HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-08-29, Page 3Thursday, Aust 29th, 1935 WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES PAGE TI.: E fer d In .ree Tri s, Cash Prizes, Commissions If• •':r: i' r . v4.r'•"vl '^ . A M `600 -WILL" CL Sponsored by The Wingham Advance -Times and Eighteen Leading Club Merchants e Copyright Registered ,.(0: . i t 'J'.�e ..li j 0.X'.. fZ$ IEE l st and 2nd Prizes TWO CONTESTANTS ONE TOWN "— ONE RURAL Trip to Bermuda Motor or Train Fare (Wingham to New York) Boat Fare (New York to Bermuda) — TWO DAYS IN BERMUDA ,- Meals and Berth on Boat Hotel and Meals in Bermuda Sightseeing and Secial Features BERMUDA Bermuda is called the Land of Perpetual Spring or the Land of the Lily and the Rose. Bermuda is more charming than the lovely islands of the South Seas and forms America's most natural, most perfect and most accessible pleasure resort. In journeying to Bermuda from New York you come in contact with the Gulf Stream which wraps the steamer in its genial warmth. Deck life becomes attractive, and when within forty hours the verdure -clad coral islands of Bermuda raise their green shores above the south-eastern sly the tour- ist prepares .to step ashore in a land of per- petual springtime and flowers, 5th and 6th Prizes $25.00 Cash To Each Contestant -- Regardless of District Special Cash , Prizes 10 WEEKLY PRIZES 5.0 Cash, ror Largest Weekly Vote Returns (Not more than one tueekly. prize to any one contestant) How To Get Big Votes Schedule o£ 'Votes Given for Arrears' or Renewed SUbscriptions One Year ,.. W , 1,000 votes Two Years ........................... 2,500 votes Three Years 5,000 votes Four Years .., . „ -,.,..7 500vo es Five `Fears . „ 10,000 votes Count DO ,BLE VOTES 'on Each Year New Snbstriptiont Advsriee Subscriptions Lirtaited to "rbree Years ses aid a SKY -LINE OF NEW YORK CITY Prizes Al wen wa r e To The Ladies of Wingham and Surrounding Communities Cash Commissions on Subscriptions to Contestants Who Do Not Win a Prize Award Votes for Subscriptions s a A SPECIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED to ladies of WING - HAM and SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES to share in this big event. You can win a beautiful prize for your spare time in the next few weeks. Secure new, renewal and arrears subscriptions and receive vote credits ac- cording to the table published below. The largest total votes in each dis- trict secures the free trip to Bermuda, the next largest number of votes the free trip to New` York, and in addition six cash prizes. Those con- testants who do not share in the grand prize awards will receive a cash commission, providing they collect at least $50.00. Get your friends .to save the free vote coupons appearing in the paper each week, Mailing lists of old subscribers, and receipt books will be supplied each contestant,• and every assistance will be offered by the manager in securing the best results. Votes for Cash Purchases - A number of "Club" merchants will co-operate in this prize distri- bution in an 'effort to encourage more local patronage and to stimulate cash purchasing. Contestants and their supporters who patronize these stores will receive vote coupons on the following basis- 1.—One unit of 25 votes given with each 25c purchase, or in the same ratio, 2.—Votes will also be allowed on payment of outstanding accounts. 8.—Any Club Merchant will be allowed to offer additional votes at his own discretion. 4. -Subscription votes and votes on cash purchases from Club Mer- chants are of equal value and can be combined in total votes. The list of Club Merchants co-operating in this "Good -Will" Club appears below. Ask for vote coupons with each cash purchase and pay- ment of accounts at these stores. MERKLEY'S GARAGE I I RUSH MILLINERY I I C. B. ARMITAGE Gas, Oils, Repairing Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Dry Cleaning Gents' Furnishings HANNA & CO Gents' Furnishings J. H. CHRISTIE Grocer MacLean Lumber & Coal Company Lumber and Coal 1 KING BROS. Ready -to -Wear, Dry Goods. H. E. ISARD & CO. Ready -to -Wear - Dry Goods 1 P. R. BIGGS Grocer GEO. WILLIAMS I T. H. GIBSON Jeweller Bakery G. MASON .& SON I H. F. BUCHANAN Stationery J. W. McKIBBON Druggist 11 Hardware W. J. GREER Boots and Shoes, Repairing Any Other Merchant Wishing to Join Good -Will CIub must make application before next Saturday, Aug. 31. x1' `'en.ses Pa HYDRO SHOP Wingham Utilities Commission 1 L GEO. OLVER. Grocer A. J. WALKER Furniture Rules and Regulations Governing Contest Any lady who is of good character residing in Wingham or district served by The Advance -Times, who is over sixteen years of age, is eligible to enter the"Wingharn "Good -Will" Club. To enter the Club it is necessary it out the Nomination Coupon good for 10,000 votes, and mail or bring at to the. Club office at The Ad- vance -Times, Only one nomination eoupou will be credited, to any one con- testant No regular employee of The Advance -Times or immediate member of an employee's household can enter or compete for the prizes. This ap- plies also to the Club Merchants and their employees" Vote coupons must be deposited at THE ADVANCE -TIMES office. Name of contestant must be plainly written on each to insure proper credit. Coupons, once deposited in favor of one contestant, cannot be trans- ferred to another, Contestants will not be allowed to solicit votes in or outside of Club Merchants' stores, nor to buy or sell votes or accept purchased capons, tinder penalty of disqualification. Contestants may work where they please, collecting back subscrip- Jinni and. renewals as well as new; vote credits will be issued cm all. Cash must accompany all subscriptions where credits are desired. Final count will be supervised by a Special Committee. This newspaper reserves the right to offer special credits at any time during the competition and to correct typographical errors that may awn- m any of its announcements, Also to alter or add to the prize list, providing the value of the prize is not reduced, It is understood that the of the rules and regulations, and any other questions pertaining to the cornpo.tition will be decided by the, Club Manager and that his deeision will be accepted as final, o1'tl► o U atxol y 'Cally Write or Pho a The Advam� ,Tines RA Ly TAYLOR, Club Mata em*. 3rd and 4th Prizes TWO CONTESTANTS ONE TOWN -ONE RURAL Trip to New York By Motor or Train Wingham to New York THREE DAYS IN NEW YORK— Hotel Accommodation and Meals Sightseeing and Special Features The City of Wonders NEW YORK New York, the second largest city in the world, is a wonderful place to spend three days. above can be seen a view of the skyline of New York just as the sun is casting �, its last rays before darkness settles over the great metropolis. The great Empire State Building, Radio City, Chrysler Building, museums and hundreds of other places of interest can be.. visited by the lucky persons who win this beautiful trip. 1101001.1 7th to IOth Prizes $10.0 ' Cash To Each Contestant '— Regardless of District Cash Commissions 10 Per Cent. On all subscription receipts to any contest- ant not winning one of the ten grand prize awards (providing a rniniumin of $50.00 turned in throughout the campaign). Free Voting Coupon Good for 100 Votes ate of Contestant This coupon, when neatly crit out and: mail- ed or brought to the Club Headquarters, will count for the person whose name appears above. ctober 14