HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-09-12, Page 1With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorr e' Vidette and Wroxeter News.
'Single Copies Five Cents
Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year
List of .Nominations Announced in, Goon -Will Contest—
First Special Prize Given for Most Votes
Turned In This Week.
The ladies of Winghain and sur -
'rounding district are becoming keen-
ly interested in this contest, The mer-
chants who are co-operating are also
showing much enthusiasm. This is
:sure to prove the beginning of a come
;paign which should stimulate trade
for Wingham stores and present an
opportunity for the buying public to
win some valuable prize awards.
Read over the list of prize wards.
which will be given away. Then read
the rules and regulations of the con-
test and send in your entry as soon
.as possible. If you do not intend to
:go into the competition, save the cou-
pons which are given by the stores
.and help someone else win a prize.
Extra Votes For New Entries
:New contestants can secure some
-valuable suggestions and assistance
by calling at The Advance -Times of-
fice next Saturday between 10 a.m.
and 9 p.m. As a special inducement
to each contestant to do this, 5,000
free votes will be given to newent-
rants in the competition. Also con-
testants who have already entered,
will be given 5,000 free votes by reg-
istering at the same time. Mailing
lists and receipt .books will be sup-
plied to contestants who have not al-
ready secured them.
First Special Prize
Five dollars cash will be given to
the contestant turning in the largest
total of votes up to and including
next Monday at six p.m.
Nominations Received
The following is a list of contest-
ants'nominated up to Tuesday night.
The first standing of votes will an-
nounced next week.
Mrs. Fred Carter.
Miss Cecelia Kuntz.
Mrs. Harry Browne, sr.
Miss Lorene Haller.
Mrs. Leslie Buckman.
Miss Margaret F. Mason.
Miss Lenora Higgins.
Miss Winnifred Edgar.
Mrs. R. Wismer.
Engagement Announcement
Mr. Gordon Hastie, Bluevale Road,
announces the engagement of his only
daughter, Reta Elizabeth Marie, to
Mr. Lors Wilson Carlson, of Hailey
bury. The marriage to take place the
latter part of the month.
Bowled in Globe Doubles
W. A. Miller and Alex. Crawford
bowled in the Globe Scotch Doubles
.at Toronto last week, They won their
'first two games, first from Moore
Park pair, Toronto 22-16, and second
from an Islington entry. Their third
:game they lost tb a Kew Beach, Tor-
-onto, team. Dr. G. C. Kind and Mr.
F. D. Eidt,. of Walkerton, carne sec-
ond in this great bowling event,
.Miss Jurte Buchahnan 'Wins Bursary
• Valued at $1400.
Congratulations to Miss June 13u-
schanan, who won one of the three
i:.Q.D.E. scholarships which were.
.awarded this year in Ontario. In all
seventeen of these awards were given
in Canada this year. These bursaries
in Canadian Universities are going to
young Canadians whose 'fathers were
"killed or seriously disabled in the
'Great War. '
The value of these awards are $1400
$300 rash each year for four years
and $50 on the tuition fee on each of
the ,,,four years.
June has already this year won a
scholarship of two years' tuition in
"Western University, valued at $250,
When buying in Winghatn,
shoppers should first check ov-
er the list of business places
where coupons are givenfor
cash purchase'$ or payment of
accounts. These coupons will
assist some of the contestants
to win one of the valuable prig..
es:4 But be sure to ask for cotip
onyx.. ±•;, i
Anyone winning the Free Trip
Awards in the competition, can
have the cash equivalent, if they
prefer. This should interest
several, who probably would not
be in a position to take the trips
should they be declared win-
Christmas Gifts for Children in Mis-
sion Schools Displayed
The regular meeting of the Goforth
Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Church was
held at the home of Miss Nettie Case -
more on the tenth line of Turnberry
with a large number present.
After the opening hymn the Scrip-
ture lesson was taken by Miss Mc-
Burney, followed by the minutes of
the last meeting and business. Miss
Alberta McMurray sang a delightful
solo "He Knows. Thy Way" and the
topic "Our Formosan Field" by Miss
Agnes Williamson gave a new insight
into the work of the church in For-
After the closing hymn and prayer
in unison the Christmas gifts for the
children in the mission schools and
hospitals were opened. The large
number of lovely gifts donated should
make some of the little boys -and girls
happy on Christmas Day.
A pleasant social hour was spent
and after refreshments were served
the meeting adjourned.
Newspaper Delivery to your door of
Mail & Empire, Globe 12c a week —
Call S. N. Carter, phone 132.
Dog Killed by Car
On Friday morning Mr. C. B. Wil-
kinson's black spaniel was killed at
the corner of John and Josephine Sts.
when it was hit by a car. This little
dog was a great favorite not only with
its owner but with the public gener-
Spotton Rally Well Attended
The rally held by George Spotton
in Godeiich last Thursday night was
one of the largest he has ever held in
the riding. The pavilion could not
accommodate the ;crowd that was pre-
sent. Following Mr. Spotton's speech
a dance was held.
Lucknow Lost to Palmerston
On Friday afternoon Lucknow Se
poys lost the first game of the series
with Palrnerston in an Intermediate
C O,B,A.A. play-off, 3-2. This game
was played at Lucknow and the re-
turn game will be played in Palmers-
ton Wednesday (to -day)."
Took Weak Spell
On Monday afternoon Mr. J. J.
Kerr, East Wawanosh, took a weak
spell at the corner of John and Jose-
phine streets: He was taken into El-
liott's store and Dr;_Stewart attended
hint, Shortly after . his son, George,
drove him home. We are pleased to
state that he was about the .. house
much as usual the next day.
Saskatchewan Premier Heard
In Goderich
McKay Hall in Goc)erich was crowd
ed last Thurdsday night to hear Hon.
Mr. Gardiner, Premier of Saskatche-
wan, and R. j. Deachman, liberal can-
didate, give addresses on the liberal
platform. Mr. Gardiner, who is a na-
tive of Huron County, is on a speak-
ing tour of Pntario and is drawing
large gatherings.
Huey P, Long is Dead
On Sunday night as Senator.4Huey
P. Long, Louisiana's "Dictator" was
leaving the State Buildings at Baton
Rouge, La., he was shot in the side
by Dr. C. A. Weiss, of Baton Rouge,
a member of the anti -Long political
family. Mr. Long was rushed to the
Hospital' where an operation was per-
formed and blood transfusions given.
He passed away early Tuesday tno,rtr ,
ing, Dr, Weiss was killed ..by elle
bodyguard of Senator Long. He fell
riddled with bullets.
Funeral of Mrs, J. A. Mills Held on
The people of Wingliam and vicin-
ity had sad hearts on Saturday ,night
when the news was received here that
Mrs. J. A, Mills had passed away in
Belleville General Hospital.
On Tuesday last week, Mr, and
.Mrs. Mills, accompanied by Mrs.
Mills' sister and sister-in-law, were
returning by motor.* from visiting
their son, Harold, in Ottawa, when an
accident occurred. Mr. and Mrs. Mills
were both seriously injured and were
rushed to Belleville General Hospital.
Mrs. Mills passed away on. Saturday
and Mr• Mills is in a critical condition
at the Belleville Hospital, The acci-
dent happened about six miles west
of Belleville. A car cut in in front of
Mr. Mills, hitting his front bumper
and putting his car onto the shoulder
of the road. In trying to bring the
car back onto the pavement, Mr. Mills
swung out onto the highway and was
hit by a motor travelling in the op-
posite direction.
Mrs. Mills, who was in her 67th
year, was formerly Donalda Hamilton
and was born at Chesterville, Dundas
County. Nearly 41 years ago at Ches-
terville, she was married and on Oct.
24th last year, she and Mr. Mills cele-
brated their 40th wedding anniver-
sary. After the marriage Mr. and Mrs.
Mitis farmed at South Woodslee until
1907 when they moved to Wingham
where she ha's since resided.
Mrs. Mills always took a very ac -
hie interest in Church work until
11 health prevented her so doing.
bile at Chesterville and South
oodslie she was organist in the Me-
hodist Church and after corning to
ingham was most interested in the
omen's organizations of the Meth -
dist Church and after Union in the
United Church.
Surviving besides her husband, is
n only son, T. Harold Mills, of Ot-
awa, and three brothers, Wesley
Hamilton; George Hamilton and Wil-
iam Hamilton, all of Chesterville, and
tie sister, Mrs. Rachel Wilcox, of
outh Woodslee.
The funeral was held from her late
esidence, John Street, on Monday af-
ernoon. The service was conducted
y Rev. J. F. Anderson, pastor of the
nited Church.
The pallbearers were: Dr. R. C.
edmond, Dr. R. L. Stewart, W. J.
reer, S. Bennett, Joseph McBurney
nd Alex. McGregor.
Interment took place in Wingham
Attending School in London
Miss Dorothy Deans is attending
the Westervelt Business College in
Won Prize at Kincardine
A. Taylor and D. Rae won first
prize ill the Association event in the
Scotch Doubles Tournament held by
the. Kincardine Bowling Club on Wed-
nesday last week. M. Telfer and Ed.
Nash were the only other entry from
here, they did not get in the prize list
but lost two of their games by only
one point.
Display of Art .knitting
Beginning Monday; Sept, 16th, and
continuing throughout the week, King
Bros. will have in their stdre a fine
display of Knitted things, Lonely Af-
ghans; Pillows, Tea Cosies, etc., made
by the' ladies of Wingham • and sur-
rounding- .country. We invite every-
one who can make it convenient to
see this fine display. King Bros. •
10% Rebate on Net Bills for 1934.
$5.00 Less per Horse Power to Be
Pad by Commission for Power.
In 19$3. and 1934 the users of elec-
tricity in Wingham were given a 10%
rebate on their net power bill for the
previous years, This year the Utilit-
ies Commission are again giving this
ten per cent. reduction on net bills
for Domestic, Commercial and Pow-
er bills for 1934. This reduction will
be given to consumers on their Sep-
tember billing. The total amount of
this rebate is about $3000, no mean
Domestic Service Charges Dropped
All service charges on Domestic ac-
counts have been discontinued as of
July 1st this year. The Domestic rate
remains the same, 4c per kilowatt
hour for the first 50 hours and 11.c
per kilowatt hour for additional con-
sumption. The ten per cent discount
for prompt payment his still in force.
In many municipalities bills are sent
every month but here consumers are
billed every two months which allows
more power to be used at the cheap
rate of lac per kilowatt hour,
Reduction in Commercial Rates
The Commission have approved a
reduction in Commercial rates as fol-
lows: from 4c per kilowatt hour (for
the first 100 hours' use of the install-
ed capacity) to 3ic per kilowatt hour.
There is also a reduction in the rate
for additional power; used from lc to
8110c. This reduction is equal to 12f•
per cent.
Reduction in Cost of Power to Com-
The Ontario Hydro Electric Power
Commission has made a reduction of
$5,00 per horse -power in their charge
to the local Commission. The cost of
power is now $56 per horse -power,
as compared with $61 previously
charged. This reduction is retreactive
to Jan. 1, 1935. This will mean a big
saving to our Commission: in the cost
of the power the btiy from the
Georgian Bay system
Large Rebate for Street Lighting
A rebate has been given to the
town on street lighting for 1934 of
$551.75. This is indeed a goodly sum
and will be greatly appreciated by the
Town Council and ratepayers.
A reduction has also been made in
the cost of street lighting. The cost
for a 100 -watt lamp is now $17 in
place of $19 and for 200 -watt lamps
the charge is $30 while formerly it
was $32,
Liberal Women Held Meeting
On Saturday night the Liberal Wo-
men's Club held a meeting in the
Committee rooms. The guest speak-
er of the evening was Mrs. McWhin-
ney, of Dungannon, who gave a very
interesting address.
Inspection Will Take Place Sept. 15th
The Annual Inspection of the Hur-
on Regiment (all companies) will take
place in Wingham on Sunday, Sept.
15th, At 10 am. in the morning, the
ceremonial parade will be held at the
Armouries, and immediately following
this parade a scheme' will take place
north of the town limits.
The General, commanding Military
District No. 1, from London, and his
staff, will be the inspecting officers,
One of Bermuda's Pink Coral Island Beaches
Wingham Loses One of Its Outstand-
ing Citizens,
Word was received here last night
(Tuesday) that Mr, J. A. Mills had
passed away in Belleville General
Hospital about 9.30 p.m. Mr, and Mrs,
Milts were injured in a motor accident
on Tuesday last week, six miles west
of Belleville, and were taken to the
Belleville Hospital in a serious condi-
tion. Mrs. Mills passed away on Sat-
urday and her beloved husband has
now joined her in the great beyond.
Mr. Mills. has been one of Wing -
ham's outstanding citizens and the
tragic accident that was the cause of
Mr, and Mrs, Mills' death will form
one of the saddest pages in the his-
tory of our town,
Mr. Mills was in his 67th year and
was born at South Burgessville, Ox-
ford County and when a young child
moved with his parents to South
Woodslee, Essex County, where he
farmed until he came to Wingham in
1907 to work in the general store of
his uncle, Mr. T. A. Mills. On the
death of his uncle, in 1911, he took
over this business which he operated
until about six years ago. He has
since that time operated a flour and
feed store,
Mr. Mills was a member of the Un-
ited Church and for years has been on
the Official. Board and Treasurer of
the church. He was also a member of
the Wingham General Hospital Board
and has served his town as Councillor.
He leaves to mourn his pasing one
soh, T. Harold Mills, of Ottawa, and
one sister, Mrs. Minnie Van Every,
Essex, and one brother, William S.
Mills, South Woodslee, also one
granddaughter, Margaret Donalda.
The funeral will be held from his
late residence at 2 p.m, on Friday af-
The Executive Committee of the
Town Council are administering relief
as economically as possible and in
accordance with the Government
Regulations., Any rumors regarding
payment for maids in relief families
or any other needless expenses are
entirely false.
Anyone having bonafide complaints
in respect to relief may report same
to W. A. Galbraith, Relief Officer, or
the undersigned, and they will be giv-
en careful attention.
John W. Hanna, Mayor,
Attending Ontario College
of lPharmacy
Mr. John P. McKibbon, son of Mr.
and Mrs. 5, W. McKibbon, left on
Sunday to enroll at the Ontario Col-
lege of Pharmacy, Toronto. ..
Blyth Fail Fair, Sept. 13 and 14
Special attractions and Horse Rac-
ing, Dance Friday evening, Sept. 13th.
Grand Concert Saturday evening, Sept
14th. Come and enjoy yourself and
held make this a banner year.
Chesley, Bruce League B. Champions
Chesley are champions of the Bruce
League, Intermediate 13. They won
this honor by defeating Clinton, win-
ners of the Southern group of the
league, in two straight games. On
Wednesday at Clinton they won by
14-5, scoring 8 runs in the last iuningg
and on Saturday at Chesley they had
a 4-2 decision over the Colts.
Transfer Inspector
Major J. Jeffrey and Captain G. W.
Smart of the district Military Staff
at London, ,are being transferred,
Major Jeffrey, who is well known
here having been cadet and physical
training inspector at the High School
at various times, goes to the general
staff at Halifax as D,A.A. on Novem-
ber lst, He has been in London since
Nov. 1st, 1928.
St. Andrew's W. M. S.
The Women's Missionary Society of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
held their September meeting on Tues
day afternoon with 1\lrs. H. F. Mc-
Gee in the chair. The prayer from
the Glad Tidings was taken by Mrs.
H. MacLean and the scripture read-
ing by Mrs. W. H. Warant. A very
interesting talk was given by Mrs.
(Rev.) Kenneth MacLean, "Women
with a message from Christ". The
paper ft•otn the study book "The needs
of China" was taken by Mrs. W. Mit-
chell, The dedication prayer was
en by .Mrs, J. Cttrt'tc 4ztid' tllo neeiing
closed with the repeating of the Lords
Prayer lead by Mrs, W. J, Henderson,
Candidate Selected and, Stevens Club
for North Huron Formed Here
Friday Night.:
Mr. W. H. Willis is President of t
Stevens' Club
At a meeting of the supporters
the Stevens Reconstruction Party
North Huron held in the Town Ha
here, on Friday night, W. J. Hende
son, Wingham Junction, ex -Reeve
Morris Township, was selected
their candidate.
In all seven were nominated, R.
Scott, Belgrave; Mayor John W. Ha
na, of town; W. 5. Henderson, Mo
ris Township; Miss Jose G. Saunder
.Goderich; John Jamieson, Ashfie
Township; W. H. Willis, of town; an
E. G. Zinn, of Ashfield. Mr. Sco
and Mr. Jamieson withdrew and th
other five allowed' their names to,g
to the ballot. Two ballots were take
to select the candidate. On the firs
ballot E. G. Zinn, Miss Saunders an
W. H. Willis were dropped. Ther
were 63 delegates in attendance, a
municipalities in the riding being re
presented except Brussels, Goderic
and Howick Townships.
Mr. J. G. Merrison, of Sarnia, Or
ganizer for the Reconstruction Party,
was present, and was introduced to the
delegates by Mr. Willis. Mr. Merr-
ison explained to the delegates the
procedure for the .meeting, after which
a motion was passed that a Stevens
Club be organized for the riding of
North Huron. Following this motion
which carried unanimously officers
for this club were elected as follows:
Hon. President—H. H. Stevens.
President—W. H. Willis, Town.
1st Vice .Pres. Miss J. G. Saund-
ers, Goderich.
2nd Vice Pres.—E. G. Zinn, Ash-
Secretary --Mrs. O. G. Anderson,
Treasurer—Leslie Hilborn, Blyth.
Other Stevens Clubs will be organ-
ized in the various municipalities in
the riding. Goderich already has or-
Following the organization of the
Club a motion was passed as follows
"That this meeting declares itself to
adequately represent the various sec-
tions of this riding and declares its
desire to elect an official candidate".
Nominations were then received,
and each candidate was allowed ten
minutes to address the delegates.
All delegates stressed the fact that
the old parties were out of line with
present day conditions and felt that
Mr. Stevens would be the ideal man
to carry on the business of the coun-
Mr. Henderson, the choice of the
delegates, said that he felt that Mr.
Stevens was sincere a-nd that through
him was the only way to get a fair
deal for the ordinary person. Mr.
Stevens, he declared, had by his man-
ifesto, offered a way out of present
bad times. He said the present sys-
tem put the establishing of a home
out of the reach of many and Mr.
Stevens was for the youth of the
country. There is no occasion to send
out of the riding to get a candidate.
He extolled Mr. Stevens as the only
leader who had courage to tackle the
monetary system and felt• that great
benefit to the people of this country
would be derived by the changes Mr.
Stevens would make in this regard.
Mr. Henderson stated that he had
always been an independent in
thought and that the program as set
forth by Mr. Stevens should appeal
to the masses of the people.
Zone 10 of the Canadian Legion Held
Fine Parade.
The Wingham Pust of the Canadian
he Legion attended the Zone 10 Canadian
Legion Church :Parade which was
held .in. Listowel Arena on Sunday.
The following Posts were in attend-
ance: Goderich, Clinton; Seaforth,
Winghatn, Mitchell, Exeter, Brussels,
Listowel; Stratford, Guelph and Wal-
kerton. The Bands present were:
Winglain, Seaforth, Clinton and Lis-
towel Salvation Arno, Band.
A parade was held from the Post
Office by way of the Memorial to the
Arena, where the service was held.The address of welcome was given
by Mayor W. A. Johnstone and the
chairman was Comrade R. B. Hanna
of Listowel. Addresses were given by
Colonel Dalziel, Chief Sec, of the Sal-
vation Army of Canada and Colonel
Buster Reid, lst Vice Pres. of the
Provincial Command of the Canadian
Following the service a march past
was held, Brig. -Gen. Jones of Guelph
taking the salute.
r -
Spotton Meetings
On Tuesday evening next week,
Sept. 17th, George Spotton will speak
in B1uevate, on Wednesday, at Ethel,
on Thursday at Auburn. At each
meeting a short program will be giv-
en and at Auburn a dance afterwards.
Mr. Spotton wilt be assisted by Elmer
13e11, llrtrssels, and Frank Donnelly,
Showered by Friends
On Friday Inight at the home of
Miss Alberta Walker, a kitchen show-
er was held it honour of Miss Clara
tfetealfe, whose marriage takes place
this month. Miss Metcalfe received
many useful gifts which were in ivory
and 'black, Abottt 45 of her girt
friends were present and a most en-
joyable evening was spent, The liv-
ing rooms of the house were taste-
fusty 'dt cot;ritea.'in a scheme of pink
and white, 'Pollowing'tlte:presentation
of the shower lunch was,sth�,ed.
John D. McEwen
The death of John D. McEwen oc-
curred at his rooms in the Holme's
Block on Tuesday morning, Sept. 10.
The deceased had not been feeling
well for the past two weeks but was
not considered seriously ill. On Tues
day morning he passed away quite
Mr. McEwen was a life long resi-
dent of this district having been born
in Morris 66 years ago, the son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McEwen. He
farmed in Morris the greater part of
his life and for the last three years
has lived in Wingham. He was a
member of I.O.O.F. and the C.O.F.
Thirty-one years ago he was married
in Grey Township to K. E. Minerva
Attridge who survives him. He is al-
so survived by three daughters and
one son, Olive Fern McEwen of Lis-
towel Edith May McEwen, Mrs. Gor-
don Deyell and John Arthur McEwen
all of town; also two sisters, Mrs.
Donald Pope, Wroxeter, Mrs. O.
Wesile of Kincardine, and three grand
The fnueral will be held from the
residence of his son-in-law, Gordon
Deyell, John St., at 2 p. m, today
(Wednesday), under the auspices of
the I.O.O.F, The service will be con-
ducted by the Rev. Kenneth Mac-
Lean, minister of St. Andrew's Pres-
byterian Church, and interment will
take place in Wingham cemetery.
News for Cribbage Players
The first Cribbage Tourney of the
season will be held in the Legion
rooms on Monday evening, Sept. 1$,
at 8.15. All cribbage players welcome.
Flower Display
The Wingham Horticultural Soc-
iety are holding a flower display in.
the Walker Stores window oil Satur-
day, Sept. 14th.' All are invited to
display flowers. Please have flowers
in containers and have your exhibit
at the Walker Stores by 10 a.m.
Date Set for Examination is Wednes-
day, September 18th.
The Lions Clubs of Goderich and
Seaforth are holding their Annual
Crippled Children's and Eyesight
Clinic at Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth ,on Wednesday, Sept. 18th,
starting at 9,30 a.m.
Applicants for examination should
get in, touch with Lion H. S. Griff of
Goderich, or Lion Dr. F. A. Beehley,
of Seaforth, at once.
aq u oo iseamoroiz.,w®olmi'ouam.o�eahr
TO "Good.Wfll" CLUB
How to Make Your Weekly,
A ballot box will be placed in
The Advance -Times office;
where all votes are to be de-
Each contestant, however,
should make returns each Mon-
day and a record will be kept,
standing announced in each is-
sue df The Advattce'Times,
Ask 1 or Your Coupons
,er3mb�YBN'YWMiYIA�iliennN:oMaboaitblsmaDuaNdr.Mmi9i�+ap +e