The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-09-12, Page 4„ 1 ‘,1•Lintf., 6.6 .U.16.(46,6163466011.,,C06 PAGE FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES , , • • , I I • Thursday, Sept. 12th, 193S •tt h'mtor:aoxm=io===ao=os===qt,?1=4or==oger,,r 2 n cents a word peri insertion, with a minimumcharge of 25c. 11 1/11=03===or:serol=x03 =0=0=102 SALE BY TENDER ATJCTION SALE—of the Household Furniture of Ed. Williams, will be held at the north side of the Ar- mouries at 2 o'clock in the after- noon on Friday (this week) Sept. 13th. Terms, Cash; No Reserve, T. Fells, Auctioneer. CAR FOR SALE -1931. Special Chev- rolet Sedan, cheap for quick sale, Apply Ed. Williams. FOR SALE -1929 Essex Coach, in good running order — Apply Mrs. Alex, Moffatt, Wingham Junction. JUST ARRIVED—A car of Red Ced- ar Shingles, two grades, 5x and 8x. MacLean Lumber & Coal Co. ivIEN WANTED for Rawleigh Rout- • es in S. Bruce County. Write to- day. Rawleigh Co., Dept. ML -453, Montreal, Canada. STRAYED PIG—On the property of • Henry /v1cGee, Lot- 31,, Con. 12, E. Wawanosh. Owner may ,have same by proving property and paying ex- penses.. WANTED to buy, Small; da.'s Engine, 1 or 1?-, horse power, with horizon- tal cylinder. Must be in Alrunning- • condition and cheap. Apply Advan- ce -Times, WANTED to Trade Immediately — Sterling Hawaian Guitar, nearly new, for a two .or four -wheeled trailer. Must be in good repair with tires. Apply Advance -Times. WANTED—General Cook, for the city, $15.00 per month. Apply Ad- vance -Times. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of John Wilkinson Smith late of he Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the twelfth day of June, A.D. 1935, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, On- tario, on or before the fourteenth day of September, A.D. 1935, full partic- ulars of their claims in writing. Im- mediately after the said fourteenth day of September, 1935, the assets 6f the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED at Wingham, this 22nd day of August, A.D. 1935. • J. H. CRAWFORD, • Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. IN THE MATTER OF ROBERT TREN,CH, AuthOrized Ass'r. SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by the undersigned Trustee up until Monda.y, the 23rd day of Sep- tember, 1935, for the purchase of ap- proximately tiVo hundred and fifteen promissory notes in favour of Tees - water Lightning Rod Company Limit- ed securing around $5450.00 about half of which are ovedae. The highest or, shy tender not ne- cessarily -accepted. The original hates. may be inspect- ed at the residence of- the Trustee, Huron Road, Clinton, Ontario. Terms: Offers to be made at so mach on, the dollar and a marked cheque for 109f9' to accompany each tnder, the balance to, be paid on de- livery of the notes, Dated this 4th day of September, 1935. C. G. MIDDLETON, Trustee, ,•• Box 6,36 Goderich. ' TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY CLOSED TENDERS For the lifting, relaying and back- filling of approximately 1200 lineal feet on the East Branch of Jerilyn Drain. Tenders to be in accordance with plans, and particulars of Engin- eer, which may be seen at Clerk's of- fice. Tenders to be in hands of Clerk not later than 6 p.ni. on Wednesday, • September 18th, 1935. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. • W. R. CRUIKSHANK, Clerk. VOTERS' LIST 1935 Municipality of Wingham, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office on the 7th day of Sep- tember, 1935, the list of all persons •entitled to vote in the said municipal- ity at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the last day for appeal being the 29th day of Septem- ber, 1935. Dated .at Wingham this 7th day of September, 1935. W. A. G.ALBRAITH, Town Clerk, Wingham, Ontario. aTINIMINE116.1.6.r W. A. CRAWFORD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Located at the office of the late Dr. J. P. Kennedy, PhoThe 150 Wingham • IN MEIVIORIAM BREEN-- In loving memory of our dear -son and 'brother, Wray, who pased away four, years ago, Sept. 12th, 1931. No one knows how' much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered since we lost you, Lief has never been the same. In aur hearts your mernroy lingers Sweetly, tender, fond and true, There is not a 'slay, dear Wray That we do not think of you. —Sadly mised • by Father, Mother, Brothers and. Sisters. IN ;:m::EM 0 RIAM BAIRD—In loving'-'membry of Ena • Ann Baird; *ho passed away Sep- tember 13th, 1921, in her third year. "Safe in the arnas of Jesus, Safe Irani corroding care, Safe from the wcirld's temptations Sin cannot harmine there." —Ever remembered by the Family. TURNBERRY COUNCIL The minutes of council meeting held in •Bluevale, Aug. 5th, 1935. IVIernhera all present. .• Moved by. Porter and Wilton that the minutes of regiilar and special meeting be adopted as read. Carried. Letters were received and read from McPherson and Thompson, Stratford; Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. Moved by Moffat and Breckenridge that the following by-laws be passed, No. 22, County Rate 7 1110 mills; 23, Township rate 2 5110 mills; 24, Deben- ture 3110 mills; 25, Twp. Grant to Schools 3 5110 mills.—Carried. The following accounts were paid, J. W. McKibbon, acct. relief 1.79; J. A. Kelly, acct. relief 6.84; R. McArth- ur, acct .relief 15.04; R. Kerr, acct. re- lief 3.00; Mtindys, acct: relief 12.00; G. T. Robertson, acct. relief 4.50; C. Porter, acct. relief 4.00;G. H. Tervitt acct. relief 5.36; Thos. Gilmour, equal- ization S. S. No. 14 $4:00; Wing -ham Utilities, lights W.T.P. $20.00; Wing - ham Advance-Tinies, account, $50.00; Bell Telephone, account, $3.90; Pat- rolmen, Geo. Mundell $21.30, Wm. Breckenridge $3.15, C. Casemore $15.- 40, W. Vanstone $6.65, G. Wray $1.05, F. Hogg $11.75, jno. Nicholson $9.65, Jno. McKinnon $16.65; Twp. of Cui- rass, crushing gravel $190.10; J. El- liott, patrolman, $1.75; J. T. Wylie, Supt., $12.95; G. C. Moffat, sheep cd by dogs, $5.00; 13. Cruikshank,I;ne day at Wroxeter with highway audit- or, $2,00. • Maved by Porter and 'Wilson that I've adjourn VO-ineet at Bluevale, Sept. 9th, 1935. Carried. W. R. Cruikshank, R. Grain, Clerk. Reeve. BELMORE (Too.Late or Last Week) Mr. Clarkson Douglas of Hamilton visited old friends on the gravel road and in the village. Beatrice and, Gertie Richardson, daughters of James Richardson, mot- ored down from Cobalt to visit the scenes of their phildhood. Beatrice and 1V1r. Crosby called on Eleanor Jeffray Thursday evening. Miss Eunice Hakney of Toronto, and Alma Abram of London, return-. ed to their work. (This Week) Rev. arid Mrs. Thompson and Allan have returned from a pleasant holi- day. The Missionary meeting of the Un- ited Church was held Wednesday af- ternoon. at Miss Hakney's, with an attendance of eleven, with Mrs. Herd as organist. Meeting opened .with singing and prayer. A splendid paper on Hospital Work by Mrs. 'Thomas Abraham. "Roll, Call", verse of Scrip- ture with the word "Love" in it, A reading was given by Mrs. Mulvey. Prayer by Mrs. Roy Rutherford con- cluded the session. Those home for the holiday were: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Purdon, of Wind- sor at R. J. Douglas'; Mr. and Mrs. George Curie of Toronto, at W. Curie's; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel' Mar- shall and family, of London, at Wil- liam Abram's; Jean Herd of Clinton, at Iter home. Mr. and Mrs. Herd spent Sunday at Lion's Head. Mrs. Cecil McNeil is a Toronto vis- itor. Mr. and Mrs. Baiers, Mrs.. Cecil Mc- Neil and M. Jeffray took in the sports at Gorrie Monday. Mr. and Mrs. David Moles, Mr. and Mrs .Maxwell Moles and baby, have returned to Rochester, after visiting Mrs. Alex. Casemore. ummommommomemmomont Farm for Quick Sale Good Buildings Well Watered Near School • CASH. Cosens Booth Phones Office 165. Nights 190 or 112. ssiiitttiaaktinelitAti6Smissotiestitoiiiii4antiteuirsaitaisantiiienussoso4.otliattniiritniiiithiSSIteiiiiiisnUitnjultinuseSetisiski NOMINATION FORM FOR CONTESTANTS Fill in today and send to the "Good -Will" Club, The Advance -Times Office, Whigham, Ont. The Advance -Times "Good -Will" Club Advertising and Subscription campaign • NAME .... , . .......... .. ........... .. ....... 16.66.6 66*. ... two. t.h.o .1....1totttna..41.Atitt.44, r,:t1tri,t'lq ADDI . .. • .. 66 ........ 161.6....U•61.666.0 ....... ... . ' 6 „. • I 102#1,0t4PitC,10 eredlt '4110ikid) . , . * Rupture Expert COMING • Brunswick Hotel, • Wingham „, ,..,,,,,,,, , ,, Orr TUESDAY, SEPT. 17th ., ., • from 1 to 9 P.M. To demonstrate the most remark- able scientific method known for • the control and care of rupture. No leg straps, nb elastic, no plasters. Free advice. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Ask at the Hotel desk for - • SMITH MANUFACTURING CO. Preston, Ont. MORRIS Ebenezer Anniversary and Harvest Home services on Sunday, Sept. 15th. Rev. J. B. Townend, Belgrave, will preach at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m, Come along and show your apprecia- tion of the wonderful gift of God's love. The choir will furnish special music, anthems, solos, duets_ and quartettes. A special treat in store. Mr. Carman Hetherington spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mathers are spending a week with their son, Wil- bert, of Hepworth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris, of Fergus, spent a few days at the lat- ter's home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johns- ton. • Mr. W. J. Peacock and Mrs. James` Peacock spent a few days at Bow- manville and Toronto. Silo -filling is the order of the day on the 1st line—not as heavy a crop as some people imagine. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. L. Jewitt through the death of his brother, Rev. Geo. Jewitt, of Lon- don. Interment in Brussels Cemetery. SHUNS MOVIE CONTRACTS Betty Jean George of Bartlesville, Okla., on whose head rests a- crown as"Queen of the' Southwest". She's pictured as she arrived in Hollywood by aeroplane. Said she: "Although as a beauty contest winner I'm to have a screen test,not go into pic- tures." GLENANNAN Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Higgins and son, Alvin, of Brussels, were recent visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Corri- gan. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Higgins, of Brussels, visited last week with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Marshall. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Scott of near Mildmay, and Mr, and Mrs. Selah Breckenridge, of Grey, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes. . Miss Elva Metcalfe, R.N., Guelph, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe. Quite a number from here attended the C,N,E at Toronto during the past weelc. A shower was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Haugh in hon- or of Mr. and Mrs. David Haugh, who were recently married. All spent a most enjoyable evening. The Misses Evelyn, Violet, Olive and Sadie Fitzgerald, of London, spent Sunday with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Marshall. increased Attendance at C.N.E. The Canadian National Exhibition which closed ort Saturday went over the top with an attendance for the two weeks of 151,000, an increase of 148,000 over last year. 1,,r; lui Parmer: Have had any experience at gardenini?4 • Applicant: "gure thing! I' '448 a wait ct in a city roof gardetrXr whoit.month;', gomery, Donald Schatte, Paul Smith, laines Wild, Gerald Williams; Alan MacKay to enter when he has recov- ered from. sickness. . • LLOYD'S WI NFIRST PLAY-OFF GAME Lloyd's and Foundry Win Sudden - Death Games for Positions. t When the scihle Ik, was completed for the Town League the Foundry and Merkley's were tied for first place and Lloyd's and ' GUrney's for third place. In the pla'sh-offs for positions, Lloyd's scored the first shut -out of season when they took Gurney's into camp 13-0 in a game that was more interesting than the score would indi- cate. Gurney's worked hard but they couldn't push a nin across the plate. In the other game the Foundry came out on top by 16-6 to capture the top rung. The Ironmen were one too many for the Gas Punip Gang, who ended in second place, and are now playing a series,b'est two out of three with Lloyd's to decide who will play off with the Foundry for the champ- ionship. • . * * * * On Monday night, Lloyd's won the first game of the play-offs, 13-6 when they once more defeated Merkley'l, for the fourth consecutive time. The winners continued to play heads -up ball in the field and hit well, the out- standing smash being a home -run by Vanstone to left. Merkley's, while they hit well enough, did not bunch their hits and Were very shaky in the field. The second game looked like a real. battle Tuesday night but was called on account of darkness in the first of the seventh. The score was then 121 10 in favor of Merkley's and it look- ed as if they were. due for a win, The game will be replayed to -night ncl sholud be well worth Wednesday) (Wednesday) and should be well worth seeng. 153 at High School, 263 at Public School • The enrollment at the High Schol this year is 153, not quite as large as at the commencement of the fall term last year but five more than attended dtring the latter part of the term. The Public School has 263 pupils, 12 more than last year. The entrance class has 38 pupils, while last year there were 30. The beginners' class, Miss Williamson's room, is as fol- lows, 25 Girls: Betty Allan, Helen Ar- thur, Tresena Bondi, .Mary Lee Con - rill, Pauline Cowan, Wilma Dark, Madaline Deyell, Joan Edgar, Ther- esa Fitzpatrick, Marie Fitzpatrick, Mary Forbes, Edith Glotisher, Ruth Ganett, Joyce Hingstori, Betty Hutch- eson, Iona Ilenderson,..Flarence,iHar- ris, ipnna tockridge, Rose Marie Ohm, Barbara Ross,..tetty Sanderson, Edna Templeman, tantia Terviti Dawna Walker, Helen Sturdy; 15 Poys: John Armitage, Jim Beninger, Ronald Brown, ;David Drake, Grant truest, Robert Finlayy 1k0,58 Johns- ton, Charlie Lee, Getaid. Laroo,i, Thomas Lockridge, Dopald •Mont - PAINT PRICES • • REDUCED SHARPLY. • A sharp •reduction in the price of first quality house paint to $3.75 per gallon is announced by the manufac- turers of some of ; Canada's hest - know brands of paint, the reduction to take effect'immediately. In making the announcement, the companies concerned state that the reduction is not justified by any change in market conditions or man- ufacturing costs: They point out, however, that during he past few years many householders have been misled by "bargain" prices into using inferior.paint with Jesuits that react- ed unfavourably on the whole indus- try. Drastic action was felt to be necessary to check a situation that seriously threatened property values all over the country. ' The new low price is designed to make it easier for property owners to use first quality paint only, with resulting benefit to property and to the community in general. Professor; "You can't sleep in my class." Studenti: "If you didn't talk so loud I could." Useful Household Recipes The following recipes have been prepared and tested at the Central Experimental Farm, Dominion De- partment of Agriculture: Marrow Jam Peel the marrow and out in half inch cubes. Weigh and place in a crock or pan and cover, with an equal weight of sugar. Let stand over -night. To each pound of marrow add the juice of one lemon and a few pieces of thinly cut rind and a small piece of ginger root. Boil gently until thick or to 220 degrees F. Remove ginger cool slightly, bottle and seal. Avoid fast boiling as it causes the marrow to shrivel. Marrow jam should be a bright golden colour. Chili Sauce 6 peaches 6 pears 30 tomatoes 2 heads of celery 2 tbsps. salt • • CENT A MIL - BARGAIN E CURSION ,,..k.sly1inlmum Feta ; Adults 75c 0 ChIld4.,*i' ' ": , ill,,,,V From' VVINGHAM ' • ,,and all pdiacent C.N.R.Stations FRI SEPT 20 ta OSHAWA, Port HOpe, Col3oarg, Belleville, " ' " ''sKinglion Gananoup Brockville Prescott Morrisburg, Qornwall, 'I.Tithriclge, Lindsay, 1.tetierborO, Canapbellford, Aurora, Newmarket, Allan4ale, Penetang, Collitierooctt, Mesford, Barrie. Orillia, Midland; Graveiihni,St; BraCebridge, Huntsville,niortij, Ban Pa Northern Ontario, ftly, ; Nipissifig Central Illy„;; Kaira kasing. Longlac , Somi, Sudbury. , All tOwn.a, in Xe -w Oiitano-on line 1 Temiskaming Hard,rock, Geraldton, Jellicoe. , ; . Sat. Sept. 21 TO TORONTO"° i° GoderiCh, Guelith. Hinnilton. Hanover: flarriston, Ingersoll, Kincardine,"Kitche_per„ ..: ' Clinton, Durham, Exeter, Fergus. Drantfnid, Chatham.,p,aCrihs,eps1.0Yr: London LIAO wel, 1Viitcliell,1Tagarsa .Pal. ls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston Elgin, et. Catharines. St. Marys,lSouthampton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walkerton, Wynton, Wingham. Woodstock lEtnia. and Sat. SEPT 21 Loddli Setween Important Stations at which Excursion , Tickets ure sold—Ask Ticket Agent. • For Fares, Return Limit<Train 1pformation, Tickets, consult nearest Agent. $e'fictiisitulfs for comPlere list ofdcsthiaOcns. Te I 3A CANADIAN NATI*NAlt,'‘ 66.1101•11111111.616 11111111•111111111111121MIV Eyesight Specialist Corning To Brussels I expect to be at my Brussels Office in Miss Maude Bryan's Homei — All Day Wednesday, September 18 to give Scientific Eye Examinations and fit lenses when necessary. Take advantage of this opportunity to have .Expert advice concerning your. Eyes. Make an appointment or come in the forenoon if possible. F. F. HOMUTH, Phm.B., R.O. HARRISTON Phone 118 BRUSSELS 26x .11131Miti quart of vinegar 3 tablespoons whole spice 6 medium sized onions. Chop peaches, pears, tomatoes, eel -t ery and onions. Add salt and vinegar, and. spices in a cheeseelath bag. Boil gently for one -lour, bottle and seal. Pickled Onions 6 pounds onions 3. quarts vinegar tbsp pepper corns ro whole cloves piece root ginger 1° Salt onions in layers over -night. Wash in warm water the following morning. Pack in jars and cover with' the spiced vinegar after it has beconie. cold. 61.1111..6111111.1.•61•1.6 LEADING PAINT MANUFACTURERS ANNOUNCE PRICE REDUCTION First Quality House Paint Now ra , 14Coi" .75 per gallon $1 per quart The Quality -Remains Exactly The Same. Only The Price Is Changed. Datingfrom ta-day, the price of first°, qttality house paints manufactured and sold by the undersigned companies is reduced from $4.8 to $3.75 per gallon. There has been no change in market condi- tions or manufacturing costs to justify this step. We feel, Wryer, there is urgent need for action that will make it possible for house. holders to obtain the highest quality paints at the lowest price consistent with strict main. tenance of quality. Thousands of people all over the country have , been forced to put off much needed paint ing. Thousands more have been misled by •• " bargain" prices into using inferior paint of • little or no value. We want to make it easier for you to enjoy the advantages of painting with first quality paint only, and are confident • dud the generous reduction in price now •announced is the beet way to accomplish this. THIS IS OUR aCONTRIBDTION TOWARDS: NATIONAL RECOVERY THE CANADA PAINT CO., Limited • • • •s "Canada Paint" THE INTERNATIONAL VARNISH CO., Limited PILKINGTON BROS. (Canada) Limited alladica'' Pamt If C Limited • "100% Pure" Paint N41,1411i1ia- . LhAlteil Ati.W