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Thursday, August 15th, 1935
When Haiti Sellassie lit his war
sires on the peaks of Abyssinia, war-
riors far and near flocked to Addis
Ababa. They were barefoot, clad in
their sheet-like garment and armed
with an ancient rifle or spear. But
'the king of kings has a well-trained
modern army as well. ABOVE, the
two types are compared. (1) one of
the newly -trained officers of the mod-
ernized' Abyssianian army, who, far
from his predecessor in (2) barefoot
and primitively armed, wears a smart
uniform, riding boots, gloves and a
Sam Browne belt. Although his em-
peror has .declined enlisted rePluits
from England and U. S., foreign in-
structors are now knocking the "lion
of Judah's" troops into shape,
Mr. Kenneth Trimble and clauglt-
ter, Mrs. Oliphant, of Winnipeg, Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Sanderson of Fargo,
Mich., were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
• G. A. Dane a couple of days last
Mrs. Pratt, Miss Alma Sheir and
Mr. Smilie of Teeswater, were Sunday
;guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brad -
Mr. and Mrs. Roe of Pickford,
Mich., Mrs., Crich, of Brussels, were
recent visitors with their aunt, Mrs.
.3. A. Day.
Miss Bessie Wylie of Toronto is
•spending a few holidays with her mo-
ther; Mrs. John Wylie,
Mi'Ss Bernice Day is spending a
*eek with Mrs. Ida Lowry in Brtts-
Rev, Stanely Johnston, Mary and
Lawrence of Lucan spent a couple
�,eekw the for
of days last v
parents, Mr _and Mrs. T. O. John -
Mrs. John Wylie; Ivliss Bessie Wy-
-lie and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. 13.
Wylie and family spent Saturday at
ten Miller the guest of the forrne.r's
son, Rev, ( e.oi ge W. Wylie.,
Rev. and Mrs. Fydell and daughters
Misses Reith •and Jean spent a ftiw
aiays with fr=iends in Hamilton and
Mr, and .Mrs. Lloyd Cathers of
'Woodstock spent • the week -end with
'the forrner's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
David, Cathers.
Mrs. (xi•'int t,f I(.iteliener is visiting
`her sisters, Mrs. Knowlson and lviitis
.(Thursday and Saturday afternoons
at Gorrie)
Ultra Modern
Eye Service
Phrt on, RAO.
Phone lit stiottriston
Master Reginald Taylor has return-
ed 'bogie after spending the past
month with friends in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. David Dane of Tor-
onto spent the week -end with Gorrie•.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Houghton and
son Teddy and Miss Emma Arm-
strong of London spent a couple of
days 'with the latter's brother, Dr.
Jas. Armstrong and Mrs. Armstrong.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Telford and
daughter, Miss Dorothy, and Mrs.
Ellis of Guelph, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera, Mrs. Ellis
remaining for a couple of weeks.
Mrs. W. A. Irwin is visiting her
sister at Palmerston.
Mr. Gibbs of Londesboro was a
week -end guest with Mr .and Mrs.
E. W: Bolton.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bolton spent
a day recently in London. .
Dr. W. J. and Mrs. Ross and dau-
ghter Marilyn of• Kitchener spent
Sunday with the former's mother and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ross,
Mr. Andrew Miller attended the
funeral of his cousin, the late John
Ritclt at Drayton on Wednesday. Mrs.
Victor Shera also attended the funeral.
Mr. C. E. Shera visited at the home
of his uncle, Mr: Henry Shera at
1VIoorefield on Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ding, and dau-
ghter Miss Jean of London spent the
week -end with the former's parents,
Mr .and Mrs, L. King.
Mr, Robert Palmer spent the week-
end at his' Immo at Kincardine.
Dr. 'and Mrs.' Ramage and sort Jun,
also Mrs. J, A. Day spent Sunday
with friends in Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Day spent !Sun-
day with Mrs. Ida Lowry in Brussels,
Messrs William Horton and son
Will all' of Toronto renewed old ac-
quaintances in and around Gorrie on
Sunday, Mr, Horton, lived in the
house now owned .by Mr., Wm, Breen
niers some thirty-five years ago, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Alen Butchant of
Guelph spent a few days -last weeks
with Gorrie friends.
Mr, and Mrs, Butchard, 'Guelph,
Mrs, belles, Fordwich, Mrs, W. H.
Gregg and Mrs. H. E. Ashton spent
Saturday with their aunt, Ms. Girvin
in Goderich.
The matey friends of Mrs. Jas, Ed-
wards will be glad to learn she was
able to r•ettrrn liotne .from Listowel
hospital on Saturday.
Mr. Clifford Pyke Spent 'Wednes-
day last with relatives in Toronto,
and his mother who has been visit-
ing there, and with friends at, Ux-
bridge, returned home with, him.
Billie Newton spent the past week
with .relatives in Toronto.
Misses Marjorie and Marion Wood-
cock spent last week with Mr. Chas.
Irwin and Miss Mabel Irwin, 10th
Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Currie of Is-
lington and the latter's mother, Mrs.
James Isard of Wingham also Mrs.
Craig, called on friends in Gorrie on
Thtirsday last, also visiting the school
here where Mrs. Currie (nee Miss
Viola Isard) taught some years ago.
Mrs. Agnes Earls of near Wroxeter
spent a few days the past week with
her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Hastier
Mrs. Edward Wodehouse and child-
ren Marie and Roy of Hamilton are
visiting the former's cousin, Mrs. Wil-
ford Icing, Mr. George Purrott and
mother, Mrs. E. Purrott of Hamilton
also spent Friday last at the same
bonze, and Mr. Herbert Wodehouse
visited there on Saturday.
'Mr. and Mrs, Adam Roe of Pick-
ford, Mich., spent Thursday last at
the home of Mr. and Mrs,' Fred Tay-
lor. They also visited with Mrs. Julia
Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. I+,
C. Taylor were: Mr .and Mrs. Robb-
nis and son Harry and Mr. Leslie
Virtue of Toronto, and Mrs. Wm.
Taylor of Wingharn.
.Recent guest of Mrs. P. Phair were:
Mr. and Mrs,. Williams and two dau-
ghters, Hazel and Gladys of Barrie;
Mrs, W. Phair and daughter Norma,
M,rs. Owens and son Bert, and 1VIr.
and. Mrs. J, Chittick and two' children
of , Toronto; Mrs. Tilker and four
children and Mrs. W, Chitticic of
'Mrs. Charles Lawrence spent a few
days .recently with friends in Wing -
Mrs. Joe Bennett, sons, Millie and
Bruce, Miss Blythe McLaughlin and
Mrs. Cecil Day and—Miss' Bernice Day
attended the funeral of the late 1VIrs.
Hicks in Teeswater on Thursday last.
Dr. and MVIrs. Arinstrong spent a
couple of days with the former's bro-
ther, Dr. and. Mrs. Armstrong in."Mit-
Mr. and Mr=s. E. W. Carson an&.
family spent a few days last week at
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne F' Walker:
spent Stniday at Point Clarke also
called on friends at Pine River.
Miss Ida McGowan, of 'Blyth, and
Mr. Stanley Todd, of St. Helens, spent
Friday evening with Miss Evelyn.
Miss Elva Dane who has :beets Stif4
feeing from an attack of appendicitis
returned to her work on Saturday ev-
Miss Marjorie Schaefer of Fordwich
visited a few days this week with her
grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. F. Cole.
Gorrie Evening Auxiliary enjoyed
a picnic. on IVlonday afternoon despite
the rain which made it Impossible to
hold same at the dam= as planned, but
held in the schoolroom of the United
Church. The games for the afternoon
were in charge of Misses Jean Spar
ling and Marjorie Baker. •
Following a tasty lunch •a vesper
service was held on the church .lawn
wth the theme being "Doing God's
Will" and was in charge, of Misses
Marjorie Baker, Jean' Sperling and
Alexandria Hamilton. Mrs. E. W.
Carson read the call to Worship and
took charge of,'the program, opening
the meeting with hymn 356, folowed
by prayer by Miss Evelyn Stephens.
Miss E. E. Dane, president, read the
Scripture lesson found in St. John 15:
9-17. Mrs, Slera read a' poem "God's
Will for You and Me" before hymn
862 was sung. A very interesting pa-
per was given by Miss Marjorie Bak-
er on the theme "Going God's Will"
which was followed by a pleasing trio
composed of Miss Marjorie Schaefer,
Fordwich, Misses Evelyn Stephens
and Alexandria Hamilton, singing
"Have Thine Own Way, Lord."
The singing of hymn 384 and the',
benediction by Miss Alexandria Ham-
ilton, brought the service to a close.
The president, Miss E. E. Dane then
took charge and minutes were read
and roll call answered by a thought
on "Love." Business was discussed
and meeting closed with hymn 550
and the Mizpah benediction.
The regular service at the United
Church, Gorrie,. last Sunday, was in
charge of the Young People's Society,
The service opened wth quiet music
played •by the organist, Miss E. Ste-
phen, and the call to'worship read by
Mr. Lloyd Ashton with Miss Marjorie
Baker giving the Invocation Prayer.
Mr, Harold Robinson read the Scrip-
ture lesson, John 3: 1-16, after which
the president lead in prayer. The
choir . number suhg at this period in
the service being "Onward Christian
Soldieis" with Harold Robinson read-
ing the announcements.
The address was given by Miss Ev-
elyn Dane, the theme being "The Gift
of Higher Friendship" based on the
book "The Transforming Friendship"
by Leslie Wetherhead. This is the
book the Young People have been us-
ing to direct their thoughts in wor-
ship throughout the last few months.
This was followed by a solo by Miss
Jean Spading "Behold a Stranger at
the Door." The Benediction was an-
nounced by Mr. Lloyd Ashton, The
hymns used at the service were:
"Breathe on me, Breath of God",
"What a Friend we have in Jesus,"
and "There is no sorrow, Lord". The
Gorrie Y. P. S. also had charge of the
afternoon service at Orangehill when
the same service was followed and
Miss Janet Rattan at the organ. The
Gorrie choir also assisted at the Or-
angehill. service.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stocks and
Elva and Mr. and Mrs, Norman Bran-
don and Norma, left on Saturday for
a motor trip to Mantoulin Island
where they will spend a week with
Mr. Lloyd McMichael of Toronto
spent a few days recently with his
parents, Mr,, and Mrs. Robt. Mc-
Misses Marjory and Jessie Paulin
•returned last week after a three week's
holiday spent at Detroit and .Niagara
:Mrs, Wm. Austin and son Glen of
Listowel are visiting this week with
the formers' mother, Mrs. Rasmussen,
Mrs. Wm. Lynn. of Howick spent a
couple of days last week at the 'home
of Mrs, Jas. Edgar,
Mr. Wrn, Davey of Shelburne and
Miss Esther Davey of Hamilton ,are
visiting s,t the home of Mrs. F. Davey.
Misses M. and B. Howe spent
Thursday iwth friends in Seaforth.
Miss Cassie Harris of ;Toronto is
spending a cotiple of weeks with her
Sister, Miss Mary Harris.
Mr, and Mrs. T. W. Gibson ,'of Tor-
onto are visiting at the home of Mrs,
'1105. •Gibsoti,
Mrs.' T. G. Hemphill attd Mrs, J.
N. Allen were Stratford visitors on
Mr. Ilorttta.tt Hall and Miss iren,e
Photo shows the Prince of Wales inspecting ex -Servicemen at Victoria College playing fields, on his arrival
at Jersey.
Wright returned home last week,
having completed their course at the.
O. A. C. Guelph.
Miss Vera Piercy who has been
spending several weeks at the home
of Mrs. Munro, returned to her home
in London on Monday.
1VIr. and Mrs. J. S. Dobbs, Sandy
and Eleanor of Beeton • were guests
of Mr .and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson
recently, and Sandy and Eleanor re-
mained for a few days holiday.
Mr .and Mrs, Stanley Ross of Lis-
toweI visited with Mr. and Mrs. I. S.
Durst one day last week.
Mr. Jas. Rae returned last week
from Toronto where he has been tak-
ing a summer course, • ....e•e
Dr. Heustis, general -secretary of
the Lord's Day Alliance, was in
charge of the service in the United
Church on Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Durst spent Sunday
with friends at Kitchener.
Mrs. Casemore from Sask,, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. Sellers.
After visiting friends in Toronto
and Essex county, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Kitchen returned home on Friday af-
ternoon accompanied by their dau-
hter, Mrs. R. C. Berl.inshaw, who re-
turned to her home in Toronto on
Saturday. . •
Mrs. D. Fraser, Miss A..13. Fraser
and Mrs, J. Lovell spent the week -end
at Stratford, the guests of Mrs. Mary
Mr. and iVXrs. N. T. McLaughlin
spent Sunday at Fordwich visiting the
latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. ,1-1. C.
IVlaster John MacNaughton is holi-
daying this week with Fordwich
f riends.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny had for
their guests last week, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Broughton of Biggar, Sask. Mr.
and Mrs. Broughton, who were mar-
ried on Saturday, Aug. 3rd, are visit
ing various points in Ontario.
Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Brown also
Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Hainstock were
Sunday guests of ivir. and Mrs. D. S.
MacNaughton, Mr. John MacNaught-
on, London, is also spending some
time at the hone of his son, D. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White and
the Tatter's sister, Mrs, McCabe, New
York, spent the week -end in London
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Rann,
Mr. J. A. Hutchison, Edmonton, Mr.
Jack Hutchison, Vancouver, Miss N.
McLaughlin, Oshawa, and Miss Nellie
Hutchison, Toronto, were guests last
week of Mr, and Mrs. N. T, McLaugh-
Mrs. H. J. Wylie, Frances and Jim-
tnie, also Mrs. 13. Martin, visited Gor-
rie friends 'one day last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Archie McTavish of
Goderich, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George Paulin one day last week.
Mr. and Mts, Kenneth Gibson, of
Hamilton, also Mr. and Mrs. Jackson
of Winghatn, were week -end ,guests of
Mrs. Thomas Gibson.
Miss H-azel Craig, Fordwich, is a
guest of Miss Jean Elliott.
Master Jack Rann, London, is holi-
daying with friends in town.
Miss Margaret Edgar, Woodstock
Hospital, is spending her vacation
with her Mother, Mrs. Hugh Edgar.
Miss Edgar had her tonsils removed
on Saturday and is .soaking satisfati=