The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-08-22, Page 4WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, August 22nd, 193S G1)=[0pL'Z0C11Ci 2===10=ri (an the dale. , He cited the case of QM lower tariffs and increase trade the 41 only other alternative is to spend mil- t) 'lions each, year to keep our workers 11 on the dole. He cited the acse of silk from Japan in which the duty was 244i4% and had been raised to 292%. This kind of tariff barrier is losing n our mark.Qts. The liberals know how to get trade 0 they have proved this he said, and other nations want to trade with us +r.• __---•'"'_- - ""' but we cannot trade with them if we 1•} cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. have a chip on our shoulder in the way of high tariffs: gy000 0p AUCTION SALE -of Farm Stock and Implements, will be held at Lot 31, Con; 7, East Wawanosh, at 2 p,m., on Wednesday, Aug. 28th. See bills. Thos. Gundry & Son, Auc- tioneers; Levi Marwood, Prop. AUCTION SALE of Household Fury nishings, at the ]tome of Mrs. M. Kennedy, corner Patrick and Centre Sts., at 2 o'clock an Saturday, Aug. 24th: Terms -Cash. T. Fells, Auct. FOR SALE -Good dry Hardwood cuttings for sale. Wingham Manu- facturing Co. GIRL WANTED to assist in house- work. Apply Mrs, W. Stanley Hall. HORSES WANTED -Laidlaw Fur Farm, Phone 366J. HOUSE FOR SALE -On Shuter St., Wingham. Stable and large lot. Cheap. For particulars and terms apply to J. W. Bushfield, Wingham. MEN WANTED for Rawleigh Rout- es in S. Bruce County. Write to- day. Rawleigh Co., Dept. ML -453, Montreal, Canada. ROOMERS WANTED -Good home for students. Apply Advance-Tiines. STRAYED -A two-year-old Gray Heifer from the premises of Mel- drum Sandburn, 4th Con. of Turn - berry. Phone, Wroxeter 613r6. NOTICE Voters' List, 1935, Township of Turn- berry, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of The -\%ot- = ers' List Act and that I have posted up at my office in Turnberry, on the Brd day of August, 1935, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 26th day of August, 1935. Dated, Clerk's Office, the 3rd day of August, 1935. W. R. Cruikshank, 'Clerk, Wingham, Ontario. KING DECLARES AUTOCRACY ENDS ON VOTING DAY (Continued from Page One) the "Blank Cheque" the .government had expended $308,000,000 apart from wheat guarantees, this does not in - O)<300 We cannot live to ourselves alone, Mrs. Bennett's disregard of 'parlia- ment. "Mr. Bennett wants titles" said Mr. King, "not for the good of the peo- ple, but just in order to be able to pick out his favorites here and there and to honor] his followers in order to keep thein silent. But we don't want titles in Canada." Lack of Trade Hurts. C,N.R. The Liberal government has built up the Canadian National to be the finest railway in the world, but the Bennett government by slaughtering trade has torn it down again, he said. Central Bank The Liberal party has said that what this country required was a Na- tional Central Bank looking after dis- tribution of currency and credit of the country. A Liberal government, Mr. King said, would have kept control of the bank by parliament. Mr. Bennett he said, had established a great pri- vate Central Banlc and removed con- trol from parliament. Stevens and Bennett reforms are a guise said Mr. King. Mr. Stevens had been a strong supporter of all the acts of the Bennett government which he now opposed and that he had sat in parliament as a conservative until the House of Parliament closed, and it was only when Mr. Bennett slammed the door in his face that he changed his tune. Mr. Woodsworth, C.C.F. leader, he said, has been more honest in stating his policy. He wants to take over all the banks, insurance companies, man- ufacturing industry and in time place all of Canada under state control, Mr. King cited Canadian National Rail- ways as one problem in state control that we have at present and he was of the opinion that the people do not want to risk greater ventures in this direction. R. J. Deachman 'Mr. Deachman, as candidate in North Huron, welcomed Mr. Icing as the coming Prime Minister of Cana- da and said there was no doubt as to who will win the election. On every side he said the drums of victory are rolling. It is five years since Mr. Bennett took charge of the ship of state, he said, but now it is perilously near the rocks. Stevens deserted to go out and catch fish while others have left to find cushy jobs ashore, even Mr. Spotton, who was 100% for Stevens, for.. Bennett and for himself, more than a total expenditure of the Dominion in any year up to the mid- dle of the Great War. Dictatory Power "What more could a dictator want than power to take as much money as he wanted out of the treasury?" asked Mr. King, and has Hitler or Musso- lini any more power? In Italy and Germany dictatorship has gone fur- ther, no one could vote unless he be- longed to the party in power. In Ger- many religious freedom was being de- stroyed. Mr. King declared after the way the people's liberties in Canada had been tampered with in the past five years it was time for them to wake up and see where they were being led. "Little by little our whole country is being changed •from one of self- government to one of dictatorship such as we have in Europe", said Mr. Ring. meet of exports, he said, and when Mr. Bennett has said reform meant p ' imports are high the exports are cor- does not put the name of the Conser- vative party on his own committee rooms. Trade Less - Tariffs Up As much trade cannot be done when tariff barriers are raised, Mr. King• knows that and lowered the tariffs but Mr. Bennettraised the tariffs stating that they would fight for the farmers and this has stifled external and internal trade. The value of farm products fell $250,000,000 during the Bennett administration he said, and the wage bill of the railways $125,- 000,000. Mr. Deachman eyplained that when you destroy the export market you destroy the home market. He said. tariffs destroy home markets because of lost export market. Under the King government the home market a- niohnted to $3,700,000,000 and after 5 years df Bennett administration it was now $2,100,000,000. Imports are goods received for pay - government : intervention, regulation and control. Reform meant a larger freedom,, stated Mc, King. Regulation not a means to an end and t on end in itself according to Mr. Ring. Would Have Parliament Approval Mr. King said he was in favor of the. Marketing Act and in favor ,of compulsory regulation of marketing, but wants the supremacy of Parlia- ment maintained and the 'regulations to be approved by parliament as in ':Britain, The power to control the whole ex- ternal trade of Canada, to restrict in - ports and exports was given the gov- ernment by the Natural Products Marketing Act, and was another in- stance of autocracy, The act gave power to local boards to Tia offenses which must be punished by fines and imprisonment, These boards were re- sponsible tc3 no one, but were selfish, interested, groups.. About Titles During Sir Robert Borden's parlia� nient a .resolution was passed by the titles were its that ti t a lriotrse of Cointrio t eat to ,beg granted in Canada. When n as not.:s'ttin Parl'iarnc ,t 1v .sitting Mr, nen- rtttt+xltrtlte4 tlt�,Ti�ii ,i gY • respondingly high. Mr. Bennett has stopped our imports by tariffs and the result was smaller home market. The speaker declared that even Mr. King with a policy of this kind could not have brought prosperity. This is the difference between the building prin- ciples of the two leaders he said,that will make it possible for Mr. King to bring back prosperity. Those who voted for Mr. Bennett voted for reduction' in wages or to go Mr. Deachman said, we must have trade with other nations and until we do we cannot prosper. Liberal -prin- ciples again in use in Canada, he said, would make for a happier and pros- perous Dominion. 52% of Vote Women Mrs. W. H. Fox, president of the Ontario Liberals Women's Associa- tion, urged the women who she said controlled 52% of the national vote, to use the force of their ballott. Lib- eral women she said were 100 per cent behind Mr. King. The solution for the problems of the young jobless men lay, in her opinion, in returning the King government to power. Pledged Support The president of the 20th Century Club of Goderich, Douglas Nairn, spoke for a few minutes and said that the club were 100 per centr behind Mr. King and Mr. Deachman. He ur- ged all the young people to be proud of their party candidate, proud of the platform and above all the leader, Mr. King. Farm For gitick Sale ,Good Buildings Well Watered Near School CASK: Cosens--8t oot�. J ! Phones G 2' or 11 � Office 1'Gii. Nights 1;90 r g MASSEY SAYS IMPERIAL ISSUES AT STAKE (Continued from Page One) done by the present Government for the people and a danger that a new Government may be called to take over. Some of the other side state their opinions in a little different way but they are heartily in accord with the Conservative policy. He reminded his audience that during the time Mr. King was in power 125,000 a year were leaving Canada for the United State and now practically none of our youth are finding employment in the States. Must Change Constitution The Bennett Government has stood for reform, introduced reform and will carry on reform, he said. Yet much to be done but must change the con- stitution and Mr. Bennett has de- clared for this. If this is not done will have chasos worse than ever. During the last five years, Mr. Mas- sey said, we have had peace order and good Government under Mr. Ben- nett despite these very troublesome times. Mr. Spotton Mr.,,Spotton in rising to speak re- ceived great applause. He said that he had been speaking to political audiences for 35 years against Liter- al Candidates who were all perfect gentlemen, all friends of his ,despite their poltical differences. He thanked Mr, W. L. McKenzie King for the kindly manner with which he had spoken of him although he did not like my politics. This is as it should be, Mr. Spotton said. Mr. Spotton said, a new generation has arrived in our midst from a far off city and started a campaign in another manner. I was attacked vic- iously, my oponent saying I had a ponderous body. A loud laugh that speaks the vacant mind. I was accus- ed of being a flag waver, an apost- rophe and troubled with decimal in- sanity. Mr. Spotton said his body was the one the Lord gave him and that any school boy knows that Goldsmith meant care free when he said the loud laugh that speaks the vacant: mind. As to insanity, Mr. Spotton said that all inmates of an institution thinks the others are insane. He class- ed his opponent as travelling pout- ican who styled himeself a super man. Mr. King had said that this man had come to North Huron to serve and had given up his position to do so. Mr. Spotton said,,�he has been em- ployed by the Liberal Party for eight years and if he leaves here he will have the same boss Mr. King.. Mr. Spotton said it was all bukuni what Mr. King had said about his opponent. Mr. Spotton said he was not going to carry on this kind of campaign, that he would keep the even tenor of, his ways and started on his record of the past eight years. Speaking of markets Mr. .Spotton recalled that the markets; of the worid were closed to Canada while Mr. King was in office and that so far as the United States were concered this con- dition was dtie to what had been done' at Washington regardless *of what cheap peanut politicans with figures • try to prove, Mr, Spotton praised the iE iiire Ag reefvents and other trade treatiet wlticfi `tithe 13enttett adminis- tration'had made, ?Elie also recalled the theadvance legislation of t'e Conserva- tive party, Such as the Cartadilid 'atrn' Loan Board, Farmers Creditors Ar- rangement Act, Natural Products Marketing Act, Prairie Farm"Rehabili- tation Act, and the five cent bonus on Western wheat, Mr. Spotton said he had always had independent thought and when he had to put shackles on his wrists and balls on his ankles be would leave„public life.. Mayor McEwen of Goderich also gave 'a short address. COLTS DRUB FALTERING HURONS', Bad First Inning Upsets Tribe Who Blew Wide Open. The Wingham Hurons absorbed a nice 13-4 trouncing at the hands of the Clinton Colts on Thursday after- noon. The game was played before a i fair crowd in the latter town, t w , and to say the least the Tribe turned in a wretched effort afield. The only ray of sunshine was the return to form, of the Tribal willow -wavers, who leaned on the ball with much gusto, although the pellet usually went into some fielder's mitt, the Colts having, no less than 18 assists. A bad decision by Umpire McArt- ney cost the Braves the game in the first inning. With one out Wagg grounded to Peterson who threw him out at first, Gurney then rifling the ball to the plate to catch Pickett who was coming in from third. Carmichael had the plate blocked perfectly and the blonde '''first -baseman catapulted over the catcher's head and lit ten feet away, from where he made an attempt to get back to the plate but not before Carmichael had tagged him. But to the amazement of ev- erybody, McArtney called him safe. This sent the Indians up higher than a kite and four more runs crossed be- fore the side was retired. The Tribe's runs were all earned, Chalmers' triple and Gurney's double counting two in the second and sin- gles by Mellor and W. Tiffin follow- ed by two fielder's choices added two more in the 5th. • Peterson, while hit fairly hard in spots, might have turned in a win had his support been ever fair. Joe Tiffin made his first mound appearance of the season in the eighth and struck out the side. :k i' * :g Mars, Here We Come Wingham- Mellor, ss Lediet, 3b W. Tiffin, 2b Somers, cf Chalmers, 3b, ss ... Gurney, lb Finlayson, rf Carmichael, c • Groves, c J. Tiffin, if, p Peterson, p Colvin, if A.B. R. H. Po A. E. 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 1.1 1 3 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 2 0 0 0 3 1 1 8 1 1 3 0 1 1 0 1 3 0 0 5 1 1 1 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 2 3 0 0 .. 3 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals Clinton - Pickett, lb McEwan, c Hovey, 2b Wagg, 11 Holmes, rf 85 4 924 5 7 A.B. R. H. Po A. E. 5 2 114 5 0 0 4 5 1 1 3 4 1 1 2 5.2 1 2 McDonald, 3b 5 2 1 1 Johnston, ss 4 2 2 1 Glew, cf 4' 2 2 0 Brant, p 4 1 0 0 Stock, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 fin" 1; struck out, by Peterson 8, by 7, Tiffin 3, by Brant 2, by Stock 2. Winning pitcher, Brant; losing pitch- er, Peterson. Umpiies, McArtney and. Huston, Totals 41 13 9 27 18 1 R. H. E. Wingham 020 020 000- 4 9 7 Clinton 513 000 40x-13 9 1 Peterson, JTiffin and Carmichael, Groves; Brant, Stock and McEwan. Two base hit, Gurney, three base hit, Chalmers;; stolen bases, Finlay- son, Gurney, Pickett 2, McDonald; left on bases, Wingham 8, Clinton 5; bases on balls, off Brant 3, off J. Tif- Special Barga,in Excursions cursions • TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA Going Dates: Daily Sept. 21 to Oct. 4 Return Limit: 45 days. ONE CENT PER MILE Good in Coaches only SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES, Passage Tickets also on sale good its. (a) tourist sleeping cars at approxi, mately 114 c per mile, phis regular berth fare, e (b) parlor and standard sleeping cars at 'approximately 1Yxc i3er'mile, • . phis regular seat or herth'fare. MERKLEX'S NOW IN FIRST PLACE By virtue of a win on Tuesday ev- ening over the Foundry crew, Merk- ley's eased into the top rung of the Town League. The game was not a good exhibition of ball as half of it was played in semi -darkness, The gas pump gang scored six runs in the first inning, almost enough to win, the final score being 15-6. Orville Welsh pitched for the Foundry and Cecil Merkley tossed for the winners. If Merkley's lose their next game they will be tied for first place with the. Foundry and Lloyd's and Gur- ney's Will be tied. If they win, they will be in first place and Lloyd's will be out of the play-offs. Lloyd's have won both their games with Merkley's so far, so this last game should be an interesting one. Standing: W. L. Pts. Merkley's 5 3 10 Foundry 5 4 10 Gurney's 4 5 8 Lloyd's 3 5 6 MIDGETS LOSE AT PORT ELGIN Port Elgin Juniors, ably assisted by the umpire, managed to defeat the lo- cal Midgets by the score of 5-4 in Port Elgin last Wednesday afternoon. The Midgets played wonderful ball and deserve a lot of credit for the way they held. the Juniors down, con- sidering the fact that the Port boys were twice the age of the Midgets and have had years' more experience. Allan Small, the Midgets' ace pitch- er, had 17 strikeouts and allowed on- ly two clean hits, while Port Elgin used two pitchers and their combined efforts resulted in 13 strikeouts and allowing hits. A couple of very bad decisions al- lowed the Port Elgin team two un- earned runs. Runs scored by the Midgets, P. Biggs 2, "Red" Jones 1, Dave Murray 1. Port Elgin, 13. Goar 1, L. Padden 2, J. Rushton 1, G. Bell 1, Wingham 201 000 100-4 Port Elgin 031 010 000-5 Midgets: Jones lb, P. Biggs 48b, A. Small p, Baker c, Carter ss, Fraser 2b, D. Biggs rf, Wilson cf, Groves lf, subs, Murray, Adams, Forsyth. Port Elgin Juniors: K. Goar c,:N. Paddon p, T. McKay ib, B. Goar. 2b', L. Paddon 3b, T. Rushton ss, D. Fal- coner rf, G. Bell cf, D. Kelleger lf. Midgets Win 15th Game The Midget baseball team won their 15th consecutive game by defeating the Lucknow Juvenile Sepoys to the tune of 17 to 7 on Tuesday afternoon last week. The local boys journey to Port Elgin, Wednesday to play the juvenile Portsiders. The lineups were Wingham-P. Biggs, Red Jones, Al Small, D. Groves, D. Biggs, J. Fras- er, W. Forsyth, W. Baker, D. Murray, J. Wilson. Lucknow-B. Aitchison, Finlayson, McDonald, T. Cook, L. Wyld, Garness, D. McKenzie, K. Lee, T. K. McKenzie. Umpires, Andy Thompson and McCartney. ECONOMIC FALLACIES We are in receipt of a copy of "Economic Fallacies", the great study of the tariff problems written by the brightest of the French Economists, Frederick Bastiat. Bastiat was of the school of Cobden and Bright -the work was first pub- lished in 1847, almost 90 years ago, but certain principles are eternal, un- changeable, and it remains as applic- able to -days to the pproblem it pre- sents as it was when it first appeared. The Encyclopedia Brittanica men- tions this volume as the brightest, the wittiest, the n'iost penetrating ever written upon the. question. Herbert Asquith, former premier of Great Britian, wrote of it as embodying eternal ,principles which would never alter.. Winston Churchill mentions it in his biography as one of the ablest attacks upon protection he had ever. read. Michael Clark, for many years the outstnading free trade orator of Canada, carried a volume of "Bas- tiat" with him in all his journeys through the country, The present edition was published. last Fall by R. J. Deachman, Liberal Candidate in this constituency. The price is $1.50 per volume. Copies may be obtained at Elliott's Book Store and at Mason's s StationeryStore, Wingham. POET' COMPOSER AND GENERAL° Stopovers ,'ranted at Port Arthur; That vast Army which, in ,a,ll,parts p g ,r.. Ont, and all stations west thereof,. of h,4v yy �.t C' k . `i a a5 r i�s` e er ,7alva,'�io� �v Full particulars from any agent one tsf t1e'"frlftrst".aremarkable, of *. .. sn omen in the ., g'� person of General �1i tt lit r of the Ca 1✓van cline iiootit, Dag e 0 WHEN TIRES "Go Boom" GET NEW SPEEDWAYS They are genuine Goodyear tires at prices, to please you. Guaran- teed! We have your size. Size ,1 °7S Size 7.3S 30x3% SIC 4:75x19 Size x21' S,6°®S SizeOOs19� A* 4,40 Size x21 5.Si0060 ze x20 °li,3 4.50 Other sizes equally low-priced Liberal allowance for your old tires Royal Service Station Homuth & Bennett 'Phone 174W WINGHAM ONTARIO rugged warrior who founded the Or- ganization, William Booth, this world- renowned woman •counts, among her many other qualifications, that of poet, song -writer and musical com- poser. One of the features of the Can- adian Territorial Congress, •which she will conduct in person, from October 4th to 10th, in Toronto will be the massed singing of her latest compo- sition. entitled ompo- sition`entitled "The World for God." It has already been translated into several languages, and has been sung by huge audiences as numerous as ten and fifteen thousand people, in the United States, Australia, Great Bri- tain, India, Norway, Sweden and Fin- land. The Maple Leaf Garden, Tor- onto, will offer a splendad string for this noble song on the afternoon and evening of Sunday, October 6th. Round trip between any two points in Canada at regular one-way first class fare and a quarter. Going Dates from Noon, Friday, August 30, until 2.00 p.m. 14Ionday, September 2 Return Limit To leave destination up to midnight, Tuesday, September 3, -1935. Information and fares from your- local ourlocal agent. Canadian Pacific UPPER SCHOOL EXAMINATION RESULTS The following are the results of the 1935 Upper School`- Examinations for Wingham High School. "1" indicates first class honours 75-100; "2", sec- ond class honours 66-74; "3", Third class honours 60-65;,"4" iridica.tes cre- dit 50-59; "5", failure. Blank, no pap- er written. The percentage of papers scucess- fully written is' 85, which is a very creditable showing. Name is W MacLean, Alberta 5 Brown, George L 5 Buchanan, D. June 1 1 1 2 Butt, Elmer G. 4 5 Campbell, John 14 1 ' 1 Chittick, Anna 2 2 Coutts, Elgin E ;.;:.: 2 5 Craig, William L. • 2 2 Deans, Dorothy E.'; 4 4 4 Elliott, Edna G. 4 4 Finlay, Wendell I. 5. Fortune, Donald, M. 2 4 Henderson, Lloyd G.•,,., 1. "2 Hetherington,'Carman• K. 3 .2 Higgins, M. Ferrol..-4 2 Jones, Pearl ir:.., 4 4 5 Kelly,, Ida C 2 • 3 King, George T. 2 4 Lane, Jean 2 1 1 MacKay, A. Ross McGill, James E. McKay, Carl K. McLean, M. Mr Corinne McLean, kJohn W.. McLeod, John F »,5 5 - McMichael, Audrey G4 8 Mitchell, Marion J 5 3 Murray, Kenneth M. 4 8 4 Pollock, W. Jack 2 Powell, Mary E. Robertson, George 4 Robertson, Mary M. Ruttan, Janet S. Scott, Bruce E 5 Skelding, Harold V Underwood, L. Aileen ,.. 5 5 Waller, Lilly G ' Wheeler, George H........ Wright,. Mary fd, 5 . 3 1'uill, Myrtle A :. 5 2 2 ,2 1 4 2 3 5 4 4 Students who intend to appeal against the standing granted them may obtain from Mr. Hall forms of appeal sent him by the Department of Education. There were no failures in Physics, Geometry, Greek, and only one fail- ure in Zoology, Chemistry and Latin Authors. June Buchanan had 10 firsts and 1 second, and Jean Lane had 9 firsts and 1 second. H Li c t,? fG N la; Ur1,-1w;4OF L`} 5 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 4 2 3 2 1 2 4 5 2 1 5 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 1 2 4' 2 5 1 12 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 2 4' 2 2 1 2 2 2 '2 4 1 2 2 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 2 4 4 4 2 1 1 2 2 1 4 2 3 1 n -lish Composition; ,g E.L,. , lepstute; M. 14., Modern Tgiitu G., Geo:tnetryi 1MY1 2,, istory,ri; 'i T.Toxannraet. g Zoology; 1'., 'hy 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 4 2 2 5 5 5 5 4 5 2 .4•'4 4 4 4 4. 4 5 5 4 4 2 3 1 2 3 2.2• 4 4 L, X, Latin Authors l. th: y + Latin, Y AtiOPN Z C., Compositlott F A,� .fit finch , 4 bots; 1'v p Y C •: b a � f. �Al F Greeff. ill !lpls, i , yrGfar d nnpo'