HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-09-05, Page 8like this, for one who will not do vvhat he does not like, Mrs. A. V, ?Rabb. ''The roll call will be answered by a , 'l icidl' re'c 1peAt`ecoinfla:nieif'by a.s inib': le A 'priii`'er,'"The Value of a good neighbor will be given by Mrs.' Jos- eph Curtis, Exhibit of amixed bou- quet, 10 varieties. Ladies of the corm- • rnunity are welcome. Miss Grace Snell received word this week of the death of her daughter, (Mable) Mrs. Harry Van Burin, at Vancouver B. C. -'he Y. P. S. of Knox Presbyteriaif Church is rehearsing the play, "The Colonel's Maid" and will present it this week at Jamestown under the auspices of the community Sunday School, Mr. W, J. Wettlaufer and two• sons Lloyde and Harry, were week -end vis- itors at Wheatley. J. H. F. Timmins, Toronto was a week -end visitors in the village. Miss Mable Bosman, Wingham with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bosman. Miss Marie Wettlaufer Is spending a couple of weeks with relatives at Kitchener and Waterloo. Charles Messer, Toronto was a holi- day visitor with his father, Mr. • John Messer. Miss Daisy Holmes has returned home after an extended visit with her aunt near Drumbo. Mr. Bert Johnston of Toronto is visiting with friends here. Mr, and Mrs. Anson Thornton and family of Gorrie were Sunday visitors with Mr .and Mrs. George Thornton. Miss Margaret Curtis, Turnberry, and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Proctor, Morris, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curtis. Mr :and Mrs. W. L. Spier of Morris with Mr. and Mrs. P. D. King. Mr. and Mrs. James Dobie spent Sunday -at Acton, their son Jim ac- companied them home after a visit with his grandparents at Acton. PAGE EIGHT WINCH AM ADVANCE -TIMES Thrusday, 'Sept. 5th, 1935 .1,11'14 41,V;.; Show Starts .at 8 p.m; colosmaraumatuomeams Thursday, Friday, Saturday, .September: 5, 6, 7th ALICE BRADY - DOUGLAS MONTGOMERY In Eig A Side -Splitting Comedy of the' Newly -Rich. Also "MEET THE PROFESSOR" Freddy Martin and His Orchestra. "JOLLY LITTLE ELVES" A Colored Cartoon And FOX NEWS, NEXT WEEK MAE WEST "GOIN' TO TOWN" =effi�0 6>rb30=How Is !' Your 11 u jam'. A 0 Recep - F. 0 ^.� tion ? 0 11 The cool, dark evenings are 11 here, and you will require the best service possible from your Iradio. ; LI q II Phone 171 for 0 RADIO SERVICE, TUBES And SUPPLIES 11O ® John W. Pattison 1 .=Oa®===O> ril Tubes Tested Free.11 Graduate Radio College of Canada WHITECHURCH Mrs. Russel Gaunt spent a few days last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Currie. Miss Annie Moore and Mr. Basil Thompson of Orangeville spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Arthur Moore. Mr. Chas. Wightman and Miss May spent the week -end with Mrs. Jas. Brigham of Blyth. IVlr. Rhys Pollock spent the week- end with . friends in Toronto. Mrs, Walter Lott visited over the week -end at the home •of her son, Mr. Wesley Lott of Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Steele and children of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Gray of Goderich, visited at the 'home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Jas. Cornelius on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Beecroft and Florence and Pearl and Thelma Creighton spent a few days last week at Toronto Exhibition, • -Mr .arid Mrs ,'Z2." T. Douglas and Miss Jean Douglas and Mrs. Temple Clark -.rpt Luskwnoty,yisited one day last l. wee _ at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. R. 5. Ross. Miss Winhifred Farrier left this week' for her school in Toronto and Miss Olive left for Dungannon and Mr: Carman' Farrier for his school at Prosperity. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Newman and Mrs. Fred Newman and children of Hamilton salient last week at the home of 1vlr and .Mrs. B.. S. Naylor and on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Naylor ac- companied them home to Hamilton. The East Wawanosh Council are having the 10th painted this fall. Mr. Herson Irwin has the contract for the work. Don't forget the big field day that is•, being held in Whitechurch next jWednesday. Dungannon baseball team will playthe local team in the fore - i noon at 10 a. m. and in the afternoon, !teams from. Colborne, Blyth, Auburn and Wingham will be present. Every- one .is asked to bring full lunch bas- kets, as lunch will be served. In the evening a dance will be held in the Institute Hall, .to which all are in- vited,.to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kirk of Fort Wayne, Indiana, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kirk of Birmingham, Michigan, and Mrs. Andrew Kirk of Seaforth, .also Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gilmour of Turn - berry visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and -Mrs. J. D. Beecroft ,and Misses Pearl and Thelma Creighton returned with them to their home in Detroit. Mrs. Ed. Gaunt spent last week at the home of Miss Bella Wilson of Turnberry. _ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patten of Lucan were holidaying at the home of her mother, Mrs. Fox, last week. Mrs. Murray and Mr. Price Scott and Velma were in Port Elgin on Saturday attending the re -union of the Webb family, over 100 being present. They spent the week -end with friends in Paisley. Mr. George McQuaid, who has been under the Doctor's care last weel., is improving now. Mrs. Jackson and her' daughter, of Toronto, visited on. Saturday at the 101aucei'D;fc Illgi iale JiatEike C; 'Laidlaw. i Mr. and Mrs. Robt. 5, Ross visited ran Friday at the hone of .her mother, Mrs. Haig, of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leggatt of Col- lingwood visited one day last .week NVitit Miss Catharine Ross, The W. M. S. of the United Church held a tea at the home of Mrs. Robt. Laidlaw on Wednesday last and on this Wednesday, Mrs. Wm. Burdon is The ladies a missionary tea, Tl e are busy quilting at these meetings. Last Monday, Mr. and Mrs. John. Stleele and daughter, Mrsr, Clendenn- ing, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Steele and Jack, of Detroit, visited at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Jas. Cor- nelius. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Winfield and children, of Saskatoon, called on old acquaintances here one day last week. Many old friends will remember him. it is 24 years since Mr. Winfield left Whitechurch for the West. Men were busy on the Wingham- Whitechurch road last week, putting clay along the side, chloride will be added, when the clay is mixed with the gravel, to make it set. At present this road is very ..badly ridged with loose gravel, making driving danger- ous. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Purdon and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stewart of Kinloss. Miss Marie Ford, who spent the' holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purdon, returned to her home in Montreal last week. - Miss Dorothea Gropp of Milverton spent the week -end at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Gillespie, and she and Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie, Jack and Ag- nes, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Murray of Walton on Sun- day. The following pupils of Mr. A. E. Cook of Westfield, were successful in passing the Toronto Conservatory of Music Examinations which, were held in Wingham recently with Mr. Ettore Mazzoleni of the University Faculty, as examiner: Junior Piano, First Class Honours, Kathleen Logan. Primary Piano, First Class Honors, Vivian Straughan. Elementary Piano, First Class Hon- ors, Jack Mowbray, Honours, Wilma Watson. Introductory Piano, First Class Honors, Janet Hamm; Honores, Bet- ty Asquith. Mrs. James Cornelius, Mr. and Mrs, Amos Cornelius, Miss Vera Goyeau and Mr. Charles Henderson spent Sunday with friends in Goderich. Mr. Thomas Gaunt and Mrs. Ernest Casemore and Russel Gaunt left on Tuesday for a motor trip to North Bay, Mrs. Thomas Gaunt, who has been spending a month with her sis- ter there, will return home with them. SALEM Mr. Henry Merkley and son, Mr. George Merkley, motored to London last Sunday to see the fornier's bro- ther, Mr. Ezra Merkley, who was tak- en suddenly ill. We hope he soon re- covers. Misses Eve McMichael and Edythe Weir returned to their respective schools. The former to Port Burwell and the latter to Muskoka Falls. Mr. Dick Bennett also went to commence teaching up near Huntsville. We wish them all success this coming year. The shower given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Copeland Wed- nesday night last week on behalf of the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Copeland, was a success in ev- ery way. Everyone present seemed to enjoy themselves and the presents re- ceived showd the esteem in which the young couple are held. The bride was formerly Miss Mildred Cathers, of this locality. We wish theta bon voyage through life. Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy attend- ed the funeral last Sunday of the late George • McElwain, who lived near Fordwich. Miss Gertie Thomas, of London,. spent a few days recently with her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Er vie Thomas. Misses Delta and Viola Thomas spent a few days last week with their sister, Mrs. Jack Matthews of Harris ton, Mr, Win. Weir, who is visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. L: P Weir, motored to the Exhibition at "Toronto last Friday. His sisters, Misses:Haz- el and Minnie, returned with him to teach in their schools, Miss Laura Bennett spent al, few days recently with friends in Toronto. The 11/fission Band will hold a con- cert in the church here on Friday night. Something New Per- taining To Footwear Approximately 90% of the . shoes worn by School Children, and a large portion of footwear worn by the public in general Wear Out in time at the Heel Lining and in addition to this Many Have Trouble with their Shoes Slipping at the Heel. An entirely New and Very Simple Device has been invented by us for the prevention of :these somewhat vexatious troubles, consisting of An Ad. ditional Heel Lining Made of a Special Type of Leather and Entirely Seamless, Which Not Only Prevents Wearing Out of the Shoe Heel Linings' But Prevents Slipping at the same time. SPECIAL OFFER FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMIER To all those who purchase shoes at our store during the month of September, we will insert (if desired) this device, absolutely FREE OF CHARGE Watch �Su For Real High. Class,Watch Repairs, bring, youl watch to Williams, The ,Jeweller. Noth- ing but genuine material` rused, and all work done on the prem- ises, EACH MONTH WE REPAIR ONE WATCH FREE Bring Yours in, it may be the lucky one. Winner for August Mrs. Kahle, Gorrie Moderate Prices and Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. Wilhiams' JEWELLERY STORE The bright cheery sanctuary was most inviting in its array of choice cue flowers; and foliage. Beautiful gladioli, asters, and dahlias decorated the rostrum •and bespoke their silent message of God's love and purity. The preacher for the occasion was the Rev. W. B. Smith, B.A., of Is- lington, Ontario, a former Bluevale boy. His suiject in the morning was, "The Need of the Hour—Virile Christ- ianity", based on Matthew 5:13. "You are to be like salt" said the speaker, "purifying, sweetening, and presert'- ing all that is' true, right ,and good in our present social order." The evening's • discourse was based on Philemon'10,' in which the speaker stressed the need for right and christ- ian attitudes toward master and ser- vant, brother. and brother, and friend and friend, clearly emphasising the fact that only ,as we forgive and help each other can we be said to emulate. the Christ. The e1fcii= .was. in full:iforce':and at its best. Four splendid anthems were beautifully rendered. A lovely double duet was taken by Mrs. R. McKinnon, and Misses Donna Smith, Dorothy Aitken, and Eunice Thornton. A very appealing duet was sung by Alice Thornton and Donna Smith. The solo- ists in the anthems were Miss Alice Thornton, soprano, and Mrs. A. V. Robb, contralto. The choir leader and organist Mrs. Wm. J. Johnston, deserves great cred- it for the efficiency and effectiveness of the work cif the choir throughout the day. Institute. Will' Meet September 12th. The regular meeting of. the Wom- an's Institute will be held on Thurs- day afternoon, 'September 12th, at the home of Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge. Motto—There, is no place in a world Announcement I have built a new Cider and Apple - butter Mill at WROXETER 1 Will Be Open' for Busi- ness about Sept. 15th. 3c Gallon for Cider 8c Gallon for boiling Cider into Apple Butter Robert. Gibson Phone 53 Wroxeter ELUEVALE Bltteaale United' Church Anniversary Large and appreciative audiences filled the Blttevale United Church ori Sunday, on the occasion of their an- niversary. Are You Having EYE TROUBLE Headache, Dizziness or Failing Vision? Expert Eye Service is Avail- able in Wingham at Mod- erate Prices. Eyes examined, glasses fitted by R. A. REID Stratford's Leading Optometrist for Seventeen Yeats. Mr. Reid is at Williams' .Jewell« ery Store each Wednesday. Morning, 9 to 12.00. Geo. Williams S Wli;LLEtI f (ficial C.N.1 . Watch Inspectors Wingitatn Had Pleasant Party A pleasant house party was enjoy- ed at the Sanderson summer home here, over the week -end. Guests included Miss Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. George Donaldson, W. Thomp- son and J. H. F. Timmins, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whittiker and Mr. Art. Yager, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henry, Major Dyke and Wm. Morg- an, Stratford, Frank Allan, St. Marys, R. C. King, Brussels and James Mc - Hardy, B1 uevale. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Douglas of Lon- don spent the holiday at the home of Miss Duff and Mrs. Aitken.. Teachers who have spent the vaca- tion at their homes here left to resume their teaching, commencing Tuesday. Ralph Shaw at Bala, Muskoka; Geo. Peacock, Ottawa; Jno. Bosman, Dut- ton; Mr .and Mrs. R. C. McLean, Waubaushene; Gordon Mundell near Ethel; Miss Ethel Johnston near Lon- don; Miss Dorothy Aitken, near Blyth; Miss Isobel Fowler 3rd. Con- ecssion Morris; Mrs. Alice Aitken, Bluevale, Miss Janet Wood, re-engag- ed at Browntown; Miss Anne Dobie, Auburn, at No. 10, Morris. Miss Louise Patton is a visitor with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Cole and Miss Sara and Ruth, of Belgrave ,spent Sunday evening at Win. N. Robert- son'ss on the Boundary. 1,, dfirkw.cM4 CUT RATE - PRICES a. Greatest Weekly Specials -- Where Quality Does Count. You get an itemized bill • with your purchase, so you always know how much you paid and what you received. With a $1.00 Grocery Order (Stt:gar not Included) Granulated' SUGAR .... 10 Lbs. for 49c Certo for Preserving, bottle 28c Fruit Gerais, small, for ,. 95c doz Zinc Jar Rings, the best 19c doz Fruit Gems, med., for $1.10 doz Best Jar Rings, pkg. 1 doz. 5c Khovah Jelly Maker, pkg.... 14c 1Parawax, the best, ... 12c lb:kg Unwrapped Soap, 5 bars 12c P PP Buy 4 Bars of Sunlight and a 10c Box Rinso Free SUNLIGHT SOAP . 4 Bars for 24c (Rinso Free) Pumpkin, Gold Medal, large 9c Charm Cleans ,Everything 8c pg Brooms, Right. Weight, Spec 39c Household Washing Soda 5c Cut Macaroni, Special 5c lb. Old Dutch Cleanser, tin 9c GoldSeal Coffee, Special 21c lb. Fresh Soda Biscuits 1 lb pkg 12c XX Extra and XXX .Spirit or Cider VINEGAR SPECIAL • Gal. 38c Hallowi Dates,' 2 lbs. for 17c Best Seedless Raisins, 2 18s. 25c Choice Prunes, 2 lb. for 25c Creamy Oxford Cheese' 1/2 lb. pkg,, . 12c Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 pkg 25c Super Suds, pkg. for 9c Eddy's Matches, 3 boxes 23c Whole Pickling Spice 1 1b. pkg. 19c Lily, Thistle, Maple Leaf, Rose BAKING POWDERS, Our Special Price, 14c Lb. Fig Bars, ,Mayflower, Wonder Bar, Cocoanut Fingers FANCY CAKES 14c Lb. jewel or Domestic SHORTENINGSECIAL 2 Pkgs. 25c Coleman's';Schiieider's; Swift's Bologna, Weiners, Sausage, Sum- mer ?SSausage, Cottage Roll, Cooked Ham, Bacons, Etc. Wingham's . Busy Corner Grocery • ; We Keep Down The Upkeep Phone 17. We Deliver tion here. Mrs. Win. Leitcli :of : Detroit' was a week -end visitor witli`Mr. E. J; Thom. Miss Jean Thom has 'returned from Detroit where she' spent the vacation. Guests of Mr D.' B; ,Murray in- cluded Mr. and Mrs: Elsley' of• Ham- ilton; Mr. and Mrs'. Ufferman of Wat- erloo and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mc- Kinney of Sarnia. MORRIS Mrs. Earl Mathers and daughter Elizabeth, of Bluevale spent Sunday at Mr, Richard Johnston's. • Mr. and Mrs. Jeesse Wheeler of. Belgrave were visitors with Mrs. D. H. Campbell last week. Mr ,and Mrs. Robt. CasseIls also Mr. and Mrs. Will Cassells of. Flint, Mich., spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Golley. ' Mrs. Wm. Orr and son Jackie were visitors at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Will Abraham one day last week. Mr .and Mrs. Jesse Wheeler of Bel - grave, Mrs. D. H. Campbell and Mrs. Alex Campbell and Jack Orvis of Wingham ,spent Sunday with friends in Seaforth: Mr .and Mrs., Alex. Smith of De - ST. HELENS The following teachers.and students returned to schoolafter the vacation: Misses W. D. Rutherford to Kirkland Lake; Irene Wood to Waterloo; Dor- othy McQuillian to Sandwich; Lulu Weatherhead to Parry Sound; Dor- othy Webster to London; Zylda Web; sten to Toronto, Dorine Webster to Carlow; Jean Webster to Wingham Junction; Mr. Charles McQuillian to Clandeboye;, Dorothy Miller, Jean and Kathleen Thor, Norma Weatherhead, Laurine Miller, Jean Forster, Marie' McCrbstie, Gordon Miller and Hugh McCroster to Lucknow High School, and Mr, Neely Todd goes to the Wes- tervelt Business College, London. Scholl re -opened on Tuesday with Miss Sadie McCharles of Clover Val- ley the new principal, and Miss Beat- rice McQuillian the assistant at St. Helen's School, Mr. Davis at Belfast, Miss Thompson at S. 5, No. 3, and Miss McBurney of East Wawanosh the new teacher at Fordyce, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods and Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuillian have re- turned from ther wedding trips. Miss Grace McGregor who has spent ., the past months at Staurts, leaves this week with her mother for Alberta where they will reside. Rev, and Mrs. J. C. Wilkinson of Fingal, who were up for the Mc. Quillian wedding were visitors 'here. on Wednesday, • • ' Mr:'thkt Mrs." sit:'Xilite /midi/.'.11'g, aret' of Detroit were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, 1, Da Anderson, On their return they were aceontpan- ied: by Helen, who has spent the vaca- troit spent a few days at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Alex. MacEwen. Miss Evelyn Edgar of Wingham, spent a few days with her grand,- mother, rand=mother, Mrs. C. G. Campbell. , ELMER WILKINSON J moolummisestain PIPE SMOKERS The New Honey Cured Briar Pipe — The Pipe you have been waiting for, cool and sweet. Price $1.00. Omar Haselgrove Cigar Store When you've just had word Ted has won that scholarship .... and you're pleased as punch . and so is his mother .. Don't just take it oitt in smiling. Tell him hes a chip off the old block ... via Long Distance. Night rates on "Anyone" ''(station -to -station) calls NOW MOM AT 7 PQM.