commanding. Harvest Home Services Harvest Home Services will be held in the Wingham Baptist Church on Sunday, Sept, 22nd at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The special speaker and soloist will be Rev, Stanley Baggett, of Lis- towel. Everybody welcome, Rain Stops Ball Game • Whitechurch Baseball Club played an all-star team of the Maitland Lea- gue at Blyth Fall Fair on Saturday. The game was called at the end of the first half of the .5th inning with Whitechurch leading 5 3. Batteries: Whitechurch, J. Garton and G. Gar- ton • All -Stars W. Ho Colborne R. '. y' Craig, Auburn, and . C• Wilson, Col- borne. World Series Opens October 2nd The Baseball 'World Series dates have . been announced by Kenesaw Mountain Landis, •Coinrttissioner of Baseball. The first .two games will be in. Detroit on Oct, 2nd and 3rd, The next three games: will be played at a National League city;.. Chicago or St. Louis, on Friday, . iSaaurday and Sunday, Oct, 4th,, 5th, 6th. The sixth and seventh games, if necessary, will be played in Detroit. ', Y Musgrove that. the Press Secretary in- terview Mr. Armstrong about printing Temperance Lessons for the Sun- UNITED CHURCH W.M S. Underwent Operation Mrs: Mulligan, of Bluevale was opP g eratedon in Wingham General Hos- pital on Saturday. Mrs, Mulligan who is well up in years, stood the opera- tion as «=ell as could be expected. Her P many friends will hope for her speedy recover y' attended Reception Mrs, W. J. Greer, Mrs, F. R. How- son, Mrs, Hetherington, Mrs, W. Wellwood and Miss Caroline Well- wood, of West China, were in Goder- ich, on Monday, attending a reception held by the Woman's Missionary Sot- iety in honor of Miss Maude Howell of that town, returned missionary from Trinidad. Normal Students Must Pass Physical Test The students who have registered r at the Stratford normal School have to undergo a thorough physical exam- ination in accordance with orders of the Provincial De artments of Health p and Education. On Tuesday the stud- opts were given the test for tub'ercu_ ]osis and on Thursday the physical examination •will take place, l • To Spend Mrs. E. in California ylr. and 1blrs. L. Williams, who held a sale of their household furniture on Friday, Left on Monday for their cot- at Kincardine Beach where they will stay until the end of the month. r They and their son Gerald,will then leave for California where they will spend the winter. Mr, and Mrs. 3: F. Bolt, Toronto, will manage the Wil- limns Restaurant until Ed, returns in the spring. Huron Presbyterial W. M. S. The North Section of the Huron I'resbyter:ial Women's Missionary Society of the United Church will hole] their annual meeting in Wroxeter on Tuesday, Sept• 24t1t, The morning res- sion will commence at 9,30 a.m. and the afternoon session at 1.30 o'clock, Miss Caroline Wellwood, of Chen *tun China, Missionary nit furlough, and other speakers will address the meet w , ing, Reports of the year's work will also be given. Of special interest should be the display of ,Chinese work, the day School in the Advance -Times: The secretary's and treasurer's re- • Paves a readin given and Mrs. Musgrove g g The President read the programme of the convention to be held at Barrie a and a delegate was appointed. g `° g Folders on How to Cure the Ci - areae Habit" were distributed. A let -work ter of thanks was read from Mr. Dins- ley for floral tribute sent at the time of the death of Mrs. Dinsley. The September meeting of the Wo - g mans Missionary Society of the Un- d Tuesday last, d C�iurRch Howsonwas ] presiding. The subject for the day was the Annual Report of the W.M.S. for 1934-35; p This was presented by Mrs. Bowers and Mrs. Gowans who told of the •being carried on in the differ- ent departments both in Canada and the foreign fields. Mrs. Willis and Mrs. Laidlaw were appointed deIe- Sectional Rally in Wrox- Operated on at London Mrs• W. Dore underwent an oper- ation in Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday. We are please to re- port that she is progressing satisfac- torily, Preached at St. Williams , Rev. E. L. Roberts, Rector of St, haul's Church, preached Harvest Home services at St. Williams on Sunday, Rev, W. T. Smith of Port Rowan and St. Williams, had charge gates to the eter on Sept. 24th. A pleasing feat- ure of the meeting was the presenta- tion of a framed life membership cer- tificate to Mrs. Alex. Coutts. This was a gift from the Women's Association of the Clnirch and the presentation was made by Mrs. D. Geddes, prec- ident 0f that •organization, who told of the splendid assistance which Mrs. Coutts renders in both the W. A. and the W.M.S. The meeting was closed. by Mrs. Willis. °. ATHLETIC ASSOC, FORMED AT H. SCHOOL qrs. Fred Carter 27,925 ]Miss Margaret R. Currie 15,000 4liss Winnifred Edgar 33,475 Airs Katherine Fitzpatrick ,15,925 Katherine !hiss Loreen Haller 39,300 Cecelia Kuntz 39,300 Miss Ce 12iss Margaret Mason 37,875 B Mrs, Harry. Goll 18,000 Miss FannyBell Weir 19,000 qrs. R. \Virtu er 17 750 Chesley Won .First Game Wh Not Have y The Chesley Baseball team, winners The Evening Telegram, Border of the Bruce Lea tie Intermediate B. g , City Star, Evening Free Press, deliv- loon from Cohingwood oil sSaturday erect to your home at 12c per week. by the score of 2-0. The game was Call S. N. Carter, Phone 132: rained out in the 5th inning. If Ches- ley, can ba the next amen the will Memorial 'Service at Bluevale g g Y advance in the play-off Baines, All Bluevale L.O.L. No. 766 will hold Bruce League towns are pulling for their annual Memorial Service at them. Bluevale Cemetery next Sunday, Sept. of the services here. Institute to Meet Sept. 26th ••The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, Sept. 26th, at 3 o'clock. Hostesses at this meeting are Mrs. George Case more, Mrs, George Lott, and Mrs, Richard Clegg. Visitors welcome. Stevens Candidate in Perth On Monday, Harry Watson, M.M., was chosen to contest Perth riding in the interests of the Reconstruction Party. This riding will have a four- sided election, the other ,candidates being, F. G. Sanderson, M.P., Liber- Dr. G. H. Jose, Conservative, and Rev. J. G. Connor, C.C.F. Huron -Perth to Choose Candidates The Conservatives of Huron -Perth Pear Shaped Tomatoes We have on display in our window three tomatoes which are like a pear in shape. They were grown in the garden of T. Y. Smith and Mr. Smith informs us that all the tomatoes on this vine were of similar shape. They are odd looking tomatoes for sure. Won CUD at Woodstock V,;,v' Alex. Crawford and Wally Miller won the Dr. Krupp Trophy and first prize at the Scotch Doubles Tourna- meat held by the Woodstock Bowling Club on Wednesday last wee].. This trophy is one of the most prized .in Western Ontario and the local play - ors are deserving of much praise on their win. Ed. Nash and D. Rae also entered this tourney but did not get ill the money. • Girls and Boys, Both Organize The .girls of Wingham.High School met recently for the purpose of `or_ •ganizing a :Girls Athletic Association. Catherine Nortro had charge of the p & meeting and the officers • chosen for the ensuing year were:sage President -Catherine Nortrop. Vice Pres: -Frances Currie. Secy-Trm ReIsabel Habl:irls. The •Form Re resentafives were as follows: P Form V -Ida Kelly., Form IV -Helen Miller. Form III -Mary Cruikshank, Form II -Mary Julia Preston, Form I -Dorothy Golley.al; The Athletic Associati.oit carried off the first important function of the term, the initiation, The ordeal Pro- vided lots of laughs for the seniors, tylion nevertheless, hope that the "Freshies" .now feel themselves to be full-fledged members of the.' "sehool upon the hill". ' ,, * * At the meetingof the' Boys' Atlt- 1otic Association the following offic- ers were elected: :President -W, Craig.. Vice Pres, and Treas,--J: Preston, Secretary -G, King, Form V -J. Campbell. •no Form V --I. Campbell. Form, TV -G. Robinson: Form III -W. Tiffin. Form II -W, Davidson. Forni TA -J, Durnin• I+ot-m IB -G. Ncittiery,. • _ Committee: R. How Inter -School C soft, W. Ptcltell, I.7, Waiain, Eicce is Position at Guelph P F Miss Louise E. Hanna left on Tues- lay for Guelph where she has accept- .d a position at the Ontario Agriclu- tural College. 22nd, at 3 p.m. Brethren are request_ Bills That Brought Good' News ed to meet at the Orange Hall at When Wingham Hydro users re- 2.30 p.m. ceived their bills last week they had tangible evidence of what the an- Three -Party Fight in Grey -Bruce • nouncement •the Wingham Hydro The Reconstruction Party have an- by g pounced that they will not enter .a HIGH SCHOOL FIELD ' DAY ON FRIDAY Commission, of last week, really meant, Many bills showed that this candidate in the riding of Grey -Bruce. month the user has nothingto payThis leaves the field to three candi- and had a credit on their next billing. dates already named: Miss Agnes C. The Annual Field Day of tike High School will beheld on. Friday of this week, September 20th. In the morn- ing, part of the field and tracl. events will. be held at the Fair'Grounds, and remainder of the sports will take the re 1 a :. - place on the school campixs in the of • • expecte thatFollo he the sports it is the ILincardme : High expected thatHol • take on the locals School 'teams willson; at baseball and basketball, An invitation is extended to all to • attend this meet and it is hoped that Mac hail U:F.O.; Dr, W. A. Hall This indeed was welcome information, P , , Liberal, and Dr. L. G. Campbell, Con- Won Suit of Clothes. Bowling servative. The Seaforth Bowling Club held a Tournament of Scotch Doubles on Harvest Thanksgiving Services • at St. Paul's Anglican Church Wednesday last week and the first prize ,a suit of clothes, was won by, Sunday, Sept. 29: T3oly Communion at 8.30 a.m.; Morntn Service at 11,00 ;the local 'entry of Art'Wilson and Ed. , g h arri•s'on Other pairs entered from .a.m., Children's Ser vice. at 3,00 p.m., 1 here were: H. Sltcrbondy and J. iVJ a- Y P ' p.m.; Choralvans Ba tisni at 4.00 O. Haselgrove and Murray Rae; Evensong at 7,00 p.m. The preacher at 7 p.m. will be Rev, A: C. Calder Capt: Adams . and D. B. Porter; P. P• Gowans and A. Ta for LL.B., Rector of Goderich. , kronday, Y Sept, 30th: Harvest Horne Fowl Stip- will meet in convention on Friday to choose a candidate. A naitie promin- ently coupled with the nomination is FINE DISPLAY OF FLOWERS that ' of Frank Donnelly, Goderich layvyer. It is also reported that aSte- candidate w ill be chosen at one e in this riding.. The Liberals• have had. a candidate in the field far• sonic time, A -Delightful Shower • The Choir and Sunday School Or- chestra of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church held a miscellaneous shower for Muss Reta Plastic at the home of Mrs, W. Joseph Henderson, Bluevale Road' on Tuesday evening. Miss Has- tie received many beautiful and useful gifts and all spent a most enjoyable evening. Y Beans on Display 'We have on dts. la • in our window y a sample of Soy Beans froto the �Wm, -- The north window of the Walker Stores presented a most attractive ap- Pearance on Saturday, Mr, Garlick, Manager of the Store, loaded this g window to the Horticultural Society for their annual display of flowers. All told, there were sixty bouquet or other arrangements of flowers on dis lay, and the quality of the .e>~ P• .ex. - pincer taut terms hibits proved 111 s that Wtnghattt people are flower - minded. To try and describe this beautiful display would be a great mistake as we could not do it justice. Suffice it to say that the floral displays of the members of the ]dottXcultn,a 1 Society were truly beautiful; WHITECHURCH FIELD DA's WAS SUCCESSFUL a large gathering will be present, ' tli annual Field Day In the e a per in Church Schoolroom at 5,30, "Liza, you. remind me fo' all de ,evening Dance will, b e held. :All ex -students are The Kincardine players world of brown sugah." ?„ VV•EDl3INGS "How enure, Sam. WEDDINGS A very successful Field Day was tele] at Whitechurch on Sept. 11th. ` P All teams in the•Maitland League at- tended, in addition to a team from W in ll, g It was a l0rtnits day and a large g Y , �f. dA booth ci 0w d was in attendance,P was Operating On the grounds ,land Mrs, i • - „ i •- ��I•th,'WC1twOOCt-did a land-office bast tof mess reading cups, and a platform dance was held at night: Athletic s ia- The Whitechurch Ail ]otic As, oc ,h auspices this event trots, udder whose t •,first 9 held, tris to publicly thank all tva. �e t't 1 Y the. who assisted its any way to makep Y Y st c t a success, The scores of the baseball gooses sirs Whitechurch t•ctt D stn- •e as fnllvws: W e t 9, wet < x t tittri, 3 C.•nlbtirnte 3 g�i]tXon 3, ,At ,, Wingham 5, Blyth 0; Whitechurch 5, •: hitecltut•ch 6 Wing- AixbtttlT 1, + W , �, 1104 :,3��. , welcome. will also be • present at this eveningRintoul entertainment. "Pols am so sweet and so unrefin- - 1VIetcalfe ed" A quiet wedding took place at • the Presbyterian Manse, Wingham, Sat- ~ urday noon,, when Clara Aitit e, dao- , "..., <;w< r��.n�� 'aiL'3'w'K �w'' •„ ,t '�t r .a. r •,,.:. .:r{,... .., :•. <.:::.,. .:},..s......... a:?,.:<:,:•:<•, :•>:,,y.;:.r.{•,�!.. •,<...•., a.. <",c . > ,. ..:., �.� .�.:•: <.:::.<.:>:....:.:....::... •:::::.:•:>:.:::.:;:.::•:>:.;>.:.::.{,,,,.,.:{..,::::•.;,;;,;,,,••' .:...:::.:.::.....:,.::.�..,,::.>:.::>•s•>•,>;.::::{:.::.,:»:.,::.• ..:.:...:.::::::.�,:,.:,.........,:.,....,..,..,:.., ,::•,>.::..:..:•:•:::::::::::•.,,.::,,•.•:.:.�:.:::::.:.��.,,::.,c::�cr..,•..a,...,. ....,.: {, , ,.. ... �� ,,. c • ..• :4.�r''a?a�yy�: •,? y ,` .✓ '�.< • ..:... •..:,.:.•.>, :...,.,:..:•.::::..:::::.:: a>,t,., :.:,...,... ,.," r.. :.. :fi,��. u ...,,.,1, ,...t -....',`.: n< ,,,,�.....,,.,;: b ',�?08"� � :. �ry :�s .iS _ :..x>., 1•�''�,:+,: `.:.' i a l.,• . •:: ,. , ,,t ,,, ,.��: 3,kr .::. ,"<,. ,��. ;t~•�,r y ,,:.,::..; .:., ::,.,,.:::,.,:�. , ,:.,>.;.;,;.,,; •.,� s ....:.....o :,. ,4 <::s:;••:"•,<:.. ::: •£ : :.:•`. ,h" ... .. ,:.. ..,.,. . •.;:: �..::::,:�:::.�:.:..: .w .:.::.,,:,:>•:.,.,....::. ...,,................:... rt. ,xv ; {+: " s. ..,: �� 1 '. hvr '>�'i t `� - .•' :. jr,`� , ,..,i9' •{' •:'•YY •* s��`<:'.:•�.•':::;,. � < t n. 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Kenneth MacLean conducted the Rev, Zee , : • coronion .the bride wearing. a navy/ 7. b J y , blue. suede suit with accessories to blue rte tCASH match and corsage bouquet of otic g q A roses avid breath,was attend eel b Miss E. ,Idttrtoul and the Y > groomsman was Metcalfe. was gwhere n mil .oasts. dinner ler fax fa The wedding i f w r t he :home. of site brides was held a t which ]• :S mo after w >atjlttt , c y < ,, t of a_.. tit. Zt1n�Q,lX,.r�Gflk ,lt3�ttot p ._ o®oaei.na�®nrc ®oa�.°a,`.'. yy... COUPONS AJ � FOR ASK ;f9.t A','s ' , •1 to d- Howatt ,�'t Story farms on the b0 Hallett between Blyth orris ary Y wereplanted May Walton. The seed. y 22nd and the harvesting. of the beans d !a .• . is now taking place, These seeds were procured from the Ontario A : Xy ; iirttlttiial .for e:� experimental shave purposes. TltOse who have not seer] 7u t ti beans on 1.1tC ]ant Gait d0 , O b fins b< a c p Y 1 ,r n. `lrttrk,n 1 ur in t�. 'I to ow q S 8 i- ,.. i t i 5 . (oris "ling, in easCtl • o"f t tinny r b g �i' during the last few years and is ex- 1 Xected in time to become one of the larger' products of Our farms.. aema n.m „ OPTION OFFERED Anyone winding the Free Trip - y , , , Awards in.the. the. com petition cart 1 y I the cash equivalent, if they" q should "merest This sh0 d' X P i ,t lel ncr 1 a 1 Ot t 1 l ria ti ;C C w p. b Y r 1 position to take the trips be in a post P sltnttl they be declared win- d Y nem a .t�rx r as eabesn nnxm+aa�tmu q�IY . .. n in Wingham 'When buying g x1 cheel, av- S1iOppers Shot d the lis; of business places er h t _ _lz coupons are given kr . •. c p S ]'t of hoses or t r' .ure payment ort cos P Y coupons will accounts.' These c p the contestants assist sonic o£ t valuable ttz. to Stn one 0f the v t Si es. But be sore to ask for coup- s . Onr. , �,,e,maeD«M,eaeli�D«ti,da�kee�as , ,',,'.i ,atlt}t�i,si. .?. to Toronto and Northern •Ontarl0, On r y' , - in' .i y� ts' 1Viany Delio,htittl their return they will reside in:Wing- $ellttllC�B C�fEC ,,•, rYr 1So"0. I)I'1V'�Si ]tarts. � e;tircD ISA `,gix'i. nwrcYaanw