HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-08-22, Page 7oxei.er 1Ne Thursday, August 22nd, 1935 WHEN DOES AN AUTHOR SMILE' , ,of her brothers, Messrs, Wilbur ' and Oliver Gallaway. • e PREDICTS WORLD WAR indeed fortunate in having, for their . . special spea.ker oh Sundae' morning D DUKE OF YORK AT OPENING CEREMONIES Mr. Mrs. Stuart, Ilueston " itee •":4".•'el'' ' - 4•''' . •:'c . -1 ,. aa '1 e . ft '„ec" -..et , ; al' N 4 • ' • a, e fr .4..:s. .7 4. .. V, a ts 1 ewe, ..• <,??f' . ,....4 ea " , 5 e !;" '' , , A ,:. • 0 ' / . • e e: I A 'e .; I e• ,. . 11 e .,. e ' , IP", . . P',... V. li.f ve , eta and andl family, of Torontowe , re t?,•uests this week of Mrs. Hueston's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R.., Magrath. Mr, Billie Main, of Toronto, was a pest of Mr, and Mrs. John Cathers a couple of days this eyeek Mr. and Mrs, Johe Cathers and data! gliter, Kathleen, spent Sunday with .' ' 4 ' .' v.... ,, •3%4 4, , ' .e ee R .ast, ev. Mr. Story, ho has labored . . in South America. for a numboer of years as as a missionary. On Mnday evening Mr, Story gave a lecture it the church and 150 slides illustrating his address were shown. His stork of the country arid its progress was most interestg1 in. -,---,---• ...at 4,, 0.4 0 r ,z g, ., 61't 4 ' , 4, t ' 3? •'4.• Mr, and Mrs. David Eedy at Glenan- , nen. Mrs., W, A. Irwin returned home l'0111 ealmerston where she was vis- iting her sister. Rev. and Mrs. R., S. Jones and son, Dick, returned home from their vaca- tion on Tuesday of last week, and are busy packing, prior to leaving for .their new chtrge in London on Aug- Rev'. Jones Irvin conduct the services in this parish on Sunday next. Misses Patter visited their emit, in Elora, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent and grand child, Mrs. Smith of Brominsville, and : ee /7 , . 4 0: ,ea ,, A ,.,, 1 • V Oa ee ' % ' ' le t tee , ti te Women's instituteIP/ The August meeting •of the W. I. will be held at the home of Mrs. W. F. MacLean on Thursday, Aug 29th, at • 3 p.m. This meeting will be of special interest when the Grandrnoth- ers and Babies vvill be special guests of the members. Miss Winnifred Rae is the special speaker and her subject evil' be "Our Canadian Citizens." The Roll Call, Sanonte sayings for the Grandmothers or Don'ts, for the Be.b- ies. The refreshments Committee are: Mrs. R. Rae, 11.frs. E. Leggett, Mrs. D. S. M.acNaughton, Mrs. W. F. Mac- Lean. IA tR, $1.. if q ., a: bIer, 'CI '3. 1 -.. 01 e , :Jae ... e - . 4 . !i' , • a 4:1 V, e 1 ei 3e4 'Ae ea. kV, '4,:•,, -. te 4 ., P . 3, ' et ae. ,,,, e, e '4 ,' L'• I: sP -,' ,,.„, e , Ve i ., ' .;t. •• a, • e 1, ' iP e ili ,... VS, 1 VS 4.; .., et '• Miss Harris of Harriston, were Sun- day guests of Mr. arid Mrs. Waleer Simson. TIM ATINDS BOTH POLITICAL MEETINGS Earle, and guests, Mrs. Wodehouse and children, of Hamilton, also Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie and daugh- ter, Edith, spent Sunday with friends at Wingham. ,,.! ,, To the Editur av all thim Wingham paypers. Deer Sur:— Shure, lasht wak-e is a grate tohne intoirely fer us pollytishans, so it wus, , .! , ee •,• :0, .e e e„. 4* • ...* }$: : „ _ ... ....... a . ,. „ . When he gets a fat cheque and landing a couple of beautiful rainbow when he catches good rainbow trout. trout from the Amethyst lake, Can- That is the answer of Rex Beach, ada's newest trout lake in the heart I writer, who proves the statement after of the Canadian Rockies. Mrs. Robert Cathers has the sym- ii.e. .. e. ..,.. ,. ' Thim Grits hied a maytin on nesday Misliter King The Duke of York shown being Ithe Overseas league's new club-roo s pathy of a wide circle of friends in the death of, her sister, Mrs. John' Gummow, who passed away at the daughter, Mrs. Sam In a written article Viscount Snow- den of Ickornshavv, former British afthernoone wid himself prisint, an yit the Arena wus _ sen't filled. A lot av farrumers tought they wud ruther take a chalice on the li greeted by Sir Evelyn Wrench as he 1 in London recently. arrived to officiate at the opening of I ametioftmecennrsoammmetrosaektammesscaretvamnreirl-smrss. GORRIE Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Ellis and faerdly of Drayton spent Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. Victor .Shera and Mr. I -Thera. Messrs Laurence Short and Harold Xing spent Monday in Kitchener. Little Miss Muriel McKnight re- turned home on Sunday after spend- 'big a week with her grandparents in in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 1\IcKnight and sons 'spent Sunday with the tat- aer's parents in Listowel. Mrs, Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Russel and three children of Chatham were guests last week 0 fthe former's sister, Mrs. S. G. Kaine. Miss M. Keine has returned home after visiting with friends in 13lue- . „ .....„,,.......,....,... spent the week -end with their brother, Mr. James Watson and Mrs. Watson in Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. Carter McKee and family of Galt age guests of the form - er's brother, Mr. Geo.' McKee. . Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs Scott of Deerfield New Ha.mpshire, ai:e guests of Mr .ancl:Mrs. A. E. Toner and other relatives in the community. 01 Mrs. Doi and baby of Toronto spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hyndman. Mrs. Gordon and daughters of Windsor were week -end guests at the parsonage and accompanied Rev. and Mrs. Fydell and family to their cot- . tage at Port Elgin. ' Mr. and Mrs. Saunders 61 Toronto were recent geusts of Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Stephens • home of her Squires at Willow Grove. The funer- al was hold from Willow Grove Unit- Chancellor of the Exchequer and lab: or leader, shown above,. declared "The Italo-Ethiopian dispute has in it pollytishans, than take wan on the weather, an so shtayed home to pull Pramossmantratesommono.-owornromma.crczermor 111101f.E.IIMMLI.R.N.4II ARENA AROMAS taC01610:2M.111.7.1..0. 4...P.9211 of the fray, I must admit the tores better Of Cour- ed Church on Tuesday afternoon, the body being taken to Mitchell Ceniet- ery for burial. all the elements of, a world war." The vis- count broke a •lifeti• 1 ' me ru e against cominenting publicly 'when 'fife con- in .theer oats, inshtid av comin to i\eNdrul sham to hey theer own legs pul- ' Thin, on Froiday noight, 41s Tories — Last week, our local Arena, des- . ne ig d for better purposed, was tem- porarily, to suit .the stirring appeal of were much the team. se it was ohlv a sham fight, a fore - runner of the October 14th, encounter. Whichever party gains the victory WROXETER sented to produce the article. hild a maytin in the Arena, wid Din- non-existent circumstances, trans- formed into a battlefield. Chieftains then won't matter the least little bit to the man on the street or in the ton Massie an Jarge Shpotton shpak- f o our two great parties, or rather slums. Whichever party is it Mr .and Mrs. Lawrence Moffatt of London were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill and Misses Mary and Cassie Harris mot- ored. to Midland on Saturday and en- jo.yed a two-day boat' trip to the Thousand Islands. Miss Dorothy Henry and Masterbrothers Jack Henry of Chesley ,spent a few here at the time of Church Union. After leaving this, his last char charge, Dr. Brown moved to Peterboro where he has resided during the past nine years. He was born in Lambton Court- ty and during his ministry served at various charges in the London Cori- ference of the Methodist Church! !Surviving are his widow, three Rev H. H. Brown of Lon- R don, Rev. G. E. Brown of Ellsworth M. 'Thim Grits tink thimsilves purty shmart but share, they can't put a dint on Dint'on, ner knock- a shpot a.ff Shpotton, so they can't. It wussen't a very big- maytin, but I nodced a lot av Tories prisint, wid pollytickle lumbaygo, so to shpake, who hev been talkin about votin fer Mishier Stevens, if they git a chance, an I am hopin that what they heered. will cure theer wake backs. clans set forth on its tempestuous way their "Fiery Cross," modernized , arid 'tl. '0- • fl 1 we i giea.ntic are mods to tem- per and subdue its glare. These Chiefs, crediting thern for once with having, (for the time being) convict- ions, a.ctually thought their cross would burn up any heather that had been carelessly left out over night, and incidentally destroy the lives of .elected will turn Conservative under the pres- sure of office embroilments, and as the Tory Party won't have to make Much of a detour, why not re-elect it to the eternal welfare of the con- science of both liarties, if either party have a. Conscience. Yours Truly James G. Webster. , days/est week with friends here.a Ohio ,and Albert Brown of Sarnia, Miss Marjory Waller and little Miss and two sisters, Mrs. G. 11:. Sheppard - ' Shirley Price of Toronto are spending son of •Port Huron and Me•se.C. Tom.. a week at the home of the former's lin also of Port Huron, " 'Ts mesilf that has a wake back, as 1 hev tould ye befoor, but it isn't a ollyticlde wae. Me pollytickle back p is .as sthrong as it wus fif ty years few hunderd outcasts particularly partial to a heather bed who have no right whatever to the life of ease that has been forced upon them. I, mY- self would recommend this way of Water Was Fine A dispatch from Sarnia reports that over the week -end the temperature . 50 58 degrees. wale and Parkhill. Mrs. S. G. Kaine has purchased the Bennett property on Mann Street and is havi'ng it put in repair before mov- ing to same. Mr. Harold King has i•eturned home after spending last week in London the 'guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. King. Mr. and. Mrs. John Bone of Sault Ste Marie Mich., were remit guests of Mr .and Mrs, Percy Ashton and other relatives in the community. Miss Monto Earngy of Wingham is spending a couple of weeks at her home here. A number of the local members of the Women's Institute motored to Women's Association Met ! Meeting was held in the school- room of the church on Thursday, Aug. 15th. A goodly number were present. The 'President, Mrs. Keine, presided. The meeting opened by singing "Take my life and let it be" followed by the Lord's Pra ,er in uniso - 1 n. Psalm 23 Was read responsivelY. The afternoon was spent with business. ie.. social hour was enjoyed and a tasty lunch served by Mrs. H. Hastie and the • President Meeting was closed by singing "What .a Friend we have in Jesus" and all repeating the lefizpah benediction. parents. , Masters Bruce and John Moffatt of Mrs. D. Strachan, also Mr. and Mrs. London spent last week at the home Nelson Cardiff, of Brussels, Were Sun- of Mr .and Mrs. B. Martin. , day guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Mac- Miss Pearl Westlake and Master Ewen. Jack Westlake of ISaltforcl are visit- Miss A'. B. Fraser, who has been a ing at their grandmother's, Mr. B. guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. ago, arr more, whin I shwam the IVIaitland River, befoor the oice wus out, in ordher to sit ni me vote be - foor the Grit shcrootineer raiched the pollin place, irie bein only twinty years old at the toime. Me oidea wus ! thin an has been ti since, that no d h f re tieing t e number o unemployed, and of lowering tax rates. So far I can see however, those Fiery Crosses have fallen lamentably short of • their ob'e t' -e d tl 1 n •ho j c iv , an le c ansme m, should. have carried them from height height have found them so lust- of Lake Huron was to This was not the case at lake points near there as the water of the lake was perfect for swimming and bath - ing. The exodus of people this week to lake points was very heavy. _ !,i‘ea ; Wade. J. Lovell, for the past few weeks, left . Miss Jessie Gibson of Toronto is for her home in La Rivere, Man,, on spending a couple o fweeks at the Tuesday. . home of Miss 1VIae Davidson. Mr. Robt. Gibson has rebuilt theamong The Ladies' Guild held their mon- cider and apple butter mill. and it is thly meeting and quilting at the home now one of the most up-to-date mills of Mrs. H. Waller on Thursday after- of its kind in this district. ; noon of last week. Master John MacNaughton is hall+, Rev. A. L. and Mrs. Sanderson of daying in London. • •- are visiting with 1, Brantford g w t le form -Mr. Wilfred Leeson, Toronto, was er's parents, Mr .and Mrs. D. D. Sand- a vveek-end guest at the home of Mr. erson. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. Mr. Norman Hall is at present vis- Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Morrison, St. iting friends at Parkhill. Catherines, with the forinees mother, Mrs. John Harkis and son Sinclair Mrs. Morrison. and Misses Alice arid Cecilia LibbY lyfr. arid Mts. R. Stocks and Elva, of Detroit called on Mrs. A. J. Sand- Mr, and Mrs. Norman Brandon and erson on Friday. ' Norma, London, returned on ; Sault - Mr. and Mrs, John Gibson and day from an enjoyable vacation at the , inatthei homr crooked tile Tories are, the Grits, are wurse, arr Nvud be if they got a chance to run tings. ishter Massie I hev a lot L '1- ' °"e M • • av good frinds who are Grits, an are . .• • • all roight to talk wed in a frindly way about the weather arr the crops, but I nivir loike to thrust theer wurrud too far at elickshun toime, arr in a 1 s thr de ler e a . Afther the maytin on FroidaY noight Jarge had a dance, but I didn't litay to it to see how many were s- theer, but I am tould theer wus a good crowd. I undherstand Mishter Massie didn't shtay either. I am not share whether thim dances gain us manny votes arr not, but large shud know. It may be all roight to rous, and insipid, that they have per - force dropped them by the wayside, the thorns and thistles which both parties have so industriously sown. Reverting to the Momentous ,was Meetings;—The Liberal Party came to bat first ,and in the absence of an impartial referee, scored, so they thought, many runs. In the Conserv- ative innings, a few runs were reg—don. istered ,that any referee would have allowed. Mr. Spotton, despite his heavy physical handicap stole quite a few bases, and Mr. Massey, with a bat, not registered at Lloyd's, did some hefty hitting. In fact Mr, Mas- sey naade many home runs, ,all of them quite legitimate. As a spectator emee_earameeeene_aaae,,,,e,eeeeeees,........eeeeeeeeneemmeee , a . -e-ore't Further Remand in Labatt Case Because of new information which reahced the Crown, a further remand asked and granted when Michael I McCa.rdell, confessed Labatt kidnap - per; Jack Bannon and Gerald Nichol - : ison, appeared before County Magis- ltrate Howkshaw for sentence at Lon - Nicholson's bail was rene,,ved, 1 'Crown Attorney Norman F. Newton, ion Monday, surprised a crowded court room with his request for another .re - imand for the trioThe new facts, he I said, he had learned were understood to have split the case asunder again. i He declined to make public the nature ,of his information, Belrnore on Wednesday last 'week and spent an enjoyable ° afternoon. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Lin.colna Mrs. T. -0, Johnston is spending a few days with friends in Waldemere and Collingwood. 6 Mrs, Lincoln and daughter, miss Velma of Wnigham were Friday guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. 5. Gallo:. her. Mr, Thos. Musgrove of Stratford is visiting his brother, Mr. Jas. Mus- Will Preach at United Church There will be service in Gorrie Un- ' ited Church on Sunday morning next, owing to the fact that Mrs. Walter Scott, of Deerfield, N.H., ,ari ordained minister, who is visiting relatives in the community, will take charge of the service. It is hoped as many as can, will be at this service, at 1.1 a.m., to hear this special speaker. Sunday School will be held at 10 o'clock as usual, Visitors are always welcome. children of Chicago are guests of Manitoulin Island. former's mother, Mrs, Thos. Gibson. Mrs. Gale and Mrs. Nelson Gale, Delhi was also 1 e Mr, Edward Gibson of Toronto, spent the weelc-end at t a to give a lot av figgers out av the blue books to plaise the mild voters, , . , diffrunt figgers intoirely that ' "THE KINGFISH" COMES TO THE POINT grove. Mrs. Hicks of Toronto was a week.. end guest of her cousin, Mrs. A. E. Toner and Mr, Toter. 'Mr. and Mrs, Ira Hamilton and son Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hamilton and son spent the week end with their mother, Mrs C., Hamilton. Master Norman Hamilton returned . home .to Toronto on Sunday after spending the pa.st six weeks with his grandmother, Mrs. C. Hamilton. Messrs Kenneth and Lyle Watson ---- Mr. J. R. Robinson, of Vancouver, B.C., is visiting his father, Mrs. John Robinson and Mrs. Robinson. Mrs. James Elliott and son, Lorne, of Chicago, Ill., Mr, and Mrs. R.11, Spence and daughters, also Mrs. Bert Spence and baby, Molesworth, were Sunday guests of their brother, Mi. Russel Grainger and Mrs. • Grainger. Mr. James Douglas and daughter, Miss' Annie, spent Thursday with friends at Corbetton. Mrs, R. G. Dane spent a few days a guest at the saem home, • home of Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Mac- Miss Ruth and Mr. Alex. Stuart of Lean. Mrs. Barsatte, who has beena Toronto are visiting this week with a guest at the MacLean home, return- Mr, and Mrs. A. j. Sanderson and ed home with them. other friends here. Miss Margaret Mitchell, of Moles- Miss Minerva Higgins is spending worth, was a guest of Mrs, J. Munro k with friends a Guelph a wee • t• one day last week, Mr. Stuart. Sanderson of London, Mist Rona VanVleIsor spent last k -end at the home of his . . • . . spent the wee • week at Matkdale, the guest of Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sander-. and Mrs. H. H. Mercer. son .,antl Catherine who have beet vis- Mr. and Mrs. R. j. Rann were the iting with friends here rettirned home guests of Mr. and "qrs. Atkin Rann with him. at Brussels one day last week, .11 • Rev. R. S. Jones wi picach liis Mrs. jack Gibson and baby, Don-' farewell sermon in St. James A.nglican la aet spent part of lest week with Sundayt M • • ' Church hete on net . i. friends at Clifford. . en Schb is hYalide Mg -it JonesTisabeen appointed to St Miss Aileaa , , . , David e Church, London and begins her home in ElmWood, is duties thei•C on September lst, M. d Mrs. Hembly and daughter, hran Rev. I -I, O'Neil of AtWood is to be Virginia, spent the week -end with the new rector op this parish and will friends at I'almerston. ' commence liii dunce here on Septein- Mn and Mrs. Wilford Mellis, Kip- 15th ber 15 . pen, were Sueday visitors at the home P.Tarvest T-Ionie Service is being held C'bson of Mr. and Mrs. Robert al . . , in iSt, James Anglican Church on Sun- Mr. John Barnard and Miss Mar- r 8th whei the service garet Gibson both of T,ondon were day, Septembe , 1 , , , , 1 1 will be In charge of Rev- PeverlY week -end guests of Mr. and Mre, Jno. Farr of Exeter, Gibson, but it is - ye neesht hey to intrust the young payple. In other wurrds, ye musht make nappail to heels s well as to a, a a- the heds av the voters in these de ginerated days. Mebby befoor this is printe theer may be a Reconslitruckshun candidate . , .,. ._ in the field fer Nort Huron, an if . , .. theer is wan I want to give a wurrud ds to Vote av advoice to me Grit frin . ' fer him, an to me Tory wans not to fersharisnt a , , e, ' do such silly ting Mishter Bennitt jist as good a Reclish- truckshunist as Misliter Stevens ivir ta15, Now byes, yis an gurruls too, both ld a, 1 want to be afther oun young givin yees a lasht wurrud av advoice to wurruk harrud fei the Tory paighy fi"om. now until the 14th av October, an don't ix"pielet to be paid fer iviry ' lasht handsturn ye do. Misliter Bin- raft may hev a lot av money, but he 't away isn't the bye to watt to trow 1 to elickt jarge Shpotton. Yours •fer the Tory earth3r always, Timothy Hay A Ag ea ee e a, • .• 4 44a a' ''''.!?;.;:' ,,e„ , :g a- it4. .! 'V •, w. - ,,.. I. ,;.,:4 til ie'e , V h 4'L , 1 ie 4i r, ,.; ,`., '-e t q e .:„ , •,,, e. • %.: f. ., • V"14',1. e '. V.,.. e lee ••• . .. . *:k , '). . - 1 •ark• . : , , 4, X •e, l kl,‘ & 1 , 43 •,3 . LE' t,e• - - k 'ELMER D. BELL, BA. . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc, — last week with friends in Kitchener, Mr, Jack Zimmerman of Milverton, few' clays last week with his s.Pent a , . , sister, Mrs. C. Michael and Mrs. Mi.- BRUSSELS ONTARIO , - - (Thursday and Saturday afternobte ' at Gorrie) . chael, Mr, and Mrs. David Dane, Toronto fl'..., were guests this week of Mr. and, 'Mrs, N. Wade. Mt, anl Mrs. H. R. Irwin, of Seville, , 11 Ultra Medern 0 Eye Service Ohio, and Mr. :and Mrs. IL W. Irwin and daughter, Miss Lucille, of tong 13ranch, were week -end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, -‘,V, A, Irwin. Mr. IT. P. Woodcock who .has been _ . 1 visiting with Mr, and, Mae. W, A. Ir- Win 'for the past feiv weelcs, left. on tir fins , . . 6 ' 6 num Phinittp Rli 0 .....tirrston PhOtte 118. II — •, , . i - -....- - , *r 1 1 1 w' ' ..ueseay,,eat .ot _ iniimeg, . , . . Mi -s, X, W. Burch of Los Angelee, Cal,, WttS t a guest of lieSister-in- law, Mrs, Mary Ross and Miss Ross, last week, • mrs, Thurston artd family, of Sas. tttifetou, Sash.. is visititz at the home ,-- Mr. mid Mrs. Mellor, also Mr. and . Former Pastor Rev. Dr. A. Brown ' \NT* • Mrs, Henderson, of Ingham, woe Passes ' Sunday visitors at the home • of Mr, There passed away ia Peterboro on and Mrs. II, Waller on Sunday, Dr. I. Brown . —i( , ' Niece Aunt Sarah, this as the fa- mous 'Angelus' by Millett." ' Aunt Saralte-"Well, I tearer. That Man has the nevre to copy the calen- , Drawing a deadly bead on the sob- . . , . . ' Ject with his index finger ,and in his own forensin fashion, Senator' Huey he'll certainly be e" candidate for the presidency in 1936—"If the Republie cans go Hoover, if the DeinoCrats go Attgust leth. Rev, A. a former. veil -known minister of the Returned Missionary Speaks: Alethodist.Chureh who WAS stationed ;.•,, 'United Church Congregation were dar that has hung' iii our kitchen for tong, the Louisiana King -fish, is tell- l, dozen years or more," mg newspapermen tit New York thet Roosevelt, and there is no other Lib,. 1 eral candidate." 33 414.4r1i4. 1..4 4